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ISSN 0800-1790 INSECTA No. NORVEGIAE 6 A bibliography of Norwegian Mayfly, DomselRy, DragonRy and ~_~~_ ~__~":'I:'//i ." ' .. "'" i'· "',~~ -_. ~ .. :,.. :.; StoneRy publications (Insecta: .~_\ Ephemeroptera; Odonata; 'i/;y~-;~-~~ Plecoptera) 1882-1993. by Ivar 5tokkeland Norsk Entomologisk Forening 1996 Insecta Norvegiae Editors: Trond Andersen and Lita Greve Zoological Museum, University of Bergen, Museplass 3, N·5007 Bergen Insecta Norvegiae can be considered as a supplement to fauna norvegica Ser. B., and appears irregularly. The journal publishes information relevant 10 Norwegian entomology and emphasizes papers which are mainly faunistical or zoogeographical in scope or content, including catalogues, distribution maps, checklists and larger faunallists. Biographies and bibliographies elc will also be considered. Submissions must nol have been previously published or copyrighted and must not be published subsequently except in abstract form or by written consent of the editors Authors are requested to contacl the editors prior to submission. The Norvegian Entomological Society promotes the study of the Norwegian insect fauna and forms a link between interested persons. Questions about membership should be directed 10 the secretary of NEF, Jan Stensl0kk, Box 386, N·400 1 Stavanger. Membership fee NOK : 150 Insecta Norvegiae is distributed by the Norwegian Entomological Society. Other series issued by the Society. - fauna norvegica Ser. B - Insekt . Nyll - Norske insekllabeller Front page: Coenagrion has/uta/urn ICharpentierl Instar 14, maxillarpalp Idorsal view) Eivind Rygh del T'ykk UiB P,;nled ~OO copies A bibliography of Norwegian Mayfly, Damselfly, Dragonfly and Stonefly publications (Insecta: Ephemeroptera; Odonata; Plecoptera) 1882 - 1993 IVAR STOKKELAND Stokkeland, I. 1996. A bibliography of Norwegian mayfly, damselfly, dragonfly and stonefly publications (Insecta: Ephemeroptera; Odonata; Plecoptera) 1882 - 1993.
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