The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili / Translated from the Original Italian of the Abbe DJ Ignatius Molina
ñijzl. ir THE GEO O RAPHICAL, NATURAL AND CIVIL HISTORY OF CHILI. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL ITALXAN OF THE ABBE DON J. ÍGNATIUS MOLINA. TO WniCB .O IE ADDED, NOTES FROM THE SPANISH AND FRENCH VERSIONS, ANO TWO APPENDIXES, BY THE ENGLISH EDITOR} THE FIRST, AN ACCOUNT. OP THE ARCHIPELAGO OF CHILOE, FROM THE DESCRIPCION HISTORIAL OF V. F. PEDRO GONZALEZ. DE AGÜEROS J THE SECÒND, AN ACCOUNT OF THE NATIVE TRIBE 3 WHO INRABIT THE SOUTHERN EXTREMITY OF SOUTH AMERICA, EXTRACTED ÇIUEFLY FROM FALKNER’s DESCRIPTION OF PATAGÒNIA. IN TW O VOLVMÈS, VOL. I. PRINTÉD POR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, FATERNOSTER-RpW. 1809, Pfiüted by J. I). ü<*\vick' 40, Baiutcan. TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. I m p o r t a n t and interesting as has ever been the History of the Spanish settlements in Ame rica, particularly to the inhabitants of the same continent, that importarme and interestis at the present period greatly increased, by the oc- currence of events of such magnitude, as will most probably be attended witli the total sevér- ance of those colonies from Europe, and the estàblishment of a new empire in the west. O f thèse séttlements, Chili is in many respects one of thè Uixiòst important. Blest with a soil fertile beyond description, à climate mild and salubrious in thé highest degree, productive of evèry con- véniencé and most of the luxuries of life, and fich in the precious metáis, Nature appears to haye been delighted in lavishing its bounties upoh this favoured portion of the globe. In its minerals, its plants, and its animals, the natu r a l \yill find an interesting and copious fïeld of research; and the character of its natives fur- vol» i.
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