SUOAI2 WEATHER Cnnot 3.08(5o par lb, $.70 Ther.. Mln . 71. por ton. Mar , 8 a. in.. 30, 'M. Hoots, lis. Id. par cwt., ft lUln. 2 th.. n. m.. .01. $91.20 por ton. Wind, 12m., 10 NIC. Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. VOL. XX TWENTY PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, SAlTKim, MAY 25, 1012 TWENTY PAGES. () 62K7. LORIMER MAY RESIGN HIS SEAT BECAUSE OF SENATE FEELING Telephones Two PART OF BIG aniard On Hawaii ater FLEET FOR (Special, Correspondence of the Star. Hours D May 23 Improvements efusing JODSii v HILQ, Great a have beenmade in the local tele-phon- e KEY WEST service lately and the lines run 1 n!ng out into the country also are nOut being fixed up in good style. Man or Manoa (Associated Press Cbles to the Star.) hrow WASHINGTON, May 25. The ager Stone, of tho telephone company, th irj and fourth divisions of the North has returned to Hllo after a vls't Atlantic fleet, Hear Admiral OBtcrhou so commanding, on the flagship Waak-inpto- n, they persisted In had a food supply or shelter to heart. Regulations covering the use of wa- meha avenue to Armstrong street), have to fo Because their along the Hnmakua coast. ' been ordered sail r Key West. to go to work, twenty Spaniards, Since last Monday Secretary Kearn Stone says that one hundred nnd ter In Manoa valley for Irrigation pur Hillside avenue, Puupueo tract and and his Interpreters have been urgln j fifty copper poses have been made by Superin- mauka of Manoa road, 2 p. m. to 4 men, women and children, were' eject- miles of covered wire 'p. the immigrants to go to plantations arrived on the steamer tendent of Public Works Campbell and m." ed from the territorial Immigrant sta- last from Both Candidates Claim where work had been secured for tlie Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and that will go Into effect Immediately. Tho tion this morning by Secretary Kearna. led by cra::y lawyer" al- Installed by the public them, but a "sea the wire will be used on the svstem. rules have been made In order to works depart of the stub- among the number group declined leviate impending ment are In working order and, ac- The goods and chattels the A big new cable Is expected to ar- the water famine A Working Majority to go, thoy cording to Mr. Campbell, born Immigrants were piled on the save to plantations where rive here early In July and then some caused by tho shortage of tho upper have done and they were told to hustle wanted to go but where there was no Makiki springs. good work In pointing out the prin sidewalk fifty-fiv- e miles of old wires will bo woulfl work for them. The regulations, cipal city's HC77 for themselves, as the territory taken down nnd tho new cable will which are signed wasters of the water. WASHINGTON, May 25. McKinl ey claim? delegates instructed and J Yesterday morning Kearna by M. "During pledged forty-si- x no longer care for them. Secretary be installed In the city. J. Little, superintendent of wa- the past month," said Mr. for Taft. Dixon claims 629 including for Cummins and Although they put into, the: Issued an ultimatum to effect that ter works, Campbell this morning, La Follette. 391, were the A new central has been started at and will be effective until "ono user of Clark claims Wilson 305, Underwood 100. men party, with those who did not advantage of notice as water In NEWAWRK, N. J., May 25. street, the of the take I.aupahoehoe, and George Spencer, further arc follows: Knlmuki consumed 1C1.G10 Taft alms to have more than 570 delegates dependent on tho sailing Claudlne the aft- No. 1. privilege hold- gallons instructed and pledged. He says wives and little ones of the in well-know- "District Water of water which in a year's the vote of New Jersey is not necessary the n nnd popular operator them, did not appear worried by the ernoon, to go to plantations which ers fronting on Hunnowell street, Ath-erto- n time would amount to nearly 2,000, but he would like it to make Roosevelt 's nomination Impossible. who formerly was located at Hono-kaa- , y they would need food and a wanted them, would nave to leave the road, Hyde street, Oahu 000' gallons, pre- fact that has been put in charge at avenue for which the user place to sleep. The only thing that station and take caro of themselves. to east Manoa road, to use water fo vionsly had been paying at a JOHNSON TO SECOND NOMINATION. Miss Anna-Keko- former- rate of bothered them was tho lack of cigar- With the exception of two who chang- irrigation purposes from 10 a. m. to $23 yearly. SACRAMENTO, May 25. Colonel Roosevelt has telegraphed requent ly of TIllo, has been appointed oper- They complained bitterly ed their minds, the party remained" 12 m. that. Governor Johnson may make tli speech seconding his ettes. ator. At the Young Men's Christian As- e nomination la they were given nothing to stubborn In their refusal. Kearns per- "District No. 2. Water privilege sociation, the effect of tho newly the National Republican convention. Johnson has accepted. In all there are four lines be- smoke by Secretary Kearns before mitted them to sleep in the station last holders fronting on Vancouver High- wnter meters has tween Hllo and Laupahoohoo now. been shown they were ousted, but did not seem' night and gave them breakfast this way. Jones nnd Parker streets and by a new THE NEW JERSEY CAMPAIGN. The switchboard at Laupahoehoo number of signs placed to take the fact that they no longer (Continue'1 on Page Eight) east Manoa road (fronl Oahu avenue about the building, .TSRSEY CITY, May 2p. Presld ent Taft will speak at Newark, Ar- works forty local lines and fifteen "Plase Do Not to Armstrong street), $8 a. m. to 10 Waste the lington, Ornnge Park, Passaic, Pater son and Ridgowood and Roosevelt tl rough ones. Water." at a. m. N; The superintendent public Long Branch, Red Bank, Perth Amboy and Rahway. For Chilled Meat. of works "District No. 3. Water privilege hold- expresses himself as being SUPER FINDS ITHREE NEW An refrigerating plant s well ers fronting on Damon street, McKin-le- y pleased With the way the resi- FREAR AT CHICAGO. to be Installed by Hllo Meat that fW' the a CHICAGO, May 25. street, l.anihul drjve, Kamehame-h- dents of Manoa are working with, tho Governor Frear of Hawnll visited the convention Market, and the materials are now -- avenue. I.ilo.a KlsoBeckwlth street water department in order to nlie headquarters today nnd then left for Washington and New York which Y. C. 11. DEPARTMENT HEADS on tho way from the mainland. 1 find cast Mnnou road (from Kaineha- - vlate the present shortage. he will visit before the convention meets. I General Secretary Paul Super of the Secretary Super has secured G. JT LORIMER MAY RESIGN. , one s E WASHINGTON, May 25. It is be lleved Senator Y. M. C. A. has met with signal sue of tho directo "f tho piscopal Faker ives that Lorlmer will Portland, Ore., Association. Fecretary Honolulu There are forty senators again st accepting the majority report cess In securing tho services of three Super negotiated with Johnson whllp him arid 39 doubtful. i men desired to fill out his st3ff, ac- ' In Portland and tho cable t'lls morn-iii(- . cording to a cable received from Sec- Indicates that tho deal l.as been Convocation References in The East TESTIMONY ON BRIBE OFFFER. retary Super this morning. He is in closed. LOS ANGELES, May 25. Lockwcod testifies that he was approached St. Louis and wires word that tlic of- J A. Urice, of Cedar Rapltls, Tn., a by Franklin with a bribe offer in tho dynamiter cases. ouhii ouen gets stung by people Ii lu agents In San Francisco. fers made by the Association hive friend of Secretary Larimer or tno The tenth annual meetinc of thn - . looming into the town and ropresent- - His attempt Convocatlon of Missionary d strict1 latest was made in SCHMITZ INDICTMENTS DISMISSED. been accepted. local association, has been secured the 'i lng themselves to be other than what Hartford, Conn., when ho went into 25.-rJu- dgo Tho of the now men secured for position of office secretary. in Honolulu SAN FRANCISCO, May iiawlor has dismissed tho last or first the of the Episcopal church they are, by which pretense thoy an insurance offlce and explained that twonty-sove-n Schmltz indictments. is Lloyd R. Killam, who will come Urico is a college man who expects ujjuiiuu m s; manage mis morning ai. Anurew to get away with cash or ln represented a local concern. - here as associate secretary, the du- to devote his life to Association work. parish house with the Right Rov. H. else havo credit extended which thoy Following is a description of the being largely tbo acquisition Fm-lnon- NEGRO BURNED AT STAKE. ties of this ofnee His moans'that F. H. never take up. At the present, B. Restarlck, Bishop of Honolulu, pro-sidin- time, man and, although ho evidently boars 25. A negro promotion of religious work and Biblo tho present office secretary, will TYLER, Tex., May was burned to death hero today for however, there is a man back East several distinctive marks, no ono so study.
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