(Classical Issos): a Harbor Town in Southeast Cilicia During the Persian
.LQHW+¸\¾N &ODVVLFDO,VVRV $+DUERU7RZQLQ6RXWKHDVW &LOLFLDGXULQJWKH3HUVLDQDQG+HOOHQLVWLF3HULRGV &KDUOHV*DWHV Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Volume 3, Number 2, 2015, pp. 81-104 (Article) 3XEOLVKHGE\3HQQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV For additional information about this article http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/ema/summary/v003/3.2.gates.html Access provided by Bilkent Universitesi (29 Dec 2015 09:26 GMT) KINET HÖYÜK (CLASSICAL ISSOS) Charles Gates A Harbor Town in Southeast Cilicia during the Persian and Hellenistic Periods Kinet Höyük, an ancient harbor town located on the abstract Mediterranean coast in the southeast corner of Cilicia, is notable for its long occupation (Fig. 1). According Excavations conducted from 1992–2012 at Kinet Höyük, to excavations conducted from 1992–2012 by Bilkent a coastal site in southeast Cilicia, have revealed impor- University under the direction of Marie-Henriette tant remains of the Persian and Hellenistic periods. Gates, habitation began in the Late Neolithic period, The site has long been identified as Classical Issos, near as attested by the unstratified finds of Halaf potsherds. where Alexander the Great and Darius III fought in The earliest levels reached through excavation are of the 333 BC. The Persian settlement consists of three architec- Early Bronze II period (ca. 2800–2600 BC); stratified tural levels, and the Hellenistic town of two, altogether architectural levels continue almost without interrup- spanning the mid-sixth to the mid-first centuries BC. tion until the mid-first century BC. After a lengthy The last of the ancient settlements was founded in ca. abandonment, the site—by this time an artificial 175 BC, perhaps as part of the revitalization of Cilician mound prominent on the coastal plain (Fig.
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