The Great Lake Review is open to submissions throughout the year. Please send your fiction, creative nonfiction, dramatic writing, poetry and visual art as an attachment to:
[email protected] The Great Lake Review Spring 2011 Editor-in-Chief Fiction Editors Amanda Nargi Marisa Dupras Megan Andersen Treasurer Non-Fiction Editor Marci Zebrowski Alex Carawan Managing Editors Poetry Editors Amber-Lee Jansen Fred Maxon Leigh Rusyn Charles Buckel Faculty Advisor Brad Korbesmeyer Special Thanks to: Creative Writing Faculty English Department Staff Art Department Staff Shannon Pritting-Penfield Library THE GREAT LAKE REVIEW IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE Thanks to the hard work of Shannon Pritting, the GLR has been made available in an online archive accessable through the Penfield Library website! Stop by and take the opportunity to read submissions from our first publication on at: Table of Contents Poetry Raven by Kaline Mulvihill....................................................................................................9 1942 (Abridged Version) by Rebecca C. Wemesfelder ......................................................13 Scarless by Melanie Hoffman ............................................................................................19 Suddenly There was No Party at the Epicenter of a Beatles Tune by Melissa Bamerick ..21 A Forest of Faces by Rachel Walerstein ............................................................................27 Mermaid by Annie Hidley .................................................................................................29