The Anti-Apartheid Movement the Anti-Apartheid Movement
the Anti-Apartheid Movement the Anti-Apartheid Movement 89 Charlotte Street London, WIP 2DQ Tel 580 5311 t NB THE NEXT MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE will take place on SATURDAY 6-MARCH 1971 at 2.30 pm in the CONWAY HALL Red Lion Square WCI (Club Room) MINUTES OF NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING. House of Commons : 17 November 1970 PRESENT: Alan Brooks, Lord Brockway, Ursula Brown, Sonia Bunting, Keith Burdon (WRI), Isla Caldor & Mick D. Cornish (Fabian Society), * Idris Cox, Caroline de Crespigny, Sarah Darling, Benny Dembitzer (UNA), John Ennals (Chairman), Ruth First, Christabal Gurney,..Joan Hymens - (Liberation/BOSP), Bob Hughes MP, Peter JOnes, Keyser, 3dan Lestor MP, Abdul:S. Minty, Ruth Obalkevich, Tony O'Dowd, . Vlla Pillay, mrs S. Prior (Horney-AA),'Dorothy Robinson, * C"hris Ross (SLAAT), John Sprack, margaret Stokes (Kensington/ Chelsea AA), Nancy White, Stuart Wisatp.nley (MonmouthshireAA), Jack Woddis.. APOLOGIES: P6lly Gaster (CFM,A&G), Jeremy Thorpe MP, Keith Suter (UNA Youth), The Rt Revd Trevor Huddleston CR, Mike Gerrard, Bob Davidson, -Frank Judd MP, Rica Hodgson (IDAF), Gregory Hawk en.(WUS),.Sybil Whawell (Nottingham AA). The Chairman welcomed those attending a NatienalRCommittee meeting for the.first time. 1) MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF 19 SEPTEMBER & 1 NOVEMBER were agreed. 2) MATTERS.ARISING FROM MINUTES OF 19 SEPTEMBER (a) Visit to Germany by Abdul Minty & Bidhop Reeves ;.Abdul. Mnty reported briefly on the visit. Contat 'was made with a number of groups and individuals working particularly on Cabora Bassa. It ws now necessary to follow this up, and a special Executive meeting was being arranged to discuss international work.
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