Spewing shit at Dalhousie since 1868 I .t::. N """'- ·;:: Q. < ........ ()() N I 0'1 M """' Gaze e designer reveals all caught in h act CALNEN PHOTOGRAPHY Calnen Photography is proud to be the official graduation photographer WEEKLY authorized by the Dalhousie Student Union. Our studio/gallery is located at 1469 Birmingham St. just south of Sprtng Garden Road . DISPATCH Professionalism, superlative quality and competitive pricing since 1972. Student Lifestyle Documentary: If you wanted to be a movie star when you were young then we may have just the opportunity for you. Documentary film maker Morgen Sporlock is looking for students who have finished at least one year of university and have interesting student experience£ that they are willing to talk about. He is lookins For more information for stories such as the longest studying stint, or to schedule an appointment, partying in res (or off campus), or an interestins call: class you attended. If you are interested please sene a description of your experience to msfilm@gmail. con 423-8840 no later then May lOth. Filming will take place between September and December 2007. Any student Email :
[email protected] selected will receive an honourarium for Visit us on the web : www.calnenphotography.com participating in the. film, and a free copy of the DVD. This documentary will provide a behind the scenes look at what students across Canada up to anc the challenges they face; New Student Space: Since the recent failure of the referendum or creating more student space on campus the DSU haE taken steps to address the lack of student space REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY ourselves.