Book Reviews
BOOK REVIEWS E.E. Rice (ed.). The Sea and History. Stroud, continuing habitation of coastal regions since Gloucs.: Sutton Publishing, 1996. xiii + 165 pp., prehistoric times despite threat of innundation. photographs, maps, illustrations, figures, tables, There is also consensus on the role of the sea index. £35, US $63, cloth; ISBN 0-7509-1096-8. in the transport of ideas mainly through ship• Distributed in North America by Books Interna• building traditions and navigation techniques. tional, Herndon, Virginia. Similar nautical techniques and technologies were invented more than once, at various times and This collection of nine essays originated in lec• places. They were dispersed by seafarers mainly tures given at Wolfson College in 1995 by between Atlantic Europe and the Mediterranean. Geoffrey Rickman, Elisha Linder, N.C. Fleming, Here the West was the influential source, because Anthony Laughton, Sean McGrail, A.J. Parker, of the conservative mentality of the Eastern Sarah Arenson, Sir James Eberle and John Mediterranean. Yet near-identical nautical inno• Keegan. Their aim was to investigate various vations in South China and Southeastern Asia aspects of the relationship between man and the were invented independently, thereby confirming sea, past and present in three geographic zones: the human tendency to arrive at similar solutions the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and the to universal problems. Nevertheless, the Great Indian Ocean. This goal was achieved quite suc• Discoveries of the late fifteenth and early six• cessfully through an approach that employed teenth centuries were initiated by the West seem• several disciplines, including archaeology, his• ingly because of differences in the mentality of tory, literature, economics, coastal geology and European and Far Eastern cultures.
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