D£A 11I ROW, V.S.A
N«ionolOjJb Suite HiOO NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE 99 Hudson Street AND EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC . New York, N.Y. 10013-2897 (212) 219-1900 Fax : (212) 22~7592 Summer 1995 D£A 11i ROW, V.S.A. TOTAL NUMBER OF DEATH ROW INMATES KNOWNTO LDF: 3,028 (As of August 31, 1995) Race of Defendant: White 1,467 (48 .42%) Black 1,224 (40 . 42%) Latino / Latina 234 ( 7 . 73%) Native American 51 ( 1.68%) Asian 23 ( .76%) Unkn own at this issue 29 ( .96%) Gender: Male 2,978 (98.35%) Female 50 ( 1. 65%) DISPOSITIONS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1973: Executions: 295 Suicides: 41 Commutations: 72 (including those by the Governor of Texas resulting from favo rab le court deci si ons ) Died of natural c auses, or killed while under death sentence: 92 Convictions / Sentences reversed: 1469 JURISDICTIONS WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT STATUTES: 40 (Underlined jurisdictions have statutes but no sentences imposed) Alabama, Arizona , Arkansas, California, Colorado, Conne cticut, Delaware , Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamps hire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Yor k, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah , Virginia, Washington, Wyoming, U.S. Government, U.S~ .Military_ JURISDICTIONS WITHOUT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT STATUTES: 13 Alaska, Distri c t of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Is l and , Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin. C... odlllNHUfft The NAACP L<gal Drfcnsc & F.iucat ioiul Fund, lac. (LDF) is not part ....,,..i,for U .S Suite 301 SuitrD of tbe Natioiu l Association for die Advancement of Colo red People 127SK Street, NW 315 West Nind, Sattt illlOfflt ta' rrpous (NAACP ) although LDF was fowided by tbe NAACP and diam iu Wuluogton , DC 20005 Los ~le, .
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