Women in Xenophon's Anabasis
For there were many hetairai in the army: Women in Xenophon's ~4.nabasis 1 The mercenaries of Cyrus, the CyreaiLS, whose story Xenophon recounts in his Anabasis, are familiar figures to students of ancient warfare. 2 The women who accompanied the Cyreans for much of their march, in contrast, have so far received scant attention from historians more often interested in the details of tactics and leadership. 3 Nor is such neglect solely the fault of old~ fashioned military types, for even those who focus on the political and social aspects of the Anabasis army largely ignore its women4 What is more, although women make repeated appearances in Xenophon's narrative, scholars of women's roles and status in the ancient Greek have scarcely noticed their presence 5 This last omission appears all the more strildng, given the amount of scrutiny accorded recently to the category of the hetaira, and given that Xenophon several times describes women amongst the Cyreans as hetairai. 6 The histories of women and of warfare, it would seem, are not supposed to mix. Such an artificial boundary clearly invites brealdng, and the Anabasis provides invaluable material for the task. This essay examines Xenophon' s testimony on the origins and number of women amongst the Cyreans and the extent of their participation in the social life of the army. His narrative, as we shall see, indicates that at least some of the women who joined the Cyreans in the retreat from Cunaxa to the sea and thence to Byzantium became integral members of the soldiers' community.
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