SUOAI2 WEATHER Cnnot 3.08(5o par lb, $.70 Ther.. Mln . 71. por ton. Mar , 8 a. in.. 30, 'M. Hoots, lis. Id. par cwt., ft lUln. 2 th.. n. m.. .01. $91.20 por ton. Wind, 12m., 10 NIC.

Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. VOL. XX TWENTY PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, SAlTKim, MAY 25, 1012 TWENTY PAGES. () 62K7.

LORIMER MAY RESIGN HIS SEAT BECAUSE OF SENATE FEELING Telephones Two PART OF BIG aniard On Hawaii ater FLEET FOR (Special, Correspondence of the Star. Hours D May 23 Improvements efusing JODSii v HILQ, Great a have beenmade in the local tele-phon- e KEY WEST service lately and the lines run 1 n!ng out into the country also are nOut being fixed up in good style. Man or Manoa (Associated Press Cbles to the Star.) hrow WASHINGTON, May 25. The ager Stone, of tho telephone company, th irj and fourth divisions of the North has returned to Hllo after a vls't Atlantic fleet, Hear Admiral OBtcrhou so commanding, on the flagship Waak-inpto- n, they persisted In had a food supply or shelter to heart. Regulations covering the use of wa- meha avenue to Armstrong street), have to fo Because their along the Hnmakua coast. ' been ordered sail r Key West. to go to work, twenty Spaniards, Since last Monday Secretary Kearn Stone says that one hundred nnd ter In Manoa valley for Irrigation pur Hillside avenue, Puupueo tract and and his Interpreters have been urgln j fifty copper poses have been made by Superin- mauka of Manoa road, 2 p. m. to 4 men, women and children, were' eject- miles of covered wire 'p. the immigrants to go to plantations arrived on the steamer tendent of Public Works Campbell and m." ed from the territorial Immigrant sta- last from Both Candidates Claim where work had been secured for tlie Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and that will go Into effect Immediately. Tho tion this morning by Secretary Kearna. led by cra::y lawyer" al- Installed by the public them, but a "sea the wire will be used on the svstem. rules have been made In order to works depart of the stub- among the number group declined leviate impending ment are In working order and, ac- The goods and chattels the A big new cable Is expected to ar- the water famine A Working Majority to go, thoy cording to Mr. Campbell, born Immigrants were piled on the save to plantations where rive here early In July and then some caused by tho shortage of tho upper have done and they were told to hustle wanted to go but where there was no Makiki springs. good work In pointing out the prin sidewalk fifty-fiv- e miles of old wires will bo woulfl work for them. The regulations, cipal city's HC77 for themselves, as the territory taken down nnd tho new cable will which are signed wasters of the water. WASHINGTON, May 25. McKinl ey claim? delegates instructed and J Yesterday morning Kearna by M. "During pledged forty-si- x no longer care for them. Secretary be installed In the city. J. Little, superintendent of wa- the past month," said Mr. for Taft. Dixon claims 629 including for Cummins and Although they put into, the: Issued an ultimatum to effect that ter works, Campbell this morning, La Follette. 391, were the A new central has been started at and will be effective until "ono user of Clark claims Wilson 305, Underwood 100. men party, with those who did not advantage of notice as water In NEWAWRK, N. J., May 25. street, the of the take I.aupahoehoe, and George Spencer, further arc follows: Knlmuki consumed 1C1.G10 Taft alms to have more than 570 delegates dependent on tho sailing Claudlne the aft- No. 1. privilege hold- gallons instructed and pledged. He says wives and little ones of the in well-know- "District Water of water which in a year's the vote of New Jersey is not necessary the n nnd popular operator them, did not appear worried by the ernoon, to go to plantations which ers fronting on Hunnowell street, Ath-erto- n time would amount to nearly 2,000, but he would like it to make Roosevelt 's nomination Impossible. who formerly was located at Hono-kaa- , y they would need food and a wanted them, would nave to leave the road, Hyde street, Oahu 000' gallons, pre- fact that has been put in charge at avenue for which the user place to sleep. The only thing that station and take caro of themselves. to east Manoa road, to use water fo vionsly had been paying at a JOHNSON TO SECOND NOMINATION. Miss Anna-Keko- former- rate of bothered them was tho lack of cigar- With the exception of two who chang- irrigation purposes from 10 a. m. to $23 yearly. SACRAMENTO, May 25. Colonel Roosevelt has telegraphed requent ly of TIllo, has been appointed oper- They complained bitterly ed their minds, the party remained" 12 m. that. Governor Johnson may make tli speech seconding his ettes. ator. At the Young Men's Christian As- e nomination la they were given nothing to stubborn In their refusal. Kearns per- "District No. 2. Water privilege sociation, the effect of tho newly the National Republican convention. Johnson has accepted. In all there are four lines be- smoke by Secretary Kearns before mitted them to sleep in the station last holders fronting on Vancouver High- wnter meters has tween Hllo and Laupahoohoo now. been shown they were ousted, but did not seem' night and gave them breakfast this way. Jones nnd Parker streets and by a new THE NEW JERSEY CAMPAIGN. The switchboard at Laupahoehoo number of signs placed to take the fact that they no longer (Continue'1 on Page Eight) east Manoa road (fronl Oahu avenue about the building, .TSRSEY CITY, May 2p. Presld ent Taft will speak at Newark, Ar- works forty local lines and fifteen "Plase Do Not to Armstrong street), $8 a. m. to 10 Waste the lington, Ornnge Park, Passaic, Pater son and Ridgowood and Roosevelt tl rough ones. Water." at a. m. N; The superintendent public Long Branch, Red Bank, Perth Amboy and Rahway. For Chilled Meat. of works "District No. 3. Water privilege hold- expresses himself as being SUPER FINDS ITHREE NEW An refrigerating plant s well ers fronting on Damon street, McKin-le- y pleased With the way the resi- FREAR AT CHICAGO. to be Installed by Hllo Meat that fW' the a CHICAGO, May 25. street, l.anihul drjve, Kamehame-h- dents of Manoa are working with, tho Governor Frear of Hawnll visited the convention Market, and the materials are now -- avenue. I.ilo.a KlsoBeckwlth street water department in order to nlie headquarters today nnd then left for Washington and New York which Y. C. 11. DEPARTMENT HEADS on tho way from the mainland. 1 find cast Mnnou road (from Kaineha- - vlate the present shortage. he will visit before the convention meets. I General Secretary Paul Super of the Secretary Super has secured G. JT LORIMER MAY RESIGN. , one s E WASHINGTON, May 25. It is be lleved Senator Y. M. C. A. has met with signal sue of tho directo "f tho piscopal Faker ives that Lorlmer will Portland, Ore., Association. Fecretary Honolulu There are forty senators again st accepting the majority report cess In securing tho services of three Super negotiated with Johnson whllp him arid 39 doubtful. i men desired to fill out his st3ff, ac- ' In Portland and tho cable t'lls morn-iii(- . cording to a cable received from Sec- Indicates that tho deal been Convocation References in The East TESTIMONY ON BRIBE OFFFER. retary Super this morning. He is in closed. LOS ANGELES, May 25. Lockwcod testifies that he was approached St. Louis and wires word that tlic of- J A. Urice, of Cedar Rapltls, Tn., a by Franklin with a bribe offer in tho dynamiter cases. ouhii ouen gets stung by people Ii lu agents In San Francisco. fers made by the Association hive friend of Secretary Larimer or tno The tenth annual meetinc of thn - . looming into the town and ropresent- - His attempt Convocatlon of Missionary d strict1 latest was made in SCHMITZ INDICTMENTS DISMISSED. been accepted. local association, has been secured the 'i lng themselves to be other than what Hartford, Conn., when ho went into 25.-rJu- dgo Tho of the now men secured for position of office secretary. in Honolulu SAN FRANCISCO, May iiawlor has dismissed tho last or first the of the Episcopal church they are, by which pretense thoy an insurance offlce and explained that twonty-sove-n Schmltz indictments. is Lloyd R. Killam, who will come Urico is a college man who expects ujjuiiuu m s; manage mis morning ai. Anurew to get away with cash or ln represented a local concern. - here as associate secretary, the du- to devote his life to Association work. parish house with the Right Rov. H. else havo credit extended which thoy Following is a description of the being largely tbo acquisition Fm-lnon- NEGRO BURNED AT STAKE. ties of this ofnee His moans'that F. H. never take up. At the present, B. Restarlck, Bishop of Honolulu, pro-sidin- time, man and, although ho evidently boars 25. A negro promotion of religious work and Biblo tho present office secretary, will TYLER, Tex., May was burned to death hero today for however, there is a man back East several distinctive marks, no ono so study. Killam comes from the Uni- become business secretary In charge Tho celebration of the holy assaulting a whits woman. who Is working tho game that he far has been found who recognizes versity of Missouri and Is an experi- of the bookkeeping and the purchas- communion at 10 o'clock preceded comes from Honolulu, Is well known l.iin. Should ' anyone do so It will enced Association man. Ho Is a friend ing department. the meeting of the convocation In STRUCK A SPECTATOR. prominent Tor-r'tor- hero and a man In the expedite matters if they will commu-nlt- e CHICAGO, May 25. T. Y. Cobb has been or C. F. .Loomis, the boyB' director in With these men engaged, Sec- Memorial hall. Little was done this reinstated and fined $50. three By moans of this story, ho is with th0 Star. the Association here. retary Super needs but one man, an- morning aslcro from perfecting the endeavoring to" get valueless checks Prominent Features. (Morning Cable Report on page Sixteen. To fill ono of tho physical director- other physical director, to complete organization. Bishop Restarick pre- cashed nnd to obtain loans. 5 9 sented to the comgregatlon the Rt. Ho Is about feet or li) Inches ships of the Association in Honolulu, tho Association staff. Whoever th0 man Is, Rev. Alfred Willis, Bishop of Tonga, ho has a good In height, of rather stocky build, and knowledge of tho islands probably 20'j Inviting him to attend the convoca- and the weighs about pounds, is EDUC T E TIG '.uslness linns here. Ho smooth-faced- , tion with a seat at the right hand has also with a ruddy com- CONTROL OF DOWSETT COMPANY Intimate knowledge - of the. presiding bishop. rn of the Hono- plexion. His hair Is light brown, and The convocation adjourned nt noon somewhat mixed with gray. Ho IN speaks with English BODIES TODAY until 2:30 o'clock, when it was re- a decided accent, 10 LIM TED CHANGED HAND S convened to take up such matters of IMPORTAN T nnd a rather loud voice; says ho Is forty-on- e business as might come before It. years old, was born in Ho- The meeting of tho convocation will nolulu, and that his father was a The Educational Comlssioncrs and Notice was sent to tho supervisors, Scctchman who moved to Islands roports be marked by special services tomor- -' LAW the tho Supervising Principals' committees that would be taken up singly Tho Territorial Investment Co., Ltd.,' ed its paid-u- capital stock to the QUESTION years row, tho order of which appears else-- a few before his birth. met together one when cul'ed for and the separate com- recently Incorporated by E.' value of $303,000. All of the Incor- at o'clock this after- Robert where. His most prominent feuturo Is tlic mittees. If wtnted to appear before tho porators are actively associated with !f noon to hear tho reports of the chair- Bond, Arthur L. MacKnye, John Ma--' lark of front teeth, all of his upper commissioners, would bo sent for. tho Island Investment Co., Ltd., with Attorney General Lindsay men of the committees. cauley, G. G. Irwlne and J. C. Sousa,1 Is asked teeth being gone, exuopt one, nearly Tho commissioners present were IVfnat Mm ( i 1 ...... ,t.n tho single exception of John Macauley, by the supremo court to .submit an nf rnn In n nt Worth O. capital In tho middle which is very long and I Aiken from Maul, with a of flO.000, has increas 1 1 , , 1 . John T. who is associated with tho banking FIRST INFANTRY opinion on the 10 constitutionality of the discolored. Directly underneath it a una ocen aiienuea..... Moir from East Hawaii, Miss Ella H. house Bishop & Co. i law forbidding at the morning of territorial Judges to lower tooth Is gone, which gives his session, which was hold Paris from Wost Hawaii, Vm. Hyde INTER-CHURC- Tho Territorial-Investmen- t Co., Ltd., comment on evidence to juries. In Superintendent Pope's office. After Rico H Tho mouth rather a peculinr appearance. from Kauai, William L. Stanley per law is one of the pieces adjusting Mich r.s certi- now, owns more than fifty cent of NOW ENCAMPED earliest of "re- He claims to have sufferer' an auto- matters health from Oahu, Mrs. May T. Wilcox form". legislation following ficates, school grounds and of tho capital stock of the Dowsett Co., tho revolu- mobile accident In Germany last win- leaves from Oahu and Willis T. Popo, super- tion of 1S87. Ashford Kinney, absence, and passing a provid- Ltd. Tho affairs of the latter com- tnd the ter losing these teeth, breaking his motion intendent. DIVISION HEADS pany managed former a minister and the latter a ing that 40 be the minimum monthly have heretofore been nose nnd collar-bone- , and Injuring his The tonor of both meetings nt tho by Tho men of tho First Infantry, with wore among tho leading salary of high school graduate school tho Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. VTlst. first part of the afternoon was in- proponents of change. n The officers of the Territorial In- their officers, havo completed their the The su teachers, tho motion was mado to formal. premo court of thcitlmo did not lfJTe until one o'clock at the Senate Bishop H. B. Rostarlck, president of vestment Co., Ltd., are Robert B, camp making at Schofleld Barracks At the supervisors' meeting, Princi- it. . r,.. chriinbor"? when';tKo supervising princi pal tho Interchurch Federation, yesterday Bond, president; A. L. MacKaye, vice cno' .are now all under canvas JUBILEE LUAU Brodle outlined tho committees' and as Under tho old system tho In- pals' Report was to bo" read. president, and John Macauley, secre courtft work by saying, "We decided named tho presidents of tho four comforfablo as circumstances will to - that It structions Juries,- although weighted Excitement wag lacking nt the open- bo standing committees of tho now fed- tary and treasurer. would safe to keep to a cpnsorva-tiv- e, pwmlt Officers with families have with comments on tho evidence, wero ing of tho afternoon session and, con- eration at tho same tlmo sup- supplied sane course, at tho same tlmo and been with large mess tents extempore and as a rule, not a fifth NEXT SATURDAY trary to tho expectations of most pres. plied tho presidents nnd eliminating objectionable fentures. with a tentative THE HONOKAWAI DITCH. tho women for the most part have part as loDg as the present day written ont, there wero no displays or fire list of appointments to membership started housekeeping. "Wo havo saved the teacher a great In order to increasos the flow of j Instructions framed by tho contending works of any kind. There will bo an deal of work by outlining tho year's on the committees, for tholr Inspec- In Now that tho regiment la sottled, lawyers and revised by tho elaborate luati at water tho Honokawa! ditch on the court Nor Mr. Davis nnnounced for tho com-- j work, month by month, step by step, tion and approval. Tho committee work will bo resumed, beginning Mon- It greater tho old armory at noon noxt Satur- inland of Maui, sovcrnl sections of tho takes tho part of a day, fre- miltco on mathematics thnt his report everything In its proper sequence. heads named were: day with tho day, which will bo presided over by trench will bo relocated in more favor--' usual routine of drills quently, to consider tho Instructions, was ready although not in typewritten! "Wo havo the Princess Knlanlnnaole, to cele-brnt- o eliminated the objection- Christian Extension Tho Rev. A. Instruction. J able portions of country. and In a famous murder case nearly form. able term plan A, the fiftieth anniversary of tTio and havo arranged tho Ebersolo. changes twenty-eigh- t years ago, nbout Superintendent Popo - Tho will bo mado In threo Prisoners Recaptured. which and tho mom- courio so that every school will bo Social Service James Rath. Professor Wayland of tho ehtabllshmont of tho Anglican church bora sections of government land botwoon Tho two genoral prisoners who es- Harvard Law of tho commission wlthdrow to teaching tho snmo subject in tho samo Charities Tho Rov. Doremus Scud-do- r, School, who was a visitor on .u- - In thoso Islands. Tho Prlncoss will Ilonokohau and tho Pioneer Mill com- caped from Fort Ruger several days tho roconvono In Mr. Poie's ollico, while grndo nt tho samo t,Imo. Wo havo D.D. promo court bench during part receive In a special lanal shadod by pany's plantation at Lahalna, for which ago wore captured of tho Mr. Cox took tho chnlr at tho super- -' uono our and thoro Is yesterday by tho "swaying palms" and will bo no best nothing to Finance Richard H. trial, wroto a strong commendation of thor0 J Trent. tho ditch furnlshos water nnd when Territorial polico on tho other side vlsora' mooting. do oxcopt wait for tho decision ot When tho committee appointments tho facility with which Justlco was lack of good things to ont It was completed nro oxpocted to enablo tho of tho island, and roturnod to the nnnounced that tho roports tho commissioners." dono In Hawaii. Chief Justlco .Tudd nut Assisting Princess Knlnnlanaolo will havo been passed upon by tho various' ditch to make a bettor delivery of military would bo received by tho commission-er- At the tlmo of going to prose, tho authorities. Both mon will tho trial through, from ompanollng bo Mesdamos Carl Widemann, Chns. presidents, thoy will bo announced by water than It Is capable of making at be the as soon as thoy were roady and commissioners nnd not yot reached tho transported to tho mainland Jury to tho rondorlng tho Booth, John Cummins, the president of tho federation. rresont, of verdict, Norrle and an informal discussion on tho subject BubJoct of tho "Supervising Principals' In a military prison. in a single day. Henry Smith. of reports followed. Committee Ttoport" J. TIIF. HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1P12.

riT I,, ArttoiiHti, at Hitn. fntm IMh1U, May Hi. 21. Iluyo Maru, from lion, for Yoko THE HAWAIIAN STAR DAILY huina, Fob. 10. BI5MIWHKKLY. Shipping And News China, nt Snn Franolsco from Hon. ront Dally Waterf published evory by aftornoon (except Sunday) tho Hawaiian Star Mny 14. wspaper Association, Ltd,, 125-13- 1 Morohant Street, Chlyo Maru from Yokohama for c'fte service house, located approxi- ARRIVALS. X! . . .. Hon. Mny 18. mately SO yards. 215 dog. true (SSW. May 25. ntered nt tho Poatofflco at Honolulu as second-clas- s mail matter. WILL LAUNCH SUBMARINE NEXT WEEK Columbian, from Hilo for Sallna 1 W. mng.) from tho prusont light. Sttnr. Mauna Kon, from Hawaii and Cruz, May 11. ?ft.- " Ilonr Light to bo chnnsod from a Moul ports, a. in. Crown of Arragon, San Pedro SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. , . fixed rod to nn occulting whlto light' Stmr. Noeau, from Island ports, a. irom for S. F April 17. of about 240 candlepowor, showing nu Jslly, anywhero in tho Islands, per month I s76 Designs New Style of Oil Enterprise, at Hilo from San Fran- Oaily, JEben Low thus: Light, 1 sec., eclipse, 1 sec.. VE88ELS IN PORT, saywhoro ln the Islands, threo months 2.00 cisco, May 19. Dally, about 40 feet ubovo water and 37 fcot Stmrs. Hyades, Arlzonan, Promo-abov- e anywhero in the Islands, six months 4.00 Changes in Local Lights Dally, anywhero Tanker ground, on a white, pyramidal, thcus. Sailing vessels, lllakeley, Glacier, from Hon. for Manila ln tho Ialands, ono year 8.00 April 19. Dally, to foreign countries, ono year skeleton Iron towor, with whlto, Iron James Johnson, Win. P. Fryo,,Androw 12.00 Mauna Kea From Ports Harpallon, from Hon. Newcastle. Semi-Weekl- y, anywhere ln tho , ono year 2.00 service room at base, located 201) Welch; Flaurenco Ward. Robort Ixw-- at Islands Aus May 16. eml-Week- ly to Foreign countries, ono year , 3.00 yards, 35 dog. true (NNE. 1 H. mag.) em. Freighters Away Today Hllonlan, Fran- Advertising rates supplied upon request. from tho front light. VESSELS EXPECTED. for Hilo from San .. D TIMMON8 . Tho following windjammers are ex- cisco, May 24. MANAGER Tho old masts will be removed and Hongkong Yo Offico telephone, Hnrly next week thcro Ifl to le j (2). Miss I,. Turner, Miss C. In to days Maru, from Hon. for Business 2365; postofflco box, 366, J. Hratt, dayinarks no'-- pected port Figures refer the transferred to the kohama, April 15. 'launched In tho harbor tho first ves- J. H. Hazolton, Jack Molr, Jno. T, out. Marlon Chllcott. 12; 13. K. Wood, structures. The lllumlnant will bo Hyades, from Seattlo at Honolulu, sel of the submarine type that has Molr, Miss D. Payne, S. Spltzer, II. 25; Arago, 20; Alice Cooke, 11; M. E. acetylene. The lights will bo May 24. been Been here. It has been bu'lt to Fernandez, Ben do Mello, K. Kurabc, Foster, 12; Repeat, 2!. C. & O. S. Charts 4106, Klyo Maru, from Hon. for 3: Ame the order of Eben Low and will bo T. Osaki, T. Shlbata, John Isaacs, THE MAILS. 411C, 4102. Light List, Pacific Ccast,' ilea, March 19. Sceanic Steamship Gompany taking oil to cannery of Rev. WT F. Merrill and wife, W. T. IN. used for the 1912, p. 90, Nos. C62, 503. Buoy List,1 Korea for Honolulu from San Fran & at Koolau. Frost, M. Farral, F. Uaering, From May Llbby, McNeil Llbby A. E. 19th 11. San Francisco, Siberia, May Colin, District, 1911, p. cisco, 10. Low 1b very proud of his powers J. R. Held, Kov. Yee Dew, wlfo 31. Sierra, Sonoma Ventura Hawaiian Islands Molokai Island, Lansing, at Port San Luis, from ass a designer and Is hoping that tho and three children. Rev. T. Hori, S, From Australia, per Zealandla, Juno BIERRA HON MAY 22 Bouthwest shore Lao o Ka Laati Hilo, May 2. LEAVE SIERRA ARRIVE S. P. MAY 28 pxnnriment will a success. The S. Paxson. H. W. Kinnov. r s Mnn. 18. be Lurllne, at S. S. from Hon., May 21. SONOMA LEAVE JUNE 12 SONOMA S. Dr. L. M. Point Light to bo exhibited from a HON.... ARRIVE F....JUNB 18 now craft is 3hapcd like a cigar an"d (n"ster, Care, J. .Toegensen, From Yokohamn, per China, May 14 Makura, from Hon. for Vancouver, A- - VV C. new tower and characteristic changed VENTURA LEAVE HON JULY 3 VENTURA ARRIVE S. F.....JULY 9 the only thing showing above wafer and wife, Wilcox, M. G OUT. May 21 15, 1912, fixed to a i Parchol, J. V. about June from a whaleback rnd Miranda, Rev. K. KogI To San Francisco, per Chlyo Maru, First-clas- b a nart of tho , Manchuria from Honolulu for S. F., Rates from Honolulu to San Fran Cisco: $65; Round trip, nv- - Hashing whlto light of about 490 can- tho manhole. When It moves through, "" Shin, Yin Chin, F. C. Dorden, May May 21. 1 1110. w- - dlepowor, showing thus: Flash, Cabin with bath, ?50.00 extra. In every stee'. J-- C. Souza, Park Sing, To Yokohama, per Persia, May 11. Hon. Sydney, th,. water it will resemble sec.,! Marama, from for f'Chas. Sang. sec, eclipse, 2 sec; flash, 1 To Australia, per 15. detail a submarine almost submerged. Makura, Juno May 23. Reservations will not bo hold later than Forty-Eig- ht hours prior to eclipse. 6 sec; about 140 feet above , FIRST CANAL LINE. To Vancouver, per Zciandla, June 18. Tho craft, which is to bo called the Maverick, from Hon. at S. F., May the advertised sailing time unless tic kets are paid for ln full. NEW YORK, May 13. water and 14 feet above ground on a INTER-I8LAN- Richard Rooster, will hold 275 bar Tho flraf SAILINGS. 14. American steamship company to bo whlto pyramidal, skeleton Iron tower, For Hawaii Port via Maul. rels of oil and will bo towed to tho Mexican, at Sallna Crutz from Hilo, formed for the purpose of maintaining on roof of whlto, Iron service room. Mauna Kea, L-- L B. N. Co erery cannery by Low's boats. It has a May 16. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO d'rect service between New York and located 585 yards, 111 2 dog. truo Tuesday. keel and bilges and Low hopes that MlBsourian, from Hilo at Sallna San Francisco by way of the Panama (K. by S. mag.) Claudlno, Inter-Islan- d 8 N eo roll-ing- . from tho present light. Cruz, May 3. there wll bo no trouble about It canal just very Friday. has been Incorporated In Tho old tower and adjacent out- Mongolia, from Hon. tor Yokohama. On the bow a swivel has been Delaware. name Its is tho American buildings will bo removed. C. & O. For Maul, via Molokai. April 10. C. & 111 be attach- Brewer Co., Ltd. fixed and the tow lino Transportation Company. America- Threo S. Charts 4116, 4102. Light List, Paci- Mikahala erery Tuesday. Nile, at Yokohama from Hon., April GENERAL AGENTS. ed to this. n-built steel steamship, to be ready fic For Kauai Ports. towing oil tank Coast, 1912, p. 90, No. 564. Buoy 20. Tho practice of an j for service by September of this year, W. G. Hall, I.--L 8. N. Co.. ren List, 19th District, 1911, p. 11. Nippon Maru, from Honolulu at Yo- down to the cannery Is not a new or.e have been contracted for and are being hursday. blunt-nose- d Hawaiian Islands Oahu Island, kohama, May 4. but tho former craft was a i)Uut jn Detroit, KInau, L--L S. N. Co., erery Tuesday southwest shore Light Persia, from San Francisco for Ho- affair and very little speed could be UNION CO.'S HISTORY, Barbers Point For Kona and Kau Ports. Canadian-Australi- an Go nolulu, May 4. Royal Mail Steamship bo I.-- made. By adopting tho cigar shapo In view of tho rumors that are going to exhibited from new tower and Kllauea, I. S. N Co., alternate Low hopes to bo able to make much the rounds as to a merger between tho characteristic changed about Septem- Tuesdays and Fridays. Prometheus, at Makateo, from Hon., down. Union Company one ber 1, 1912, from fixed to flashing PROJECTED ARRIVALS. April 15. better time on tho run and of the English CANADIAN-ACIFI- , Maria, fiwamsra ot the above line running ln connection nita tao C shipping firms the following history of white light of about 20,000 candlopow-er- Chlyo Maru, from Yokohama, May Santa at Gavlota from Hon. WATERFRONT CHAMPIONSHIP. B. ! I March 29. RAILWAY COMPANY, betseen Vancouver, C, and Sydney, arrange--, 'Tin TTntn rV,i,o a showing a double flash every 5 28. It none of tho present iuwhouui,. i. 8. and calling at Victoria, D. C, Honolulu and Auckland, N. Z. I The Union Company wae grafted on seconds, approximately, thus: Flash, Siberia, from San Francisco, May Santa Rita, from Honolulu at Ga- ments fall through a great light is TOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. the Ider Hllrbr Steam Company. 0.12 sec, eclipse, 1.13 sec; flash, 0.12 31 vlota, May 13. promised for tho championship of tho 3. . UARAMA...... MAY 11 S. 8. MAKURA;.. MAY II which was started by Mr. John Jones sec, eclipse, 3.63 sec. During altera-- , Nile, Shinyo Maru, for Honolulu from wpterfront, the contestants being two from Yokohama, June 4. 1 9, MAKURA JUNH 19 S. S. ZEALANDrA JUNE 18 in Dunedln in 18G1, and one of tho to tower U. S. Snn Francisco, May 17. roosters. One is owned by Eben Low tlons the and lantern the A. T. Logan, from Manila, Juno I, 0, ZHALANDIA JULY 17 S. S. MARAMA JULY 16 chief causes of its success and of ite present light will be from 5th Shlntsu Maru from for Mel- tho other by a prominent water- exhibited Eureka . 8. MARAMA AUG. 14 . w- - u and present among Austrn-- I official. I a temporary open frame, pyramidal, Luiiine, from San Francisco, June 5. bourne, May 11. front laslan shipping companies lira in tho wagers were already being wooden tower, located 3 yards, 190' China, from San Francisco, June 6. St. Kilda, from Honolulu, at Eureka BOTH UP AND DOWN Side fact that, beginning with small things, CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON VOYAGES. morning and tho merits and , deg. tiuo (S. 4 W. mag.) from the Sonoma, from San Francisco, Juno 7. May 13. made this ,t adanted itself to the rrnvr- - Al- - present tower. Wllhelmina, from San Francisco, Sierra, for Honolulu from San demerits of the birds discussed. ,ng Qf th(J nee(s NJW Zealand trado Juno 11. is known yet Tho focal plane height and visibil- Francisco, May 11. though nothing definite that the growth and prosperity of the Cheo. Davies Co., Ltd., Agents niumin-an- Mongolia, Yokohama, June 11.' Tenyo Maru from Honolulu at Ye a & Gei'l ity will remain unchanged, t It is believed that the Alakea street company have kept pace k with the Manchuria, from San Francisco, kohama, May 10. will bo the scene of the Strug-- vanco of the to be changed from oil to incandes- Dominion itself, as well June 12. Virginian, from S. F. for Seattle, file. I cs of the other countries to which it cent C. & G. S. Charts U. S. A. T. Thomas, from San Fran May 18. A chicken feed is to be given by has extended its operations, 4102, 4116. Light List. Pacific Coast. Cisco, Juno 12. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. the loser, his mangled bird to be of-- The Steamship Company ho- 1912. p. 92, No. 580. Buoy List, 19th Wllhelmina for Honolulu from San Harbor Klyo Maru, from Valparaiso, Juno up District, 1911, p. 13. Francisco, May 8. lered as tho sacrifice. gtn with the small paddle steamer 17. 'den Age. W. F. Herrin from Kaanapali at WAITING SHIPMENT. The increased trade Hawaiian Islands Kauai Island, Honolulan, from San Francisco, Juno eimrs ot the above company trill call at Honolulu and Itava tUa The steamer Mauna Kea reports the quent on the opening of the Otago northeast shore Kahala Point Light jg San Francisco, May 14. n a er about the dates mentioned below: field soon induced tho proprietors to Zealandla, from Hon. for Syiinej following sugar waiting shipment at to be exhibited from a new tower anil Nippon Maru, from Yokohama, June For the Orient: For San Francisco. - April ports: Olaa 1050, Pepeekeo 3900, Ku- extend its operations, hitherto confined characteristic changed about June 30, jg 25.' B. PBR8IA MAY 11 S. B. KOREA APR. 23 Clapp. C. C. t0 tno ,ocaI trado in tne neighborhood 1912, Sailing Vessels. MAY 16 SIBERIA MAY 7 B. W. McClanahan. II. from fixed red to a flashing whito Zealandla, from Auckland. Juno 18. 8. 8. KOREA 8. 8. of Dunedln, t- - more distant New Zea- - Alert, schr. at Hon. from Gray-Harbo- MAY 31 S. S. CHINA MAY 14 Hamakua Mill 21,200, Hawaii Mill 4000, light of about 235 candlopower flash--j Makura, from Victoria, June 19. I. 8. SIBERIA land "oris. " Mr deattl m April 28. S. MAMNCHURIA MAY 21 Hakalau 21,373. Paauhau 16,100, Hilo Jne8s ing 36 times per minute, thus: Flash, chlyo Maru, from San Francisco, 8. 18C9, Sir (then Mr.) James Mills be- - . AB. Johnson, from Hon. at Grayi Wll) Smrar Cn. 25.onf. Laurnihnnhnft innno. 6 sec, eclipse, 1 2 sec, about 37 June 21. sail at Manila. CRme a larf?e and undertook Harbor, May 6. Honokaa 10,800, Onomea 4514, Kaiwikl PrP"'tr. feet above water and 14 feet above Tenyo Maru, from Yokohama, the actlve managoment th cora" June A. F. Coates, schr. at Port Town 10.200. Kukulhaele 6000, Punaluu 9310. ground, on a white, pyramidal, skelot- - 25. For general Information apply t epoch 25. I P"1 Tnls marked an active send from Kahului, Mar. Honuapo 8395. on Iron tower, on roof of white, Iron' Nile, from San Francisco, June 28. ,n Us nIstor5- - and thls Period may b'e Albert, bk., at Port Townsend, froii MAUNA KEA IN PORT service room, located 2 yards, 89 deg Sierra, from 58. ------looked upon as the starting point of San Francisco, June Napoopoo, April 18. H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents The Inter-Islan- d steamer Mauna Kea true (E. by N. mag.) from pres- tho company, which In 1875 developed the PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Alice Cooke, for Hon. from Pori was a regular arrival in port this mom- - ent light Shlnyo Maru, for Yokohama, Ma lng from Hawaii and Maui ports. She 11,10 wnui ls now u,e e,leu81VB Gamble, May 14. S- S- Limit-broug- Tho old mast and service room will 24. reports a fine parage throughout and - - Company of New Zealand, Andrew Welch, bk., from S. F. foi Matson Navigation Schedule, 1912 e(L be removed. Tho light will be un-- j Chlyo Maru, for San Francisco, May Hon., Cos a large number of passengers. n' thIs time the trado of the com' April 21. SAN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU. watched. C. & G. S. Chart 4102. Light, 28. OIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN pany 80 was fclt Arago, bktn., Grays - Her cargo of twenty-eigh- t had Rrown nlucn lt from Harbor for 811 for Francisco. consists "No. Arrlva from 8an- Francisco. 8an thpt in oriler to Kivo 11 fu for List, Pacific Coast, 1912, p. 92, Honolulan, for San Francisco, May May 5. empty beer kegs, thirty-fou- r sacks of scPe Honolulu, . LURLINE MAY 8 8. 8. LURLINH MAY 14 582. Buoy List, 19th District, 1911, 29. 8. bottle. twelve bundles of bottles, the Powlble development that lay Blekeley, schr. from Iquique, at Hon., MAY 14 S. S. HONOLULAN MAY 29 p. 14. i, 8. WILHELMINA fore' the Proprietory must be so ox-sac- Nile, for San Francisco, June 4. May 22. sacks of carrots, sixteen 3. 8. HONOLULAN MAY 21 S. a LURLINE JUNE 11 as t0 eI1,Ist U. S. A. T. Logan, of telephone pins, 215 packages tcnded tlle Interest of tho for San Francis- Camano, schr. at Port Ludlow, from 3. S. LURLINE JUNE 5 S. S. WILHELMINA JUNE 19 n,oro commun-24- 9 co, Juno 5. of sundries, twenty-flv- o tins of HHct, Influential men in the Carior Dovo sch. fromUmkllteo for I. 8. WILHELMINA JUNE 11 head of sheep, nine bundles of lt'- - ami acordlngly In 1875 the Harbor China, for Yokohama, June 6. Honolulu, May 9. Steamship Driftwood Lurllno, Brain sacks, twelve bundles of hides, Company was merged into for San Francisco, Juno 11. Cecilia Sudden, schr., for Grays 8. 8 Hyades sails from Seattle for Honolulu direct on or about May 11. fifteen wine, twenty tne U"lon Steamship Company, with Mongolia, for San Francisco, Juno Harbor, from Kahului, May 18. barrel of cords The British ship Cumberland that of wood, one truck, a crate of an 'nfl'iential directorate. Until 1878 n Cumberland from Hon. at Newcas- tn0 operations company left Honolulu on April 12 bound for. 10 turkeys and six crates of chickens. i of tho were Mnnhrln t tle, May 22. CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., ft Newcastle, Australia, arrived on May, vi,.n Aus., GENERAL AGENTS. jconflnod to services between tho coast Sonoma, for San Francisco, 12. MnrAii ddimc Dif.c 22 June Defender, schr., at S. F., from Ha al ports of New Zealand and between U. S. A. T. Thomas, for Manila, Juno Bringing the first shipment of rico The Hyades na, March 30. New Zealand and Sydney, In No- steamers and Arlzonan 12. mat amounts to anytning lor tno sea but Edward Sewail, ship, from Kahului y vember of year .fc ... a..uu.. .u. muu, Nippon American-Hawaiia- n. Inter-Islan- d that the intercolonial Maru, for San Francisco, son the steamer Noeau ar- ports where they will pick up sugar for Delaware Breakwater, May 18. Steamship Co. fleet of t rived from Kauai porta this morning Messrs. McMeckan, Blackwood j lg schr., . . . j & cargoes. Eldorado, from Hon. at Port Co, was purchased, and tho entire Zealandla, for Victoria, 18. NEW YORK TO after a good paEscge. According to present plans the June Townsend, May 22. FROM HONOLULU, Tia Tohuantopec, erery sixth day. Intercolonial and New Zealand coastal bark Wllhelmina, She brings 1034 bags of rice which Andrew Welch will leave tomorrow for San Francisco, Juno Erskine M. Phelps, ship, from Hon freight rocolrod at all times at the Company's Wharf, 41st Btreat, South trade, which is now shared by the Hud-dar- t, 19. Irooklya. marks the first consignment of any morning at o'clock Fran- for Philadelphia, Feb. 16. Parker Company, passed Into nine for San size that has come into port since last cisco. Makura, for Auckland, Juno 19 Elfrelda, ship, at Newcastle from FROM 8EATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT! the hands of tho company. Since that Kiyo 8. S. season. Among tho rest of the cargo The S. N. Castle got away yesterday. Maru, for Yokohama, Juno 19. Hon., April 14. VIRGINIAN TO SAIL ABOUT MAY 25 luc Chlyo S. S V were 3000 bags of sugar, forty bags """" " aftornoon fouling Maru, Yokohama, June 21 E. K. Wood, schr., at Grays Har S. MISSOURIAN TO SAIL ABOUT JUNE , beon continuous and steady. Steamer after the schooner nntntnn n.i,(00n Bov In u r aan j) rancisco, juno bor, from Hilo, April 9. 8. S. MEXISAN TO SAIL ABOUT JUNE 16 fl I Ct 1 ...... 1 Sailor that wna Ivlnir l?nttvn' 'r " ft f On mat nlnl, tinrn l , forty empty gwoline drums, thlrty-fiv- e Tl o .1 r. . ... i ; 25 ror further Information apply to up 118 i fltted tImn P"edecer.3or. has been wine barrels over Captain "One wa-- Honolulan, for San Francisco, Juno CHANGE IN SCHEDULE. H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD Agenta, Honolulu, added to the fleet. Every scientific Dollar" as tho KA MOI WAITS FOR POI. terfront knows von Dahlern. Any news 26. S. 8. MAUNA KEA. a P. MORSE, General Freight Agent improvement either in tho machinery XT I 1 I "T . An Tho Ka Mol, tho noble flagship of Is expected ,or 'OKonama, juno zu. Beginning 8, or tho fittings of tho vessels has been from the vessel before Saturday, Juno 1912, Charley Chilllngworth's fleet, should nho gets to TRANSPORT aSRVICE.. . brought Into requisition for con- San Francisco. and until further notice, the S. S. Ma have cleared tho harbor yesterday on their Tne Buford Is 'n San Francisco. ' struction, until from small beginnings The James Make has again taken una ICca will make two trips each an extended tour to qther ports. The Wa"en Is on duty in the Phi tho fleet of the Union Company has her place among tho other liners in week to Hilo and return, running on Toyo Unfortunately, however, something I "PP'no Risen Kaisha. Rotten Row. Islands. following ,u "u I the schedule: went wrong with tho commissary do- - ' The gasoline sampan Is un The Crook Ir In Rnn Frnnnlspn erful ln tho '?h hemisphere. It Makena Leave Honolulu Wednesday at 10 a, partment and tho usual consignment of dergoing repairs a general over--. The DIx is on Puget Sound. Steamers ot the abore Company will call at and leara Honolulu coranrlsts soven,y verflela' o an and m.. for Labaina, McGregors, ICawal ea or poi failed to arrive. Seeing that It wm I san taent the dates mentioned below: ,;ate tonnage hauling of her ico plant. ino inmaa left Portland for of 191.798. I hae, Mahukona, Laupahoehoo Impossible to get away without this tug Francisco May 12. and IN LIGHTS, The Intrepid, which Is once moro FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN r.ecessary frtlclo of diet on board the' CHANGES Hilo. FRANCISCOr In commission, has taken up a tempor- Tho Sheridan Is in San Francisco B. S. SHINYO MARU MAY 24 S. S CHIYO MARU j Tno following changes in local MAY 28 little vessel stayed where she was. ary Bishop The Logan, from San Francisco foi Arrive Hilo, Thursday a. m. 3. S. CHIYO MARU publlca-Pe- r berth at the wharf. JUNE 21 S. 8. NIPPOON 18 PASSENGERS ARRIVED, "R1,ta appear in tho Federal 10 MARU.... JUNE Inter-Islan- d Manila, sailed 15 Leave Hilo Friday at a. m., touch- t,on- Tho steamer Maul from Honolulu April 3, S. NIPPON MARU JULY 12 S. S. TENYO MARU str. Mauna Kea. May 25. Miss - Notico to Mariners, for May 10: ing Laupahoehoe, JUNE 25 should bo In tomorrow morning with The Sherman from San Francisco at Mahukona, Ka 8. S. TENYO MARU JULY 18S. S. CHIYO MARU fi, Clapp, C. W. C Hawaiian Islands Molokai Island, JULY 16 McClanahan, H. a cargo of Papaaloa sugar and a num- - at Honolulu, May 18. walhae, McGregors and Lahalna. Calls at Manila omitting call Shanghai. shore Kaunakakai Rango at Waldron. N. Ulrich and wife. Rev. W. with ber of . j Tho Supply is expected at Honolulu Arrive Honolulu, Saturday a. m. Fonton-Smith- , Lights to new tow-Mis- s II. Mrs. W. R. Hervoy, bo exhibited from The schooner Prosper got away from from Guam. 'orB and changed about Castle & r Hervoy, Rev. P. Cullon and wife, characteristics Hilo on Friday In ballast for tho coast Tho Buffalo Cooke, Ltd., Agents left Hon. for S. F., May Leave Honolulu, Saturday at 4 p Mrs. W. H. KInnoy and son, C. M.. June 15. 1912. Tho barkontino Klikltat is still dis- 23. m for Hilo direct. Lewis nnd wife, H. Lewis, T. E. Lowls,' Front Light to bo changed from charging Hilo. nt Arrivo Hilo Sunday a. m. Greenwood (2), Mrs. M. S. do 'd to flashing white light of about 240 Tho barkentlno Hawaii Is "expected WHEN THE Leave Hilo Monday at 5 p. m., D. candlepowor. showing Flash", p for I UNION-PACIFI- Camp, W. Stono and wlfo, Dr. H. thus: to ieavo Mahukona today with a full lAAp-f- ApccpIc A VP TRANSFER CO. K. Emerson, C. C. Trumpler, J. P. 0.3 sec, eclipse, 1.2 sec, about 27 sugar, The shipment amounts! Honolulu direct. , load of Vtaacw mtj HANDLE YOUR BAGGAGE IT GETS ON THE RIGHT . H. above 25 Arrivo Honolulu, Tuesday a. m, Hewitt, Rev. O. Gullck, Jas. Morse, feet water and feet above to 32.000 bags STEAMER. sB. Jimmy, Mr. Kalll, C. F. Wood, Jno. ground on a white, pyramJdal, skol- - steamers, INTER-ISLAN- STEAM NAVIGA Office King St., next Young Hutel. Telepnonei 1874 E. ,'botor, Miss H. Hay, Misses Johnston eton Iron tower, on roof of whlto con- - Pino Job Printing. Star Office. Alaskan, from Hilo for Sallna Cruz. TION, LIMITED. j M and 1875 TIIK II VWA1IAN STAR. SATURDAY. MAY 25, 1112. TURKIC

V t ft Classified Advertisement One Cent Per Word. Five Cents Per Line. Per Line, One Week, :so rents; Two Week, 40 centu; Ono Month, 00 conte. No charge for adi under head "Situation Wanted." I AUTO SERVICE. . FURNISHED ROOMS. Two moro passengers for round-the- DBLMONlCO HOTKL Island tour. Auto Livory. Phone Furnished rooms, mosquito ,..ot, GENTLE ART 1326. electric lights, hot and cold bath., Many Runners Are Mello Arrives located. Moderate prices lit Beretanla street. For new machines and quick serv- OF P ice try Oahu Auto Stand. Phono 3848. Two rooms suitable for housekeep Training Hard For Looking Fit and ing. "3 South Beretanla St. Phona 1326. N'uuanu auto stand. Two sl' ooooooooooooooooo .neat Cadillac cars. o o Lowest rates NIooly furnished rooms. All modern Haleiwa Marathon Phone 319C. Beretanla near Nuuanu. O Pity tho ball player when the O Feeling Splendid conveniences. $2.60 up. Queeu Hotel. Nuuanu avenue. O crowd gets after him. A "boot" O Royal Hawaiian Gurago, most up- - O in the pinch, a strike-ou- t when O Furnished rooms and suites for , closing of the en- to give a. good account of himself In Ben dc Mello, looking fit and (V e In town. Experienced chauf- Tho tlmo for the O hits are needed, "bonchead" base O well pies in addition boxed two rounds light housekeeping. Central location. Haleiwa races Is draw- tho long race. r rlved from Hllo by the steamer with Young feurs. Telephone 1910. tries for tho O running or Holding bobbles., and O Gans. Tho Metropole. ing near and Intending competitors Jackson Training. Mauna Kea this morning. With h',3 clothes on last night, after O the king's English as it's shouted O BOY8 WANTED. should put their names down In the Jackson, winner of three Mara- The Hllo Lion will probably train his work, Ingle tipped tho beam at Trips around Island $4.75 a person. O In tho very best parks may be O at Bright boys aro wanted to carry, book which Is lying In tho storo of thons and two ten-mil- e relays, Is Camp Very and will commeuce opera- 141 2 pounds. Special rate. City Auto Stand, Phono O set to music as follows: O tho Star. Good wages. Apply li. O. Hall & Son at once. training harder for tho coming race tions on Monday afternoon. Accident to Ingle. 3064 or 1179. 8ti O "Get a too hold and make tho Ingle business office, 125-13- 1 Merchant Quito of runners are now than any of tho races In which ho In- , camo near having a serious a number for O best of it." O De Mello expressed surprise when long, heart- yet part and expects to be IngleVj weight accident on Thursday at Pearl Harbor BtreeL In hard training for the has taken O "They'll never name any O formed of and said that Now Packard for rent where he Is working. A red-ho- t rivet breaking race. tho first over tho finish lino by a he expected to find him considerably E. M. Wood, O streets after you." O fell on his leg and burned two or Youni Auto Stand. WHERE TO EAT. old-tim- e margin. me three It looks as If some of th Mtbstantial tlic-ti- heavier. Phono 251L O "Heads up all and O holes In his right thigh. The burns Home Cooking and a Clean Place runners are going to glvo Nigel Jack- Tho senior bicycle race looks like Tommy Lane will act as tralner-ln-chie- f O keep alive." O are healing nicely, and cause the San to Eat. Central Cafe. Opp. Fire Sta- son, tho holder of th Dlmond tro- furnishing an exciting contest. Somo to tho Portuguese boxer and this Honolulu Auto O "Christian Science stuff is all O Franctoco boxer no Inconvenience to Stand. Phono 2999. tion. phy, tho hardest race of his career. of best riders In the Territory means the latter will be well and the O you ever get on that ball." O that speak of. The accident might easily Best rent cars. Reasonable rates. Jackson won the first Haleiwa Mara- have entered, among them being To-ne- y conscientiously served. O "Th geek that wrote 'Casey O have been of a much more serious na "Tho Sweet Shop" furnishes supe- thon run on March 21, 1909, In 4 Tlmas, Addison, David Nawal, K. De Mello says that the bout O at tho Bat' must have been think- - O which ture, however. JEWELERS. rior food at popular prices. hours 50 2 minutes. Kancmura, Ono and Sylvester Wil- he had with Bob Talrl In Hllo recent- O lng of you." O Tho best of reports come from Scho-fiel- d W. C. Luko watchmaker and Jew Vincent Gomes wore tho second liams, Yow Char, Clarence Rawlins ly drew a gate of $198. He also Mates Barracks regarding 1022 O "Slide, and make him find you O the condition elor. Repairing. Nuuanu street Manhattan Cafe, 79 Hotel street. Marathon ovor tho Haleiwa course, an? Kaaha have also entered. , that ho will box a Coast fighter named Morlarty O In the dust." O of and Baucrsock who are Open all night. Cleanliness and run on April 3, 1910, In 5 hours 16 There are only four entries to date Schmltte In Hllo boforo very long, tho O "Th folks at homo will go O matched to box six rounds respectively NEW MILLINERY. quick service. minutes, Jackson being a good sec- in th junior bicycle race: George latter having challenged him. with Young Young Caples O blind looking for your name In O Gtm and Blackshear, Harrison block, cornel ond. Kuhealanl, Allen O'Brien, Anderson Training Notes. at die Athletic Park next Saturday aft O the box score." o of Fort street and Beretanla. New ROOMS AND BOARD. Among well-know- n runners who and M. Frladura; George Ingle will do no boxing to ernoon. Both boys are training faith O "The bits ought to bo longer Q stock, latest stylos, reasonable prices Tho Argonaut, Room with or with- have put tholr names down are Jack- Tho entrants for the day. Young Caples and Johnny Mc- - fully and tho form they are showing is Q and wider." o out board. Terms reasonable. I'hona son, Kaoo, Gomes, Frank Enos, C. K. race are S. Kahalewal, H. Kahalewal Carthy will workout at the Orpheum, very .satisfactory to their admirers C "Tho Indian In front of tho O PROFESSIONAL CARD. 1308. 627 Beretanla avenue. Charley, tho game little Chinese run- and H. M. Ayrcs. this afternoon at 5:30. and backers. O cigar storo thinks more In a min- - O DR. A. J. DERBY. ner, and John Hau. Next Tuesday evening at 7:30 there Last night at the Orpheum Ingle box-- ! M. A. Gunst & Co., have consented to O ute than you do In a. week" O Dentist. Harold Fletcher, Gibson, Eddie will be a meeting in the offices of ed twelve rounds, live with Caples,' handle tho advance sale of seat? and FOR SALE. O "Ther are two great players O Boston Building. Honrs 9 until 4. Brown, M. Gonsalves, T. Cabral, Mele Charles F. Chtllingworth of all who three with Young Gang and four with tickets will be placed on sale at the House and lot, 50x100 feet, on Puu-n- ul O In baseball. The other on Is O I Knlama and David Hakuole are all have entered for th different events. "Plug" Milne. King and Fort street store next week. avenuo; cheap. Apply to J. M. O Cobb." O WANTED. Monsarrat, private now at tho game. Uules will be talked over and the ar- office, district court O "If I was catching you I'd O Two or room cottage within Fletcher and Gibson both hail from rangements for th races mapped out. three O throw my glove away." O iinnnii walking distance from town. Address Three bedroom cottage, all modern Camp Very and the former is con- Prizes are still needed for the races SOAP OTHERwSE O "All the way around the horn. O oAnnun "G," Star office. Improvements, large Addreaa sidered th best long-distanc- e runner and everybody is invited to help out lot O Don't forget to touch all the O T. A. at tho camp, and Is more likely good In this respect. W. Star office. than the cause O bases." O Two first-clas-s fitters. Apply Hono- - O "Are you going to bo a O KNOWN AS "THE HORRIBLE NOISE" busher lulu Gas Company. EL PALENCIA. -- O all your llfo?" O DAL FAHY One of the finest Havana cigars th IS SOME HILL CUMBER O "Th best thing ho ever did O world over. Fltzpatrick Bros., agents. O was to remember his turn aC O ODW0O0O0VO0O.jO0O5O0O0O0XjO0OCKVC o O bat." O 0 Diamonds and Jewelry Dought, sold Los Angeles Times: Dal Fahy was race O "He's tho guy that made th O and has been training on tho and exchanged. Bargains In musical corn-Mou- O big league clubs build fences out O one of tho latest to sign up for tho trail for some time. Ho has Instruments. J. Carlo, Fort street. ,n O of concrete to save lumber O Wilson race and is regarded as peted two of ho Previous races, bills ana nitnougn no a O on outfield property." O nnfi nf thfi nfrnnrrnnt onntonrlorp fni- - aiu not win placo Cocoanut plants for sale. Samoan O "Bonehead, who opened the O on either occasion, he made godd variety. Apply A. D. Hllla, LIhua mo ursi uonors. ho arrivea m mis (o O gate let you in?" O ill ill T Mi 11 m Wi time He stat(J that he expected and i r I Knual. I city from Honolulu early this week do better this year, O "We need this ono, but we're O and immediately signed for tho race. Interest in this climb has been in-H- O not going to get it Look who's O Five hydraulic barber chairs Tor will represent the Hawailans in cfreaslng and tho sporting fans of O up." o ale. Apply Pacheco's Barbor Shop. tho long climb. Southern California have come to O "He sur Is a whale In the O lie has trophies for a 102-mil- e and recognize It as one of the premier O springtime." ' O n House and lot, corner Kaimukl and contest, both of which ho events of the year. Twenty-fou- r en-ra- n O "Ho ain't got anything a O' but Seventh Avenuo. Newly built, excel- in Hawaii. He also has an ex. tries have been received up to today O glove and a prayer." o lent marine view. $200.00 cash, bal- cellent record for climbing Mount but It is expected that more will come O "There's lots of others Just like O ance on monthly installments of $30. Tamalpais at San Francisco. In before the day of the race, which him in town where he comes O ATHLETIC PAR the A snap. Apply H. Rosenberg. . Fahy stated that the fame of tho is sot for next Wednesday. O from." o Mount Wilson climb has spread even Dal Jeffries of Hoegee's has been O Baseball For Sunday o A small box containing four Gold to the islands and that tha athletes taking care of the entries, Pat-o-f and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAY 20. pins and one Bracelet. Finder please Hawaii will watch with interest terson of the Sierra Madre board of return to this olTlce re- the outcome of the race. trade is looking after arrangements and receive ward. . tfi G. Calllgaro will represent tho for handling tho runners at the start FRESH 1:30 Hawaii vs. Asahl. Italian Touring Athletic club in and finish. SPOTS the 3:30 J. A. C. vs. P. A. C. Pass book 4491. Finder return to The Bank of Hawa'1, Ltd. Wolgast party took an automobile Reserved seats tor center ot grand ride, but the champion FROM FILES REAL ESTATE. RAGES did not enjoy stand and wings can be booked at E. it, hardly Bargains tea-shor- e, uttering a word throughout O. Hall & Son's Sporting Department, in Real Estate, on tho ride. Ad to plains confided a friend that Horin broke his own record by entrance King street) up to ono p. and hllla. Telophna had Ritchie been a more experienced 1G82. "Pratt" 101 StangenwUd Build-ln- jumping C feet C 4 Inches. m., after ono p. m., at M. A. Gunst LOOMING OP boy he could have ended matters in o & Co., King and Fort. tho second round. Tho first punch Japanese George Iiogo knocked out that his Jaw stopped, he said, was tha LACES AND FANCY WORK. Tne Maul Racing Association is in Frank Piper in the first round. Prices 50c, 35c and 25c. ho ever Salvo's lact store, Irish. Clunejr communication with Mr. G. B. Schra-de- r hardest received and had and Armenian laces and of Honolulu, In to having Ritchie not become over anxious ho Tommy Dixon and Jimmy Reagan various other reference European fancy goods. might liavo landed tho finishing punch ten-roun- Fort. SL near him go to Maui on July 4, bring fought a d and draw. Beretanla. the band of which he is the manager. Biorkman's This band consists of twenty men, Tacoma baseball club has gono and tho association after considering AT broke. MERCHANT TAILOR. tho matter will be willing to Join with Gymnasium Tho Pioneer, corner Beretanla ana the Maul Athletic Association in meet- The Billy Papke-Freddi- o Hicks bout Fort Sts. Phone 3125. Clothee cleaned, pressed ing the oxpenses incurred by the vivit has been called off. 139 Merchant Street. and dyed. Work called for of this band on tho date above named. and delivered. Phone 2747. From all appearances it ."seems that Young Erne was outpointed by THE SOAP BOX. tho coming celebration is going to bo Packey McFarland. DRUGS. ono of Tho Oahu Senior League Hawaiian Drug Company, Ltd., the most brilliant that Maul Baseball Who is this we on soap-box- ? have before us standing the old 2 --C. Llttlcjohn and Young of tho a has ever enjoyed, owing to tho fact game.i tomorrow will be Hawalls vs. Kllbano er.A K. O. Brown fight ten' Charley Hotel street Phono 3316. Barber Barron, breozy spieler, vie Im of a thousand knocks. Macaulay of 1:30, rounds In 11. $15,-- , Donna beat Sinclair and supplies, tollot articles, photographlo that there are a number of social Asahls, and J. A. C. vs. P. A. C. New York, June A He's a weird and windy wonder, he's a wild and woolly fan, 000 purse will bo split the Moana, G i, 3 C, C 3. supplies, etc. Phono orders functions and athletic sports being at 3:30. ovenlv be With a volco that sounds llko pebbles rolling In an old tin can. recede planned for tho day. f The usual Junior league games, will tween Jhe boxers. prompt attention. is now I. be played at tho Athletic In the o H. C. Campbell continues to leid In It assured that the I. S. Park "Soap-box- " Is a man of mottlo and a pal of many a part, N. Co., morning, follows: Hawthorn, winner of overy raco In the chess tournament with a percent- - TIRES REPAIRED. will run an excursion steamer as Whether rooting at a ball game or exhorting in the mart; In years, 9:00 C. A. U. eight starts, has changed hands for Pgf- of .857. Honolulu Vulcanizing Works on ns former thereby giving tho Whites vs. George "Slim" Gilmoro was his pupil, he who made much ringside glee Al. people of 10:30 Asahls Athletics. $12,500. He is a d by Hast- kea street is now prepared to make Honolulu a chance to visit w. And who had to beat it sudden 'cause he cuffed tho referee. line-up- open a Maul durlnc the games and races. The s of tho Junior games will ings out of Whitohorn. Tho cricket senson will with repair to any size tiro for any vehicle. be as follows: ' match at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Prices reasonable and quick delivery. "Soldier" King and Link McCandless both are members of his string, Whites. M. Ornellas, c; J. Ornellas, Eddlo Lennon of San de- Makikl. Francisco And the Democratic party ho is wh :plng round the ring; p; Axelrod, lb; Cavaco, 2b; M. Costa, feated Carl Fleming of Denver, easily. CABINBT MAKER. RITCHIE LET Just at present he's In Hllo, that is why peace, perfect peaco 3b; Pedro, ea; 11. Williams, If; F. Tho polo at Moanalua this afternoon "Little" John Rodrlgucs, cabinet- O'or our little town 4s brooding may her brooding never cease! Davis, cf DIas, rf. Weight-throwe- r Mat; McGarth will will bo between tho Oahus and tho maker. Picture framing and furniture C. A. U. Xavier, c; Hong Chup, p; not go to tho Olympic games. Fifth Cavalry. The game will start repairing. Stringed instrument re- Good old "Soapy," there's no other who llko you can lead us on CHANG Hong Chong, lb; Ah Hong, 2b; Tin nt 2:30 and a charge of fifty cents paired. Miller and Punchbowl. ESLIP To dovour such mamoth of tho stuff thnt'B yclept "bull Yen, 3b; Kam In, bs; Ping Kong, If; Bombardier Wells has arrived in rations con;" will be made for admission to the And though you're an awful and a source of raucous noise, n sue, ci; Anana, ri. New York. nuisance ground. CREDIT FOR MEN. S. F. Post: That Ad Wolgast took Still tho fact remains you're something of a favorlto with tho boys. Atahls S. Uyena, c; Iwasakl, p; T. o Teams: A little down and a llttlo each pay his showing against Willi Rltchlo Komoya, lb; Muraehlgo, 2b; H. Sue-ok- Regglo Walker, tho South African Oahus Sam Baldwin, 1; Harold day will keep you well dressed. The greatly to heart Is shown by his ac-lio- 3b; T. Nakamura, ss; M. Yama-shlr- sprinter, will bo ono of tho coaches Castlo, 2; Walter Dillingham, 3; Ar- Model, Fort Street, next to tno Con- nfter tho bout last Saturday. havo decided to allow Duko Kahnna-nok- u vent if; S. Yanagihara, ct; T. Uyono, of tho South African team at tho thur Rico, 4. He and his party had .been Invited by $25 a month for four months rf. Subs. Yoshlkawa, Aokl, Kuamoto, Olympic games. T Fifth Cavalry' Mllllken, 1; Hanson. NOTICE. Jim Coffroth to bo his guests at. an in- toward his training expenses In con- Nishlwakl. mm 2; Doak (Capt.) 3; Gronlngor, 4. Subscribers not receiving Ha- formal dinner to bo given one o four-roun- nection with his trip to tho Olympic the at Athletics c; p; Charloy Miller fought a d Ferrelra, J. Florcs, waiian Star regularly or promptly tho fashionable downtown restaur- A. draw with' Soldier Elder, Captain Forsyth and Lieutenant Games. will Parker, lb; Y. Leong, 2b; Ah Hook, Tho Donnn will play off tho finals confer a favor by ants. When tho hour arrived for Shorldnn, Fifth Cavalry polo players, o telephoning 2365. 3b; Ah KI, ss; S. Kahalewal, If; M. o in the Moana Hotol tennis tournamont tho party to start Wolgast decided Akeo, cf; N. Jimmy aro expected back In .tho next fow Peterson, rf. Fox and Jimmy Carroll drew. Yostorday aftornoon in tho Moana with tho Fort Rugor toams after- that ho did not caro for dinner and weeks. this HAT CLEANING. Hotol tonnls tournamont Faithful and noon at 2:30. Have your hat cleaned for Sundar. bo Instructed Mrs. Wolgast to Inform Tommy Watson and Abe Label wont Billy Holmes knocked out Rufus th Parker of Donna lost to Andor Joseph Roman, Beretanla Btreet Coffroth. Later In tho ovcnlng tho four rounds to a draw. Turner In the first Tho Hawaii Promotion near round. Committee Bon and Gray of tho Moana, 2 C, 75, Flno Job Printing, Star Office. lire station.

mriui mnniiiiiiium ii TUB HAWAIIAN STAR. IATUKDAY, MAY H, 111.

ami mar Mi mwmoh t grew more la that tin upaetal mmwlaatBiir te LAUNDRY THE HAWAIIAN STAR ami HHfra ihs ttntrth f July ilia will attr lHr0tia Oevarnnr nut nlart M.E88ENQER BOY PHONE 1111 With It HltfRMIrfrtWMlnK mm!hi ail Tttamlar. Tlitt la tha Hoventh time rublishcd erery afterneen (exoept THE CANDIDATE Sunday) by tho Hawatlnn Star nitiiroaeliM. that the vlult has been toMponed ntid PARCEL DELIVERY. iWewapapor Association, Ltd., Star Building, Morohant Btroet, Honolulu. the Governor wb thr.t Ills unrip, who I3y WALT MASON. Tho performances at the Liberty go We "WALTER Q. SMITH i (Continued on Pngo F.vo ) Deliver the Goods .EDITOR bo Hinoothly that tho company might woll bo referred to an the Juven-ol- l SATURDAY 25, 1912 I statu! for nil Good Cloth, MAY that's kooiI anil pure ant! this, our country, can't Hostonliuis. "The 8toro for v" cmiurc it you turn tne my vest am should ilown; bcnentli coat and t) KHPUIiLIC OK I .1 DEMOCRACY? things have a handsome pair of wings, and in my grip a crown I ! I nWirn Tho Ill I nr.Mn i Unless you choose me as your guide you're pretty sure to wander widi ndvortlflomcnt for a lost brooch, DIlYrJ S If tho progressive with "a duck In a diamond setting." Turn movomont, Is to hnve Its way, It Ib hnrd in morass, fen and swamp ; but if you choose me for your chief I'll lend somehow romlnds ub of Weed ,to sco what will become of tho Institutions of tho republic over which the you from this gloom and grief to splendor and to pomp. All other can- Farmer LIMITED, on's Crystal White Orpington settings pcoplp havo been so proud for five gonerntlonn and so confident of their didates who beg your votes and try to pull your wolves in sheep's Building. Ki leg are at ?2.00 per. Elk' ia at strongth and safoty. Wo now havo n ropresontatlvc government. It Is array; on Virtue I have placed my brand; lruc Worth ts eating from ono which avoids tho dictatorship of a strong man on tho ono hand and the my hand, as horses cat their hay. 1 am the reepul s only friend ; if 1 m 0 foibles of mob caprice on tho other; and which compels dollboratlon at defeated there's end to all their earthly hopes;; the government our Honolulu Twenty-Fiv- e Years Hence. an Shantung Hand-Mad- a every stop In the choice of temporary rulers or agents of popular rule, and fathers built will get the cleaver to the lult, and tumble through the Jim Murray dropped a sand-ba- g from an independent Judiciary to keep the balance truo. This system of repre- ropes. If I'm defeated anarchy will sweep this country of the free, our his aoropleno last Monday nnd killed Laces and Insertions sentative government has stood gigantic teste, Including a forelgnow named Franconl. 31m that of civil war; homesteads be laid waste; tile liusbanumaii will wade in blood, the " Running on Howard time" HAWAII A 80UTH SEA and It hns produced a growth In strength and prosperity in ono century, clergyman throw gobs of mud, the printer cat his paste. The rivers all tnys It has proved a good ad. for him chlof-of-pollc- the highest praise the which has culminated In more of any monarchy as a candldnto for "old CURIO CO. both than has built up in will backward flow, the garden sass refuse to grow, there'll he no prunes man " can give. new How- five hundred years. The YOUNO BTJiLDINfl, And now It Is calmly proposed in tho name of patriot- or figs; the blighted trees will wilt and die, the cows and wells will all ard Special Railroad Dial has ism, to overturn it all by socialistic experiments. Instead con- A frultfly wfllch of selected go dry, the hens will hatch out pigs. To dodge this dire catastrophe had a spread of numerals for everv nit mil f from t ventions to nominate and deliberative legislatures to enact, there is pro- you'll simply have to vote for mc' and help along my boom, for I alone wings throe feet and four Inches was to 6o around the dial. A glance posed conventions to register tho capricious will of hasty primaries, and a can be the shield, the sword and buckler you must wield to shun this shot last Tuesday by the" airship agont' tells the number of minutes past legislature whoso powers may bo superseded by the majority man with a Copyright, 1912, by Georgo Matthew Adams. ' WALT MASON. at Mnkapuu Point. It was carrying the hour. rubber stamp in a voting booth, with two minutes given him to unmake old off a toursop belonging to Harry Mills It us how you tho Howard Wlch. ? Vtlce hj printed ticket $33 to ISO, INJURED hour on tho stage during tho French Revolution, and tho experience In those Jlitd f laws or niako new ones. Instead of a thoughtful and Impartial judiciary Jr., Bradstrect's agent for tho wind-- 1 jve m&y havo ono which may bo recalled or tho decisions of which may be countries and periods was not such as would commend them to Americans ward wards. Yes, ho never expected to bo. m ka judges go. reversed by a voting proletariat; hence judges, who want to retain employ- of the twentieth century. The recall of and Judicial decisions would J. (l. H Vielra & failed to tako out a ment,1 bring reign of demagogy and of mob rulo which would disorganize our will be tempted to trim their sails to every wind of caprice and to a Tho ladjes of Honolulu havo finally machinery, and reduce our orderly system of law enforce misinterpret the constitution to keep tho fickle favor of tho mob. Under whole Judicial determined to put a .stop to the hill JEWELERS ment to lovel of tho jurisprudence of the sand lots In the days of Denis Standard Accident such a system the republic may easily go by default and a democracy grow the board and acroboard nuisances. It was up tempt Kearney. 113 Hotel Street which will the same fato that has visited all denocraclcs from the calculated yesterday there 380 Constitution had that uro Policy day of tho Achiaon League, to tho downfall of that French democracy which Tho framers of the American the initiative and recall, miles they of billboards In Honolulu and under other names, before them when were engaged In fashioning HIGH-CLAS- Before you Ball, why invoked the Terror and finally accepted the rule of Napoleon as a means of that over 70 aeroplanes were out last S not do tin charter, and they rejected them. As between "pure democracy" and thing and get aome 'escape from it. their Sunday displaying church announce raal protectl ml to representative republicanism, they selected tho latter, and their follow LADIES' "Back the people," is the plausible cry of these innovators, but if we ments. The ladies Ere up in arms TAILORING 8TANDARD had always gone countrymen havo applauded their courage and wisdom. Frank Leslie's. PROSPECT! back to tho people directly, Washington would have been anybody's and say that the nuisance degraded in his second presidency to help Citizen Genet embroil this coun mutt stop. try witn England while at peace with her; tho people of half the States J. E. Rocha Insurance Departmtat might, have foresworn tho war of 1812 after It had been declared; Lincoln The latest news from Washington Elite Bldg. Hotel St. would havo been repudiated after tho failure of several northern campaigns; McKlnley would have been voted down for not opening tho war with LITTLE INTERVIEWS Hawaiian Spain beforo tho country was ready for it; war and a with Japan might w havo been declared off-han- Is what comes of going back That to the ft people without tho intervention exercised between the thoughtless A. H. FORD I am having tho lot dy Company will bo here In a couple ot Trust mob and o m y, Its goal, by our wise system of checks and balances. over tho Public Service Association weeks and will play a limited engage- 9 P.a n Progresslvenoss, has no known limitations. Ono cannot tell cleaned up. If tho Press club likes ment In Honolulu. Tho company ha Limited jt j how far Into socialism It might go. Oregon has a new proposition to make, It, It can pay for It; if not, we will made good- - In China, Japan and tha 922 FORT BTRBOT. involving, It Is true, less widespread voting, but concentrating a state-wid- e do so. Philippines, and that they will ba recall by a simplified recall system or the appointive power. Where the BAGGAGE INSPECTOR CARTER warmly welcomed back here Is a cer Governor even appoints county officers, his recall would work a general I am feeling a little bettor but dengue talnty. change. But hero is the detailed proposition as it comes from Oregon's leaves you very weak. About tho end D. L. WITHINGTON In California During People's .Power League: Your of next week I shall be feeling myself 088,015 voters were registered for the Cabinet system of government for the state with a state again. primaries. Roosevelt got but 135,000. , business manager on big salary to take general charge. In Massachusetts, i IH li a Hi Hi Absence Governor and state auditor tho only state, officers to be GERRIT WILDER Hero are somo where Roosevelt got elected by tho people, others being appointed by tho governor. ivoheo nuts from a nine-year-o- tree. 200.000 votes when h ran for pres- Prom tho Islands wo are pre- .Sheriffs and district attorneys to be appointed by the gov--, Aren't they ident, ho only got 81,000 In tho recent ernor. fine? Don't tell mo tint "YoungMan"Styl 6S pared to manage your estato twenty-fiv- e years tests. Tho voto In tho other States Board of three "directors" to rule in county government and are needed to make I liMiiK! and look after your interests 3 lychee was in the same proportion. Smart Snappy employ a county business manager, the latter to appoint other trees bear. and hero. You will find It county officers. EG EN All greatly CAPTAIN BERGER I have been a LOW this talk you hear to your advantage to place , State senate bo the to abolished. citizen as well as about having tho board of supervisors All sorts of stylis management i Sixty members of legislature to be elected by proportional bandmaster. My of your affairBwitb. representation by the state at large. money has been spent in Honolulu appointed by the Chamber of Com-nierc- o snapes in tne n 3w m a responsible concern. , Members of the legislature to hold power on roll call In and here I have brought up and the Merchants' Association mmrnsrri9n and edu- Crossetts. Models in Como and see us to voting In proportion to the vote they received at the election. cated my children. does not sound good to me. Look at I terms. governor gun I IW VY Governor and defeated candidate for to be the commissions metal, black. tan ? legislature largo voting power DR. J. S. B. PRATT A clean-u- p day that have already I members of and hold therein, i legislature may be suspended for Honolulu Is been appointed, they aro failures or patent; in button or , j' Entire recalled and activities just what the city mam i Bishop pending the recall vote. needs to give some of tho citizens a when compared to our board. lace: with scallops and m US 'I'll i Trust Co., Ltd. ThlB concentrates the business of subverting tho old system, and If It jolt anB enable them to show others DR. MINNETTE Bl'RNHAM I was perforation. Fit Bethel Streat. differs in mode it does not differ in kind from the subversion plans else- whethor they have any public spirit or chagrined at an error which was mado where in the domain of socialistic Insurgency. not. In tliA Innf 'nljrlil on, V... foot snugly: give Star O ' " H uj II.l,ll..111. 11 To stand by the republic becomes thus a call of patriotism. It is com- GEORGE INGLE 1 I boxed five was mado to compliment tho man-round- s height of comfoi mon fealty to the republic that Washington and Jefferson, Hamilton and with Young Caples night.1 agement last of Y0 Liberty Theater on tho HOU8E8 FOR Adams left us; but to go the other way is to accept the advice of the Cum- - It was the first Look them over. RENT. tlmo that I over had showing made by tho Juvenile Bos-th- o Furnished-Tanta- lus, mlns's and the La Follettes as that of wiser men; and to lay the republic gloves on $4 to $6 everywhere with him and ho cor--, tonlans. What I desired to commend 3 R R offering on socialism. Lewi A. Croiiett, Inc., Maker itself as a burnt the altar of tainly has an awful wallop. I bellevo in my was Kaimukl, fiett letter Homer's Odyssey North Abington, Mum. 8th Ave, I R. r. 4o!oi that ho could beat do I Mello. and not tho lec show. Klnrtiv Kaimuki, lith Ave., 2 B R 25 JOHNNY 00 MARTIN I used to play rect Kalia Road, 2 B R 25 - 00 v" uo u. uoy ana waa. u HUTCHINSON It Is often Gulick Ave., 2 B R 2b!oo Gospel of very ionu of tho game. Kinau The New War I remember asked why white women complain of St., 3 B R 60.00 that I it a ball Waiklkl, once which broke a this climate and foel that a. trip to 2 B R ,609 pane of glass In Kahala M, General Bernhardt, a German soldier of high professional and literary an 'ot 'ouse. and 'ad the north is required after a lenuthv Beach, 1 B R tad sleeping repute, Is preaching to his countrymen a new gospel of war. Those who or tne dam- - resiaenco here. A now thporv hn porch 105.00 age I done, Unfurnished think with General Bernhardt are only too likely, wo fear, to dismiss all neen advanced, ono that Is apparently DEPUTY-ATTORNE- Walplo, 3 B R unfavorable criticism abroad as natural but of no account, like the crltl GENERA borne out by tho excellent health en. 12B, SMITH Wo Wilder Ave., 6 clsm tuat mignt bo passed upon tne narrow uy tno toau. But it is not, we are at present straighten Joyed by some of our lady residents. Makes B R 50.M ing out tho Frog Wilder Ave., 4 B hope, in vain to suggest to tho greater part of tho German nation that tho Lano tangle which It is that those peoplo who live in 20.M has occupied ?ua Lano, 2 B R.. indignation which General Bernhardl's ideas must inevitably evoke In many the attention of the lega stono houses are vigorous, ruddy an iLife's R...... i.7.0 department for some Fort St., 3 B R English minds Is not necessarily prompted by any antagonism to tho patriotic time, but It wll enjoy tho best of health. Per contra 22 M not bo long now beforo IWalk King St., 2 B R inspiration which makes him believe In his own race. It was a great Ger everything i those who rcsldo in woodei w J2.59 arranged to tho satisfaction King St., 2 B R man thinker who said that tho tragedy of history lies in tho conflict be of all par or frame houses aro tho persons who lEas 20M tlrt. Alewa Heights, 2 B 2o!oo tween right and right, not In the conflict between right and wrong. Every must seek a colder climate R.... LANI MAGOON at Inter Lunalllo St,, nation worthy of tho name has in it some ingrained iconvictlon It Is Tho Hughes Come vals. mmmme immm mmm wtmme 3BR..; ,2E0 that Waialao Rd., 2 B "chosen of tho Lord." Patriotic literature in every language is full of that R , j0.00 PHkoI St., 1 B R assumption, and patriotic poetry we need only recall Mr. Rudyard Kipling's 12.oo Kaimuki, Maunaloa "Recessional" has no more potent method of appeal. As Individual peoples Am, 37 CASES 9 D- - R wo bellevo in our distinctive institutions, our intellectual and moral atmoS' OF 27.50 Under The Young Strco' 2 B. phere, our social organization, our general way of life, above all, in our own Coconut Tree t 9 J R...., 20.00 0 Magazine Street, 2 tongue. To believe in theso is to desire In some measure they may By H. M. Ayres. 9 B. R... 20 00 that E3 CrossettXButton Boots and Oxfords TRENT spread and prevail, at least amongst the more virile peoples who divide a TRUST CO., LM. the ordering of the world; und the British peoples, whose virility In this immoimmmmmmmoiotvimetmmoim Just Received. so many parts of globe. In answer to numerous respect has built itself citadels in different the Inquiries we Reporter Yes, indeed. I am sur should bo the last to criticize a similar ambition In another race. take pleasure in stating the that prised that the miraculous draught of Henrv argument mays smoklng-jacke- t Were General Bernhardl's confined within these limits, it taffled at the nsnea wasn't AT.--.--i- reported to bo infected T J . would, we think, be unexceptionable, though many might regret the spirit May Peto last Saturday night wai with the frultfly. gg Of Waterhouse in which it was urged. But It Is a long stop further to contend, as he ap won by Chris Lewis. uo. Trust Editor Quito probable, if tho fish luaiiuiaciureiS dnoe pears to do, that any war must necessarily be right, and no deceit immoral, P were flying-flsh- . even In time of peace, which may be called for in the Interest of war. I fine weather, as rc- - 1051 fa tho judge Reporter I still llvo In hopes ' 6t Fort St. Thus regarded, war is not an evil to be avoided, but a good to bo pursued; r.inrKed wiien he lmp.i&ud a Doaalt'' hearing that there haa been a storm In HOU8E8 FOR RENT. it Is not tho last extreme of statesmanship, but tho breath of Its nostrils of $25 and costs for somo offouso or Hana which blew tho roofs oft all the and the blood in its veins. Were General Bernhardt not a writer of au- other. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm9immm'$mmmmmmm9$ Furnished. houses nnd that tho latter wero thority and power, wo should hesitate to suggest that his views are shared Maklkl Streot, 2 B R SO with dried fish. By tho way f60 by any largo section of his countrymen; but General Bernhardl is widely Lanrornia has certainly Kaimuki 9th & Pahoa got a firm what's tho matter with hanging a few fmmmmmmmtimm$s$mtm$mmtmtm Area. 1 road, and he is only one of many writers who, with more or less ability, friend In S. T. Starrett of thoso Hana fish on tho Coconut ""jlm. 40.0 adorn a similar theory. It is impossible that such arguments should be Tree to dry? Unfurnlahed. widely followed In any country without to some extent prejudicing There aro The the three sexes Male sex, Editor Nothing at all tho matter, Of of peoplo mental attitude Its towards other powers, and General Bernhardl's female sex and Insects. that's a dry , place. Beretania Street, 3 B. R. efforts make It easier to realize why so many Germans should have credited 3 Reporter So msmmm D. Of It the .writer. SOAP 7 30xtinct.ive.i ?t Lunalllo St, 3 Bedrooma '.. 1) this country last autumn with treacherous and sinister designs. A belief How's this for an ad?: And then The the band played that tune-- . 'Ml WWtil' Ht 3 B ii.ei In tho destinies of his own peoplo should no HONOLULU IS R make patriot indifferent to the GROWING. rui selection, "Tho Hint .That Didn't Matlock general .".Thjp Success Avonuo, 2 B. consclenco of his time, and patriots who urgo such Indifference, as, , establishment will move soon Took." Year st, 3 n'''TZ tno secret of national strength must not be surprised to.seo their country's (6 .larger ijua'rters at tho corner of i b r statesmanship an object of Increasing suspicion to other . pQwers.-Lpndo- n King and Punchbowl ttreels'1 ' Times. ts Honolulu a cometory1? Conductor to" lady v old Pare, Kallht - . mam! HARMONY 'Rd & Becklev hk- a t 1, . Old Lady ROSE .r,." Yes, young man; pleaso Palolo Hill, B m;nUu, Dlmond & Co. ought to have a crack put mo l R our off there. A transparent glycerin soap equal to the imported to erjack baseball team. (Betcher at ono third October 1st, for eaa't cost. 75t tell why!) tho The "Pure Democracy" Delusion They don't sell false teeth by the Mado alter. (Ouch, my poor feelings!) in. Boston Sold only at our store. . . j Tho rhinoceros bettle Is the latest (D Government which comprises tho Initiative, referendum and recall of coconut pst to bo A Half pound cakes 15 cents of judicial discovered. Wo seasoned player is naturally officials and decisions is government by impulse and caprice. for-2- await with Impatience tho advent In to put up a game, Two cents ' THE Romo's pleblscltum was tho initiative In Its essential form, while the recall peppery WIRELESS tho cano of tho hippopotamus-hopper- . $1.25 a dozen. is tho ostracism of Athens under a now name. Both worked badly were , and Wonder ritRnnrriml. In n im, tt-- u.i what thoso m TIrwlr mnrlnrn- nnnrllHnna ....nml ... M ircnnf i, Shriners shaved ' u b, vuv imuuu llivu luu U1J11UU Editor seems I "It to mo that there their whiskers off for, anyway? Don't 1 , 1 States they would work worso than they did In tho countries In which thov wero Benson, Smith & Co. , for Instant commun.catlon thej' unlimited possibilities in that all sneak onco, ! with were invented. at ladles " ' fish story FORT AND HOTEL r. which camo across from " STREETS. other Islands and with ' In a crude but effective way the initiative and recall had their little Hana ship at aea. tho other day, The local volcanoes are tuning up Fine Job PrinUng, if' t3. star Offlc'' V Hr1T5



The general hope Is expressed by In a supplinnt to Grenler's KubiK-- r sugar men of comparative- THE RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY About tho worst criticism ever made of tho superfluous "proportios" which thnt the era News particular are given regarding ly low prices which litis sixty-seve- n leading of Dickons is that he Is soimitlmoH to often detract rathor than add ' maintained of Malaya' rubber Silverware for the past month or two Is about to - wordy! And this peculiarity doesn't tho effect of amateur theatricals. companies, and the following Interett- bo by higher ono. Per- his works any tho adapt- follows: succeeded a Iuk facts htve been deducted there A doclslon wan by su- - make better The cast of characters rendered tho occupied by Its tracks bo long ns tho haps tho mobt significant feature in from: of excellent de- premd yesterday ed to dramatization. But these tri- John I'orryblnglc, a carrier court afternoon, Chief franchise continues In force. If tho this connection Is the starting upward of sixty-seve- n com fles failed to daunt the Punaliou Dra- Allan Ronton rho capital the JubUco Robertson being Its author, character of tho pavomont required to of rollned priced, which havo boon rmnloB Is $25.32.000 (Unltod States sign quality. upon matic Club, with the result that .in Mr. Tackloton, a toy maker and Uio agreed statement of fncts bo laid Is not open to 'objection, wo drugging since tho first of the yoar. currency), with an average Issued capi- controversy audlenco which packed every Inch of Aloxander Anderson to settlo the between tho aro Inclined to think that tho duty to Yesterday .tho quotation for lino granu- tal for each of $876,000. Tho totnl room In tho Chas. It. Bishop Hall, Caleb Hummer, his man superintendent of public works and lay It would bo tho same whether tho lated In New York was advanced ton planted area is 133,820 acres, or an Here you get witnessed with unfeigned pleasure Dickson Not' the board of supervisors, on tho ono remaining life of tho franchise bo long conts on tho hundred. The price has average of 1,997 Ecres for oaoli et-tat- e. tho reproduction of tho John O'Dowdn hand, and tho Rapid Transit Co., on or short. Whether that Is so or not, deeply human Old Gentleman lately been as low as 5.10. This would give a capitalization story of "The Cricket on the Hearth," Randolph llltchcor-- tho other, relative to paving tho we aro satisfied that It Is not at all Dot's Father The Plant'ors' Association quotation value per aero of about $190. the Best at as dramatized by Albert Qoim' M,,,r streets along tho company's right of unreasonable to require tho company Smith. Porter from San Francisco this morn- Tho total output at 400 pounds per was Doris Taylor way. On tho wholo tho pronounce- - to put down the pavement specified The play produced under t'he U0t ing advanced ninety-si- degree centri- aero will be 53,501,300 pounds, or 798,- - Hiith Soper the Lowest - direction of Miss girl mont Is In favor of the municipal gov- In tho notice at a tlmo when more Mary H. Cooper, L'ertha, a blind fugals to 3.985, or $79.70 per ton; this 527 pounds for oach ostate; at 600 English ....Hazel Buckled against' 3.92 eminent. Seven questions submitted than one-hal-f of tho life of Us fran toacher of and oxproBslon in May Fielding quotntlon of or 78.40 per pounds per acre, which ! possibly a .Thclma Murphy wero answered as follows: chiso remains Intact. It Is not claim' Oahu College, and th0 results attain Mrs. Fielding ...... ton, which lins ruled for some days. Uttlo too high for an ordinary plan Possible Forrest "1. Does tho action of tho muni- - ed that the pavement In question Is ed speak well for her efforts, as well Tily Slowhoy Margaret A private cable to the Watcrhouso tation, tho .yield will bo 80,256.000 Garnle Uosecrans clpal authorities of tho City and Coun- - not an approved one. It Is not claim' as for tho ability nnd hard work on Dot's Mother Trust Compauy received this morning, pounds, or an average of 1,19,850 is ty of Honolulu In tho promises croato ed that tho action of tho municipal the part of the entire cast of young Tho Punaliou Dramatic Club state's that a salo of centrifugals had pounds. With 1 shilling (21 cents) Price. mourners- - In 3.99, In- any obligation on tho part of tho Ho-- lty In laying such a pavement was lu Thespians who carried tho various 1 eon. posed of the following been made New York at por pound profit, at 400 pounds por nolulu Rapid Transit & Land Company any way Improper or Inappropriate rarts. Tho applause was most gen Miss Cooper, Alexnnuor AnueiRon. dicating a still further advance. acre, tho total profit will be $12,840,312, Itoh-e- which can bo enforced under Section Wo think the fact that at the explra' erously bestowed; and It is trap that Ruth Anderson, Marion Drown, rl of $191,045 for oach ostate, giving an 2 of said Act (Section 838 Revised tlon of tho franchise flTo company's the audience was a most sympathetic Askew, Hazel Bucklnnd, France earning capacity of fifty-on- e per eent Laws of Hawaii) ?" ties could be taken out of tho concrete one, but barring this the piny must' Cochran. Helen Colburn, Margaret LAHAIN TO HAVE At 600 pounds per acre, tho profit will Glbb. Ran- oach Yes. base only with much difficulty affords have been considered very highly rred-itabl- Forrest, Hazel Gear, Edwin bo $19,201,440, or $2S7.174, for H. F. Wichman Cath- capac "2. Has tho superintendent of pub- - no sufficient reason for relieving tho to the most unbiased critic. dolph Hitchcock, Goodale Mo'.r, estate, representing an earning M seventy-si- x per He works discretion as to tho kind of company of tho obligation to lay the It would bo difficult to make criti- arine Jones, John Molr Thclma BIG NEW HOTEL ity on tho capital of & Co., Ltd. paving ho shall direct tho Honolulu pavement." cal comparison of the work of tho George Ng, Dickson Nott. John cent Rapid Transit & Land Company to young artists, 'for nil did well and O'Dowda, Ruth Johnston, All'in Ron- LEADING JEWELERS. make in tho premises? May ho direct showed full appreciation of their ton. Gamio RoECcrnns, Ruth Soper, that other kinds of pavemsnt than COCONUT TREE parts. None, however, who witnessed Beatrice White, Myrtlo Schumann, WAILUKU, May 21. George Free-lan- STOCK EXCHANGE used by tho City and County of Ho the play will begrudge any amount Doris Taylor. Helen Wilder. whose gigantic form has been nolulu on said street, bo laid by tho of praise to Miss Margaret Forrest. Tho music of th evening was fur- such a land mark In Lahalna for these - (Continued from page four.) - Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Com- whose part was an unusually difficult nished by the Oahu College Orchos- many years, leaves for the coast in pany?" was governor- - here a generation ago Saturday, May 23, 1912. Ja5. W. Pratt one. The honors, however, must also! trn, directed by Carl Mlltnor, and was tho Zealandla, June 18. Some time had a similar experience. 'Ewa Plan. Co 33.37 33.50 Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Nego- N0 be shared with Ruth Soper, Alexan-fac- t excellent. The members of the or- ago a story came out of the north' Hawn C & S Co.... 45.75 45.87 tiated. "3. Has tho Honolulu Rapid Transit dcr Anderson, and in all of tho chestra are: west that Gwrge was dead. Tfioso long Ilawn Sug Co 47.00 50.00 125 & Land Company, by macadamizing as If Fred Noyes remains in Hllo members In the cast. First Violin Dlakeley McStockor, who had known him tncro were "PRATT," Merchant St. sure, Honomu Sug Co 165.00 set forth, the portion of King streot enough he'll be elected sheriff It would have been hard to have leader: Quln Wong, Clyde Baldwin. mourning his death. A column lone - s Honokaa Sug Co.... 11.00 11.25 referred to, compiled with tho obllga- Last week ho lost a $650 diamond suggested any Improvement Violin Joseph Yap, Fn71lp obituary notice In tho papers REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS In tho Second Haiku Sug Co 250.00 tlon of its charter and tho law to pavo ring. This week he is reported to stage Ovenden, Catharine Jones, Margaret telling of Georgo's good deeds. George matter of or costumes. Luxch Sug Plant Co 21.00 22.50 or macadamize as set forth in Section have recovered same and to have differ- heard of this, and ho proposes golne The two scones, each entirely Stevens, Pearl Kekumano. Plan Co 17.50 O. O. 4 of tho Act of July 1, 1898 (Section diamond-lifte- r Kahuku Ounha "pasted" the In the King. back to his friends In British Colum ent, wero produced with painstaking Drum Claudo Kekaha Sug Co.... 2S5.00 838 Revised Laws of Hawaii) so as to 0ye. He Is also heroized by tho Ha-- Ma, Is 78 Merchant St. Phone 3593. care, at the same time being devoid Piano Lyle Holmes. and show them that ho still Sug Co 220.00 freo It of any or all obligation to pavo waji Herald for stopping a runaway Koloa a live ono. McBryde Sug Co.. 9.75 9.87 said portion of said streot In tho man-- team and saving the life of a little THe Pioneer Hotel Co., Ltd., pro Oahu Sug Co 29.00 29.12 ner directed by the superintendent of gin who was In the vehicle attached poso THE BEST WEEK HONOLULU to build a large, liotol Onomea Sug Co.... 52.00 52.25 public works or In tho manner In thereto. Hllo air seems to asreo vTltli IN Sugar 3.985c In the near future, or as soon Olaa Sug Co 7.75 8.00 ' which tho remaining portion of said tidings Mr. Noyes and wo wait of Grorgo Freeland returns from the Sug Co 21.00 20.00 street has been paved by tho City Pcauhau Beets, II, id his further exploits with keen anti- coast. Pacific Sug Mill 150.00 and County of Honolulu," FO IS TE cipation and undisguised impatience. TIE At a' meeting of the stockholder.' Co 250.00 No. Pala Plan 1 re- 35.25 oi the Pioneer Hotel Co., Ltd.. Mill Co 34.87 "4. Is It a reasonable requirement Pioneer Henry watefipse Trust "Tho Cricket on tho Hearth" is be- cently, a Agr Co 130.00 131.00 The week closing today on the local The following from the Ely, Nevada, set of resolutions was Waialua under tho provisions of its charter and ing played Oahu College tonight Company. at 9, passed voicing the great appreciation WalmeaMill Co 200.00 tho law that tho Honolulu RapldTran-si- t stock exchange has been hotter than Expositor, under date of May will and th game of cricket at Makfkl of tho stockholders at tho success of I I S N Co 100.00 Members Honolulu Stock and Boa & Land Company should be requir- for some tlmo in tho volume of busl-- bo of Interest to a number of persons this afternoon. manager, Georgo A Haw Elec Co 200.00 to lay paving afore- ness transacted, due to tho reassuring in Honolulu who have made mining their Freeland. Exchange. ed a of tho kind H R L & L Co Com 130.0 investments In the part of the country set of tho resolutions was ordered FORT AND MERCHANT BT. said under tho conditions herein set effect that tho action of .tho Senate & It Dickens had lived In Hawaii ho ' engrossed, to bo presented to Mr. Free- H R T L Co com 135.00 - referred to: . forth?" financg committee In handling the su- Co 20.00 would probably havo written "The A- Mutual Tel - - Durrltt. president and manager land. Tho presentation took placp Yes. gar bill has had. In all 9400 shares Oahu R R Co ICO. 00 Cockroach on the Ico Chest" ot tne Ghana Mining company, came Friday evening at the hotel. In tho "5. Is It a reasonable requirement, of the various securities chanced Com 8.00 9.00 his piesence ot a few friends. work Hllo RR Royal under tho provisions of charter and hands, valued at S199.535.37 1-- ' last evening from Salt.Jako on Tho its " Hon B & M Co 20.75 21.50 Kapellmeister Berger'was' way to tho mlncw at Sacramento. pass. was a masterpleco from the 'pen of tho law that tho Honolulu Rapid Tran- against 5915 sold last week, valued at Hawn Pino Co 43.50 44.00 como with emotion when he Ho will hero await the irrrival of John County Clerk Knao, and George wn Co. sit & Land Company should bo requir- $11,605.12 1-- and 3864 shares valued Tnnjong Rub Co 39.00 Insurance Walker, of Honolulu, ono stock' surprised Company of WorlC mate- lated that $2000 into marks. 1-- of the so that for once ho had Leading Fire thi ed to lay a paving of a patented at $113,334.87 tho week previous. Pahang Rub , . . . 22.25 22.50 holders In the company from whom a nothing to say. Maui News. Place your business with a com- rial, whteu they aro obliged to main- Bonds sold to the vauo of $52,500, Cal Beet Sug 6s. 100.00 People who live In stono houses cablegram was received .stating he pany that knows how to face a crliU tain, and tho furnishing of which is par, against $64,000 sold last week, Hon Gas Co 6s . 100.00 throw glasses. How about would bo here tomorrow. After the THE "NOISELESS." and is in a position to do so. entirely, under the control of tho own- shouldn't and $160,000 tho previous. Hawn C & S 5s. . 104.00 week nrrlvn.1 of Mr Wn liter hn tincl Mr. Flur this, Dr. Hutchinson. ry., l 1 . Attention Is Invited to an announce- Losses P?ld, $222,951,358. er of the patent?" .1. iuniwao- - Hllo R R Co 6a. . 100.25 100.50 r,tt wl gQ t() thj) pas8 and Bpend ment on another pago of this issue Yes. j Hllo R R Ex 94.25 94.50 tions for the week just ended: severj j dayg ,nspectIns tho property. 6s.. "6. ITi view of the foregoing facts BALKING AT "AD." HOLDUPS. concerning tho "Noiseless" typewriter, Honokaa Sug 6s. . 103. 50 C. & Co., Ltd. iwa .rju snares som ior ij,iuj, as Work Is to re8umed at once by Brewer and tho law as set forth In Chapter 60 If tho Merchants' Association has Its now being sold In this city by The II R T & L 6b.. 107.25 General Agents, Territory ot Hawaii. follows: 24 at 33 190 at 33 176. the 0haTia company and the main shaft of tho Revised Laws and more particu- way, a Joint committee of tho associa- 33 3-- Waterhouso Company. Kauai R R 6s.. 100.00 at which is now 150 feot will be sunk larly In Sections 838 and 864 of said tion and of the Chamber of Commerco Tho "Noiseless" Is just what Its Kohala Ditch 6s .. 100.00 Harry Armltago. H. Cushmam Cartel, n. t a. so snares soia ior another 'fifty feet before any other Chapter, Is tho Honolulu Rapid Tran will bo appointed, to which will bo re- name implies. It also stands second McBrydo Sug Co 6s 99.75 Samuel A. Walker. $37,068.75, as follows:. 355 at 48 development is attempted. Ono of the & Land Company obliged to pavo ferred all schemes, particularly of 3-- to none in Etaunchncss and lasting Mutual Tel 6s. 103.00 sit 455 at 45 ledges on the property dips toward the space mainland origin, which have to do qualities. A number of theso ma- O & Co 103.00 Happy Armitage & Co, tho entire between tho outside Kahuku 10 shares sold for $175, all shaft at an Inoiination thnt Indicates R L 6s... with advertising. The directors of the aro In uso around city, rails of Its said tracks on King street, at 17 ough't to It and pros. chines tho and Oahu Sug 5s 102.00 LIMITED. association feel too often the the shaft cut between the bridge over tho Nuuanu that nicuryue mu snares som tor ?13,- - in every instance satisfaction has been Olaa Sug Co 6s... 97.50 by pecting to learn tho size nnd value of business men aro "stung" advertis 5-- given. Sugar Stock and Bonds stream and Nuuanu street, so that yiu..J as follows 100 at 9 1185 it wm then bo begun, The Star has used one tf Paclflo 6s.. 103.60 ing propositions practically useless. At 3-- 7-- such paving shall bo flush with said at 9 125 at 9 . , , them nearly six months, and It has Waialua Agrl 5s .. 102.50 time both tho chamber and street and correspond In material with! tho Present Oahu Sugar 919 shares sold for proved up to ovory promise and ex- Natomoa Con. 6s . 93.75 MemberBROKERSHonolulu Stock and Bob4 tho Merchants' Association havo com. tho paving of the remaining portion of $20,09S.12 as follows: 233 at 29 pectation. Exchange. ) mlttees- - for this purpose, but they aro PINEAPPLE JOINS said street?" 11 at 29 575 at 29; 100 at 28 7-- generally not called upon, and their ooooo'oooooooooooo P. O. Box 683. Telophono 2101.. : Yes. , Olaa 3891 shares sold for $31,715.- - old. B 360, p 352. Dated April 23, value Is Httlo If any. If anything Is STOCnULES Cable and Wireless Address: "7. In view of said facts and law, 50, as follows: 100 a't 7 7-- 3791 at 8.1 1912. to be emotive, leading merchants say, "Armltago." is the Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Onomea 15 shares sold for $776.25,; IN MPRQVEMEN T Chang Sun and. wf to C K Al, D; 2 uo mrougu siauuing 3-- bo Company obliged, to comply with said ll'ralVJt luseuior all at 51 j pes land, rents, etc, Kallhi vallojT Ho- Honolulu Stock Exchange: Sales shoulder to shoulder against somo of twecn boards 100 Haw C & S Co, notice of said superintendent of public Pala 6 shares sold for, $1440, all. at nolulu, Oahu; $S60. B 358, p 357. Dat- - Cable Address "UuisenberQ," Honolulu. the big "hold-ups- " which are from time Lncnl stocks show a trood toim Time 20 15 works?" 240. c1 Apr" 1912 45.75; do, 45.75; Waialua, 131; to time pulled off by mainland tlcally all down tho list. Tho volume, I8' 5 do, 131; 140 Pioneer, 35; 42 do, .15; Yes. Pioneer 1267 shares sold for $44,- - Henry Gorman and wf to J C Axtell, 799 HA rnn , or o. r,A of sales reported today was fair. There 50 do, 35; 35 Ewa, 33.50; $4000 Olaa Tho court says tho word "Territory" ni fnlln.t.c D; por lots 4 and 5, blk 107, Palolo E. G. Duisenberg have' been no advances of any conso- - 10 8. ln tho law "Is equivalent to 'Govern- at 35 4 257 at 35 .,n11.. TIn..n1..1.. knit... 17111 T3 O 6s, 97.50; Olaa, Stock and Bond Broker. FOR ROAD Work. u,nonK B,mreH- - DUt 9 5 ment' and Includes street Improve AUTO Walalua-- G0 shares sold for ?7SG0. 'Iueuo audr r", p 358. Doted Feb 24, 1912. Session sales McBrydo, 9:75; MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK ANP was yesterday exhibited en " - """-- ! Haw C & S Co, 45.75; 13 McBrydo, ments made by tho municipality." There u" at " - j c Axtell and wf to Henry Gorman, BOND EXCHANGE. Btreet a lingo $4200 auto- - Brewory-- Eold er Instances from tho Blight de-j- 9.75; 20 do, 9.75; 20 do, 9.75; 50 do, With regard to tho equltablo qucs Walanuonuo 25 shares for $537.50, ' pop Iots 4 nnd Bi b,k mRg 76 Merchant St., opposite Bishop tt to m tlon of compulsion raised by com- - truck sold by tho Volcano Stables ' nl wu" tu" ua or two "a" rents, etc. valley. 9 75; 25 do, 9.75; 50 do, 9.75; 30 do, the " ' Palolo Honolulu. Oa. Co.'s Bank, Honolulu. - ITn,nllM Til 1 jn . i i Tirnllnn T) line twnn 1 county for work In tno Kau uis- Bliares BOIU 1 tmnnnln uhq uuuix uuiuB4tn duuio . 9.75; 5 do, 9.75; 50 do, 9.75; 40 do, pany tho court has this to say: the iaauuu ioj .uimu j... jinno R 301 n 289 DntPfl Foh Telophone 3013. P. O. Box 8Z2, "Notwithstanding what wo have tnct where It has been proved that ior $zu,&74, 37 l-- z, as follows: SO at sieauy cnmDins iatoiy, ana tno end 2i 1012 29; 10 Oahu Sug Co, 29; 5 do, 29; 10 1 . 1 n-- r. a. con-gatio- n AO 0 At O. nnv -- t n n t . ilnnn rrt - In using such a - o-- uu nnm l.nuu ... McBrydo, 9.75; 6 Haw Pino Co, 43; said in regard to tho company's obll- there Is economy i(i iu w ui n "Ua oii. w D.Sui. rrom, jnmH n Levenson to .T Uchliln. D: mat-thos- e 43; 10 43 37 -- 15 do, 43; 50 to conform Its pavements to trlvance rather than to leavo tho at at 'around ubout to 38 a month neo.Nr.inn - n, ..o m Oahu Sug Co, 29; 25 do, Jas. F. MorganCc Ltd. au- - hauling material' to mules. iino uy jom iuu snares floiu ior mo snares navo aavancca to a selling - 9.75; 10 Oahu Sug Co, 29; 5 do, 29; 10 laid down by governmental tor of road ' vnr,, qt imnninin nnim- siann thorlty, provisions tho fran- Is beauty and Its acquis! $875, all at 8 3-- price ot 43 4 today. Durinc the1 ore 9.n a.,mi Pino Co, 43.25; 25 Haw C & S Co, 45.-7- tho of The car a 1 n.,i imo JR. K j. 1 ' n T T n1.nn- orn 1 1 - .i Attn. i .... 5 chise act, as contended by counsel, tlon may assist tho county to save " " i ween. jUH. oiiuuu, ioi snares 01 mis Tn,.,na Tl Lovunnnn tn T TTnliMn TV Haw Pino Co, 43.25. Stock n and must bo given a reasonable construc- money. Hawaii Herald. at 170. stock, valued at $20,574. ehnntrnil Mr. Sugar Quotations 96 deg. centrifu- Pahang Rubber 10 share, sold for gals, 3.985; 88 Bond Broker tion and effect. If at any time tno hands, none of It bringing less that i n ar.s n ar.o nnn,i Arii dog analysis beets, 12s oon --..I on I ni,." ' " ' ...... U, OJI Ub.i .,. 42 Tho thnt o Id; parity, 4.55. Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond streets should bo paved with such . EUECTRICITY AT OLAA. fact tho comnanr mio Bonds. has crop Exchange. material or in such a manner ns would Tho Olaa plantation is Installing an a larger Just starting to Emma M Nakuina (widow) to Peter $ 500 Hllo 1901 0s at 100.25 SIX-FIFT- tho cannery, year, Aplll-Kanepai- PAYS ALL. Stock and Bond Orders recelva clearly bo Inadequate or wasteful or electric plant whoreby people between than last and that F Ah Kim, D; lot 9, 49.000 Olaa 6s at 97.50 Persons who feel the need of u prompt attention. extravagant, It might properly be held mill and tho village will bo sup- this pack Is already sold at about 25' tract, Honolulu, Oahu; $475. B 358, tho 1000 Natomas Con 6s at 94.00 chunge, and those who do not, can get Information furnished relative to all that to require tho company to con- lights In their cents per caso over last year's pack, p 362. Dated April 23, 1912. plied with electric 1000 Hon Gas 6a nt 100.0C It at an. expense of six dollar's and fifty 8T0CKS AND BONDS. form thereto would bo an imposition the or nn equivalent of sonio f 70,000 bet-- j Pallkea, and hsb to Keolanui (w), ' i houses. The land covered by 1000-Hll- Ex. 6s at 94.50 LOAN 8 NEGOTIATED. id on the company,, and. that' It .was "not plan' ter than last year, 1b explanation fou, D;,8950 sq ft of R P 7858, ktil;.7715, lines, will bo land owned by tho to fraTelwa-fo- r 'tho 3:20 iraln, limited, Phone 1672. P. O. Box 694.' within th,o. spirit, nnd. Intent of -- thq company. system Moan al tin, Honolulu, Oahu; $5, - B 358, tqtlpn Later the SS2.500 ' .1 Saturday afternoon for Halelwa, get net that company'should bo present. p 363. Dated March 12, 1912. ci may bo extended a considerable dis- ting dinner at tlfo famous Hnlelwa 'Patronize Home Induatry." pectcd to comply under such clrcum McBrydo sold in quantity tho Manuol B Madeiras and wf to Wil tance further than that noted. Ha- SPRAINED ANKLE. at hotel, good rooms and service, havo a stances. Counsel for tho railway com established price of 9 3-- H. C. liam Louis. D; lots 13 Jind 14, sec B ot waii Herald. A sprained ankle may ns n rule be and good time at golf, swimming or tennis pany contend that, In view of the fact & S. brought again 45 3-- kills 5957B nnd 7260, rents, etc, Kn cured In from threo to four days by Oahu Sunday and an old chicken that nearly one-hal-f of tho Hfo of Its Sugar has regained somo of Its lost nlaaluna, Honolulu, Onhu; $450. B 358, WHOM TO TELL. applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm dinner Sunday night leaving tho hotol franchise has passed, It is unreason ground, bringing today 29 flat, against p 365. Dated April 20, 1912. ot an "Glad we met you. Our boy Stanloy and observing tho directions with each on tho limited at 8:10 arriving Ini Hawaii, Limltod. company 7-- ablo to require tho to lay 2S 8 yesterday. , Qwock Dal and hsb to Lnm Seo (w), Insists on marrying chorus girl. I bottle. For salo by all dealers. Ben- Honolulu at 10:10. It Is an opportunity Telephone 3529. 96 King St. expensive d permanent that an and & Co., D; lots 10 nnd 12, blk 202, bfdgs, got shall cut him off absolutely, and you son, Smith Agents for to a complete change of air and , pavement, such as bltullthlc on a con plants, etc, Palolo tract, Honolulu, Oa' can tell him so." environments for Httlo money. croto foundation. It Is not at all clear FILED FOR RECORD hu; $2400. B 358, p 366. Dated April OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that tho longth of tho life remaining Tho Family Lawyer I know a bet J. HOLMBERG A "Classified Ad- - In the Star will 24, 1912. Henry Watcrhouso Trust Co Ltd tr in franchiso Is to bo considered In ter plan than that I'll tell the girl. ARCHITECT. tho bring results when all other exped. Hugh Galbralth to Wong Ah Chuck, to John Choy Lo, D; Int in lots o and thiB connection. Tho statute requires London Opinion, entt fall. Recorded April 24, 1912. D; Iota 25, 27 and 28, blk 7, Kaplo-lnn- l 8, blk 116, Now Ocean View tract, Ho- Estimates Furnished on Bulldlngo. . the company to pave .and repavo, and Mr Jennlo Lopes to Lai Pul, D A; tract, Honolulu, Oahu;' $825. B nolulu, Onhu; $700. I) 358, p 30. Dat- Rates Reasonable. -- ' to keep in ropair the... street .surface Fine Job Printing, Star'Offlcd. Fine Office. male child Georgo Lopos 8 months 358, p 367. April 24, Job Printing, Star Dated 1912. ed April 9, 1912. 160 Hotel St, Oregon Bldg. Tel. 366fr


Mn, QtMrtM II. Fairer vrrlrixt by mm hntl. Mr. uml Mm. JoMph ' and Mm. CHlwrti are to spand two Ikt tVtlMmlfin for rlDlt of wveral Hpnt iLynetlr Hough), rame up' month here The will dlvldtt thwlr WMki with Mr and Mm. Win. MrlOi, from Mnseoilero during the week to time the Victoria and the ilf lltlo. .Mm. Knlrer lived for a tlmo, spend several days wllh Mrs I lean's Hough home In Htnrkton lit llllu it ml has a IhmI of friends j "j mother and sister. Mr. ('leghorn.1 tliero. A nnmlHT of entertainments, tfnr- - 11 T ho Is In Los AngeleH this week.1 Flno Job Printing, Star Office. nro being planned for Iter. .1 .4 Martha Tu.loeh. Miss Leslie Tulloah, " I'lmsimu uBsiomiyae, on Tues Miss Carol lnv. Miss Clorlndn Low, of lllto i'iiloilalne.1 at dinner j ' Mr. IIP Mrs. Wilfred (Ireenwell. Miss Margaret "veiling for John Ilackfeld. I Oumted and Mint Maud Seydo. i Covers wore laid for Mr. John llnel t fold. Mr. and Mrs It. V. Kller. Mr. I llnpal Warner's Tho nmnngoinont of the Monnn ""'I Mrs. Paul llnitels, Miss and Hotel Is entertaining at dinner this Mr. and Mrs. CasK-ndyk- availing for tho gentlemen who have Rust-Pro- of taken part in tho tennis tournniuent.l Mrs. Win. P. Heilhron gave a brldgo Tho Invited guests aro Major Timber- - tea party Thurstlav afternoon at the Wll-Jloy- Motel In honor of Tho graduate steps forth from school with lior head crammed rull of lake, Lieutenant I'ratt. Lieutenant Hawaiian henelll Hams, Mr. David Anderson, Mr. Thorn-a- s Mrs. Harry Webster, who has recent-- knowledge. At IcRBt. it Is supposed to be, and we will glvo lior tho POWDER Corsets awaiting her, Gray, Mr. Robert Siuclnir, Mr. John ly purchased a pn-tt- home In Young E tho doubt. Sho thinks she Is prepared for the Courtney, Mr. the! and that nil sho has to do to solve thorn ts to uso tho knowledge sho has Mncnulr.y, Mr. Norman street. Mrs. Webster's friends at Absolutely Pure Gerald Irwin, Mr. Hobert Shcnkpl, Mr. party with a beautiful smiutred. presented hrr The only baking powdor oyes Johnson, Mr. fCdinund Parker, other, Hut a littlo grappling with these problems soon opens her to some William tea cloth and napkins, beside mado from Royal Grajto An Attractive Llttle- - new facts or which she was unaware. She enn use the arithmetic and the Mr. It. P. Faithful, Mr. Charlos pieces thnt go to make up n pretty Sroam Young. of Tartar grammar and the spelling and the stenography she lms learned in school. john and Mr. Richard ten table. After the guest of honor NoAlum,NoUme Phosphate Seemingly But sho has vastly more to do than merely to use thorn. She llnds herself J J J had been Introduo'il. and the beauti problems of Mr,?. Harry Ityeroft have re- in. a new world, a new phase of existence, with conditions and Mr. and ful table linen had been presented,, s,)o dflfUy caUB,lt u bctweon the study and mastery quite as much as did tho turned to their homo at Kaimukl after the ladies played bridge. At four 118 own. And these onll for of lu,r brId,p hand but ho 0J VustPncf "Topless" Corset physics in tho past confronted having spent a fortnight at Knhala. were n I problems of mathematics aud Latin and that o'clock refreshments served. hor Hudaen. j& J iJt rrl, 1.. ...I. . Alt Mm tnnnnt Inn her In the classroom. !.... , planning """" V ly the dicker of red. Upon his goes into the business world and is ambitious to climb to the top Airs. Henry Waterhousc Is nun iieiu whh preuii.. uixuiiucu un- If sie haunches he sped about, but the prin-cr.t- ladder, sho finds sho has much more to do than mcroly uso tho to give a tea early In June for the la- der the personal supervision of Man- Wonderfully flexible; well at the with the skill of a horsewomin sup Stenographic symbols sho has learned, or figure out discount and percentage. dies who arc working on the commit- ager Drown, tall p.ilms being arrang- to the manner born, sat the steed If she assumes tho care of a home, her duties bring her many more tees In the Out Door Circle. ed down the center and pretty ferns way like a centaur. She reined him problems than the temperature of tho oven for baking, and the proper 0 i& and palms being placed around tho ports the figure without the brass- Miss- about followed the patrol, Tho to swoop and dust a room. Mrs. William J. Forbes and the sides. One row of tables was placed and she Informally; cheered. And these same conditions hold good no matter what Held of labor es Forbes are entertaining In each "lane" foi which tho green- - crowd Hut has for Mrs. Worth enters. She has learned certain necessary things in school. she at tea this afternoon nrv former! n striklnir bnnkcround. iere, though we have the Warner own. reception rooms Progress: Mr. and entered a new school now with problems and tasks of Its Aiken of Maul. The Th(j Qf Uig fnrtbm Pomon!1, Cal.. she has left. with yellow coreop . fc. cu And this school Is far more Important than the classrooms will be decorated enhanced bv a large basket of roses. Mrs. r uoioy anu enuunn I Hut though they Brassiere, made lingerie Its tasks are harder. Its prizes richer, moro sis. presented by Mrs. Ethel Taylor, and Honolulu, who have lived in Pomona mode, to upon fortunately tho v f'- - Call for other faculties to be brought to bear thorn, roses and mnldenlialr contributed by the past year, loft on Tuesday thoroughness and carefulness Mrs. B. lt. Gayler were hosts method of mastering them Is the same. The Mr. and other ladles. morning for Los Angeles and will will Saturday night with it. tasks, evening , p go her, if brought to bear upon her new last for the i . ... unnn. to Hnnnlllltl fo mlltfi Of the classes now behind .,. mi..1 I1U IIOSICSS UI IIIK UlUiiaiUU WHB rotlirn...... - . oro gl on carry her steadily upward toward honors In llfo"s school. Bridge club The prl fm a whpjl ilsked must be hers in life's to Mm. Edwards. Major Neville Exactly tho same procedure as in the classrooms fhoBO Wf),(l Mpsdamcs u. lt tlicy preferred to live in Hawaii Gayler. Among present u a good student. In her classes she could tenant Turner and Mr. eni-Arth- school. If she wants to bo counted Auerbach, Florence Dodge, A. Dlony Mr Colby replied with a most mastered the Bimpler parts of present were Admiral and Mrs. wot take up higher mathematics until she had those Cohen, 'pbatic "No," but added that for fi- - . i .. .. n , 1 Xfro ATnpnmll Coyne. J. Louis Prices English until she $1.25 to passed on to rhetoric and ..l $5. arlthometlc; sho could not be f and "rown. C L. Crabbo. A. 11. Cunha, D. nancial reasons it was better for them knew grammar. And a superficial cramming of these at the end of a term Major and Mrs. Neville. Major - Hcilbron, Theo iiolftnan. Ueorgo to return at mis, apwever. run answer. When It camo to solid, serious work, If sho Mrs Woolen Mrs Edwards. Captain"- did not in tho long Dj- -. would to pieces. And and" Clifton Carter, Mm. Cole-- Martin, Hattlo W. L. Moore, Den Inn rre.i that they return did not understand thoroughly the fundamentals, she went to Mrs ' ' 'Lieutenant .Anna Wright. Clara Schmidt. R.J Pomona as soon as it was possibe tho same In tho now problems awaiting her. Sho must build solidly, man and and Mrs. Turner Ie, it is D. Reedy. W. Riley, Thomas Sharp, fur them to do so. thoroughly, step by stop. And then, as she mounts, she will have under her Smlth' U S('"n' Clmr,cs stel'hc',s' feet always a firm foundation. Dr. and Mrs. Marshall gave a fare--' a WHITNEY & MARSH M- - - "onaId Alameda Argus, May 10: A number Tho same inexorable law is seen in the games we play for prizes. AVo well dinner last evening in honor of ,War". siUc- MncIn', m ,i. voiing, iiarry weosier, of were. me weu- 1 must play for the prizes from tho beginning. Wo cannot play carolessly and Miss Emma Miller and tip i rn. lre, i. friends at wnari up by at tho ond. Minnie E. Porley V. F. Hellbron and nesday to bid good-by- o to Miss Ethel indifferently at tho start, and then hope to make attention IWOJIIV! UI (III, I IlliklUi i on wo have no i.1 ureen. Jack, who, with her mother, loft Wo must win that coveted star for each game, and then need v I'rlstos wore guon for each table misgivings as to the result. An exhibition of paintings by Mrs.' the Wllhelmina for Honolulu. Thev ' " " And so the ambitious girl graduate, setting out on her life-wor- k and n W PrviTsnn ts in lio belli nt till- - Kl- - will remain but a few days 'n Sv weucung wanting it to be happy and successful, should put right at the head of her lohana Art Loaguo on Monday from 1110 invuauon noieu ueiow i.',unciBCo on their return bff re ollicer of one lately- - list of resolves, tho determination to bo thorough, to bo dependable, to put until six. Mrs. Pogson whoso concerns an of the ll)K t0 their llon)c ln Sa mis Obispo . .A. .. I,. I..tt1.41titv Jiiet- na .nivfrmtlv ulin ...... fin visiting v every stone into tne uu uu.mmh, J""-- til paintings arc of fruit and dowers, is cruisers here. Mlgs Jack ls a sister-In-la- of Mr THE HOME OF - from Hollywood, California, and her Mr-- aml JIrK E'lmunil Fairfield Par- pbort EdKar jack (Grace McCor mclKe n"""""''-- ' L l meir ilnlnlv fnverR were laid for Miss work is worth seeing. w,cky SOCIAL NEWS OF THE DAY. daughter Clair.' to Harrison Kel-- j Rockwell.' $ Frank , Ji Woodlawn, the home of Mrs. D. F. l.Mitli Pnwles. Miss Helen lr,.. navy, , ., 4 ensign Fnited States on Madame .. F I r. J Irene fT't. t ...1.1 I S. F. Post, May 13: Mr. of a very Miss Daphne Carr, Miss Detty Case,' andMrs Dillingham, was tho scone Sunday, May the 12th, 1912, Cavlte.' ,.,.,. T ,, ,Ttoa uroi.oi for Miss Elsie Miles and Mrs. Danker. be given in July by tho Hllo Dramatic , r tuna i a,.,,0kjj tiuu) tiuu inoa 4uu., pretty tea yesterday afternoon Philippine Islands. to fcC ,5 Club is as follows: Mrs. Christian Synimes are en route Honolulu, Mrs. Charles Adams and Mrs. Eleanor J & Castendyke, Mrs. H. D. Elliot, Mrs. where they will spend the summer Hydo-Smlt- The large tea table Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Klanip en i Miss Eva nuttencutter, sister of W. H. .Hiserman, Miss Hlancho Cwna- - months. During their absence Whit- - on lawn bore a centerpiece tertained at dinner hut evening at Capt. G. of placed the Rrady Ruttencutter, the re- - Dr. W. .1. Horn, W. H. comb and Leslie Symmcs will Corsets rio, Sexton, of yellow chrysanthemums. Mrs. Dil- Kaalawai. Mr. and Mrs.- Klamp's First Infantry, stationed at Schofield Hiserman, Mr. Roy Anderson and Mr. main in Rerkcloy. The marriage of lingham was assisted by Mrs. Walter Biiost,3 Included Mr. end Mrs. Charles Barracks, Is the guest for the week- - Koenen. ? Leslie Symmcs and Miss Grace Dillingham. Mrs. William Whitney and Wilder, Mr. aiid Mrs. A. J. Campbell, end of Miss Mary Cooper, of Oahu jk M Whittle will be an event of the fall. , All models About fifty ladies Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dowsett, Miss at Mrs. John Erdman. College. will take In Mill Valley,' called during tho afternoon Cornet, "Sir. and Mrs. Klobahn, Sir. am' Mrs. Wm. McKay of Hllo was host- It iilacc . Mrs. Franklin Richardson and Mrs. ess Monday afternoon at her Puueo where the bride has lived for se years. Mrs. Elizabeth Waterhouse assisted Harry Whitney. home for her house guest, Mrs. Chas. Ccast Society Wews oral j8 jS SS New w vS York H. by her daughters is giving a tea this v Fairer. Refreshments wore served i Ilniraol) rxf (""on.1 "S V TnU'll Tnllf UlllV 11? Mm ' afternoon at her home on Wylllo street Mrs. Charley? Lelghton Gibson was shortly after tho arrival of the guests Mo - Great bunches of roses will be used guest of honor at an Informal sowing and nt the conclusion of the part of lain Dennett. U. S. N., commanding George Pullman arrived from Hono- tho-gam- X'nited ship during tho week and went to the for tho decorations. tea yesterday afternoon given by Mrs. the entertainment o began, the States South Dakota,' l.ilu will a only Price v Louis J. Warren and Mrs. John T. War- Tho llrst prize, a dainty coffee spoon, entertain at luncheon today at St. Francis where she received Mr. and Mrs. Iiarry Macfarlane aro ren at tho homo of the latter on Ke-wal- o was won by Miss Hapal; the second, the Town and Country Club in honor! a few friends. Mrs. Pullman has not (,f entertaining this overling at Ahuiina-n- u street. Tho color schoine for tho a ol'ver table bell by .Mrs. Caiismlth Mrs. If. L. Titus 6r Coronado. - enjoyed robust health for years. She $5.00 coreopsis' In honor of Mr. and Mrr. Charles dororatlous was yellow and and the two consolation prizes wero Chronicle, May lfi. Is a 'Callfornlnn woman, having been Tomploton Crocker. The invited guests wore used to carry out the effect. Tho given to Mrs. Hiserman and Mrs. Paul Miss Hattle Sanger of Sacramento To Hoogo V1,KS aro Mr. and Mrs. Charles Templeton hostesses were assisted by Barte's. The guests included Mrs.. R. .Matson will spend a before her marriage to tho sleeping nccom-ca- $15.00 tlrockor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dilling- of Pasadena, Mrs. Ernest Clark and T. Moses. Mrs. C. S. Caiismlth, Mrs. ffw weeks out of town, having r builder. Her fatlier was Colonel panled ham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dillingham, Mrs. David Thrum. 13. N. Holmes, Mrs. A. G. Curtis, Mrs. her fatlier. Captain Matson, on jnmos Saiiger, a well known railroid to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ivors, Mr. and S v R. T. Forrest, Miss Potter, Miss Louise triP Ho northern part of the man. Mrs. Pullman Is said to be one - Stnte. Chronicle, May 15. Mrs. Gorrlt Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miss Doris Glrdler was tho guest of Doyo. Miss Enpann Porter, Miss Pom- of the wealthiest widows In tho Unit- Davles, Mr. Harold Ca3tle and Mr. honor at a kitchen shower given y oroy, Miss Hapal, Miss Harriet Hapal, ed States. Those who pretend to William Rotb. afternoon by Mrs. Henry Ginaca Mrs. Hartols, Mrs. D. E. Metzger, Miss Angeles Herald, May 11: T'le know say that her daughter, Mrs. & 'at her home on King street. The in- Edna Metzger, Mrs. VIckors, Miss I'Hncess Wllhelmina of Hawaii rode Frank Carolan, has the largest In- at a guests wero Miss Dorlfl Glrdler, Marie Moclne, Misses Carrie, Mar- - ''"wn Broadway on a coal black come of any woman In ' JORDAN'S Mrs. E. W. Danker was hostess vited California. prettily appointed luncheon yesterday Miss Miriam Clark, M!.ss Ruth Stack- gnret : nd Florence Shipmnn, Mrs. Ollle horse. The Arab patrol of Aloha tem- - tX at her homo on Wilder avenue. Tile er, Mrs. Ray Raker Rletow, Miss Flor- Shipnian, Mrs. Hnrold Fisher, Mm. n. pl from Honolulu escorted her. From S. F. Town Talk, May 11: Mrs. center of tho tablo was filled with plnl; ence Winter. Miss Dorothy Eftlnger, B. Elliott, Mrs. Fred Irwin Mrs. Harry somewhere In the crowd a youth's Percy Cleghorn is up from Honolulu cosmos. The place cards, littlo Japa-nes- o Miss Eleanor Elllngcr, Mltvj Martha Patten, Mrs. Alvah Scott. Mrs. W. T. liana rose ami flung an American and with her mother Mrs. James H. Balding fans, were exceedingly novel and Dorgeson, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss and Mrs. Johnstone. beauty toward her highness. Hough of Stockton is a guest at the

"Fovvnes" X We are now showing an exceptionally strong and attractive "KNOX" GLOVES HATS line of Ready-to-We- ar Garments

0--V- oooooo ' MILLINERY READY TO WEAR SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. 4 We are told every day by women who visit our Millinery Satin and Pongee Reversible Coats in the Latest Cut for evenings. A very We have just put in stock a large shipment of new seasonable Department that Sachs' Hats have just that distinctiveness and pretty and useful Graduation Gift. Sachs' special price $15.00 goods for this department, and are now able to for your in- originality of style to make them ideal for every and all occasions. Tourist or Traveling Coats, made of Medium Weight Wool. These just spection a number of very handsome effects. Particular attention arrived by express and are cut the is drawn to these two: We have just put on display a number of our latest White on Latest New York Styles. Summer Hats. White Net Dresses and Lingerie Gowns in the Newest Models. Large Silk Mull, 27 inches wide, in handsome designs, and choice selections in all sizes. in all the Fine Milan Knox Sailors latest shades, 50c per yard. Motor Coats, Alpaca, Linen and Pongee Dusters. Striped and Figured Messaline, Knox Panamas. See window display of Bathing supplies. 26 inches wide, in all shades, for $1.00 per yard.

(ooooooccoo "MODART" and SACHS DRY GOODS CO., LTD. "ONYX" "NEMO CORSE lb. 0 Fort and Beretania. v Opp. Fire Hall. HOSIERY THR HAWAIIAN SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912.


TO-NIG- HT (Speolnl by hearing If , Correspondence ot the Star.) a nolso as some ono wore MLO, May 23, On Wednesday coming on board by way of llio gang night Inst just ono week after tho plnnk. A second later, tho captain REFRIGERATOR rumpus on board tho John Una there heard a revolver shot and then Immcdl-wa- s another revolver flourishing act ntely, the aound of a man running pulled off down on the waterfront, along the wharf. Although Captain This time men from the Cutler saw the man, ho declares that Prosper and Klikltat were mixed up ho cannot Identify him for certain. Juvenile In tho affair. No ono was Injured but The crow of the schooner all Jump- - It was only luck that proventcd a ed from their bunks, and then a gene' tragedy. rcl discussion about the matter arose, It appears that tho sailors from tho It seems that ono of the crew heard Most Sanitary Most Economical two vessels were on shoro on Wednos- - a man come on board nnd oak where day night nnd, pallor like, they had a the second, mates bunk was. Tho The Rhinclander is most economical. First: Most sanitary because nowhere in the entire "good timo." Boozo galoro was mopped stranger was told that tho officer's HINELAN DER because of price, lower than any other Re- Bostonians up, and tho tars were llko long lost berth was just ncrora from tho en lining or food department is there a single frigerator daring to approach the Rhinclander brothers for a while. However, the trance to the captain's room. i i in c.iciency; second: because of minimum ice groove, or wncre a germ righting stage soon came along, end Hair a minute later, cracK, crevice 1 tho revolver """VrVTT" requirements. he casing is constructed of It is alleged that the first ma- of tho shot rung out, and tho nhip was arous dodge the cleaning cloth, and there never can VjlNJo, JV IJcVJlL e'8'11 scPalale an distinct walls of casme. Prosper had a rough and tumble with ed. The mon who fired tho shot dis sheathing, and matchings, including a mineral in vtwsel. be any 'such hiding places, because, unlike all the second officer of the other appeared along uio wiiarr, and no wool lining and the XYNO stone lining. It Tho result appears to have been n de further tracb of him could at that time other stone, slate, tile-line- d re- or keeps out the heat; keeps in the cold. Fur- cisive victory for Klitltat man. At be discovered. the frigerators, Xyno stone can chip, crack, XYNO thermore, the any rate the face of tho Prospcr's An Investigation of tho second never Rhinelander has a drainage sys- and mate wes badly damaged. mate'.s bunk revealed the fact that a or discolor corners rounded, shelves, ice tank, tem a system of circulation that guarantees A police officer, who happened along, bullet had been fired into the blankets throughout the entire Refrigerator absolute dry 4 "TfieRansnm" everything slides out from front, then a glisten- Is said to have overheard the first Tho bullet was found buried in the Stone Lined air. The ice chamber is made of rust-pro- of mate flay that he would All the other mnttrras of tho bunk. Had tho second ing naked snow white lining of XYNO stone, galvanized iron, with back slanting floor to in- $ man with holes. A fervent desire was mate been In his bunk, ho could not sure drainage. as durable as nickel steel, beautiful as marble, proper Cabinets of beautifully I also said to have been expressed for have escaped being wounder. If not air-dri-ed TICKETS AT finished, oak, unconditionally guar- a "gun." killed Instantly. and as easily cleaned as glass. iefrigerator anteed against warping or falling COMMITTED apart. Heavy f PROMOTION ROOMS. Tho police officer told the men to As soon as daylight came, the cap- nickel trimmings. go aboard their ships and to stop fight- tain notified the police of the shooting. ? ing. The .sailors did so, and all was Sheriff 'Pun got busy and Investigated then thought to ho well. tho affair. The result was that tho PRICES: Reserved seats, 25 and 50c. Captain Cutler, of the Klikitat, then first mate of the Prosper was taken comes on tho scene. Tho captain was to the police station and thcr.e held for asleep on board, and he was awakened Investigation. Gome in and let us show you this wonderful Refrigerator, also our twenty different styles

and varieties of Rhinelander enamel-line- d Refrigerators, from $16.00 and up. General Admission IRE THAN A MILLION A YEAR 15 cts. FOR METHOD ST FOREIGN MSSONS See Our Window Display See Our Window Display Bijou Theater MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 9 Con- view of harmonizing tho donation.1? tributions received in tho last four with the needs of the different fields. Tho question of separate contribu- years by general committee for BEST BILL IN MONTHS. the tions for foreign and home mission SEE IT TONIGHT. foreign missions of tho Methodist Epis fields Is also presented to tho confer- copal church aggregated $5,177,259, ac- ) KNOTTS AND LAWRENCE ence in the report and attention cording to the committee reporT pre- directed to the progress in foreign mis- Singing, Dancing Repartee In the and Clever sented to the general conference to sions in tho past twenty-fou- r years from Hawaii, to wear new shoes A Dig nit--May night Tabulation of the contributions showing an increase of 492 missionar- parade. The colonel is looiung ior to the showed that the proportionate Increase ies and 4391 native preachers. him today. Ho was right there y parado Nannery in special contributions has Decn great- The difficulties met by missionaries balf-wa- mark as far as tho negotiate high er in period than Increase In by reason or revolutions In two of the went, but when It camo to OU school and college AND COMPANY that the not the regular contributions. most Important fields, Mexico and Chi- the other halt tho colonel was Will put on new and pithy sketch to- report the na, are touched on in tho report which quite up to his prime. night Every sketch a scream. Tho recommends that general conference carefully consider finds cause for rejoicing that the fu- He is limping today, is tho colonel, toward his chaps who graduate tho Question ot special gifts with a ture in both fields Is bright. and sending thought waves expert to friend that arc singeing the air current Yokohama Troupe individual's car Ing away an unrecognized existence and must make that this year ought to be looking Japanese Acrobats whoso act Is fall of STORIES here. burn. Thrills. Were a London Rage. SHRIR . They learned that Ralph was In the Mustache Restorer Needed. MANY MOTION PICTURES. possession of Dr. Conrad Dlechmlller Los Angeles Herald, May 10: A bona up the new suit for it. It's Los Angeles Herald', May 11: For of this city, and permission was speedi- fldo mustacho producer or hair restor- the first time In his life "Sunny Jim" ly granted that tho Princess might try er will bring big money down at tho time to celebrate with good McCandlcss lost bis smile yesterday. him. Lankershim hotel, where the Aloha a The Aloha Honolulu float, upon which Prior to this she had tried other Shriners are hanging out. Wllhel-mln- a mpireMOVING Princess clothes; , PULL SERIES OP NEW h0 had spent a great deal of money horses, but each had displayed a placid Ever since their and there's no better PICTURES. personally, broke down twice beneath disposition not to the liking of the commanded them to shavo tho the weight of Its flowers and Hawaiian Princess. Honolulu fezes have been nursing a way to do that than by beauties and had to bo taken out of At S o'clock yesterday morning a few Btray hairs hero and there on tho line of march with, McCcndless on small party set out toward Westlake their upper Hps. C.Q.YeeHop&Co it and a score of other Alona Shriners. Park from tho Landershim Hotel to Sunny Jim's Smile. having All went well with tho float until the try out Ralph, "Sunny. Jim" McCandless of Aloha Meat Market parade had fairly gotten under way.) The Princess will ride in her stock- - temple bears tho reputation of never and v Then It refused to move. Tho Aloha inired feet in the narade: therefore, ft having lost his wrinkle. He's com Hart Schaffner & Marx patrol and the Princess Wilholralna had been necessary to wrap tho Btir-- near It several times, but It never Importers lost their place in the line ot march, rups In velvet. really got away from him. Tho other Telephone 3451. but tho float was hastily repaired End The Hawaiian leaped to back of day Noblo McCandless was sunning the wn clothes. Even the graduate in cap-and-go- started under way. Tho grandstand the horse like an acrobat. A moment hiniKi.if In front of tho Lankershim passed, tho float again went on tho before she had been luxuriously sitting when lo and behold a bovy of ladles, ought to have strike and this time was pushed out back in the Hudson 33, which has been young and old, sesieged him to accom new w. wei on mez-- . J. of the lino of march. at her disposal here. Tho metamor- pany them to a pink tea tho clothes for daily use graduation Thus hundred of thousands of spec phosis was startling. zanine floor. Despite his protestations, at tators n'ong parts of tile line ot march was dragged away and for 225 Hotel Street, opposito Royal Ha- "Giddap," sho cried, and Ralph mov- tho noblo time. who were keyed up to expectancy to ed nlong, slowly. two hours listened to tho chatter of licht-hearte- d of waiian Hotel, will sponge, pross and seo what the Hawalans bad In storo "I'm afraid ho Is not going to do," gossip and tho clink never for them woro disappointed and many she said. tea cups, and his friends say he The fact that we've made some special do minor repairing men's suits for In tho crowd missed a sight of tho lost his smile. "Try him with tho whip, very gent- preparations for the graduating man is a famous kahili, the Insignia of Hawai- ly," suggested one. "Pop" Abies. SO CENTS ian royalty, which had never been Los Angeles Herald, May 10: Ho good reason for coming lo us with your "Whoopee," cried Princess Wllhol taken from tho islands. every Shrlno conclave ever mina of tho Hawallans, whllo oven attended needs. We'll show you exactly the By the new eloctrical process. Try it "I felt especially bad about it," said held in th United States, which Is tho automobile shied end Ralph di- things you want; and supply them Mr. McCandlcss today, "because I had more than many of the others can say, at minished down tho perspective llko Phono 3814. secured a special permit from the Ha Wherever the conclavora have hold economical prices. the proverbial arrow. look- waiian nobles to bring tho kahili hero, The rider forth, "Pop" Abies ot Aloha templo ed like tho human half of a centaur, Lik0 the Roman purple, it was a mark has been soon. Somo day ho hopes though, as sho held wfillo Suits $20.00 and up of tho old Hawaiian royalty and never her seat and to attend a conclave when ho won't WANTED dodged things, Overcoats $20.00 and up permitted to bo taken from tho sho street cars and have to travel so far away from homo Tho watches other watchmakers can was she began to reason with Ralph. At In other words, ho wants tho doings make keep correct time. No work Islonds." not first ho would not listen, so tho right on one of those Hawaiian Islands difficult Wm. Prucha, St., Not only did tho crowds miss the too Fort Princess began to arguo firmly. bo's never tired of telling about near Pauahl. sight of tho kahili, but Mrs. Roso Estes that and a bevy of Hawaiian beauties wore Fifteen minutes later sho returned "Pop" was tho flrst to start tho Silva's Toggery, Ltd. to aboard tho float in Island costumes and tho waiting group. trek from the Islands when tho early Year by year Imitation typewriter woro thus left out of most of tho "Now I think this horso will be all conclaves wero held. "The Store for Good Clothes:' "Good-byo- , example, work. parado by tho collapse of their float. right," sho said. Ralph, others began to follow his Horse. seo you tomorrow." until now tho Hawaiian Shriners havo IKEDA Princess Tames Corrright Htt, Sduffner & Mux ELKS' Bldg. King GEO. S. Los Angeles Examiner. Mr 10: Honolulu Nobles Kissed. quite a representation at tho conclaves. St. 1264 Fort St., Princess WUhelmlha of Haw.l took-- a Los Ango'.es Exuminer, May 12: Fol- SIGNS. Tel. 1140. high si lilted horsn ngiratlvoly undev lowing tho Santa Anita drill Wood PROJECTING her thumb yesterday and sat upon It called Aloha, Honolulu, patrol off the Whether tho merchants of tho city enough to per Ascbcia-tlo- In ihc most literal maimer. field. They lined up in company front can stand together well socrotary of tho Morchants' It had been arranged that tho 1'rin and saluted tho San Franclgco ladles. mlt tho enforcement of th6 law with to tho board of supervisors, in ooo06oo& COOK WITH cesn should rldo In this morning's Whllo tho teams remained In company referenco to projecting signs over tho accordance with a resolution adopted Entertaining n.irndc wearing her ane03lrpl robes, front each of tho San Francisco women sidowalks, is a question that camo up nt yeaterday's meeting of tho directors at Cards?. but tho charming ypune; TIawalon hud stepped forward and kissed every Ho before tho Merchant's Association yes- - of that organization, protesting against row years, - mado up her mind vorv definitely that nolulu noble. Leaving tho field Islam terday. A law wna pasfl a tno Koin outfli,i0 of tho city with tond- We have everything necessary I for first of all sho would know tha man- patrol formed in a set of fours, with ago making an offense to maintain ors for things which local business Gas ners of tho necessary hnrao. two ladles, ono from Honolulu and ono any such sign, but it was Ignored by men aro In position to furnish. Tho the Card Table including the new Arms, A MATTER OF COMMON INTEREST Noble McCandlesB and other Hawai- from San Francisco, between each, four somo of the more influential and advertising for now band Instruments, im- - in hearing noon became a dead letter. Loss Pa far Air-Cushi- How to euro a cold Is a question ian Shrlnors Immediately on nobles. vi,ca brought bids from ovon on big BICYCLE Playing which many aro interested Just now. this nroclamation commenced a far Sam Johnson's New Shoes. portant merchant followed their nway n8 London, waB tho occuslon of Cards now Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won and wide search for a horse that know Los Angeles Herald, May 11: Ho neighbors example, until an tno. this resolution its great reputation and Immonso salo how to parado. was ono of the fittest and finest in tho business streets are full of g HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. ono or another. by Its remarkable cures of cold. It Somo ono got a clue that "Ralph,"' parado yesterday, but today well, boards of kind K. O. Ilrown of Chicago defeated can always bo depended upon. For the black horso that had been especial that's tho story. Alex. Young Bldg. advising PATRONIZE HOME TRADE, Walter Honolulu ot San Francisco In salo by all doalors. Benson, Smith & ly purchased for the Knights Templar Somo well meaning but ill JohnBon, A letter Is to bo written by thOj four rounds. Co., Agents for Hawaii. Conclave In San Francisco, was pass friend porsuaded Colonel Sam ocaocKsaoa

..It-.- - ..y lull. a..:s.j UMS.:i.'i4t 4tjk, .Afitt "ft t ...J? THIS HAWAIIAN STAU. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912.

KIW ABVlKTtCBMINTt. it HwcltwalK .10 THINGS sT FOURTH DECORATION DAT Vm Hop A Vp .It Twwifl .11 Tot ttamtn-Toun- f .It BY BEHGER IN HONOLULU 1818 OF THE PYTHIANS'I 11. ItMkfeM A Co .16 51 O. . Dmky ..; ,., t Pirn firm fotiitli of July celebration nttrwwtfwr ,..'R The Knight of Pythias will ohs rvo lr. vs. AWN or li Ib . I i n in Hawaii lit. record had, web Hunt tiros i( In replying ii?ori in Decoration Day tomorrow (Siindny) In ISIS. ICrillOll ljHHIHiiT tO Kiocrli piewntniK htm with thin year. The Knights of Oahu, Myo- - .Ttily - Ik-- ih In At Honolulu. Saturday. 4, Ktsllott 11 fri.m the cltlzeni i the l .i tic nnd William McKlnley lodges, oh- - jj )r. ISIS." according to tho 1SI7-181- 8 Jour tgl ht honor at Hip Commercial CI 1. cirtod by the Uniform ltnnk of tho V J'mWc lMuclrte nal Cap.'. James Hunnewell, found- ywtcrday. Cup tain Herger j uk In of order, lately reorganized, will march ttUHorittM to er of the home or C. llrewer & Co., I iclimrt no follows: from their hall to Nuunnu cemetery & J. C. Axtsll "there wns a dinner piovldcd by Mr. came here to touch Hawaiian In the morning strew llowora over & Is The Best Part of Manoa Valley itonilriok 18' "I Warron, nt which were nbout twenty and Tito msrclnuuc horo farni8l!i"l the grnvos all departed broth- - j. Hopp A Co ?i n str. white men and the principal chief of of their n.isIc.U edueMiou ora cus- - jfj WtitorhoutiO A 6o. ,.T 11 th; funds, anil tho the Islnnd, Hokce (Uokl). Thorc w'oro burled there. This beautiful t ltHB f c 4j Ifcm Ton 18 followed Is n pint ti a number of appropriate tocsts drunk torn has heretofore been carried oil - Sachs e'c.ilturo of tli community. Thes- niv to American independence. The day on tho National Decoration Day, M.iy I miiBtglve f Benson, Smith & Co 4' days of commerce, h'lt you nnd evening spent in mirth and har 30, but as many of tho knights will not f I Manufacturing Shoe Company 4' A moment for culture. Looking hack mony." bo able to take part on that day this MANOA VALL EY O. 13. lkeda 8 lnt6 history, wo boo thnt tho oulture Is On the fourth of June. 1S18, "Some year, on account of engagements In Uegal Shoe Store 12! R) thnt Is left In the mcmoi'v of tho of the English celebrated Geo. III.'s other organlzntions, It was thought v J Li. Waldron loj human raco of the urcBt 'nations of birthday." best to observe the custom on tlio W 1 Honolulu One Company 16 ll.e past. The commerce of the Phoe- Sunday preceding. All knights In tho & nioinns, Homatis and Grecians Is for city and visiting broth'crs expected to & Is The Best Part of Honolulu THE WEATHER. potten their culture lives. THROWN OUT meet at tho hall tomorrow morning at T "Culture lifts the heart, whether it nine o'clock T Honolulu, May 25. bo pootry, or other literature, or mu (Continued from Page One.) 6 w. 3 a. I Temperature, tu.; m.; 10 sic. 1 have found much of It In Ha a. m., and morning minimum; waii. morning, solely becnuso of tho ten BROWN BROTHER 72. 71, 76, 78, 71. In tho party, none of whom "1 think 1 have succcdcd to s;;ine children Barometei leading. ibsolute hu- is over five years old. Be You extent In th0 musical culturo of the Sure Visit per they midity (grains cubic foot); rela- people here. In later years I have This morning Kearns told them humidity point S would once. He point TAKES MEDICINE tive and dew at not done so well as before, because have to leave at a. m. had of politics, r had to do politics n ed out that tho territory taken 30.04, C6, 62, 5.984. tho best of care of them during tho order to keep on my work. You can't There is a Filipino nt the U. S. Im-- j Wina velocity ana direction 6 of members party, and Today at t. illness of their Woodlawn keen on all tho time like now. Ha migration station who, according to a. m.: in n. m.. nnd noon: Its officials had done waii will have to como to the policy that their best the story going the rounds this morn- - If. E, 10 K, S E, 10 NE. to get them employment. They had of uuttlnc in olllco the best men. I tng, is fast learning the lesson that Ralnfp" during 2 nours ending 8 refused to take what was offered, no was In throe wars when I was a Ger It Is best to take your medicine and a. m.: .00. he had no other recourse than to man citizen and was In politics in my say nothing. $ Total wiuo movement during !4 eject them from the station and let old country, but we had politics fo" ThlB gentleman was under orders to.-- The Choice in WOODLAWN Lots Are ending at noon: 207 mllea. them hunt work for themselves. tho good of the whole, instead of, take a small dose but when the time & WM. D. STOCKMAN, "Take your belongings nnd go," ho as now, for the good of a few. That's came round shut his teeth and mut-- x Section Director. said. "I want nothing more to do the difference. tered that he had other thonghts on Rapidly Being Sold with you and have nothing more to. "I said to King Kalaknua once, 'Why tne 'matter. NEWS IN say- - A NUTSHELL do not you get a road master from For a long time tho officials tried Attaches of tho station removed the Germany like you Rot a bandmaster?' to ncrsuade the Lmie Brown Brother Paragraphs That Give Condensed baggage of the malcontents to the, I wasn't In politics then, and only tbat ,f he did not take thjj contentg News of the Day. sidewalk where the women mounted wanted to serve everybody. Now 1 t the spoon he wouId b(J ..make ,n the trunks and cast wrathful objurga-- a am in politics 1 have to be nnd I verj. snort Ume There waa nolh, Atlas Geography, Weekly Call, ?2.50 tlons In Spanish on the Immigrant dolng( hmveveri a8 vlslons of kahunaB One for I Acre suppose to do everybody. Lots Tweedie. have station and Its officials. The men,jor f "I remember that when Kalakaua tho Phlill)plne c(jUivaIent( wero Elegantly furnished rooms with hot auer sumo lornu narangues on me was going to in 1S7G, In noatlng bcfo,,0 h,B mlnd.s eye and cold baths at Hotel Arlington. the mainland subject of the famine m cigarettes,; I askpd Come on there8 0 gQod mt,e boy New line Panama hats just received. discussing his trip with him. went up town to Span--, interview the nInilf, tho mhrv nurse. m Roman, Beretania street him where was his national hymn. Ho .i mu 1. .1 a. , isnl.i. uuiioui. iue ninenut. uuiiuron "upi.-,- ... Choice niort,,n 750 for state, fk fnr niirnArTr For the best maao rubber stamps must bo received in and a lust what will become of the flock. CO They DIdums then." Stolid alien fh to Wall, Nichols Co.. Ltd. national hymn was a neces is problematical. The Spanish consul Ha-wa- reBlUt and a grlu,ng make them. il furthe. of tho sity. Wo all got together and may find some way of caring for Window envelopes at Hawaiian theratectn Star Ponoi' was born. And when he anu secure tnem employment, uut tne office. No addressing necessary in Suddenly an idea struck the nurse. Three-quarte- rs came back, the king; said that the Territorial officials are firm In de- I sending out bills, etc. His attitude changed. Twisting About One and Cents per Square Foot. hymn had saved the day. Tf it wasn't claring that they have washed their his face into all of ho The schooner E. K Wood was sight for Hawaii Ponoi we wouldn't have hands of the crew. sorts fierce shapes ed by Diamond Head lookout about por reciprocity advanced on the Filipino. "Take your tho treaty,' said his Rebuff Their Consul. $250 Cash. $250 in One Year. $250 in Two Years half-pas- t ten o'clock this morning. medicine," he rapped out. Still noth- majesty. The men of the malcontent party ing doing. Once again the order was Bandmaster Bergor was accorded "The hymn and other Hawaiian follow-in- g called upon the Spanish consul given e but with the same result. a vote of thanks by the Hawaii Pro- music sold at twenty-fiv- cents their ejection from the station and Tho nurse's' eyes narrowed to slits, motion Committee for many favors. sheet all over the country, but I nev ne hurried down to confer with Secre- pock- - er-g- ot his hand crept' round to his hip TORRENT TITLE DEEDS ' The much heralded rest house at any of the money. I am not tary Kearns. The lntter told him tho et and the Yiext minute th Little A 10th Is up, commercial man. If I was I think I circumstances leading up to the ejec- Waialae road and avenue Urown Brother was looking down the 2 a baby Buddhist tern would be rich now. I am devoted to tion nnd tho Consul agreed that the and looks like barrel of a gun. "Take your medl- - music. It is enough reward for mo Territorial officials had done all in i pie. cine," hissed 'out and thp S that I can enjoy tho present moment their power and that the immigrants the order Fresh I.ehnhnrdt's chocolates, marsh' next minute It was slipping down to A and teel tnat you will send me on wore to blame. mallows and green mint gum drops at whore it would, do most good. X my vacation not as a bandmaster, but The Consul then went out and talked Henry May & Co., Ltd. Telephone That the gun was empty never made T Ohcis as a of our country to the members of the families camped 1271. citizen and one upon tho sidewalk. Ho them the slightest difference. " who loves Hawaii nei." asked it Zono K. Myers was appointed clnir-- l they were willing :o go to Hawaii next man pro tern of tho Hawaii Promo-- 1 Tuesday If woik was secured there HIS EVIDENCE. tloh Committee during tho absence for them. The men defliantly 'replied Mr. Flatdwellor That baby next U T E I of Chairman W. H. Hoogs. that thoy would not go anywhere thtt di.or must be dead. Mrs. Dr. McLennan has returned and re- - either the Consul or tho Territorial Flatdwellor Gracious: What TAG DAY JUNE 8 turned practice. Ollice, King street, officials, wanted them to go. Thereon makes you think so? ) opposite Advertiser office. Hours. 10 j A CURIOUS E the Consul told them he lind done all Mr. Flatclweller It hasn't cried for to 12. 2 to 4. 0 to 7. he coJld Tor them, and forthwith wash- nearly half an hour. Philadelphia Honolulu is to have another Tag nsp Five thousand rolls of Dennison's ed bis hrnds of any further connection Uncord. Day tho second day in its history. It crape paper comprising all colors, has witli tlu.'ni. will be oh Saturday two weeks hence, In the police court morning K. , LOVES this At :i to in-- A - BAKERY just been received by the Hawaiian o'o ock th afternoon, the committee of the Oahu Assocla- t'hn ulcrhth of June, and for tho benefit Oba, charged with gross elicit, was surgrnts were . camped on side-- - -- build-wal- News Co., Alexande. young building. stil tho l tlon have arranged for the examina- of the King's Daughters' Home discharged. the women and children sitting tlon and ordination to the Christian ing fund. The foray of the fair ones, There Is no fault to bo found with on the trunks in the hot tun and tho njinistry of Mr. Akalko Akana, to dike of whom thero will bo 150 certain, will Pau ka Hana. It is Just pure soap with Carlos Santos, charged with assault men lounging in tho shade across the place on Tuesday next at 10 a. m. at hegin eight o'clock and continue plenty of tallow in the make up. Your and battery, was fined $10 nnd Costs. at Imitation Typewriter Work street. They have no arrange- tho Bishop Memorial chapel, Kameha- - throughout the day. Any sum from' grocer will supply you. George Kowan, drunk, was fined S3 ment for shelter for tonight and are meha School. 'Tho ordination oxer- - five cents up will pay for a badge Letters, Circular Letters, Reports, Club Announcements, Bulletins, Eight o'clock is the hour for this 011(1 costs. Uzzie Hullhee, also drunk. apparently unconcerned. elses will be heud the same evening at entitling tho wearer to pose as a Notices Of All Sorts. evening's entertainment by lOnnelm-- j v.ns fined ?2 and costs. 7:30. i pillar of charity. meha Girls' School for the benefit of, Ariami, charged with cruelty to aul- - Guaranteed To Match The Work Of Your Typewriter. tho Athletic Association nnd the mals, was remanded. THREE NEW VOTERS ehameha Alumnae relief fund. A Japanese named Oba was driving George S. Ikeda .Mott-Smit- a team of horses in Kakaako Acting Governor h tbU last night Three now citizens were by PERSONS IN THE NEWS Telephone, 1140. 1264 Fort rorriing received the resignation of when Nakahara and Anaml are made street. alleged to Judge f'lemons this and will W. S. Wise of Hilo as boundary com- havo stopped him and the morning be ellgiblo to vote for supervisors and missioner of the fourth circuit. No latter to have drawn a knife and cut other things at the general election in H. C. WALDRON" arrived in tho Ma- REV. O. H. GULICK was among those upon It as yet. one of the animals on tho right hind action has been taken November. arrived In tho Mauna Kea log, causing tho team to run away. una Kea. , . who Tickets for the Benefit Concert for Tho three are George Robert Lytton tJaptaln' llorgor, May 27, 1912, are now and Ctrl Josef Scheld, of D. W. Burchard, who practiced law both natives MISS. J. C. PRa!tX returned in the on sale, and can be exchnnged for re- Gormnny, and Thomas Anthony Ituane, BEN DE MELLO, the Hllo Lion, was Decoration Day in Walluku and Honolulu successive- served seats at tlio Hawaii Promotion Mauna Kea. ly within a fow years past, died cn who hails from tho Evergreen Isle. an arrival from tho Big Island to- Committee rooms, Young Hotel, Lytton y May 17 at his home in Oakland. He and Ruaue are men, day. street. both having belonged to cavalry. DR. H. K. EMERSON arrived in-th- was born in Missouri in 1857 and mov- - the Specialties a well-know- Ha- - During Abraham Kekai, ied to Santa Clara county, their examination Deputy Mauna Kea. MANAGER S. S. PAXSON of th0 Sin- California, . wiuiun resiuuui, m rwwuuituineuii i v United State District Attorney Bitting ger company the Ma- We have given special jn j0yhood He opened a law of- - returned In attention - asked Scheld what ho would do in the REV. YEE BEW Ho camo in to Decoration Day iiuau, ivuiiui, uiu uoiviuujr .uici- flpfl in onn Tannic. n ionn ,.,t is here. una Kea. requirements and r.oon. Ho was prominent In politics event of war between Germany end tlio Mauna Kea. are showing In our ewa he was assistant district attorney aft- window the He was tho Hiilted States; would ne side with many articles usually and in Hawaiian societies. er losing an election for superior JOHN T. MOIR arrived In tho Mauna needed for the fifty-eig- age, and the land of his birth or that of his occaslan. about yea's of court judge. Three years after notng REV. K. KOGIMAxwas an arrival In Kea this morning to attend the edu- family. adoption. Scheld snld ho would bo an leaves.- n large divorced from his first wife on the Mauna Kea. cation commissioner's meeting. CEMETERY VASES tho American but ho hoped that the ne- FROM 35c to 75c EACH Honolulu Scottish Thistle Club last Coast- be married Miss Nellie Smith, cessity of choosing would never arise, (in tin, galvanized iron or terra cotta) night .celebrated "Empire Day," the 8tenoBraphor ,n Honoi,,!,,, Jllly REtf. W. F. MERRILL and wif0 ar- CAPTAIN HENRY BERGER, band- - 6i James Sutherland ha.? been appoint- TROWELS, anniversary of the birth of tho late; rived in the Mnuna Kea. master, will bo accompanied on hla( SHEARS, RAKES, MOSS, MOW-ER- S, 1010, his intimacy with her having ed guardian of Mary an Queen Victoria. Consul Harrington Selbert, lusano trip to Germany by Mrs. Berger and HOSE, been the causo of his divorce. Both person. SPRINKLERS, ETC., ETC., in all styles made appropriate remarks, T. W. REV. H. FENTON-SMIT- was an ar- their young daughter. wives stirvlvo him. D. K. Kelilplo petitions the' probate and sizes. Oroig gave a recitation and Carlos rival In tho Mauna Kea. court that ho bo appointed tho guard-Ia- n Caceres, a "foreign" guest, contribut- HAROLD J. HOLMES, who came to, HIS CAREER. of his minor daughter Maggie, who SPECIAL ed Scottish character studies. DR. L. M. CASE came back from Honolulu eight years ago to accept, "So your son Is going to high owns property In her own right For one week only and for this occasion on plan-- position with & Co., exclusively we Fifty Japanese 6C)iool, about $100. Maul In tho Mauna Kea. a II. Hackfold I .... I 1 ... 1. I. I . . ' offerings 11311. i ' Ifn... .nn An- are uiuuun Ill OUIIIU .WIllU J CO' "Yos." The Mahuka site trial will be resum- will leave tomorrow in the bark terday on a "seeing Japan" trip. They REV. SHIN YIN CHIN was among tho drew Welch for tho mainland, "How has ho got?" Monday morning. Expert Iteid-for- d whero 7-In- far ed next ch Jardiniere for 25c. will look Into lnbor and living condi- "To the point at which I seem to finished his testimony yesterday nrrivals In tho Mauna Kea. ho will spend a six months' vaca- In tholr home compare two-spot.- ? tion. He will bo accompanied by For other agricultural tions land and ho an Intellectual " Chicago and will bo succeeded in tho witness implements visit our household de- manager, HolmeB. thorn with those of Hawaii to guide, jecord-Horal- chair on Monday by Jnrnes W. Pratt. JOHN DEfOR, .Hllo hotel Mrs. Their plans lnqludo partment on f.he second' floor. themselves and othors upon the mo-- j . Aside from the minor matters nhova arrived In tho Mauna Kea. a stay of threo months In tho heart nwntousi fjuostlon of repatriation thati Every patron ot tne "Classified" mentioned thoro was nothing doing in ot tho Itocky Mountains, whero thoy W. has boon much discussed in the local page of The Star Is a friend of that tho courts today. Tho circuit courts REV. F. C. CULLEN apd wife woro( will camp out far from civilization, W. Dimond & Co., Ltd. Japanese press. A similar party will page. Why? Because Star "Classi- wore all quiet, no mattora being taken among tho arrivals in tho Mauna Aftorward thoy will visit the prin- 55-5- 7 King Street. follow Inter. fied" advertising brings results. up. Kea. cipal cities In tho East. SECOND SECTION


Henry Berger hnd n send-of- f "to boat tho band" yosterdny, nnd I hope ho will havo tho Jig of his life, yes, nnd return im amplor and a happier man. Berger Is a groat citizen and one or the best known of them all. The only MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., May K. -- 1 book on Hawaii have ever read which did not mention him or his hand, The repo: t of the Epworth League was yes, wnB tho chronicle of Captain Cook's visit. As you may surmise, ho has to the general conference been hero a Ions time, holn! prcfi ntrd You may not know It, but Herger was famous before he came here and .'onight. It told of large Increase In refused to lot a Hawaiian king pound a drum In his band. He really had the number of charters issued to chap more to do with German success against tho French than did old BlBmarck. tors of tho league which now nearly Sometimes the unnoticed man does tho great public services, yes. It was so correspond in numbers to tho regular with Dill Adams nt'Wntcrloo. When ho returned to Manchester he told tho pastors of the church. tale. "Right in the thick of tho battle," he said, "I ran on old Bonypnrte. Missionary spirit and progress in tho He turned pale. 'Those oye,' ho said; 'them whisker. It is Bill Adams! German Epworth Leastto was com- - All, is lost!"' And history also tells us thnt when old Emperor William came mnntln.l In 1. n r, .1 .1 nrvnr'lrl fl II. upon a French army in 1S70 he turned out Berger's band first, to play half probation was awarded to the work ofiQ an hour. Its Wagner music, ending with the national anthem, always de- the Epworth League In the colored A moralized tho sensitive Frenchmen. "Zat Ieetle German band, sacr-r-ro- ! conference where the growth and work? All is lost! I'll beat you homo! Zoop! Sauve qui peut! I'll die before 1 was declared to be remarkable. Sub- stay anozzor moment!" And thus were won tho groat triumphs of Germany. stantial gains in the Junior League The same band is snid to havo been the originator of the most famous were roported and tho conference was musical joke. One day the piccolo player was thought to have had a lit. The informed that financial independence .piccolo itself screamed like a siren whistle. "Vot Iss?" said the leader, hnd been attained by tho League as 'sternly. "Oxcuse me," answered the frightened player. "A horsefly lit on a whole. my notes undt I blayed the horsefly! Oxcuse me." Missionary work In Mexico, India, , Ono good thing about Berger has been he never has had any politics I. 1 TlWI1tnntn,iii 1 - n M rlnnlni. in his music. He Is impartial for whom he plays. Now It is for a king, ed to be progressing with the organlza-- , then for a queen, then for a president, then for a governor, and then for a tlon of new leagues nnd tho train la-j- o mayor and board of supervisors; now for Knmehameha, then for Kalakaua tion of Methodist literature. and Lilluokalani, then for Hole and Carter and Frear, and dually for Mayor The report closed with these words: ;q Fern, Hanawiki Kruger and Harry Murray the same royal anthem, the "The Epworth League comes before V national air for each. I suppose If we had a prohibition government by com- this general conference prepared to do X mission ho would play for that, too, even If he had nothing with which to a larger service than has hitherto been ! moisten his whistle. deemed possible. Yet all that hasjY Ilerr Berger only made ono break in his life's music, and that was been done brings to view a vaster 6 when Paramount Blount came here. Blount was from Georgia, and as a field of usefulness for which larger Confederate colonel ho had been run out of tho Stato by Sherman so resour"es and further devo'opment aro Berger played "Marching Through Georgia" to mako him feel like old times, imperatively needed." 0 yes. Blount got so mad about it that ho mentioned it in the explosive chap- g ters of his report. But Borger is all right, notwithstanding. Ho deserves a great time. TO SHOW LIFE OF I hope he will go to Berlin-an- fill up on sauerkraut and whatever moisture they provide there to go with it. I want him to have mettwurst, bratwurst and welncrwurst, nnd give them tho wurst of it right along. I want him to eat his fill of goosebreast; and I trust ho will eat noodles until his insides CHRIST PICTURES 9 STAR BUILDING STANGENWALD BLOCK BANK OF look as if thoy were filled with boiled musical notes. Then we'll give him HAWAII A Photo by J. J. Williams. a grand reception when he returns. .In fact, well send tho band up Mauna OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'OOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Loa and have it tune up when he is three days out of San Francisco, and on the If it can't bo heard well oversea for 1,500 miles, Bergor will know that it The final set of Pictures isn't from l, but just becauso tho band has fallen off since he went Life of Christ, which the Associato away. Minister, Itev. A. A. Ebersole, has METHODS T PRESIDENT TAFT'S SIGNATURE IT IS TRE AGE been presenting at Central Union I was thinking the other day about some of the lost leaders tho men church the past six months, will bo who havo come over in past days to work the native vote and set us all IN ON shown tomorrow evening. MS WORK PLACED TRE PENSION BILL OF THE GUILD right politically. Of course, wo know where McCants Stewart is. Ho is well-know- These views, made by tho n adding to the hue of Darkest Africa. But he isn't the only monument to a photographer, Win. II. Han, of misdirected ambition here. There was Caypless, and for a time ho loomed Philadelphia, from the paintings, jof MINNEAPOLIS, Minn... May 7; MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 12. large. WASHINGTONV-Ma- y. J.2. Just be- him who shall have borne tho battle, William Hole, It. S. A., an English Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary So- "This board began Its work four yeurs Caypless went to Washington when the Organic Act was being dis- fore midnight last night President and for his widow and orphans.' " artist, are In every respect most su- ciety ago without a Sunday School mission- cussed, and ho stood for a universal suffrage against a modified one and of the Methodist Episcopal William H. Taft affixed his name to Tho bill makes provision only for only are tho workman- ary in any Held," was the opening got it. He was the brains of Bob Wilcox, but when ho got back th natives perior. Not church reported to general con- C 62 the the pension bill which passed veterans who aro years of age or statement in the report of the Board de- ship and the coloring of the slides did not reward him beyond letting him run for the legislature on n i addi- It is 420,9G con- ference today tnat good cults had late Friday carrying m o.or and estimated that of Sunday Schools presented today to I very finest, but the artist's feated ticket. It Is seven years sinoe havo heard of him, and h? was then the of veterans now im- - followed the development of the soci- tional $35,000,000 for th veterans havo reached that ase. tho General Conference. has sent in Denver. ceptions are most pleasing and "It ety into tho Homo and Foreign depart- the Civil War. For tho first three Every veteran who has reached the j out many missionaries into all parts Isaac Noir and Isaac's hopeful son others. I press ono as very true to life. are Both wanted to lead. car- J ments, new en- years of its operation tho bill minimum ago limit after serving 90 of' the United States and Into other Old Isaac went at once on arrival to see Governor Dole and tell him The views to be presented tomor- the establishment of that ries $22,000,000, the former figure be- days in either tho naval or military I lands. As a result of such extension if he got into any snarl to just send for him. He had had a large political row night will cover the events of terprises; great lnsrcrso in receipts; and uniting of society with ing tho maximum amount under the service of tho Civil War, and who work tho following facts aro noted," experience in Chatham street, Now York. Noir Jr. was "a politician of tho last week of Jesus' life, begin- the the provisions of tho net. was honorably .discharged, is entitled the roport continued: "New schools Philadelphia. He came afterwards and led the native Homo Utile faction ning with the triumphal "entry Into women's boards of oilier denomina- President, during the course of to receive a pension under bill at established 1I2S; enrol'mont in theso downhill. That was the end of his dream of greatness. Jerusnlem and closing with the as- tions, in establishing and maintaining The the bill through Congress, hnd kept tho following schools, 42,u0t; church organizations .Tho cases of Stewart, Caypless and tho Nolrs reveal tho native cension. union enterprises in the foreign field. the rates: Tho roport showed, a total member- thoroughly advised of its pro-.sion- s For veterans 62 years and oVor resulting, 214; new churches actually to the kamaalna as against the malihini. They may not like soino Mr. Bonine, who has assisted Mr. himself 2S3.172 receipts only n provided 90 built, 117; value of these churches, of the kamaalna politics and may follow tho now leaders for a time,- but Ebersole throughout tho series, will ship of and the of and, consequently, had tho rato in tho law for $3,052,G09 the years. $229,650. The spiritual results of tho they nlways leavo the mallhinis in the end and return to old friendships again havo charge of tho stereopticon. in last four few questions to ask tho conferees days' sorvico is $13 a month, and It Much work for the four years ending In 1912 and associations. I could tell plenty of incidents in point. general public is most cordi- of the report was devoted to "f both houses last night as to a few ranges to $10 n month, up to three other Tho 1b C23.2C2 a tin- work In foreign II-in- g conversions." ally Invited. review of lands. provisions in the bill before do; years of service; for 05 years old and Of tho China missions tho report says: Tile enrollment of pupils, officers and Dr. Ramus does not give us all the leprosy and other nonsense wo have ilnnlly to ntllx bis signature. Tho over tho rate Is $15 a month for 90' "The medical work with but twelve teachers in 1912 in .Methodist Episco- to contend with, but here is something from the San Francisco Town Talk COMPANION OF KUBELIK importance of acting immediately on days, and ranges up to $19 for three hospitals rs centers, in gaining tho pal Sunday schools is 4,003,110. "it is at which a good Honolulan is entitled to grit his teeth: IN HONOLULU the hill is made manifest by the fnct years; for 70 years old and over the! TO SING rrspect people; M2,!i:il the ago of tho child," says tho report. of tho patients old soldiers aro dying at rato for 90 days is $18 a month, and' In portioning out the literary map, tho Soutli Pacific with Its ., as that tho Miss Eva Mylott, whoso famo were treated last year. Chinese girls "It Is tho era of tho Sunday school. islands has been assigned, without counter claim, to Louis Becke, with tho such a rapid rate that even a delay ranges up to $25 a month for threa' but since Jack London his cruise into thnt region he "Tho Australian songbird are gladly Irking the medical course Tho Sundry school of tomorrow will made short 21 prevent sevevnl years; nt 75 years old over tho engagement . of hours would and has proved himself nt least the equal of his predecessor In his golden voice" won her an to become physicians or nurse.-?- The bo a new Institution.' Tho church that Kube-Ilk- , hundred from enjoying the fruits ot rate for 90 days' service Is $21, nnd ability to note nnd record his observations, as well as to create with tho critical violinist, Jan revolution in China is giving the mis- appreciates and uti'izes the age Bpirit and transcribe tales. Tho latest volume from Mr. London's pen, legislation. ranges up to $30 for three years. is to bo hoard nt tho Opera sionaries aeceis to many who could the holds Uie future." "The House of Pride," is made up of half a dozen short stories Throughout the campaign President having tho Hawaiian Islands for their setting. The first of this Houso hero Juno IS. Advanco notices never before bo reached. It is elevat- ' misrepresented by his set of six, which gives title to the book, concerns a of her coming havo boon received" by ing Christian men to official position Taft lias beon METHODISM IN CANADA. MAKING A BONFIRE prono pride not only respect to scion of tho "missionary crowd," to himself W. D. Adams, and arrangements for and giving new influence to wom- political opponents with OF OPIUM PIPES. righteousness, on of his saintly the MINNEAPOLIS, Mny 18. Dr. upon his own superior but that complet- the pension legislation. Tho charge Among the reforms by forefathers, pious. New England missionaries, who, it goes without hor engagement have been en of the households." Ileartz speaking for the fraternal dele- started the been persistently mado that th"b now republican In Chi- saying, havo accumulated wealth. The special object of Perclval ed. Favorable comment is made on tho has gates representing Canadian Method-Is- administration half-whit- Garland, happy-go- - was opposed1 to pensions al- na dno of the most is vig- Ford's intolerance is a Joe whose Miss Mylott will reach hero In tho mission work in India, Japan, Korea, President said In part: "The United States important a lucky good nature has mado him a general favorite with both whites 11. prob-abl- y Malaysia, the Philippines, Africa and together and would sign no pension orous campaign against opium smoking. In whom Ford sees nothing but sinfulness that ho Wllhclmlna Juno and will and Canada are furnishing an Pxampio and natives, but If Congress passed one. Dr. Sun Yat Sen, who was tompornry must rebuke, until his interference amounts almost to persecution. tour the Islands before giving South America. bill at all for tile world. Two natlpns with the President, issued a proclamation for- It is known to every one on tho island savo Ford himself that her concert. She has declared tint How great was this misrepresenta- longest boundary, living in peace and own half-brothe- the child of the godly missionary 854,000,000 MEN; following bidding tho use of opium, and appoint- Garland is his she wants to "see all there Is to see 845,000,000 WOMEN. tion is shown by tho ex mutual respect without a fortress, a who had came to save the heathen, and when there Is a question of Inaugural ed Mr. She Shay Ylng a commissioner half-bree- Tho total population the Is tract from President Taft's gun or a soldier on side of the nobility of conduct, It Is the otftcast d who stands the of your wonderful Honolulu of which of world either true 1, 1909: specially to devise means of stamping "Koolau, the Leper," pictures the dread of tho native torn I heard so much." She adds tliat now estimated at 1,700,000,000. address of March boundary. We have tn Canadian test. have out the ice. President Yuan Sh'U Kal from homo and kindred, to bo imprisoned on Moloknl, and tho flerco what she is really after is a rest and This is based upon the most recent "The uniform policy of tho Gov- Methodism twolve conferences with of a band of theso outcasts who have established them- says that opium has brought untold resistance censuses, l civilized ernment In the matter of granting over 2000 ministers nnd probationers, In mountain from which they could bo neither chango of scene. whbh countries misery poverty to tho peoplo selves a fastness gnliain't and de- n membership of 315,000. Thero nre and of nor coaxed. In "Chun Ah Chun" Pacific Coast readers will The Bongtress has been traveling now take, with a careful estimate of pensions to thorto driven 100,-000 China, thnt the trade in and the culti- history a well-know- n family of well-mixe- blood, tho number Inhabitants men who fought to savo tho enrolled in our Sabbath schools recognize n brief of vlth Kubellk until within tho last of of unciviliz- moted of opium must bo put almost a comic relief from tho trngedy of tho other perilous days scholars and 77,000 active end as- vation down this which affords weeks, when sho joined tho Iliis-sla- n ed lands. Tho proportion of the sexes 1b life of the Nation in tho "Good Bye, Jack," and "Tho Sheriff of Kona" deal with few year, as thero Is no time for delay. All stories. known for 1,038,000,000 of theso the of the great Civil War has always sociate members in our. young people's other aspects of leprosy, the hidden fear that lurkB In tho back of Symphony for a tour of tho South the loading men of China are avtlvc-l- y courage of ratio being 1000 males to 990 liberal character. societies.' every mind, native or white, despite the brave their ern States, nt tho closo of her cm-tra- females. been of the most working to this end. speech, the paralyzing terror that seizes upon one and all when great Hor The ratio varies consldcrnbTy In dif- These men are now rapidly passing And side by side with tho violinist. The mandnrli'S and tnotels havo there is a probability of having become infected. ferent places. In Europe there aro away. Tho best obtalnablo official the other curse, that of the children of oico which w'as born with hor has SPRAINED ANKLE. sent out tholr poreniptory orderthat with this fear there lies 1000 men to 1027 women; In Africa, they are dying mixed blood, who, in theso later days, slnco there Is no longer a hern carefully cultivated by some of statistics show that A sprained ankle may ns a rulo be nil materials used in preparing, purify- case than those of our 1000 men to 1015 women; in America, something over 33000 court to confer fnvor, are in but little better the greatest teachers In tho Old nt tho rate of cured in from three to four days by ing, selling nnd smoking the drug must States. Perhaps there is nd place on tho globe where, 1000 men to 9C1 women; in Asia, 1000 own Southern World, among them tho famous Jean a month, nnd in view of their applying Chamberlain's Pntn Balm be sont' in to thorn. Wlien collected the "missionary crowd" has gathered to Itself more material wealth men to 901 women; in Australia a dozen different islands of DeUeskio, whoso school in Paris is years, this rate must inevi- they are stacked up in a public place and less respect than in Hawaii. Half 1000 men to 937 women. and observing the directions with each croup have furnished the backgrounds for theso stories, which supposed to with tho very tably, In proportion, rapidly increase by dealers, Ben- and burnt to ashes. the rank best Tho highest proportion of women Is bottlo. For salo all as far as possible from tho UBual recitals of feasts and frolics To tho man who risked everything d The woman herself is snid to bo son, Smith & Co.. Agonts for 'and flower-girdle- dancers. They are the Jragcdios that lurk found in Uganda, where there aro 1167 stamps very beautiful, tall, on tho field of battle to savo the Na- A WORM TURNS. tho sunlight, with a sense of reality about them that strikingly blonde, to every 1000 men. The lowest pro- with an understanding and in tho hour of Its direst need, "This is a roomy backyard of yours. thorn as bits of life, and they aro related the very type of a Brunhiidn. Her portion is in Alaska and tho Malay tion not to bo acquired at second hand. This is a book to owo a debt which has not been You genornlly havo a gardon here, svmnnthv Company. vclco is of a deep, beautifully mellow States, whero thero are, in tho former, w to all men and some women. From tho Macmlllun computed In n be- A CONFIDENT ADMIRER. you?" appeal timbre, with low notes like tho toll- 391, 389 nnd should not bo don't of old about and in tho latter women to 1 call particular attention to a rovlval tho talk grudging or parsimonious spirit. "So you think your wlfo could brea'c "Yos." want to ing of a boll. every 1000 . supposes mean Ha- men. ricli missionaries. A reader at a distance this to that The tnio spirit of tho pension laws up corrupt political organisations if "Keep chickens?" engaged In missionary work who aro plutocrats, 1 waii' has a group of men fathers wore nnd becauso many of thorn go to church. Somo of theso nro is to bo found in tho noblo senti- rdio wero allowed to vote?" "Aftor n fnshion, bollovo, though, upwnrd wny to tho nativo while nnd who with ono hand aro pointing tho rich, but havo not robbed anybody to get so; and thoy aro no more mission- ments expressed by Mr. Lincoln in "I don't say that," replied Jlr. my noighbor on tho south Intends to pockots to add to Henri-ott- a with tho other thoy nro niching riches from tho victim's aries, as the term is used by tho foes of Hawaii, thnn a preacher whoso an his Inst inaugural address, wherein, Mookton; "but I will say thnt inif guinon lions this year. By the missionary who rich and a tlioir own. Now if anybody will show mo a is cestors wero In' the army Is necessarily a military man. As lo actual mis In spooking ot tho Nation's duty to can como pretty near brenklng wny, come into tho bouse nnd I'll novelty. native convert who could add to his store, ho would show mo a sionaries hero, they nro commonly as hard up ns tlioir original predecessors Us soldiors wlion tho stnigglo should up any sooicly thoy will lot hor Join," show you a nolsoloss gun I've just grand- - Some-- men In business hero aro called missionaries becauso their wero. . bo over, lio snid wa should 'care for Washington Stnr. bought." Chicago Trlbuuc.



Have We Called On FEWER TODAY THAN EVER I Essentially beach property but not at By CHARLES E. SCHICK. Kvon If ho hntiv his wife, that kld'll YOU? (ChloflKo HondliiK Kxpert.l pull him back." For tho man who In bonded thoro tiro And so the shadow come to Mo. beach property prices. il hundred eyes to watch. No matter They haunt tho house In which tho which way hi-- may turn, hi' nuiHt feci wife and the baby live. They do not thai thoro Is some oho who hm hltn worry. They do not Iniiulre what tho If Not, under vigilance. I to nmy steal for nntlonal branches of the dotectlve J You can purchase at a low price, and on awhile and bo safo In It. Hut that time r.gency are doing, Tor they do not enro will not last long. Soon will ronio tho much. They know that sooner or later accounting, and then tho memory of that child will call easy terms, a lot in BEACHWALK that Tho surety company of today takes the quarry back, foi Just ono moment WHY NOT? no chances. It must be atvtolutoty with It, Just ono kiss. And when that sure that tho man for whom It stands time comes they will be ready and has all the advantages of the highest priced Rood does not place It In a position waiting to catch him. to lose money. And to save money Ho wonders If the .small picture that surety company will spend thou- theater ho so carefully built up is beach property. sands of dollars. ninking money, If his wife and child The burglar may break into a house, are living well from the Income. steal tho family jowols, and unless tho Conscience enter? the scene. The SUITITORIUM family itself spends money on private thought of retribution comes strong or THE upon will you take advantage tnis detectives tho search will end when him. Ho feels alone In the world. tho robber leaves tho city. Ho may If ho Is married, he ilnds hinviolf won- dering day dry night be caught at somo time In tho future after and after tunity to beach home for a night do- secure a by accident. Ho may not. He may what tho wife and child are ONLY DRY ing, enough to THE oven remain in tho city and steal from whether they have other houses and still be safe. Tho live on, what they think of him. The price: ON confidence man may work his schemes Idea, slowly growing at first, consumes CLEANERS THE and get away. The ordinary holdup him. Ho longs to .see his life compaiv man may bo successful. Tho police ion once again, to talk to her, to hear Hps. won ISLANDS department admits that it Is not in encouragement from her Ho Our representative will show you the fallible and that now and then crimi ders if she has condemned him, whetlr forgive hlni. He pictures nals elude it. But in the codo book of er she could lots, give you the prices, or we will the child playing on the floor with the surety company there is one , HOTEL ST. great rule which blazons forth the its toys-- unknowing of the fact that mail you a map with prices if you will ALAPAI near order: tho absence of his father is duo to criminality. Long fights "No ono must escape. No matter he against telephone us. long what the defalcation or tho shortage, the temptation, he struggles PHONE 3350 blood, stronger whether It bo five cents or five dollars and then tho tie of begins to pull him back, ot five thousand dollars, tho refugee than all fear, must wife! seo must be caught. No matter what the He see that He must HENRY WATERHOUSE TRUST CO, &aictxz cost, he must be brought back, from that child! Africa, if necessary. Spend thousands, Telephone 1208 . tens of thousands, chase a man around Old Longing Pulls Him Back. man was the globe and back again, but do not nd in tho meantime tho wondering was going on let him escape!" whet at the little theater, whether business was agencies constantly ready Four are as good as it had been when he was to every step. of all, I track his First there, and whether everything was V Anniversary Sale of there is the employer, who by the traveling along in the same old way. terms must see to the of the bond Ho longed to hear the sound of the auditing of his accounts and be re- orchestra again, to meet tho bicker sponsible for tho reporting of the ilrst lug persons who desired their iieats sign doing anything of that he is out changed end who would ask a thou- Millinery the way. If the information conies sand questions as to what they were that the bom'ed man Is spending more lo see and how they would see il. He money than ho should, then conit-- I tried working in another place, but m m agency mm the time when the second of that did not satisfy him. Gradually piii Millinery guardianship springs iiiniii and Men's Hats into active life he allowed h'.s old longing to pull him There is a telephone call to the gene back, and one night the watching de ral olllces of the bonding company and tectives saw a familiar looking per- JOHN ABADIE. Proprietor 1 This sale is not for the purpose of disposing of odds and ends, for a few moment,? the employer and son enter tho lobby of the theater. the special detective the bonding but will enable our patrons to realize a handsome saving on any of Ho sepmed to walk steathlly, watch- Cleaning of Pongees, Flannels and company confer over the phono. Ill it ing to see that the manager was not I night, article selected from bur large and carefully assorted stock. when the bonded man leaves in sight and to assure himself that the by his work, ho acquired delicate fabrics Abadie's French has a shadow. box office man was ono who did not I That shadow sees his every movement know him. Hurriedly ne approached 1 Method which restores the garment 'He follows him on the cars. He wa'clv tho window and asked for a ticket. Hi n IIH es nun at nus home. Me notes every As he received tho piece of pasteboard time he leaves, where he goes, m to its pristine iresnnesset witnout K. LJyeda, what a haaid touched him on the shoulder, he does. He learns the names of his "You're wanted at the station," wear. Nuuanu Street near Hotel. intimate associates, of his "hangouts.' came a voico, and the man was under Ho knows to tho penny how much arrest. J money H T T T T T - T-- A 1 k 1 ' T T X T rv T T" TXT "I MM ho is spending. He finds out But the tlo of blood Is the ono which exactly in what manner that money is pulls the runaways back more often spent, reports. and he makes his than anvthlnc else. Such wti.s the' cp.-s- with a county treasurer of Iowa EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME GREYS It's the Example That Counts. who had boen bonded by a Chicago The defalcation may amount to $50. firm for more $G0,000. He had Enclish and American Weaves. Made to your order with fit and than The chase may begin in Chicago, ex- $15,000 nnjj departed, leaving ? uncqualed. stolen stle tend to San Francisco, into Mexico, a wife i.nd child at home. Y W. W. AHANA 62 South King Street thence to South America, across a As soon ns the bonding company continent to Hio Janeiro, on to New heard the report the detectives started Orleans, to Kansas City, thence to New but they were late on the trail. York, up into Manitoba, back to Buf- They went to Honduras. They shad- falo, to New York again, then London, owed him. They watched his every Paris, Madrid, St. Petersburg it action and they saw his every letter. wp.-- s i t makes no difference. Tho loss was They knew that his heart aching $50. The chase may cost $5000. But to seo those whom he had loft at The King of all I in tho end the man will be caught. home. They felt that some time that I What Fault 4 s a rule tho chase does not go far, longing would become so great that ho 4 according to officers of various surety would leave Honduras and seek to I I 4 companies of Chicago. The man who return to his own home that ho might embezzles, who steals because the see his wife and child, if only for a Has Anyone El money seems easy to get, is not a born few moments. And they were right, COOKING ? criminal, used to the ways and (ricks Rut months went by before that time 4 and foils of the criminal world. He came, month? In which tho man's 1 f t know not tho wiles of the paid face showed tho effect of the mental Found 4 catchers of men nor how to guard struggle that was in progress, and tho With against them. And In nine cases out Hues of his forehead deepened and Compounds of ten I afore ho even gets a chance furrowed. Still tho dogs of tho law I to board the train that is to carry hlni hung grimly on, notifying their olllces away he is under arrest. or every move ho inndo ana every And when all other means of catch- - symptom that showed his resolution ilk Ing the thief fall there Is one which to stay away was weakening. At last mhses fire only about once In a bun- - ho came. nana dred times. One day thero Hashed over the wires 4 That means is the tie of blood, tho this message: 4 tie that will pull a man back across' J. A. T. sails. Steamship Oceania, oceans and from out of tho deepest detectives missed htm at tho port 4 hiding places of tho earth., Tho cry of tho ship, for ho had left it in tho of a ha.3 'K't and swam ashore. They missea 5 child called more mon back from apparent safety to a life in prl- - Ulm the city, for he had become 9 son than any other medium that Is a " uvea in uio pan. m iuu known to the surety companies. Tho where derelicts drift to and fro and tear of a lonely wlfo has sent more wlioro Identification is hard. They embezzlers over tho long road and "l'.sHed him .here and there, hut they Into tho "big house on tho river" thnn U1 not seem to mind. They knew Will You all tho Sherlocks who ever traveled w"cro tho big trap waited, naiieu anu Known Your Grocer Tell the pageB of fiction. Tho embezzlers r('a(1' t0 spring. They know whero in Domestic Science Schools and in Hotel and bonded mon who turn thinf do not no would llnnlly walk into llio niesues know thta. But tho bondinir comnan- - ""d thoy were right les do, and they profit by It. I A crouching flguro Into tho Kitchens as Superior to Butter. NONE. J front yard of tho embezzler's Iowa Ties That Pull Them Back. 1,01,10 0110 nlllt an,l hurried silently 'i At the llrst report of a disappearance to n window to look in. Thoro was a thero comes a miestion from tho man muffled signal, a start for tho porch. catcher: It was all over. Tho detectives were "Married?" thoro. Thoy had their man and tho "Yes. ' .search was ended. "How long?" Honolu ii Soap Works "A year and a half." MODERN MOTHER. win- Grdcer "Is thero a child?" "Oh, mother! I just broke a i1 "Yes; three months old boy." dow with my ball." 4 Makers 4 "Good! Married life happy?" "Very well, Tommy; I'm busy Just "Apparently so." now, but If you'll remind mo later 2 ' "It make1 no. difference about thai. I'll punish you." Life. THIS HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912. nunvnn

iimrble folonnade and prwol, nntlqu hoard In the oxtict tons uf the ttjMMitier, ntgrflo Imi nlut! ilio Imy MtrthlMft, n- - bt h lel It tfl both th Conntwss HONOLULU LODGE) NO. 111. THE TALK OF EUROPE fountains and vnsec, while in th rvn-- j with dire romilM, an 1mm of tsti hup-to- r Ink vary "clone" with her manor. ," l" NHM wmn r mmirk- - q. P. O. ELKS. In an oxnuliilto copy of th Venn peneil. While tho Count of I'liindorii llvwl It nl'lr lnt1nt ml elwvor wwnm smlj MeoU jn tholr hall on Klni trt of Syracuse In mnrblo, which can bo He Imitates the voloo of the f'oun- WMi notorious that her purse was hopt former Is gld to ttmi mmiki Biwear Fort, eTery Frldar Toning. Vhv turned on a rotary iwloHtnl. Othor teas of Klandurs exactly and often very monger. In Belgium n husband nearer her own Intellectual Uvei thun iuni Brothers sr cordially tnrlUI U trnfl.xiirrM pollcctcd bv Mr Anlnr In- - nuns nrdnrn wlilah Hoom to camn from has uch control over his wife's money " "0t Belgians. jstUnd. chide a flguro of BacchuB, a little statu-- ' her, throwing everything into confu-- ' that even under tho best conditions A peculiarity of the CouhIom. one a. e. MUM'IY, H. R. Louis Napoleon's Double W. W. Astor Hex.1 cttc of Diana and another uf Apollo. slon. she cannot draw the smallest check remarkable for a person of her jj. DUNSHEB, Sec'y. in Italy The Countess and Her Par- Miss Lubln, daughter of David Lubln Tho other day, when a new foreign unless It Is countersigned by the hus- - that she will permit no mirror In of California, founder of the Interna- - Minister called for his flrat visit and band, tt was hoped that whon she had nny of l",r reception rooms. HONOLULU LODGE, NO, KM, rot Dr. Lorenz Will Abandon tlonal Institute of Agriculture and Ita was being conducted Into tho salon, n free hand over his vast fortune Bho ' L. O. O. M. Vienna Hospital Work. resident delegate, is to marry the eld-(h- c heard what seemed to bo most un- - would bo more generous but habits of COMPASS GOES CRAZY Will tnMt In Odd Fellows' Building, est ton of the proprietor of the Grand complimentary things said in tho a lifetime ar hard to overcome and IN THE SUBWAY. fort street, near King, tery Friday Rivwle, Countess.' voice about hlmsolf and h! she still only encourages the struggling eTenlnc at 7:30 p. m. Vlsltrng broth-r- a Hotel a member of the Italian A minor ofliciul of the Intcrborough Consular Corps. The wedding will country. He started back In Indlgna-tak- e with kind words, and docs not even lay cordially Invited to attend. HRU8HELLS, Mity i. A grandson DR. LORENZ WILL ABANDON Itallroad Company, which operates In Air. lln- - out much money on AMBROSE J. WIRTZ, Dictator place here June. I.ubin and drew. the New York subway, curious to as- - Godlllot, the famous "double" of H08PITAL WORK IN VIENNA. E. A. JACOBSON, Secretary. of hlH daughter have been slaying at "Take, no notice," remarked tho offl Her palace stands on tho Rue de ia ccrta,n n VIENNA, May 4. Dr. Lorenz, tho how con)1)!uv, wouId act on Napoleon III., Ih reported to have cap- ine Hotel HubsIo tor eome months. Jclnl who was escorting him. "it Is iicgence, one oi me principal sirccis n moving a care- world-famou- s surgeon who subway train, mnde bone treat U. of the upper town, of tured the heart of a Chicago heiress. George McClellan, former Mayor only that blctsed pcrrot." at the end which ful test on a round trip between the ed little Lottla Armour, nnnounccs that are ltd splen- of New York, has been .spending a A Gift From The American Minister, tho Palace of Justice and Seventy-secon- d It was Godlllot who supplied boots to ho shall abandon hospital work be Atlnntle avenue and fortnight in Home but left on Friday In explanation of tho chatter that did law courts. compass tho French army In the Franco-Prussia- cause the aulhorltiiv) have persistently wtroet stnt'ons The was In for Florence to stay a week before started an envoy It may be noted that Ily birth she In a princess of the fiuenced by tho combined war, and, according to Gen. Klcard Ignored his demands for Increased ae coun'or returning home by way of I'aris, On thlB bird hn.? had n diplomatic areer. proud House of Hohenzollern, belong- - - rommodation. forces of magnetism and tctlvo electrl- and Gambetta, Gen. McMahon'fl force Saturday of last week he dined with i rage iirynn got it in Ing to the branch which, though not II IMl There is no orthopaedic hospital in narics Hlo ea disturbances, tho Immense, quantity could easily have crossed the Belgian the American Amlmssador and Mrs. Janeiro tome ten years ago, when reigning. Is probably o'.dcr, the Alman- - Vienna and Dr. IOrcnz Is allowed only-tw- 0f structural stool, tho steel rails, the O'Brien. American Minister to Brazil, kept it In nch de Gotha records, to all-sto- frontier near Sedan, but for their small rooms with four beds each, than that cars and the "live Juice" of NELSON B. LAN8INQ. Distributor. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Booth of De- the Legation nt Berne when he was wmcn emperor William belongs. Not- - the electric motive power and lighting, shoes. wherea.i his patients come in shoals. EMMELUTH & CO LTD. troit aro at the Hotel Excelsior but transferred to Switzerland, carried It withstanding this nnd the added fact Uc In Intcrborough - Thus, because of Godlllot's boots, If ho had five times as many bods records tho Bulle- will leave .soon for the Italian lakes to Portugal and brought It hero two that she Is a member of tho Belgian they would not be enough. All his ap- tin the aberrations of the compass as the French army suffered a great de and Switzerland. years ago whop he was promoted to royal family, she Is not so severely t Plumber and Sheet Metal Workara. peals to tho authorities being futile, follows. changed tho course of hta W. D. of Minneapolis Is this post. exclusive as naturally be BTOVES AND RANGES. feat that he has with creat regret decided to Washburn she would Tuc .,.ondInps. for U)e most part' J Hotel, where his wife is supposed to be. tory. What remained of tho boots in ,vo up hospUn, work altogether. at the Grand Whon Col. Roosevelt came here In ghowed nothlnK bul a Bt.rles of nerv. very ill. Although he Is eighty-tw- o 1910 on his way I'arls were sent on 10 Tours, where There Is little doubt that profession-the- y home from Africa tho Solicitude that Embarrasses Friends.' ously palpitating and sensitive oscll- - Phona 107. Cor. King and Bishop B. yenrs old, Mr. Washburn Ib hale and were ultimately served out tojal Jealousy has to do with parrot achieved fame. A regimental Tho CountesB is much troubled with latory movements of the dial on its hearty hopefully of his - Chanzy'a Improvised trmy. Tho Dr. Lorenz's failure to get 'what he and speaks band engnged by the Burgomaster to rheumatic gout, for which she is al- pivot, swaying back and forth and convalescence, when they plan troops were afflicted, in consequence,! asked for. wife's serenade the started to ways undergoing some cure and keeping well within ninety degrees or' to make an extended tour of Germany play Lega- - FIRE with foot oores and lagged when a in front of the American which, to their no small embarrass- the one-fourt- h part of a circle. It is in IBANCE Europe. forced march was necessary. W. W. ASTOR IN ITALY. and other parts of tion. The parrot seemed to take this mcnt, she expects nil her friends to. the complete 'boxing of the compass Much sympathy Is felt In Ameri- ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OP Godlllot was so much like Napoleon ROME, Italy, May 4. William the as a challenge and Immediately enter- take also. Recently she went to Ouchy,' about which the chief interest centers. society gener- LONODON. III. in appearance that it would have Astor spent the whole winter In can colony and Roman ed Into such a noise making competi- Switzerland, to tako the cure there. For that reason it Ib sufficient hero Iddlngs NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' , been hard, were they both together, to his villa at Sorrento, overlooking tho ally for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis tion that he got into the newspapers. She is very fond of staying near tho to state the places on the trip where New daughter Betty AGENCY. .J; have said which was which. In 1873 Sca. Formerly called Villa Slrena, Mr. of York, whose Crown Prince Leopold read about It Lake of Geneva because she has a this happened. lies dangerously ill after a serious - PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON Godlllot's appearnnco on the boiile Abtor has changed the name to Villa and straightaway developed great In great friend who lives there-- an Eng- Hoyt and Borough Hall vards and at a ma&i In memory of the grows to operation. Miss Iddlngs Is a bright terest In feathered diplomat. lish Woman. INSURANCE COMPANY Astor and more attached his the ,ItU'n rnnlitlvJ ennrnsak'n..WV.-,..- !. rittrnltitfrttia Napoleon star In the social firmament, for In Learning Bryan third convinced Paris that .home every year, as is shown this, Minister sent the This friend !s Mrs. Barton, daughter Leaving th0 latter station and on en- - D P addition to being an enthusiastic danc- ffia W"PH0 'Lll. tho Emperor still lived. the Increasing length of his stay. Ho parrot to the Crown Prince as a nres. of the late Sir Robert Peel and grand- - terlng the river tunnel four. In quick; ' ' """WH er and a talented amateur actress, sho It is supposed that Godlllot was tho has been in the habit of living there sent. For a few days ?t was treated daughter of the famous statesman. Her succession; a short spell, and the dial General Agents for Hawaii. Is a linguist and musician of exception ! twin brother of Moray. He often went: only five months each year, generally as nn honored guest at tho royal mother. Lady Emily Peel, still lives in reversed itself very slowly twice; an Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Building. stealthily, al ability, although hardly out of her In to see Napoleon III., but at; alone except when he has his sons or palace at Laeken, hanging King Al England! The Countess of Flanders spell, and again two sever-i- . other turns i teers. Dr. Bastionelli, who performed j the Tullerle.3. The endless military and daughter with him on brief visits. bcrt.8 BtudVi but became so talkative made such an Intimate companion ally in exactly opposite Walk-Ov- er Doolshop the operation, gives hope that her directions just naval contracts he obtained under the Nothing could exceed the magnif- - nnd so often interrupted the royal of this very charming and Intellectual before arriving at Bowling Green, youth may win the day. PANTHEON BLOCK cover of men of straw wore one of the jcnco of the redecorntcd Villa Astor, councils that Is vas corsigned to young widow (whoso husband did Nothing doing until passing Worth brought for--, HOTEL STREET. means which him a great it has been almost entirely rebuilt, And Prince Leopold's playroom. After a much for Geneva) that in this case she, street, then a single whirl; likewise tune. Ho bought the old Hippodrome, from Rome Mr. Astor took fine mar-fo-r THE COUNTESS AND HER PARROT. time Prince tired of the pot and the not only breaks a rule of the Belgian on reaching Fourteenth street; pass-royallst- s $12,-.ble- s, Belgulm, May 4. a storehouse. Ho died worth columns, capitals and sarcophagi. BRUSSELLS, then It was sent to his grandmother. not to stay in the houses of Ing Eighteenth, three, slowly made; JACOBSON BROB., 000,000. One fragment an in- - Among J;he pets of King Albert's moth- Proprietors. with remains of At the moment she Is entertaining those whose blood Is only blue and leaving Forty-secon- d street, two rapid Tho late Sir Charles Dilke and Au-- j scrlption upon Mr. presented er, the Countess of Flanders, is a par- it Astor as a v'sltor her other grandson, Princo not royal purple but has more than whirls; a minute thereafter, four, slow-onc- e beron Hercrt first enlisted with the, to the British Museum in London, and rot which is the terror of the house- Charles, who succecdB to hit. grand- had her visit her in her Brussels ly one after the other, Franco-Prussia- n -' ZEAVE Germans In the con- the experts there have been able to hold. It Is a male "Polly," a remark- father's of Count of Flanders. Of palace; and that not in a quiet way title "Heturning from Seventy-sccon- d Just received by tho S. S. Sierra test and then desertedoto tho French' decipher data of historical value, able talker with an extensive vocabul- - course CountesB lint nlmvi, nu nn Anitnl tnt'ttlnr. tYin .. the loves all her ten " street,.....snortiy after ... one; tho very latest In fancy tailored llnea when they learned of the fall of the The garden adjoining his premises ary, a great memory and unusual pow grandchildren King Queen but It Is a court tecret and to dinner during Mrs. paB8lng Columbus Circle, four, slowly suits also one piece linen dresses and Empire at Paris. In order to escape belonged to Sig. Tramontano and Mr. era of mimicry. He repeats everything that Prince Charles is her favorite. ""u "- - ana lingerie as spies they one night In a) "" successively, and then one more; waists. arrest hid ABtor, hearing that the hotel man was ho hears, always, of course, at the The Countess of Flanders is extreme-wron- g to tea at Princess Napo'eon's. army nt KlftIoth two morc severally, but ROOM 6667-6- chestnut tree while an marched in need of money for his establishment moment. jy fond of music. Everv wee"k sho The Countess Flanders always by. of in reverse direction; reversing again YOUNG HOTEL. Sir Charles afterward safd ho knew goffered him the exact amount required Sometimes he is banished from engages special singers or players of the! prsses a few days at Mrs. Barton's once very slowly on entering the For-- ' from tho unfailing regularity of the' and became possessor tho lovely Countess's apartments. Then thoBO, the of different nationalities to "make music home, the Villa Lammermoor, on Lake street station. Nothing BUGOLEUM tramp, tramp that it was German sol- - garden which has been laid out as tho who are near him talk in whispers or before her." j Geneva, when she goes toward that striking until entering Manhattan tube. dlerB, well-sho- soldiers, and not villa FloruB, a copy of a Pompeian on their fingers (an art the parrot has she is a talented The Leading Disinfectant, ' artist, and her part of Europe. Belgians are not a when at intervals the compass 'boxed' French recruits in Godlllot's boots, villa once owned by an illustrious lady. not yet acquired); otherwise when ho fro-goe- s engravings and water colors are little worried at this strong friend- - Itself one, two, three and llnally three Germicide, Insecticide and Anti- who were going along the road .below with all the marbles should be-hi- back to his place near the Count- - that quently exhibited. Verv assiduous is ship with a commoner and a foreigner, more times on the way to Borough septic for all purposes. in tho darkness. long to such a residence. It has a ess he reels off every word he has she in visiting pnlntei..' nnd utors' nnd the women, course, su of are joa'ous Hrll." ABR. FERNANDEZ . SON. The ewriter A Machine that was designed to Lead All others, and has "MADE GOOD"

Every A Part as Durable as iyioci-- - jLjf" sV M. II of Simplicity CI 11 OC1C11CC Ldll II make it.

The Greatest Point Of All is that it is NOISELESS. No Question at all about this Feature. Numerous offices of 4 ' use the Noiseless" and attest to this advantage. ------Call and see the machine. - - Try it out. - - It will be time well spent. Waterhouse Ltd., Offices: STANGENWALD BUILDING, Honolulu Display Rooms: 14 Queen Street.

Or 1 .1 Mil U SAirUDW. MAY .'. I'M J TimHArcfDoGSofiheSEA ' : 'i

CStfRevenue CutterTtSfioma U&JZerezize cutler TSEBWBSZ&f? PlU'MII 'III ' IS Caller3 H4-- e-W I 1 ' III ' tr us. She lias a speed of twelvo knots As tho Itnea cruises pretty much all end a cruising radius ot 3,000 miles. the time tho school may be said to Her equipment Is the bewt procurable be wherevor the ship Is though there every con- 1'retildont Tuffs suggestion i -; and she hns modern Is a sort of a land station near Now many sta- ' venience for her crew of ninety and York. For years the land United States Revenue Cutter Sinic nine officers. On her after deck is a tion was at Arundel Cove, near Bal- tli bo takon from tinder the control of sic am towliig gear which no other cut-- ' timore, where Is located tho repair Tioasury Department and made ' an torv save the Snohomish, has for she depot of tho service. auxiliary of the navy has not only frequently has to tow derelicts Into Appointments to cadetshlp In the j prrt. Already she has towed In a are upon moused a storm of disapproval from service made strict compet- cfeze .i i . . . S "rjiiaBa.. Mill large number, many of which have itive educational examinations which Shipping Interests of both coasts but' the chain that the t'mon tarns T3sBS!i imak been refitted. are open to young men between the a wore welding ports. ) has given much publicity to branch about the Since she went Into service a few pges of eighteen and twenty-fou- r who of federal public service that Is believ it was a cutter, tile mcuuiioii:;.i ' years ago she has proven to bo not can nlso pass the physical tests. Ex- thai was with Admiral Dewey when more. ed to bo superior to any other depart only all that was 'expected but aminations aro held throughout tho tirt ili)Cfniwln(l nnin Atnniln. nnit the coast of dozens country In looking , Sho has ridden the from time to time, and tho iuent ot the government . . I .p ,irt."1l"ta trnvn.i n titimhnr. - nf- thoin 111 UUIVllv,", 1 ' 11 highest averages attained consUtuto" after the welfare of maritime Inter ciTtter as being "a valuable auxiliary given valuable 1'iesident to patrol the coastline In crful steamer could have reached the ere vessels that have been abandon si'foly to port, has tho sureties for appointment. Tho to squadron." remained for ests. the It search of vessels In distress, and the sxene In time to have saved the pas- ed. Assistance to many steamers and has training Is military and technical and Although has been an Important the Hudson, at Cardenas, to perform it vork of tho ships on tho Athntlo sengers and crew, that the Hfe-savo- Built for this particular service aved numbers of lives. tho course is threo years. part of the national service since the one of the most spectacular as well ccast during the past year has bceu w!lh their equipment of sail and oared M,e Seneca embodied many features The Revenue Cutter Service has a Heve-- ! Con-uu- e of Republic the as daring of the war, and life-boat- formation the feats especially notable. wore helpless. This was not found upon the regular cutters, echool, but in this respect it is unique, Green stamps are as good as gold Cutter Service has only In Mm gress awarded to the men and officers , On tho Cheasepcako Bay alone tho brought out by a special commission Sho is larger and more high-sided- having its "academy on board tho rben you buy at the stores. Don't years been given the recos-rltio- n po!d, silver bronze medals for past few and cutter Apache rendered aid to more which was nppointed by President Veing 204 feet over all and ot 1,500 old gunboat Bancroft, now the Itasca. forget to ask for them. work Is car- heroism. It deserves. Its their than a dozen vessels valued at fully lioosevelt to ascertain the cause of on quietly yet effectively and in three-quarter- ried s of a million dol'ars. tho wreck, and this commVssion rec always c .war and in peace it has has piaye-- an honornble part in In several instances the cutter fought ommended that a special, powerful T motto, semper ftponded nobly to Its war jt naa uoen none tije iess her way through heavy fields of Ice t'i tug bo built for Neah Hay station. X (over ready.) nowned in times of peace, and it has save small craft which, with their 'Jhe building and manning of the TOWNSEND UNDERTAKING CO., LTD: tugboat, 0 It was an ordinary the r ,mlled its many and vnriPd duties crews, wero threatened with destruc- tug fell to the Revenue Cutter Serv-- by revenue offlcers Hudson, manned f onsIstently without regard for tion. ice, the Snohomish was re- - ( ad and tho V Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended To. and men, that steamed in under the The assistance of h is 152 - Y ' roT80ntl rsk. In the Arctic region the cutters fit. Sho feet over all, twen- 1 batteries at Cardenas an ob- - o M,ls in aistress, the removal of nave again and again saved feet beam and seventeen and ' scoria towed out the helpless torpedo boat to navigation, protection of a half depth, (s ( mictions of wnaleshiry3 and their crews and feet driven by an 1,800 Special care given to the Preparing and Embalming of Winslow, on which Ensign Worth haalB the - and fisileries in Alaska and caillnt pedition of 1S07-- S foi horsepower engine. She cost $1S!),- $ Ragly his life. During that war lost enforcement of maritime laws a,u' tl.f relief of whalers frozen In anrl 057 and Is regarded as the most pow- - 0 . - - Spain were, in All Bodies. with there quiirantino regulations. starving at Point Harrow, a desperate crful and complete craft of her size f t'on with the navy thirteen cutters wni-t-r if flirt enn'tfo nc ilnflnnil ' Thn oyage of nearly 1,000 miles through afloat. Besides being equipped with X Coast, etc. carrying sixty-on- e guns, ninety-eigh- t Best Facilities for Shipping Remains to the My law, consists in the enforcement oe ,.avy lce ,,acki won Congressional 'ireless and Ardois signals, she Is a A 5G2 Eight live-savin- officers and enlisted men. almost every statute bearing upon the floating g $ recognition. station, carrying H. TOWNSEND, F. D. ROY J. WILLIAMSON, Mortician. of the cutters wore with Sampson's j twenty-fou- r life-bra- JNO. maritime- interests of the nation. It It WS a cuttef. that flr8t foun(I two foot metallic ti 0 Heet one was with Dewey. The - self-bailin- and is called upon to protect the cus- u,e steamer Republic after she had of the g type t Day and Night Telephone 1325. patrolled Atlantic Pi-clfl- c ethers the and terns revenue with the right to search teen rammed, and a cutter, remained and a twenty-foo- t surf boat. a coasts. ill merchant craft, to not only scareR 1)y tne vcs80i until sho sank and thei Her nftermast is designed to be OO-O-- 0 incep-t!o-n The revenue service had its i for smuggled wares, but also to see rescued members of the crew who ubeu ior ill operation of a brcei-he.- Congress, In an act of the First that their papers are correct; to sup i,ad remained until tho last minute. It buoy and for this sho has the usual - and was approved by George Wasn- ;.ress piracy; 10 seurcn ior wrocKei outflt of Lyle guns, lines, hawsers, etc ' was a cutter that was ordered to find ington on August 4, 1790, thus estab-litliin- g r.nd missing vessels, to suppress and give relief to a British schooner It is calculated that this equipment the flrst maritime force sub mutiny and to enforce neutrality liws. winch was baffled from port to port can he used at a range of 1,00.) feet. sequent to establishing the Federal A notable example of the efficiency because some of tho members of her Another feature Qf her equipment is Foot-wea- By November 1, 1731, steam-operate- r Government. of tho service was given In the sum-- ' crtw w.ere stricken witb what was a heavy, d towing Lilt nmmer there' was a squadron of ten ships, of 1905 when orders were given feared to be leprosy. No matter what of tho most powerful typo made. and for six years and eleven months to that department to proceed to the servlce-hes!-gu- tb,; duty the men of the ir Still another branch of the service they constituted the only armed fores I coast and patrol the shores of tate not upon the order. U that of derelict destroying. WL'llv afloat belonging to the Republic. and"! Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Besides all of the duties enumerated nil cutters look upon the destruction Their duties were to patrol the Louisiana and prevent the spread of there is a distinct life-savin- section of obstructions to navigation prevent as a IN NEW coast, smuggling and to vellow which was epidemic in J fever 0f the service, the tug Snohomish, part of their regular work, the de- the nation's maritime law. those States. The service, with four mr.nned and officered by revenue men. partment has in the Seneca a vessel The flrst appointments of officers cutters and a fleet of chattered cralt, which is stationed at Neah Bay, near that was built specially for this serv- were made from those who had by revenue officers, per-- , manned Vancouver Island, British Columbia, ice and which was designed a'on& I served in the Continental navy and ormed their duty so thoroughly that iter cruising ground is along the ifnes different from the regular cut- the first commission granted by Presi rock-boun- there wra not a single case of the fog enshrouded coast of ters. While all cutters havo numerous REGAL dent Washington to any officer afloat! dlsearo spread through commit- - that ri'itish Columbia, tho Straits of Juan duties that frequently call them Into f was given to Capt. Hopelcy Yeaton. r.ication by sea, though one of the danger-ship- s de Fuca and Puget Sound, as Inland waters the Seneca is a free- of New Hampshire, who had pre- had the fever on board, all be-- ' water exist, 1 our sheets of as lance. To her there Is but one as- viously served on the frigates Raleigh ing constantly within the affected j .ftor tho wreck of tho steamer signment, that of cruising along the STYLES and Dean. ' "no. Valencia in Neah Bay In 190C, when Atlantic coast from Sandy Hook to 'In the expedition sent against the 1 From December 1 to April cer- - persons perished, the s Hatteras to assist vessels in distress Fiench privateers in 179S eight cut- tsln cutters are designated by the reported that nothing short of a pow- - and destroy or tow in derelicts, which ters were included in the fleet of about twenty ships, and it is notable that of the twenty-tw- o prizes taken The new Regal Shoes jusl received are perfect the revenue cutters took sixteen an! assisted in tho taking of two others examples of the accepted Colonial Styles, being The cutter Pickering alone captured ten craft, one of which was a n latest and New York rugate with 200 men and three tlmc-- built on the Paris custom her sizo and strength. Again in 1812, 7 the- - "sailor's war," models. (he revenue cutters again distinguish ed themselves with conspicuous an meritorious service. Tho first- - prize of We have these Pumps , in Satin, Velvet and the war, the schooner Patriot, u us captured and towed in by the cuttnr j Nubuck and in Tan and Black . Jefferson. In the Seminole campaign in 1S3C the cutters participated, ren- - during effective aid to tho army and ei0-e?:- GO;:: winning commendation of tho com-- t:i;; mandlng officers. O ' In the war with Mexico the rovcn i i o cutters' wero again In tho front. it ' $3.00, 13BS the cutter Harriet Lane was hium of tho ships In tho naval expedition 5Oj0Jji:r-:::-:- : :?$ against Paraguay. Later this vtsst;; f took part In tho capturo of tho forti- - firations at Hattoras Inlet during till-- For growing girls we have Nubuck High Button Civil War. In this war the cutters did valuablo work, both In naval on-- 1 Black Boots Cagemonts and in holding tho block Boots at $3.50, and Tan and ode. Tho maintaining of tha blockade at $3.00. was tho most arduous work that was given to tho navy and tho cutters Day p.nd night, week in and out, tho vos-Eol- n lay off tho Southorn ports al- ways with a full head of steam nntl their crews on the watch. Not foi a Regal Shoe Store moment could vigilance bo relaxed, for not only wero tho swift and daring blockade runnors endeavoring to slip KING and BETHEL STREETS by' but there were armed expeditions being sent out by tho Confederacy to THE LATE KING OF DENMARK AND HIS PALACK. TIIK HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 191J. THIRTKttH


A Week's Sales By If! E WHEELS FOR AUTOS WILL DtWCE TO AGENCIES EPO T SOON DISPLACE PRESENT TYPE SPEED! HABIT WEEK AND BRIT PROSPECTS Von Hamm-Youn- g Company. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o Business Ib predicted by The Automobllo "France saw tho morlts of the wire hat hwn Kood in the auto- in rapid strides m tho auto track It CHICAGO, May 15. H. U. purchased one of ...... , - - . ,,....1 O The city o mobile II no during tho week accordiUK - partii The pntt week has been u.:othori Mr. llooth that the soRSon oi i:u. win uu i unr- wheel Beaton niieu me uhu uh business ul:n h m placing the Unmm-Young- O council is Investigating a device O to from j tho pretty r.iul rcllnblo little Bulck road-raccw- . repor's all of tho agencies. popular llttlo Koo bitcy ono with iho von notorized by the advent of Ihe wire Jt for tll0 ig European The doihory waon t o patented by three Chicago in- o ami runabouts, and a sp.ondld Overland r - 1. .11.. it.n The Schuman ('nrriiiKc Company flent model. Two of the woro sold thia rntmnnv in tho automobile snitM Wlioei lor picasure-cn- or. t.. wag rocelve,i Wltll open wre o ventors who assert that it will o one of WJ-luk- u, repnlr departments. touring car vr dcllvored to Mr. J. wire wheel Is meant the typo of wheoll the late model Fords to Maul week one to Hymio Moyons, of n,n,B won uuu " O practically do away with auto- o by night's Claudtne; Tues-- : Tho S .S. llonolulun brought a Pack- Coombs. used In bicycles, wire being employed last and on MhuI snd the othor to Ooimafteft O mobllo speeding. Their prop- o nopu- -' ard truck which had been especially A very interesting story has just .. .i. r ,i,i fnr hottest days last year It demonstrated day sent the seme model of this A Comimny of this city. "There aro Hamm-Youn- g grueling road- - O osition Ib for the council to o la'r light car to Llhue, Kauai, for ordert) 1 by t,ho Kllnucn Volcano Howse been received by the von has been exploited and Us economy on tires In a the more Keo trucks on th.' streets or miles u pass an ordinance requiring tho o Garden Island. This progressive pa-- , Company, and this car was shipped on Company how one ot theto Overland used to some extent In England for race by showing many additional Honolulu today," declares Oeorxo e au- con-som- use pf their speed alarms on o por !s offering, tho car as a tho Claudtne to Hllo this week. It cars, a duplicate o tho one delivered five years, and has recently secured, or service. The trencumcn contest, Wells, manager of the Royal Hawaiian, de- tomobiles. o prize, and much will be equipped with a" specir.l body to Mr. Coombs during the week, Tho writer, vlnccd. interest has been "Than there aro of any othr threo foothold in America. Tho devices under lock, o y are by the announcement of the which litis been built on tho Islands feated a whole bunch of cars which Mho loading 'The big merit of the aroused makes combined." Mr. Wells sny ae declares that several of and sot by tho city officials pjirrvlnir freight, ere .idling at a much higher price, and wheel lies in tho fact that the are o splendid trophy. The Srhuman jieople 8 prepared to back up his sfateaeat, fr tiassnnirors and have quietly stated that wire any Imrncdi-wheel- s for speed limit. Whon that o also sold a fort.v h. p. Celle tourintc popu- - Tho KiJuuca Volcano Vlouea Com- - which nro rated with more powerful next year they will give an option on heat generated in the tire Is which speaks pretty well for the limit Is exceeded a bell rings, o car this ween to a prominent trust larlty of pauy Is cue of tho uU concerns in, horsepowers. This little car covered of either wood or wire. Several ntely conducted out through the metal the Roo. and if the speed is continued o company man. The machine was sup--j i ex- Iblauds to use the Packard itself with glory in the recent 200 mile companies during the past year have spokes, whereas, witn tho wood wheel, The Royal Hawaiian Garage these it will ho necessary to drive to o by tho Honolu-- , passenger road race at Fresno, Cal., covering test--, wooil being a of heat, posed to hove arrived pectlng during Uio next two or thrco truck In this freight and had wire wheels on cars uted for the police min-sam- e nearest station and o lan, missed connections, and will, weeks, service. It ia their intention to use the course In four hours, three ing at factories. A few companies the heat Is all kept In the tiro and rim but several of the beautiful Reo have tho "speed alarm" unlock- o probably arrive next week. Two of, tho Fifth roadaters, two to transfer passengers from the utes and sixteen seconds. When tho dealing in accessories announce that by tho heavy wood felloe, and as a and Premier ed. o the popular IS. M. F. cars did come touring cars. Hilo'llallway Company's terminus at Overland flashed across the finish lino they already have wire wheels ready result the tire temperature it kept high The Honolulu brought As means of identification, Hono-.t- o car-o- a o to tho Schuman Garago by tho garago to competing wcro trailing behind thin edgo r.nd tho process !s f this this week, one Reo Glcnwood to the Volcano House and cars for the market. Indeed, "tho metal tags bearing" tho number o blow-entered- lulan, for stock. truck, which will probably be sold to-- tho Volcano crater. at various distances. The big Elmoro tho wire-whe- invasion has been rled out, the tiro weakens, and a of tho offending automobile are Tho Royal Hawaiian Garage is mak-- ( day. now on twenty-seve- n minutes after "Its out follows. A duplicate of th'a truck Is finished The writer adds thr.t dropped every 100 feet. I same the Overland, and tho Flamlers had( on be watched "Repeated tests have shown the tho way from tho factory for the progress from now will The cost Is established at $20 O factory to tho building of among which may be mentioned tho - within, tho finished but eight laps, the Bulck eight Of advant- great ttrength of the wire wheel. This , people, and should bo hero with much Interest." the for each automobllo. - O cars. English slip-on- the gaberdine and tho laps, and was demonstrated an English fac- - next two or thrco weeks. This other lops, Warren eleven the ages which are expected to come from, at O rubberized raincoat. White polo coata M. laps. Two cars - v,,w. car will be used together with the ono B. F. nine other me use or mis type oi wneei me writer. wi uuhi.b 000000000000oOOOO AUTOMOBILE NOTES. are very popular for spring wear. which was shipped up there this week, had been withdrawn for various rea- - membera of the SocIet 'Auto,mob"e, powers. Numerous makers have rec, England. Tho much talked of Cadillacs found sons, "The wire wheel Ib being introduced Engineers In i. - Mb mmns A new car to bo known as tho Hen- Old oil should ha allowed to drain Of starters, seven cans were of the wire wheel has been demonstrat-- 1 several more enthusiastic purchasers the nine into America because of Its twofold gIj(cg ,n BeveraI Qno companyi dcrson and which will sell for $1200 frm the crankcaao a,bout once a on course finish. The Over-delivere- d Is ed in several American cities where , this week. A fine little Runabout was the at tho merit. It easier on tiros than wood, ho PccrleaS( nmkes them ree is being built by the Cole Interests in 'month, or every 700 to 1000 miles. Bo 100 cars have skidded against tho curb on . to tho Walalua Agricultural land was the first to reach tho wheels and it is stronger. These arc, ssifJ sIzM nnd provWeB twcnty.nVc Indianapolis. fore putting tho new oil in, tho crank-- Tn a expert Company, and another splendid five mile mark and stopped but once during two good rcrsons for Its Introduction.; slippery streets. recent ulftcrent combinations of bodies, and case should be bushed out with kero-- the race. being easier on ence of this nature tho axle was dam- - passenger touring car web delivered to The question of its tbo j ozer company announces that For touring Borne sort of a dust coat sene. Pour the kerosene into tho The Republican under aged but tho wheel withstood the Mr. W. O. Aiken, of Maul. Fresno tires was demonstrated In Ixmdon bcv horcafter It wilj miI(j Bix.Cyllnder cars or slip-o- Is essential to comfort. A icrnnkcaBe and run the engine for he-- 1 self-startin-g auspices when' official shock, only one of tho wire spokes Tho wonderful device whose the event was held eral years ago an test, exclusively. This is Detroit's first number of coats designed for this serv-- about fifteen seconds. Drain tho , - says sur- - twenty-fivo- , ing no perceptible malfor- on tho Cadillac cars is stfil creating of tho Overland: "The big was made of fifty taxlcal-s- broken and Qr compi.ny to dcvoto lt8 entlro lco aro to bo found in the supply stores orankcaso and refill with new oil. a great deal of enthusiasm among au- - prise wr.3 furnished by the sturdy llttlo of which wero shod with wire wheels mation worked. on, tmmmmmmimmmmmmllmmmmmmmim tomobllists, and It may bo ot Interest Overland under tho excellent driving and tliQ other twenty-fiv- e with wood; "In addition to r duced wear to know that In a recent test as to of Tom McKelvey. Tho car respond- - wheels. The tire wear on these fifty tires and great strength, those who tho pulling powers of the Cadillac ed to his bidding without a bobble. Tho cabs was observed for a period ot seve-- have had months of experience in drlv-- j electric starting device by a prominent race will go down in history as one of ral months. All of the vehicles operat-- ( ing cars with wiro wheels claim a, automobile dealer in tho State of Ohio, tho most successful events over rough ed over practically the same streets, greater motor flexibility than with thei two Important facts were made clear: roads, with sharp turns, In central and In practically tho same service., wood wheel. They argue that the lignt First that Is has sufficient power or California. Tho Overland averaged At tho end'of tho test it was discover- - rim weight of tho wiro wheel makes that pulling torque for every possible con-- ' about fifty miles an hour. ed that tho wire wheel showed a tire, quicker acceleration possible and dltlon, such as stiffness of motor and economy of nearly seventy per cent, the braking strain is also less. In a lubricating oil when condi- as compared with the wood wheel. The word their experiences point to greater weather -, moto- accom-attrac- t Alignment tions are below zero. Second, suff- ASSOCIATED MAN results wero sufficiently convincing to jease of operation on tho wide-sprea- - icient d in Eu- plished by reduction of weight at tho source of energy for extreme attention Perfect alignment is absolutely essential in a motor-ca- r. conditions. rope. ' rim of the wheels." Imperfect alignment wastes power, wears out bearings, and Tho test was made on ono of tho steepest hills in Ohio, and In climbing ON CARE OE GAR little hard to get at. Under no circum- strains the mechanism. anyone your tho hill the spark plugs were removed stances, allow to fill rear E IS With the Unit Power Plant motor, clutch, and trans- axle housing or transmlrslon with mission in from tho cylinder heads so that all; "Do not Imagine for a moment that M one continuous housing the mechanism can only self-start- grea'so as this w'ill surely cause tho who saw1 the perform tho because someone else climbs a hill on be put together with perfect alignment. bearings to wear much more rap--Idl- y feat might know no power other gear you ball that high that cannot make with ol). L GROUND The Three Point Support preserves this alignment, no EClf-start- than they should. Ute only than that of the wra used. your car without overworking the mo-Th- o OSi "Your car must have a reasonable matter how much the car may be twisted and turned by the . wonderful Cadillac electric starter tor, that he has a better car than you," amount of care, and a considerable inequalities of the road. furnished power car p Cen6U8 Bureau issued tho to tako the ECia Frank E. Howes, of the Assoclat-u- Tho recently Stevens-Dury- amount of judgment must be exercis- - -- The ea tho hill and run the machine for ed Garage In talking about cars In a preliminary report," dealing with simply cannot get out of alignment forty-on- e ed in use, If you aro to receive carriage-and-wago- n and a half minutes. Such a general. 'Perhaps he Is pulling It down its tho industry, from it never has, and it never can. the maximum service and satisfaction strain on the sourco of energy would to th0 last gasp or maybe the car Is whlch may bo 8eon whiU ,nroi,dg lmv0 This is the most important fact about motor-car- s. Ask from it. Tho men who do not give never be; found necessary for starting geared lower or has smaller wheols been randc by. tho motora on horse. us about it, or send for catalogue. their cars proper attention as to lubri- - purpose?. or tires. It Is norslble. of course, fo vehlcle8 ln tho I)eriou of nve yearB De-- , caUon ana or men wno. The Cadillac Electric Starting gear a car so low that it will tako any Eroomm&. lne elapsing between 1004 and 1900. The Hamm-Youn- g U ,Vo recKless'y anu carelessly never, Von Co., Ltd. vice gives ln addition to its starting hill on high, but the car so geared ls report shoWB that whlIc the valuaton recelve the servlc facilities an electric lighting equipment never as satisfactory on level ground' Ust from thelr( of horse.drawn vehicles did not decline Distributors , "v. to.muiv uie o'vi.-- ui uvciugB uiivuigi me uiguer gearca in proportion corresponding to the In trie lights in your home. Recharging cars always proving the most satlsfac crease in motor-cars- , yet tho number is done automatically while you aWtory when properly handled by an STARTER CONTEST PROPOSED. both of carriages and wagons fell off driving the car. All Cadillac models experienced dr'ver. Something new In tho form of a con- - approximately 100,000 each. for 1912 are equipped with this wonder-- j "Do not allow anyone to tell you that test which will involve self-starter- s Is During the same period automobiles ful starting and lighting plant. tho carburetor needs adjustment slm- - the latest, a challenge having been Increased ln number from 21.C92 to The first Greater Hupmobllo touring ply because it "spits" back and has issued by a self-start- manufacturing 12G.593; and in valuo from $30,033,530 car which the von Hamm-Youn- g Com- - llttlo power whan flrEt started up. if. company for a match from Chicago to for 1901, to $219,202,075, in 1909. pany !, . received last week, and which the carburetor properly adjusted, the Boston and return for $5000 a side, the, , . . was so greatly admired, was sold to motor must always bo allowed to warm j loner to bo tho one whoso self-starter- SIXES GAINING FAVOR. Mrs. A. 1j. Hutchinson. This car has up thoroughly before it can produce, fails to keep tho machine going. It is' Originally the six cylinder motor created no end of enthusiasm, and a anything like Its maximum power.) Insisted that the batteries and wires was built to satisfy tho demand for number of sales have been booked for Never make an adjustment or allow, bo removed, tho cranks taken off and greater power and speed and was built th's wonderful little car. j anyone to mako ono on your carbure- - the crank hole scaled. Tho cars carry-- in high power sizes only. It no sooner ' Model AA, Seven-passeng- Touring Car Among other cars which were deliv--; tor when tho motor is cold. Ing tho rival self-starte- in tho con- - camo into use, however, than it was erod during tho past week by tho von, "Now Just a word about taking can test must bo of tho samo make and seen that tho extra cylinders lessoned Stevens-Dury- Hamm-Youn- g Co. was included ono of a car Special attention should bo model. If a It must have the vibration and nolso and gavo tho ea Company Chicopee Falls Mass of tho sturdy llttlo Everitt "30" tour-- paid to lubricating all parts regular--, an engine of at least five-Inc- h bore, mechanism greatei smoothness and Ing cars, which was sold to Mr. T. ly. Do not neglect tho greaso euro and If a four, one of flvo and three- - flexibility. So thnt ino or englno was Pioneer Builders of American Sixer Tnkano. simply because some of them aro a fourth inoh bore. Bpeedlly denvindod mr smaller horse- -


- NOTICE OF SALE OF PUBLIC OFFIOH OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR-terniasto- r, nbovo Kuaklnl Street, opposite Kuna- THE OPTIMISTIC STORY OF THE LANDS. Honolulu, H. T., May 22, wnl Lano, which survey lino Is seven- 1912. Sealed proposals, in triplicate teen feet (17) offset from tho now Tho following riovorninont rom-nont- s will bo received In this office until south-cas- t property lino of Lillha Bargains In Beds situated nt N'uunnu Valley, 12 o'clock m Juno 11, 1912, nnd thon Street, thenco running by true ait- - WHO BEGAN HIS LIFE'S Konn, construction, including mulh and distances ns follows: IN Oahu, will bo offered for sale bo oponod for at public auction at tho following up- plumbing, electric wiring nnd fixtures 1. 47 10' 544.2 feet in a straight In a Large Assortment of Slightly Damaged set prices at 12 o'clock noon, Satur- of nn addition to hospital building at lino to a point, thence: FIFTY-SI- day, 15, 8hafter, Honolulu, H. T. Plans curved lino to tho left baring a WORK AT THE AGE OF X Juno 1912, at tho front door Fort BEDS at Discounts of Fifty Per. Cent. to tho Oapltol Building, Honolulu: nnd specifications can bo soon nnd full radius of 920.0 feet; TormB of ealo: Cash. Information obtained cither nt this of- 2. 42 39' 144.63 feet direct bear- Every Bed a Real Bargain. Must be Sold I'urchaso to pay cost of patent and fice or tho offlco of tho Constructing ing and distance, thence; This is a story of n mnn who Is tiimie, and wn wore carrying about stamp. Quartermaster, Fort Mason, San Fran- 3. 38 .09' 120.02 feet in a straight ' itno to point In a curved Quickly. startlug In on his real life work at $2500 worth of goods. One day in Purchasor to pay cost of adrertls cisco, Cal. Illds will bo openod only a tbcnc: right, having a radius ilfty-Bl- years of age. llecnUBo It Ib 1902 the deputy sheriff entered the tng. in tho offlco of tho Constructing Quar- lino to the of 875.0 feet; nn eleventh-hou- r .story, It 1b' much to premises on a writ of replevin. To a Lot No. 1, Blttmtea at tho corner ol termaster, Honolulu, H. T. Frank D. 4. 44 29' 193.04 direct-tearin- COYNE FURNITURE CO., Ltd. the point today. For the young fel- retail storekeeper, of course, this Puunul Aventto and Kauai Street, Edwards, Constructing Q. M. feet low him, who would It was simply a Gts May 22, 23, 24, 25, June 8, 10. and distance, thenco; BISHOP ST. with' nil his life beforo mean ruin. and containing an area of 7,736 hold-up- 5. 50 49' 131.47 feet to a point la is figuring out which of n hundred , an order to settle up first and square feet. Upset price $387.00. tho north-eas- t property line of roadB to fame and fortune ho shall argue thu rights of the case after-wnrd- . Lot No. 2, situated at Pal Ikon, ami NOTICE. School Street which point is azi- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCKC0KCK0 choose, the world Is one big chorus containing an area 0.47 acre. Up of muth 322 768.5 feet from of cheer and encouragement. "I hit back by bringing a counter set prlco JG00.00. Is hereby given of a chango 29' Notice the government street surrey line The woods are full of men who have action ngalnst the deputy sheriff for For map and particulars, as Mas- further in tho known on Lillha Street, thenco; earned wisdom by hard knocks and trespass and damages for tho injury apply at tho offlob of tho Commission- Rodrlgucs onry Work Co., Alexander 6. 322 45' 50.0 feet along north 1 tumbles, who are forced, when done my wife. When my own lawyer er of tie but Public Lands. having been admitted to membership. east property line ot School pn.islng It on to the world at large, told mo 1 had no case I decided to D. JOSHUA TUCKER, J. C. CORREA, Street and across Frog Lane to a with the arguo in court. 1 fortified to their remarks It myself Commissioner of Public Lands. ANTONE F. CAMACHO, point, thence; hope'ets phrase: "If I had my life mysolt with all tho statutes and lead- Dated Honolulu, April 12, at 1912. ANTONE FERNADEZ, 7. 230 49' 133.0 feet In a straight llvo over again" ing cases I could find, cross-examine- d Apr. to lOts 13, 10, 27, May 4, 11, 18, ALEGANDER RODRIGUES. line to a point, thenco: in a too witnesses, 25, EXTRA Those of them who are not far tho addressed the codrt Juno 1, 8, 14. curved line to the left, having a may encourage-mrn- t got my CREAMERY In the tall timber find and verdict. radius of 925.0 foot; In life story of the middle-age- d " 'I ought to sny,' tho Judge declar- the NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE BY AUTHORITY 8. 224 29' 204.07 feet direst bear- and all but Illiterate peddler ed, 'that It seems to mo that when OF STOCK. ing and distance, thenco; night who started In to study law at Moses Steuer went Into that hat and SEALED TENDERS. 9. 218 .09' 120.02 foot in a straight school side by side with boys who clothing business a good lawyer and Certificate No. 6167 20 for shares Sealed tenders will bo received up lino to a point, thence: Tn a might have been his own .30ns. a. very ablo adocato was lost." of tho capital stock Planta- saving of Ewa 12 m. Saturday, June 22, 1912, curved lino to tho right a 1 thought over to of "Tho moro this tion has boon lost or destroyed. All radius of 870.0 feet; mo by the Maul Loan Fund Commission Moses B. Stcuer of No. 20 Rockland speech the more It scorned to that persons hereby 10. 222 136.77 feet direct bear- - Unsurpassed are warned against for furnlBhlng all material, labor, etc., 39' Qualify street, Roxbury, upon whoso recent It was as clear a call as any man lng and distance, thenco; negotiating or otherwise dealing in constructing a two story concreto admission to tho Massachusetts bar could have to the law. Plenty of peo- nnd 11. 227 10' 542.9 feet In a straight or with such shares. Application has Maui. letters and (telegrams of congratul- ple tried to persuade mo that It was school house at Lahalna, lino to a point in tho south west been mado to tho treasurer of said blank ation.? are being received from lead- absurd for a man of my ago to close Plans, specifications and property line of Street, company for now Kuaklii ing lawyers all over America, was down a business that was bringing tne tho issuance of the forms of tender arc on file with Mr. thence; AND certificate. TRY x go again. Com- IT bom fifty-si- years ago at a llttlo town In a living and to school Fred E. Harvey, Secretary of the 12. 138 46' 50.0 feet along tho south Date, May 4, 1912. of about 2000 Inhabitants, called Mel-li- "Anyway I derided to take tho big mission, Walluku, Maul; and at tho west property lino of Knakinl In Gallcia, or Australn Poland. His step. I sold out my business and went MRS WONG ONG. office of Marston Campbell, Chairman Street to the point of beginning; YOUli ALWAYS BUY IT father had married when little more to tho night school at the Y. M. C. A. 8ts May 4, 8 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29. of the Commission, Capitol Building, Containing an area of 56,787.0 than a boy, and when he was killed I found that at my ago I had need of Honolulu. square feet. accidentally at the age of twenty-tw- o a pretty clear head to master law and NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The Maul Loan Fund Commission All persons having any Interest In he left a willow "and two children, tho the English language at the same reserves tho right to reject any or tho land sought to be condemned are SUPPLIED BY eldest of whom was two and a half time. I gave up smoking. Up to that Tho undersigned, having been ap- all tenders. hereby warned that unless they ap- years of age. time I had been a very heavy smoker, pointed Administrator of tho Estate MARSTON CAMPBELL, pear at said Court on or beforo Au- through fifteen or sixteen of F. H. gust 5th, 1912, thoy will bo Tho father had been r. grain dealer getting Whittaker, deceased, hereby Chairman, Maui Loan Fund fwover cigars a day. gives notice to from contesting said petition C.Q.YEE HOP &COMPANY in a small way of business. All tho all creditors of the barred do I Ml about beginning life said F. H. or any judgment thereon. land around Mellic Is rich farming "How Whittaker to present their entered KINS STREET HONOLULU fifty-six- ? Why, a younger man than claims, duly prop- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haT. country, but the Polish peasant Is. a at authenticated, with IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I years ago. I tell my wife er vouchers If any oxlst, even the hereunto set my hand nd affixed the dull wltted fellow, and tfTe commercial felt ten if FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, TER If arc fifty-si- x years behind claim be .secured by mortgago on of said Circuit Court, this activity was In the hands of a small that there real RITORY OF HAWAII. HOLDING seal lit Is going to prophesy there estate, to tho said Administrator at day of April, 1912. colony of peddlers. me, no one TERMS IN THE CITY AND fifty-si- x ahead of me. tho Tax Office, corner Queen and Fort (Seal) J. A. DOMIN1S. One of the earliest" recollections of aren't COUNTY OF HONOLULU seriously, there is a great deal Streets, In Honolulu, Oahu, within Clerk ot the Circuit Court of the First the latest recruit to the Mtwsaehusetts "But, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, by Mara humbug talked about age. Remem- six months after the first publication of Pub Circuit. bar is of sitting beside his mother, in of ton Campbell, Superintendent JL3& this, In many a case it is not the of this notice, or they will bo forever vs. ALEXANDER LINDSAY, JIL, LENSES" tho middle of big. roaring fairs, with ber 'ic Works, Plaintiff and Petitioner, man who has grown old; It Is his life barred. UOO WAN HOY, ET AL., Defendants Attorney General, and IB rolls of calico and coarso cotton grown old him." Dated, Honolulu, May 3rd, 1912. E. W. SUTTON, them. that haB on and Respondents; Eminent Domain. spread out around FRED TURR1LL, Deputy Attorney General Attor- School days In Gallcia did not last Term Summons. IMMORTALS. Administrator of the Estate of F. 11 OF HAWAII: ney for Petitioner very long fifty years ago. Mose.3 THE THE TERRITORY boy, can you name the forty Whittaker, Deceased. TO THE HIGH OF THE Steuer was put to work early in a "My SHERlF 5ts, May 11, 18, 25, Juno 1, 8. TERRITORY OF HAWAII, or his IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE grain store, and when ho broke away immortals?' many. you Deputy; the Sheriff of the City and FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. TER. came to America by way of Ham- "There ain't that When and SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. County of Honolulu or hia Deputy: RITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAM- burg and Glasgow in 1877 his equip mention Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner and YOU ARE COMMANDED to sum BERS. IN PROBATE. ment consisted of more business a few of our home team you liave to Under and by virtue of a writ of mon Goo Wan Hoy; Enoch Johnson knowledge than education. Ho got stop." Louisville Courier-Journa- l. execution issued by tho Honorable J. Kamaka Stlllman: Rose Mclnerny, In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas first job a New York sweatshop, his at M. Monsarrat, District Magistrate or wife of E. A. Mclnerny; E. A. Mcln McTIgho. clothes at a dollar and a F. Deceased. pressing Honolulu, City and County of Hono- ernv: Carl Ontal: George D. Robin decided it wasn't for half a day, but Greatest Nerve lulu, Territory' of Hawaii, on the 16th son: George T. Robinson; J. A. Ma and joined a party of German sA-- I him, Hi' ta day of April, A. D. 1912. in the matter goon; Llllkalani; ThomaB Lalakea emigrants on their way to tho copper On reading and filing the petition 'i Known of Oahu Investment Co., Ltd., nn Ha- Rose K. Alau; Lum Chan: Chins: Ely, Vitalizer and nccounts of Alice P. McTigho, mines at Vt. waiian Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Tong Kwau Khl: Woug Leong; Harry Duo mines went on wherein she asks to be allowed noth- The work at these Him Wo, Defendant, I did in said Ho- Joe; Japanese Benevolent Society, f Why Look Older Than Yot Are? day and was arranged in 50c PACKAGE SENT FREE ing and to be charged with J804.00, night and nolulu, City and County of Honolulu, corporation: W. O. Smith, S M. Da houra. By leav- and asks the same bo gentleman of three chlfts of eight day E. Bishop, Albert F. Judd that examined The to the right the reader (sketched time Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers a Eecent Territory of Hawaii, on the 1st mon, Faxon ing bis own shift a llttlo before un- and approved, and that a final order from life) is wearing old style or pasted double-visio- n gang, Discovery. The Most Effective Nerve cf May, A. D. 1912, levy upon arid and Alfred W. Carter, Trustees with new Ber-nlc- e be and falling in the Strengthener for Men and "Women ana sell at pub- der the will and of tho Estate of made of distribution of the remain- lenses. The lines of the reading wafers are noticeably to work double shall offer for sale Stt'iier was often au'o Ever Found by Science. bidder, Pauahl Bishop, deceased; John ing property to tho persons thereto prominent and he has difficulty in adjusting his eyes at ?100 lic auction to tho highest at time and to earn as much Mary Blue, and John entitled, and discharging her from all to the lenses. The cement used to join the two lenses t TI1I9 Is tho world's newest, safest, nioRt the Police Station, Kalakaua Hale in Doe, Roe; Jane a monui reliable, ami effective norvo lnvlitorator. 12 noon of Black, unknown owners and claim- further responsibility herein: years he had awakener, body strongth-- , said Honolulu, at o'clocl. has become clouded and has made his glasses misty. At the end of three rovltulizer. hraln and respondents, In It is ordered that Monday, 10th own encr. without equal in tho world's history Saturday the 8th day of June, A. D. ants, defendants the - (sketched life) quo laid by to become ins llltH,u.luu brlllB31lllout,ichuiB.. The two figures to the left from of It from 1912, right, case they shall file written answer day of June, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock to Louisville, wj., ful, dull, weuk. lazy, don't-Klve-- a all tho title and interest double-visio- n master. Ho went thnt tin twenty here- are wearing Kryptok lenses. There are t brightness, strength, Wo, Defendant, within days after service a. m., before the Honorable W. L. d clothing ham? to of tho said Tong Him and opened a second-han- courugo no seams on these glasses, because the reading lenses and which is In and to the following property, un of to be and appear before the said Whitney, second Judge presiding at Ho afterward kept similar remarkable. store. 70-10- term sum of Forty Six and 0 Circuit Court at the thereof Chamber of said court, at his court- are fused invisibly within the distance lenses. These Omaha, Lincoln and Kansas less the Mores in (S4G.70) being the pending immediately after tho expira- room in tho old Y. M. C. A. latter two persons arc at ease, look dignified and ' Dollars, that building, City. tion of twenty days after service here he bad amount for which said execution w'as at the corner of Alakea and Hotel comfortable. Eon while at the mines, of; provided, however. If no term be write Issued, together with Interest, costs streets, bo and the same is hereby ap- been trying to learn to read and pending at such time, then to be and ex- and my fees and expenses are previ- pointed tho time and place for hear- good English. The dilllcultles ho appear beforo the said Circuit Court knowl-- j ously paid: ing said petition and accounts, Alfred D. Fairweather perienced In getting a working at the next succeeding term thereof, nnd dlscourag-- , 1 chisel, 1 screw driver, 2 ink wells that all persons interested may edge of English would have to wit, the January 1913 Term there- then pore over 1 shaving brush, 1 block pia, 1 Chi- and there appear Manufacturing Optician ed most men. Ho used to of, to bo holden at the City and Coun- and show cause, if nese Abacus, 1 tack puller, 1 Chinese any tho signs over the stores, and spell! ty of Honolulu on Mouday, the 13th they have, why the same should FORT STREET.HARRISON BLOCK. tho. scale, 1 clock, 1 lamp, 1 card case, r out 'otter by letter tho stories in day of January next at 10 o'clock not be granted. , pictures, 1 pen knife, 1 cigarette hold- Fireside Companion. Every sentence-- a. m., to show cause why the claim By the Court. er, 1 dosk, 1 machine stand, C folding ho worked out was transcrweu onto of the Territory of Hawaii, plaintiff, J. A. DOMINIS, EMSKBSfMffiSBBIEKlHJ 3-- 4 care-ful- l chairs, 1 Iron bedstead, spring and brown packing paper nnd then should not be awarded to it pursu Clerk. mattress, 1 Chinese utility dish, 1 al- studied. ant to the tenor of Its annexed Peti- Honolulu, May 3, 1912. cohol stove, 1 box containing kitchen What finally decided him to master tion. And have you then there this E. C. utensils, etc., 1 box books, 1 lot crock- PETERS, the li w was finding out that if ho did Kcllogg'ri Siinltnne Wafers ninlte You Writ with full return' of your pru ery, 1 playing cards, 1 saw, 1 Attorney for Petitioner. nn, M,n lnw inleht matter him. Soon ' "' box air ceedlngs thereon. gun, 1 feather duster, 1 coat and hat 4ts May 4, 11, 18, 25. after settling in Boston in 18'Jo. nowlwt yollP7lurvi,liro, nothing else. II WITNESS the Honorable Presiding rack, 3 cha'.rs, 1 rocker, 1 lantern, 1 bought a small piece of freehold at 0u feci all run-dow- n from overwork or Judge of the Circuit Court of the other cau-.e- If you Miller from Insomnia, waste basket, 1 flower pot hanger, 1 the Roxbury end of Washington .street ..t.av(,(Uln kolmBi ,)raln fa(r, oxtremo First Circuit, at Honolulu aforesaid, book rack, 1 wall clock, 3 vases, 1 GLOSSILA and started in to erect a store. nervousness, peovlshness, gloominess. this ICth day of February, 1912. .Hlir.nt thu worry, clouuy urn 111, loss 01 iiiimuiuii, barometer, 1 door mat, 1 galv. buc- Hut he had reckoned weight ami (Seal) (Sgd.) J. A. DOMLNIS, 1 stovo, 1 etc,, Embroidery Silk Building Department. One objection digestion, constipation, hcadachos, neural- ket, oil lot curtains, Clork. was to his plans. gia, or the debilitating ofTeets of tobacco or etc. after another raised drink, send for tho Wo free trial paekagu Territory of Hawaii, ) o oonor had ono difficulty been set or Kellogg's Kanltono Wafers. Dated at Honolulu, May 8, 1912. )ss The new Glossila silks are proving to tako i:s 'U'OMliN. ir you suffer from ner- - CHARLES H. ROSE, very popular with workers tled than another Eeemed rna l,r..t.l'.lri....i ivtrnmn nirvfitlsmhH. City and County of Honolulu. ) in colored Deputy Sheriff. Cli-cu- embroidery; they p'aee. Lawyers hinted that time ami' "bliiu"(,pells,aeslreto cry, worry, neuralgia I, J. A. DOMINTS, Clerk of the lt have a beautiful expense would if nllowed buck pains, loss of weight or appetite. 3ts May 9, 2D, Junoi 7, 1912. lustre and stand out differently be ho sleeplessness, hendachos. and constipation, Court of the First Judicial Cir- from about $1000 for what was nothing bet- ami aro till Kellogg's Hanltono cuit, Territory of Hawaii, do hereby the others. Wafers you fool thoro Is MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. tor than disguised graft. will make that certify the foregoing is a full, e to llfo than you ovor realized beforo. When your shoulder la so lamo tha. that We have Just received nn immense "When i heard that," says Mr. Semi today for tho 60o freo trial package true and correct copy of the original shipment ' every movement of your arm 'pains containing all shndes; we Stouor, "I just mndo up my mind 1 No more need of dieting, diversion, travel, Biimraona in tho case of Territory also tiresome exercises, dangerous drugs, elec- you severely you may know thnt you of have the Glossila Crochet Silk on wouldn't pay a cent. I got all tho books tricity, massage, anything else Kellogg's Hawaii, by Marston Campbell, Sup- spools. or have muscular rheumatism. Prompt on building law I could lay hands on. Kanltono W'afors do tho work for each and erintendent of Public Works vs. Goo easily. all, give you nerve-forc- e and inaUu you love relief may bo had by applying Cham- By that time I could read print to live. Wan Hoy, et nl as the same ap- I GO great berlain's Pain Balm and massaging got tho laww off pretty well by heart A cent trial packago of this pears of record aud on file In the of- I was pro- discovery will prove that they do tho work. the affected parts with tho palm of EHLERS and found out just how far They aro guaranteed every wafer. Keiid fice of the Clerk of said Court. tho hand nt each application. Do not tected by them. Thon 1 got help and coupon below today for free Rio trial I furthor certify that the petition package of Kellogg's Sanltono Wafers. use your arm any moro Is nec- " mado out a statement and sent It in than prays the condemnation for use as a a. essary for ti day or two as every UNION to Mayor Hart, with few remarks public hlghwny of tho foil' wing de- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Free Package Coupon aggravate dis- G. of my own. Tho objections stopped movement tends to tho scribed land, sltuato In tho City and HOItAOICA, Prop. I ..I. KISM.OOO CO., ease For salo by Ben- County of Is now ablo to supply of liko magic. 1853 Hiill'master llloclt, all dealers. Honolulu, Territory of Ha- tho families "This mndo m think a wholo lot. lliilllo Creel;, Mich. son, Smith & Co., Agonts for Hawaii. waii, to wit: Honolulu with iliwt-clas- s cooks, wait- me r. mull, charge. I Send lv turii freo of Beginning ers, door hoys, yard saw that tho tvoublo wasn't .with tho ii trial packago of the wonderful at a point in tho south- boys, and chauf KellOBlf'H law but with tho fact that hardly any discovery fur nerves. Sailltrliie A three-lin- e "want aa." In the west property lino of fours. Phono 1120. Wafers. I ciielose 11 cents 111 fctaillps to Kuaklul Street, mil i 20S iwimmwiiitiibib iiiin mi wm ono, lawyer o,r layman, know it so help pay postage anil packing. "Classified" page of The Star will which point is Azimuth 318 40' G77.2C Borotanla, near Emma. thoroughly that they coultl not bo bull-doze- Kamc cost only 90 cents a week. Can 'you fe3t from the line between the Gov. This paper ha Irequent Inquiries ing places. .If you have either, let the . beat It? ornmont Street Survoy Street Monument on The best Investment today Is the about cottages for rent or purchase, fact be known In The Star's "Cla&sl "I had another lesson pfotty soon Lillha Street at the Olty State....! northeast corner "Classlfled" pane of The Star. It i board fled" page, opened In my Fine Job Printing the ofilca of School Street furnished roams and dMlrablt after, I the storo wifo's nt tar and the monument a certain dividend payer, THtt HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURIUV. M i J.V l'M2. nrrmn

N A M E S OFF Now O pen WHS The Day After Have You Paid a Visit To The STILL ON THE 1I HUS8UNRISE TOMORROW For years somo of the names of our own Panama canal. When eveiy 0111 RESTAURANT living, have had abandoned Job or a fttll Some iKtiplfl live onl fui o-- many horocB, dead and the made MEALS 2flc and Uo been retained by their dcBcendRnt on ure of making the big cut from n day, other Vfovlita for toimr 1.HORT AT HOUftl tho long roll of tho army, and from to ocean Col. George W. Ooelhsls, ORDERS ALL rew but th ik&MRhtful men Ii p may 'or(v Engineers, Web am the make-u- of It today tho fact of picked the saving for tfw tiny utter tomor-ra- man be perpetuated. One of the ranking to make the work a success, for .luusnua Stroot, oir Chaplain Lan Shop tnld. tho "e assures the world It will be ready Bon general In service Ton Hat ofnecra the other day, that the moro relation or tor navigation January 1, 101B. Col If yen aro g thoughtful mnn Goethals Is also a graduate of the foe theBo names In the service had a moat YaKonama specie BaoK our Savings Department will bo In tho alono Military Academy, standing number benellclal effect that a great help. was a constant reminder of faithful one in tho of '80, and of the LIMITED. Army College In 190fi. and distlnguVjhed service, of gallantry Wnr Associated -to- -Date with him In great success on HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. and inspected their New and Up in action, of esprit de corps, etc. his the ('anal Zono is son, George Capital Subscribed.. . .Yen 48,000,000 In nearly every arm of the sorvlce, his Lieut. It., also of the Corpn of Engineers, who Capital Paid Up Yen 30,000,000 In nearly every regiment of cavalry or of HAWAII, graduated 1008, BANK Ltd Stock of Millinery and Trimmings? If not, Infantry, one may ace a name which from West Point In Reserved Fund Yen 17,500,000 and Engineer two lira hiitnml in innlin Aninrlcan lllstnrv from the School Capital and Surplut, oar8 Iatt'r' General banking business transact- brilliant. That 'history repeats Itsolf , $1,260,000. ed. Savings account $1 up- do so at once as they have some very excell- remains to be Been, but there Is no for and doubt that all of thefec soiib stand HERE'S THE LATEST WORD wards. ready to repeat deeds of valor as glori- IN LUXURY FOR THE Fire and burglar proof vaults, with Safe Deposit Boxes at $2 per styles moderate prices. ous ns those of their famous fathers. DOG ARISTOCRATS for rent ent at year and upwards. The name of Ulysses S. Grant is be- And, everything like else In matters Trunks and cases to bo kept on Alexander & ing perpetuated In the army by his fashionable , it comes from Paris. custody at moderate rates. grandson, who Is Ulysses S. !!d, and Everything the Parisionne litis or does Particulars to be applied for. who is the son of Mcj. Gen. Fred 1). muBt be Baldwin of the latest and best. When YU AKAT, Manager. Grant. This young man, the young-- .a Grande Madame or Mademoiselle LIMITED. est of all the Grant now In the ier-0-f the French capital atten-vlc- Only a Few Gage Pattern turned her Honolulu Office, Bethel and Merchant is a captain of engineers, and tion to the material and fanciful needs Streets. Sugar Factors was a "star" graduate at West Point of her canine pets she evolved COMMISSION MERCHANTS some Tel. 2421 and 1G94. P. O. Box ICS In 190:t, graduating number six in a dothlng and equipment which seem and ninety-thre- geve class of which liim mito startling to one accustomed to' INSURANCE AGENTS. Hats Left at Extremely Low h'a own selection as to the arm of regard a dog r.s an amusing but iu LEADING HAT CLEANERS. service he desired to enter. expensive pet. Nothing, nowadays, Is No. 20 Beretanta at, near Nuuanu AGENTS FOH beard of the harmless backyard shed All kinds of Hats Cleaned and It is a strango coincidence that pat- - tor thc household pet. Ma foi, no Blocked. Wo sell the latest styles ot Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar riotism should follow both father and indeed! It might be damp or improp-koi- i Porto Rico, Panama and Felt Hats Company. Prices. so strongly all through life, for rrly aired or without a southern h All vfork guaranteed. C&llod for and Haiku Sugar Company. c wiw born on a national holiday, posure, .which would expose his dog-th- e delivered on short notice. Prlcei Paia Plantation. , ' father May 30th, 1850, and the son bhlp to no end f discomfort, not to moderate. Maul Agricultural Company. July 4, 1881. Cept. Grant is also a say danger. Nothing could bo more FELIX TURRO, Specialist. Hawaiian Sugar Company. I graduate of tho Engineers School, Impossible. Honolulu, T. H Kahuku Plantation Company. ' class of 1908. He is now on duty m To uee' with, IHa Doginess must McBryde Sugar Company. ,,ow havc hla ow special, private j Washington as superintendent of the and Kauai Railway Company. .particular oh! very particula-r- THE w- - o.,.i v.. Company. ALL NEWEST Kauai a. nurse. Her duties are the feeding, Electric Two Shericjans illumine the roll of Ranch. cleansing (and this includes overy- - Honolua .. tt, .. e hi trv., u - . tt...... u & umceis. .MiciiaeiAt...t uiui.iu, fron) slliinil)ooing to manlcur-ho- r Pinectar Haiku Fruit Packing Company. hng gallant rim, is "u uiu ,n(?) ,, oxcreIsng of petted Kauai Fruit & Land Company. STYLES AND COLORS. retired nsi as a uriganier geuunn. ins ,...,..,, Sold Everywhere army over a , active service extended A fyi)lca, KrcucU mno ,B scou thirty-si- x yeans; when ho period of 10 1)lclul.0 at the lef, of Ul0 1)ago sho KAHN SYSTEM OF REINFORCED request. He was retired at his own ,.nrrUlg her (loK (lf ono n)ay bu CONCRETE The Colonial Now ob-so- resides in Washington. comes tho mitiv, t0 refer to so important r.n n Cup Bars, Rib Metal, Hy, Rib, Rib and namesake, Philip Henry, who ject by so short a title), a Griffon Lath, Waterproof Coating. A modern down town hotel equipped with every convenI resembles his brave father, not only Hruxelldls, worth half a thousand IRON WORKS CO. HONOLULU to guests. in physique, but in force ot character. American dollars, under her right arm, ence known The Honolulu. charges are in proportion to Young Sneridan is a lieutenant of tho Her uniform consists of a dnrk bluo Agents Hawaiian Islands. for tho tho excellence of tho accom- Bon 5th Cavalry, and has recently return- - cap, a dark bluo cloth capo and a white Ton Hat Shoo serv- modations, cuisine and JL Washington duty (as aid to apron conspicuously embroidered in ed to for ice, the President and assistant to the sup- - red with tho. initials of tho dog's erlntendont of public buildings and proud owner. , Pau ka Han a MISS JOHNSON Club Stables Block grounds), for service with his regiment Does a cared-fo- r canine go Emma St. above Vineyard. whioh 1b stationed at the new and fug? Then he must have his beautiful Schofield barracks, Honolulu, own auto KOgBles, accurately fit- - HAS NO RIVAL IN SOAP. Hawaii territory, ouenuau is tu(l to Ujo contour of hI Becni Telephone 3197 P. O. Box 708 also u West Pointer. nMe l8 ho t0 . ,IMlu,B0 , a FORT STREET snerman .Miies S. Tne names ot ami plebeian but healthful and fat James Guild Company K0MEYA are now combined in the American reducing walk? Then into a neat pair army by Lieut. Sherman Miles of the, HOUSEHOLD GOODS Vulcanizing Works fiililtiit r.t.oolirwi. rn l,lt, .lfil 1 1 v. , - nf . wu. ,vj ma lfi Mrs. E. E. Davis, lVtnlrl ArtlllAfv- Qtn t Irmeil !l 1. nl't ' uinoiiutn uiiviiivi 180 Merchant St., near Alakea Prop. I parts ol , x, , attended feet against tho cold and Daily Free Deliveries In all Honolulu, T. H. damp of a wintry or watery pavement tho City. Collins Building, King St.. A. Miles, and gets his Christian namo Perhaps his mistress desires to shop Telephone 3591. of tho family, near Fort St. from the maternal side or travel. As elaborate arrangements SERVICE DISPATCH being a daughter of Judge h'.s mother are made for the comfort of the pet was a brother of John JUST OPENED Sherman, who as for that of nis mistress. A now Sherman. and Gen. William Tecumseh model basket or satchel exposes tho Western "Si neau or tno uog ami permits mm (or . . . , BostonCafe uno arm ot tne service nas ''ee.. .., a Schley, tho made famous by and k in0lllircnt In BIJOU ENTRANCE. represented by . . ,., other arm is now tho, ,,,.n Oay ind Night Service. Pacific son, P. ,:, late admiral's ('apt. Thomas An(, UMt.y t,lorj ,8 Ul0 (og.8 QWn Drawn Wire Lamps on Battle Ships infantry, now on duty Schley of tlw traVL,,m; klt c()11taIllllK brushes, .scis-a- t RAILWAY Capt. Schley the Fort Logan, Col. has 8()n. rnlu.oat coml)( maI1 UIiUlUe,, suDCHoogKvjfjcUUlfl twenty-eigh- FEATHER Extradt from "Popular Electricity" Magazine, April, 1912 been ill tho army for t sU,Qllln(; lwB ,,ncors, soap, washing man, o years. Ho was, as an enlisted in ,oMou aml nl, tll0 oUlor iirticles con-th- RIVER Signal Corps for seven years, and S,i,,10i indlspor.sable Tor the well The Navy Department has recently ordered 50,000 clear nearly all of his commissioned .scrvlco groomed dog. ROUTE 0HINESE NEWSPAPEB and 1 fronted 25 1 volt "Columbia" drawn-wir-e as an oillcer has been witli the -- !id In for particulars, passengers or freight, 0,000 watt, 25 fantry 1S91. AND since DR. TALCOTT WILLIAMS, PUBLISHING 300 Lieut. Gen. Adn.i It. Chaffee, lato Mazda lamps. In connection with the use of drawn JOB PJUNTING. chief of staff, has a son and nr.mesake HEAD OF THE PULITZER Fred L. Waldron, Ltd. wire lamps on battleships, tests have shown that these lamps who Vj a second lieutenant of cavalry. SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM He Is now taking a special course at 816 Fort Street are suitable for any kind of service conditions on board ship. the famous school at riuumur, France. Md. W, eoir. ot Smith and Hotel Bti A particular case might be cited. After a target practice Whllo tho failieis f the foregoing "DUXBAK" LEATHER BELTING. fought on the Union side In tho civil is absolutely iWaterproof welve inch war, there aro maii whoso fathers ' "5 witht guns on the U. S. S. Delaware it was found taaosaaanaaaiGUNTHER'ffl Weatherproof fought for tho Confederacy, and among c and one-thir- d one-ha- lf of Celebrated Chicage that to the carbon lamps on board the these the most prominent aro tho Leo?, o i 0ANDIE8 Catton, Neill & Co,, Ltd. vessel were put out of commission, while of the twelve Fltzhugh, a captain of tho 7th Cavalry, a OATS, Sole Agents. is now in Manila, and his younger PALM ;0 Hotel, near Port. e Second and South Sta., Honolulu. drawn-wir- e Mazda lamps which were placed in the com- brother, Georgo Mason, a lioutennnt ot cavalry, attending the Mounted Sorvlco !iioofiao0O0Oicios partments immediately beneath the large guns, where vibra- School at Fort RIU'. rc" cently brothers in tho samo W. C. ACHI tion the w're DURING YOUR ABSENCE was greatest, none were noticeably affected. cavalry, known as tho regiment of ATTORNEY AT LAW FROM THE ISLANDS wo aro "Fighting Irish Soventh," or Custer's. prepared to manage your estate and Real Estate. They aro sons ot tho lato Gen. Fltz- and look after your interests These Lamps for sale by hugh Leo, who was United States con-su- l Kaplolanl Bldg. hero. You will find It greatly tho at Havana at tho timo of Alakea Street. to your advantage to placo the PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Mnino disaster. They are grandsons maaagement ot your affairs of tho distinguished Confederate lead- j Y. WO 81 NQ CO. with a responsible concern. Come and See Us as to Terms. SOLE AGENTS HAWAIIAN ISLANDS er, Gen. Robert E. Leo. 'Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Ett nauuwiko ot another 1 Tho son and Dutter S5c lb.; Fresh Dried Fruits. Telephone 3132 34 Beretania Street noted Couferedato army leader is TALCOTT 1186-118- 8 Nuuanu Street. James Longstreet, another cavalry of- ficer, now on duty In tho quartermas- Telephone 10S4. Ooz 111 BISHOP CO. ter's department at Fort McDowell, Dr. V. MITAMURA L. Cel. Ho Is now a captain. NKW YORK. May 30.-- Dr. Talcott Cable Address "Takapu," Honolnli BEACHWALK James Holt Williams is busy with plans for tho Telephone 1676. P. O. Box III Limited OFFICE HOURS: 9 TO 12 A. M. One must not forgot tho Wheelers opening in Soptember of tho school Offers flno Y. TAKAKUWA. Bethel Bomo lots near the cat tho lato "Fighting Joo" and his son 0r journalism of which ho has boon Street line at Pa la urn at a bargain, tli Commission Merchant and ManutM An Opportunity also and mimcflako, who Is now a major of .appointed director. Tho school was soa-beac- balmy homo of tho lato Ad - turers' Agent. Japanese Provision 20 Beretania St tho Coast Artlllory Corps at Fort Tot- nm(j9 possllile by endowment in mlral Bockloy Aqua an and General Mercliandli. at Marino. ten, N. Y. This young oillcer is u West ..., ,. ,ho ot tll0 Jogeilll Pulitzer King. 3184. F. J. McLoughlln. brilliant career nnd Nuuanu Street, near fhon Pointer, has had a and will bo conducted as tin adjunct good in the Philip- HONOLULU FORGE CO. Hunt's Quality BO has teen service Dr. Wil- WO ot Columbia university. Ulact-amlthlln- pines. Consolidated Soda Water Geuoral Ship and Machlno Fort Street near Beretania. liams has a national reputation as a Men of the Fleet and TourliU. Tho namo "Gootlia'fl" will always bo Tools and Springs made Haro an now Ho haB Fruits entlro lino ot hats, The beat place In Honolulu to buy synonymous and Identified with tho studont, scholar and thinker. Is Absolutely Pure and repaired. Estimates given ei The kind that Is NOT lye-peele- and trimmings Just from tho Eastern fade and Chinese Jewelry of all kinds. for Boveral years been tho editor of rire Escapes. successful completion of tho greatest til Queen St., near Alakea, J. M. LEVY & CO., : Distributor Market. Drop In and see thorn. II HOTEL AND 8M1TH STREETS. successful work In tho world our the Philadelphia Press. TELrPHONE X171. Honolulu, T. H. TTIK HAWAHAW tTAtt tfflfflftAT, MAYA JB.1.

ftvphlnn irvlr, 7J p. m.- -Al tW of tl nmmhi wn( will Mtow Uw - Regfdl Uhms wilt h tho hhhwiI Hit- I SERIES Mt mmiiaa of tk. man rs mads on the latestShoesLondon, Pan CUCti - mortal rvl.- of ( fltniiil Army I MM ' hayTON. Ohio. Mm 2 V wiNr md New York Custom I.nsta. The Famous "ROSE" of tin UnbH. Mr. ftmtth will Wrteh. .., ,hl...H , ,i.,tw QtTARTKIt 8IZKS. prstten on "iwuh wierwi MfiiimntMi. Christian Church. I mm it hope bin rovwy. A ranllHl Invimtlori In uxtontliHl fr Rofful Shoo Store tomorrow to Ad-vic- The wrvlct oonslHt of CAN I'ltANCISCO. MMy 2.; - Ktni and Bothol. KIuk and Bothel - nil to attend. 1912 the lllblo school nt nnd tho xor- Mnnlhi to loan I in - Central Union Church. men with communion at tt In fare- iiouuue thnt tho Mugnr crop In the House DtirHiiniH Snuddor, I). I)., mln- - noon, and the Young l'eoplo'H meeting Ro. I'hHIpplnos will be nt least iwentv LA iHttir; Hev Anion A. Hbersole, asso-elat- e nt (1:30 and the evening sormon nt .er sent shorter han the ontlmntes. minister. 1 7 M0. The rice crop be short, some Forcegrowth : wllliso I GAS IRON will give the Bible bcIiooI. 9 50 a. m. Mr. Wil Tlie minister sermon estimates glvlug the drop us much WILL DO IT. subject liam A. llowon, nuporlntundcnt. t nt both services. The for the ns fifty per cent of the normil crop Hosworth IlUlo clnss for young peo- 0 morning will be: "Immunity from tho Copra la reported ns about normal. do ironing only worth of How pio, 10 a. ni. Conducted hy the an- Will a day's for $.03 GAS. ejections of Mfe Secured,'" and NISW YOHK, May 25. Hollned iHHHW the subject for the evening sormon soclnto minister. mon wom sugar advanced ten ecu's a hundred Price complete with tubing $3.00, will bo: "Tho Divine Austerity Us Adult Bible class for and by Hov. rounds hero yesterday. The nmrknt Hearing Upon l'rosonl Customs." The en, 10:10 ft in. Conducted F. S.. Scudder. was steady. morning sermon will be n message of PiMii-ces- c worship, 11 a. m. Ser- , SAN FRANCISCO. May 25. helpfulness to people who try to live lUyiorninB Children's mon by the minister. Abigail Kawilniimkoa, who above tho petty vexations of dally , Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd. Christian Endeavor meeting, G:30 p. arrived here from I.oui.o-i- j life ntul find It hard to do so; and m. Dobate 'Resolved, that the world leaves for Honolulu in the stenr'Shi:' Food tho one for tho Qvenlng Is intended to 'pAINT VPIUIUR&C0. 1 can bo and should be evangelized in Sierra. yttrtMosco. ALAKEA AND BERETANIA STS. point out the- dangers of shams and this generation." Milk forms a. most Important superficiality. FOR SALE BY -- - Evening service, 7:30 p. m. The METHODIST TEMPERANCE WORK. oo0'-o-oo-e- Strangers in Honolulu will find item In tho dlotary of children Life of Christ, pictures by tho Eng the same cordial welcome they would MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May IS and the utmost care should bo lish artist, William Hole. Illustrated find nt home with the home folks. The reivort of the Temperance Society, with stcreoptlcon by Mr. Bontnc, de- Lewers& Cooke exercised in providing an abso- You invited to an honest consid presented by Or. Clarence True Wil- are scriptive readings, the associate mln lutely pure milk and yot a milk eration of some very Important presen- ton of Chicago at tho Methodist Epis LIMITED. ister. 1b t-day facts, and you will bo expect copal General Conference, reviewed in rich in food value. It such a A most cordial Invitation is extend' think some for yourself. You detail the work of organization milk as this that we aro furnish- ed to ed to all visitors and strangers In the that So. King St. nn atmosphere of quiet wor-- and pointed out that 300,000 young 177 will find city to attend the services on Sun ing our customers. Our cows shipfulncs.s Into which it Is hoped you people had been induced by Its efforts day nt Central Union church. are in perfect health,-the- are win try to enter. ;o sign the total pledge If Wyandotte every Its Minister Peters can be found at tho since the last meeting of the ecnercl fed on rich alfalfa and UBed church from 12:30 to 2 In the after- conference. More than 100 public The Great Washing Soda, for caro is used to assuro perfect THE temperance Hospitals and tho Home. noon of Monday, Wednesday and Ftl meetings In the Interest of cleanliness. dnj. 111 were held and 9000 books on the sub Cheaper than Pearllne. First Church of Christ, Scientist. ject were circulated in the churches. ANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 197S. Sunday services: Sunday school at GABLE RERORT Tho tocioty rendered vaUuib'e assist prohibition Fence 9:45 n. m. for young people under ance in tho campaigns for In Florida, Oregon, Missou twenty years; lesson sermon at 11 a (Continued rrom T"age One.) Oklahoma, Virginia and French Laundrv m. Subject, "Soul and Body." rl, Texas. Maine, West John Abadle, Proprietor. Wednesday evening testimonial other states. HIGH GRADE LAUNDERING meetings at S o'clock. NEW YOHK, May 23. Both the Honolulu All services are held In the Odd DRY CLEANING President ani Mr. Roosevelt declined Fellows' building, Fort street, whore LEFT $5000 777 King St. Telcphono 1491 or also a free reading room is open to to make any statement regarding tho Dairymen's the public daily from 11 a. m. to 1 returns from the ofllclal count, in p. m. Ohio. Mr. Tuft in a speech at Jcisey 10 Association All are cordially invited. City last night said: "I havo a solemn St. Andrew's Cathedral. warning to give. Wo live in dajs BEFORE The services at St. Andrew's Cathe when too much stress is laid upon Telephone 1542. Virginia Edwards, a widow, dral tomorrow will bo as follows: externals. believe that that Is the Mrs. Monuments taking a policy of life Insur- Holy Communion at 7 a. m. fault of the nge. It would b0 unwfso died a few days ago at her home in ance in any other company At 9:15 at tho" Hawaiian service in the highest degree to select for Virginia. When her will, which dis Bishop Willis will bo tho preacher. the office "f President of the Repub- posed of an estate of considerable ask to see the THE At 11 a. m. Bishop Restarlck will lic a man of striking and powerful was op ned and rend, it was deliver his annual address. personality, who is at the same time found to contain this bequest: CONTRACT WONG WONG CO. At 3 p. m. St. Mary's Mission b illd impatient ot all legal restraint and "I direct the payment of $5000 to Dr. In the Ing at Molliili will be dedicated. professing tho most unsound views Gustavo Slmonson in consideration n Guilders ana Goniractors At 7:30 p. m. at the Cathedral twenty years friendship for NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL on 'the constitution under which we of and Office, Maunakea 8u will bo two short one money to me out of pure there addresses have lived and prospered." advanced LIFE INSURANCE COM-PAN- by Bishop Willis on Tonga, and one Mr. Roosevelt of his addresses friendship and sympathy, without in one BOSTON, MASS. or expf1--tatlo- OF on the American Indian by tho Ilev yesterday said: "I tell you that there or Interest, or hope txxrxxc5xxx xxxxa F. W. Merrill, who spent many years of repayment ct any time, pres- jt cnuo M is not no left In the Stato of Penn- and compare the many ad- itpimuiv un or for he thought I was as missionary among them. All are sylvania enough tricky politicians to ent future, 4 OTHER PIANOS M vantages offers with those ) cordially "to dependent upon my brother, Asher it TUAVEn n, A ktn n n Invited these services. put into a coalscuttle. And it is go- Home of Truth. Ayer.s." of other companies. IM Hotel Street Phone H1I. S ing to bo the same in this State." way of return- 1048-105- teaching. 1220 It was Mrs. Edward's's TUNING GUARANTEED. 8 0 ALAKEA STREET. Christian healing and Mcllarg. who has been managing ICaplolanl street, near Beretanla ing a kindness. Dr. Slmonson had for PHONE '2515. the Roosevelt campaign In Illinois, gotten even that he had over done IXXXXXXXXSX'XSXXX ' ' says that the rtoosevelt forces at the might do for an s. more than one friend Mrs. M. M. Hunter-Jone- Subject, , , Castle & Cooke, coining cimvunwuii win other. That bis old friend should "The Scientific Law of Giving and He- - , LIMITED. ceivlng " nppoininieju oi aunmur nuui oi .v have remembered him in her will was meeting,1 YolU' as tlic temporary chnirman of the furthest from his thoughts. General Agents. Monday, 8 p. m.-He- aling BANK 1,10 convention. He announc-fro- never dreamed that Mr.i. Ed- and lesson on "Tho Life of Jesus,", atIoual 'T of Callfor-th- e wards would ever do this," said Dr. "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus' " tIiat Governor Johnson of an substi- - Simonson when he was first informed Christ." ria w0llld ma,0 exccllcnt tllt0, of the provisions of the will. "I had Thursday, S p. m. Lesson in prac- - HONOLULU McKinley issued a quite forgotten thct I had even loan C. t Christian healing, by Mrs. M. M.j nourcsentativo Brewer & Co. LIMITED Wshington ed Mrs. Edwards any money, and the ilunter-Jones- . Cul-- 1 i!tntomot from last LIMITED. Subject. "How to sum, now is recalled to me, outlining uie iruKieS5 ul u. that it mute Faith. this being the eighth so trifling reward which Issue K. N. & K. Letters of llglit between President Tan, wnose wr.3 that the hsoii in an advanced course has come to me for It is far out of all Credit and Traveler's Checks All meetings the home. All who campaign he Is managing, and for-- Fire and Marine available throughout the world. at proportion. The- - incident Itself occur- interested in obtaining a peace-'- , President Roosevelt. He supporters red years and years ago." Insurance Agencie mi ml and n linilv fron from ilis-- ' o(l that the Roosovolt nothing to Cable im. are earnestly requested to at- - "l"e stopped at irrrnrize Jfjb prnU gu, offlce Transfers . . .. , . . . 1 I . 4Twit ' l.,(r, t.nliltllnilli,!- nn--- - ford nieso lessons. TeiepJiono ;ci2u. couveiiuou mm iiuhuiiuliik Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool. . Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ candidate. London Assurance Corporation. At Day Senator La Follette is campaigning of Latter Saints. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of on King Thorn- - through New Jersey. Ho appears to DOCTORS Lowest Rates Church street near London. as Square. have recovered much of his health Scottish Union and National Insur l.r m. Sunday Is putting up a hard light. Ho !: a. f school with and ance Co. of Edinburgh. classes In both Hawaiian and Eng- wilt closo his campaign at Patorson. GAVE HER UP Caledonia Insurance Co. o Edin lish. Lesson tppic, Moses. will close his Trenton. Popular Fiction Roosevelt at burgh. 11 a. m. Morning worship with HI. PASO, Texas, May 25. Tho SJXTY-FIV- E CENTS. Finally Saved By American and Foreign Marine Insur- sermon In both Hawaiian and labels iu the . north are completely Mrs. Stuart ance Co. The Books Everybody Is Reading. demoralized hy the beatings they Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege- i! p. in. Zlons Relfglo-Liiterar- y so- - have received 'nt the hands of Gen-cict- table Compound Her A. B. Arleigh & Co., Ltd. Regular lesson and mustcal Hotel near ForL ,.n,i nUerta at the battles around Story Interesting. If! Quality Fraits mm) literary program. Also normal, iiano. The garrison at Chihuahua has Castle Cooke, drill on tho Book of Mormon. AH tlio uiiUluiocl and refuses to advanco I fflP "The kind ilitt l KOT BkI young people especially should take, against the federal cavalry. In tho Elmo, Mo. "I think your Vegetnble uuma Rnnivorsa nj Sale advantage ot the lessons offered. south tho situation Is still grave. Compound is wonderful for it has helped , me. doc- IT. BS. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship, sor-- yes- - l had lour HonelulUt GPnoral jjapatn, tho bandit chief, NOW OiS mon by Elder tors and they said I Waller. terday forwarded a warning to Pres- had female troubles Also at 7:30 p. m., Sunday, and con- ident Madero that, unless he resigns and a tumor and Shipping and Com. tinuing during the week except Wed- nothing an oper- Ask your grocer to--' send you a fl fiom tho presidency and leaves the but REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS IN nesday and Saturday nights will ation would help me. there capital within a week, the bandits un-d- mission Merchasgts OA, LINES OF HATS FOR MEN be missionary services In the gospel I could not sit still Zapata will attack the city. iND WOMEN. yr . tent on Kaill road, two blocks mauka long enough to eat, SUGAR FACTOR 8 and GENERAL General Huprta reports that more INSURANCE of King street. and could sleep AGENT8. than 800 rebels were killed and 200 hardly any I was in Representing All services aro open to tho public prisoners taken, most of whom aro so much misery with Plantation Co. to Is ex Ewa whom a heartv invitation Hu-ert- n pains in my side and more or less severely wounded. Walalua Agricultural Co., Lid. tended nt all times, with' the promise back. says that ho lost teu killed and Kohala Sugar Co. NUUANU ST. NEAR HOTEL. that oven though a stranger, you will "A year ago last spring my doctor thirty-eigh- t taken prisoners. Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. teel at home. Try It. gave me up, and he was surprised to see MAZATLAN, Mexico, May 25. The me this spring and to see my condition. Fulton Iron Works, of St. Lou! ' Methodist Church. nrmy transport Buford I give Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Western's Centrifugals. C. Sunday a, m. Mr. United States Brewer & school, 9:45 Compound the praise wherever I go for & Ci rlve(i night number Babcock Wilcox Boilers. Richard H. Tronb, ni hero last with a superlntendentj I know I would not be here today or have Green's Fuel Economizer. LIMITED. of refugees on board. Five of tKem fine I had not Classes for all ages, whore Interest our baby boy if taken it." Matson Navigation Co. bnve typhoid fov'er and some aro not -- Mrs. Sarah J. Stuart, R.F.D. No. 2, Ing discussion of thd weekly lessor, New England Mutual Sugar expected to live. Tho captain of the Box 16, Elmo, Mo. Life Insurance Factors take place. Company, of Boston. AND - transport reports thnt the Mexicans The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Men's Blblo class, 10 a. in. Con- ..Aetna Insurance Co. topics' wlth whom 1,0 nns como ln ro?'apt Vegetable Compound, made from roots ducted by Mr. Cooper, special National Fire Insurance Co. lmvo been most courteous. and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be are discussed by whole class used with perfect confidence by women Citizen's Insurance Co. Hartforo May 25. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Rev. SAN FRANCISCO, It was who suffer from displacements, Fire Insurance Co. ('"pounced R. E. Smith tho pastor will preach hero last night that tho The Londor Assurance Corporation OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS on "Somo Searching of tho Christian Standard Oil Company ot California periodic pains, backache, bearing-dow- n B. F. Bishop , President feeling, flatulency, indigestion.dizziness, A nlan ,nse'-te- a "Classified Ad." In HAD DONE IT OFTEN. Religion." Iia& decided to call a meeting of the Geo. H. Robertson or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink-- , Manager-Co- uld you do tho land- - League, C:45 p. m. board for July 30. At ftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RE' Tie Star lately, received an answer Epworth Topic, of directors that ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan- Hi! , lord in The Lady of Lyons? company W. W. North , set and closed the desired deal In less ; "Falso Uso ot Religious Symbols." meeting tho capital of tho dard remedy for female ills. MAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE, Treasurer I Richard Ivers B, , , , . ,. .. Actor Wollu should say so! 1'vo Mr. Schneider tho leador was former- will bo Increased to ?25,000,000. This If you wnnt special nilviee write to Best ln Secretary ' 006 ?UP PaPCr the Market. " 1101,0 00'1 many.-Tatt- lop. Lydia E. Medicine Co. (con J. K. Gall mW ly a prominent worker in tho church, fUop Is bolng'taken ln preparation for Pinkham HENRY MAY & CO. Auditor E-X- office, "Classified" ads, bring , , ' Star ( Is now hero on a visit, nnd kindly tho tremendous Increase in trade Lynn, Mass. Your letter will Geo. R. Carter.; .''.'.Director bo opened, read and a Phone, 1271. qu!ck resulls" F,no Job Printing', star Office. to lead the meeting. answered by C. H. Cooke Director sW fli consented which the directors and management woman and held In strict confidence. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R. A. Cooke Director A. Gartley Director

Highlit i - rWiliiiii iilii in jnt. r'-;- ?' Nir;- rw fV""t Star THIRD SECTION



' ' "Houn' Dawg" Ballad Recalls Quaint Farewell, dear Van, making a speech at the district school : : : Ditties That Hadiiiii:Their Influence You're a used-u- p man. and giving much sound advice to the If In Big - ; Political Battles. Van! Van! Van! pupils. "There may:Vbe," ho said, lm- ,r, You're not our mnn! pre. siwij, "another Washington or f It was only from the Ozark Moun That .Matty loves tho working man, Jefferson among you boys." Then, up tain or somo other delightfully Blmple No working man can doubt, sirs; an after thought. "Lord knows. an and primitive region of tho republic For well ho doth pursue the place one of you might be a Po'.k." that such an archaic thing as a can That turns the worker out, .sirs, Clay's adherents In the Whig partj paign song bo expected In these wa.-- could lie turns them out of Whig employ, declared that their organization days of long-wor- d tuneless, Z issues and Ho turns them out of bread, sirs, the same "old coon" which had won meaningless cheers. Hilt "houn' years the And middle men doth ho annoy, four before and so said In dawg" ballad from tho Missouri 1i111b( Hy striking business dead, Sirs. The moon was shining silver bright age and authorship unknown, cannot The stars with glory crowned the t bo considered as marking a revival For Matty In a Democrat, Dandy!" night, of political verse. It Is only a re Sing, "Yankee Doodle . spoons of gold, English High on a limb that same old coon 4 minder that there wrs such a thing a With and coach, Wrs singing to hinuelf this tune-- generation ago, when mass mcetingt Cic. my wny you're un- And Eervants always handy! oil of a'l were more Bpontanous and when np- lucky, be- It was hat 8am campaign wfiich plauso was not a detail arranged Clear tho track for old Kentucky. forehand and guaranteed to last so produced the one song with a Th ire was no response to ill it fior z many minutes by the stop watches of line in it that the American people the Polk sin?ers after the election the under bosses. still remember; "Tippecanoe and Ty For tho sake of specu'ation the do- ler, too. But the phrase has not Not a cheer was heard, not a singi" cline of the campaign song may be lived sixty-tw- o years without help. A s' away i attributed to any one of a dozen revival of t jogged tho public memory As to tho ditch they hurried; No bank-pai- d roso to Causes. Perhaps It is because the in 1888, when Tippecanoe's grandson, orator spout crowd no longer knows how to sing, a Benjamin Harkon, was elected to tho O'er the liolo where that coon was needless accomplishment, since every Presidency. The song, which was has- buried. family In tho land, by saving enough ed on General Harrison's victory over So rapidly tumbling him all a'onc ? laundry soap coupons, can get a phon tho Indians under tho "Prophet" by With his tail's wounded stump quite ograph machine to do Us singing for Tippecanoe Itlver, ran as follows: gory, They a shout, n It. It may bo that tho nomenclature What has caused commotion, 'motion, raised faint twlxr i of modern issues does not lend itself 'motion, cheer and a groan. to combination with modern ragtime. Our country through? And loft him nlono in his glory How could any score writer of Tin It is tho ball a rolling on, for Tippe Here's a better one from the day6 Pan alley produce anything, for in canoe and Tyler, too! of 1S4S, when Zachary Taylor was i stance, to fit a merry jingle about And with them wo will beat Van! elected on tho Whig ticket: "tho recall of judicial decisions" or Van Is a used-u- p man! Clear tho track If your toes aro tender re "the initiative, referendum end Let them talk about hard cider, cider, For honest Each can never surrender t call." There possibilities, it Ms cider, John C. Fremont, the Pathfinder, and true, In third term, but no song writer And log cabins, too candidato of the new Republican partj n seems to care for them, and it Is It will only help speed the ball for in 1S5G, was cal'.ed by his adherents poll sign of these unmusical days in Tippecanoo and Tyler, too! the mustang colt. So It was necei sary z tics none of the managers of a course, to describe tltc 'hat Tho latcbstring hangs outside tho of for them million other booms has ordered a dit Buchanan, an door, door, door. oppesing candidate, as ty to offset the "houn dawg" that gray And it is never pulled through, "old nag." Then both were driven Champ Clark seems to have In leash Pegasus, fashion: For It was never the custom of old tandem with this for his own trailing of delegates. Tippecanoo and Tyler, too! Tho mustang colt is strong' and young, Abovo is a group 01 dignitaries on the old Hawaiian II gsh p Kjiml oa about to be burned for her copper, when she was at Samoa. The Nevertheless, American politics have pl?:tire w.-.--; taken in the harbor of A la. The people posing Another verse of tho eamo cam- His wind ia stroug his knees not before the ca lera. counting from the observer' t right, are Honr Poor, secretary a long anthology of song, running way of the Hawaiian embassy; Ned Bush, paign which was sung gus sprung. 2 embassador; King Malietoa, two ship officers and a gentleman of Bcsh's still. back in Washington's til 3, when with great The old gray horso is a well-know- n Itobert Treat Palno wrotjs tho follow to by the crowd that seemed to think that. Van was too elegant hack, ing about first President: Buren was: To view the the He's long been fed at the public rack. situation. near Appomattox Courthoudu Should tho tempest of war over- Tippecanoo has no chariot to ride in, And found the world all upside down With his famous apple tree, Tho mustang is a d colt. shadow our land, No palace of marble has he to reside A rumpus in the or ';waL WASHINGTON DOG E GIVES Ho cannot shy! Ho will not bo't! nation. there to our Ulywes Its bolts could ne'er rend. Freedom's in, gave The old gray nag, when he tries to He heard Secessla laugh in tcom, That Lee up the light. temples asunder; No bags gold eagles, of no lots of fine trot, And call him but n nood o; Now, boys! To Grant for President, For unmoved at its portals would clothes, "Laugh on!" he cried, "as suro's you're And God defend the right HISTORY OF TIT IC DISASTER Washington stand, Goes round and round In the same old But he has a wealth far better than bom When Grant tried for a third torm as- spot! And repulse with his breast the those 1 The mustang goes at a killing pace, still am Yankee' Doodlo!" in 1SS0 there were songs atom him saults of the thunder. The love of a nation, free, happy He's bound win the four mile race! song that ran very different y. This one, His sword from the tleep and true, to A of the Douglas party, based AT COMMONWEALTH CLUB LUNCH Then do your best with the old gray on appearance for instance: Of Its scabbard would leap, Are tho richos and portion of Tippe- - Lincoln's personal was: hack, "It will be a damned shame," cried And conduct with point every flash Tell us he's a second Web4ter, its ennoe! mustang Fred, deep! Tho colt will clear the track! Or, if better, Henry Clay; to the Down in Maine, in a Governorship If father is not nominated; shall the sons of Colum- fight .they Tho Eong writers were particularly That he's full of gentle humor, For ne'er blended state and national And bo when the shnmo Breaks Down in Telling of the Cries hard on Buchanan, gave a sug Placid as a summer's day of bia be slaves, affairs In these lines: and Came out through Jim Blaine g a p'ant or tho of Ills easy-goin- )ways cord-woo- While the earth bears She went !)'! txnt gestion in Tell ngaln about tho Our Fred the Drowning in Icy Waters wave.-A- TMi lines: sea rolls a Governor Kent, these Seven con's or moro per day; Bowed his head country grew older, Its songs dough, the dough, tho facial the For Tippecanoe and Tyler too; Tho How each night ho Eeeks his closet, Wept like a water cart, it is said, than the, dough! Washington Dodge became much less staid For Tippecanoe and Tyler, too. There alone to kneel and pray! And howled like a bulldog under a Chronicle: real starboaul side. Again, the orders for Wathington, with you Paine verses on and The familiar "Up Salt Itlver" phrase The noso that yields when tweak Any He you well, we'll swallow shed a description of the Titanic disiate the women and childicn to go to tho beginning, early the cen left-ove- Clay-Jackio- n so! tho in last a r from tne fight it Swallow and kind of mixture He said, with eyes red, at tho luncheon of the Commonwealth )orts'ide greatly' Increased the number tury, party campaigns, as they It sighs for spoil It sells soul of rival of 1830, was also revived for Harrison. the Its But, O don't w e beg nnd pray you "Tho empiro is dead; Club yesterday. The attendance es tl ere. now, Jingle eame into For a spoonful of pap from the Treas are known the That had its origin in a trick played Don't for land's sake, show his pic They ain't got any use for our tablished a record, and the Interest ii "Now this condition may explain existence for campaign purposes. ury bowl. upon Clny. He was going somewhere tu re! anointed head." Dr. Dodge's words was manifost bj m.Miy things. It may explain why Here is twliat fthc pupporters on tho Ohio Biver in to But Fremont did not escape entire- a rowboat Andrew Johnson, while serving out Of course, tho fact that James A. the close attention which he received the boats wore Inunchcd the Thomas Jefferson sang when he was make an Important campaign speech. ly: ( ho second Linco n term, went about Garfield had been on the towpath of a When ho came to speak of the crlo stnrboard side so much more quickly the candidate for President In 1S00 But his oarsman, who was a Jackson When Fremont raised a flag so high tho country making speeches, with (anal In his youth was made much of of the drowning, Dr. Dodge Lroko and successfully, and why, when tho The Federalists aro down at last, man, rowed him up a Email branch On nocky peak, Mountain's view ot an o.ection on his own ac when ho was a candidate for tho down, and with difficulty proceeded biht boats on this sido wero reached, The Monarchists completely cast, stream called Salt niver and made him Ono little, busy bee fly did count. Thib song, to tho tune "Just White House, and it found expression with tho narrative. After describing Nos. 13 and 15, there wero practically The Aristocrats are stripped of power miss tho meeting. As revised for 1840 light upon And his cheek. Before tho Battle, Mother," did not thus; the first moments of the collision an! no women around, Storms o'er the nritish faction lower. tho song went: and not many men. But when November's Ides arrive help liini any! ' Ho early learned to paddle well his telling how ho placed his wlfo and When tho order to Soon we Republicans shall see launch tho boata Our vessel is ready, wo cannot delay, To greet tho Colonel's Bight, Just before tho election, Andy. own forlorn canoe. child, in was glvon Columbia's sons from bondage free! the second boat to bo launch- Captain Smith took com- For Harrison's coming and we must Straight from tho Democratic hive Wo aro thinking most ot you; Upon Ohio's grand canal ho held tho will stare ed from tho starboard side, Dr. Dodge mand of the port side and nevor left Lord! How the Federalists away Two B's on him will light-B- uck While we go; our ballots ready helium true. continued, in part as follows: theie. Chief Officer At Jefferson In Adams's chair! Up-Sal- Murdock took Kiver! Up Salt River! and Breck. But, bo sure, thoy'ro not for you! Ami now tho people shout to him: As in campaign, forty years "Many expressed determina- command on tho starboard side. Grant's Up Salt Blver! Oh helgh-ho- ! to Andy, "I.o, you wo their Millard Fillmore had to listen No denr you'll not get them, 'tis for wait.'' No later, the song-writer- s for Andrew tion to take their chances with the Women In Sight. Tho dinner pall, full or empty, as a this all through his campaign: , But, you'll get what you deserve We want to sco Jim Garfield guide Jackson, in 1828, made the vmost out steamer rather than embark In, tho "Boats Nos. 13 and 15 wore swung campaign argument, is nothing new. Oh, yes, you'll get your leave of ah our glorious ship of state. as sol- There lives n man In Buffalo, from, the. davits of their candidate's record a Polk-Cla- y lifeboats. This unusual circumstance at about tho stmo It got Into song In tho cam- name is Millard Flllmoro, senco dier, and one of tho best songs of Ills intiy bo nccounted for hy tho fact that moment. I hcnni the officer In chargo paign of 1814 as a bait for tho "labor low As "you saving around tho curve!" ANNUAL MASSACRE was on Who thinks tho Union's sunk bo No. 13 that period based Jackson's vote:" Chorus OF WORKINGMEN tho officers had Insisted that undr of say, 'We'll lower this boat Pak-enha- It ought to tako ono pill moro defeat of tho British under Lord the worst conditions posslhlo the Ti- to deck A.' Observing a group pos- - workingman's You have swung around tho circle In 1007, according to the United of New Orleans 1815. Two Hero's a health to tho To purge away the "prejudlco" - at in That you ought to 'tis true; States Geological Survey. 3125 men tanic could not sink in less than eight sibly fifty or sHf,- about boat No. 15, stanzas of It were: friend, Which true men have for freedom, Oh, you tried to veto Congress, wero killed and f310 Injured In coal or ten hours, and that a number of a small proportion of which nunjbor You've heard, I s'pose of New Or-- u Here's good luck to the plow and tho A canting, pompous wretch ho is, But, I guess, we'll veto you! mining accidents in tho twenty-tw- o steamers had been communicated with vcro women, I dcBcendod by means of leans, loom! Who'll cheat you If you heed him. States that produce ninety-eigh- t per by wireless nnd would be standing by n stairway closo at hand to the deck famed for youth beauty; Him who will not join In support of Old Mill Fillmore, pill Of course, tho Civil War was rich In It's and not another cent, ot tho American coal; In 1908, to offer rollof within an hour or two. below, deck A. Here, as boat was girls seems, our cause. songs, and the samo wag true of the the Thero aro of every hue It more 21.10 C772 Injured. Th k wero killed and Port Side Crowded, lowered oven with tho deck, From Bnowy white to sooty, May light dinners and lllumo! In our mouth, campaign of 18GS, when Grant was the the decado ending with 190S, 19.1G9 "I watched all bonts on the star- voraon, about olBht in number, wero Now Pakcnham made his brags, And this ono: Tho quaking South candldating for his first term. This men wero killed In tho conl mlnos of side, comprising tho odd num- - tufcisted by of us over If he that day was lucky, Tho gallant WhigB have drawn the Ne'er shall put a bill more. ono was a favorite at all tho Grant board several the rail theBO States. hers 1 13 as they woraj of the steamer of- - He'd have tho girls and cotton bags tword, Tho refcrenco was to Fillmoro's mass meetings: from to into tho boat. The Tho Interstate Commerce Commis In In splto of Old Kentucky! And tho idle sheath away; Ulysses bo forgot, launched. iot a boat was Hunched fleer charge then hold tho boat and thrown signing of tho Clay compromiEO bill. Should bravo sion reports that In tho seven yonrs And Is battlo word, so long which could nothavo hold from ton called repoatedly for moro women. Hut Jackson, ho was wide awako, onward tho In tho Lincoln campaign of 1SG0 tho Who worked aiuLwoll ending with 1908 23,895 employees twonty-flv- o For Homo Protection and for Clay! On Holds Death- - to moro porsons. None appearing, nnd thore bolng nono And was not scared at trifles, burden of most of tho songs was of whero llres ot were wero killed and 335.9G1 wero Injured "At no wero thero many pco- - visible on tho dock on side, For well he know Kentucky boys, Hore's something Intended to be se tho Impending strugglo between the .hot country. tlmo this which on tho railroads of the was death-dealin- g fought plo on tho stnrboard sldo that night. then brightly Illuminated, men With their rifles. rious: North nnd South. Here Is one: And bravo men and foil. According to tho United Statos Cen the Why was Tho most plnuslblo wero told to tumblo in. Along Ho led them down to cypress swamp, Tho great, tho wise, tho virtuous, all Wo aro coming! Wo aro coming! IIo boro our Country's bannor on, sus Bureau, ot all deaths of adult that? with reason I can give is captain thoso prosont I ontored th boat. The ground was low and mucky, they say, What a mighty host Ha! Ha! Through Econos or direful strlfo, nialea from 1900 to 190S lncluslvo 120,- - that the was In chargo of launching tlio "As thoro soems to Thcro stood John Hull in martial pomp, In Time's dread progress, die and Laughing, shouting, singing, drum- And helped to strike tho blow that 5C7, or 9.1 per cent., wero duo to the of bo in tho minds a fow com-munlt- y And hero stood Old Kentucky. turn to clay; ming, ' saved nnd the United States Bureau boats on tho port Bldo. Now in timou of of the pooplo In this Twelve years later the campaign A dying Nation shall the comment Wo aro coming to tho warl Our Nation's precious life. ot Labor says: "It is safo to nssumo of danger tho captain nlwnys draws a a question as to why any of first-clas- give Here aro old men, here nro young ono-hal- crowd. Tho moro notablo men on the olghty mon s song-writer- s wero a trifle moro frivo- Hero's another writton by Miles that about f of tho deaths from saved from tho men, lous, and tho poets working for Wil- She turns to Clay but turns to Clay O'Hoilly: nccldci.ts among males Is the rosult br.anl, who wero known by sight to pasBongors should havo been liam Henry Harrison and John Tylor to live! Even women by the scoro; So, boys, a final bumpor of Industrial employments." tho other passengers, know Captain whou lntor ovonts dlsclosod the fact All aro coming, all are coming in their log cabin anil hard cider cam-palg- n But, as everybody knows, Polk won. While wo in chorus chant Smith personally, and remained near that thero wero womon remaining on In 1840, produced this against This story has nothing to do with To this Presidential war. For next President wo nominate Dr. McLennan has returned and re him. Thoso mon attracted othors. In board, I would llk0 to quote hero from Martin Van Huron, tho Democratic campaign songs, but when Polk was Another, to tho favorite tuno of Our own Ulyssos Grant. amed practlco. Office, King street, this way tho crowd grow nnd grow on an artlolo of tho Now York Times of President, a candidate for a second President a- - Now England minister, Yankee Doodle, ran; . And If asked what state ho halls from ipposlto Advertiser office. Hours, 10 tho port side, whllo at no tlmo was recent date by Lawrence BoeBloy." term: who did not llko tho President, was Lincoln came to Washington This our solo reply shall bo: to 12, 2 to 4, 6 to 7. thero anything like a crowd on the (Continued on pago elsnteen.)

1 I TIIK IIWVAI1AN UTAH. SATl'RDAY, WAV 25. t2 oi the nlHklttfi irf th- - tmnfr. Headaches Are Unnecessary Why DISASTER "The Ml told m. Hwwever, by IITANI ti'OM men who wirp on board tho1 What Endure Them? vtwwl, or Itt the water, h h nk. 1 Suspensories, No ono onduros a hondacbo willingly, but merely through a dislike to russes, for ihjmii-- ' - Krc alimwt too Imrrnwlmc tako mcdlclr.o, for foar It may bo (O'Mitltiuptl fi"'i. linn-- IT harmful. tltiu. Thow. men. for hour after Md it 1b wlso to bo caroful about tho medlclno ono takes, for health la Welted Valuables. About aroclous. tlmlr arrival on tin CitrpHtlilM. would For ii&rJy twenty years Dodge from thin ' millions of people baro been relying on , lr. Ihm read burnt forth In imh liuuontltiK over 'Crutches, Mibautnllntetf hl e-- Jockey Straps M!metit, which the terrible scone throunh which thoy HlttifUtoit. wnt of the fWod. Stearns' Headache Wafers (Shac) those conditions, the That "In view of "Thoso who swum from tho slnklne bIto them relief from aching hoads; thoy havo novor disappointed them;' why were my women thoy aro nuory arisen, stonmor at tho last moment had no niado today from tho samo pure, simple ingredients as at first; and they havo more friends than ever beforo. loft? Tho list of survivor shows that Idon that tho vossol was In dnngor of you aro exorcising proper Head-ach- o women )RBSpners Therefore enro when you tako Steams' of the flrst'dnBs sinking until her bow suddenly sink Wafers, for you aro using what millions of others havo tried and proTed only llftoun wore lost. Of those, n'no landruff? best. deeper In tho waters a few moments woro liullcs' maids traveling with their Don't enduro tho headacho; bo kind to yourself tako Stearns' Headache before she sank. As thoy stated, had Wafers. And see you got employers. may account that STEARNS' the genulno. What follows they believed tho vessel was In nnv There is just this much about it : many A New Line of Goods for so of tho latter beltiR lost. danger of sinking, thov would have Dandruff is a germ disease, is It was related to mo by a womm in hart sumcient time, following tho most untidy, annoying, and leads my came lirelmat that Just before she launching of tho lifeboats, to havoj to baldness. When chronic, At Reasonable Prices on deck nnd got Into the boat, she saw it prepared temporary life rafts sum-clon- t, is very stubborn, by a but surely tho purser's offlco surrounded In that calm sea, to have saved yields Pocket Knives valuables, to thorough and energetic demandhiB their tho lives of hundreds. purser treatment. AH germs must be which tho and his assistant "There were on the !ockB stacked HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. We have a few each v;rro endeavoring out as destroyed, the scalp must be to hand nsalnst the cabins over 800 fo'dlng of a lot of different styles and sizes of the well known brands quickly as possible. In this crowd steamer restored to health. Here is the chairs made ot heavy oak of high grade pocket knives such as Worstenholm, Keen Kut-te- r, verc women. I bcllevp further, remedy: Ayer's Hair Vigor. ninny fnmes. A few of those lashed to- were women on some etc., and you can get them for the next few days for much that there sonic gether would havo formed an emer- Ask your doctor about using it. were not less the of tho lower decks who gency raft capable of sustaining one than regular prices. m and look them over. nil. Come awakened at or moro persons Indefinitely. Hun- There will be a reduction of 20 per cent on some, and No Sailors In Boat. Ayer's Hair Vigor dreds of heavy wooden doors and 25 per cent on others, and it is a chance to get a guaranteed "After we had been afloat possibly other tables and material DOES NOT COLOR THE first-cla- ss Lai." I looking HAIR knife for a low price. an hour observed on vert; easily available for the same ot the stennier, that the line of lights purpose. PrpirJ by Dr. i. C. Ayir & Co., Uwall, Htti., U. & A. This is to make room for a big shipment of pocket cutlery HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. from the portholes showed that the Insufficient Equipment. that will soon come in. The sooner you come the more you vessel bad settled forward into the "These survivors stated, however, will have to pick from. water, but to no great extent. This that until the sudden downward dip of Hotel Street opp. Bethel Street van a matter surprise best makes known, in perfect condition something of considerable tlu vessel forward, coincident with The t3 me at the moment. Watching tho thf rush on to tho boat deck of the to cut with at a cut price. OCOOOCQOCKOOOOOOOOOOOCOCK0XK00OC000 vessel closely, it was seen from time steerage passengers, thoy did not ap- to time that this submergence forward prehend thnt there was any danger or as increasing. No one In o'ir boit tho vessel sinking for hours. however, had any idea that the ship E.O.Hall&SonXtd. "There can bo no question of tho was in any danger of sinking. In splt3 fact that tho steamer was running at of the Intense cold, a cheerful atmos CLOSING OUT SALE OF MENS' an unwarranted rate of speed after it There pervaded those present, and had received tho warning It had. they indulged from time to time m FURNISHINGS Neither can there be any question of ' Jesting and oven singing 'Pull For the department of our business will be discontinued, bo, wall the fact that tho lifeboats wore not This Shore, Sailor.' fit tvjri Remember the Days the goods last, will be sold regardleBS ot price. sufficient to carry all of those aboard. 4 Hot "Our boat contained no lantern, as The number of seamen was positively the regulations require. Nor was there insufficient. Owing- to this great in- ou can otoD K. ISOSHIMA a single sailor or officer In tho boat. Last Summer? sufficiency, there being but sixteen falling hair and cure Honing scalp It of B. Those who undertook to handle ill.! 10 KINO STREET, between Nuuanu and Bethel. the seamen to lnunch nnd man twenty vou use a little of oars were poor oarsmen almost with-oa- t lifeboats, the lifeboats appeared to be PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER. exception, and our progress was filled and lowered consecutively rath- This 'Well known remedy is efllca Be cool and comfortable all of this extremely slow. Together with two er than simultaneously. The serious- clous and Immediate relief follows the summer by installing now or three other lifeboats which were in Qrst application. .... ness of this point Is apparent when Directions on ever) the vicinity, we endeavored to over- v.e consider that when the ship sank, bottle. take the lifeboat which carried tlie An Electric Fan nearly three hours after sho struck, Sold by all Druggists and at light, In order that wo might not drift THE SUITITORIUM there still remained three collapsible PACHECO'S BARBER SHOP. away and possibly become lost. This boats, each capable of holding thirty Fort Street A mild breeze or a strong wind by the regulation of the light appeared to be a quarter of a or more persons, unlaunched. As to switch. Is the only DRY CLEANING SHOP on mile distant, but In spite of our best the searchlight, It is not disputed that endeavors wo were never able to tho steamer was without one. Order one by phone now and be comfortable. the Island. We do the work as it is done approach any nearer to It, although CheeYouShinBo 'These chances of disaster havo w must have rowed at least a mile. oh the coast. been taken thousands of times pre ALSO KNOWN AS THE Heard Death's Wails. vious to tho disaster of the Titanic, "Any Impression which I Phone 3350 for the Auto had had but, unfortunately, here the chance that there wero no survivors aboard was taken once too often. Tho Ti The Hawaiian Electric Co., KB was speedily removed from my mind tanic encountered the only thing In LiMi news by tho faint, yet distinct, cries which tho ocean which was capable, In my LIMITED vere wafted across the waters. Somo opinion, of sinking her. there were In our boat who insisted "There is no doubt that the catastro- that these cries came from occupants THE LEADING CHINESE NEWS- phe will result In the adoption of BUTTER of the different lifeboats, which were rules regarding the equipment of PAPER IN HAWAII. nearer tho scene of tho wreck than we oceangoing steamers and their naviga- SMOKED RED SNAPPER AND YOUNG vere, as they called,, one to another. Ten Pages. CLASS tion which will make the repetition of HIGH To my ear, however, they Tho Paper for tho Chinese Trade. had but one such n disaster less liable." RABBITS FROM AUSTRALIA Meaning, and the awful fact was Upholstery and Drapery Work borne In upon me that many lives MAKERS, NOW TRYING FOR PAPHJR wore perishing In those Icy waters. All kinds Wrapping Papers nnd JUST RECEIVED THE SILENT J. HOPP & CO., Ltd. "With the disappearance ot tho MOTORCYCLE. Twines, Printing and Writing Papert. Steps are stenmcr a great sense of loneliness being taken to encourage AMERICAN HAWAIIAN PAPER & maker,') of and depression seemed to take poS' motor bicycles to produce SUPPLY CO., LTD. efficient scrsion of those In our boat. Few silences and to fit machines Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. Metropolitan Meat Market' with Biich appliances words were spoken, r heard the re as will cause Phone 1410. Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Mgr. 0400000 less noise without mark: 'This is no Joke! wo may appreciably reduc- AND Propr'a. ing engine-powe- The HEILBRON LOUIS. knock about here days before we aro British Auto cyclo Union Ui to conduct experiments Telephone 3445. picked np, if at all.' And the hours Wright-Hustac- e Firewood and Coal to determine between this and daylight were spent the maximum of sound which the engine may fairly be allowed LIMITED. In ceaselessly scanning the ocean Best Grades Always On Hand for to produce without annoyance. The Phone 1148. some sign of a steamer's light. It silencers entered will bo compared Cpr. King and South Sts. was recalled how we had been told with the standard silencer, as it may Successors to that four or five steamers would 5e be termed. A water-coole- d engine ot standing by within an W. W. WRIGHT & CO., LTD. Concrete Brick Crushed hour or two. 500 c. c. will be taken, fitted with a every pair of eyes and were strained fan brake, and run at 750 to 1000 also I to USE the utmost to discover the first revolutions per minute, and to this and Sand sign of approaching help. Kellogg & Dempsey Rock tho various silencers will be submit Auto, Motor and Carriage Repairing Realized Situation. ted. Painting, Trimming, "Out of the twenty lifeboats there Tho great drawback to motorcycles Horseshoeing. were probably four or five that carried today Is the awful racket they make. lanterns. Th0 occupants of the other LTD. boats were, from timo to time, nppar BIRTH AND PARENTAGE OF HustacePeck Go. ently burning a pleco ot paper, as SOME YOUNG WORDS. If Yoa Wish To Adver- Phone 2295 63 Queen btreet THE KING OF were we in our boat. These facts led In "The Uomanco of Words," a book tise lo Newspapers several In our boat to assert many Just published by Ernest Weekloy, tho Amjwhtr at Anytime Call on or writ story I COOKING COMPOUNDS times that they saw a new light, of the birth of some of our young E. C. Dakc's Advertising which certainly must bo a steamer's est words is to!d. For example, "boy- Agency 0 light. With each disappointment add- cott" dates from tho early '80's ot 131 Bansome St., San Francisco. ed gloom seemed to sottlo upon our last century, when f'aptain Doycott $ I Ask your Grocer for It. wns little company, as they began to real- treated by his Irish tenants and SOIL FOR FILLING ize tho seriousness of our situation. neighbors in tho way that has Immor- talized his name English IN "About this tlme quite a breeze be- not only in FOR SAJLB IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE SPOTS YOUR LAWN THAT but in tho French "boycotter," gan to spring up and tho ocean be- verb, WOULD BE IMPROVED BY FILLING WITH SOIL COMMUNI and tho German verb, "boycottleren." Bridge and Beach BtOTei tor Coal came moro rough. It was apparent WITH U8. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. Who would have thought Chau- r Wood. CATE that wo were drifting with the wind, that cer iwed tho word "assegai,' or that being only partially able to keop tho Quick Meal Blue Flam. Oil tore FINE ORIENTAL GOODS "mascot" was born In 1880 when Aud-ran- 's Perfection Oil & Draying Co., bow of the boat headed Into tho wind. Stores. Honolulu Construction Ltd. Original Designs Large Crepe opera "La Mascotto" was pro- Giant Burner Gasoline Stores. Assortment and Embroideries, "My idea is that when th0 stern of Robinson Bull dni. Queen Street etc., duced? The word "heckle" was adopt- Kimonos, Carted Irory, Braesware, Vases, Carved Furniture, the ship was lifted high out tho EMMELUTH CO., LTD. of ed into English In that same vear, etc. water by tho bursting of water- tho though It Jiad long been in uso in tight compartments In tho forward Seotlcnd. "Feckless," a commou fllang Bowers' Merchant Patrol The Japanese Bazaar end of tho vessel tho vast wolght of word, beforo his day, received literary THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR the mnchinery caused the framework And Confidential Agency FORT STREET near Convent confirmation by Carlylo's use of It. nnd the plates of tho ship to give way, "Week-end- " was in Eng- Reliable Watchmen Furnished. Electrically Self T?T A never heard TATT1 CT1 TT? thus allowing the great Inrush ot wa- lish until 1883, when Mr. Weekloy dis Phone 1051. B, O. Box 184 Started and Lighted U JlY O t I ter to complete her destruction. covered It at a Lancashire holiday re City Headquarters. Club Btablea. MODEL 405 Passenger, Fore Door Touring Car. Tell Harrowing Tales. sort. MODEL 41 4 Passenger Demi Tonneau. "From tho preceding narrative It Is MODEL 42 Roadster type all with the splendid new seen thoso who escaped in tho NOT THE FIRST. SOLAR HEATER Townsend Undertaking Co. Ltd. that en bloc motor, 4'i in. bore, 5 in. stroke ; 40 H.P. $2700 lifeboats had little or no knowledge of "Algernon, am I tho first woman will aare you money. Call and see MODEL 50 7 Passenger, Fore Door Do a Wholesale and Retail business. Touring Car. tho terrlblo events whch transpired you have ever loved?" one in operation. MODEL 51 4 Passenger, Demi Tonneau. Special attention given to preparing and shipping bodies. with tho sinking of the ship. As near "Not exactly. I was in love with ACETYLENE LIGHT A AGENCY MODEL 52 Roadster type all with the new "T" head I fix of timo, nn my teacher at 10 n clrcuB COMPANY. 'Agents for the Harrison Mutual Burial Association. as ran tho lapse hoir and with 5 in. bore, 6 in. stroke motor; 50 H.P or an hour and a quarter elapsed rider at 12. Hut you aro the first girl Hustace arenue, oH South BL $3700 I . GEO. W. MOORE J. H. Townsend, F. D R. J. Williamson, F. D after the lifeboat In which I left the hnve over asked to marry me, my launched, up to dear." Washington Fine Job Printing, btax Office, Telephone 1902. 71 Beretania St. ju . Phone 1325. vessel was the time Herald. Demonstrator and Selling Agent.

"irn-ianv-- r,r atf ,W THR HAWAIIAN STAK. 8ATUW3AY, MAY JB, II2.

-- t 0 Things to Interest Our Woman Readers . ' ; e .eeoe nnrrrr GOOD THINGS MADE FROM MOLASSEI BENEFICIAL ome i u tonspoonful oath The Department of Iayti.o!os. ht CK occupying in of u A boiled apiilo pudding served with halt teaspoonful of salt and one of of Hour Bitted with a little nutmeg 111 jV 3 I'nlveraliy proved by second. doll- - soda, and beat lightly with a pint of of cloves, cinnamon, TZX t'olumblh has a hot molasses Is one of tho moat On days re- e of the the aubjectg favorite, buttermlnk. Servo hot with moias-Her- and cinnamon, and a teaspoonfiil series of actual experiment that the hn clous, desserts, and r. general ceived no caffeine their meat! iHhl Innumerable ses. baking powder. Mix thoroughly add popular are a few of the tf belief in the benefit of coffee motor efficiency wan round to rssok four beaton yolks of eggs and bake ways in which the housewife may use Whole Wheat Z. 13 J at breakfRBt la well founded. its inximum between ten and I in layers. Spread with n plain white twelr nioIasseB: cup one-hal- f of wholo wheat gift a of frosting, while warm. Sixteen peraons of both soxos and in that morning, and then to daaltne Rolled Oats Bread. one-hal- f level tcaspoonful of Gracious Ungraciousness flour witu Ginger Loaf. The Art of different ages were formed into aleadiiy throughout the remainder of Two cups boiling water, one-hal- f cup 0f soda and the same of salt, add a Ono cup of butter, two cups of mo-buse- He was a middle-age- d man with' n earn a living? We may have to turn two squads. Tho members of tho first tho day. On the other hand, lkeo molasses, one-hal-f tablespoonful salt, scant cup of thick sour milk, two one cup of sugar, ono cup of fringe of gray hair around tho bald down the mnn who comes to us with dosed with from two io four grains ono tablespoonful butter, one-hal- t tablespoonfuls of molasses and a well enlled the "cnffolne squad," received sour cream, five cups of flour, threo conic proposition. We may have no of caffeine (equal to from one to Iwo one-hal- f head, a portly figure, and yeast dissolved In cup beaten egg. . in moderate oven. spot on his every day from ono to is grains of cake level tcaspoonfuls of sodn, two table- time whatever to wasto on something cunt of coffee) showed an Increase tot . lukewarm water, one cup rolled oats, a complexion that showed he was caffeine in capsule (a cup of ordinary 'efficiency Corn Cake. spoonfuls of cinnamon one tublcspoon-fu- l that Interests not at all. Hut for that throughout the day, and and one-hal-f cups Hour. Add boil- strong coffee about two four Mix well, and sift ono cup of corn of cloves, one tablespoonful of familiar with the good things of the rcasoll nciiA Vo tront tho ono who contains even the noxt morning, without a re- ing water to oats and let stand one grains). The members of tho second meal, one-hal- f cup of flour, ono heap- mace, ono wineglass of brandy, ono tnb'o. j conies with it, ns If ho were the scum newal of the atlmulanU they would hour; add molasses, salt, butter, dis- or squad," received capsules ing teaspoonful .of baking powder, one- - pound of raisins, one pound of cur- He stood in his business office, and of the earth; or, if w do not go quite "control start on the higher level of efficiency, solved yeast cake, and Hour; let rise, containing sugar of half teaspoonful of salt and add to rants, six eggs, beaten separately, with a distinctly bored, indifferent to that length, ns If he is so far be- - proving the stimulation of tho caff trim beat thoroughly, turn into buttered milk, or fruit syrup similar In tngte this three tablespoonfuls of molasses, and one-fourt- h cup of cocoa. ijlr l'stened to what a small, nervous neath us as to be scarcely worthy of to be without harmful reaction or after bread pans, let rise t.galn, and bake. nnd appearance to the caffeine solu- one-hal- f cup of sweet milk, a table Molasses Pound Cake. man with thin grny lockB and n droojv- - our august notice? Why cannot wo liervolcwsneB. By using one-hal- f cup less Hour the three-quarter- tion. So that, during tho testa, no Epoonful of melted butter r.nd ono egg, Two-third- s of a cup or butter, s lug gray mustache was hastily tolling recognize tho humanity in him, the Larger dosos of the drug, from four dough Is better suited for biscuits, but, person In cither squad knew whether Bake in a sheet in moderate oven. of n cup of sugar, two eggs, him. effort, and bo as gracious with the to six grains, gave varying results. being soft, Is difficult to handle. Tc he or she was receiving caffeine or Little Spice Cake. two-third- s of a cup of milk, two-third- s The one was a picture of success; ungracious "No" we are compelled to With tho smaller subjects, theso iloam make shaping of biscuit easy, take up not. one-eight- frequently prodmpd Ingomnla dis- one-hal- of a cup of molasses, two and the other, of Tho failure give, pa possible? and mixture by spoonfuls, drop Into plate Cream together f cup each of failure. wr? three-quarter- "On certain days," says Good House- cups of flour, s of working hard to make good, Success j And even with the one who pcrslstB, turbed, sleep, but the big follows, who of flour and have palms of hands well cottolene and sugar and molasses, keeper, squad a tcaspoonful of one teaspoonful though wo "the cnffelno received weighed about one hundred covered with before attempting then stir In four yolks or two wholo soda, showed plainly that It was not only who will not leave, have and flour control doses that Is, substitutes for seventy-fiv- e eggs alternately of cinnamon, one-hal- f tcaspoonful of an act of great condescension on his intimated we have no time to waste, pounds, could cotwuuio, it to shape. and beat well. Add coffee, and on sonic days no dose what- cloves, one-quart- teaspoonful of part to listen, that really, he had can we not bo firm, but still courte- - was found, considerably more U"mn Bread. one cup of sour milk and two cups of but ever, system by Third one-hal- f - the elaborate which grains a mnce, cup of raisins, seeded littlo time to waste. ous? We should not let the unmitlgat- six without being disturbed In ' flour which has been sifted with level drug wr.s Two cups lukewarm water, one yeast one-thir- d tho administered or withheld tho teaspoonful each of soda, cinnamon, and cut in pieces; of a cup At last, with a negative, the portly ed boro entirely quench the spirit of least. cake, one-hal- f tablespoonful salt, one-hal-f making it posslblo to observe every Two ginger, and half as much of salt and of citron, thinly sliced and cut in one turned away, and tho little old brotherhood In our heart. facts Btanda out from Uicao cup molasses, on cup rye flour, variety of effect from Its use and experiments. cloves. Place in m'ufllu tins, sprinkle strips. man went out. He came back again, For wo' do not know just how help-- ! One, that small aniounln one cup granulated corn meal, three non-use.- " of thickly with chopped nuts, and bake. Cream the butter, add sugar gradu however in a few minutes, and with ful the kindly spirit may be to the ono tho stimulant, from one to tlireo cups flour. Dissolve in wat-mi- x Tho subjects were carefully tested yeast cake ally, eggs well beaten, and milk and .n effort nt bluff, called out in va who is endeavoring to make headway grains, prodtico tho greatest increflEO thoroughly. Molasses Cake. ' by many processes, ranging from tho Let rise, shape, let molasses. Mix and sift flour with A gracious can in efficiency; tho other, that In purely Mix given, one cup of but- hearty tones as he could, "Oh, say, against odds. "No" rise again, and bake as entire wheat in order mix- simplest muscular exercises, requiring procorses soda and spices, and add to first Douglass, I forgot " ) take away some of the sting of tho mental tho Increase Is more bread. ter and the same of sugar, two cups of only rapidity of motion, to tests which ture, then add fruit. Dake in small The other with a wrath at refusal, marked and the effect moro lasting molasses, five cups of flour, salt, two face of necessitated apparatus sufficiently fine Rye Gems. buttered tins from twenty-liv- e to this familiarity from Failure appeared Tho art of being graciously ungroci-fro- than In cases whero muscular effort tcaspoonfuls of baking powder and to record mental and motor process- - accompanies two-thir- d cups thirty minutes, in n moderate oven. the montnl activity. One and rye flour, one four or five beaten eggs. Spices may an inner office. Ills manner was ous 's worth cultivating. It takes twenty-fou- r and one-thir- d cups flour, four teaspoon-ful- s This recipe makes little even more cool, bored, condescending, some of the thorns out of other y be mixed with flour to suit taste. MOTHER AND SON. Continue blow baking powder, one tcaspoonful cakes. Failure need hopo for little pie's pathway; and It develops in our-fro- to until a sufficiently Indian Pudding. In Harper's Bazar for May, Marion largo bubble Is salt, one-fourt- h cup molasses, one Molasses Candy. hands. selves a spirit of klndners and broth- - formed, thon disen- Cook one cup of com meal with two his Harland writes some startling things one-fourt- mo- tangle It from the by and h cups milk, two eggs, Louisiana is rightly the homo of Hut why Is necessary to treat in erlinets that is far better for us than funnel turning quarts of milk in a double boiler for it about tho "Immolation of Mothers." lasses candy, for It was right g the latter carefully at right angles, three tablespoonfuls melted butter, here such .a way a fellow-bein- trying to an d ego. one-hal- f hour. Add to this a scant cup For example, she says: Mix and sift dry ingredients, add mo (where sugar wis first raised in the tho finger being applied meanwhile to of molasses, two tcaspoonfuls of "He wrs a cynic who said lasses, jnilk, eggs, well beaten, and salt United States, and molasses, sweet and bitter tho opening of the tube. and the same of ginger and a little ciiv that parents would seem to spend the butter. Dake in hot oven In buttered health giving, was first given to the In like manner a. bubble may bo namon. Dake very slowly for threo best part of their lives and their fin- blown over gem pans twenty-fiv- e minutes. world) that molasses candy, or "candle a little plnwheol mado from hours. Serve hot with either butter or tire," as the Creoles call It, had Its est energies In teaching their offspring paper. Tho wheel may be set In rapid Corn Cake. - how get cream. This must cook slowly or it birth. "Candle tire" parties, or mo- ASPARAGUS to along without them. He motion by a current of blown throe-fourth- air Ono cup corn meal, s bull's-ey- e will separate. lasses candy pulling, were among tho hit the squarely, ca far as through the over useful straw, tho cup flour, three and one-hal- f teaspoon' Ginger Loaf. pleasurable incidents of life among sons are concerned. Mothers have bubble Increasing in size as long as fuls baking powder, one teaspoonful daughters-in-la- Place in a bowl a cup each of mo- tho early belles and beaux. Take ono As asparagus is a feature of tho out the rubbers r.nd stand the Jars in a labored, and enter tho wheel is kept spinning. salt, one-fourt- h cup moksses, three-fourth- s you lasses and sour cream, and mix into quart of molasses, one tablespoonful vegetable market and home gardens wasliboiler, protecting them from con-ju- into their labors. Have ever cup milk, ono egg, one table- a this two rounding cups of flour sifted butter, one pound granulated sugar, now, a few words about Its an-- ( tact with tho bottom by a wooden known son's wife who did not, In CHIC TAFFETA HATS. spoonful melted butter. Mix and sift with two level te.aspoonfuls of soda, - the depths of her soul, believe two tablespoonfuls vinegar, one-hal- f cient and honorable lineage as record- rack or layers of hay. Do not let tho that Very pretty and comfortable aro tho dry ingredients; add molasses and same ginger she could have trained husband two-ounc- e the of and a little salt. j tcaspoonful soda i.nd tho juice of ono cd in a bulletin put out by tho De- - Jars touch each other; keep them her new hats made or milk, egg well beaten, and butter; taffeta Add a well beaten egg, mix thoroughly lemon Boil the molasses and aunat of Agriculture may be of arated by cloths wrapped about tho ibetter than his mother succeeded in silk. Tho crown, brim and trimming bake in shallowed buttered pan in hot and bake. doing? is enough ho Is llntil lt becomes thick when dropped Interest. j jars or the clothesline twisted between 'It not that are usually of tho samo fabric, and oven, twenty minutes. ingredients pour all now, to Wash rice, mix and into water. Alld tno Vncgar Icmon Its use, first as a medicinal plant,, them. Pour In cold water to a little hers have and to hold. She with something like eighty-tw- shades Poor Man's Pudding. into buttered pudding dish; bake threo nnd butter. Boll until It hardens when thon as a vegetable, is as old rs the over half their height, cover tho boll- - laments that she could not have had of silk to chnnso frmii :im! ullli hlMi Four cups milk, one-hal-f cup rice, hours in very slow oven, stirring three dropped into water, stir in a small "Grampian hills," on which it grew, icr, bring quickly to the boiling point the bringing-u- p of her lord. What a to form attractive combinations thero one-thir- d one-hal- man cup molasses, f umes during nrst nour or uaaing, to, half teasnoonful bicarbonate of soda. The old Roman writers praised lts.iand cook continuously an hour and sho would have made of him had s Httle likelihood of these dainty anil one-hal- f high granted privlllge salt, tcaspoonful cin- prevent rice from settling. and pour Into buttered tins, and as virtues with enthusiasm and the bon- - half. Scald tho rubbers. Placo on heaven her tho practical ha' showing a sameness, being namon, one tablespoonful butter. Indian Pudding. soon ns it begins to cool sufficiently, vivant counted it one of the delights jars, lifting out one at a time,- fasten, of both motner and wife. The possibilities for achiovelng novel cups one-thir- d "Sho gives practical proof of the Boston Brown Bread. Five of scalded milk, , pull until white. Moisten the hands, of his table. For want of a better replace and cook thirty minutes long' effects are greater now than over f for full and absolute possession in-b- y Mix together and then sift, one and cup of Indian meal, one-hal- cup of while pulling, with ice water or hut- - way, the sprouts wero preserved oy or. Remove, screw as tightly as poB fore, and so the tempatatlons to taking all her John does for her, be one-hal-f cups each of corn meal and molasses, one teaspoonful of salt, ono ter. Tho sticks may be single, twist- - drying, as is done by thrifty farmers slblc and when cold set In :i cool, dark crease the number of spring and sum-i- t tho gift of kingdom, graham flour, ono teaspoonful of salt, teaspoonful of ginger. ed, braided of flattened, according to wives today, in order to lengthen tho place. This calls for asparagus of half his as her lcr j,ats In one's wardrobe havo right. What and two (level) of soda. Add scant Pour milk slowly on meal, cook in taste. natural season. So much had tho good size. ho does for his mother Krown correspondingly greater. I Is grace, usually the pint of buttermilk or sour milk, a 'double boiler twenty minutes, add mo Golden Sauce. gardeners of tha day improved tho Asparagus Omelet. all of free and Tho brims of thesu Uiffeta hnts aro graco on pour one-thir- d is her part." raced bc- - scant cup of molasses and pour intd lasses, salt, and ginger; Into Cream cup of butter and natural variety that Pliny records Break four eggs into a bowl and ( with silk of a bright and a well buttered mold. Steam two and buttered pudding dish and bake two add one cup powdered sugar, beating spears of it weighing threo to the beat until light and foamy without coming shade, and tho samo color is one-hal-f hours. Excellent. hours In slow oven; serve with cream. In gradually. Thon table- - by invading THE NEGLECTED MOTHER. used to lino the Inside of the crown. ( it add threo pound. Introduced tho separating whites and yolks. Add four Steamed Corn Bread. it uaKed too rapmiy it will not wney. spoonrui" cream or milk slowly, and Roman soldiers to the Gauls, Germans tablespoonfuls of cream or rich milk, a It was my lot to bo present when a The outside part is trimmed in some slow-witte- Mix two cups of corn meal with a Ginger may be omitted. one-hal-f teaspoonful vanilla extract, and Britons, it soon became ono of salt spoonful of salt and u dash of wife sought to impress her d shapely contrasting color of taffeta, scant cup of flour, a little salt end a Cerealine Pudding. Beat one egg thoroughly, add to sauce their most prized vegetables, and 400 pepper. Have a smooth, clean omelet or husband with' Iho For example, a dark blue seashore hat - teaspoonful of soda. Add to this two Four cups of scalded milk, two cups and heat over ho' water, stirring It years ago Its use was general In near- - pnn ready and melt a tablespoonful of eminent propriety of paying his week- which Is to be worn well down over, two-tone- one-hal- one-hal- ly and one-hal- f cup? of milk and f of cerealine, f cup of molasses frequently. Serve when very hot. ly every part of Europe. The early butter or vcgetablo oil in it, tilting It visit to his Invalid mother. Sho tho head has a pink lining, one-hal- In - only Is flno cup of molasses. Steam as above. one and f teaspoonfuls of salt,! Apple Pudding. settlers in America, familiar with its so that It will run all over the pan to lived another town, and tho hush- Tho stiffness supplied by one-hal- in f Good either hot or cold. one and f tablespoonfuls of but- - Place a quart of quartered and pared use, brought the seeds of tho plant grease the sides as well as tho bot- and had a busy day before him. wire sewed at tho seams of tho Ginger Cookies. ter. apples in granite dish, also a cup of with them and though not native to tom. When hissing hot, pour In tho "But, my love, you know she will he meloushaped crown, , looking you may bo Prepare mixture as above, adding rour imiK on cereanne, aaa remain-- water and a little nutmeg or cinnn- - this country It found it as congenial egg mixture. As it cooks, prick in for and worrying if you Theso little hats bont and one-hal- ',0 for-- any shape, on f cup of sour milk while mix' Ihg ingredients, pour into buttered mon. Heat to the boiling point on to Its tastes and habits as did tho set- - several places with a fork In order to not come. Sho says she looks turned into and when turo Is soft, and using only enough pudding dish, and bake ono hour in. top of the stove, and cover with a crust tiers themselves. Indeed, a New Eng- - allow tho uncooked portions to run warn io your weunesuay visit as mo uio neau mere is uuiuiug io spoil iu or one conscious flour to roll gently like doughnuts. slow oven. Serve with cream made of two cups of flour, two table- - land writer to n London paper In under, sift with a fork until tho wholo event of the week. It Is a shame to coiffure make feel one-thir- d supporting heavy weight. They Make about of an inch thick Spiced Layer Cake. spooufuls of baking bowder, a Uttlo 1072, speaking of the "plants" which jls of a creamy consistency. Havo in disappoint a sick woman. You really of a one-hal- cling to in a way will bo and bake in moderate oven. Cream t cup ot butter and salt, two tablespoonfuls of butter and had sprung up sinco the settlors hud readiness soveral spoonfuls of cooked must sacrifice your own Inclinations the head that appreciated by tho woman who do-yo- Eggless Pan Cake add a scant cup of molasses. Mix this niilk to make a soft dough. Cover well planted and fed cattle in theso "parts" csparagus points, mixed with a little and lot business no sometimes, when three-fourth- s duty to your mother ponds largely upon pins to Keep her Mix thoroughly, in order given, two with of a cup of water and cook about one-hal- f hour. Serve declared that "asparagus thrives ex- - melted butter, a few drops of lemon interiors - one-hal- I purred on, on, hoadwear secure, It would take a cups of corn meal, one of flour, one- and add to It two and f cups with molasses sauce. ecedlmily." Juice and a teaspoonful of chopped with them." sho and on, man Jumpu'i strong sale to dislodge them after Soaking Asparagus Lessens Its Value parsley. Spread lightly hut ovenlyi and until tho baited up In a villainously bad humor, and they aro pulled down to tho rim of tho GIRLS AND THE NEW DANCES. an's hands would be on, or even dang CONCERNING EYESTRAIN. An Food. over the top of tho omelet, double overj tl"' 1 in. tilted coquettishly ling over, tho man's shoulders, whllo . I.. I .1... ..If.. pan muttering something about "nagging." , Alice Duer Miller is writing in Harp- Eyestrain exhausts the entire ner' l J IIU1I1L Ur Hit 11LV I'HBU Ivy iVI doxtrously and shako out of the steps - l.wanl in front, and a small pin added with Imitated rather from system, occasions the most In- (0 i,er.r in if has to keep on to a hot Platter. If liked the edges rushed off to his train. er's Bazar for May about society's thous mind the final security. buzzard than the turkey tho couples tense hoadeaches known to human be- - cooking may bo garnished with I wonder, sometimes, If it can bo 'or new dances tho Turkel Trot, Grizzly usimrnKtis soveral days before of the omelet oscillate instead of circling. itlK8 .and deranges dlnestion. to say i, ,,. ,i ,,f ttm Rtnilts more asparagus points. my duty to risk making my husband Bear, etc. Among other things, tho him' THE SIMPLE WEDDING. "In other words, she Is witnessing nothing of other Ills which It induces.' tn cold water i.r .. Scrambled Eggs With Asparagus, angry with me in order to hold says: oxplain-- T UUtct wending teems io uo uu for the first time one of those new. This being tho case, the eyes must, ,., Uno,v this, ,rtt nii n i,ir to what I think Is his duty." ' aunt, a belle, let Tho lurkot too as la "Imagine a maiden dances, so no ono 1 wlfo more uaual now No longer it called because carcs(bo given rest. They should never bo w tlle lt lllcrc.aSeS tho cupful of asparagus tips, and a table-- ' the as tho front door slammed say, twenty-liv- e years ago, trau r.lct that aymptorn of eccon-rn- d us of iimt.-8.use- Idored an alarming iu iu mini iiiuuiiMu ior reading wnen ono is wean .ii,t r r,.ini,b. if Mllnrnni of ater to each egg. Salt behind him. "I positively dread to sported after a long absence into a , led w U.out b de they may bo Dble-.uav- o Wednesday come trlclty to be nurr and emotions traced." from Illness or suffering any headacfio ,B by tno ,,,.,, Htoi:u 0f by pepper to season. Put a around." solu - - ballroom of the past iwlntcr. She 1 or fatigue or strain; thoy noVer W0g(,t the cnroful buyer would not Rnnnnf.,l ,,f lmtter In the frvlnc nan or mouier s lunerai was appointed . would bo at once by many cans, etui- - struck Do ., ,... . i for that day week. Thenceforth tho, tors, red carpet, uuunuuoieu TABLE DECORATIONS. stiould used in a bad Ilglit or Willi ..,, KO mucl, if aho defrauded hn i.n f..m n,n. changes; a lesser formality, a greater onn Iw. ,1 lit.. men flourishing borlbboned whips, old Spring lunch-- , the "s''1 shining directly Into Ihem. by 1)Ur.jmHiK asparagus a hnn. Marion gaiety. cotillon ot For tho decoration of a watered sho egg mixture. Stir with fork until,o vostry weakened with Tho in- - uar,auu-""- 1,1 " jokes in tho eon nothing Is lovelier than tho com-jN- 0 eyeglasses and this includes 8lioiilil protest. According to tho Gor- - creamy, then serve on totvjt r alone,. "Brw ". her day would bo gone; there would rlco, volley of flowers, old boots J""ous cneap smoiteu glasses - tears, couples In tho bination of tho delicate pink applo snoumi man perjeutai istituto at Gclson- as desired. purndo ot be a smaller number of 1)0 Ul!U 1101 SOAP BUBBLE FUN. and shoos and slippers, a blcssoms combined with missy wil-- i ,lseu' nav Mcn I'rescriueu nplln on tho Rhine, tho weight by tho Asparagus and Cheese, conservatory, pauses , coat, orango shorter between by reputa-- good deal of fun at a bubble party j prosonts, bronkfnat. frock lows. In setting the tabic never ver- - au oculist of established ai)Bon,tlo 0f Wnter of submerged Cook tho vegetable as usual, drain tho dances, and a general buslness-llk- 6 u.,v.u blossom, satin, ami to on. load tho surface with a number of lion, aner careuu examination, in' Mparagus is increased about ten per then put In a casserole, sprinkling '" "i u."b lu air that dancing and only dancing a uubb,c a flower. Ho will Man has nlways quailed before such small dishes, many wine glasses, or a many caseB disfiguring glasses would; cent ,n two whllo tho vcgetablo nnnh inv..,. with urated Pariiicvian I'laco Ion was tho order of tho day. It may be gavo i. . . i...... t ...... ,i i.i.t miiwinrfi in quantity of silver. In the arrangement never neeu to uo worn ir peopio ,os.p(! Home of lt8 ntrltlouB compon cheese and and pepper to season. "" wiu.oui mica.; u.u.uh... our supposititious aunt were - It, tho general that if their eyes tho rest which they re- tnogt. top of Then the mrster ot the ceremonies will, havo reveled In but of of dinners and luncheon there Is a de 01(Bi !sneciay contalnng nltro Just before serving cover tho a sentimentalist, as maiden ladles nazar. Itn case--nis Mower naving nisnion ior simpi m, cided tendency to simplicity of ef- quire. Harper's gen and mineral matter. The result the dish which had cheese for the last fifty aro apt to bo, she might regret snieareu wnn wcuuing. mu fect. Not only Is tho menu shorter of experiments with asparagus whoso layer with drawn butter, return to tho been nrst secretly soap,pio those empty conservatory corners, and (solution, which providos a "foothold,", lowing tho sovon-cours- o dlnnur and than In former years, but tho dishes CORRECT SPEECH. cut surface had been dipped in molted oven a moment and serve. feel that something of romance and speaK, tno Duuiiio. iiriuoiinaiUB are jum...h arc lighter and not to rich, tho equip In threading tho maze of correct, paraffin to coat, showed that asparagus Asparagus With Parmesan Cheese. .B0 ' ior something of dignity had disappeared blow bubbles with a funnel calls ghosts of tho past, In wo absorbed considerably ltovlng boiled tho asparagus fori To ment of silver, glass and china not so usago tho caso of pronouns, aro, thus treated club-oartho- n and' that tho entertainment liad moro a little practice, but tho knack Is J Thero aro still, of course, many tho display of flowers wo fall to keep In mind moro water, but retained moro ot Its twolvo nxlnutiv. arrange in a deep for tho quality of a child's party than elaborate, and lost because opens weddings, but Uioy are not by alimentary value than that which was dish or casserolo In layers, well worUi acquiring, as It up a'( onito d In better tasto. tho relationship between the pronoun, ball. i range possibility. may any means so usual as they used to coating cheeso between. wide of One , most cor and tho verb. Whenever tho pronoun placed iu water without first with grated Parmesan It It were given under tho but-- , wIhIi to blow n bubblo over a llowor or among tho middle of tho first person Is tho subject or Iho cut surfaco with paraffin. Brown a piece of minced onion In rect ai'spices, her regrots might go no A KITCHEN HINT. ornamont. Even at tho most "fashion- - un.part ot tho subject of tho verb, wo Canned Asparagus. tor. sprinkle over tho top of tho dish, a small clasaes. further. not, would presently be Yon who find it difficult to cut chun-he- . quiet If sho with grated chooso and Begin by placing the object upon tho! able" tho number ot rouuh-sklnne- minipkln will find tho. should sny, "I"; whenever it Is tho Carefully trim and wash asparagus then snrlnklo surprised to see, ns tho baud began a a " over It boiling fresh broad crumbs nnd cook fifteen nueei oi soapy giaas or in a suanow, weuuius iuhw vi" saw tho most, object or part ot tho object of tho in cold water. Pour "" - strange, syncopated measure, that tho kitchen or woodhouse containing Uttlo solution, wedding or nay w u muo gum- verb or a preposition wo should say, water and cook fifteen minutoH. Drain minutes in a moderate oven. saucer a cal 'lie couples wero no longer dancing in Ih convenient article, for the purpose us, cool. Arrango neatly, heads up EMMA PADDOCK TELFOHD. Over tho object put a funnel ot suit- orliiB of relatives. ue lt Ib superior to tho sharpest knife and "me." and attitude to which sho had been 1111 able slzo and start to blow gently dangerous. in strulghtslded Jars and to over customed the woman's left hand on fur less you cautl- - and triplo aro Blnck with brown Is just "ow In flowing with water that has been boll Tho now large hats aro round and, down tho tube, tho while Double skirts tho man's shoulder and her right hand lingerlo dreBBCB, groat favor. ed and cooled. Lay on the tops with very flat. otiBly raise tho funnel. for out from her body. Both tho worn Military shapes are always chic.

ubt&iJtisJ),!...... 'Xj.,r'. i i ?WMT TIM HWV.MIAN STAR. SATURDW. MAY 25. 0j

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