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International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association Public Disclosure Authorized SecM97-230 FROM: Vice Presidentand Secretary April 2, 1997 Public Disclosure Authorized MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of March 15, 1997) Public Disclosure Authorized Distribution: Public Disclosure Authorized ExecutiveDirectors and Altemates President'sExecutive Committee SeniorManagement, Bank, IFC and MIGA I11 - ___ -- I_ _I -1i- TABLE OF CONTENTS Summaryof Bank and IDA ProposedProjects Informationon EnvironmentalAssessment Process ........... ii BusinessOpportunities ................................... iii SECTION REGION PAGES I. AFRICA 1- 25 47 II. EAST ASIA & PACIFIC REGION 26 - III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA 49 - 69 IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 70 - 93 V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 94 - 103 104 - 116 VI. SOUTH ASIA VII. NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE 117 -121 VIII. PROJECTS DROPPED FROM LENDING PROGRAM AND PROJECTS SIGNED 121 MOS ANNEX I Environmental Data Sheets 1 - 105 MOS ANNEXII ProspectiveWorld Bank GuaranteeOperations 1 - 2 OperationsPolicy Department D~~~I -| _ - -X INFORMATIONABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMIENT PROCESS APPLIEDTO BANKAND EDAPROPOSED PROJECTS In October 1989 the Bank established a specific policy and procedures for environmental assessment and related environmental analyses of IBRD and IDA lending operations. Under this environmental assessment process, the type, timiing and main issues of environmental analysis to be performed by the borrower are to be confirmed at the time that a given lending operation is initiated into the Bank's prospective lending program and thereafter reported and updated on a quarterly basis in the Monthly Operational Summary. In October 1991 the Bank revised its policies and procedures so that projects are now assigned one of the following categories based upon the nature, magnitude, and sensitivity of environmental issues: Category A - Environmental Assessment is normally required as the project may have adverse and significant environmental impacts. Category B - More limited environmental analysis is appropriate, as the project may have specific environmental impacts. Category C - Environmental analysis is normally unnecessary. "U" (unclassified) is being introduced to indicate structural and sectoral adjustment loans, which do not fall within one of the above three categories for purposes of the directive govemningenvironmental assessment. The 1991 revision also introduced the use o'f a standard environmental data sheet for all projects to identify the main issues and schedule for any required environmental analysis. Project descriptions in every issue of the Monthly Operational Summary include the environmental category A, B, or C, except in the case of strutcturaland sectoral adjustment loans which are designated "U". On a quarterly basis (in the January, April, July and October issues) the Monthly Operational Summary contains an environmental annex which includes the environmental data sheets for Category A projects, data sheet headers for Category Is projects, and a listing of projects in Categories C and T ("to be determined"). - 111- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Borrowing countries through their implementing agencies have full responsibility for the design and implementation of World Bank-financed projects, including the hiring of consultants and procurement of goods and works. Many contracts for consulting services, as well as some for goods and works, are procured prior to loan/credit approval (advance contracting). Contracts for consulting services, unlike those for goods and works, are not usually advertised. Therefore, consultants, in particular, should contact the responsible implementing agency early in the project preparation period to express their possible interest in providing the services described in the MOS. The information in the MOS is intended to be adequate to enable consultants to assess their possible interest. Further information, if needed, should be requested of the implementing agency. The likelihood of a timely response is enhanced if the queries are brief and to the point. Firms should contact the World Bank (preferably by fax) only if they are unable to obtain a response from the implementingagency. General information about business opportunities under Bank loans/credits may be obtained from the World Bank Principal Business Relations Specialist at fax number (202) 522-3317. ADDITIONAL NOTES ABOUT THE MOS The letter (N) before projects means that the project is a new listing in the summary; the letter (R) means the information about the project has been revised since the last issue. Specific changes to a project are indicated in italic text. If a Project Information Document (PID) is available from the Bank's Public Information Center, the number of the PID is indicated immediately following the Environmental Assessment Category. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTER The Bank opened its Public Information Center in early 1994. A wide variety of documents is available at the Center and many of these same documents are also available free through the Internet at office is located at 1776 G St. NW, Washington DC 20433, tel: (202) 458-5454, fax: (202) 522-1500, E-mail: [email protected]. Hours of operation are the same as the bookstore. Types of documents that are available include Staff Appraisal Reports, Country Economic Reports, Environmental Assessments, and Project Information Documents (PIDs). The PIDs are a useful supplement to the MOS. These two-to-three page project summaries, produced during project preparation, contain more specific project information than is possible to publish in the MOS. If a PID is available, this is indicated in the MOS project entry by listing the PID number. PIC reading rooms, with documents and work stations, are also open in World Bank offices in Paris, London, and Tokyo. Bank resident missions will provide information on the PIC and will provide the documents specific to the country where the office is located. Please note the PIC will deal only with requests for specific documents, not blanket requests for information. Africa Region April 1997 Angola 1997. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 24.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Agriculture Ministry of Social Assistance and Reintegration Support, Av. Agriculture Rehabilitation: The project will work with the Deolinda Rodrigues, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-2) 34-29-29 Ministry of Agriculture to restart the adaptive trials program, initiate extension services and review the current structure Angola and activities of the Ministry of Agriculture. Project Structural Adjustment processing is currently on hold. The NGO component Structural Adjustment previously reported has been incorporated into the Structural Adjustment: The project will provide import Emergency Reconstruction Project. Cofinancing will be financing to support the structural adjustment program. Project required. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: identificationis contingent upon the government'sprogress in AOPA40145. implementinga stabilization program. Cofinancing will be US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required. required. Environmental Assessment Category U. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Avenida US$ 115.0 (IDA). Consultant services to be determined. Comandante Gika, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (224-2) 322-694, Ministry of Finance, Av. 4 de Fevereiro, No. 127, CP 592, Fax: (224-2) 321-943 Luanda, Angola, Tlx: 3363, Tel: (244-2) 335-804, 332-122 Angola Angola Education/Training Water Supply/Sanitation Labor Force Skills Development and Training: The project Urban Water and Sanitation: The project will provide will (a) promote skills development; (b) make technical and institutional strengtheningto the National Directorate of Water vocational education and training more responsive to the needs and the Provincial Commissariat of Luanda. The project will of employers and the labor market; (c) give a more important also improve public and individual water supply and sanitation role to the private sector in the provision of training; and (d) facilities in Luanda and disserninationin up to five provincial improve the quality and efficiency of public sector training. capital cities. Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment August 1997. Environmental Assessment Category B. An Category C. PID: AOPA31. interest in cofinancing has been expressed by the European US$ 30.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Union (US$ 7.0 million) and Italy (US$ 13.0 million). Ministry of Labor, Public Administration and Social Additional cofinancing will be required. PID: AOPA00046. Security, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-2) 338-943, Fax: (244- US$ 70.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. 2) 338-943 National Directorate of Water, Rua Rainha Ging, No. 210-10, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-2) 33-38-90, Fax: (244-2) 33-40-37 Angola Benin Infrastructure (R) Post-Conflict Reconstruction (formerly First Post- Agriculture Conflict Reconstruction):The project will focus on Agriculture Sector Investment: The project is a follow-up to rehabilitating critical infrastructure in six cities. Negotiations the Agricultural Services RestructuringProject. The focus v411 are scheduledfor October 1997. Environmental Assessment be on the public sector agriculture program: research, Category B. extension, animal health, forestry and fisheries. The project US$ 104.0 (IDA).