May 2005 VOL 22 - NO.4

For Internal Circulation Only SynopsisOf President’sAddress 29thTRAC - Rev. Ong Hwai Teik, President - P r e a m b l e serve.” Since establishing the contributing towards “By awesome deeds You answer six essentials along with this, leadership development. us with deliverance, O God of TRAC has had a more our salvation; purposeful growth. The six b. Building Community. You are the hope of the ends of essentials of Leadership the earth and of the farthest Development, Community Most of the churches provide seas.” Building, Missions, Deepening opportunities for fellowship Psalm 65:5 S p i r i t u a l i t y, Outreach and Yo u t h after worship services & Children Ministries had through the provision of light he above words of the helped to provide direction and refreshments as well as T Psalmist remind us again as focus to each congregation as celebrations of anniversaries G o d ’s people, that He is the well as synergized our A n n u a l etc. These occasions One who is both close at hand Conference efforts in terms of facilitate relationship building to be our Saviour, and also the equipping for growth both and the church takes on a One who must be shared internally and externally more welcoming and warmer globally to all the nations. We (outreach and missions) profile that will draw people must always remember that we in. The emphasis on Small are called to give ourselves for The Six Essentials surveyed. Groups continues. Building the life of the world; that the servant leadership community church is not called to live for a. Leadership Development. is also essential to the life itself but for others. and ministry of the church. To We have a student in STM. that end retreats at various I shall now go on to follow-up There are now 7 A p p r o v e d levels of leadership are the President’s Address along Supply pastors and one more carried out. the following trajectory: will be added in 2005. We thank the Lord for the c. Missions. I Perusing and Reviewing the increase of Local Preachers P a s t . from 30 (listed in 2000) to 44 The Persidangan Missi I I Progressing Purposeful by the end of 2004. T h r e e Sengoi (PMS) had change Intentionally in new Elders will be ordained established another Tr a i n i n g T R A C at the 29th Session. Centre in Raub. Work is I I I Possibilities for the Future. Intentional leadership training expanding in Pahang as other I V Practicalities for the is being carried out as more tribes are being reached. Let P r e s e n t . churches are consciously us pray and work with our organizing annual LCEC Sengoi brethren towards the I. Perusing and Retreats cum Training for the PMS becoming a Provisional Reviewing the Past. local leaders. The LPL Annual Conference in 2008. Module on “Foundation of TRAC is helping in the Our Mission Statement is Leadership for the Local Translation Project of “Building Community, Mobilising Church was held in STM for capturing the Sengoi Resources, Empowering to the 1st time in 2004, thus language in written form thus

>> continue page 3

Berita TRAC is a quarterly newsletter of Trinity Annual Conference. We welcome articles, contributions, comments and feedback that will edify the TRAC churches. The Editorial reserves the right to edit and publish all submissions. PLease forward all enquiries, comments and contributions to : [email protected] or call 03-7954 2836 C o n t e n t s

01 From the President’s Desk Rev.OngHwaiTeik

Laity 06 Reflections • 29th Session, TRACAnnualConference

TRAC29Session 09 AppointmentsFor2005

Prayer 12 PrayerConference

Youth 14 - ABriefDescriptionOfJS - FromTUMC - YouthMinistryTraining(YMT)2005Schedule

Missions 17 TheMiracle125thAnniversaryThanksgiving

Tribute 20 Eulogy : Rev.PaulGeorge

27 TRACCalendar2005


l e v e l . 21 December 2004. Excerpts of the Greetingsfrom Read the President, Rev Ong Hwai tributes and eulogies have been Te i k ’s Address at the last A n n u a l compiled for your reading. We wish theEditorial Conference to know the heartbeat to convey our heartfelt Team! and direction of TRAC for the next condolences to the family of the quadrennium in areas like family late Rev Paul George. We will miss y the time you receive this life, prayer, leadership a pastor, a mentor, a colleague B issue, the lent season for the development and development of and a friend. But we shall meet year would have just ended. We TRAC Headquarters. For those again, indeed! pray that the significance of who were not at the annual C h r i s t ’s death and resurrection has conference, the Conference Lay Easter reminds us of the hope of brought a renewed meaning and L e a d e r, Dr Chan Kook We n g ’s eternity with the Father. Let’s live purpose to your life personally as article vividly captures some everyday with Easter in mind! :) well as to the life of your local significant events that took place. church. Find out what exciting stories and The Editorial This is the first issue of Berita testimonies there are from those TRAC for this year which we hope who attended the 2nd Prayer will give you an overall picture of Conference and get glimpses of the direction of TRAC, some key the Lord’s work of grace in the essentials and emphasis for the lives of His children and the body next quadrennium as well as the of Christ. pastoral and lay personnel appointments for the work of T R A C We end this issue by paying a at local churches and at T R A C tribute to the late Rev Paul George who was called home suddenly on

2 From the President’s Desk

>> continued from pg 1

enabling more materials to be e. Outreach. I IP r o g r e s s i n g put into writing for wider usage Purposeful Change and ministry. Churches have their Intentionally in TRAC. TRAC is establishing respective caring ministries, connections with the Lower mostly in supporting Christian May I now share with our Myanmar Methodist Church organizations like Malaysian Annual Conference my own and overall, our churches are CARE, and child sponsorship observations of what we shall growing in their awareness projects through World Vi s i o n need in order to facilitate and support of Missions etc. A few have their own further advancement in overseas as well as support of Centres for slow-learning T R A C ’s alignment to God’s local in children, haemodialysis call in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are partnership with Missions treatment, day-care for the a chosen race, a royal A g e n c i e s . e l d e r l y, etc. We have at least priesthood, a holy nation, 3 NGOs that had developed G o d ’s own people, in order d. Deepening Spirituality. out of outreach ministries that you may proclaim the carried out in our T R A C mighty acts of Him who called The emphasis on prayer churches. These remain very you out of darkness into His continues in TRAC. The 1st much connected to their marvelous light.” TRAC Prayer Conference was respective mother church. held in Chefoo on 31st 1. A vibrant prayer movement. January 2004. It was attended f. Youth and by 93 members from 21 Children Ministry. Over the years, since we churches. As a result, some began organizing prayer took up the challenge to be The National Youth Director retreats, TRAC has gone on to Prayer Coordinators in their and Youth Ministry Coordinator establish the TRAC Retreat respective churches and have been making their visits and Prayer Directors’ p o s i t i o n s Districts. Rev. Dr. Chew To w to the various chapters. T h e to enhance the prayer Yow continues to conduct Jeremiah School has improved movement in our midst. Prayer Prayer Retreats and these are from an initial intake of 7 in will be practiced on a personal becoming ‘more popular. ’ 2003 to 23 in 2004. There will level - right from our pastoral be the continued efforts to leadership, LCEC to the The Board of Worship and to our youths and person on the pew. There will Music has helped to facilitate challenge them to be open to be a specific place, space and the printing of Lent and Holy G o d ’s call to Christian time for prayer in our total Week Resources/materials for vocations. We shall have to church life. May we go on to TRAC churches. explore creative ministries to pray in our anticipation of a reach the youths of our nation, revival to come upon the The Board of Christian especially in urban settings. Methodist Church in . Education has produced the membership manual MYF counselors have been 2 . A focused DISCIPLING “Foundations”, and is in the provided with training and a M i n i s t r y. process of producing the youth Counselors Network has been edition. Popular resource established in the Klang Our churches must see materials used in churches are Va l l e y. Youth Alpha and the outreach beyond a one-off 2:7 Navigators materials, the Purpose Driven Life courses event, but as a lifelong Disciple syllabus, for youths are also being lifestyle process. We must Experiencing God course, promoted to help the churches review our evangelistic eff o r t s Alpha Philippians, T h e reach the young. A few of our which must have equal Purpose Driven Life Course churches are reaching out to intention and attention given work, etc. the kindergarten children with to discipling those who come special holiday camps and to Christ. To this end, we must spiritual programmes. We must emplace and strengthen our never underestimate the Discipleship, mentoring and potential for evangelism, as coaching groups in our own children are the keys to c h u r c h e s . reaching whole families for the L o r d .

3 From the President’s Desk

>> continue from page 3

3 .A “Near & Far” Mission. and provide the necessary 2. Establishing Ministry support for the ministry and C e n t r e s . We are aware of the number initiatives undertaken by of nations represented by the TRAC. We have implemented We also see the need to set migrant workers in our land. It part of this process by making up different types of ministry is the opportune time for us to TRAC presidency full-time on centres for the “least, last and reach out and/or minister to 1 January 2004. We are also lost” - such as for the youths them. From then on we can at the inception stage of and student population, the expand our ministries through establishing and developing elderly and seniors, for the possible link-ups and our own infrastructure such as d i fferently abled, unwed connections with their the TRAC HQ A d m i n i s t r a t i v e mothers, mentally challenged homelands in which we have structure to sustain and e t c . missions contact and work (eg. support our growing work as M y a n m a r, Vietnam and Nepal). an Annual Conference. 3 .Reaching the Nations in our There are growing N a t i o n . opportunities and increasing Our continuing aim is that we committed involvement by shall establish a centre that While the Board of Missions TRAC in God’s Mission empowers and advances will spearhead such a project, globally and the employment ministries for the Lord. we should key in on the of a TRAC Missions & Prayer experience of those churches Coordinator/Director will I I I Possibilities that are already doing this definitely hasten the process. For the Future. m i n i s t r y. At the same time, the Unreached Peoples Group Regarding our Sengoi Even as the quadrennium within our own land must also brethren, we have to continue draws to a close, may I off e r occupy a place in our hearts to increase our efforts in the following strategic and prayer. helping them become a possibilities in terms of follow- Provisional Annual Conference up goals/objectives for the 4. Intentional Leadership by the end of the new quadrennium. D e v e l o p m e n t . q u a d r e n n i u m . 1 .Church Planting especially At the Laity level, the LPL h a s 4. A “Synergy in Unity” in Urban A r e a s . served us well as a training Mindset. and nurturing conduit. Perhaps In the light of rapid urban we should offer at least a We have seen efforts at growth, we should be couple of leadership preserving unity in the body of preparing ourselves to invest courses/modules annually to TRAC and I pray that we shall in church planting in urban cater to newer leaders (esp. in continue to have this areas, esp. in FT a n d the LCEC) such as the togetherness, being part of the S e l a n g o r. TRAC will need to “Foundation of Leadership for connectional body in T R A C adopt a strategy that is more the Local Church” and a follow and the Methodist Church in sustainable in terms of cost, up like “Fundamental Malaysia. Once we have made size and man power. A “ s h o p - Leadership Issues in the Local a decision as an A n n u a l lot size” congregation is a Church”. We shall have to be Conference, we must uphold it manageable size that will be more deliberate and plan for as a body. We are grateful for more sustainable in terms of on-going development in areas the production of the cost, and active bi-vocational of spiritual, ministry and Introducing TRAC CD (12 local team leadership strategic (philosophy of minutes) which is now participation. It may also be ministry) formations for front- available to all our less institutionalized, more line key personnel in God’s congregations. homogeneous in setting which church. They will then remain is more likely to facilitate fresh and fitted for their roles 5 .A Centre that Empowers. growth and outreach. T h e and responsibilities. Our local Annual Conference must also churches and TRAC must then We shall need to continue to be able to help “jump start” set aside sufficient funds and build a strategically functional church planting and ministry time for them to receive such TRAC HQ that can administer centres in potential areas empowering. We must pay the and meet the needs of a although finally, it has to be cost and give priority to this growing Annual Conference. It the local church that area of intentional leadership should also be able to uphold undertakes that responsibility. development - quality 4 From the President’s Desk

leadership means an A n n u a l 2. Effective Tools for Church e) TRAC Website : Conference of quality - for t h e Life and Ministries. w w w. t r a c . o r g . m y L o r d . This will be set up and In the course of the year I operational by early next year 5. Paying Close Attention to have come to know of some of for our churches to gain Family Life. the more recent useful information as well as to post resources (this is of course information. This will become While we know that the key not exhaustive) which is worth one of our main tools of quick basic core community in any sharing with our churches who and updated communication. society is the family unit, we may find them useful. are also aware that the church C o n c l u s i o n . is not spared of family and a )Alpha in the Workplace (Off i c e As I look back over the last three marital tensions, even though Alpha) and years, I cannot but feel most it is an “unspoken subject”. A s Youth A l p h a thankful to the Lord for His such, I am glad that more of ( a l p h a m y @ s t r e a m y x . c o m ) . guidance and manifold grace our churches are organizing This is the 13 week course but received in the course of serving seminars and forums to retailored to be held in an Him together with you in TRAC. I acknowledge our struggles in hour lunch break in a weekday wish to record my sincere thanks this area and to equip parents at the office. They have other and appreciation to the and children for a strong useful materials including a intercessors and praying friends, family life. The theme of course on marriage the Executive Board, the healthy family life will have to enrichment that is also administrative support of Ms. be kept consciously in our recommended. A l p h a Matilda Renganayagee at TRAC minds as we minister across Conference is scheduled for HQ office, and Mrs. Tung Soo the whole of the age spectrum next year 9-10 Nov. 2005 in Kee and the Board of in our local churches. K . L . P r e s i d e n c y. I am grateful for the two special ladies in my life, my I V Practicalities b )Purpose Driven Life beloved wife Mun Kean and for the Present. (Rick Wa r r e n ) daughter Hannah who have been Those churches using this willing to make adjustments in 1. The TRAC Millennium have found this most helpful growing together with me in Ministry Fund (TMMF) for both the believers and serving the God whom we love. those who have recently come We are grateful for the We thank the churches that to Christ. community life in KL We s l e y, have remitted their where I continue to serve, contributions and that have c) Experiencing God for Couples. preach, teach, counsel and train given feedback and This course uses the 7 albeit at a lesser percentage suggestions regarding the realities taught in the l e v e l . fund. Our first key project is Experiencing God course in And to all of you, my pastoral the TRAC HQ Building the marriage context. It comes colleagues, lay leaders, co- Extension Project. At present with a video and workbook for workers, sisters and brothers in we are still waiting for the 8 segments. our Lord, thank you for your relevant authorities to process confidence, love and esteem in our submitted plans. In our d) GC Laity Leadership Tr a i n i n g making it possible for me to have quest to establish the funding Seminar the privilege of serving in the and administration of this Organised for lay leaders of office of President of the Tr i n i t y Fund, let us not forget its the church. Annual Conference for the past purpose, which is, to leave a Date : 7-9 March 2005 three years. lasting legacy as a T R A C Eagles Leadership To God be all praise, honour and family through synergy in Conference, Singapore. g l o r y. ■ u n i t y. It is exciting and Date : 28-30 July, 2005 encouraging to anticipate what Churches could help sponsor the Lord can do through the our leaders to attend as we TMMF to bring glory to His did the last time as per our own Name through T R A C . Annual Conference decision. R e v. O n gH w a iTe i k President, Trinity Annual Conference Methodist Church in Malaysia.

5 L a i t y

Reflections • 29th Session, TRAC Annual Conference Dr ChanKookWeng

Introduction: The 29th qualities. The President had set the charge of a church were not eligible tone where we could use the Word a new ballot was called. Out of the Session TRAC Annual of God to guide us. There should not 105 votes cast, Rev Ong Hwai Teik Conference was held in be selfish motives. It is our was again elected with 88 votes responsibility to check what is said polled in his favour. Syuen Hotel, , and done with our own lives and that from 13-16 November of the church against what the Bible The mood of the delegates was one 2004. Truly the Lord was says. As the delegates reflected on of unity and this prevailed the Presidential address, they throughout the other elections. For with us through out the realized that they were asking God example, in the election of the four days. to give them fresh direction again as Conference Lay leader he was if they had not traveled down the returned unopposed. The election of road before. These were sound the Associate Lay Leaders and other any of us may think that Annul lessons to be learned. office bearers was indeed smooth. M Conferences come and go Like wise the elections of members from a human perspective. I would Fortified by the teaching and testing to the Executive Board and the other like to point out the richness of each of Dr and Mrs Monty Barker, such Boards’ Chairpersons and members Annual Conference and the 29th lessons were meant to further train were also very smooth. Session is one such example. There and equip us for the work God wants is God’s love shown and the us to do in this new quadrennium. Dr We have brought this request for a fulfillment of our prayers being seen Barker spoke over three sessions on smooth election in our prayers. Our as we continue to serve Him ‘Reading your own story: the inner Lord wants us to trust Him that he faithfully. It is my hope that as you life of the Christian leader’, will give us the strength of character finished reading this article you will ‘Counseling and care’, and ‘Youth to live faithfully and transparently in get a better insight as God seems to and sex’ and they all highlighted the dealing with selecting His fellow remind us of the wonderful gift of challenges faced by the church and workers to serve. In fact we have Christian living. the leaders in the 21st Century. To waited and prayed for the past few me when the Lord speaks to us years for this to happen. At this 29th Teaching and Training: The Annual through such a powerful speaker like Session TRAC before our very eyes, Conference started off with the Dr Monty, God usually gives us His we can see the hand of God TRAC President Rev Ong Hwai Teik perspective, the long view of things. bringing to us such an important preaching on the theme “Not by We have everything we need in the breakthrough. To me the results of might but by my Spirit says the Lord Lord to satisfy us when facing these the elections tell me one important Almighty” (Zechariah 4:1-10) at the challenges in the coming years. thing. When God says the time is Opening Holy Communion Service right, then we must be ready. Indeed where the new Rev Dr Hwa Elections: What was striking the delegates were ready and this Yung presided over the Lord’s was the smooth elections, starting prayer had been fulfilled. The church Supper. The delegates were with our President. For the first time is well on the way to bigger things challenged to rediscover the in the TRAC Annual Conference with such unity being expressed pioneering spirit of our forebears and history, the President was elected through the ballots. As long as we be filled with the Holy Spirit in with one single ballot. Here Rev Ong love one another as the Lord has carrying out our mission by Hwai Teik obtained 87 out of 150 commanded (John 15:12) we can equipping the people with goodness votes cast where the required face the challenges ahead, come and spiritual gifting. number for election was 70 votes. what it may, with a united front. However due to the voting rights of As church leaders, it becomes clear three Approved Supply Pastor who Retirement: Rev Balahu to the delegates that being a church had been appointed to a full charge Hassan in honour of his 30 years of leader indeed is a calling (1 Timothy of a church being eligible to vote faithful service in the preaching 3:1-7) as we strive to meet good while another three without the full business in the presence of God and

6 L a i t y

Reflections•29thSession TRACConference

our Lord Jesus Christ, retired. He children by Dato’ and Datin Lee Oi * The second workshop, Rev Woo was awarded a love gift and a Hian as another token for further Kit Sang shared about the migrant citation. To me this is very appreciation of their contribution. The ministry among the Nepalese, meaningful. Making God’s Word whole exercise reminded me of how Vietnamese, Telegu and known is a life long business and we as children were taught early to Myanmarese. The ways of though Rev Balahu Hassan had say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’. As reaching out to them like retired, he is preaching occasionally. leaders we now do as what we are conducting English lessons and There is actually no retirement plan taught. We thank God for people who through health care were shared. for preaching. He provides ample are kind in bringing gifts to those who proof to we younger church workers serve unselfishly. * In the third delegates, briefed by Dr that faithfulness in taking action on Tai Kim Teng, learned on how to behalf of the Word will allow one to Workshops: Right from the start mobilizing Christian professionals receive the priceless reward ‘on that of this 29th Session of the Annual into the China Mainland to day.’(2 Timothy 4:8) Conference this year, there were establish short- and long- exhibitions by Daybreak and Wycliffe. partnership in reaching out. Appreciation: Another event of Here delegates were able to look significance is the appreciation given through to browse through the books * The fourth was on youth. Ms Tay to the spouses of pastors who came and products on display. In addition Choon Neo shared about the in full force to the Annual Conference. to the exhibitions, there were seven mission among the young people Behind the dedicated work of the mission workshop presentations. in Cambodia. Here many pastors are the spouses ministries have been set up by companionship in God’s work. For * The first one from Seraphim, Fred other Christian organizations to their faithfulness and support to their Wong introduced the company reach out to the youth. husbands, there were rewarded with products and the audio Bibles, that a gift of hamper each given by Dato’ were available in several and Datin Daniel Tay and a dinner languages, for sale. arrangement for them and their

7 L a i t y

Reflections•29thSession, TRACConference

* In the fifth, Rev Christopher Rao * Lastly, the 7th was the introducing Discernment of God’s intervention in reported on the TRAC Jeremiah TRAC VCD presentation of about our lives: Finally, as we record a School where school leavers are 12 minutes where the broad word of thanks to the kind hospitality encouraged to attend. The aim is range of activities of TRAC of the Local Planning Committee to spot the potential in the lives of churches in Malaysia was and the host church for facilitating a the young and immature and for covered. After some corrections, conducive environment throughout them to develop into effective the video would be presented to the Conference, we must discern valuable persons later in their all the churches. God’s love for us through those lives. people who are in the local planning These exhibitions and workshop committee. The 29th Session may * In the 6th Rev Bah Uda was to offered many opportunities for the have gone but God had been in share on how to provide the next delegates not only to find some control. Discerning God’s movement phase of the growth of the Sengoi diversions from their heavy-duty in our lives requires a desire to hear Misi. This went off with a good deliberations of the Conference God’s voice and see His point. It is start with Singapore TRAC matters but more importantly to me my hope that with this write up will donation S$11,000 to be used as is that God has called us, help you to focus on what is seed money to purchase a 50- irrespective of our age, man or important in future Annual acre land. With further donations woman to do the things He has Conferences. They are important and contributions from TRAC, the called us to do and to use the gifts milestones of our TRAC Methodist Persidangan Misi Sengoi He has given to us to fulfill the jobs churches. Let us not forget God’s Methodis will work on stronger and missions as demonstrated by grace at the 29th Session as we foundation towards of becoming a the workshops. continue to praise Him and love Him. Provisional Annual Conference by 2008. To God be the Glory. ■

8 TRAC 29th Session

AppointmentsFor2005 EASTERN DISTRICT District Superintendent: Rev Peggy Seow Kooi Nai Bentong-Mentakab Circuit Mr Buell W.N. Abraham, Pastor Kuala Lipis Wesley Methodist Church - to be appointed Raub Wesley MC Mr Buell W. N. Abraham, Pastor Kuantan Wesley MC Rev Peggy Seow, Pastor

NORTHERN DISTRICT District Superintendent: Rev Lawrence Francis Alor Setar Wesley Methodist Church Mr Lee Peng Chiat, Supply Pastor Sg. Petani Wesley Methodist Church Mr Lee Peng Chiat, Supply Pastor Kulim Wesley Methodist Church Mr Lim Keong Goo, Supply Pastor Butterworth Wesley Methodist Church Mr Lim Keong Goo, Supply Pastor Penang Wesley Methodist Church Rev Lawrence Francis, Pastor Penang Trinity Methodist Church Rev T. Jeyakumar, Pastor Buntar Wesley Methodist Church Rev T. Jeyakumar, Pastor

PERAK DISTRICT District Superintendent: Rev Hwa Jen Taiping Wesley Methodist Church Rev Thomas Chin Shen Loong, Pastor Wesley Methodist Church Rev Thomas Chin Shen Loog, Pastor Ipoh Canning Garden Methodist Church Rev Ashok Amarasingham, Pastor Rev Audrey Yap Yin Har, Supply Pastor Methodist Church, Ipoh Mr Joshua Khong Chee Leong, Pastor Ipoh Grace Methodist Church Mr Joshua Khong Chee Leong, Pastor Ipoh Wesley Methodist Church Rev Hwa Jen, Pastor Kampar Wesley Methodist Church Rev Kwek Peng Soon, Pastor Wesley Methodist Church Rev Bernard Yogaraj Lazar, Pastor Wesley Methodist Church Rev Henry Yong Wei Choong, Pastor Mr Milkias Padan, Supply Pastor

FEDERAL TERRITORY () District Superintendent: Rev Dr Timothy Ong Seng Kee Kuala Lumpur Wesley Methodist Church Rev Dr Timothy Ong Seng Kee, Pastor Rev Andrew Tan Kok Khoon, Associate Pastor Ms Veronica Ting Ling Yin, Director of Christian Education Ampang Christ Methodist Church Rev David Loo Tiang Chun, Pastor Cheras Faith Methodist Church Rev Wong Onn Thau, Pastor Kepong Wesley Methodist Church Rev Yew Nieng Song, Pastor Sentul Grace Methodist Church Rev Yew Nieng Song, Pastor Ms Tan Chew Mae, Supply Pastor

SELANGOR DISTRICT District Superintendent: Rev Woo Kit Sang Petaling Jaya Trinity Methodist Church Rev Ricky Ho Kim Hock, Pastor Rev Raymond Wong Hoong Kwan, Associate Pastor Ms Aileen Khoo Hooi Ai, Director of Christian Education Sungai Buloh Trinity Methodist Church, Rev Ricky Ho Kim Hock, Pastor Rev Raymond Wong Hoong Kwan, Associate Pastor Damansara Utama Methodist Church - to be appointed Petaling Jaya Emmanuel Methodist Church Rev. David Loo Tiang Chun, Pastor Sg. Way/Subang Methodist Church - to be appointed Subang Methodist Church Rev Ng Cho Hui, Supply Pastor Kelang Wesley Methodist Church Rev Woo Kit Sang, Pastor

SOUTHERN DISTRICT District Superintendent: Rev Yew Nieng Song Wesley Methodist Church Rev Timothy Lam Yuen Yi, Pastor Segamat Wesley Methodist Church Mr Ngoh PengTeck, Part-time Supply Pastor (wef 1.1.2005) Melaka Wesley Methodist Church Rev Ting Moy Hong, Pastor Mr John Baru, Supply Pastor Taman Asean Methodist Church Rev Vincent Cheng Min Seng, Part-time Supply Pastor Seremban Wesley Methodist Church Rev Paul Santosh Christie, Pastor Taman Ujong Methodist Church Rev Paul Santosh Christie, Pastor

9 TRAC 29th Session



Conference President: Rev Ong Hwai Teik 05. Board of Christian Education Conference Secretary Mr Tung Kam Seng Conference Statistician - to be elected Chairman: Ms Goh Kim Guat Conference Treasurer Mr Gary Soh Members: Ps Joshua Khong Conference Lay Leader Dr Chan Kook Weng Rev Ng Cho Hui Associate Conference Lay Leaders Dr Samuel Ong Rev Timothy Lam Mr Desmond Wee Mr Daniel Ong Rev Andrew Tan Ms Ng Wai Ling Mr Stephen Cheah 01. Executive Board For 2005 -2008 Ms Yeoh Eng Bee Mr Cheah Eng Seng Chairman: Rev Ong Hwai Teik, Conference President Ms Sally Ti Mr Tan Har Yong Ministerial Members Lay Members: Ms Amanda Pang Rev Hwa Jen Dr Chan Kook Weng Rev Ricky Ho (Conference Lay Leader) Rev Dr Timothy Ong Mrs Irene Khoo Rev Andrew Tan (President, Methodist Women) 06. Board of Evangelism Rev Peggy Seow Mr Kwong Choong Vai Rev Lawrence Francis (Chairmen, Board of Finance) Chairman: Rev Henry Yong Rev Woo Kit Sang Mr Tung Kam Seng Members: Ps Buell W. N. Abraham (Conference Secretary) Rev Audrey Yap Dr Samuel Ong Ps Lim Keong Goo Mr Desmond Wee Rev Peggy Seow Dr Ting Cheh Sing Mrs Rachel Kwong Mrs Rubina Ho Reserves: Ms Yin Kam Yoke Rev Yew Nieng Song Mrs Lily Ch’ng Mr Albert Quah Rev T. Jeyakumar Ms Jenny Qua Mrs Dorcas Ong Rev Ting Moy Hong Mr Richard S. O. Leow

07. Board of Finance 02. Board of Appointments Chairman: Mr Kwong Choong Vai Chairman: Conference President Members: Rev Ricky Ho Members: District Superintendents, Rev T. Jeyakumar Conference Lay Leader, Rev Yew Nieng Song Chairman Board of Finance Rev Andrew Tan Dr Chan Kook Weng Mr Tay Un Soo Ms Irene Khoo 03. Board of Archives & History Dr Ting Cheh Sing Mrs Tung Soo Kee Chairman: Mr Goh Keat Seng Mr Desmond Wee Members: Miss Aileen Khoo Mr Yeoh Beng Keat Rev Hwa Jen Ms Jenny Qua Rev Thomas Chin Ex-offici Mr Ng Eee Meng Members Mr David Low without vote: President & District Superintendents Mrs Goh Keat Seng Mr Lim Tong Juan

08. Board of Investigation

04. Board of Bahasa Malaysia Work Members: Rev Lawrence Francis Rev Woo Kit Sang Chairman: Rev T Jeyakumar Members: Rev Raymond Wong Rev Ting Moy Hong Ps John Baru Rev Andrew Tan Rev Bah Saha Rev Hwa Jen Ps Milkias Padan Mr Yu Ngee Ing Mr Ong Chong That Mr Richard K K Leow

10 TRAC 29th Session


09. Board of Laity 15. Board of Social Concerns

Chairman: • Conference Lay Leader Chairman: Rev Bernard Yogaraj Members: • Associate Lay Leaders Members: Rev Lawrence Francis • District Lay Leaders Mrs Foong Pik Wah • Conference MW President Mrs Judy Chin • Conference MYF President Mr Roland Chan • Conference MYAF President Ms Winnie Ng • Conference Director of Youth Work Col. (rtd) George Leng Ex-officio Members: • Conference President and Datin Sandra Lee District Superintendents

16. Board of Worship & Music 10. Board of Ministry Chairman: Dr Samuel Ong Chairman: Rev Ricky Ho Members: Rev Ashok Amarasingham Members: Rev Hwa Jen Rev Kwek Peng Soon Rev Dr Timothy Ong Rev Ting Moy Hong Rev Lawrence Francis Ms Joyce Ong Rev Andrew Tan Mr Charles Tan Rev Woo Kit Sang Ms Susan Tan Ms Ng Su Yin Ms Liew Cow Yuan Ms Yong Wai Yin 11. Board of Missions

Chairman: Mr Oon Lai Seng Ps Lee Peng Chiat 17. Board of Youth Work Members: Rev Raymond Wong Ms Veronica Ting Chairman: Dr Herbert Tan Rev Vincent Cheng Members: Rev Christopher Rao Rev Woo Kit Sang (National Youth Director) Mr Leong Pook Seong Rev Paul Christie Mr Ng Siew Wah Rev Yew Nieng Song Mr Yeoh Beng Keat Mr Lim Chong Ho (BB) Mr Alan Seow Ms Chan Lay Wah Mr Lenard Cheong 12. Board of Nominations Ms Chang Choy Quin (Youth Ministry Coordinator) Chairman: Rev Hwa Jen Mr Shawn Sim(MYF) Members: Rev Kwek Peng Soon Mr Noel Jayaratnam (MYAF) Mr Desmond Wee Ms Tay Choon Neo (GB) Rev Dr Timothy Ong Associates Directors, Board of Youth Work Mr Tung Kam Seng Rev Peggy Seow Mrs Lily Ch’ng 18. Penang Hill Methodist Centre Committee

Chairman: Rev Lawrence Francis 13. Board of Presidency Members: Mr Jordan Y B Lee Mr Foo Kia Tiang Chairman: Mrs Lily Ch’ng Mr Ang Sim Boo Members: Rev Peggy Seow Mr Chan Kim Huat Rev Dr Timothy Ong Mr Ong Jin Cheng Mr Richard S O. Leow Mr Ling Ah Chai Pastor, Trinity Methodist Church, Penang Pastor, Wesley Methodist Church, Penang

14. Board on Property

Chairman: Dato’Michael Cheah 19. TRAC Retreat Director Members: Rev Bernard Yogaraj Rev David Loo Dr Chew Tow Yow Rev Vincent Cheng Mr Aldrian Chan Mr Ding Pooi Kooi Mr Eric Hue 20. TRAC Prayer Director Mr Richard S. O. Leow Mr Teh Kean Meng Rev Ong Hwai Teik Mr Tony Khoo 11 P r a y e r


The second TRAC Prayer Conference was held between Jan 29 - 31, 2005, at the Chefoo Methodist Centre, Cameron Highlands. This conference saw an increased participation of 121 people from 19 Methodist churches. The theme of the conference was ‘Positioning Watchmen, Putting up Prayer Shields’. The main facilitators were Mark & Alice Goodwin, a husband-wife team-missionaries. Read on to find out what some participants have to say about the conference...

Dr.CheeChinSeang around the world from other others and to help them. Canning Garden Methodist, Ipoh disciples of Jesus. Together, the I am grateful to God for enabling me combined prayers prevailed over evil to attend this Prayer Conference. I rayer is of vital importance. The and violence and Iraq had a hope more of you can attend next fact that the President of our relatively peaceful and courageous year’s Conference which will be held P ■ Annual Conference churches, Rev. turnout and voting. The threatened in January or February 2006. Ong Hwai Teik, himself organised “bloodbaths” did not happen. and led in most of the sessions in Participants also shared other the Prayer Conference both this year testimonies of how prayer and SandyWu as well as last year underlines the intercession were changing things Canning Garden Methodist, Ipoh importance of prayer in TRAC. In and events in their churches. various parts of his sharing and ow blessed it is to sit at the feet chairing at the Conference, Rev. Attitude to intercession. On the last H of the Lord, to listen, to learn Ong reminded participants that day of the Conference, Rev. Ong and to fellowship with our beloved Jesus Christ himself is our Chief meditated in his closing message on Jesus. Intercessor. For example, Hebrews Luke 11:1-13 (Jesus’ teaching on 7:25 says, “He (i.e. Jesus) always prayer). He said that an intercessor The sharing of the Missions Work in lives to intercede for them (i.e. us, should have three correct attitudes Iraq, Iran and Myanmar really his followers).” And Romans 8:34 to prayer. First, he/she should be touched my heart; I’ve committed says, “Christ Jesus, who died - more persevering just like the friend in the myself to be a prayer shield for the than that who was raised to life - is story who came at midnight to ask team and the work in Iran - for the at the right hand of God and is also for some bread whose attitude Jesus nations’ salvation too. These are interceding for us.” If Christ called “boldness”. Intercessors people who need the Lord. ■ considers intercession as of such should never give up - we may have importance and priority to Him, how to pray for one month, one year, much more so it should be to us! many years, and even for a lifetime to see the results of our prayers. Mrs.JenniferLiew Also, that the TRAC churches Canning Garden Methodist, Ipoh agreed with the President on the Secondly, an intercessor must have importance of prayer, is seen by the love for people he/she prays for. Without this love, our efforts will his is my first time attending the attendance of over 120 participants TRAC Prayer Conference/ become merely mechanical and T from all parts of Peninsular Retreat. I have learnt and received Malaysia, from churches in Alor Star meaningless, and to intercede for others in this way can be a chore much from the teaching of God’s to Johor Bahru — north to south, Word. It was a “tiring” but rewarding and east to west. and a burden. Because, like the friend who came at midnight, Conference. Rewarding because the presence of God was with us requests can come at all times of the Prayer has power. The timing of the throughout the three days. We Conference is fortuitous, God’s day or night, at odd times when we don’t feel like praying or are learnt that all Christians need to and timing. At the same time (on 30 will be able to pray if they have the January), the nation of Iraq was also ourselves spiritually low and in no mood to help or to listen. Thirdly, an hunger, and desire with a whole having its first genuinely democratic heart to seek and learn to obey the intercessor must be humble and general elections in decades, held in voice of God. Are you eager to pray remember - like the friend who the midst of internal war and or do you draw yourself away? We bloodshed and threats of increased asked for bread who said, “I have nothing..” - that we have nothing should ask God to show us a new violence and “bloodbaths”, as thing in the area of prayer. promised by the insurgents/ good on our own. All that we can give or help comes from God alone. terrorists. We prayed hard for a One of the things we were taught peaceful and orderly elections. He gives us the ability, the resources and the empowering to pray for was to establish a Prayer Shield There must have been other prayers Communication (P.S.C.). We need

12 P r a y e r


to cover each other and the church definitely no such thing as a natural with prayer (Ephesians 6:12). death. It had to be dealt with. Another sharing that touched me To expose oneself to another is to DanielLee was from the missionaries - Miss make oneself vulnerable. That’s Trinity Methodist Church, PJ Loh Lai Keng, Mr. Nathan Goodwin what I thought. But it surprised me and two seniors from SS Methodist to know that by opening myself to Church, Mr. Mui Sam Loong and Mr. another, the pain and unforgiveness THE Rhythm of Daniel’s ■ Leong Pook Seong. actually was drawn out and dealt HIGHLAND EXPERIENCE with by God. Now I feel lighter inside with one item thrown out. Datin Roh way from the hustle and bustle Yap See of city life setting out at the Canning Garden Methodist, Ipoh That exercise serves to teach me a A spiritual truth. It shows that every break of dawn with bags of clothing, goodies and snacks. In two vehicles, t was a great conference for us time we experience a pain, we pray nine fellow members with expectant intercessors. Mark Goodwin has to God about it and then feel better I hearts set forth, eager to learn of the very powerful testimonies and but probably we may just have Lord and encounter Him. The encounters with God and these placed it under the folder marked enlightening Words through his really refreshed and strengthened “PAIN” and filed it in our hearts servants, Mark and Alice Goodwin, our desire to persevere in our somewhere. As we grow older the on strengthening, building up and intercession. The Lord was with us folder gets thicker. We must have establishing prayer shields for the during the session. Praise God that other folders marked leaders. out of 24 CGMC participants, 21 “UNFORGIVENESS”, “IRRITATION”, were MSF members! ■ “UNLOVED”, “MURDEROUS FEELINGS”, etc. We then carry all Call to confession, renouncing our these added baggage without giving sins, And staging our hold on much thought to them throughout holiness; only then can we battle the MargaretKhoo our lives. These folders do not spiritual forces. With the empowering Trinity Methodist Church, PJ bother us much as they just of the Holy Spirit. Listening to the occupying space in our spiritual life, sharing of missionaries of distant AN Exercise to like cluttered rubbish in our physical lands, those who ventured out in learn a SPIRITUAL TRUTH life. God wants us to know that we faith to Iran, Iraq and Myanmar. can throw the unworthy baggage Challenged to go and sound the away. Then, as we continue to work gong of love, joy and peace of n the first day of the 2nd TRAC with God, we will be able to move Jesus. Learning that the Lord Jesus Prayer Conference, towards O with greater ease and freedom Christ has come. Saving us all of our the later part of the day, we were without tugging along the extra load. sins, rebuilding and restoring our paired up to vocalise our deepest relationship with God the Father. darkest secrets, especially in the So let us not just confess our sins to Renewed and refreshed we will area of unforgiveness, which are God and file them up, but give up disseminate the importance of an hindering us from intimacy with our the sins to God so we can be stand intimacy with the Lord. ■ Holy God. before our Holy God as He said in That session was very painful and Leviticus 19:2b - “You shall be holy, tearful for me as I somehow thought for I the Lord your God am holy.” ■ that by chucking the pain to the back of my mind, it should stay there, and ultimately die a natural death. Well, it certainly did not fester itself and neither did it rear its ugly head as I did not nurture it, but there was

13 Yo u t h

with God (quiet time) is highly You have to see it in order to A esteemed? Where spiritual believe. Our hearts just burned with Brief disciplines such as contemplative pure joy as we see young people prayer, fasting, intercession, calling on God’s name and Description evangelism, service and ministry are responding to His work in their lives. practiced? Where the pursuit of I think we have never laughed and OfJS holiness and godliness become the cried so much in a Youth School most important agenda? before. There was so much of here are simply no words to laughter because working with T express the Jeremiah Is it not possible? Can not young young people is really fun, exciting School (JS) experience. I guess people have such drive and and adventurous. We cried so much the closest words I can think of, to passions in their lives? because when we heard their past quote the caption of Willard Dallas hurts and brokenness that a person book on Spiritual Formation, “the I have seen it happening. Yes, carried within his / her soul, it really renovation of the heart” would best happening in the lives of our youths crushed one’s spirit. Yet, the Spirit of describe the JS experience. Yes, I in JS. This is nothing new. Didn’t God ministers and brings restoration think this is an accurate description God say in Isaiah 44: 3 - 5, “I will to everyone who opens up to Him in of what God has done and continues pour my Spirit on your offspring and truth. to do in the lives of those who my blessings on your descendants. attended Jeremiah School. In JS They will spring up like grass in a What about the call to full-time space and time were given for the meadow, like poplar trees by flowing ministry?A I think when we are talking Spirit of God to do a deep work of streams. One will say, ‘I belong to about Full-time Ministry,B we are r grace in the lives of students. the Lord’; another will call himself by actually talking about a “by-product”. the name of Jacob; still another will If our youths can be spiritually alive Imagine, what it would be like if our write on his hand, ‘the Lord’s,’ and and challenged, then those who young people live a discipline and will take the name Israel.” have a calling in their lives will structured life? Where time alone Descripcertainly hear it. The calling comes t

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from God. Our responsibility is to expose youths to the possibility of God’s calling and help them to discern God’s will and timing in their lives.

At least seven of our participants have indicated an interest and desire to seek God’s call. More significantly, all of them have dedicated their lives to love and serve God. JS is not everything. It is only a beginning for students to continue to love and seek God in their lives. If there is a description of what JS is all about, it speak to them personally and could be seen as a car workshop where From corporately. All of them came the longed a waited overhaul and retuning TUMC through JS greatly renewed in their is done. here were six young people love for God and thankfulness for who attended Jeremiah School His grace upon their lives: they had Twenty three youths attended the T this year from Taman Ujong discovered deeper things about Jeremiah School which was held in STM Methodist Church (TUMC), five of themselves and about God as they on January 5 to February 3. The students whom had just finished Form Five, encountered Him in His Word and attended a Missions Trip which was held in and one Form Six. Each one of in the JS community, and are riefSegamat on February 14 - 20. The them found that God had used their challenged to move on in their discipleship school was organized with the time at JS to do a deep work of journey of faith. The task now is help of three full time staff: Rev. healing in their lives and a renewing for us at the local church to walk Christopher Rao, Ms. Chang Choy Quin of their faith and commitment to with these young people and and Mrs. Rhema Rao. Dr. Herbert Tan was Him. The extended time of five continue the good work God has ■ a part time staff and Mr. Philip Ong a weeks set aside to be immersed not begun to do in their lives. helper. ■ tion just in the formal learning of their faith, but also in being part of a FromGohKimGuat Christian community and in Rev. ChristopherRao spending time with God, created a Youth Counsellor Taman Ujong Methodist, Seremban Youth Director TRAC most conducive environment for God to meet with them, and to fJS TUMC15 Yo u t h

KeyIssuesin EachTraining Module


Date Venue Module April 2-3 Perak District - Sitiawan Wesley Church 4 April 9 - 10 Southern District - Wesley Methodist Center, Melaka 3 Aug 12 - 13 Northern District - Trinity Methodist Church Penang 2 Oct 1 - 2 Eastern District - Wesley Methodist Church, Kuantan 4 Dec 3 Wilayah/Selangor District - Wesley Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur 4

Module 1 : Module 2 : more those who minister to youth need to be equipped with techniques for Youth Ministry - Culture & Trends Mentoring Youth innovation. While innovation and “In a rapid changing and moving Howard Hendricks once said, “We can change are being explored, emphasis environment as today, many facets of impress people from a distance but we will also be made on defining some of everyday life has been affected can only impact them up close!” Never our core values in youth ministry as especially the young people and the before has there been such a great well as how to manage change family unit. Many parents and those need for us to come up close to youths effectively. involved in youth ministry often in a mentoring relationship to help comment, “Is it ‘a new breed of young shape the future leaders of our generation(s) we are dealing with? community, particularly in the maturing Module 4 : Why are they so rebellious and of their heart and raising their EQ. Strategic Thinking and Planning disinterested in the Christian faith? The need for mentoring the young is We do well to manage an on-going Why are they behaving so strangely? not merely a youth ministry need but youth ministry but we do better to What is happening to my kids?” And also that of parenting. provide cutting edge leadership to the the list of questions and comments will growth and effectiveness of the youth go on and on. It is indeed a great Module 3 : ministry. This calls for strategic thinking challenge and task for parents and all and planning. We need to build into Innovation in Youth Ministry who work with youth to understand our youth ministry direction and vision, It is crazy to keep doing the same and to relate to them. It is no easy and the skills needed to formulate a thing and expecting a different result! task, but it is not impossible.” strategic plan for youth ministry. ■ In our desire to be more effective in ministering to youth, innovation has to take place to keep up with the Facilitator : Dr. HerbertTan changing cultures and challenges. Board Of YouthWork Coupled with the need for more ideas in youth ministry programming, all the 16 M i s s i o n s TheMiracle 125thAnniversary Thanksgiving Celebration of The Methodist Church of The Union of Lower Myanmar • 22-24 October 2004

DawnTeh • KL Wesley

It was A CELEBRATION, par Nigeria, now based in Lagos; Bishop FromTearstoJoy excellence, the nature of which we Roy I. Sano from the USA; Professor have never witnessed! Shuhei Suzuki from the Theological Having spent USD 20,000 and Seminary School in Japan; Rev. months in preparation, our hosts The Celebration Theme: Ralph Lee from Hong Kong; were shocked and devastated by the Professor George Gish from the authorities’ last minute decision to Zechariah 4:6 in Tokyo; revoke the permit for a gathering, “Not by might nor by power, but by the Bishop from Taiwan; the Pastor the day before the celebration was my spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” from Korea; The Treasurer from scheduled to start. But the Spirit of TRAC Singapore and their the Lord guided the leaders to draw TheGuestsArrive President, Rev Dr. Isaac Lim; the up daily contingency plans which TRAC President from Malaysia, Rev. covered more scope and grounds Here was a gathering of fervent Ong Hwai Teik and the Youth than originally planned. They were servants of God who had come from Director, Rev. Christopher Rao. an improvement because we had far and near to embrace our brothers our wish to “tour” outside Yangon and sisters in Myanmar at this time OurDailyDevotionwith and visit the smaller churches and of grand celebration. RevOngHwaiTeik preaching points.

The guest list from overseas Re v. Ong led us through 5 sessions of MissionTours - includes delegates from Korea, the morning devotion and prayers. He 22ndand23rdOctober Philippines, and their Spiritual Image asked that we pray that the Spirit of the singers from San Francisco, Hong Lord be upon the Myanmar church. In On the 22nd October we were driven Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Isaiah 61 and 62 Rev Ong reminded Malaysia. to several churches and preaching us that just as Israel’s relationship with points. Our mission was realized as the Lord was restored, so will it be for we toured and met some of the local The gathering of and My a n m a r. The Lord has posted pastors, to name a few, included: pastors and church leaders and their ‘watchmen on your walls’, they are to members. The trip to the Theological proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. His Excellency Bishop Sunday Seminary Institute was an eye - All ‘mountains’, all obstacles, will be opener, to say the least. Trudging Mbang, Chairman of the World brought low. Council of Methodist Churches from along the mud paths, passing local mongrels which were just skin and 17 M i s s i o n s

TheMiracle 125thAnniversary Thanksgiving

bone and too tired to even bark at Church in Bago had recently SundayMorningWorship us, we were suddenly standing right celebrated their 100th anniversary. th in front of the simplest of zinc frames Bishop Mawia introduced the pastor, 24 October - the kitchen of the Institute. A bare Rev. Beaulah Aweay, a motherly wooden building with narrow steps figure. The 160 members gave us a We had to worship in different led upstairs to the college library very warm reception. We paid short churches that Sunday morning. Rev. with two nearly bare cupboards and visits to other preaching points, the Ong Hwai Teik preached at a remote some chairs; beside it is the Bago Gospel Centres, and the ‘Uta’ Tamil church accompanied by some sanctuary, an open space without church, which was built by the of our members, they had quite an windows. Imagine studying, Korean church ten years ago. The adventure travelling by truck, ferry worshipping and concentrating, with Korean churches have supported and taxis. Some of us worshipped no fans but a constant onslaught them over the last ten years. at the Kuo Yu Chinese Methodist from the stench of untreated sewage Church where they, too, were called on your nostrils. On Saturday the 23rd, Bishop Mawia to sing. The rest of us worshipped led us to the Chinese church where at the English Methodist Church, There we met Rev. U Saw Shwe he officially unveiled the plaque to also the venue for the grand who is the Principal of the Institute, commemorate the 125th anniversary anniversary celebration which the Pastor of the Christ Methodist of the church. That evening we started at 1 pm that same day. Church, Yangon and who also holds gathered for prayers and praise the office of General Secretary to the singing. Later we were shown slides CelebrationTime Methodist Church. He conducts 3 taken of the many churches and classes for 25 young students. Our their members in the Lower As the festive mood gathered Evangel Book Centre donated 2 sets Myanmar region. Rev. Ong Hwai momentum the celebration began. of reference books which added Teik’s message was for the church The tension over the days just burst significantly to their humble library. not to despair about their small size into unbridled joy of song and but to depend on the Spirit of the dance that the youth orchestrated. Daw Kyin Thein, a sprightly and energetic Lord to guide them. It was the kind of exhilarating woman, is the pastor of her church. Later modern, lively music that she proudly introduced us to her family accompanied the young dancers who are elders of the church. Apoint of that was so infectious. We were all interest is that they are all women. caught up in it. The Christ Methodist Chinese 18 M i s s i o n s

TheMiracle 125thAnniversary Thanksgiving

The Spiritual Image choir, the international. Quoting from Bishop FinalThoughts Korean flautist and choir offered Roy I. Sano who said, in his sermon, items with their touch of glamour and “This is a historic occasion for this For the 26 of us, how were we colourful costumes. nation!” we were thankful that in a touched by the Spirit? Many hearts land predominantly Buddhists with are bursting with stories of our own. Then came the 125 - member youth an intransigent government and Each carried home an experience choir of the Myanmar church who obstacles caused by the church’s that had immediately enriched our gave their rousing presentation dissenting group, we were still able lives; yet again, we may reap a straight from their hearts. The climax to share the gospel, to worship the harvest of personal enrichment in in the majestic Halleluiah Chorus by Lord, to celebrate, albeit not as ways that we may not yet realize. Handel was such a grand finale. The planned, and to hold this We thank the church in Myanmar for Lord must have smiled and thanksgiving celebration. taking such care to provide all our applauded, “Well done, my children!” meals and transportation. Most of all He was indeed with us all those The celebration culminated in a we thank them for their hospitality, three days. grand Friendship Dinner at the Park their patience with us and for their Royal Hotel Yangon. Hosted by the invitation to participate in their As tears welled up in our eyes it was Korean members who, unfortunately, celebration. this same thought that recurred. We had to miss it because of the are here; this is a reunion of the rescheduling of programmes, it was We will return. Lord’s family. How great it was to a time of acknowledgement and see their church filled to overflowing, thanksgiving. “May the favour of the Lord our God to have people from so far singing rest upon us - yes, establish the and clapping along with them work of our hands for us.” Ps. 90: 17 sharing their joy. We felt right at home. How heartwarming to know that their celebration was

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Eulogy:Rev.PaulGeorge The Executive Board & Pastors & friends of TRAC, wish to convey our heartfelt condolence to the family of the late Rev. Paul George for his demise on 21 December 2004.

from and took him as my older brother in will share some of his wonderful Excerpted Christ. He was my guide, my mentor, experiences dating Jessica, even the Eulogies&Tributes my buddy. We spent many nights in time when he took her up to Genting tea tarik and “sup kambing” Highlands on his old faithful Honda fellowship in Brickfields. We talked and came down in the pouring rain. Who is a best friend? about our studies, our field education Sometimes, we would have our Friendship in the churches, and our future misunderstandings with our ministry in TRAC conference. George girlfriends and on the double bed, I had an old Honda Bentley 100 cc would roll over and sigh, and George blessed thing it is for any man motorbike, and I was his pillon rider. would sigh in response because we or woman to have a friend; A Tog e t h e r, we would go for movies at understood each other. one human soul whom we can trust the old Pavilion cinema and have root utterly; who knows the best and the beer floats at A& W. By the end of our We both graduated in 1984, joined worst of us, and who loves us in third year, we decided to visit the TRAC Conference as pastors on spite of all our faults; who will speak Singapore during the STM holidays, trial, got married in the same year the honest truth to us, while the staying with Peter Lee, his brother, in 1986, had our first child in 1991. We world flatters us to our face, and his flat. We visited Sentosa Island shared so many things together, laughs at us behind our back; who and took many photos of our happy including each other’s churches. will give us counsel and reproof in moments together. In our 4th year, George found himself pastoring the day of prosperity and self- with the shift of the seminary to churches I had pastored and I ended conceit; but who, again, will comfort Sentul, we ended up as roommates pastoring churches where George and encourage us in the day of in a small 8x8ft room reserved for had pastored earlier. We both were difficulty and sorrow, when the world senior students. We had a double- ordained as deacons in 1988 and as leaves us alone to fight our own decker bed; I took the upper bunk, as elders in 1991. We began attending battle as we can. I was lighter. In our small room, Conferences and Pastors’ schools, ~ Kingsley ~ tucked in a corner was our small always sharing the same room. It co ffee table. Every night like a ritual, was an open knowledge that George Like the old song from ‘To Sir with Ge o r g e ’s water heater will boil water and Anthony would always be Love’, what do you say for a long to make coffee and tea. We will sit roommates during Conferences and friendship? For your best friend together on the doorsill facing the Pastors’ Schools. It would almost be whom you know for 23 years? 23 fence for our tea fellowship in our anathema not to put both of us in the years exactly represents half of my little room. We played football and same room, for we were like earthly life. That is how long I have volleyball together. Somewhere inseparable twins. This was a known George. In fact, George and I during the 4th year, I was found I was tradition that we continued until 2001 have known each other even longer no longer his pillon rider, for he had when circumstances began to force than we both know our wives. It was found his true love, Jessica! Ar o u n d us apart. I had begun my further in 1981 that I first met George in the same time, I also found my studies and was taking leave from STM. I was already in the 2nd year girlfriend Sabrina. But George had an Annual Conferences to go overseas when he joined us. We were in the advantage. He would go out on his around the time of the conferences. same class, both TRAC students. He Honda to meet his girlfriend who lived By that time, we were also bringing was 7 years older than me, already in PJ but I would have to meet mine our families to Conferences, so we studied in PLKM and SBC before, at STM. We share our joys, pains, no longer stayed together. Our last served as a supply pastor for 3 years and disappointments about our rooming was in Pastors’ School in in Wesley Kuala Lipis, and preached relationships with our girl friends. He 2001. many sermons. I looked up to him 20 Tr i b u t e


Our last tea together was at the Jesus or I shed for our best friends. best friend Lazarus but now I weep Taman Bidara Foodcourt this year When we cried, it was a reaction, a with a difference. I know it is no where he patiently listened to my reaction against the brutality of longer tears of helplessness or struggles to convey them to the death, for snatching away our loved hopelessness. Nevertheless, it is BOM. I gave him a copy of my book ones, and inflicting upon us the pain tears of sorrow, for the loss of a dear Proverbs Made Simple and told him of separation, laughing and mocking friend, but they are tears shed with I told the whole world on p. 63 about us in our faces. When we cried, it the knowledge that it is only a our enduring friendship. George’s was a cry of momentary momentary separation, for we shall last email to me dated 29th Nov helplessness, that we can’t do all meet one day in heaven. It is still when I was still in UK was, ‘I thank anything about it or stop death in its tears of grief for the ending of a you that despite the sometimes tracks. friendship first begun 23 years ago divergent views we hold over certain but again tears shed with the matters, we can still remain as But that is where the similarities knowledge that one day that CLOSE friends and as fellow- between Jesus and I end. For Jesus friendship will be fully renewed and colleagues in the harvest field of our knew what He could do and the restored in heaven. Lord. I look forward to a time of ‘teh- power that He possessed to do it. In tarik’ fellowship before we leave that incident in John 11, we read In our early days together in STM, Seremban.’ We never got down to how Jesus raised up Lazarus from there was only one thing that George have that last teh tarik together. the dead, even though Lazarus had and I did not talk about - our deaths. been dead for 4 days. I wish I could But after 23 years of faithful ministry The text I have specially chosen for have the same power as Jesus and in the Methodist Church, George has our meditation tonight is from John raise up George from the dead too. I decided to leave us first for the 11. It is the familiar story of Jesus can imagine in my mind calling to heavenly home that awaits all of us. and Lazarus. Jesus, we are told, George to wake up, just as we used ‘For I am already on the point of loved Lazarus. Apart from the 12 to do to each other in our seminary being sacrificed; the time of my disciples who were very close to days. But I can’t because I am a departure has come. I have fought Jesus, Jesus also loved the family of mere human being, mortal and finite, the good fight, I have finished the Mary and Martha and their brother and am waiting for my turn to die race, I have kept the faith.’ (2 Tim . Lazarus. We are not told why Jesus one day. But no, not Jesus, He 3:6-7). Anthony has finished his particularly loved Lazarus or how alone could conquer death and earthly labours and ready to serve much he loved Lazarus. From the return triumphantly from the grave. His Master for a higher and far way the story tells us, Jesus must Earlier, Jesus told Martha in vv. 25- nobler calling. ■ have loved Lazarus as his own soul, 26, ‘I am the resurrection and the a soul-friend, a buddy. We read in life. He who believes in me, though vv. 33-34, ‘when Jesus saw her (i.e. he die, yet he shall lie, and whoever Mary) weeping and the Jews who lives and believes in me shall never AnthonyLoke came with her also weeping, he was die.’ So I weep for my best friend Fellow Colleague & Friend deeply moved in spirit and troubled. George just as Jesus wept for his at the wake service on 22 Dec ‘05 And he said, ‘Where have you laid him?” They said to him, ‘Lord, come and see’. Vs 35 is the shortest verse in the Bible - just two words- ‘Jesus wept’. Vs. 36 continues, ‘So the Jews said. ‘See, how he loved him!’

We have probably read this passage many times before, heard it preached at funerals and probably we have become very familiar with it. Yesterday as I re-read this verse, ‘Jesus wept’, I began, for the first time, to understand the force of this shortest verse in the Bible. In just two words, it sums up the entire feeling Jesus had for his friend Lazarus. So grief-stricken was Jesus that all he could do at the time was to weep for his friend. As I wept for my best friend while preparing this message, I began to understand how Jesus felt for Lazarus. It gives me much comfort to know that Jesus felt for Lazarus just like what I felt for George and what we all here feel for him too. It was not merely tears that 21 Tr i b u t e


rom a career in selling life Tachilit in Myanmar. He was also si n c e r i t y, grace and forgiveness. F insurance, the late Rev. Paul involved with the outreach work to He had a good pastoral heart. So George was called to share the “Life the Nepalese foreign workers in long as he was informed, he would insurance of the gospel” since 1978. Seremban. True to his caring nature never fail to make it a point to visit He first enrolled to study at the he made allocation to give quality any church member who was former Malaysia Bible Seminary gifts to the Nepalese warded in hospital or who needed based in Malacca and subsequently workers so as to make them feel pastoral assistance. He worked very furthered his theological studies in accepted as a community in conscientiously and kept all his work Singapore Bible College and finally Seremban Wes l e y. He too was very up to date. graduated from Seminary Theoloji concerned about the on-going Malaysia in 1984. ministry work among the less Pastor Paul George had a good fortunate at Pusat Berdikari in Bukit sense of humor and his sermons Over the last 21 years of his ministry, Cherdang started by WMC, were always clear, concise, practical pastor Paul George had served the Seremban. Pastor Paul George as well as inspiring. We’ll miss his Methodist churches of Raub/ Lipis, indeed had a big heart for God’s wittiness and charm. His advice to Ipoh, Butterworth/ Kulim and work and a clear vision for church church leaders is to mentor others Segamat Weley before becoming the growth and church planting. and finally to work yourself out of pastor of Wesley Methodist Church, Pastor Paul George was a very your job. Seremban in 1998 and subsequently caring, easy going, straight forward, appointed as pastor of TUMC since and hardworking person. He was also Words cannot express the grief we 2001. In every church that he went very approachable and always made felt when Pastor Paul George to, he had definitely left with them you feel comfortable and at ease to passed away. Yet we should not something precious. I believe that share your problems. He was ever grieve like those without hope for our every one who has called him a ready to listen to and pray for God is the source of all hope. We’ll pa s t o r, a leader, a mentor, or a friend whatever concerns that troubled you miss our beloved pastor dearly and has indeed received something at any time of the day. As a pastor he we’ll cherish all the good memories pr e c i o u s from him. disciplined with love and see to the and friendship we’ve built up through spiritual growth of his charges. As a the years we’ve been together. Pastor Paul George had a desire to brother in Christ, he cared. As a see people grow in their faith as well friend, he was truthful and sincere. Good-bye our beloved pastor Paul as in their leadership qualities. Even George. ■ though he had a tight schedule as On the 5th December at the church pastors of both Wesley Methodist farewell luncheon for his family, he Church and Taman Ujong Methodist asked for our forgiveness at the pulpit CheahLefNgan Church and also performing the duty for being unable to spend more time Taman Ujong Methodist Seremban, of District Superintendent of the with TUMC due to his busy schedule. LCEC Chairman Southern District, he still had a keen He was such a humble shepherd. In interest for cross-cultural missions LCEC meetings, he was always particularly in Pitas in and attentive when issues were raised and tackled them head-on with 22 Tr i b u t e


astor Paul has served in Wesley always. We pray for strength and Pastor Paul had a way with words, P Methodist Church Seremban for peace for Jesseca and Peter. They and he used that God-given talent to 7 years. His gifting was in preaching. must be proud of the legacy Pastor the full. His sermons were simple Despite his human imperfection we Paul George left behind through his and to the point. He made them accepted and loved him. We loved service in Wesley Methodist Church interesting with generous sprinkling his down to earth attitude, never Seremban. ■ of anecdotes, humour and the holding himself up to be more occasional almost perfect Hokkien superior than others.We loved his Justine and EricTing and Cantonese to punch the sense of humour, humble enough to Wesley Methodist Church, Seremban messages home. If he had make fun of himself, especially his continued in his earlier job of sales hair style or lack of it. He is always in life insurance, I am pretty sure he accomodating and forgiving. We would easily be among the Million loved him because he is our Pastor. Dollar Club elite. As it turned out, o me, Rev Paul George was a God recruited only the best and Under his leadership, he has helped T pastor, a good friend, and a Pastor Paul became a great groom a team of strong leaders in spiritual mentor who impacted my ‘salesman’ for the Lord. our church. Striving hard he tried to life significantly. Of the many mend broken relationship, improve memories I have of Rev Paul, three Pastor Paul was willing to tackle the the running of the church and reveal stood out. unknown in doing God’s work. He the need for the Holy Spirit to was willing to try out new ideas from empower God’s servants for I attended the baptism and the younger generation and effective ministry. I see his confirmation class of Wesley sometimes even went against contribution in fostering close Methodist Church Seremban in traditional practices in reaching out fellowship through care groups. 1998, with loads of questions about to the youths and young adults. But Teaching the basics in Christianity Christianity and a fear of not able to he did that with one simple ground through the Alpha program. He is live up to the demand of a ‘true’ rule: never go against the doctrine also a strong advocate for the Christian. I was expecting some and spiritual truth. I guessed that annual Church Family Camp to lectures with incomprehensible holy- was why he was so confident in foster bonding as a family in Christ. sounding terms, with little relevance venturing into the new areas. God in everyday life. I was pleasantly was his pillar and he had no fear. I remember Pastor Paul teaching us surprised by Rev Paul’s relax and to plan and have bold visions. To simple approach and his willingness In a message given during leave behind a lasting legacy. Pastor to keep our discussions open, yet Christmas dinner at our home on Paul leaves behind a united and not failing to explain the key issues 19th December, Pastor Paul drew strong Wesley Methodist Church of Christianity and the relationship our attention to the simplicity of Seremban as his legacy. I remember between man and God. I supposed Christ’s arrival to this world, and the the day I was at the Columbia Asia it was the trust factor that made me manner Jesus went about doing His Hospital about to delivery baby wanting to know more about faith work on this earth: simply, Joshua. I was very anxious. The 4 and living a Christian life. This came effectively, and perfectly. Rev Paul ‘angels’ from the Ruth Care Group at a time when there were George Ponniah was a simple man came and prayed for me. I was tremendous challenges in my with a strong desire and an attitude deeply touched by their love and professional life, and I was able to of ‘Just do it’ in carrying out his care. Pastor Paul was one of the find peace. He was quite clever in ministry and living his life. This ‘angels’. ‘guiding’ me to participate in church simple and uncomplicated approach activities, and now and then put me made him effective and made an We still miss our Pastor, but we on the spot by asking me to lead in enormous difference in my life. ■ believe he is now in a better place. prayer.. Before I knew it, I was getting more and more involved with God is always in control and He has YeeChowBoi the perfect timing for all things. We church work. Wesley Methodist Church, Seremban put our trust and hope in Him,

23 Tr i b u t e


n memory of our beloved brother strong family ties. met Pastor Paul George and his I Paul George but fondly called A brother, a friend, dearly loved, I wife Jesseca at The Asian Beacon GEORGIE.... forever cherished always treasured. Anniversary Convention many years It is our comfort that he is now ago. Since then, they’ve invited me Memories of him gently fall like resting with our Heavenly Father. to sing and speak at their Wesley autumn leaves. Softly we’ll gather and We know he has fought a good fight Methodist Church in Seremban treasure them all. and completed the race waiting to many times. He’s also helped me receive his eternal crown when the organized many evangelistic rallys We remember him as a son who Lord shall say, “Well done, good and where many souls were saved. adored his mother, never demanding faithful servant.” Pastor Paul George was indeed an but always loving and caring. As To Jess and Peter, we all love you extremely kind and most caring and younger sisters, we remember him and believe the Lord our God will sincere Pastor. His wife Jesseca is as one who always protected us, comfort us and give us the oil of joy also the same and has gone all out watched over us and was always instead of mourning, the garment of to help me with my music CD there for us when we laughed and praise for the spirit of heaviness so ministry. It’s really sad that Pastor cried. He was the older brother who that one day we will all be called Paul have just gone to his heavenly told us stories, sang to us, played oaks of righteousness, the planting home without even saying good- with us, pillow-fought with us and of the Lord that He might be bye. never failed to kiss us whenever he glorified. ■ left or came home. But I guess the LORD loves him even more than all of us. My life and And when we each left home to JudyLai ministries have become so much have our own families, he was Sister Of Paul George richer because of Pastor Paul always the one to bring us together George.Looking forward to the days again. Despite his busy ministry and in the future where we will all have a own family, he always made extra great jam session in Heaven. ■ effort to keep the four of us together. These were times we cherished H.T.LONG - Evangelist / Gospel very,very much and we know that Recording Artiste when we next meet again as family we will certainly miss his presence. There was always fun and laughter with him. He made us comfortable and drew us closer to foster such

24 Tr i b u t e


“THREE MEMORIAL STONES OF Executive Board and Board of who hails from the Chow Kit area of THANKSGIVING” - a eulogy Ministry as well. He was the KL, the need at times to be tough & delivered by Rev. Ong Hwai Tei k , Southern District Superintendent uncompromising. President, TRAC, at the Funeral from 2002 to 2004. On behalf of our Service of the Rev. Paul George Annual Conference & the 8 churches I believed too that his solid discipling Ponniah on the 24 Dec. 2004 at which Paul had served, I do thank experience with the Navigators Seremban Wesley Methodist Church. both Mrs.Jesseca Ponniah and Peter under girded the way he had lived Johan for sharing Paul with us. I through the thick & thin of life. He n my friendship with Paul which echo the words of Mr Cheah Lef further recognised his need for I spanned 27 years, I want to share Ngan in his eulogy delivered in the training for the pastoral ministry, 3 Memorial Thanksgiving items, like Wake Service last night that in every hence he gave up his career in the 3 Memorial Stones of Thanksgiving church Pastor Paul George had insurance industry. His theological unto the Lord, which Paul’s life served, he had left something training was a spaced out one in 3 reflected. precious behind for the church. This institutions - PLKM, SBC & STM. does not mean that it was an infallible record, but one of growth in Firstly, I remember his TRAC record ministry, in both tough as well as This “down to earth” son of God also with thanksgiving. good times, being as faithful as one realised that by temperament he can be. was sanguine (an older Tim Lahaye The Rev Paul George Ponniah had term) - extroverted, inspirational, joined TRAC in 1984. He had been Secondly, I remember his “down to with a great sense of humour. But he pastor of Raub Wesley & Kuala Lipis earth” faith. also realised that he was also Wesley (1979-81), Butterworth & phlegmatic - having a certain “laid- Kulim Wesley (1987-91), Segamat Paul was a “down to earth” person backness” which can lead to inertia Wesley (1992-97) and Seremban who could not be accused of being in one’s ministry from time to time. Wesley (1998-2004) & Taman Ujong so heavenly minded that he is of no He was a humble enough realist, to Methodist Church (2001-2004). In earthly good. Perhaps this was work at redressing the imbalance so 1985-86 he was Asst. Pastor in Ipoh borne out from his background as to grow to be pleasing in the Wesley. He had been associated where he had not had an easy Lord’s sight. He was not only “down with the TRAC workforce for about upbringing. to earth” in his faith & preaching with 22 years (not including his years in clear applications, but also down to Seminari Theoloji Malaysia). I remember our first “full-scale” earth in accepting & facing himself in disagreement when we were student both his strengths & weaknesses. He had served in our Boards of leaders in Pusat Latihan Kristian He did this by making himself Missions, Youth Work and B M Melaka (PLKM) in terms of handling accountable to a small group, Work, being the chair of the latter a rather difficult & recalcitrant fellow wanting to remain teachable and Board since 2001 till his demise. He student in 1977. I had then learnt growing spiritually. had also served in our TRAC from this older fellow brother leader

25 Tr i b u t e Eulogy:Rev.PaulGeorge

Thirdly, I continue to be encouraged Serving in the Methodist Church in Johan, brother Peter, sisters Joyce & by the shared values we had Malaysia: we had a common Judy & their respective families, that together, as I remember him. sensing of God’s call to serve they would drink from the same well faithfully in the Methodist Church, of eternal life & faith, as Paul His prior promotion to glory even though we had our first training George Ponniah did. Please let me encourages me to be faithful to the in a theological institution that was first read the lyrics to you..... end in these priorities that we were not founded by the Methodist likeminded in. establishment. So we found Here we are, lifting our hands to ourselves, quite unplanned, but led You, Here we are giving You thanks Missions & Evangelism: Up till the by the Lord, to be in TRAC - for all you do. As we praise and 16th December 2004 lunch that he & together. I did this in 1983 & he in worship Your Holy Name, You are I had together in PJ, he had told me 1984. Since then we have had many here dwelling within our praise. how he had chosen to include a good memories of serving the Lord module in his intended 2005 one together in TRAC. For every answered prayer, For year of studies in Tabor College, always being there. For love that Perth. He hoped that this would be Conclusion hears us when we call, For arms of future help to our TRAC churches that lift us when we fall. You have & the Methodist Church in Malaysia Like Abraham, Paul had the fond always been right beside us leading in advancing the work of missions habit of “digging wells” of water for us all along the way. We have made for our Lord. In fact he had just others to drink; to aid & influence it through because of You returned with a Missions Team which people to grow strong in their had visited Myanmar on the 6-12 relationship with the Lord. Like For days we cannot see, For all Dec. 2004. He is known for being Abraham, Paul erected “altars” in that’s yet to be. The trials we may associated with the missions worship of God, the One in Whom have to face, When we’ll be leaning outreach to Pitas (Sabah), Tajielik we have “gladness in His on Your grace. It will be Your (Myanmar) & the local work with the greatness”; leading others nearer the strength that saves us, Your love Nepalese. throne of the Lord. that makes us strong. And through it all we’ll sing this song. ■ Worship: Back in our Bible College Today, if you will permit me, I want to days, we had shared a love for sing a “summary song” of closure of singing & worshipping the Lord, a life such as Paul’s. I sense that OngHwaiTeik, keen to combine the new songs of this friend of mine would think this to TRAC President worship with the older “time tested” be a fitting closure song of his life. It hymns that are rich in theology. The is a song in thanksgiving guitar was our main instrument since acknowledgement of God’s there were few other instruments abundant & keeping grace of Paul’s around to use to make a joyful noise 53 years of life. It is also a song unto the Lord! sung as a dedication to his family members: wife Jesseca, son Peter 26 TRACCALENDAR2005

January July 01 Sat New Year’s Day 04 Sun STM Sunday 05 Wed Jeremiah School (- 3rd Feb) 07-09 Thur-Sat BOYW - Core Training 07-09 Fri-Sun TRAC Executive Board Retreat 09 Sat Birthday of Governor of Penang & Meeting 10 Sun Social Concerns Sunday 16 Tue Birthday of of Kedah 16-17 Sat-Sun LPL - Fundamental Leadership Issues 16-23 Sun-Sun Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the Local Church - Rev Ong Hwai Teik 21 Fri Hari Raya Qurban 19 Tue Birthday of T.Y.T. Yang di-Pertuan Besar 25 Fri (Johor, Negeri Sembilan, of Negeri Sembilan Perak, Penang, Selangor) 20 Wed Birthday of Sultan of Trengganu 29-31 Sat-Mon TRAC 2nd Prayer Conference MYF Sunday 28-30 Thur-Sat Eagles Leadership Conference - February Singapore 01 Tue 30 Sat Statistical Returns to be sent to Churches 09 Wed Ash Wednesday (1st Day of Lent) 09-10 Wed-Thur August 10 Thur Awal (Ma’al Hijrah) Missions Sunday 14 - 20 Mon-Sun Jeremiah School 09-11 Tue-Thurs MOT & Approved Supply Pastors’ 25-27 Fri-Sun BCE Retreat [MOT & ASP] Retreat 26 Sat Statistical Returns to be sent to Churches 11 Thur Hol Day of Almarhum Sultan Johor Bahasa Malaysia Sunday March 19-21 Fri-Sun Missions Consultation (KL Wesley) 04 Fri Anniversary of the Coronation of 20-28 Schools Mid-Term Break the 20 Sat Eastern District 04-07 Fri-Mon BOYW Retreat CE Personnel Resource Event 12-20 Schools Mid-Term Break 28 Sun CCM Sunday 20 Sun Palm Sunday 30 Tue Statistical Returns to reach TRAC HQ 24 Thur Maundy Thursday 31 Wed National Day 25 Fri 27 Sun Easter September 29-2nd April PDMS 2005 01 Thur Israk and Mikraj 29-1st April Tue-Fri MSF Camp (Melaka) (Kedah, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis) 30-31 Wed-Thur Birthday of Sultan of Kelantan 02-04 Fri-Sun Joint Boards /Executive Board 31 Thur Statistical Returns to reach TRAC HQ 11 Sun Heritage Sunday - MYAF Sunday April 1-2 Fri-Sat PDMS 2005 October 01 Fri MSF Camp (Melaka) 02 Sun World Communion Sunday 08 Fri Birthday of 08 Sat Birthday of Governor of Melaka 15 Fri Declaration of Melaka as Historical City 05 Wed Awal Ramadan* (Johor, Kedah, Melaka) 16-17 Sat-Sun LPL - Inductive Bible Study 21 Fri Hari Nuzul Al-Quran (Kelantan, Pahang, - Dr Herbert Tan Perak, Perlis, Penang, S’gor, T’ganu) 19 Tue Birthday of Sultan of Perak 23 Sun MSF Sunday 21 Thur Birthday of Prophet Muhammad 24 Mon Birthday of

May November 01 Sun 01 Tue Deepavali* 07 Sat Hari Hol - Pahang 03-04 Thu-Fri Hari Raya Puasa* 08 Sun Methodist Women Sunday / Mother’s Day 09-10, Wed-Thur Alpha Conference, KL Call to Ministry Sunday 12-02 Jan 2006 Year End Break 14-15 Sat-Sun LPL - Evangelism & Church Growth - Rev 19-22 Sat-Tues 30th Session TRAC Ong Hwai Teik 27 Sun First Sunday in Advent 15 Sun Pentecost 30 Wed Statistical Forms to be sent to Churches 17 Tue Birthday of Sultan of Perlis 22 Sun Wesak Day December 22 Sun Aldersgate Sunday 06-10 Tue-Sat Youth Leadership 28-12 June Schools Mid-Year Break Development Programme [YLDP] 17 Sat Birthday of June 24 Sat 1-12 School Mid-Year Break 25 Sun Christmas Day 04 Sat Birthday of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong 31 Sat New Year’s Eve / 11 Sat TRAC Executive Board Meeting Watch night Covenant Service (TRAC HQ) 12 Sun Methodist Education Foundation Sunday * Subject to Change 19 Sun Christian Education Sunday / Father’s Day 25 Sat BOYW Meeting

27 R e c r u i t m e n t

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