Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 A review of the Bulbothrix Hale: the species with medullary fatty acids or without medullary substances

Benatti MN1

Instituto de Botânica, Núcleo de Pesquisa em Micologia, Caixa Postal 68041, São Paulo / SP, CEP 04045-972, Brazil 1e-mail: [email protected]

Benatti MN 2013 – A review of the genus Bulbothrix Hale: the species with medullary fatty acids or without medullary substances. Mycosphere 4(2), 303–331, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13

A taxonomic review of ten Bulbothrix (, Lichenized Fungi) species containing fatty acids or no substances in the medulla is presented here. The current species delimitations are confirmed. New characteriscts are detailed, some synonyms are rejected, others confirmed, and range extensions are added.

Key words: Parmeliaceae, fatty acids, bulbate cilia.

Article Information Received 6 February 2013 Accepted 15 March 2013 Published online 27 April 2013 *Corresponding Author: Michel N. Benatti – e-mail – [email protected]

Introduction Parmelinella, making the genus paraphyletic Bulbothrix Hale was proposed for a (Crespo et al. 2010). group of species called Parmelia Series During a revision of the genus Bicornutae (Lynge) Hale & Kurokawa (Hale Bulbothrix (Benatti 2010) the type specimen 1974), characterized by small, laciniate and and additional material of Bulbothrix was usually adnate thalli, simple to branched studied. These species have cilia with hollow bulbate marginal cilia, cortical atranorin, basal bulbs, which contain differentiated simple to branched rhizines, smooth to (round) cells and a characteristic oily substance coronate apothecia, hyaline unicellular (Hale 1975, Feuerer & Marth 1997, Benatti ellipsoid to bicornute ascospores 5.0−21.0 × 2011a). The first published part of Benatti’s 4.0−12.0 µm, and bacilliform to bifusiform (2010) thesis concerns new combinations of conidia 5.0−10.0× 0.5− 1.0 µm (Hale 1976, four species, Hypotrachyna tuskiformis (Elix) Elix 1993a). In a recent paper presenting a Benatti & Marcelli, Parmelinopsis pinguiacida revised generic concept of parmelioid (Louwhoff & Elix) Marcelli & Benatti, P. based on molecular, morphological and subinflata (Hale) Benatti & Marcelli and chemical evidence, Crespo et al. (2010) include Parmotrema yunnanum (Sheng L. Wang, J.B. other diagnostic features such as a pored Chen & Elix) Marcelli & Benatti, previously epicortex, lack of cortical pseudocyphellae, and placed in Bulbothrix (Benatti and Marcelli presence of isolichenan in the cell walls. 2010) and excluded due to the lack of true Bulbothrix is currently nested in the Parmelina bulbate cilia. The second part treats the species clade and some species are grouped with containing medullary norstictic and protoce- 303

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 traric acids (Benatti 2012a). The third part LWG, M, MEL, MSC, NY, S, SP, US and W, treats the species with medullary salazinic acid originating from Africa, Central America, the that do not form isidia, soredia, lacinulae or Caribbean and South America, as well as pustules (Benatti 2012c), while the fourth part material collected in Brazil during the last 30 dealt with the species with salazinic acid that years, mainly by the author and the members of form isidia, soredia or pustules (Benatti 2013). the Lichenological Study Group of the Instituto For a comprehensive understanding and de Botânica (GEL) in Brazil. easy assessment of all the data concerning this The methodology and conventions are genus, which comprises ca. 60 species gathered detailed in Benatti (2012a). Bulbs on cilia, in an unpublished review by Benatti (2010), it rhizines, apothecia and other thallus parts were was planned to be divided in six parts. The checked using the clarification method (Benatti different parts are as follows: (I) the species 2011). Chemical constituents of the additional containing medullary norstictic and specimens examined were identified by thin- protocetraric acid, (II) the species containing layer chromatography (TLC) using solvent C salazinic acid lacking vegetative propagules, (Bungartz 2001), and compared with the data (III) the species containing salazinic acid with on labels left with the specimens. The types vegetative propagules (all already published, had their chemical constituents examined by see Benatti 2012a and 2012c, 2013), (IV) the high performance liquid chromatography species containing fatty acids or no medullary (HPLC), following the methods described in substances (this paper), (V) the species Elix et al. (2003). containing the gyrophoric/lobaric/lecanoric Fatty acids or lack of medullary acids lacking vegetative propagules, and (VI) substances are evidenced by overall negative the species containing the gyrophoric/loba- K, C, KC and P spot test reactions. The ric/lecanoric with vegetative propagules, presence of fatty acids can be perceived in TLC ultimately resulting in a synthesis of the whole procedures as colorless spots left after finishing genus followed by a worldwide key. A that can be revealed by showering distillated discussion concerning the motives for such an water on the plate, or in HPLC. extensive and detailed treatment and the The species selected for comparisons problems faced while working this review is are those who show close morphological or explained in Benatti (2012c). chemical similarities, and those most often This paper discusses three species with compared by other authors due to peculiar medullary fatty acids [Bulbothrix klementii characteristics. Hale, Bulbothrix lopezii Hale, Bulbothrix lyngei Benatti & Marcelli] and nine species Results and discussion without medullary substances [Bulbothrix The study confirmed ten species bulbochaeta (Hale) Hale, Bulbothrix caribensis containing medullary fatty acids or that lack Marcelli & Benatti, Bulbothrix cassa medulary substances (but see comments unde Jungbluth, Marcelli & Elix, Bulbothrix B. pigmentacea). All species are described in laeviuscula (Räsänen) Benatti & Marcelli, detail and their diagnostic characters are Bulbothrix pigmentacea (Hale) Hale, discussed, with many previously unnoted Bulbothrix queenslandica (Elix & Stevens) details concerning morphology and when Elix, Bulbothrix semilunata (Lynge) Hale, present secondary metabolites of each taxa Bulbothrix subklementii Marcelli, and being clarified. Bulbothrix viridescens (Lynge) Hale]. It Bulbothrix bulbochaeta, B. laeviuscula, includes species that form isidia or lacinulae, B. semilunata, B. subklementii and B. or that reproduce solely by apothecia. No viridescens reproduce only by forming species in this group are known so far that form apothecia. Bulbothrix cassa, B. kelmentii, B. soredia or pustules. lyngei, B. pigmentacea, and B. queenslandica are isidiate while B. caribensis and B. lopezii Material and methods are lacinulate. Bulbothrix australiensis, B. Type material and additional species microscopic, B. pustulata, B. subglandulifera were studied from B, DUKE, G, H, ICN, and B. subtabacina are corticolous, while B. 304

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 decurtata and B. subscortea are saxicolous. 1.0–2.5 mm wide, shiny, subrugose, papillate, Bulbothrix imshaugii and B. isidiza are nude to densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, predominatly corticolous, rarely saxicolous. brown when close to the margins, initialy simple soon turning furcate and then The species dichotomous or irregularly branched, without bulbate bases, 0.100.60  0.030.05 mm, Bulbothrix bulbochaeta (Hale) Hale. abundant, sometimes almost as a tomentum in Phytologia 28(5): 480. 1974. Figs 1–4 some parts, evenly distributed. Apothecia MB 341592 concave, adnate to sessile, 0.23.2 mm diam., Basionym – Parmelia bulbochaeta laminal, margin smooth becoming folded when Hale. Contributions from the United States old, somewhat irregularly coronate, National Herbarium 36: 138. 1964. amphithecia smooth, also with ciliar bulbs and Holotype – India, Madurai district, occasionally with few pycnidia. Disc pale down Shembaganur, Perumal coffee plantation, brown, epruinose, imperforate, epithecium alt. 5300-5700 ft., on tree trunk, leg. D.D. 10.012.5 m high, hymenium 25.0−30.0 µm Awasthi, 23-XII-1959 (LWG!, ex Herbarium high, subhymenium 25.0−42.5 µm high. D.D. Awasthi no. 4347; isotype at US!). Ascospores not found (accordingly to Hale Thallus subirregular laciniate, dusky 1976 and Divakar & Upreti 2005, subrounded, gray in herbarium, up to 5.2 cm diam., 5.0 × 4.0 µm). Pycnidia abundant, laminal over coriaceous, corticolous or rarely saxicolous, thaline wrinkles with a warty aspect or upper cortex 20.0−37.5 µm thick, algal layer sometimes on the apothecia amphitecia, 25.0−42.5 µm thick, medulla 50.0−100.0 µm immerse, with black or brown ostioles. Conidia thick, lower cortex 20.0−25.0 µm thick. baciliform (3.0) 5.0−6.0 × 0.5 µm. Laciniae irregularly to anisotomously TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, no dichotomously branched, (0.8) 1.42.7 mm medullary substances (see also Hale 1976, Hale wide, imbricate often becoming crowded, very & Kurokawa 1964). adnate and very adpressed, with flat, Distribution  Africa: Ethiopia subtruncate to truncate apices, margins plane, (Swinscow & Krog 1988). Asia: India (Hale & smooth to irregular, entire to incised, partially Kurokawa 1964, Hale 1976, Divakar & Upreti sublacinulate on older parts, axils oval to 2005, Nayaka & Upreti 2006), Mongolia irregular. Upper surface smooth and (Schubert & Klement 1971) and Thailand continuous at the distal parts, becoming (Ramkhamhaeng University Herbarium 2006). verrucose in parts that are densely pycnidiate Comments  Bulbothrix bulbochaeta is or have many initial stage apothecia, somewhat characterized by the subilinear average sized irregularly cracked in some parts, laminal ciliar laciniae, the emaculate upper cortex often with bulbs common, frequent to abundant. small ciliar bulbs, absence of vegetative Adventitious lacinulae scarce and restrict to propagules, cilia with small bulbs without or older parts, short, 0.20.5  0.1–0.2 mm, plane, with simple to branched apices, a black lower simple to rarely furcate, apices truncate, lower cortex with a brown marginal zone, branched side concolor to the lower marginal zone. rhizines without basal bulbs, coronate Maculae absent. Cilia black to rarely brown, apothecia with rounded to subellipsoid small apices initially absent or simple, soon turning ascospores and without medullary substances. furcate, trifurcate, subdichotomous or Hale & Kurokawa (1964) believed that irregularly branched, 0.05–0.30  ca. 0.03 mm, this species was endemic to the Indian with semi-immerse bulbate bases 0.050.10 subcontinent. Hale (1976) tried unsuccessfully mm wide, abundant throughout the margin to re-collect specimens in a region near the spaced 0.05−0.10 mm from each other to type locality believing that the species was contiguous, absent or scarce at the apices of the rare, or that the continuous deforestation in the laciniae. Soredia, Pustulae and Isidia absent. region could eventually extinguish the species; Medulla white. Lower surface black, shiny, however, Schubert & Klement (1971) reported subrugose, weakly papilate, densely rhizinate. the species in Mongolia, and Swinscow & Marginal zone brown to pale brown, attenuate, 305

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Figs 1–7 – 1 Holotype of Bulbothrix bulbochaeta (LWG). 2 Detail of the laminal ciliar bulbs on the holotype. 3 Isotype ofBulbothrix bulbochaeta (US). 4 Detail of the lower side of the isotype. 5 Holotype of Bulbothrix cassa (SP). 6 Detail of pycnidiate isidia in the holotype. 7 Detail of the lower side of the isotype. Scale bars = 1 cm (1,2,3,4,5), 1mm (6), and 5 mm (7). 306

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 Krog (1988) for Ethiopia. According to the amidst the pycnidia and laminal ciliar bulbs. Ramkhamhaeng University Herbarium (2006), Depending on the specimen, a variety the species also occurs in Thailand. Additional of apical branching patterns can be observed in citations are also from India (Divakar & Upreti the cilia. Very young cilia tend not have apices 2005, Nayaka & Upreti 2006). (Swinscow & Krog 1988 have referred to cilia The holotype (Fig. 1) consists of two like these as "black nodules”), while those fragments, the upper cortex with a large more mature tend to form simple, furcate or quantity of pycnidia that develop over several even subdichotomous apices. small warts apparently arising from the The descriptions of B. bulbochaete of formation of the thaline edges of the apothecia, Hale (1976), Hale & Kurokawa (1964) and with an increased frequency of the warts Divakar & Upreti (2005) all indicate very small towards the older parts. Part of the structures ascospores (5.0 x 4.0 µm). However, Swins- that appear to be pycnidia can actually be cow & Krog (1988) mentioned ascospores apothecia in their very initial stage of much larger than those of the Asian specimens, development, since they do not have measuring 8.0−10.0 × 4.5 µm. Measurements paraphyses or similar structures. The only taken by the first three authors have identical mature apothecium found has a pale brown sizes and all are Asian materials; they are disc without developed asci. always smaller than the measurements The isotype (Fig. 3-4) is also a fragment provided by Swinscow & Krog (1988) for the of the same size as the holotype, in the same African material, which could point to a similar conditions and with the same characteristics, taxon. and has two mature apothecia, which also Marcelli (1993) compared B. unfortunately have hymenia without asci. The subklementii Marcelli (SP!) to B. bulbochaeta. legend on page 10 in Hale (1976) indicates that This species differs by having very narrow the picture "e" is from the holotype, when in lacinia (ca. 0.3−0.8 mm wide), a pale brown fact it is the picture of the isotype deposited in lower cortex with a slighly darker marginal the herbarium US, as the holotype is currently zone, and by the less abundant rhizines that in LWG. have black bulbs. The presence of small laminal cilia Bulbothrix semilunata (Lynge) Hale bulbs can frequently be seen in the type (S!) can be differentiated from B. bulbochaeta material (Fig. 2), ranging from frequent in by the very narrow laciniae (ca. 0.2−0.5 mm some parts to abundant in others. The laminal wide), and by the ascospores, which are much bulbs can be differentiated from pycnidia or larger and bicornute (12.0−23.0 × 3.0−4.0 µm), parasitic fungi by the more rounded and sleek having a crescent or sigmoid shape. aspect, like those on the marginal cilia. They Hale & Kurokawa (1964) compared B. are also hollow, containing idioblasts cells and coronata (Fée) Hale (G!) and B. viridescens an oily substance (Hale 1975, Feuerer & Marth (Lynge) Hale (S!, W!) to B. bulbochaeta. 1997, Benatti 2011a). Bulbothrix coronata also differs by the The occurrence of laminal bulbs is also narrower lacinia (ca. 0.5−1.0 mm wide), cilia common in other species, such as B. ventricosa and rhizines even more densely branched, (Hale & Kurokawa) Hale and B. viatica apothecia with more regular coronation, larger Spielmann & Marcelli (Benatti 2010, 2012a), ellipsoid ascospores (ca. 7.0−10.0 × 4.0−6.0 although in the case of B. bulbochaeta these mm) and by the presence of medullary structures have a pattern that is more similar to gyrophoric acid. the one seen in specimens of B. queenslandica Due to the similarity of characteristics, (Elix & Stevens) Elix (Benatti 2010). B. viridescens is perhaps the species that could The holotype has bulbs bordering most easily be confused with B. bulbochaeta. patches of pycnidia, in places where the However, it too differs by the narrower laciniae amphitecia margins are starting to form. Origi- (ca. 0.5−1.0 mm wide), cilia and rhizines with nally laminal, some of these seem to begin the generally simple apices, apothecia that are formation of the corona of the apothecia. The either ecoronate or coronate, and by never type material also includes parasitic fungi forming laminal ciliar bulbs. 307

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 Bulbothrix meizospora (Nylander) Hale Jungbluth, A. A. Spielmann, L. S. Canêz & J. (H-NYL!) was compared with B. bulbochaeta C. Sfair 840, 24-III-2004 (SP!, isotype at B!). by Divakar & Upreti (2005). This species Thallus subirregular sublaciniate, dusky gray in differs by the wider laciniae (ca. 2.0−6.0 mm herbarium, fragments up to 5.8 cm diam., wide) with a more rounded, sublobate aspect, submembranaceous, corticolous, upper cortex cilia less frequent and usually more restricted 12.5−17.5 µm thick, algal layer 20.0−32.5 to the lobes axils (also having larger bulbs (−50.0) µm thick, medulla 62.5−80.0 µm thick, often without apices), ecoronate apothecia lower cortex 5.0−12.5 µm thick. Laciniae containing much larger ascospores (ca. irregularly to anisotomously dichotomously 12.0−22.0 × 8.0−12.0 µm), and by the presents branched, (0.9−) 1.73.1 (−3.5) mm wide, of salazinic acid in the medulla. contiguous to slightly imbricate, adnate but Bulbothrix cassa Marcelli & Jungbluth slightly adpressed, with slightly involute, (SP!, B!) differs by being isidiate, by the subrounded to occasionally subtruncate apices, subirregular laciniae with rounded apices and the margins plain, smooth and sinuous to crenate margins (similar in appearance of those crenate or subirregular, entire, not lacinulate, in B. ventricosa), less abundant cilia which are the axils oval. Upper surface smooth to usually restricted to the axils of crenae, and by subrugose, continuous, laminal ciliar bulbs the cilia and rhizines with generally simple absent. Lacinulae absent, not even adventitious apices. marginal ones. Maculae weak to distinct, Bulbothrix laeviuscula (Räsänen) punctiform, laminal, usually hard to perceive Benatti & Marcelli (H!) is very similar to B. due the scars left by the broken off isidia. Cilia bulbochaeta, but differs by having a thinner black, without apices or with simple and thallus (ca. 75.0−110.0 µm thick), narrower partially bent downward apices, 0.05–0.30  laciniae (0.5−1.5 mm wide), usually simple ca. 0.03 mm, with sessile bulbate bases cilia and rhizines, by the lack of a corona in the 0.050.15 (0.30) mm wide, frequently along apothecia despite the presence of amphitecial the margins, solitary or in small groups in the bulbs, and by the larger ellipsoid ascospores crenes and the axils spaced 0.05−0.15 mm (6.0−9.0 × 4.0−5.5 µm). from each other to very rarely contiguous, often extended, reniform and withered, Bulbothrix caribensis Marcelli & Benatti. becoming absent or scarce at the apices of the Mycology 2(4): 255. 2011. laciniae and some random parts. Soredia and For a description, comments and images, see pustulae absent. Isidia frequent to abundant, Benatti 2011b. laminal and sometimes arranged in clusters, Bulbothrix caribensis is mainly granular to smooth cylindrical, straight to characterized by the narrow sublinear lacinia, slightly tortuous, 0.050.30 (0.50)  ca. 0.05 emaculate upper cortex, the formation of (0.10) mm, simple to sparsely branched, erect, frequent to abundant laminal lacinulae often commonly caducous, concolor, eciliate, the covering parts of the upper cortex, cilia with more developed ones partially pycnidiate. simple to sparsely branched apices, a black Medulla white. Lower surface mostly black, lower cortex with pale brown margins, simple turning partially dark brown at some random to little sparsely branched rhizines with basal parts and at the transition to the margins, or displaced bulbs, and by the absence of opaque to slightly shiny, subrugose to venate, medullary acids. moderately rhizinate. Marginal zone pale brown, atenuate, 0.5–3.5 mm wide, opaque to Bulbothrix cassa Jungbluth, Marcelli & Elix. shiny, smooth to subrugose, papillate, nude Mycotaxon 104: 52. 2008. Figs 57 gradually turning darker and rhizinate MB 511166 following the center. Rhizines black to partially Holotype − Brazil, São Paulo State, brown, with whitish apices when near the Itirapina Municipality, Estação Experimental margins of at the transition to the center, de Itirapina, 22°15’S 47°49’W, 770 m alt., simple to occasionally furcate, partially with cerrado sensu stricto inside the João Batista de dark basal or dislocate bulbs, 0.100.60  Arruda Prison area, on shrub twig, leg. P. 308

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 0.030.05 mm, frequent, evenly distributed. either the holotype or the isotype. There are Apothecia plane to subplane, adnate, 0.30.9 pycnidia with conidia on the material. Isidia mm diam., laminal, ecoronate, margin smooth are quite frequentwith a very peculiar habitus. to subcrenate, amphithecia smooth without One of the most uncommon ornamentations (possibly isidiate when more characteristics of B. cassa is the occasional developed). Disc pale brown, epruinose, formation of dark, round swellings in the isidia, imperforate, epithecium 10.012.5 µm high, which Jungbluth (2006) and Jungbluth et al. hymenium 20.0−25.0 µm high (only (2008) interpreted as bulbs of the same type incompletely formed seen), subhymenium seen in the marginal cilia. As seen under the 37.5−42.5 µm high. Ascospores not found microscope, these structures are actually (hymenia without asci). Pycnidia laminal to pycnidia (Fig. 6), with conidia and submarginal, frequent, immerse, with brown or conidiogenous hyphae instead of idioblasts black ostioles. Conidia weakly bifusiform cells and oily substances. 5.0−7.0 × 1.0 µm. Unlike the ciliary bulbs that are smaller TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, no and more sessile, normally seen in species such medullary substances (see also Jungbluth et al. as B. fungicola (Lynge) Hale (S!) and B. 2008). sipmanii Aptroot & Aubel (U!, B!, TNS!, US!), Distribution  South America: Brazil  the pycnidia are large (often larger than the São Paulo (Jungbluth 2006, Jungbluth et al. bulbs), have a characteristic ostiole region, and 2008). as here are also immersed in isidia. At first Additional specimens examined  glance, they could even be mistaken for Brazil, São Paulo State, Mogi-Guaçu parasites. Pycnidia formed on isidia occur in Municipality, Reserva Biológica de Mogi- only one other species, B. papyrina (Fée) Hale. Guaçu, Fazenda Campininha, 22º22´S, The venations in the lower cortex cited 46º56´W, 590 m alt., orchard surrounded by by Jungbluth et al. (2008) are not very cerrado and gallery forest at the edge of the prominent, although they are perceptible. Goiabeiras Stream, at small tree branch, leg. Specimens of other Bulbothrix species form M. P. Marcelli & M. Falco 33160, 02-IV-1999 more prominet venations when compared (SP). Idem, São Carlos Municipality, Campus directly, such as seen in specimens of B. isidiza of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, (Nylander) Hale. UFSCar, streets and vicinities of the south gate, In agreement with the authors, most of the rectory building and the neighboring rhizines actually arise from the venations, buildings, 22º1’S, 47º53’W, alt. 855 m, over especially at the margins where the surface is eucalyptus trunk, leg. M. N. Benatti & G. G. smoother, although they are not restricted only Batista 2068, 03-IX-2006 (HUFSCar). to these parts. The bulbate bases of the rhizines are more easily noticeable in the younger and Comments  Bulbothrix cassa is clearer ones, as mentioned by Jungbluth characterized by the subirregular laciniae, (2006). maculate upper cortex, cilia with or without Although Jungbluth et al. (2008) simple apices restricted to the laciniae crenes mentioned that the marginal bulbs fuse when and axils, simple to branched eciliate but partly they are at the axils of the crenes, what was pycnidiate isidia, a black to dark brown lower observed is that the more developed cilia cortex with pale brown margins, simple acquire a reniform aspect as the lacinia sepa- rhizines partialy with basal bulbs, ecoronate rate. No evidence of the merging bulbs was apothecia, and lack of medullary substances. found, nor even multiple apices in a same bulb. The holotype (Fig. 5) consists of a Several specimens of different species in this larger fragment and some smaller ones, all in genus showed a higher probability that a bulb good condition, generally free of substrate and can often strech and develop more than one not glued to the vouchers, which made the apice, rather than the fusion of adjacent bulbs. lower cortex analysys easier. The isotype (Fig. Bulbothrix ventricosa (Hale & 7) is a fragment, in the same condition as the Kurokawa) Hale (TUR-V!) was compared to B. holotype. There are no mature apothecia on cassa by Jungbluth (2006) and Jungbluth et al. 309

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 (2008). It is quite similar in appearance to B. Bulbothrix queenslandica (Elix & cassa, but differs by the isidia without Stevens) Elix (MEL!) differs by the narrower formation of pycnidia; constant presence of sublinear laciniae (ca. 0.5−1.5 mm large), an laminal ciliar bulbs; the variable, usually mixed upper cortex frequently with laminal ciliar shades of brown coloration of the lower cortex; bulbs, cilia with furcate or trifurcate apices and by the presence of medullary norstictic which are not restricted to the axils of laciniae acid. and crenes, ciliate isidia, a black lower cortex Other morphologically similar species with pale brown margins, dichotomously compared to B. cassa by Jungbluth (2006) and branched rhizines, and coronate apothecia. Jungbluth et al. (2008) were B. isidiza (Nylander) Hale (H-Nyl!), B. tabacina Bulbothrix klementii Hale. Smithsonian (Montagne & Bosch) Hale (L!, PC!) and B. Contributions to Botany 32: 18. 1976. bulbochaeta (Hale) Hale (LWG!, US!). Figs 8–10 Bulbothrix isidiza differs by the non- MB 341603 pycnidiate isidia, the pale brown lower cortex, Holotype – Venezuela, Rio Atabapo, and by having medullary salazinic acid. Cerro Pavón, “auf Rinde”, 110 m alt., 13-II- Bulbothrix tabacina is similar to B. isidiza by 1958, leg. K. Mägdefrau 286 (M!, isotype in the non-pycnidiate isidia and medullary US!). salazinic acid, but differs because it has a black Thallus sublinear to almost linear lower cortex. laciniate, light dusky gray in herbarium, Althought commented by the authors, fragments up to 2.4 cm diam., the differences cited for the length of the cilia submembranaceous and fragile, corticolous, apices and of the conidia sizes proved to be upper cortex 10.0−12.5 µm thick, algal layer small and inexpressive after comparing 12.5−15.0 µm thick, medulla 80.0−95.0 µm materials of the three species. Characteristics thick, lower cortex 10.0−12.5 µm thick. such as these need careful treatment as they can Laciniae dichotomously to trichotomously indeed be of importance in separating some branched to occasionally irregularly ramified, species while in others they represent a 0.31.1 mm wide, contiguous to sometimes variability between specimens or might even slightly imbricate, strongly adnate and be noted in different parts of a single specimen. adpressed, with flat, truncate to subtruncate Bulbothrix klementii Hale (M!, US!) apices, the margins flat, smooth to sinuous or differs by narrower sublinear laciniae (ca. subirregular, entire, rarely sublacinulate, the 0.5−1.0 mm wide), the emaculate upper cortex, axils oval. Upper cortex continuous and more abundant cilia with branched apices, a smooth, occasionally with transversal irregular very pale brown lower cortex with cracks on older or random parts, laminal ciliar dichotomously branched rhizines, and by bulbs absent. Adventitious lacinulae scarce on having medullary conlensoinic acid (detectable random parts of the margins, short, 0.100.50 by chromatography). The isidia of B. klementii  0.05–0.20 mm, plane, simple, apices truncate may rarely form small ciliar bulbs but not or acute, lower side concolor to the lower pycnidia as those seen in B. cassa. marginal zone. Maculae absent. Cilia black, Bulbothrix pigmentacea (Hale) Hale brown or occasionally pale brown, apices (US!) differs from B. cassa by the much initially simple, soon turning furcate and then narrower sublinear laciniae (0.2−0.7 mm wide) subdichotomous, 0.05–0.30  ca. 0.03 mm, emaculate upper cortex, abundant cilia with usually with semi-immerse to sessile bulbate branched apices, simple isidia without bases 0.050.10 (0.15) mm wide, abundant pycnidia, a black lower cortex with black or along the margins spaced 0.05 mm from each brown margins, abundant and branched other to contiguous, usually scarce in the rhizines, and by the presence of a K− reddish apices of the laciniae. Soredia and pustulae pigment in the medulla, lower cortex and absent. Isidia infrequent to scarse, arranged in rhizines. The medulla of this species probably small laminal clusters, granular to smooth contains small concentrations of gyrophoric cylindrical, straight to slightly tortuous, acid, detectable only by TLC/HPLC. 310

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Figs 8–13 – 8 Holotype of Bulbothrix klementii (M). 9 Detail of the lower side of the holotype. 10 Isotype of Bulbothrix klementii (US). 11 Holotype of Bulbothrix lopezii (photo: J. Hernandez). 12 Part of the Isotype of Bulbothrix lopezii. 13Detail of the laminal dichotomous laciniae of the isotype. Scale bars = 1 cm (8, 9, 10, 11, 12), and 1 mm (13). 311

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 0.050.30  ca. 0.05 mm, simple, erect to thomasiana Benatti & Marcelli (Marcelli et al. partially procumbent, firm to caducous, 2011). The color is practically homogeneous concolor or with pale brown apices, usually across the entire lower surface. The rhizines are eciliate, but some can occasionally have ciliar even lighter than the lower cortex, except for bulbs. Medulla white. Lower surface pale their bulbs, which are blackish. Despite the brown to cream colored, shiny, smooth, rhizines covering the cortex, they are so clear densely rhizinate up to the edges of the and translucent that they do not obstruct the margins. Marginal zone indistinct from the view due their transparency. center, pale brown, shiny, smooth, rhizinate. As noted by Hale (1976), the entangled Rhizines pale brown, usually clearer than the cilia form a dense mat along the margins, often cortex or even occasionally whitish, initially intertwining with the rhizines, but they can be simple soon turning dichotomously branched, readily distinguished by color, usually being partially with blackish bulbate bases or darker. This is quite common in Bulbothrix dislocated bulbs, 0.100.30  ca. 0.03 mm, species with very dichotomously branched cilia frequently almost like a tomentum, evenly and rhizines, and may be one of the reasons distributed. Apothecia not found. Pycnidia why I found that several studied specimens and laminal, scarse, immerse, with black ostioles. even some of the type materials were originally Conidia not found, only a few conidiogenous confused with species of the genus hyphae. Hypotrachyna (Vainio) Hale (Benatti 2010). TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, The only description for B. klementii medullary conlensoinic acid (see also Hale that exists is the original one in Latin (Hale 1976). 1976). The only other study found citing this Distribution  South America: species was from Elix (1995), which has no Venezuela (Hale 1976) and Oceania: Australia description or comments, only citing two (Elix 1995). Here it is cited for the first time specimens as B. klementii (Elix & Stevens) for Brazil. Hale. According to a label with the holotype, Additional specimen examined  Hale had previously named the species as Brazil, Iguape Municipality, restinga woods, Bulbothrix conlesoinica. Despite having unknown substrate, leg. M.P. Marcelli & O. validly published the species with another Yano 6657, 17-VII-1989 (SP). epithet, he did not add a new label with the Comments  Bulbothrix klementii is material with the published name B. klementii. characterized by the narrow sublinear laciniae, According to Hale (1976) the final name was emaculate upper cortex, abundant cilia with given in honor of Dr. Oscar Klement, because branched apices, simple laminal isidia with he had seen the material at M and correctly rarely ciliar bulbs, a very pale brown lower recognized the specimen as a Parmeliaceae cortex with an indistinct marginal zone, species. However, Klement had originally branched rhizines with dark basal or displaced identified the specimen as Anzia colpodes bulbs, and the presence of medullary (Acharius) Stizenberg. colensoinic acid. In his comments, Hale (1976) drew attention to the presence of medullary The holotype (Fig. 89) consists of colensoinic acid, the only occurrence of this dozens of small fragments around 0.5 to 2.5 cm chemical substance in the genus, known only in diameter, containing a small amount of to the genera Stereocaulon and Hypotrachyna. isidia in scattered groups on part of the Hale also reported that the substance was laciniae. The material is in good condition, confirmed by chromatography together with despite being small, and is on tree bark. The material of Hypotrachyna livida (Taylor) Hale. isotype (Fig. 10) consists of four small In his monograph of genus the fragments in the same conditions as the Bulbothrix, Hale (1976) placed B. klementii in holotype, but they are glued to the exsicate the key to species without vegetative voucher. propagation, although having described it with This is one of the Bulbothrix species isidia. In fact, as in the description, B. klementii with the clearest lower cortex, similar to B. is indeed isidiate, although not all the 312

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 fragments of the holotype and isotype have slightly irregularly branched rhizines without isidia, as they are sparse and usually form basal bulbs, apothecia with irregular corona small groups. and bulbs in the amphitecia containing small In his key, Hale (1976) placed B. subellipsoid ascospores, and the lack of klementii next to B. viridescens (Lynge) Hale medullary substances. (S!, W!), which has no medullary substances or isidia, but has a black lower cortex with dark Bulbothrix lopezii Hale. Mycotaxon 25(1): 85. brown margins. The cilia and rhizines of B. 1986. Figs 1113 viridescens also differ because they are usually MB 104076 simple to occasionally furcate. Holotype – Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Marcelli (1993) described B. Nevada de Mérida, quebrada de Fafoy, subklementii Marcelli (SP!) realizing an cercanias de El Carrizal, 1400 m alt., leg. echivoque of Hale (1976) in the identification López & Hale 20087, 4-IV-1979 (MERF n.v., key, considering the description of B. klementii isotype at US!). being valid in which the formation of isidia Thallus sublinear laciniate, dusky gray were depicted. Bulbothrix subklementii differs in herbarium, fragments up to 5.0 cm diam., by the narrowe laciniae (ca. 0.2−0.5 mm wide) submembranaceous and fragile, corticolous, and the usually simple or furcate cilia, and by upper cortex 10.0−12.5 µm thick, algal layer not forming vegetative propagules. This 10.0−15.0 µm thick, medulla 25.0−37.5 µm species also has no medullary chemical thick, lower cortex 7.5−10.0 µm thick. Lacini- substances. ae irregularly to anysotomouslydichotomous Bulbothrix scortella (Nylander) Hale, branched, 1.01.6 (3.2) mm wide, contiguous previously regarded as a synonym of B. to imbricate or laterally overlaped, adnate and goebelii (Zenker) Hale by Hale (1976), is adpressed, with flat, truncate to subtruncate somewhat similar to B. klementii but differs by apices, the margins flat, smooth to sinuous, a darker brown lower cortex and by the crenate or occasionally subirregular, entire to presence of medullary gyrophoric acid. The slightly incised and occasionally sublacinulate, isidia are also always eciliate in this species, the axils oval. Upper cortex continuous and and the rhizines are usually black or dark smooth with few occasional irregular cracks brown. partially occluded by the laminal lacinulae For a comparison of Bulbothrix except at the distal parts, laminal ciliar bulbs klementii and B. cassa see treatment section of absent. Lacinulae abundant covering much of B. cassa in this manuscript. the upper cortex, laminal or occasionally Bulbothrix queenslandica (Elix & marginal, originated in a similar manner as Stevens) Elix (MEL!) is similar to B. klementii, isidia to function as vegetative propagules, or but differs by the maculate upper cortex, partially adventitious, short, flat and constant presence of small laminal ciliar bulbs, dorsiventral from the beginning on, 0.101.10 cilia with simple to furcate apices, simple to  0.05–0.20 mm, initially simple soon turning little branched and usually ciliate isidia, a black dichotomous or occasionally irregularly bran- lower cortex with pale brown margins, and by ched, procumbent, truncate or acute, ciliate, the absence of medullary substances. underside concolorous with the lower marginal zone. Maculae weak, puntiform, laminal, Bulbothrix laeviuscula (Räsänen) Benatti & scarse and restricted to the younger parts of the Marcelli. Mycosphere 3(1): 47. 2012. laciniae. Cilia black, with initially simple to For a description, comments and images, see furcate apices, soon turning subdichotomous or Benatti 2012b. irregularly branched, 0.050.20 (−0.30)  ca. Bulbothrix laeviuscula is characterized 0.03 mm, with semi immerse to sessile bulbate by the narrow sublinear laciniae, emaculate bases ca. 0.050.10 mm wide, frequently along upper cortex commonly with small laminal the margins spaced 0.50.10 mm from each ciliar bulbs, cilia with absent or simple apices, other turning contiguous at the crenes and not forming vegetative propagules, a black axils, usually absent or scarce on the apices of lower cortex with brown margins, simple to 313

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 the laciniae. Soredia, pustulae and isidia absent with pale brown margins, branched pale brown (see lacinulae). Medulla white. Lower surface rhizines with basal or displaced dark bulbs, black, shiny, smooth to subrugose, densely ecoronate apothecia containing small or rhizinate. Marginal zone attenuate, pale brown, rounded ellipsoid ascospores for the genus shiny, 0.5–1.0 mm wide, smooth, papilate, standards, and by the lack of medullary sligthly rhizinate. Rhizines pale brown, initially substances. simple or furcate turning dichotomous or The holotype could not be examined, irregularly branched, mostly with dark basal or but images were provided for examination by displaced bulbs, 0.050.30 (−0.40)  ca. courtesy of Jesus Hernandez, curator of the 0.030.05 mm, abundant almost like a herbarium VEN, who had obtained them tomentum, evenly distributed. Apothecia during a visit to MERF where the holotype is subconcave, adnate, 0.3−1.2 mm diam., located. laminal to submarginal, ecoronate, margin and The holotype material (Fig. 11), which amphitecia smooth. Disc pale brown, is apparently a small fragment of a thallus, epruinose, imperforate, epithecium 7.510.0 shows no significant differences to the isotype m high, hymenium 25.0−30.0 µm high, and the other specimens studied. The images subhymenium 15.0−20.0 µm high. Ascospores show the laminal lacinulae, although they ellipsoid to oval, 5.0−7.0 × 3.0−5.0 µm, appear less abundant than those seen in the epispore ca. 1.0 µm. Pycnidia not found. isotype. TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, traces The isotype (Fig. 12) is a large of unknown medullary substances, probably fragment (almost an entire small thallus) in undetermined fatty acids (see also Hale 1986). good condition, on tree bark glued to the There are some occasional spots of an voucher. There are some fragments of another unknown K− reddish pigment in the thalli. Bulbothrix species attached to the bark, which Distribution  South America: are isidiate and very damaged. The species is Venezuela (Hale 1986, López-Figueiras 1986, possibly B. scortella (Nylander) Hale, judging Marcano et al. 1996). Here it is cited for the by the brown lower cortex color and the C + first time to Panama. and KC + rose medullary reactions, probably gyrophoric acid. Additional specimens examined  The upper cortex of the isotype is Panama, Chiriquí, Boquete, mounatin slope practically covered with laminal lacinulae, and above the town, on Cupressus sempervirens there is a small amount of apothecia containing trees used as a hedge between two cultivated ascospores in good condition, although they are fields, ca. 1650 m elev., leg. W. L. Culberson apparently not very developed. No pycnidia & C. F. Culberson 19505, 16/VII/1983 were found in the material. (DUKE). Venezuela, Merida, La Solada along All material studied is consistent with Via La Azulita, rocky open pasture, ca.900 m, the description of Hale (1986). The weak leg. M. E. Hale 42753, 03-II-1974 (US). Idem, macullation of the thalli is probably due to the Sierra Nevada de Merida, quebrada de fafoy, large amount of lacinulaes, as the macullae are cercanias de El Carrizal, 1400 m, corticícola, usually visible only in young parts where the leg. M. López Figueiras & M.E. Hale 20103, lacinulae are less numerous, being still absent, 04-IV-1979 (US). Idem, leg. M. López or are in their initial stages. Although Hale Figueiras & M. E. Hale 20141, 04-IV-1979 (1986) has described the laciniae as being (US). Idem, en el camino entre El Carrizal y El 1.0−3.0 mm wide, the most common size range Filo de Agua Fria, 1400 m, corticícola, leg. M. is 1.0−1.5 mm, as few where observed to go López Figueiras & M.E. Hale 20349, 05-IV- beyond these measures and rarely reach 3.0 1979 (US). mm. Comments  Bulbothrix lopezii is The laminal lacinulae are plane, characterized by median sublinear laciniae, generally dichotomous (Fig. 13), and have weakly maculate upper cortex covered by small bulbate cilia. They have a regular cut, plane, branched ciliate lacinulae, abundant and and are flattened with a dorsiventral slightly branched cilia, a black lower cortex differentiation, rather than resemble cleaved 314

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 isidia, as commonly occurs in B. Bulbothrix lyngei is characterized by pseudocoronata (Gyelnik) Benatti & Marcelli the narrow sublinear laciniae, emaculate upper (G!, M!, W!). There are also some marginal cortex, simple isidia with small ciliar bulbs, lacinulae, but these are mostly adventitious. cilia with branched apices, a black lower cortex The marginal cilia of B. lopezii are with pale brown margins, brown branched initially simple, gradually turning more rhizines with small bulbs, ecoronae apothecia branched towards the axils of the laciniae, containing small and rounded ascospores and especially the larger and more developed ones. by the presence of medullary fatty acids. Likewise, the cilia of the lacinulae range from simple and very short with tiny little bulbs to Bulbothrix pigmentacea (Hale) Hale. slightly dichotomous (with less frequency than Phytologia 28(5): 480. 1974. Fig. 14 the marginal ones). The rhizines are very MB 341607 branched and pale brown, contrasting with the Basyonym – Parmelia pigmentacea lower cortex and with the cilia that are both Hale. Journal of Japanese Botany 43: 325. black, which is unusual for the commonly 1968. found to the genus. Holotype – Philippines, Luzon, Quezon Hale (1986) compared B. viridescens Province, Sierra Madre, about 15 km east of (Lynge) Hale (S!, W!) to B. lopezii. Both Pagbilao, Chuan logging area, virgin species do not have any medullary substances, dipterocarp forest, elev. about 300 m, VII/VIII- and have very small ascospores, similarly in 1964, M. E. Hale & J. Banaag 26895 (US!). size and shape, but B. viridenscens differs by Thallus sublinear laciniate, light gray in the cilia with simple or absent apices, rhizines herbarium, up to 3.5 cm diam., with simple apices and no basal bulbs. It does submembranaceous and fragile, corticolous, not form lacinulae or any other propagules, and upper cortex 10.0−12.5 µm thick, algal layer has partially coronate apothecia. 12.5−25.0 µm thick, medulla 15.0−22.5 µm Interestingly, Hale did not compare B. thick, lower cortex 7.5−10.0 µm thick. suffixa (Stirton) Hale (BM!, GLAM!), which Laciniae anisotomic dichotomously or according to his concept (Hale 1976) was a trichotomously to irregularly branched, 0.20.7 similar , differing only by the medullary mm wide, contiguous, adnate and adpressed, substance (gyrophoric acid). As was checked with flat, truncate to subtruncate apices, the (Benatti 2012b), the concept of Hale for B. margins flat, smooth to sinuous or irregular, suffixa correctly applies to the type material of entire to slightly incised, occasionally B. pseudocoronata. The type material of B. sublacinulate, the axils oval to irregular. Upper suffixa has only rare marginal adventitious cortex smooth and continuous, with few lacinulae, and what appear to be the initial occasional irregular fissures, laminal ciliar stages of laminal isidia with brownish apices. bulbs absent. Adventitious marginal lacinulae The type material of B. suffixa, however, is scarce on random parts, short, 0.10.3  ca. unfortunately too immature to make a 0.05 mm, plane, simple, apices truncate, lower sufficient statement. side concolor with the lower marginal zone. Bulbothrix pseudocoronata has very Maculae absent. Cilia black, apices initially narrow laciniae (ca. 0.2−0.5 mm wide), forms simple soon turning furcate and then simple to furcate cilia and rhizines, marginal to dichotomously branched, 0.05–0.25  ca. 0.03 laminal lacinulae (a contrary origin pattern of mm, with semi-immerse to sessile bulbate B. lopezii, which are laminal to marginal) that bases ca. 0.05 mm wide, abundant along the are simple or irregularly branched, flat, semi- margins, spaced up to 0.05 mm from each cylindrical or subcanaliculate, has coronate other to contiguous, becoming absent or scarce apothecia and medullary gyrophoric acid. at the apices of the laciniae. Soredia and pustulae absent. Isidia scarce to frequent, Bulbothrix lyngei Benatti & Marcelli, laminal, granular to very short, smooth, Mycology 2(4): 257. 2011. cylindrical, straight, 0.050.10  ca. 0.05 mm, For a description, comments and simple, erect, firm, concolor or with brownish images about this taxon, see Benatti 2011b. apices, eciliate. Medulla white, randomly 315

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 spotted with a red K pigment which is also small fragments, close together on rough tree visible in parts of the upper and lower cortices, bark, glued to the voucher. They are in good some of the cilia and rhizines, and which gets condition, although the upper cortex was much darker when soaked with the reagent. Lower damaged, maybe by Hale (?) who might have cortex black, occasionally with dark brown been searching for parts containing the red spots, shiny, smooth to subrugose, densely pigmentation in the medulla. rhizinate. Marginal zone black and indistinct The type material is not very isidiate, from the center to brown and attenuate, up to and there is no sign of the formation of 0.5 mm wide, shiny, smooth, rhizinate almost apothecia or pycnidia in the sample. The red to the edges of the margins. Rhizines black, pigment can be seen in several parts where the initially simple soon turning furcate and then medulla was exposed, and is also readily regularly dichotomously branched, with apparent in transverse sections under a light blackish, sometimes subtle bulbate bases, microscope in all the studied material, as 0.100.50 (−0.80)  0.030.10 mm, abundant mentioned by Hale (1976). almost like a tomentum, evenly distributed. Hale (1968) studied a few specimens Apothecia and pycnidia not found. (only five) collected in the Philippines and TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin. There Malaysia. From the characters he mentioned, are reddish spots of an unknown pigment in the most are in agreement with the type material medulla (see also Hale 1968, Hale 1976). The and other specimens studied here, only the medullary spot tests C and KC are usually laciniae width is confirmed to be a bit narrower negative but occasionally they appear to be + than his description (0.2−0.7 vs. 0.5−1.0 mm weakly rose. The species might probably wide.). contain trace amounts of medullary gyrophoric Hale (1968) compared B. pigmentacea acid that are difficult to acertain. to B. subdissecta (Nylander) Hale (H-NYL!, Distribution  Asia: Philippines, BM!), a species which he later accepted as a Malaysia (Hale 1968, 1976), Thailand synonym of B. goebelii, due to the branched (Wolseley & Aguirre-Hudson 1997). Here it is cilia and the presence of isidia. He cited that cited for the first time to Papua New Guinea. both species were common in dipterocarp Additional specimens examined  forests in the lowlands of Southeast Asia. Papua New Guinea, leg. S. L. Thrower 2812, Following the same logic of his 30-VI-1976 (US). Australia, Queensland, comparison with B. subdissecta, Hale (1976) Edmund Kennedy National Park, on Cilft distinguished B. goebelii from B. pigmentacea, Road, NW of Cardwell, sea level, leg. M. E. by the narrower laciniae and the medullary Hale 65885, 27-VII-1983 (US). Philippines, unknown pigment of the latter. Hale (1968) Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, about 40 km NW also differentiated the species through a lack of of Lianga, virgin dipterocarp forest, Lianga C reaction and the presence of an unidentified Bay Lumber Co. logging area, ca. 350 m, leg. red pigment in the lower cortex and rizinae of M. E. Hale & J. Banaag 24699, VII/VIII-1964 B. pigmentacea. He also mentioned that B. (US). Idem, Quezon Prov., Quezon National pigmentacea was smaller and more fragile than Park, leg. M. E. Hale 26983, VII-1964 (US). B. subdissecta. Comments  Bulbothrix pigmentacea is All the small thalli studied here, characterized by the very narrow sublinear including the holotype, are in fact similar to the laciniae, emaculate upper cortex, cilia with thalli of B. subdissecta, but they are indeed branched apices, simple eciliate laminal isidia, smaller and more fragile looking. However, a black lower cortex with black or brown after the carefull examination of the material, margins, branched rhizines with basal bulbs, there are more results to be considered. and by the presence of a reddish K− pigment Several analyzed specimens of B. randomly scattered in the medulla and visible pigmentacea reacted variably to the C test, at many parts of the thallus. including some specimens which were The holotype (Fig. 14) consists of two identified by Hale himself. The results of these thalli with less than 2 cm in diameter and some specimens varied from C− and KC− to C +, and KC + weakly rose, and confering yet in all 316

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 the morphological characteristics with the type Bulbothrix apophysata (Hale & material. Kurokawa) Hale differs by the broader laciniae Based on the obtained data and the (ca. 0.5−1.5 mm wide), frequently fissured comparisons, it is possible that gyrophoric acid upper cortex, larger isidia, presence of could be present in trace concentrations in the medullary lobaric acid, and the absence of thin medulla of the thalli of B. pigmentacea, pigments in the medulla. and that the substance could have been unnoticed by Hale, or even that the author had Bulbothrix queenslandica (Elix & Stevens) perhaps considered it as traces of a Elix. Mycotaxon 47: 126. 1993. Fig. 15 contaminant, which was an idea I had first MB 360132 when studying the type before studying more Basyonym – Parmelia queenslandica specimens. Elix & Stevens. Australian Journal of Botany In fact, the characteristics seen in B. 27: 873. 1979. pigmentacea are typical for a species of this Holotype – On trunk of Forest tree, genus that usually contains medullary Burleigh Heads Nacional Park, Moreton gyrophoric, lecanoric or lobaric acids and has District, Queensland, Australia, 28º04’S, 153º narrow laciniae with truncated apices, densely 27’E, alt. 6 m, leg. J. A. Elix 1145, 30-VIII- ciliate and rhizinate thalli, with cilia and 1975 (MEL!). rhizines contaning small basal bulbs and Thallus sublinear to linear laciniate, dichotomous branched apices. dusky green in herbarium, fragments up to 3.8 As noted, the strong red K− pigment of cm diam., subcoriaceous, corticolous, upper B. pigmentacea can be seen scattered randomly cortex 7.5−15.0 µm thick, algal layer throughout the medulla, often being visible at 17.5−22.5 µm thick, medulla 42.5−60.0 µm the upper or lower cortices, frequently spotting thick, lower cortex 10.0−15.0 µm thick. some some of the cilia and the rhizines. At a Laciniae anisotomously dichotomously or first glance the pigment could be overlooked as trichotomously to occasionally irregularly perhaps a spot coming from some external branched, 0.51.1 (−1.4) mm wide, slightly source. Despite this it can indeed be found in imbricate, adnate and adpressed, with flat to the medulla, which is mostly white, but due to slightly involute, truncate to subtruncate its thin layer it can be easily distroyed after the apices, the margins flat, slightly sinuous to removal of the cortex, making it difficult to crenate or irregular, incised, ocasionally locate the red pigment spots. sublacinulate, the axils oval to irregular. Upper Bulbothrix subdissecta differs by the cortex smooth and continuous, transversal larger width of the laciniae (ca. 0.5−1.5 mm fissures common only on older parts, laminal wide.), a less fragile thallus, maculate upper ciliar bulbs common, abundant. Adventitious cortex, larger isidia, and by the very evident marginal lacinulae scarce on random parts, presence of medullary gyrophoric acid short, 0.050.50  0.100.20 mm, plane, (combined with lobaric acid), and the absence simple to furcate or irregularly branched, of any medullary pigmentation. apices truncate, lower side concolor with the Bulbothrix laevigatula (Nylander) Hale lower marginal zone. Maculae weak to distinct, (H-Nyl!, PC!) also differs by the broader puntiform, laminal, more evident at distal parts laciniae (ca. 0.5−2.5 mm wide), larger isidia, of the thallus. Cilia black or brown, apices and by the presence of medullary lecanoric simple to furcate or trifurcate, 0.05–0.30  ca. acid and absence of medullary pigments. The 0.03 mm, with semi-immerse to sessile bulbate thalli of this species are more robust when bases 0.05−0.10 mm wide, abundant along the compared directly with each other. margins spaced ca. 0.05 mm from each other to Bulbothrix fungicola (Lynge) Hale (S!) eventually contiguous in the crenes and axils, differs by the maculate upper cortex, frequently becoming absent or scarce at the apices of the ciliate isidia, simple to partially furcate cilia laciniae. Soredia and Pustulae absent. Isidia and rhizines, and by the presence of gyrophoric scarce to frequent, usually grouped at some acid in the medulla, which is also not parts, laminal, granular to smooth cylindrical, pigmented. straight to tortuous, 0.050.25 (−0.40)  ca. 317

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 0.05 (−0.10) mm, simple to slightly ramified The holotype (Fig. 15) consists of four and sometimes very juxtaposed seeming to be fragments in excellent condition, but all glued coralloid, erect, firm to caducous, concolor, to the voucher. One has the lower cortex facing ciliate. Medulla white. Lower cortex black, upwards. In all of them the presence of laminal shiny, smooth to subrugose, moderately to bulbs can be easily observed, even amidst the densely rhizinate, with some open parts. isidia which are scarce on the material. This Marginal zone pale brown, attenuate, ca. pattern is similar in the types and other 0.5−1.5 mm wide, shiny, smooth, papillate, specimens of B. ventricosa (Hale & Kurokawa) rhizinate. Rhizines pale brown close to the Hale (TUR-V!) and B. laeviuscula (Räsänen) marginal zone, blackening towards the center, Benatti & Marcelli (H!). initially simple soon turning furcate and then It is particullarly easy to use the light dichotomously branched, with bulbate bases or brightness of a light microscope to visualize dislocate bulbs (easily seen on the brown cells (idioblasts) and the oily substance in this ones), 0.100.40  ca. 0.03 mm, frequent to species (Hale 1975, Feuerer & Marth 1997, abundant, evenly distributed. Apothecia (none Benatti 2011a), which are within the internal on the type) subplane, adnate, 1.0 mm diam., cavities of the laminal bulbs. laminal, coronate, margins and amphitecia Due to the dark wall of the bulbs in smooth, the amphitecia with ciliar bulbs. Disc Bulbothrix of Relicina, the typical oily brown, epruinose, imperforate, hymenia very substance and idioblast cells can be made poorly developed. Ascospores not found visible by using a method of clearing with (hymenia without asci). Pycnidia not found. sodium hypochlorite (Benatti & Marcelli 2010, TLC/HPLC – cortical atranorin and Benatti 2011a) or by crushing the bulb; chloroatranorin, no medullary substances (see however, due to the thinner wall of the ciliar also Elix 1993b, 1994, Elix & Stevens 1979). bulbs in B. queenslandica, the clearing Distribution: Asia  Thailand technique can be omitted. (Pooprang et al. 1999). Oceania: Australia This species was described by Elix & (Elix & Stevens 1979, Elix 1993b, Elix 1994). Stevens (1979) as Parmelia queenslandica, Additional specimens examined  five years after Hale had already proposed the Australia, Queensland, Moreton District, South genus Bulbothrix. From the comments it is Eastern Queensland, West Mt. Cotton Road, clear that at that time the authors were not sure Mt. Cotton, on E. drepanophylla, 2737’S, about the genus. Elix (1993b) subsequently 15313’E, leg. R. Rogers & C. Scarlet 7233, accepted the species and recombined it in 16-XII-1975 (MEL). Idem, Westlake, Horizon Bulbothrix. Road, on Acacia sp., 2732’S, 15254’E, leg. The marginal cilia of B. queenslandica R. Rogers & C. Scarlett 6179, 09-XII-1975 have the same pattern as B. fungicola (Lynge) (MEL). Idem, Moreton Bay, Mud Island, on Hale (S!), with simple to furcate or trifurcate coastal mangrove, leg. N. Stevens 2272 (US). apices. In B. queenslandica the rhizines are more branched than the cilia and normally turn Comments  Bulbothrix queenslandica very soon dichotomous even before the is characterized by the sublinear narrow transition from the marginal zone to the center. laciniae, maculate upper cortex commonly with The rhizines are brown at the younger laminal ciliar bulbs, bulbate cilia with simple parts of the laciniae and it is easy to visualize to furcate apices, simple to slightly branched the dark basal or displaced bulbs in this stage. ciliate isidia, a black lower cortex with pale When they darken at mature stages, the bulbs brown margins, dichotomously branched become difficult to be perceived, diminishing rhizines with basal or displaced bulbs, and by their evidence due the gradual thickening of the the absence of medullary substances. rhizines, especially when they adglutinate. As No apothecia were found on the type observed, this also happens in specimens of material; only a single mature apothecium was other species which share the same found on another specimen, which was characteristic. coronate as mentioned by Elix & Stevens The isidia are usually infrequent and (1979) and also has amphitecial bulbs. scattered in clusters, occasionally concentrated 318

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 at certain parts, sometimes giving the false Bulbothrix semilunata (Lynge) Hale. impression of being coralloid due to the Phytologia 28(5): 479. 1974. Figs 16–19 junction of the bases of the more branched MB 341611 ones. As seen in the isidia of B. fungicola and Basionym – Parmelia semilunata B. sipmanii Aptroot & Aubel (U!, B!, TNS!, Lynge. Arkiv för Botanik 13(13): 23. 1914. US!), the isidia of B. queenslandica also have Holotype – Brasiliae civit. Matto cilia, usually composed by small bulbs without Grosso, Serra da Chapada, Buriti, ad corticen apices or with very subtle apices. arboris Malpighiaceae, 19-VI-1894, leg. Elix & Stevens (1979) compared B. Malme s. n. (S!). queenslandica to B. apophysata (Nylander) Hale (US!, TNS!). This species differs by the Thallus linear to sublinear laciniate, more branched cilia, absence of laminal ciliar light greenish gray in herbarium, up to 2.5 cm bulbs, always simple and eciliate isidia, and by diam., subcoriaceous, corticolous or the presence of medullary lobaric acid. ramulicolous, upper cortex 17.5−25.0 µm Bulbothrix pigmentacea (Hale) Hale thick, algal layer 15.0−22.5 µm thick, medulla (US!) was another species compared by the 35.0−47.5 µm thick, lower cortex 15.0−22.5 authors. This species can be distinguished by µm thick. Laciniae isotomously to the more delicate and membranous thalli, the anisotomously dichotomously branched, absence of cortical maculae, eciliate isidia, contiguous to occasionally slightly imbricate, more branched cilia, and by constant formation 0.20.5 (0.6) mm wide, strongly adnate and of a reddish pigment in the lower portion of the very adpressed, with flat, truncate to partially medulla that also stains the lower cortex and acute apices, the margins flat, smooth to the rhizines. sinuous or subirregular, entire to slightly Bulbothrix fungicola differs by the incised, occasionally sublacinulate, the axils much narrower laciniae (ca. 0.2−0.7 mm wide); oval or irregular. Upper cortex smooth and ciliate isidia which are usually more abundant, continuous, laminal ciliar bulbs absent. always simple and very short; abscence of Adventitious marginal lacinulae scarce on laminal ciliar bulbs; less branched, usually older parts, short, 0.20.3  0.10.2 mm, simple to furcate rhizines; and by the presence plane, simple to furcate or irregularly branched, of medullary gyrophoric acid. apices truncate or acute, lower side concolor For a comparison with Bulbothrix cassa with the lower marginal zone. Maculae absent. see treatement B. cassa in this manuscript. Cilia black, apices initially simple or Bulbothrix bulbochaeta (Hale) Hale occasionally double, short, soon turning (LWG!, US!) is similar to B. queenslandica by furcate, trifurcate and then subdichotomous or also presenting formation of laminal ciliar subirregular, 0.05–0.15  ca. 0.03 mm, with bulbs, cilia and rhizines with a similar semi-immerse to sessile bulbate bases branching pattern and by the absence of (sometimes with a tapered appearance) ca. 0.05 medullary acids, but has broader laciniae mm wide, contiguous along the margins, (1.5−2.5 mm wide), an emaculate upper cortex becoming absent or scarce only at the apices of and the absence of isidia. the laciniae. Soredia, pustulae and isidia absent. Bulbothrix laeviuscula (Räsänen) Medulla white. Lower surface black, shiny, Benatti & Marcelli (H!) also differs from B. smooth, densely rhizinate. Marginal zone dark queenslandica by the emaculate thallus without brown almost indistinct from the center, formation of isidia, although it is similar in the slightly attenuate, up to 0.5 mm wide, shiny, width of the laciniae, the thickness of the thalli smooth, slightly less rhizinate than the center. and the presence of laminal ciliar bulbs. Rhizines black to dark brown, furcate, Bulbothrix laevigatula (Nylander) Hale subdichotomous or irregularly branched, (H-NYL!, PC!) differs by the emaculate upper without bulbate bases, 0. 500.20  0.030.05 cortex, much broader laciniae (ca. 1.0 −2.5 mm mm, abundant almost like a tomentum, very wide), eciliate isidia, absence of laminal ciliar intertwined, evenly distributed. Apothecia bulbs, ecoronate apothecia and by the presence subconcave to plane, adnate to sessile, 0.3−2.3 of medullary lecanoric acid. mm diam., laminal to submarginal, coronate, 319

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 margin smooth to subcrenate partially small bulbate cilia with simple, furcate or interrupted by the clear bulbs, amphitecia subdichotomously branched apices, a black smooth, occasionally dark and also with ciliar lower cortex with brown margins, furcate to bulbs. Disc pale brown, epruinose, imperforate, subdichotomous or irregularly branched epithecium 7.515.0 m high, hymenium rhizines without basal bulbs, coronate 50.0−65.0 µm high, subhymenium 17.5−20.0 apothecia containing large bicornute µm high. Ascospores bicornute, crescent to ascospores with a crescent or sigmoid shape, sigmoid, the curvature closed to open, thicker and the by the lack of medullary substances. at the apices restricting the lumen to the central This is the type species of Section portion, 10.0−20.0 (−23.0) × 3.0−4.5 µm, Bicornutae Lynge (1914), and subsequently the epispore ca. 0.5 µm. Pycnidia laminal, type species of the genus Bulbothrix Hale frequent, immerse, with black ostioles. Conidia (1974). It is also the only species with baciliform to weakly bifusiform 5.0−7.5 × 0.75 bicornute ascospores not to contain medullary µm. substances and one of the species with the TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, no smallest laciniae width (rarely exceeding 0.5 medullary substances (see also Hale 1976). mm), which are linear and dichotomously Distribution  South America: Brasil: divided. MG (Ribeiro 1998), MT (Lynge 1914, Hale The holotype (Fig. 16) consists of five 1976, Marcelli 1993). Ribeiro (1998) also small thalli, generally intact and in good mentioned MS, Mato Grosso do Sul State; condition. The ascospores are unique in shape however, a reference to this citation was not compared to those seen in other species of found. Here it is cited for the first time to the Parmeliaceae, presenting a very peculiar northern Brazilian State of Pará. comma or crescent shape (Fig. 19), unknown to Additional specimens examined  species within the family other than B. Brazil, Pará State, Serra do Cachimbo, Base bicornuta (Müller Argoviensis) Hale (G!, Aérea do Cachimbo, ca. 20 km N of the BM!), B. glandulifera (Fée) Benatti & Marcelli boarder with Mato Grosso on Cuiabá-Santarém (G!) and more recently B. sipmanii Aptroot & highway (BR-163), ca. 9º22’S, 54º54’W, ca. Aubel (U!, B!, TNS!, US!). 430-480m, broad, sandy level plain along Rio Due to their shape, the positioning of Braço de Norte with sandstone exposure, low the ascospores within the asci takes on a spiral ridges and valleys to the N & S, leg. Brako & aspect, the whole of them somewhat resembles Dibben 5804c, 25-IV-1983 (NY, p.min.p. of the shape of a coil, which also occurs with the the type material of B. oliveirae). Idem, Mato three other species with the same type of Grosso State, Serra da Chapada, Buriti, 800- ascospores. 1100 m, leg. G.O. Malme s.n., 10-IV-1894 Although Lynge (1914) has pointed out (US). Idem, between Jaciara and São Vicente, that the apothecia were ornated with pycnidia, ca. 100 km ESSE of Cuiabá, 750m alt., it actually was confirmed that they are small cerradão. on thin twig, leg. M. P. Marcelli ciliar bulbs, which appear on the margin of the 8444a, 2-VII-1980 (SP). Idem, Minas Gerais apothecia surrounding the disc (Fig. 17). This State, Lima Duarte Municipality, Parque is also true for the other species of the genus Estadual do Ibitipoca, on the trunk of with coronate apothecia. None of these Plathymenia foliolosa Benth. on the main road, structures showed any conidia or leg. M.P. Marcelli, C.H. Ribeiro & A.E. Luchi conidiogenous hyphae after they were 27630, 21-III-1995 (SP). Idem, sobre on the examined under a microscope. They did, trunk of Plathymenia foliolosa Benth. isolated however, show the typical oily substance and behind the cafeteria, near the gallery forest, leg. idioblasts (Hale 1975, Feuerer & Marth 1997, M.P. Marcelli, C.H. Ribeiro & A.E. Luchi Benatti 2011a) which can be found in the bulbs 27748, 22-III-1995 (SP). of marginal cilia. The author also mentioned Comments  Bulbothrix semilunata is characterized by the very narrow linear laciniae, emaculate upper cortex, contiguous


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Figs 14–19 – 14 Holotype of Bulbothrix pigmentacea (US). 15 Holotype of Bulbothrix queenslandica (MEL). 16Holotype of Bulbothrix semilunata (S). 17 Detail of the coronate apothecia of the holotype. 18 Detail of the marginal contiguous cilia of the holotype. 19 Bicornute ascospores of Bulbothrix semilunata. Scale=1 cm (14, 15, 16), 2 mm (17), 1 mm (18), and 20 µm (19) 321

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 the lack of spot test reactions but cited the rhizines which are more dichotomously presence of the orange pigment esquirine, branched, usually smaller bicornute ascospores which was not found in any of the specimens (ca. 8.0−13.0 × 3.0−4.0 mm) with a more studied here. accentuate crescent aspect, and by the presence Marcelli (1993) and Ribeiro (1998) also of medullary gyrophoric acid. collected specimens of B. semilunata. Marcelli The other non-isidiate species with (1993) commented the fact that the species is bicornute ascospores, B. bicornuta, differs by poorly collected, probably due to the the much broader laciniae (0.5−2.5 mm wide), ramulicolous habit and its small size, the more dichotomously branched cilia and sometimes being found mixed with samples of rhizines, ecoronate apothecia, and by the other species. Hale (1976) also cited additional presence of medullary lecanoric acid. material of B. semilunata found under these For a comparison between Bulbothrix same conditions. semilunata and B. bulbochaeta see treatment of Ribeiro (1998) described rhizines which B. bulbochaeta in this manuscript. are partly bulbate and have pale brown apices. This was not confirmed in the specimens Bulbothrix subklementii Marcelli. Acta studied. The ascospores in his material are in Botanica Brasilica 7(2): 48. 1993. Fig. 20 agreement with those seen in the holotype, and MB 459291 as described by the author, the cilia indeed vary Holotype  Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul from simple or furcate to slightly branched. State, between Rio Verde de Mato Grosso and Other authors (Lynge 1914, Hale 1976, Coxim, km 629,5 of the BR-163 highway, Marcelli 1993) just mention that the apices are shrubs at the edge of the cerrado, on thin branched. branch, leg. M.P. Marcelli 8495, 28-VI-1980 There are differences in the ascospore (SP!). sizes cited in the literature. Lynge (1914) and Thallus sublinear laciniate, light dusky Marcelli (1993) cited measurements close to or in herbarium, up to 2.4 cm diam., equivalent to those found here (including to the submembranaceous, ramulicolous, upper holotype), respectively 13.0−18.0 (−21.0) × cortex 27.5−35.0 µm thick, algal layer 3.0−4.0 µm and 16.2−20.7 × 1.8−3.6 µm. Hale 20.0−25.5 µm thick, medulla 10.0−15.0 µm (1976) and Ribeiro (1998) cited smaller thick, lower cortex 15.0−17.5 µm thick. measurements, respectively 9.0−12.0 × 2.0−3.0 Laciniae anisotomously dichotomously to µm and 10.0−15.0 × 5.0 µm, which are more irregularly branched, (0.2) 0.30.5 mm wide, similar to those found in B. glandulifera contiguous to occasionally slightly imbricate, (Benatti 2012b). adnate and loosely adpressed, with flat, Hale (1960) commented that B. truncate to subtruncate apices, the margins flat, semilunata could easily be mistaken as one of smooth to slightly sinuous or subirregular, the group of Parmelia coronata Fée (G!) entire, rarely sublacinulate, axils oval to [=Bulbothrix coronata (Fée) Hale] due to the irregular. Upper cortex smooth and continuous, small graysh thalli and the coronate apothecia, laminal ciliar bulbs absent. Adventitious although in his monograph (Hale 1976) he did marginal lacinulae scarce on older parts, short, not specify if they were coronate. Aside from 0.100.50  0.050.30 mm, plane, simple, the difference in shape and size of ascospores apices truncate or acute, lower side which are ellipsoidal and smaller (5.0−10.0 × concolorous with the lower marginal zone. 4.0−6.0 µm) in B. coronata, this species has Maculae absent. Cilia black to occasionally much broader laciniae (0.5−2.0 mm wide), brown, apices generally simple to furcate or more dichotomously branched cilia and occasionally irregularly branched, 0.050.25  rhizines, and contains medullary gyrophoric ca. 0.03 mm, with semi-immersed to sessiled acid. bulbate bases 0.05−0.10 (0.15) mm wide, Hale (1976) also compared B. abundant, along the margins spaced ca. 0.05 semilunata to B. schiffneri (Zahlbruckner) Hale mm from each other to contiguous, becoming (W!) a synonym of B. glandulifera (Benatti absent or scarce at the apices of the laciniae 2012b). This species differs by the cilia and and some random parts of the margins. 322

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Soredia, pustulae and isidia absent. Medulla This species has a very pale brown white. Lower surface pale brown to cream, lower cortex similarly to the color of coffee shiny, smooth, moderately rhizinate. Marginal diluted with milk, with the exception of the zone brown, slightly darker and almost marginal zone that is always of a darker shade indistinct from the center, shiny, smooth than the center. The rhizines are usually clearer slightly papilate, rhizinate. Rhizines pale than the lower cortex and similar to those of B. brown, frequently clearer than the cortex, klementii Hale (M!, US!), except for the basal initially simple turning furcate and then or displaced bulbs, which are blackish in color. dichotomous or partially irregularly branched, The rhizines of B. subklementii are clear frequently with blackish basal or displaced and translucent to the point of not obstructing bulbs, 0.100.30  0.03 mm, commonly the view of the lower brownish cortex, even in agglutinated, frequent turning more abundant those parts where they are most dense and at some parts, evenly distributed. Apothecia intertwined. plane turning subconcave when mature, adnate The characters described by Marcelli to subpedicelate, 0.62.2 mm diam., laminal, (1993) are in accordance with those being margins smooth to subcrenate, coronate, observed in the type material; however, the partially interrupted by the ciliar bulbs, black dots in the rhizines were found to not be amphithecia smooth, generally also with many pycnidia and the interior spherical cells not ciliar bulbs, occasionally with few pycnidia. being conidia. These structures are bulbs, Disc brown, epruinose, imperforate, similar to those of the cilia and amphitecia, and epithecium 10.015.0 µm high, hymenium these cells were actually idioblasts (Feuerer & 15.0−25.0 µm high, subhymenium 30.0−37.5 Marth 1997), which produce the oily µm high. Ascospores not found (hymenia substance. without asci). Pycnidia laminal to submarginal, The cilia in B. subklementii tend to be frequent, immerse, with black ostioles. Conidia less branched than the rhiziness (cilia simple to not found. furcate while the rhizines are furcated to TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin and dichotomous), similar to what can be found in chloroatranorin, no medullary substances (see B. queenslandica (Elix & Stevens) Elix also Marcelli 1993). (MEL!). Distribution  South America: Brasil – Bulbothrix klementii differs from B. Mato Grosso do Sul (Marcelli 1993). subklementii by the broader laciniae (0.3−1.0 Comments  Bulbothrix subklementii is vs. 0.2−0.5 mm wide), by more furcate to characterized by the sublinear narrow laciniae, dichotomously branched cilia, formation of emaculate upper cortex, cilia with simple to laminal isidia, and by the presence of furcate apices, absence of vegetative medullary colensoinic acid, which is detectable propagules, a very pale brown lower cortex in thin layer chromatography. Bulbothrix with margins occasionally darker than the klementii is in fact isidiate, although in the key center, branched rhizines with dark basal or in Hale (1976) it is among the species that do displaced bulbs, coronate apothecia and by the not form isidia. absence of medullary substances. Marcelli (1993) was correct in The holotype (Fig. 20) consists of two assuming that Hale (1976) had equivocally small thalli 2 and 3 cm in diameter. Part of the placed B. klementii among the species without upper cortex and of the apothecia was isidia in his key, and that the description, devoured by insects, and the material is where these structures appear, would to be unfortunately damaged. There is no evidence correct. Based on this assumption, the author of the formation of vegetative propagules in the described the non isidiate B. subklementii, intact parts. There are several apothecia and which is similar to B. klementii in the pycnidia, although the hymenia are without morphology and spot tests reactions due the asci and the pycnidia without conidia. The absence of medullary substances. thalli are on pieces of thin branches of shrubs. Marcelli (1993) compared B. semilu-


Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 nata (Lynge) Hale (S!) to B. subklementii. The entire to partially slightly incised, commonly former species differs by the more branched sublacinulate, axils oval. Upper cortex smooth cilia, a black lower cortex, black or very dark and continuous, turning slightly transversely brown rhizines, and by the bicornute instead of fissured in random parts, laminal ciliar bulbs ellipsoid ascospores, which are also larger absent. Adventitious marginal lacinulae (12.0−23.0 × 3.0−4.0 µm.) than those of B. frequent, short, 0.20.8  0.1–0.4 mm, flat, subklementii. simple to irregularly branched, apices truncate Bulbothrix viridescens (Lynge) Hale or acute, lower side concolorous with the lower (S!, W!) differs from B. subklementii by the marginal zone. Maculae absent. Cilia black, broader laciniae (ca. 0.5−1.5 mm), a black apices absent or simple, short and curved, lower cortex with dark brown margins, simple frequently bent downwards, 0.05–0.15 (−0.25) cilia and rhizines without bulbate bases and by  ca. 0.03 mm, with semi-immersed to sessiled the apothecia that are partly coronate and bulbate bases 0.05−0.10 (0.15) mm wide, ecoronate, without amphitecial bulbs. abundant along the margins, spaced 0.05−0.10 Bulbothrix cassa Jungbluth, Marcelli & mm from each other turning contiguous at the Elix (SP!, B!) differs from B. subklementii by axils and becoming scarce at the apices of the the much broader laciniae (ca. 2.0−3.0 mm laciniae. Soredia, pustulae and isidia absent. wide) with rounded apices, usually axillary Medulla white. Lower surface black, shiny, simple cilia, simple rhizines, formation of smooth to subrugose, slightly papillate, isidia that are partially pycnidiate, and by the moderately rhizinate. Marginal zone dark lower cortex of variable color, which is a mix brown, almost indistinct from the center, shiny, of black and brown. ca. 0.5 mm wide, smooth, slightly rhizinate. Bulbothrix queenslandica also forms Rhizines black, simple or occasionally slightly simple to branched cilia and has no medullary irregularly branched, without bulbate bases, substances as B. subklementii, but it differs by 0.100.40  ca. 0.04 mm, frequent to the maculate upper cortex commonly with sometimes more abundant at some parts, laminal ciliar bulbs, formation of simple to evenly distributed. Apothecia subconcave to slightly branched and usually ciliate isidia, and plane or subconvex, adnate to sessile, 0.32.1 by the black lower cortex with pale brown mm diam., laminal to submarginal, margins margins. smooth to irregularly crenate, ranging from ecoronate (generally the younger and part of Bulbothrix viridescens (Lynge) Hale. the mature ones), to coronate (most of the Phytologia 28(5): 481. 1974. Figs 21−23 mature ones), amphithecia smooth, very rarely MB 341621 with some scarce clear bulbs. Disc pale brown, Basyonym  Parmelia viridescens epruinose, imperforate, epithecium 5.012.5 Lynge. Arkiv för Botanik 13(13): 117. 1914. µm high, hymenium 40.0−52.5 µm high, Lectotype  Brasiliae civit. Matto subhymenium 15.0−22.5 µm high. Ascospores Grosso, Santa Anna da Chapada, in margine rounded to subspheric or subellipsoid, 4.5−6.5 silvulae, ad corticem, leg. G.O. Malme 2453, (−7.5) × 4.0−5.0 µm, epispore ca. 0.5 µm. 28-II-1894 (S!, isolectotype at W!). Pycnidia scarcet, laminal, immerse, with dark Thallus sublinear laciniate, grayish brown ostioles. Conidia baciliform to weakly olive green in herbarium, fragments up to 6.4 bifusiform 5.0−8.0 (−10.0) × ca. 0.75 µm. cm diam., subcoriaceous, corticolous, upper TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorin, no cortex 12.5−17.5 µm thick, algal layer medullary substances (see also Hale 1976). 15.0−30.0 µm thick, medulla 47.5−80.0 µm Distribution  South America: thick, lower cortex 12.5−17.5 µm thick. Argentina (Ferraro 1981, Adler 1988, 1992), Laciniae irregularly to partially anisotomously Uruguay (Hale 1976, Osório 1992) and Brazil dichotomously branched, 0.5−1.1 (2.0) mm – Mato Grosso (Lynge 1914, Kalb 1982, wide, contiguous, adnate and loosely Marcelli 1993), Mato Grosso do Sul (Fleig & adpressed, with flat to partially involute, Riquelme 1991, Marcelli 1993), and Pará truncate to subtruncate apices, the margins flat (Brako et al. 1985). to involute, subcrenate to crenate or irregular, 324

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Figs 20–23 – 20 Holotype of Bulbothrix subklementii (SP). 21 Lectotype of Bulbothrix viridescens (S). 22 Detail of irregularly coronate apothecia on different maturity stages. 23 Isolectotype of Bulbothrix viridescens (W). Scale bars = 1 cm (20, 21, 23), 1 mm (15), and 2 mm (22). 325

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 Additional specimens examined  (G!), which actually features a coronation Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Buriti Municipality, usually more dense and with a regular format. reserva biológica do Colégio Evangélico de As described by Lynge (1914), the Buriti, 600-650 m alt., more or less iluminated conidia are bacilliform or weakly bifusiformes hillside woods, leg. M. P. Marcelli 8076a, 8- subtle (he was the first author to notice this VII-1980 (SP). Idem, Mato Grosso do Sul feature in a species of Bulbothrix). The State, Aquidauana Municipality, Vila ascospores and conidia measurements found in Piraputanga, 20º 27’S, 55º 29’W, 200 m alt., the type material and the other specimens hilltop with ca. 50 m, on shrub cortex, leg. M. studied are equivalent to those mentioned by Fleig & I. Riquelme 125, 31-V-1990 (ICN). the author. Idem, middle part of the hill, on shrub cortex, Hale (1960, 1976) mentioned that a K+ leg. M. Fleig & I. Riquelme 147, 31-V-1990 reaction occurs in the medulla. This reaction (ICN). was occasionally observed, and as mentioned Comments  Bulbothrix viridescens is by Lynge (1914), it is likely that the K+ yellow characterized by the narrow sublinear and often reaction is caused by the presence of atranorin sublacinulate laciniae, emaculate upper cortex, on the upper parts of the medulla, since no cilia with absent, simple or furcate apices, a other substance can be detected by black lower cortex with brown margins, simple cromatography. to irregularly branched rhizines without basal Specimens cited by Ferraro (1981) and bulbs, mixed ecoronate and coronate apothecia Adler (1988) attributed to B. viridescens from containing small rounded or subellipsoid Argentina can possibly in truth be specimens of ascospores, and by the absence of medullary B. laeviuscula (Räsänen) Benatti & Marcelli substances. (H!), since the descriptions of these specimens The lectotype (Fig. 21) consists of three differs from the characteristics of B. fragments in excellent state of collection and viridescens at various points. preservation, with several apothecia in various The material examined by Adler (1988) stages of maturation. The material is on tree differs from B. viridescens presenting larger bark that is glued to the voucher. Pycnidia are laciniae on average (ca. 1.0− 2.0 mm wide), the few and scarce. The isolectotype (Fig. 23) is a upper surface with frequent ciliar bulbs, fragment slightly smaller than that of the dichotomously branched rhizines with basal holotype, but it has all the same basic bulbs, apothecia commonly with ciliar bulbs on characteristics, and only differs slightly in the the amphithecia and larger ascospores measurements of a few characters, and has (6.0−10.0 × 4.0−7.0 µm). even fewer pycnidia. Due the similarity with the Uruguayan Lynge (1914) mentioned apothecia specimens of B. laeviuscula and the "that sometimes were apparently a little characteristics observed in the type material, it pycnidiate" (interdum conceptacle is possible that the specimens mentioned by pycnoconidiorum incospicuis). What was Adler (1988) in her doctoral as B. viridescens verified in the material was the appearance of are in truth B. laeviuscula. This can be based ciliar bulbs at the margins of some of the on the laminal bulbs which were observed by apothecia, formed from a slow process of Adler (1988). Dr. Adler informed that she was coronation, in which only some of the younger not able to locate the material again due to and in general those mature tend to have changes in the herbarium of the University of coronate margins (Fig. 22). This was the only Buenos Aires. species which had both ecoronate and coronate According to the description of Ferraro apothecia on a same thallus (Benatti 2010). (1981), her material has broader laciniae The irregular coronation of apothecia of (1.0−3.0 mm wide) with rounded apices, B. viridescens was commented on only by frequently furcate cilia, which are often more Marcelli (1993) who mentioned that Hale abundant in the axils of the laciniae, although (1976) said that "the pycnidia in the corona of the apothecia were cited as urceolate and the apothecia present a more irregular coronate. The author also described the thallus distribution than in B. coronata (Fée) Hale" as yellowish, and dark when herborized, while 326

Mycosphere Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/4/2/13 the specimens examined here have grayish Holotype  Costa Rica, Boruca, leg. olive green, and are clear when herborized. Pittier 5434 (G!). Marcelli (1993) noted that B. Thallus linear laciniate, pale greenish viridescens is often found in thin twigs. The grey in the herbarium, fragments up to 0.8 cm author cited a slightly larger ascospore size wide, subcoriaceous, corticolous (anatomic (6.3−7.2 × 3.6-4.5 µm) than that found on the data not taken due the condition of the holotype, and although these are only specimen). Laciniae isotomically to occasionally slightly larger, there are no other anisotomically dichotomously branched, 0.1– significant differences between the specimens. 0.3 (–0.4) mm wide, contiguous, very adnate For a comparison with Bulbothrix and strongly adpressed, with flat, truncate or bulbochaeta see treatment under B. acute apices, the margin flat, smooth to bulbochaeta in this manuscript. subirregular, entire, slightly sublacinulate, axils Bulbothrix laeviuscula differs by the oval to rounded. Upper surface smooth and constant presence of laminal and amphithecial continuous, laminal ciliary bulbs absent. ciliar bulbs, althought the apothecia do not Adventitious marginal to submarginal lacinules present a regular corona in the margins of the scarce on older parts, short, simple, flat, amphithecia, and by the ellipsoid and larger 0.050.30  0.05–0.10 mm, truncate or acute, ascospores (5.0−9.0 × 4.0−5.5 µm). lower side concolor with the lower marginal Bulbothrix coronata was compared to zone. Maculae absent. Cilia black, initially B. viridescens by Marcelli (1993). It can be simple or double, soon turning dichotomously distinguished by the branched cilia and or irregularly branched, 0.05–0.20 (–0.30)  ca. rhizines, larger ascospores of similar size to 0.03 mm, with semi-immersed to sessile basal those of B. laeviuscula (6.0−10.0 × 4.0−5.0 bulbs ca. 0.05–0.10 mm wide, abundant along µm), regularly coronate apothecia, and by the the margins and contiguous, to absent or scarce presence of medullary gyrophoric acid. on the laciniae apices. Medulla white. Soredia, Marcelli (1993) also commented on B. Pustulae and Isidia absent. Lower surface viridescens have a more adpressed, delicate black, shiny, smooth, densely rhizinate. thallus, also with a more irregular branching Marginal zone dark brown almost indistinct pattern, compared to B. coronata. from the center, attenuated, ca. 0.1−0.2 mm Bulbothrix semilunata (Lynge) Hale wide, shiny, smooth, rhizinate. Rhizines black (S!) differs from B. viridescens by the very to dark brown, initially furcate, soon turning narrow laciniae (ca. 0.2−0.5 mm wide), more subdichotomously or irregularly branched, branched cilia and rhizines, and by the usually with subtle basal bulbs, 0.100.20  formation of always coronate apothecia, 0.03–0.05 mm, abundant almost like a containing much larger (12.0−23.0 × 3,0−4.0 tomentum, evenly distributed. Apothecia and µm) and bicornute ascospores, with a crescent Pycnidia not found. or sigmoid shape. TLC/HPLC  cortical atranorina (K+ yellow), no medullary substances (see also Nomen Inquirendum Hale 1976). Distribution  Central America: Costa Parmelia stenophyllizans Zahlbruckner, Rica (Müller Argoviensis 1893, Zahlbruckner Catalogus Lichenum Universalis vol. 6: 75. 1930, Hale 1976). 1930. Fig. 24 Comments  Due to the very bad MB 398302 conditions of the material is virtually Synonym  Parmelia stenophylla impossible to know to what species it belongs. Müller Argoviensis. Bulletin de la Société The specimen is a very little developed thallus, royale de Botanique de Belgique 32: 128. without apothecia, pycnidia and appears that 1893. [The name given by Müller Arg. was a was beggining to form some uncertain kind of homonym of Parmelia stenophylla (Acharius) propagule (maybe isidia or lacinulae). Heugel, nowadays Xanthoparmelia stenophylla Although very rare, there are some adventitious (Acharius) Ahti & Hawksworth]. submarginal and marginal lacinulae. When


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Fig 24 – Holotype of Parmelia stenophyllizans (G). Scale bars = 1 cm. young they might look like isidia, but they The description from Müller already have a differentiated lower cortex. Argoviensis (1893) is very short and only gives It is a similar case like the type material dimensions and shape of the thalli, with some of B. suffixa (Stirton) Hale (BM! GLAM!), few comments. He described small rosettes ca. which is another meager and problematic 1 cm wide, with dichotomously branched specimen (Jungbluth et al. 2008). The type whitish laciniae ca. 0.5 mm wide, obtuse to material of P. stenophyllizans seems to be quite acute apices, being slightly adpressed, flat, small lichen, such as the species with bicornute smooth and shiny, with a densely rhizinate ascospores, but despite the aspect might be of a lower cortex and without apothecia. Müller lacinulate Bulbothrix species lacking medullary Argoviensis (1893) commented on the light substances. color and the aspect of the laciniae be as those In agreement with the comments of of Parmelia coronata Fée [= B. coronata (Fée) Hale (1976) and those left by him in the Hale], believing they were somehow related. exsicata, all spot tests result negative. A written Unfortunattely much data is missing in the label (from Hale, perhaps?) says KC and P description and the material lack characteristics negative, no crystals. In this paper he for a better comparison with B. coronata, mentioned that C and KC reactions also do not which is a larger lichen and has medullary occur. I did not detect K reaction, and even if gyrophoric acid (see comments under this there were one, it would be impossible to not species). assign it to traces of atranorin at the upper Due to a handwrite note by Müller portion of the medulla, due the thallus being Argoviensis left with the type material, there very thin. are reasons to suspect that the collector of this According to his comments, Hale material was Adolfo Tonduz, who collected (1976) acepted P. stenophyllizans as a “nomen botanical material in Costa Rica between the inquerendum”, due to the impossibility of years 1891-92. However, there is no more certification of the specimen. The author stated information about it, and Hale (1976) used the only that the type material was fragmented and name and collector number of the article from sterile, but had branched cilia with bulbate Müller Argoviensis (1893), although these do bases, what was confirmed here. Hale (1976) not appear on the labels of the type material. suspected that P. stenophyllizans probably would be a close species or even B. schiffneri Acknowledgements (medullary gyrophoric acid) or B. semilunata The author wishes to thank the curators (no medullary substances), but could not of DUKE (Kathleen Pryer), G (Philippe Clerc), confirm the identification since there is no H (Leena Myllys), ICN (Mara Rejane Ritter), apothecia in the material. However, both LWG (Dalip Kumar Upreti), M (Andreas species do not form any type of propagule, and Beck), MEL (Josephine Milne), MSC (Alan Hale (1976) apparently did not notice the Prather), NY (Barbara Thiers), S (Anders lacinulae in P. stenophyllizans. Tehler), US (Rusty Russell) and W (Uwe 328

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