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News In Your Neighborhood Festival 2010 Christian Ihle Hadland to Read more on page 13 perform at Leiv Eriksson Et par ble de aldri; men verden International Festival forsøtes av vennskap når stenen og vindpustet møtes ... Read more on page 3 - André Bjerke Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 34 September 24, 2010 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at Norway and Russia sign historic treaty www.norway.com Treaty on maritime News of Norway Norwegian Petroleum Director- delimitation and ate states an oil blowout like cooperation in the the one in the Gulf of Mexico would not have similar conse- Barents Sea and quences if it had happened off the Lofoten Islands in Norwe- the Arctic Ocean gian Sea and Barents Sea due signed Sept. 15 in to depth ratio and geological conditions. Murmansk (blog.norway.com/news)

Education University of Bergen is ranked Of f i c e o f t h e Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r sixth best university in the Nor- dic countries, and 135th in the world. “This is a historic milestone. (blog.norway.com/education) The treaty resolves what for sever- al decades remained the most im- Business portant outstanding issue between Building in Norway for indus- Norway and Russia. We are pleased trial and public sector purposes that we have now established the has grown 25 percent compared maritime boundary between Nor- with the same period in 2009, way and Russia in the Barents Sea Photo: Office of the Prime Minister and total building has grown On Sept. 15, Prime Minister and Russian President Dimitrij Medvedjev signed the agreement in Murmansk, 16 percent compared with the CONTINUES PAGE 6 along with Foreign Ministers Jonas Gahr Støre and Sergej Lavrov. same period in 2009. (blog.norway.com/business) It’s Nordic Film Fest season! Norwegians in America Norway’s Royal Family The 2010-2011 season features up-and- HM King Harald V was the coming Nordic films across the U.S. Astri My Astri honored guest at the opening of Publishing releases Operatunnel in Oslo Sept. 17. The new tunnel cost NOK 5.9 translated version billion (USD 9.7 million), and will eliminate 70,000 cars from of Martin Ulvestad’s the surface streets of Oslo ev- 1907 tome eryday. (blog.norway.com/norways- royal-family) As t r i My As t r i Pu b l i s h i n g

Over 100 years ago, the Norwe- What’s inside? gian author Martin Ulvestad wrote in the 1907 foreword: “Have we News 2-3 — modern Norwegians in Amer- Business 4 ica — seen and understood what Research & Education 5 our forefathers have done for us? Photo: Astri My Astri Publishing Opinion 6-7 Have we ever shown them that we Ulvestad compiled the Norwegian- properly appreciate their struggles, American pioneer stories by sending Taste of Norway 8 sufferings and deprivations — that out 163,000 small books and pam- phlets along with 450,000 circulars Travel 9 benefited us? Have we made sure and forms to the early immigrants and Roots & Connections 10 CONTINUES PAGE 8 their families. Obituaries & Religion 11 Photo: Norwegian Film Institute Arts & Style 12 “Mr. Mustache” (2007) is a film by Norway’s Ørjan Jensen about men and their Boasson Hagen aims for gold In Your Neighborhood 13 mustaches. Cyclist hopes for Norwegian Heritage 14 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e World Cup gold Sports 15 Nordic Film Fest The 2010/11 Nordic Film Fest submissions from new and up and NRK $1 = NOK 6.0483 season kicks off this year in Min- coming Scandinavian filmmakers. updated 9/20/10 neapolis, then traveling across the We’re expecting another beautiful “If all goes well, I can prob- In comparison country with even more Nordic and captivating film fest season. ably fight to the very top,” said Ed- 8/20/10 6.2409 Films, panels, and parties. The dates across the several vald Boasson Hagen to NRK as he 3/20/10 5.9025 This upcoming season has a city festivals span from Nov. 19, prepared to fly to Australia for the 9/20/09 5.87 lot to be excited about. This year 2010 to Feb. 19, 2011: World Cup. The World Cup takes we have opened our festivals up to CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: Aftenposten 2 • Norwegian American Weekly september 24, 2010 Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Kongelig åpning med taffel i tunnelen Dropper Navarsete- - Jeg er glad i søsteren min Kongen var æresgjest og etterforskning De siste dagene har prinsessen måtte tåle sto for åpningen av den Gavesaken har gitt SP- sterk kritikk etter at hun gikk ut og hevdet at hun har evne til å kommunisere med døde nye Bjørvikatunnelen statsråden personer. Under åpningen av konferansen en kraftig ripe i den politiske Af t e n p os t e n Respekt på Union scene i Drammen, rykket lakken storebror kronprins Haakon ut med et sterkt forsvar av søsteren. Ifølge Laagendalsposten Ingen rød løper, men nylagt, svart asfalt VG la Haakon vekt på at vi ikke må baksnakke ventet kongen da han foretok den høytide- folk, men derimot fremsnakke: – Derfor vil lige åpningen av senketunnelen. Etter en Økokrim vil ikke etterforske gavesaken jeg fremsnakke om søsteren min. Hun er en kort tur ned til bunnen av tunnelen, kunne etter at Liv Signe Navarsete mottok gullarm- ansvarsfull person som bryr seg om alle rundt kong Harald innta en delikat lunsj sammen båndet fra Aker Yards i 2006. seg. Jeg vil ikke gå mer i detaljer om det, fordi med 500 av dem som i fem år har arbeidet Foto: Stein J. Bjørge/Aftenposten I forrige uke anmeldte Rød Ungdom dere vet hva jeg snakker om, sa Haakon. med Norges mest kompliserte veiprosjekt. Ti kommunal- og regionalminister Liv Signe den reduserte trafikken, og riksteaterets leder (Aftenposten) meter under vannflaten i Bjørvika var- bor Navarsete i forbindelse med armbåndet hun Ellen Horn. det dekket med hvite duker, pent bestikk og fikk fra Aker Yards. Sammen med Festningstunnelen, Svart- - Han var pålitelig og faglig flink porselenstallerkner. – Økokrim har vurdert det slik at det i dalstunnelen og Ekebergtunnelen utgjør En familie fra Fredrikstad omkom 20. sep- – Dette er en stor dag for Oslo, og vi en straffesak ikke vil kunne legges til grunn Bjørvikatunnelen den splitter nye Operatun- tember på Ekebergsletta. Familien besto av skal huske at det er bilistene vi skal takke. at mottaket av gaven var i strid med dagjel- nelen. Deler av anlegget åpnet i fjor, men til et foreldrepar (51 og 44) og en sønn (16) og Det er de som betaler for dette gjennom dende organisasjonsinterne retningslinjer, sammen er 6 kilometer vei nå samlet i tunnel en datter (13). — Bilen stod der, og barna bompengene i Oslopakke 3, sier ordfører Fa- skriver Økokrim på sine nettsider. og totalt vil trafikkmengden bli redusert med var borte og banka litt på veggene, men det bian Stang (H) til NTB. Økokrim understreker likevel at bekjem- 95.000 kjøretøyer som tidligere kjørte tvers skjedde ikke noe. En av våre assistenter vars- Norges første senketunnel har kostet 5,9 pelse av korrupsjon er en viktig oppgave. gjennom sentrum i hovedstaden. let politipatruljen som pleier å patruljere her milliarder kroner og skal fjerne 70.000 biler Prisen på armbåndet var 26.500 kroner. om at de burde ta en titt på en hensatt camp- Regionsjef Sidsel Sandelien i Statens fra hjertet av Oslo hvert døgn. – I denne saken har vi imidlertid ikke ingbil. Det som har skjedd er helt tragisk, sier vegvesen forklarer at de under arbeidets Stang var i godt selskap under den informasjon som tilsier at det foreligger styrer i Lille Ekeberg barnehage, Anne Haa- gang har måttet legge om dagens veisystem høytidelige åpningen. Foruten kong Harald rimelig grunn til å iverksette korrupsjonset- konsrud, til Dagbladet. fem ganger for å opprettholde trafikkflyten var samferdselsminister Magnhild Meltveit terforskning, skriver de videre. (Dagbladet) gjennom byen. Nå er det ikke lenger mulig å Kleppa (Sp), nåværende byrådsleder Stian Navarsete har tidligere uttalt at hun ikke gjøre de siste delene av arbeidet uten å sluse Berger Røsland (H) og forhenværende by- frykter en etterforskning av saken. Riis-Johansen: - Vil ikke vurdere min trafikken gjennom tunnelsystemet. rådsleder Erling Lae (H), nå fylkesmann i – Jeg har registrert Økokrims beslutning stilling – Det vil bli en miljømessig endring Vestfold, til stede. Alle var tilsynelatende og tar den til etterretning, skriver Navarsete Olje- og energiminister Terje Riis-Johan- for Oslo når tunnelen blir tatt i bruk. Og når svært fornøyd med at et av de mest betyd- på hjemmesiden til kommunal- og region- sen holder fast ved at han ikke visste om man ser på hva dette betyr for utviklingen ningsfulle veiprosjektene i Oslo i nyere tid aldepartementet. Hun ønsker ikke å kom- pengestøtte fra offentlig eide kraftselskaper i av byen, for eiendomsprisene og for mange nærmer seg slutten. mentere saken overfor VG Nett. 2009. — Min samvittighet er veldig god. Jeg andre forhold, er jeg sikker på at dette er en Flere fra kulturlivet hadde også funnet visste ingenting, sier Riis-Johansen til VG riktig løsning, sier Sandelien. English Synopsis: Norwegian authorities at Økokrim Nett på telefon fra Brasil. Han sier at verken veien til åpningen, deriblant operaens direk- have decided to drop the case against Liv Signe Na- English Synopsis: HM King Harald V opened the han selv eller andre har bedt ham om å ta sin tør Tom Remlov, som blir direkte berørt av varsete in regard to her gold bracelet from Aker Yards new Bjørvika Tunnel in Oslo Sept. 17. in 2006. hatt og gå etter avsløringene om at Senterpar- tiet tok imot til sammen 700.000 kroner fra Kraft og Eidsiva Energi. 500.000 av - Sverigedemokraterna Vet ikke hvor 350 000 er ført i regnskapet disse kom fra sistnevnte kraftselskap. Senterpartiet hevder hardnakket at de NOK 350 000 fra (VG) forblir isolert Troms Kraft og Glommen Skog er ført inn i regnskapet. Da g b l a d e t NTH var ikke nazireir Men de kan fremdelse ikke peke på hvor Historikerne som har skrevet boka hevder at Valgforsker Anders Todal Jenssen har konflikten mellom nazister og studenter og ingen tro på at Sverigedemokraterna blir en Da g b l a d e t ansatte ved NTH, var hard og brutal og at na- del av det politiske etablissement med det zistene tapte holdningskampen på NTH. første. Dagbladet avslørte at 350 000 kroner Det kunne de ikke gjøre. Her er svaret – Det var mye motstandskamp, men det var – Dette partiet har en mye lengre som Senterpartiet har fått fra Troms Kraft de gir: også enkeltpersoner som var på den andre vei å gå enn Fremskrittspartiet og Dansk og Glommen Skog ikke er ført inn i resul- «Alle partiene er etter partiloven pliktig sida. Den ekstraordinære situasjonen som var Folkeparti før det blir stuerent. Det vil minst tatregnskapet til Senterpartiets hovedorgan- til å oppgi inntektene til et sentralt register. da fikk fram de forskjelligste sider i folk, sier være snakk om flere tiår etter min mening, isasjon for 2009. Her er den fullstendige inntektsoversikten historiker Ola Nordal. Boka blir utgitt i forb- sier Todal Jenssen til NTB. Der er det bare ført inn 500 000 kroner for regnskapsåret 2009 til de ulike partiene indelse med 100-årsfeiringen av NTNU. Han viser til at Sverigedemokraterna er som partiet fikk fra Eidsiva Energi. Partiet — fra hovedorganisasjonsnivå helt ned til de (NRK) langt mer ekstreme og i større grad enn de to sendte i helgen ut en pressemelding der de ulike lokallagene. Ikke bare i Hardanger andre framstår som et protestparti som bare hevder at Dagbladets opplysninger er feil. Alle disse opplysningene er gitt SSB er opptatt av ett spørsmål – nemlig innvan- I pressemeldingen skriver gener- som, via Fornyings-, administrasjons- og Det har vært mye snakk om høyspentmas- dring. alsekretær Knut N. Olsen at inntektene fra kirkedepartementet (FAD), forsikrer seg tene i Hardanger. Men det eksisterer allerede Troms Kraft og Glommen skog er spesifisert at det er revisorgodkjente regnskap som en mange «monstermaster» som har satt sitt – Innvandringspolitikken kom først til et annet sted enn inntektene fra Eidsiva En- baserer rapporteringen på. Og her står det preg rundt om i landet. Nå ønsker Akershus- senere. Og mens Frp og Dansk Folkeparti er museet å sette søkelys på andre høyspentmas- forsonlig innstilt overfor velferdsstaten, har ergi. klart at pengene fra Troms Kraft og Glom- ter i Akershus fylke, med utstillingen «Våre ikke Sverigedemokraterna utviklet noen klar Inntektene skal være ført inn sammen men Skog er innrapportert i henhold til loven monstermaster». –Vi har blitt så vant til disse politikk på dette feltet, sier Todal Jenssen. med inntekter fra arbeidslivsorganisasjoner og med i Sps regnskap for 2009.» monstermastene i landskapet at vi har sluttet Ifølge Ritzler våknet Sverige 20. sep- lenger ned, står det i pressemeldingen. —Du kan føle deg helt trygg på at alt å legge merke til dem. Men sannheten er at de tember til en bredside fra ytre høyre, etter Men i merknadene til resultatregnskapet er rapportert. Det er gitt til SSB og der er er overalt, sier Kirsten Linde, konservator på å ha levd i årevis uten representasjon fra et står det i punkt a at midler fra Fornybar En- det strenge krav om revisorgodkjente regn- Akershusmuseet. Målet med utstillingen er å ytterliggående høyreparti i Riksdagen. ergi-prosjektet er inntektsført under posten skaper. Det som sendes dit er like alvorlig skape diskusjon i nærmiljøet ved å oppfordre – Det oppleves uvant og veldig usvensk. «Andre inntekter». som det som sendes til Brønnøysund, sier folk til å gå ut og se seg litt rundt. Uavhengig av om Sverigedemokraterna blir Der står det: «Andre inntekter er kr han, og opplyser at de vil redegjøre for regn- (NRK) marginalisert, vil partiet ha Riksdagens ta- 100.000 fra Senterpartiets stortingsgruppe for skapsføringen til uka, svarte generalsekretær lerstol som sin megafon. Dets talsmenn vil regnskaps- og lønnstjenester og kr 340.000 Olsen på Dagbladets henvendelse. Fare for kirkestreik fra lørdag råde over kommunikasjonskanaler som de for internett-/hjemmesidetjenester. Det er —Men kan du peke på hvor pengene Avlyste gudstjenester, innstilte søndagsskoler aldri tidligere har vært i nærheten av, sier mottatt kr 750.000 i støtte fra Fagforbundet, er oppført eller hvorfor pengene fra Troms og stopp i konfirmantundervisningen er noen han. samt kr 500.000 fra Eidsiva Energi». Kraft og Glommen Skog er behandlet an- av konsekvensene hvis arbeidstakerorgan- Det står altså ingen ting om penger nerledes enn pengene fra Eidsiva? isasjonen Delta ikke blir enig med Kirkens ar- English Synopsis: ’s elections last week caused quite a stir with the rise of the right-wing Swe- fra Troms Kraft eller Glommen Skog i det —Det har med avvik fra budsjett å gjøre. beidsgiver- og interesseorganisasjon (KA) før den Democrats, but election researcher Anders Todal punktet der partiet redegjør for inntektene fra Per i dag kan vi ikke gå inn i hovedboka og midnatt fredag. Hvis streiken blir en realitet, Jenssen believes they are not part of the political es- Fornybar Energi- prosjektet. ta ut disse enkeltpostene. Til uka skal vi gå vil den ramme gudstjenester og andre kirke- tablishment yet. “This party has a long ways to go to Dagbladet prøvde i hele helgen å få gjennom dette og da skal du få full oversikt, become a household party in comparison to Norway’s lige handlinger samt korøvelser, søndagsskol- partiets generalsekretær Knut N. Olsen eller sier han. er, konfirmantundervisning, renhold, admin- and the Danish People’s Party. It will partiets kommunikasjonssjef Torvild Sveen English Synopsis: Dagbladet revealed Sept. 18 that istrative funksjoner og menighetsbarnehager. take decades, in my opinion,” said Todal Jenssen to NTB. After years of no representation, Sweden Dem- til å peke på hvor inntektene fra Troms Kraft the Center Party received NOK 350,000 from Troms (Adresseavisen) ocrats earned 20 seats in the Swedish Parliament. Kraft and Glommen Skog in contributions, but did og Glommen Skog er ført i regnskapet. not clearly identify the donation. september 24, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/news Norwegian American Weekly • 3 News Norwegian 101 Cooperation and new growth This week on Norway.com Oslo Conference brings together heads of states to Broad interest for mature areas on the online with UND Norwegian shelf address global jobs crisis with cooperation and growth By the deadline for applications in the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2010 on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has re- ceived applications from 41 companies. The Ministry aims at award of new production li- censes in APA 2010 late 2010 or early 2011. “It is positive that companies show interest for our mature areas. Access to prospective acreage together with interest from compa- nies is a key to sustain the level of activity on the Norwegian continental shelf,” says Per Rune Henriksen in the Norwe- gian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Photo: University of North Dakota (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator Melissa Gjellstad of University of North Dakota. Norwegian film at National Gallery of Art A season of Norwegian movies at the Nation- al Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. show- Un i v e rs i t y o f Nor t h Da ko t a Photo: Office of the Prime Minister ing some of the highlights of Norwegian From L-R: Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, Liberia’s president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, ILO Executive moviemaking through the past 100 years. Growth! The word handily sums up As- Director Juan Somavia, and IMF Administrative Director Dominique Straus Kahn. sistant Professor and Program Coordinator The movies span from 1917 to 2010, and are concurrent with the ongoing exhibition “Ed- Melissa Gjellstad’s goals for the Norwegian Of f i c e o f t h e Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r ment and social cohesion, bringing together Program at the University of North Dakota. heads of state and government, the heads of vard Munch: Master Prints.” From movies by groundbreaking female Director Edith Calm- Gjellstad, a Vela, N.D., native who fin- On Sept. 13, Prime Minister Jens Stol- the ILO and the IMF, trade union leaders, ar to the rare docudrama “Edvard Munch,” ished her Ph.D. in Norwegian at the Univer- tenberg hosted an international conference in academics and employers from around the Oslo on the challenges of growth, employ- the series at the NGA showcases Norwegian CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 8 cinematic art then and now. Bente Børsum is (Royal Norwegian Embassy) Christian Ihle Hadland at LEIF Small increase in new house prices Leiv Eriksson International “Mother” in New York From the second quarter of 2009 to the sec- ond quarter of 2010, prices of new detached Festival (LEIF) welcomes houses increased by 0.9 percent. In the first Norway’s premiere pianist quarter of 1993 prices of new detached houses reached a record low. Since then, the to Minneapolis prices have increased by 185 percent, while the prices of used detached houses increased by 268 percent in the same period. Le i v Er i ksson In t e rn a t i on a l Fe s t i v a l (Statistics Norway) Minneapolis, Minn. Norway redoubles its support for flood The Leiv Eriksson International Festival victims in Pakistan (LEIF) is pleased to welcome Christian Ihle “The floods in Pakistan are among the worst Hadland (27), widely recognized as one of natural disasters the world has seen in recent Norway’s most exciting young piano talents times. Extreme weather has forced millions Photo courtesy of Royal Norwegian Embassy and who will headline this year’s Festival to flee their homes. One out of ten Pakistanis on Sunday, Oct. 10, 4 p.m. at the Norwegian is directly or indirectly affected. The destruc- Lutheran Memorial Church in Minneapolis. tive forces of nature have laid vast agricul- Ro y a l Nor w e g i a n Em b a ss y Following his recital debut at the Nor- tural areas waste and have set the country wegian Opera in 2008, Hadland was hailed Photo: Anders Berersen The monologue “Mother,” staged by back many years,” said Minister of the Envi- in the Norwegian press as an artist who “… Christian Ihle Hadland, Norway’s premiere pia- Bente Børsum and directed by Anne-Karen ronment and International Development Erik shows himself as a unique musician whose nist, is scheduled to perform Oct. 10. Hytten, will be performed at the Norwegian Solheim. Norway has already provided NOK 115 million in emergency relief following the artistry should be heard on the world’s con- Seaman’s Church and Cultural Center in Bellerive Festival, Geneva, Switzerland; flood. Now Norway’s assistance for the flood cert stages.” New York City Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, Northern victims will be increased to NOK 400 million He is a highly sought-after classical mu- The actress Bente Børsum has a story Germany; Kissinger Sommer, Bad Kissinger, (USD 66 million). sician. He has appeared in the prestigious to tell. A story close to her heart which has venues of Wigmore Hall, London, England; (Norway’s Mission to the United Nations) CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Celebrate Leif Erikson Day with the Norwegian American Weekly! Give the gift of the Norwegian American Weekly or try Send a greeting in our Leif erikson Special Issue! it for yourself, and we’ll give you a GreAt deal! Happy Only $40 for any new subscription purchased now Leif Erikson Day! Deadline: Sept. 27 Sorry, this offer is not valid on renewals. Call (206) 784-4617 through November 1! Mention code “Leif Erikson” when ordering. Sven Hushagen Jensen Beach, Fla. TODAY to reserve Name: ______by 2”) $10 for small ad (1” your spot! Address: ______Happy City/State/Zip: ______Leif Erikson Day! Given by: ______Phone: ______Send this form and a check to: Norwegian American Weekly Ole & Lena Hansen 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A • Seattle, WA 98115 $20 for large ad (1.5” by 3”) ad (1.5” $20 for large Mankato, Minn. Or call (206) 784-4617 to pay by Visa or Mastercard

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/business september 24, 2010 Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance From start-up to success story (September 20, 2010) Pipeline connector Quickflange AS recognized Norsk Kr. 6.0057 Dansk Kr. 5.7005 for their innovative approach to repairing leaks Svensk Kr. 6.9961 Canadian $ 1.0274 Euro 0.7653 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Norwegian Commercial Club seattle, washington October 14: Guest speaker: Barb Graff Graff is Director of Seattle’s Office of Emergency Management, and explains the emergency services her department provides to Photo: Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise Kristin Skogen Lund, president of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), presents the businesses and citizens, and presents the latest information on the NHO Innovation Award to Tor Arne Hauge, founder and director of Quickflange. most significant threats to our community. Menu: North Sea Soup, Shrimp Louis Salad and Dessert Ra sm u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway October 28: Guest speaker: Solveig Torvik Torvik, author of “The World’s Best Place: Norway and the In 2003 a small start-up company re- efficient. Norwegians,” explores what life is really like in Norway, taking ceived USD $3,000 from a local develop- The Quickflange technology consists a critical look at politics, society, health care and business. Menu: ment fund. Today the company makes mon- of a hydraulic tool enabling a flange-to-pipe Baked Ham, mashed potatoes, red cabbage surkål and dessert ey and are ready to capture the world market. connection without the use of heath or any Last year it was ranked by Deloitte as one of other potential ignition sources. The meth- Norway’s fastest growing companies. od gives a pressure tight and mechanically 6pm at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street Seattle, The company is the pipeline connector strong connection and is a direct alterna- WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Ozzie Quickflange AS. Their first connection off- tive to a welded connection. The company’s Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. shore in Norway was delivered to the Gul- equipment is rented out on a day-rate basis, faks platform in 2005, installed by personnel and the actual operation of the equipment is supporting local Fullnorwegian Service Agency With bu Experienced siness since 1932 from Aker Kværner Offshore Partner. The carried out by Quickflange certified person- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! company is established with headquarters nel from the oil company’s suppliers. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! in Tananger outside Stavanger. The branch Another of the company’s strengths is information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! office in Tvedestrand is the technology cen- the training to the employees and contrac- ter, handling production and assembly of tors of its clients. A major part of the busi- Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Eu- Specials to VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE hydraulic tools, logistics as well as develop- ness model is to equip customer technicians r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 ment of new technology. The company also to perform the on-site installation of Quickf- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] has an office in Aberdeen, U.K. Quickflange lange. This is particularly convenient, easy to Verrazano TraVel & leisure completed their first Middle East project off- plan and reduces the pressure on bed-space a New book from Astri1 (718) My 979-6641 Astri Publishing shore in Qatar last spring and are now enter- key limiting factor in a North Sea offshore [email protected] ing Brazil. operation. [email protected] The company’s method is a “cold” alter- The products Quickflange offers are not Norwegians in America, native to a welded flange, and the technology strictly limited to the oil and gas sector, but will within minutes establish a mechanically can be used in other areas such as in the food their History and Record: robust and pressure-tight connection between industry. The company have a lot of potential A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 pipe and flange. The Quickflange has several and they hope to take advantage of it! advantages compared to existing solutions. Quickflange received the Confederation Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord No fire or explosion hazard provides for a of Norwegian Enterprise’s Innovation Award Written by Martin Ulvestad cost effective operation in hazardous areas. for 2010, presented by Kristin Skogen Lund, The operation is pollution-free, and provides who is the first female president of the Con- Volume 1 – hardcover book: a method for immediate and permanent re- federation of Norwegian Enterprise. • Volume 1 of a 3 volume series pair of leaks. Lastly the operation is fast and • Bilingual English Norwegian • 480 pages, 7 inch by 10 inch Business News & Notes • Norwegian-American genealogy • Sagas of pioneer emigration from 1825-1907 Statoil & Bio Architecture Lab partner to (EPCI) for the Gudrun tie-in to Sleipner in the • USA (41 states, 500 counties) commercialize macroalgae-to-ethanol North Sea. The order is worth approximately • Canada (6 provinces) process in Norway NOK 900 million. “This order confirms Aker Solutions’ • Index of over 5,700 pioneers Bio Architecture Lab (BAL) and Statoil, one of leading position within advanced and complex • Norway maps (fylker og kommuner) the world’s largest offshore oil and gas produc- modifications in the North Sea,” says Stian ers, today announced a wide-ranging strategic Vemmestad, president for maintenance, modi- partnership for the production of renewable, fications and operations in Aker Solutions. sustainable and low-cost ethanol derived from $29.95 (Aker Solutions) with FREE shipping in the United States! macroalgae grown off the coast of Norway. Under terms of the agreement, Statoil will fund BAL’s research and development (R&D) and Telenor launches new stores in Norway demonstration projects, and if successful, will Norway’s first two Telenor stores opened in PRE-ORDER DEADLINE EXTENDED INTO OCTOBER! also fund the commercialization of BAL’s tech- Sandvika and Storo in early September, with Due to unforeseen circumstances at the printer all pre-orders will be shipped in October nology in Norway and elsewhere in Europe. the goal of providing ordinary people with a 2010 instead of September 2010. The pallet of books will be delivered on time for 2010 BAL will have the right to equity participation better understanding of how communication Norsk Høstfest, Trondheim Hall Bookshop, Minot, ND. and will receive royalties on all ethanol and by- technology can make life easier. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. products produced by the partnership. “The idea behind the stores is to help peo- All books published by Astri My Astri Publishing are printed in the USA. (Bio Architecture Lab) ple exploit the potential inherent in the prod- ucts and services Telenor provides. The oppor- - - Limited 1st edition printing of 100 year old book tunities provided by telecommunications are Translated and transcribed from Gothic script Aker Solutions signs contract for Gudrun tie-in to Sleipner worth NOK 900 million currently so vast that many people are having trouble keeping up with them. We will demon- Statoil has awarded Aker Solutions the Sleip- strate just how simple it can be,” says Svein ner Modifications Portfolio Agreement and the Astri My Astri Publishing http://www.astrimyastri.com Henning Kirkeng, Private Markets Manager at first project-specific agreements for engineer- Deb Nelson Gourley Email: [email protected] Telenor in Norway. ing, procurement, construction and installation 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 (Telenor) september 24, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/research Norwegian American Weekly • 5 Research and Education Musicians win in digital music Want to study in the United States? New research by students at the BI Norwegian NALA helps you with School of Management shows musicians win, every step of the record companies lose with digitized music application process. Visit www.gradusa.org for more information.

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Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly

Photo: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e that the record companies are losing their BI Norwegian School of Management significance as a launch pad for new artists and that recordings are to an increasing ex- Following ten years of digitized music, tent serving as business cards, or advertising the income of the average musician has in- opportunities, for drawing audiences to the creased by 66 percent. The only losers in the concerts. digital music revolution are the traditional Espen Andersen, associate professor at record companies. These are the findings the BI Norwegian School of Management, published in a study carried out by Richard acted as supervisor for the thesis. He thinks Bjerkøe and Anders Sørbo, master’s degree that the conclusion that musicians must draw students in business and economics at the BI is that they should expect to earn an increas- Norwegian School of Management. ing portion of their income from concerts Their master’s thesis, “The Norwegian and from air time on radio, TV and internet- Music Industry in the Age of Digitializa- based streaming services. The musicians tion,” shows that the increase in musicians’ must also take on more responsibility for income is due to revenues from concerts, their own marketing work. The record com- remunerations and government subsidies panies seem to be facing an uncertain future The 23rd Annual between 1999 and 2009, while actual record and will have to redefine their role within the sales were halved during the same period. music industry. However, the drop in record sales has a neg- Facts: ligible impact on individual musicians, since • Revenues from concerts increased Leiv Eriksson they receive on average only 15 percent of by an average of 136 percent be- International Festival those revenues, whereas they receive on av- tween 1999 and 2009. erage 50 percent from concerts and 80 per- • Remunerations from TONO, Gramo Minneapolis, Minnesota cent from collected remunerations. and others increased by 108 percent “In the interviews we conducted with a between 1999 and 2009. September 25 - October 12, 2010 number of musicians and music products, the • Government subsidies increased musicians said that they were losing a lot of by 154 percent between 1999 and money due to digitization, while the figures 2009. Explore show that it is the record companies, not the • The number of active artists has The modern Nordic world through art, film, culinary delights and, new this musicians, who are losing out,” say Bjerkøe risen by approximately 28 percent year, an archaeological dig and storyteller for children and Sørbo. during the same period. All figures “The drop in record sales also means are adjusted for inflation. Norwegian 101… Discover (…continued from page 3) Music of the Far North with such artists as the Norwegian Glee Club, specifically developed to further the learning Hålogaland Mandssangforening of Northern Norway, world-renowned sity of Washington in 2004, has been a dy- process for American learners. Norwegian pianist Christian Ihle Hadland, and Voyage en Scandinavie with namic member of the Department of Modern Getting Norwegian 101 online has long the Alliance Française & Classical Languages & Literatures’ teach- been one of Gjellstad’s goals for the pro- ing staff since 2008. gram. Now Gjellstad is giving the Norwegian “Our Spanish Program has been doing program at UND a big boost: as of January this for a long time—why not Norwegian as Celebrate 2011, the program’s introductory course— well?” she said. Norwegian 101—is going online. There are several challenges when it With Nordic theologians, including Pastors Kristin Sundt and “We are going to be moving our class comes to delivering an introductory language Alemseged A. Hagos online so that we can reach a wider popula- class online. However, Gjellstad explained, tion,” said Gjellstad, who also studied Nor- as long as the technology is right students For more information, contact Mindekirken wegian language, culture, and literature in should have the same platform for learning The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Norway. as students in a traditional classroom envi- UND is one of the few schools in the ronment. 924 E. 21st Street — Minneapolis, Minn. 55404-2952 upper Midwest that offers studies in Norwe- “They should have the same amount of Phone: (612) 874-0716 gian, Gjellstad said. interaction through the use of technology” www.mindekirken.org/LEIF/Leif.htm “By moving it online, it will attract peo- Gjellstad said. “There will be group work ple that do not live in the area or are unable and reading and listening exercises. Nearly The Leiv Eriksson International Festival is brought to you in part by these Nordic organizations: to attend a daily language class,” she said. everything that’s being done in the classroom Danish American Center— Edvard Grieg Society — Finlandia Foundation — Icelandic The online course will use a textbook we are going to do online.” American Association of Minnesota — Mindekirken — Norway House — Sons of Norway 6 • Norwegian American Weekly September 24, 2010 opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE The value of Norwegian-Americans to Norway Jake Moe retires By Kim Nesselquist, CEO of the Norwegian American Foundation In 2003 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs In order to improve its efforts abroad the one American tourist spend the equivalent to commissioned the Foreign Policy Center in various Norwegian agencies responsible for four German tourist while visiting Norway. London to produce a report on Norway’s im- activities abroad were integrated, combining Over 5 million in numbers, great reputa- age seen from abroad – The Norwegian Pub- The Norwegian Export Council and the Nor- tion and historic ties, changing demographics lic Diplomacy Report. wegian Tourist Board into one new agency: and a new economic situation for Norwe- When released, the report sparked a Innovation Norway. gian-Americans make them prime custom- short, but heated debate in the Norwegian Innovation Norway was to be integrated ers of travel, education, food and products. media. Some felt it was a timely report, oth- with the Foreign Service and its Embassies They know where Norway is on the map, ers felt it was a short lived initiative from and Consulates General. This did not last and would like to visit. But many need more new ambitious people in the Foreign Min- very long, and the delivery system of a clear information and a gentle push. It is hard to istry’s political leadership. The critics said public diplomacy message and priorities here understand Innovation Norway’s position to they where happy about the image Norway in the U.S. seems to be split. not prioritize this market. had— as the world’s best place to live and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Strategy The Norwegian American Foundation is with strong international industries as oil, Plan for the United States clearly sees the delivering news to Norwegian-Americans ev- gas, fishing and shipping. Not to talk about value in the over 5 million people with Nor- ery day through our web portal www.norway. Norway’s great nature, a welfare state envied wegian heritage living in the world’s largest com and the Norwegian American Weekly, by so many, and a great reputation as an im- economy. The report sets out goals like: now the last of what was once over 300 Nor- Dear Readers, portant partner in international development • Targeted efforts must be made to wegian newspapers in the U.S. It is with tremendous pride and sat- and peace building. keep the U.S. informed about mod- We are also making sure that the Norwe- isfaction that I reflect on all the excellent The problem with the critic’s argu- ern Norwegian society and current gian Caucus on Capitol Hill get regular news progress that has transpired the last 36 ment was that the report cited the largest issues. from Norway, and that the American Caucus months with the Norwegian American problem for Norway being “that of invis- • Americans of Norwegian decent at the Norwegian Parliament get weekly news Weekly. All the fundamentals changes ibility.” must be kept up to date on modern from the Norwegian community in America. that were required in making the Weekly This “fact” is underlined by several sur- Norway and on current political is- This fall, Norway.com will be rede- what it is today were done with efficien- veys that in countries essential to Norwegian sues. signed to give the readers the opportunity to cy, professionalism and great teamwork. tourism close to 70 percent of the “market” A difficult thing to understand is that In- see Norway through Norway.com TV and And the readers have not been shy in knows absolutely nothing about Norway. The novation Norway in the U.S. is not looking at daily news from Norway in cooperation with communicating their appreciation and few that know something know very little. this market the same way. The Norwegian- Nina Berglund, the former editor of Aften- love for today’s Norwegian American That is also the situation in the U.S., and what Americans – defined as the “heritage- mar posten’s News in English web service that they know is not necessary what Norway ket”– are supposedly not of much value to the was discontinued in 2009. Weekly! want them to know. Lutefisk, lefse, trolls, and Norwegian tourism industry. Very little— if So the Norwegian American Foundation This is now a perfect time for me to aquavit are not cutting it for a country that is any— resources are being used on this mar- is doing its part – both with Public Diploma- exit the operation– the machine is well proud of its new and modern society. ket. Tour operators who work in this market cy and to spread knowledge about Norway, oiled and running great, thanks to a host Foreign Minister Støre has followed up and bring hundreds of tourists to Norway as well as trying to give the little push needed of contributors and dedicated staff. the Public Diplomacy initiative and pointed every year (many of them Norwegian-Amer- in order to getting more Americans to visit I want to thank you for your sup- out the importance of a clear and systematic icans) have a hard time understanding the Norway. port in my efforts and wish you the best message. priority, or lack thereof. Research shows that in continuing the publishing of this 121-year-old gem. The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. All the best, Jake Moe Norway and Russia… tional law. The parties took a comprehensive (…continued from page 1) approach during the negotiations and there- fore discussed issues such as fisheries and We sincerely thank Jake for his three and the Arctic Ocean,” said Prime Minister petroleum activities in addition to the course years of work here at the Norwegian Stoltenberg. of the delimitation line. American Weekly. His boundless en- The treaty will also ensure the continua- The treaty marks the end of a long pro- thusiasm and sense of humor are the tion of the extensive and fruitful Norwegian- cess that started in 1970. The breakthrough hallmarks of Jake’s work ethic, and we Russian fisheries cooperation, and governs in the negotiations was made public during appreciate his time and dedication to cooperation on the exploitation of any petro- President Medvedev’s visit to Norway April the Norwegian American Weekly. Tusen leum deposits that extend across the delimi- 27 this year, when the Norwegian and Rus- takk, Jake, and best of luck in your new tation line. sian foreign ministers signed a joint state- endeavors! “The treaty will strengthen our neigh- ment announcing that the two countries’ Photo: Office of the Prime Minister negotiating delegations had reached prelimi- bourly relations with Russia and will en- After signing the agreement, Prime Minister nary agreement on delimitation. hance predictability and stability in the area. Jens Stoltenberg and Russian President Dimitrij It sends an important signal to the rest of Medvedjev held a joint press conference. The treaty must be approved by the Nor- the world ­– the Arctic is a peaceful region wegian and the Russian Duma be- Proud to bring you the where any issues that arise are resolved in Maritime delimitation between Norway fore it can go into effect. Norwegian American Weekly accordance with international law. It re- and Russia in this area involved a number of wide-ranging and complex questions. This To read the full text of the treaty in Eng- To learn more about the flects the parties’ active role and responsi- Norwegian American Foundation, bility as coastal states for securing stability has been a complicated and time-consuming lish, visit http://bit.ly/bonXup. For more in- visit http://noram.norway.com and strengthening cooperation in the Arctic process. The parties have reached a solution formation about the treaty, visit www.gov- Ocean,” said Mr. Stoltenberg. that is based on modern principles of interna- ernment.no. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle september 24, 2010 Norwegian American Weekly • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, is a classic series in Norway from 1941 to Dear Editor, CEO and Executive Director, NAF Our Chicago Torske Klub will be cel- present, was used as curriculum material in This year’s Scandinavian Day Festival Kim Nesselquist [email protected] ebrating its 50th Anniversary October 16th. Norwegian schools, as the series had easy- in South Elgin, Ill. was picture perfect. With Managing Editor Patterned after the Minneapolis Torske Klub- to-read text with pictures. This series holds a 80°F temperatures and sunny skies, more Christy Olsen Field [email protected] ben in 1960, we are now 145 members strong special place in the heart of Norwegians, and than 2,200 attendees converged on Vasa Park Assistant Layout Editor and growing. I am proud to be serving as the we are delighted to share this bilingual Nor- for this 31st annual Nordic gathering at the Harry Svenkerud [email protected] fifth BOSS of our organization, an office that wegian/English version to the Norwegian 25-acre park on Route 31 along the Fox Riv- I have held for 12 years and preceded in by American Weekly readers who want to prac- er. Advertising & Subscriptions (206) 441-3044 [email protected] Andrew Highland, Irving Highland, Chris tice their Norwegian reading skills as well as Johansen and Ralph Egeland. enjoy a Norwegian classic! Contributing Editors Please see our new “Norwegian Lan- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. guage Corner” feature in the Norwegian Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. Heritage section (page 14). Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Med vennlig hilsen, Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Editor Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. We are honored to have Wegger Chr. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Strømmen, Ambassador of Norway, as our Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Honorary Chairman and delighted that Svein Dear Editor, Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Ludvigsen, the Governor of Troms, Norway I must commend Ms. Solveig Torvik on Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. and former Minister of Fisheries and Coastal her excellent editorial “Is Norway’s political Photo courtesy of Linda Steffensen Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Affairs as our Keynote Speaker. To cap off system democratic” (On the Edge, Aug. 27); Emcee Lynn Sove Maxson presents the Norwegian Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska our Golden Anniversary we are in the final however, I am not convinced that her con- National Anthem. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. stages of preparing a July 2011 trip to the clusion which seems to infers the system is Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Lofoten Islands in Norway, the hallowed not a true democracy. Well, aside from the With the 2010 theme “Celebrating Nor- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. fishing grounds for Norwegian Torsk! For details of the operations of the government, dic Authors & The Tales of Scandinavia,” Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway details about our Oct. 16 event, please see however, it seems responsive to the people the festival took place Sunday, Sept. 12 from Julie Whipple portland, Ore. Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. our ad in this issue of the Norwegian Ameri- by providing a very people-oriented, stable, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The culture and heritage of Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway can Weekly (page 8) or refer to our Web site and assurance that their people have one of Norway, , Sweden, , and CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives www.torskeklub.org. the highest living standards in the world. Iceland are celebrated proudly and strongly to make its news report fair and accurate. If you If Ms. Torvik considers the American each year at Scandinavian Day with tradi- have a question or comment about news coverage Skål to ! system more democratic, I would take is- tional Scandinavian food, crafts, games and call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Robert Alsaker sue. Our system is strictly a two-party sys- entertainment. Featured entertainment at the style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right BOSS tem, whose parties are financed by very large 31st Annual Scandinavian Day Festival in- not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Chicago Torske Klub contributions that generally assures that all cluded the Telge Glima cultural society di- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and party members vote as a block. The costs rect from Sweden, the outstanding Sun City letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian of elections prevent smaller parties with di- Concert Band of Huntley, Ill., Normennenes American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Dear Readers, vergent views of ever being elected. Once Singing Society, Leikarringen Heimhug Folk not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by We have received many letters from our representatives are elected, lobbyists with Dancers, free pony rides for the children, the paper’s editorials should be directed to the readers, asking for a side-by-side Norwegian deep pockets strongly influence the voting Living History Display and more. publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published and English language practice. We are proud record of many of our representatives. With Mark your calendars for next year! The weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks to announce that we are now serializing “The the emergence of the Internet as a means to event is presented each year on the Sunday of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Boys from Vangen: Vangsgutane,” written raise large amount of monies from many after Labor Day by the Scandinavian Day Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. by Leif Halse and published by Deb Nelson sources, the system is improving somewhat, Festival Committee at Vasa Park, Route 31 NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. but has a long way to go. Unfortunately, the along the Fox River, South Elgin, IL (7 miles US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. “Vangsgutane” (The Boys from Vangen) Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of South of 1-90 Northwest Tollway & 5 Miles allowing unlimited corporate dollar contri- North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave). For more in- SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten butions to elections. The American system formation about Scandinavian Park and fu- Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- is fundamentally democratic, and would be ture events, please contact us at (847) 695- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, an outstanding system if the election period 6720, email [email protected], or visit Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven was limited to several months, as in Norway, our Web sites vasaparkil.com. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. and lobbyists banned, as I believe the case in Norway. Best, Linda Steffensen Sincerely, Scandinavian Park, Inc. Proud to bring you the Thor A. Larsen South Elgin, Ill. Norwegian American Weekly Fishkill, N.Y. To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation. visit noram.norway.com Han Ola og Han Per 8 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture/food September 24, 2010 taste of norway Snøfrisk Club Baguette Serve a satisfying Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” sandwich for lunch

6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Ti n e .no Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Despite its simplicity, Snøfrisk can be www.nordicdeli.com used for many different purposes. Spread the cream cheese directly on your sandwich, bread, baguette or toast. Use it alone or blend it with herbs and garlic. Snøfrisk goes Join our online community well with ham, meat, chicken, bacon, mush- Be our fan on Facebook and join the conversation! room or fish. Here you’ll find recipe for club baguette with chicken, bacon and tomatoes. www.facebook.com If you can’t find Snøfrisk, substitute cream cheese.

1 tub Snøfrisk Fresh spreadable cheese 2 baguettes Butter for the baguettes Photo courtesy of Tine 8 slices bacon 4 chicken tenders, pounded thin tenders with salt and pepper, and fry in the 2 plum tomatoes bacon fat for approximately 3 minutes on 8 pieces butter lettuce each side. Spread the cream cheese on the Stop by our Scandinavian cafe! Salt and pepper baguette. Cut the chicken breasts and toma- Fry bacon until crispy. Season chicken toes into smaller pieces. Featuring open-faced sandwiches, pea soup, and a variety of delicious cakes and desserts. Served 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday Norwegians in… Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mis- (…continued from page 1) sissippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New www.scanspecialties.com Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 that their memory could live among us, and York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylva- Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 our descendants? … It was these and similar nia, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennes- Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! questions and thoughts, which in time, I felt see, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia. were valid to me and which gave impetus for Plus Pre-History, Indian Territory, District of The Little Viking the labor, the ultimate result we now find in Columbia and the story of the emigrant ship this book.” “Valkyrien,” as well as six Canadian prov- a touch of Scandinavia in San Diego Ulvestad compiled the Norwegian- inces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! American pioneer stories by sending out Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. www.thelittleviking.com 163,000 small books and pamphlets along The original Nordmændene i Amerika, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 232-7160 [email protected] with 450,000 circulars and forms to the early deres Historie og Rekord 1907 and 1913 immigrants and their families. He then pub- books were both published in a unique Goth- lished the 1907 and 1913 oversized (now ic script called 1883 Fraktur, which is a form CHICAGo toRSKe KluB’S 50tH ANNIveRSARy rare) books. of blackletter font. The 1883 Fraktur used a This bilingual English-Norwegian Vol- “J” for both of the capital letters “I” and “J” ume 1 includes both an English translation as as well as both “s” and “ſ” (long s) for the well as a Norwegian transcription from pag- letter “s”: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, es 1-250 of the 1907 Gothic script. The sagas Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Sſs, tell of where the pioneers emigrated from in Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz, Ææ, Øø, Åå. Norway, immigrated to in America, geneal- ogy, life and hardships on the emigrant ships, Translated into English by Olaf Tron- Please join us for this canal boat and cattle car journeys to the Mid- sen Kringhaug and Odd-Steinar Dybvad special evening! west, sickness, oxcarts, dugouts, sod huts, nu- Raneng. Transcribed from Gothic script by Gala & Celebration Benjamin Keith Huntrods. Edited by Margit merous pastors and churches, livestock and crops, grasshoppers, prairie fires, blizzards, Nysetvold Bakke. Ulvestad’s Foreword, Pref- Saturday, October 16 Indian Wars and more. Areas included are 41 ace and Prehistory translated by Alexander states and 500 counties: Illinois, Wisconsin, Knud Huntrods. Indexed and Published by Cocktails at 6 p.m. Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Da- Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Pub- Dinner at 7 p.m. kota, Washington, Alabama, Alaska, Califor- lishing. Pre-order deadline is extended to nia, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, October. Call (563) 568-6229 or visit www. astrimyastripublishing.com to order. Park Ridge Country Club Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, 636 North Prospect Avenue Cooperation and… the creditors at bay so they can provide a Park Ridge, Illinois (…continued from page 3) decent home for their children, or who are worried that their children will have to go to $50 per person world. bed hungry. When all is said and done, eco- nomic policy and politics are about people,” Black tie and bunad optional “The financial crisis has created a global jobs crisis, particularly among young people. said Minister of Finance Sigbjørn Johnsen in We need to cooperate on pursuing an active his closing remarks. policy to fight permanent unemployment, “This conference shows that there RSVP by October 1 and we must learn from each other,” said is great interest in the Norwegian model, Prime Minister Stoltenberg. and, just as importantly, that effective cri- Send reply and payment to: “By holding this conference, the ILO sis management requires effective coopera- Ken Nordan, 931 Campbell Court, Batavia, IL 60510 and the IMF are sending an important signal tion between governments, trade unions and to the world about the kind of cooperation employers’ organizations. The Norwegian that is needed to secure new growth in the economy is characterized by a combination SPeCIAl GueStS global economy and create new employment of responsible economic policies, compara- Wegger Chr. Strommen Dick Johnson Svein H. Ludvigsen opportunities,” said the Prime Minister. tively small wage differences and a high Ambassador of Norway NBC 5 News Governor of Troms and “We must not forget that the high unem- degree of flexibility. Norway has succeeded Master of Ceremonies to the United States Former Minister of ployment figures represent the lives of indi- better than most countries in limiting the Honorary Chairman Fisheries in Norway vidual human beings all around the world– increase in unemployment in the wake of Keynote Speaker mothers and fathers who are fighting to keep the financial crisis,” said Minister of Labor Hanne Bjurstrøm. september 24, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel Norwegian American Weekly • 9 TRAVEL You can find me where the lutefisk is The small town of Stanwood, Wash. proudly displays its Norwegian roots, from lutefisk dinners to the Viking Village

Me l i nd a Ba r g r e e n Everett, Wash.

Maybe it’s the jolly accordion music emanating from the “Uff Da Shoppe” in Stanwood’s Viking Village strip mall. May- be it’s the crisp fall weather that tells you the aroma of lutefisk will soon be in the air. In any case, there’s no denying that the little town of Stanwood, Wash., definitely has boasted a Norwegian accent ever since Photos L-R: Wikimedia Commons and Melinda Bargreen Signs and monuments to Stanwood’s rich Norwegian heritage can be found throughout the town. the days when the Scandinavian settlers ar- rived back in the 1870s. In typical immigrant The two towns existed side by side as the some fishy competition in the Lutefisk Din- Delores, Palmer, and a number of friends fashion, early pioneers from Norway – Arn “Twin Cities” for more than 50 years before ner department on Friday, Dec. 10. like to gather each morning for coffee at the Olson, Martin Larson, and the Rev. Christian they consolidated in the early 1960s. Today, Where there’s lutefisk, you’ll probably little coffee shop adjoining the Haggens gro- Jørgenson among them – paved the way for Stanwood numbers about 5,590 residents, find Palmer Sather; he goes to both the Stan- cery store – all built as part of a major com- more arrivals from the Old Country to this and traffic on Highway 532, the town’s ma- wood dinners. mercial development just off the main road little hamlet about 54 miles north of Seattle. jor arterial – which leads from Interstate 5 “I love lutefisk,” he says firmly. “When on the former farmland owned by Palmer Soon after the first wave of Norwegians, a westward via bridge to popular Camano Is- my folks were around, we always had it in Sather’s family. new Lutheran church was built – the first one land – has increased to levels probably un- the fall and at Thanksgiving time. We have a “In fact,” says Palmer, “the farmhouse on the West Coast. Early Stanwood wasn’t imaginable by the early pioneers. really good cook, Jim Lund, who does both was right here where we are sitting now, and all pews and hymnals, however; bars adver- Stanwood has its own Norwegian-ac- the Stanwood dinners. He knows his lute- the barn was right down there. About ten tised the availability of such choice bever- cented musical traditions, exemplified in the fisk.” years ago, we decided to develop the proper- ages as “Trondheim Aquavit.” accordion-based ballads of the renowned So does Stanwood resident Delores Fure, ty. It was hard to make a living in the poultry Around 1900, only about 25 years af- Stan Boreson (still performing in his mid- who watched her Norwegian-born grandma and cattle business, and I was getting older. ter those first settlers from the Old Country, 80s) and his late cousin, Harry Lindbeck. rinse out the lutefisk crocks and prepare the I’m proud of the way we have developed the Ole Sather arrived in Stanwood from the Lindbeck’s daughter Sandi owns and oper- fish. She treasures the recipes for lefse,fattig - land now. I don’t regret the changes. The Surendalen region of central Norway. Ole’s ates a Scandinavian gift shop, the “Uff Da mand, and other treats passed down from her Norwegians wouldn’t be where we are today son Palmer, now 90, recalls his family’s past Shoppe,” that celebrates the town’s ethnic grandmother, and gets together with friends if we worried about trying something new!” years of hard work and increasing prosper- origins with cookware, music recordings, at Christmas to make lefse on top of the wood Melinda Bargreen, a Washington State ity as the Sathers’ original chicken and cattle books, hats, trolls, elves, calendars, and just stove. Delores’ favorite variation on lutefisk: writer, critic, composer and teacher. After 31 farm gradually expanded to about 85 acres. about anything else Scandinavian. Sandi does a sandwich made of lefse wrapped around years as classical music critic of The Seattle By 1905, the Norwegian settlers were not discriminate against non-Norwegians, mashed potatoes, butter, and lutefisk. Times, she is now a full-time freelancer. numerous enough that the Norwegian Inde- offering items from as far afield as Denmark, pendence Day festivities in Stanwood drew Sweden, Finland and even Germany. a large crowd for speeches, singing, races, Another musical luminary who grew and a picnic lunch, according to the news- up in Stanwood, violinist Svend Rønning, A Piece of Norway in America paper of the day (The Stanwood Tidings). A now teaches at Pacific Lutheran University few years later, famed Norse explorer Roald in Tacoma, Wash. and is a noted expert on Amundsen was brought in by the local Scan- Norway’s premier folk instrument, the Har- dinavian Society for a lecture on his polar danger fiddle. explorations. The formation of the Stanwood Stanwood also carries on the Norwegian Norwegian Singing Society (later the Nor- culinary traditions. Lutefisk, still a signifi- wegian Male Chorus), and the “Sangerfest” cant and aromatic factor in Stanwood, was choral celebrations up and down the Pacific celebrated in the town’s first public Lutefisk Coast, brought more Norwegian-flavored Dinner in 1907 – starting a tradition that still entertainment to the area. continues today, in the annual fundraising The early days of Stanwood were marked lutefisk feast at Stanwood High School. This with a certain amount of competition, too: year’s lutefisk dinner, hosted since 1947 by around 1906, a rival town, East Stanwood, the Stanwood Lions, is set for Halloween emerged a short distance inland, soon boast- night. The local Sons of Norway lodge, cel- ing its own bank, church, and businesses. ebrating its centennial this year, also offers

Norsk Høstfest Minot, N.D.

Norsk Høstfest is North America’s largest Scandinavian festival, and features an impressive line-up of entertainers, Scandinavian vendors, and more in Minot, N.D. Tens of thousands visit Norsk Høstfest every year to celebrate all things Nordic! This year’s festival takes place Sept. 28-Oct. 2. Visit www.norskhostfest. com for more information. Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Photo courtesy of Melinda Bargreen Call (206) 441-3044 or email [email protected] Viking Village in Stanwood, Wash. with Lindbeck’s Uff Da Shoppe. 10 • Norwegian American Weekly september 24, 2010 roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Magnus Carlsen Photo of the Week Puzzle with Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Barbra Kronborg The Leikarringen “Heimbug” folk dancers performed at the Tall Ships event at Chicago’s Navy Pier August 28. From L-R: Barbra Kronborg, Glenna Pearson, and Janet Krebs. Did you know? Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? Facts about Norway Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. We would love to include you! The Storting (Norwegian national assembly) has served as the highest political body in Norway since the introduction of Parliamentarianism in 1884. Elections to the Storting are held every fourth year, and mandates are Lena was looking herself over distributed according to a system of proportional represen- Ole in a full-length mirror. Said Lena, tation. The Government is selected on behalf of the King “Ole, do you think I’m getting fat?” from within the Storting. and “No, Lena,” said Ole Solution to “Magnus Carlsen” diplomatically, “you’re yust a little Lena fluffy!”

Jean Dalthorp Bennett Mntlk Terrace WA SeptemberNorwegia 24: Jan, Jens n KingName Valdemar the Victorious Days of Denmark Gladys K Stenberg McLeod MT Jan is a German and Dutch version of married a Bohemian princess by the name of Paul Holum Desoto TX Johannes, which in turn derives from the He- Dragomir. In Denmark, wihch was construed 27. september brew Jochanen (Herren er nådig/The Lord is to mean dagmøy/day-maiden. Bodie Lunn Bellingham WA merciful). Dagrun is an Old Norse name, composed Ingeborg (Rye) Paulson Harrisburg SD Jens is primarily a Danish version of Jo- of dagr (dag/day) and run (hemmelighet/se- John Olson Bellingham WA hannes, a name which can be found in Norway cret) thus meaning dagens hemmelighet/the Mrs Don Bradley Helena MT since 1000. day’s secret. Karen Olaussen Mound MN September 25: Ingvar, Yngvar september 28: Lene, Lena Claire Olsen Palm Coast FL Yngvar is an alternative form of Ing- Both names are abbreviated versions of 24. september 28. september var, which is Old Norse and composed of Ing Helene, Magdalene, and Helena, Magdalena Chelsea Klocke Decorah IA Gerhard A Bekkevold Scarborough Ontario (name of the god Yngve) and the ending ar, respectively. A modern version is Leni. Helene Ruth Peterson Tacoma WA Helge L Nelson Torrance CA Proto-Scandinavian harjar (stridsmann/war- comes from the Greek helenos (den strålende/ Henry Markuson Watertown SD Trygve Lund Oakland CA rior). the radiant). In Homer’s poem, the name of the world’s most beautiful woman. Gjertine Storebø Hjortedal Spokane WA Sig Gjelten Everett WA September 26: Einar, Endre Rev Gustav A Eckhoff Milan MN Olav S Stenberg McLeod MT There are several explanations for the september 29: Mikael, Mikal, Mikkel William C Rasmussen Everett WA Carol Belland Atwell Lakeland FL origin of Einar. The name may be composed Mikael is Hebrew and means hvem er Maynard Helseth Carpio ND of einn (alene, enestående/alone, exceptional) som Gud/who is like God. Is name as Israel’s Walborg Holum Desoto TX 29. september Magnus Sunde Missoula MT and ar (kriger/warrior). Another possibility is special patron. use of name in Norway started 25. september Kenneth L Johnson Sun City AZ that ei comes from the Proto-Scandinavian in the 1300s. Variations include: Michael, Mi- Lois Haug Outlook Sask Canada agina (skremmende/frightening). So the name kal, Mikkel, Mikkjel, and Michel (French). Hans M. Bugge Staten Island NY Martin G Paulson Medford OR could actually mean: ensom kriger/lonesome John Ness Cottonwood WA 30. september warrior or skremmende, skrekkingydende September 30: Helge, Helga, Hege Anne Lise Lorentzen Staten Island NY Sverre C Strøm San Jose CA kriger/frightening, terrifying warrior. Helge comes from the Old Norse Helgi, Eric Vangsnes Rockford MI Sam Herheim Long Beach CA Endre is an abbreviated version of Ein- the adjective heilagr (hellig/holy). The Swedes Hedvig Troseth Sacramento CA dride/Eindridi, which probably means absolute brought the name to Russia, were it changed to Bernice Barron Lake Forest Park WA monarch. Olga and Oleg. The feminine name Helga also 26. september Want to see your birthday in the Lloyd R Brye LaCrosse WI comes from heilagr. Norwegian American Weekly? September 27: Dagmar, Dagrun Hæge, more recently Hege, with the same Hanna Svardal Seattle WA Dagmar is a Danish version of the Slavic origin came from the areas of Telemark and Marie Bergem Arnegard ND Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Dragomir (kjær/beloved, dear and fred/peace). Setsedal. Ole Fluge Ålhus Norway month in advance. September 24, 2010 Norwegian American Weekly • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor’s Corner Pastor Arne Abrahamsen In Loving Memory Chaplain at the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. On Sept. 17 one of the Lord’s choic- the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide est servants was laid to rest in Ocean View in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: Jarle Berg Cemetery in Staten Island, N.Y. Gunnar He that abideth in me, and I in him, the Febuary 22, 1929 - July 9, 2010 Olsen, who went home to heaven Sept. 12 same bringeth forth much fruit: for without was in many ways an extraordinary Nor- me ye can do nothing.” Jarle Berg Male Chorus and Sons of Norway in Seattle. wegian-American man. Without excep- It is the power that is in God’s word (81) died Friday, He volunteered at Lake McMurray with get- tion, he is described by all who knew him when preached, that keeps us clean. It be- July 9 at St. Olav ting the pavilion built. He also helped some as a soft spoken, quiet, unassuming man comes a river of living water that purges Hospital in Trond- cabin owners build their cabins. of few words. A well-tempered, kind man the impurities from our lives. The Apostle heim, Norway After retirement, he moved back to Nor- who supremely loved his Savior, his fam- Paul knew the importance of this when he surrounded by his way and continued on the family farm. He ily, and his church. declared, “So then faith cometh by hear- loved ones. started with his life-long passion, which was Gunnar was a carpenter by trade, and ing, and hearing by the word of God.” Ro- He was born training horses. One of his horses won the a faithful trustee at the First Evangelical mans 10:17. The power that is imparted to Feb. 22, 1929 in Norsk Trav Kriterium in Oslo. Free Church in Brooklyn. For 35 years he the believer by the preached word of God Rissa, Norway. Jarle is survived by his wife Anna; their led the Misjonsforeningen Ebenezer (the cannot be overstated. Christians who think He was the third five children Grete, Tove, Eli, Kari and Ste- Norwegian gospel meetings) at the church that they can “get along just fine without of four boys, all of ven; eight grandchildren Kirsten, Randi, where his warm smile welcomed all who going to church” are only fooling them- whom now reside in the Seattle, Wash. area. Rune, Jannicke, Gjøran, Kine, Susann and came. He was a loving husband to Marit selves, or being fooled by the enemy of Jarle also resided in the Seattle area for many Knut Jarle; and great-grandchildren Lena, and the father of four children and seven their soul. years and worked in construction. He started Ida, Odin, Henrik, Linnéa, Emilie and Lotte grandchildren. It won’t be revealed until A Christian cannot produce fruit; he building houses and later him and his brother Helen. we get to heaven what impact he has had simply bears the fruit that the vine pro- started Hafell Construction Company togeth- He was a very sociable and likeable man, on the lives of those whom he touched di- duces. That is the secret of the men and er. They built mostly apartment buildings. and loved spending time with his family and rectly, and indirectly. women who impact this world for Christ. He was a member of the Norwegian friends. He will be greatly missed by all. Gunnar was a prime example of a They are aware of their utter dependence fruit-bearing Christian due to his contin- upon the One who the source of all that Glenn Orlen Braaten ued dependence upon Christ. Often, Chris- they are, have, and do. To “abide in Christ” tians start out like a beautiful bouquet of one must first be “in Christ.” Are you dear May 14, 1937 - July 29, 2010 flowers, and then in time they gradually friend, “bone of his bone, and flesh of his Glenn Braat- Braaten as the “soul” of SACHF. “As its begin to fade. Author Lloyd Ogilvie de- flesh?” If so, are you in sweet fellowship en, president of president, his genial, friendly manner as scribed such a person as “a cut–flower with him? Are you in a state of conscious the SACHF Board a ‘bridge builder’ was invaluable over the Christian.” Usually it is because they have communion with him? Jesus said, “…with- of Directors for past three years in moving that organization severed themselves from the life of the out me, ye can do nothing.” The living of a three years, died forward. In similar ways his influence was church, which is the body of Christ. Then successful life is ultimately found in, “the suddenly July 29. very significant in the ongoing growth of the later when the flow of fresh water is not dependency of the branch upon the vine, The cause of death Scandinavian Festival at CLU. maintained they wilt and die. In John 15:3- and the circulation of life and fatness of was an aggressive “Glenn had a knack for bringing people 5 Jesus said, “Now are ye clean through the vine in the branch.” (Arthur W. Pink). form of leukemia. together for the common good. He worked the word which I have spoken unto you. By this standard, Gunnar Olsen leaves his He died less than at his tasks with heart and hand and mind. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch family, church, and friends the legacy of a 15 hours after his He did so with honesty, integrity, a positive cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in life well-lived. wife Bonnie and outlook, a gentle sense of humor, and a warm daughter Laurie had taken him to the Los touch. His was a life richly lived and gener- Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks, Calif. ously shared.” The community’s reactions were Howard Rockstad, a founding member summed up in eulogy comments by Bob of SACHF and immediate past president, e Scandinavian Hour Melsness at the Aug. 7 memorial service in noted that “as well as being a superb leader Celebrating over 40 years on the air Ascension Lutheran Church: “The sudden as SACHF president, Glenn was instrumen- and premature death of the good and talented tal in many improvement projects around the KKNW - 1150 AM man we called Glenn Braaten has left a broad Scandinavian Center,” such as new flooring swath of deeply saddened family, friends and and the construction, along with Torsten Ols- Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 amam PST colleagues.” son, of storage buildings for festival materi- Streaming live on the internet at: Glenn Orlen Braaten was born May 14, als and other items. “This good Norwegian- 1937 in Rolette, N.D. He is survived by his American had the gift of a good leader: he www.1150kknw.com wife, Bonnie; daughters, Laurie and Christi; was understanding, congenial, tireless, and and grandchildren, Emily, Oliver and Gabri- imbued with the values of his heritage and elle. the skills of his profession,” Rockstad said. He taught science in the Los Angeles Sherrill “Swede” Swenson, current in- Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church City School District for 33 years. He was also ternational officer for Sons of Norway, re- a key part of the team that designed and es- called how Glenn had been a founder of Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke tablished the Science Center for the District, Norseman Lodge #91, noting that he had The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly an innovative effort to increase the knowl- been president of the Thousand Oaks lodge family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. edge and interest of students in science. He three times. “Glenn was one of the main headed the center for years until it was closed reasons the lodge has grown from some 50 October 2010 during a budget crunch, so Glenn went back members to over 150 today,” Swenson said, to the classroom. After 37 years in the teach- adding that “As president of SACHF, he was Oct. 3 Norwegian Service, Communion ing profession and making long-term contri- a prime planner and organizer in the highly Oct. 10 Norwegian Service butions to the education of Minnesota and successful reviving of the Scandinavian Fes- California students, he retired in 1997. In his tival in recent years.” Oct. 14 Ladies & Mens Meeting, 12:00pm active retirement, he became one of the prin- Mike Sondreaal, Glenn’s longtime cipal architects of the Parks for Laboratories friend, noted how “In Nanson, N.D., where Oct. 16 Cooking Class, 9:30am program for the Santa Monica National Park Glenn was raised, it was customary when through the U.S. Park Service. meeting a friend to shake his hand and say, Oct. 17 Norwegian Service, English Sermon He was a founding member of the Sons ‘Takk for sist.’ The English translation is, Oct. 23 Cod Fish Dinner, 6:00pm of Norway Norseman Lodge, and had been ‘thank you for the last time we were togeth- president of the Scandinavian American Cul- er.’ This saying is also fitting in remembrance Oct. 24 English Service tural & Historical Foundation (SACHF) for of a good friend who has left us. Therefore, three years. it is appropriate for us today to say — Takk Oct. 30 Family Service Dr. Jerry Miller, California Lutheran for sist, Glenn Braaten, thanks for the memo- University President Emeritus, described ries.” 12 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture September 24, 2010 Arts & Style

Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway Style Highlight of the Week Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! Oct. 9, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.: Second Saturday Kaffestua— Traditional Norwegian food, Grått er hot! Gray is hot! coffee and good company! 6 p.m.: Leif Erikson Day Dinner & Program Oct. 13, 6 p.m. Membership meeting -- Nordic Octoberfest (catered din- ner), performance by soprano Laura Loge & business mtg Oct. 23-24 Annual Bazaar -- Enjoy 2 days of Norwegian food, crafts, entertainment and drawings, music for only $5! Be our fan on Facebook! Questions? Need membership info? Call 206-783-1274 Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory Honoring • Caring • Serving 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159

Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Photos: Line of Oslo and Jo Hjelle/BT 1455 W. Lake Street Norway Art L-R: Line of Oslo’s fall collection features gray and camel combinations, such as the “Oslo grey”sweater. (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Thea (age 19) is satisfied with her new gray hair coloring. www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] By appointment please Li n e Gr u nds t a d Ha nk e Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design reclaimed wood in furniture, natural fabrics such as cotton, linen and wool we see less This fall, the color to see and read about use of silk and chintz. The mix of old and MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE is gray, the new neutral. new with sheep skin and other natural ele- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Neutrals have been popular colors for ments makes a user friendly interior. a long time and we seem not to tire on this This fall, fashion uses a lot of gray along Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, look since it blends well in the surroundings. with camel. If you are to get one new thing Gray in interior space is now used as a color this fall, make it a gray skirt, pants or cardi- commercial transactions and estate planning. on the wall instead of the white or the color gan and bring out the old camel coat, purse coffee late; a creamy white that we have seen or boots from the closet and mix it up with 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 a lot used in Norway the past few years. the new hot gray. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 One can get the color gray in a warm Gray is also the new trend in hair color- or a cool tone, and it will blend well with ing. Kate Moss and other models have been any color palate. Gray is used in upholstery, seen using this color lately. Aftenposten accessories such as pillows, area rugs or wrote an article (http://bit.ly/9yUV4e) that sheep skins used to drape a chair, a sofa or women in Norway now goes to the hair- on the floor. Stone and mosaic tiles we see dressers to have their hair colored gray. We in gray tones used as kitchen counter, wall see any age group doing so from age 19 and and floor tiles. The interior trend in Norway up and it is almost a tribute to all women that is still very rustic and one can see the use of aging is ok and gray is finally accepted. Christian ihle... Radio Philharmonic. (…continued from page 3) At home in Norway, Hadland has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Southern Germany; and several Norwegian prestigious Statoil award for young classical music festivals. musicians in 2009. The independent panel Hadland has collaborated with many was chaired by Leif Ove Andsnes, a Statoil prestigious artists, such as Janine Jansen, award winner himself who is also considered Henning Kraggerud, Lars Anders Tomter, one of the world’s finest pianists. “Christian Truls Mørk, Clemens Hagen, Christian Pol- demonstrates great skill and a real sense for tera, and Ivry Gitlis. In 2006, he was invited the timbre of the piano,” said Andsnes. “He to accompany Renée Fleming at the annual is a musician in motion who listens all the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, which time to what is going on around him.” was televised to a global audience of mil- Christian Ihle Hadland was born in lions. In 2010, Hadland was appointed joint Stavanger in 1983 and received his first pi- Artistic Director of the Stavanger Chamber ano lessons at the age of eight. At the age Music Festival with Martin Fröst. He will of eleven he enrolled at the Rogaland Music open the 2011-12 season of the Oslo Phil- Conservatory, and in 1999 began studies at harmonic performing Chopin, conducted by the Barratt Due Institute of Music in Oslo. Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Finnish conductor and Hadland performed works of Chopin violinist. and Schumann on his first solo album, which Hadland made his Norwegian debut was released in April 2010 to rave reviews. with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra at the It follows on the heels of the highly success- The Red House, Oslo, Norway Photo by Nils Petter Dale, courtesy of Jarmund/Vigsnæs Architects. age of 15 and has since performed with all ful recording partnership between Hadland of Norway’s leading orchestras, including and renowned Norwegian violinist Henning Lost in Nature: The Architecture of Jarmund/Vigsnæs several appearances with the Oslo Philhar- Kraggerud which featured compositions Friday, September 17 — Sunday, November 14 monic. He has also appeared with the Danish written by Norwegian Christian Sinding. Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, and the Ar- Christian Ihle Hadland’s concert will be menian Philharmonic and Lithuanian Sym- held at the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church, 924 East 21st Street, Minneapolis. 100 Years of Women’s Voices and Action in Finland phony Orchestras. Reservations are preferred by calling (612) Friday, September 10 — Sunday, November 14 Hadland has received many awards, in- cluding the 2000 International Balys Dvario- 874-0716. The cost is $15 per person; a re- nas Competition in Vilnius, Lithuania, where ception follows the concert. For more infor- 2010 Nordic Knitting Conference he also received two additional awards for mation, go to www.mindekirken.org. October 15 — 17, 2010 his interpretations of baroque and classical Established in 1987, LEIF brings top- Register now for classes. music. In 2003, he won the Rudolf Firkusny ranked Nordic talent to Minneapolis. It ex- Class information available at www.nordicmuseum.org. Competition in Prague, which also included plores the values and goals of today’s Nor- an invitation to record a CD with the Czech dic countries and shares them with Nordic- Americans and citizens generally.

3014 NW 67th NW Street nordicmuseum.org Seattle, WA 98117 203.789.5707 september 24, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us Norwegian American Weekly • 13 In your neighborhood Norwegian Festival 2010 The 16th annual Norwegian Festival in Calendar of Events Central Park brings Norway to New York What’s going on in your neighborhood?

Florida guitarists, vocalists, a washboard player 39th Annual Leif Erikson Festival & and a repertoire of mostly Scandinavian Viking Boat Regatta music. Lindesnes Trekkspillklubb, will October 8-10 perform Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. at Community Jensen Beach, Fla. Lutheran Church, 4720 East Tropicana Lodge teams use replicas of Viking ships, Ave., as part of its five-stop tour across which commemorate Leif Erikson’s voy- the United States. Tickets are just $10 age to America nearly 500 years prior to each and $5 for children under 12. For the history-making sail by Columbus in more information, contact Bob Sturgeon, 1492. Each boat carries oarsmen and a vice president of the Vegas Viking Lodge coxswain. Our Leif Erikson Day Festival of the Sons of Norway, at (702) 454-9100 began in 1970 and has a long-standing his- or at [email protected]. tory on the Treasure Coast of Florida. This rowing and sailing skill contest for men North Dakota Photo courtesy of Norway.org and women is the highlight of the day. Lande School Band from Sarpsborg Grete’s Great Gallop begins at 9 a.m., and is a 13.1-mile run in honor of the nine-time New York City Lapskaus and cold drinks will be available October 5 Marathon champion Grete Waitz, who is from Norway. as well as Scandinavian jewelry, rosema- Grand Forks, N.D. ling and a mini-flea market. All are wel- Lande School Band from Sarpsborg, Nor- come to come and join us for a weekend way in concert at Red River High School, Ro y a l Nor w e g i a n Em b a ss y of fun! Sponsored by the Sons of Norway 2211-17th Ave. S., Grand Forks, N.D. For Gulfstream Lodge. For more information, more information, call (701) 746-2400. The land of sparkling , salmon, Other highlights include: contact Sally Bergquist at (772) 621-7867 nine-time New York City Marathon champi- • Cooking classes for kids and parents or [email protected]. Ohio on Grete Waitz, and all things Norwegian is with the Flying Culinary Circus Ohio Norsemen annual meeting celebrated on this delightful day! The events • Guess winning race times and win a din- Illinois October 3 include running, walking, Norwegian food, ner for two at Aquavit restaurant in New Annual Fish Boil & Harvest Festival Lakewood, Ohio and entertainment. The Norwegian Festival York courtesy of Salmon-in-seconds. October 16 Join the Ohio Norsemen for their annual and associated runs, Grete’s Great Gallop, • Experience the Norwegian outdoor life- South Elgin, Ill. meeting, featuring the program “Friluft- the Norway Run and Troll Stroll takes place style without leaving Central Park. Get The 10th Annual Fish Boil & Harvest sliv: Basics of Norwegian Culture” by for the 16th time in New York’s Central Park your own adventure photo at National Festival at Vasa Park in South Elgin, Ill., Dr. Wayne Munson. Free and open to the Oct. 2. Go to www.nyrr.org for registrations. Geographic Traveler and www.visitnor- 1–5 p.m. with the Boil at 2 p.m., serving public! Call Jo at (440) 821-8891 for more • Norway Run: 1.7M • 8:15 a.m. way.com/us green screen photo booth. immediately. A great time is planned with information. • Grete’s Great Gallop:13.1 miles • 9 a.m. • Win a trip to Norway for two! If you music and entertainment. Adults: $15, • Troll Stroll: ages 2-12 • 10:30 a.m. are the lucky winner, you and a com- Children under 12: $5. Please RSVP by Leif Erickson Day Luncheon The annual Norwegian Festival has be- panion will receive economy roundtrip Oct. 10 to (847) 695-6720 or vasaparkil@ October 9 come a great celebration of Norwegian life- tickets with Icelandair from New York yahoo.com. For more information, visit Cleveland, Ohio style and traditions engaging both kids and (JFK), Boston or Seattle to Stavanger. www.vasaparkil.com. Join us at Shooters in the Flats at 11:30 families in the festival area in Central Park, Included in the prize is for 2 people to a.m. for the Leif Erickson Luncheon, New York. This year, the Norwegian super- run the Stavanger Marathon in August Massachusetts hosted by the Danish community. RSVP stars in Madcon will perform as one of many 2011. You will also get to experience a 40th anniversary of Norumbega Lodge to (44) 734-3905 by Oct. 5. All are wel- highlights of the festival. CONTINUES PAGE 14 October 1 come! West Newton, Mass. Norway’s utopia: Is it worth the cost? Norumbega Lodge #3-506 will be cel- new York ebrating its 40th anniversary Oct. 1 at 7 Norwegian Festival 2010 Solveig Torvik discusses p.m. at the Scandinavian Living Center. October 2 Wonderful smørgåsbord catered by chef New York City, N.Y. her book at Nordic Kim Nadolny and music by Røroslaget The 16th annual Norwegian Festival fea- Heritage Museum in The cost is $40 per person. Please reserve tures runns, activities for kids and adults, your place by sending a check to Shirley and a drawing for a trip to Norway! For Seattle, Wash. Olsen, 4 Valley Rd, Dover, MA 02030. more information, see the article on page Deadline: Sept. 17. For more information, 14 of this issue or visit www.norway.org. Ka r e n Ra t h e call (508) 785-0800. Seattle, Wash. Washington Minnesota Scandinavian Heritage Festival October 8-10 Solveig Torvik spent her formative Leiv Eriksson International Festival Puyallup, Wash. years in picturesque Ålesund, where she was September 25-October 12 Join us for the annual Scandianvian Heri- “imprinted with Norway’s values and sen- Minneapolis, Minn. tage Festival at Oktoberfest NW. The sibilities.” The 1940s were tough, between Explore, discover, celebrate! Join the Nor- festival starts Oct. 8 at 11 a.m., and ends Nazi occupation and the ensuing struggle dic community for celebrate the bonds be- Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. Admission (including to recover from war. Her family immigrated tween the U.S. and the Nordic countries. Oktoberfest NW): Friday 3-7 p.m.: $8, to the U.S. when she was 10. She graduated A variety of events will take place, so visit All day Saturday: $8, All day Sunday: $4 from Brigham Young University and had a Photo: Karen Rathe www.mindekirken.org for a full list of (half price), children 12 and under: free. long and distinguished career in journalism. events. For more information, call (612) FREE Parking in Gold and Blue lots! Join Through the unique prism of this back- consider that the country entered the 20th 874-0716. us for a wonderful celebration of Scandi- ground, Torvik has written a book, “The century in “grinding poverty” and remained navian Culture with organizations from World’s Best Place: Norway and the Norwe- so for decades. Nevada Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and gians.” Its title stems from the United Na- However, Torvik worries about what has Lindesnes Accordion Club concert Sweden. Daily programs, delicious Scan- tions’ Human Development Program index, been given up in order to maintain this stan- October 4 dinavian food, and fun arts & crafts. For which repeatedly ranks Norway as the best dard of living. How far should government Las Vegas, Nev. more information, call (425) 881-1544 or place to live. go to provide for welfare, she asks, and what The popular Norwegian accordion group email [email protected]. Torvik discussed her book, which delves happens to individual initiative and personal will storm a Las Vegas stage in October beneath the surface of this seeming utopia, responsibility? Despite the fact that Norway with nearly two dozen accordionists, three on Sept. 14 at the Nordic Heritage Museum has just 4.8 million people, Torvik believes in Seattle. Norway’s accomplishment, she Americans can learn from its experiences. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 said, “to provide life’s necessities to every Indeed, her book offers relevant food for to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! citizen,” is astounding, especially when you CONTINUES PAGE 15 Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 14 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans September 24, 2010 Norwegian heritage Norway Festival… (…continued from page 13) tional joiking, music and instruments. The performance is highly interactive, Built on solid trust • beautiful cruise, courtesy of Re- educational and fun for kids. gion Stavanger. • Voss provides samples of pure artesian Marie Hennessy • Don’t miss the delicious waffles cour- water from Norway tesy of the Norwegian Seamen’s Church • The designers in Moods of Norway are of New England in New York. present to show how fun and stylish the • Fairytales with Stine & Anita. The story- Norwegian countryside and mountain Regional Ski for telling duo presents tales from different peaks can be. Light shares her cultures, or from indigenous people all For more information, visit www.nor- over the world, through singing, tradi- way.org. experience with the Corner Maine Nordmenn

El e a nor Fro i l a nd Andr e w s The boys from Vangen: Wells, Maine

Marie Hennessy, President of New Eng- Written by Leif Halse land Regional Ski For Light, was the guest speaker at the September meeting of Maine Nordmenn. She was assisted by her friend, Deb Johnson, and her Golden Labrador, Azalea. As Marie described a whole range of sports for the blind and visually impaired, Photo: Don Johnson Deb showed slides of skiers, hikers, kay- Marie Hennessy, President of New England Ski akers, and bikers in different areas of New For Light, explains the organization’s adaptive England. Azalea, Marie’s sixth dog, snoozed sports programs for the blind to Maine Nord- Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum at her feet as she talked. Azalea, who has menn at their monthly meeting. Her dog, Azalea, material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson been with Marie for two years, and Marie are snoozes at her feet. Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of completely devoted to each other. “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to The concept of teaching blind people to best choice. If they don’t have trust, it won’t practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! ski was born in Norway in the 1950s through work. The guides are wonderful teachers and the efforts of blind musician Erling Stordahl. give confidence and encouragement to their VANGEN IS HOME HEIMEN HETER VANGEN His work led to the creation of Ridderrenn, charges. They make them feel safe. Guides “Race for Light,” an event that takes over carry radios and walkie-talkies to communi- Up on the steep hillside lies a little farm Oppe i bratte lia ligger en liten gard som 1,000 participants and guides to Norway cate with others. called Vangen. The man who has built the heter Vangen. Mannen som har bygd her, each year. In 1975, Olav Peterson, a ski in- At the end of the day, skiers and guides farmstead here is named Hans. He works heter Hans. Han arbeider hardt for å livberge structor in Colorado, brought the event to get together for dinner. Buffets are not for hard to support himself and his family. His seg og sine. Kona hans heter Sigrid. Hun er the United States, and with the help and sup- blind people, so the guides help them get wife’s name is Sigrid. She is just as industri- like flittig som mannen. Hun steller i fjøset og port of many others, Ski For Light was born. their food. On one occasion when the lights ous as her husband is. She cleans the barn stua, hun lager mat og holder i stand klærne New England Regional Ski For Light was went out, the blind people ended up leading and house, cooks, and keeps the clothes of til mannen og de to små «gutane» sine. De founded in 1977. the guides around. The group is so happy and her husband and two boys in good repair. heter Steinar og Kåre. Steinar er eldst. Participants have differing degrees of noisy, they sometimes drive other diners out. The boys’ names are Steinar and Kåre. Stei- En dag får Hans Vangen brev fra et vision, but Marie has been blind all of her After dinner, they may have an auction, play nar is the older. ukeblad i Oslo. Redaktøren vil så gjerne ha life. Of Irish heritage, she was not like Nor- games, knit, or go for walks. The weekend is One day Hans Vangen receives a letter bilde av hele familien og sette det inn i bla- wegians who are born with skis on, but in all about being together and having fun. from a magazine in Oslo. The editor would det. Hans ler og synes det er utrulig at famil- 1986 when she went cross-country skiing for NERSFL has 250 members, and Marie like a picture of the whole family to publish ien skal komme på trykk i et ukeblad. Sigrid the first time, she was hooked. Some want is always looking for more guides and partic- in his weekly. Hans laughs and thinks it is smiler og mener de vil komme i godt selskap, an easy going outing, but not Marie. The ipants. New guides learn from those who are unbelievable that the family will appear in kanskje både med prest og bisp. «Gutane» more challenging the better, whether it be experienced. The guides enjoy themselves print in a magazine. Sigrid smiles and says undres på hva dette kan føre til. skiing, hiking, or climbing. She enjoys the and feel privileged to be doing what they’re that they will be in good company, maybe Hans sender bud etter en fotograf. Både fun, friendship, and camaraderie of being doing. The oldest guide, Earl Prentiss, is 95 with both the priest and the bishop. The boys han og Sigrid og «gutane» setter seg på en outdoors laughing and having a good time years old. wonder where this could lead. benk foran veggen ved stuedøra. «Er det with a guide who soon becomes a friend. Marie loves planning weekend trips and Hans sends for a photographer. He, farlig?» spør Kåre og ser på den rare svarte Guides and skiers must be able to com- events at beautiful areas in New England Sigrid and the boys sit down on a bench in kassa som fotografen har satt opp på et stat- municate. They are matched by training, such as Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, or front of the wall beside the cottage door. “Is iv. Men hvor er det blitt av Steinar? Jo, der ability, and goals. Before hitting the slopes, Craftsbury, Vermont. Activities are not limit- this dangerous?” asks Kåre, looking at the kommer han leiende med oksen Peik. For guides first introduce themselves and find ed to skiing. Participants can also snowshoe, strange black box the photographer has set han synes nok at Peik også bør komme med out about their charge’s vision and what water ski and kayak in the summer, hike in up on a tripod. But where has Steinar gone? på bildet. Så kommer katta Mons hoppende. they want to do. On the slopes, they give the White Mountains, or ride handbikes or Sure enough, here he comes leading the ox, explicit directions: “tips right,” “coming to recumbent trikes. They enjoy themselves so Peik. He thinks Peik should also be included Vangsgutane bilingual book available for an incline,” “curve ahead.” They explain the much that they completely lose track of time. in the picture. Then Mons, the cat, comes $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A at terrain, degree of slope, when the trail is go- Marie makes NERSFL sound like so much running. www.astrimyastri.com ing to flatten out, and what the skis are go- fun that it is tempting to go right out and join ing to be feeling next. Skiers wear bibs that them! The Boys from Vangen: say “Blind Skier” or “Guide.” Skiers must For more information, visit the Web site trust that what the guide is telling them is the www.nersfl.org. Norway.com WrITTen By LeIf haLse Royal Norwegian Consulates Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since Organization of the Week in the United States 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series Norwegian Lutheran California had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and L.A./ Orange/ Riverside/ San Bernardino/ Ventura language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! Church Historical Society of Calumet Consul H. Michael Soroy • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book Calumet, Mich. Royal Norwegian Consulate • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods A non-profit organization established 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 460 • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen to restore the historic Norwegian Los Angeles, CA 90025-6537 • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches Lutheran Church in Calumet • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a. Tel: (310) 444-7750 For more information, contact: Fax: (310) 312-1034 Astri My Astri Publishing (906) 337-3731 or http://nlc-calumet.org Email: [email protected] Deb nelson gourley www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd ave sW email: [email protected] For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Waukon, Ia 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations September 24, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports Norwegian American Weekly • 15 sports Petter Solberg take second in Japan Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League On track for victory, results Standings but slowed by a 9/18 Viking 3-4 Vålerenga Tippeligaen PLD PTS suspension problem 9/19 Ålesund 2-0 Kongsvinger 1. Rosenborg BK 24 56 2. Vålerenga Fotball 24 49 9/19 Start 4-2 Strømsgodset Nor w a y Pos t 3. Tromsø IL 24 43 9/19 Sandefjord 3-5 Tromsø 4. Ålesunds FK 24 36 Norway’s Petter Solberg (Citroen - pri- 5. Strømsgodset IF 24 36 vate team) managed second place in Rally of 9/19 Molde 1-0 Hønefoss 6. FK Haugesund 24 35 Japan, despite a damaged front suspension 9/19 Stabæk 0-3 Odd on the last round. Citroen driver Sebastien 7. Odd Grenland 24 35 Ogier won. 9/19 Brann 2-3 Rosenborg 8. IK Start 24 35 Solberg began the final day 5.4 seconds 9/20 Haugesund 3-3 Lillestrøm 9. Viking FK 24 34 ahead of Ogier, and was looking for his first 10. Lillestrøm SK 24 32 world rally championship victory since 2005, 11. Stabæk Fotball 24 30 but a bolt in the left front suspension slowed Photo: Pettersolberg.com To read more about football in Norway, 12. SK Brann 24 27 him down, and he ended up 15.7 seconds be- visit www.norway.com that he had a good feeling at the beginning 13. Molde FK 24 26 hind the Frenchman. & www.uefa.com Solberg was also hampered with a fever of the day. 14. Hønefoss BK 24 23 “It was just too bad we also encountered during the rally, and said he never thought it 15. Kongsvinger IL 24 18 the suspension problem,” he said. would go so well considering his illness, but 16. Sandefjord Fotball 24 8 Boasson Hagen… (…continued from page 1) Hushovd and Alexander Kristoff are travel- Sports News & Notes ing to the world championships. Head coach Aksel Lund Svindal in talks with Red Bull “The interest was greater than I had ex- Steffen Kjærgaard think all three can com- place in Melbourne, Australia Sept. 29- Oct. pected, said director Åsne Havnelid. In her pete in the championship. NRK revealed the superstar skier Aksel 3. opinion, those who want to enter the Hol- “Our riders are running strong and can Lund Svindal is in talks with Red Bull as a The Norwegian cycling team stood at menkollen Arena proper, to view the com- be a tough race long before the sprint,” said sponsor. Svindal is taking charge of his spon- the check-in desk at Gardermoen Oslo air- petitons, shouldn’t wait to purchase tickets. Kjærgaard. sorships. Red Bull has expressed interest in port for over a half hour before departure to 12,000 tickets were sold in the first hour. “We are traveling a week earlier than we sponsoring Norway’s best alpine skier. The Australia via Bangkok. Boasson Hagen was (Norway Post) tend to. We want to have time to adjust to the Norwegian national ski team chose not to in good spirits and joked and laughed along comment. with teammate Alexander Kristoff. time difference and climate,” he said. Chess: Carlsen wins Arctic Securities Alexander Kristoff’s role in the champi- (NRK) Boasson Hagen does not hide the fact he Norway’s Magnus Carlsen (19) won the Arc- would like to have Kurt Asle Arvesen on the onship is mainly to encourage the others, but he does not hide that he’s going to sprint for Skiing: 30,000 Oslo championship tickets tic Securities Chess Stars rapid tournament team for the World Cup. sold in Kristiansund. He beat World Chess Cham- “We rode a lot together, and I would the opportunity to offer them. The sale of tickets to next year’s Nordic pion Viswanthan Anand 1.5-0.5 in the final. have liked to seen Kurt with us. But I think “It is important that he is with and learn World Ski Championships in Oslo began on Carlsen is ranked as no. 1 on the world rank- the three of us going to do well,” said Boas- with a view to next year’s World Champion- Wednesday, and more than 30,000 of a total ing of chess players and is the only western son Hagen. ships in Copenhagen and the Olympics in of 200,000 tickets were sold already on the chess player among the top 10. In addition to Boasson Hagen, Thor London in two years,” said Kjærgaard. first day. (Norway Post) Bente Børsum… (…continued from page 3) mother and a wide range of other characters. Bente Børsum is one of the most ver- Celebrate Leif Erikson Day! lived within her as long as she can remem- satile and well-respected actresses in Nor- ber. She has heard it. She has read it. Dreamt way, recognized from major roles on stage, Happy Place a personalized greeting it. Imagined it. Her story is the story of her screen and television, from lead characters in the Leif Erikson Issue! mother, Lise Børsum. in Ibsen’s plays to modern drama as well as Leif Erikson Day! The monologue “Mother,” presented by children theater and film. Sven Hushagen $10 for small greeting (1”x2”) The actress will also be present at a the American Scandinavian Society of New Jensen Beach, Fla. $20 for large greeting (1.5”x3”) York, is based on the books, articles and let- Reception at the Trygve Lie Gallery, 317 E by 2”) $10 for small ad (1” ters of Lise Børsum as well as interviews 52nd in Manhattan, following after the per- with Bente Børsum. In “Mother,” Bente Bør- formance (approx. 8 p.m,). For more infor- Happy Deadline: mation, visit www.trygveliegallery.com. sum portrays herself, herself as a child, her Leif Erikson Day! September 27 Norway’s utopia… (…continued from page 13) Norway’s political class suggests a contempt Ole & Lena Hansen for the role of the press in a free society and Call (206) 784-4617 today

$20 for large ad (1.5” by 3”) ad (1.5” $20 for large Mankato, Minn. thought in numerous areas. for the citizenry.” to reserve your space! Take the work ethic, for example. “Nor- All things considered, however, Torvik believes her homeland has fashioned a re- wegians used to be known as hardy, tireless Proud to bring you the workers,” Torvik said. Today, however, she markable society. The challenge is to strike a Norwegian American Weekly noted that on average, when weekends are balance between too much government and counted, Norwegians with full-time jobs not enough. “In the U.S., we typically opt for work only half the year – and there’s a 25 too little. Norway, in my view, has opted for percent absentee rate. Going on disability is too much. “astonishingly easy,” and half the work force “The good news is that, thanks to its LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. is employed by the government. wealth and the fundamental intelligence of Sales and Service “When Norwegians agreed to tax them- its people, Norway is uniquely positioned to selves, everyone agreed to put something in remedy many of these flaws and to set the so everyone could take something out,” she bar even higher for countries that aspire to said. “Now many able-bodied Norwegians be recognized as the world’s best place to refuse to put anything in. Will the glue hold live.” that cements Norway’s social and welfare “The World’s Best Place” is available compact?” for purchase as an e-book; for information Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Norway’s system of government also visit www.smashwords.com. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 concerns Torvik, as does the news media’s Karen Rathe teaches journalism with often blasé checking of power. No Ameri- the University of Washington Department can-style watchdogs here. In fact, “govern- of Communication in Seattle. She formerly ment ministers ask to see quotes before pub- worked for The Seattle Times for many years. [email protected] lication, and Norway’s leading newspapers Her father’s family immigrated from Oppdal 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 agree to this… This high-handed behavior by and Vistdal. There’s no place like Norse Home ...

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