2017 2020 CURRICULUM VITAE Marina Tzakosta, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Language Development and Pedagogy of the Preschool Child Marina Tzakosta Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, University of Crete 1/1/2020 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Name: Marina Tzakosta Postal address: University of Crete Facutly of Education Department of Preschool Education University Campus-Gallos P.C. 74100 Rethymno Telephone: +30 28310-77668 (work) e-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] personal website: www.marinatzakosta.gr https://crete.academia.edu/MarinaTzakosta https://www.linkedin.com/pub/marina-tzakosta/10/400/207 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marina_Tzakosta http://www.edc.uoc.gr/ptpe/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=268&I temid=538 Nationality: Hellenic Date & Place of Birth: 17 June 1974, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2. Education June 2014: Ptychion in Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music, “Ioannis Manioudakis Conservatory”, Chania, Crete, Greece (Grade: Cum Laude). June 2009-June 2014: Studies in Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music, “Ioannis Manioudakis Conservatory”, Chania, Crete, Greece. September 2000 - September 2004: Graduate student, ULCL/HIL (University of Leiden Center for Linguistics). Dissertation title: Multiple Parallel Grammars in the Acquisition of Stress in Greek L1 (Defense date: 27-10-2004). Promotor: Prof. Dr. Vincent J. van Heuven (Universiteit Leiden) Supervisor: Dr. Jeroen van de Weijer (Universiteit Leiden) Referee: Prof. Dr. John J. McCarthy (UMass/Amherst) Reading Committee: - Dr. Bert Botma (Universiteit Leiden) - Prof. Dr. Colin Ewen (Universiteit Leiden) - Dr. Ioanna Kappa (University of Crete) - Prof. Dr. Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Institute) - Dr. A. Revithiadou (University of the Aegean) - Prof. Dr. Marilyn M. Vihman (University of Wales at Bangor) Dissertation available at the Rutgers Optimality Archives: http://roa.rutgers.edu 1999 (17 March): M.A.