MMAGAZINEAGAZINE April 19–May 16, 2019 • One Copy FREE OOCC ORANGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HHousesouses WithWith HistoryHistory Kit Houses in Orange County PPageage 3 PEOPLE GGardenarden GGuruuru KKentent AAnnualnnual FriedFried OOCSSCSS FFineine RRussellussell ttoo SSpeakpeak CChickenhicken FFestivalestival AArtsrts FairFair PPageage 1100 PPageage 1111 PPageage 1122 COMPANY SHOWCASE Sunday - May 5 (2:00pm) Piedmont Virginia Community College MUSICAL THEATRE SHOWCASE May 15 & 16 (7:00pm) OSPA Firehouse Theatre OSPA SPRING SHOWCASE June 1 (12:00pm & 2:30pm) Orange County High School Auditorium Please call OSPA for ticket OR Company Audition Information! Celebrating our 26th season... OSPA – Where The Arts Come To Life! Call 540-672-9038 Or Visit us at 108 Belleview Ave - Orange, Va Or on the web at 2• OC Magazine • April 19–May 16, 2019 OC Magazine A monthly publication Houses With History Publisher C. M. Santos
[email protected] Kit Houses in Orange County Advertising Director By Barbara Wimble Judi Price Correspondent 434-207-0223
[email protected] Office Manager f you are a fan of HGTV like I Edee Povol am, wherein the complex
[email protected] Iworld of homebuilding and decorating is entertainment, you may have heard about prefab houses that Graphic Production Designer were very popular and widely marketed Marilyn Ellinger in the first half of the 20th century. I was first introduced to “Kit Houses” Correspondents when Rose Thornton, considered to be Barbara Wimble the foremost authority on them, gave a Matthew Franks talk for the Historic Staunton Foundation, where I was employed Contributors before moving to Orange. Finding her Pat Wilson lecture fascinating, I caught the “kit house mania” and was excited to iden- E-mail:
[email protected] tify my bungalow in Staunton as one of Advertising Sales: them.