Submission Data for 2020-2021 CORE conference Ranking process ACM Conference on Computers & Accessibility

Tiago Guerreiro, JoÃčo Guerreiro

Conference Details


Title: ACM Conference on Computers & Accessibility Acronym : ASSETS

Requested Rank

Rank: A

Primarily CS

Is this conference primarily a CS venue: True


Not commonly held within a single country, set of countries, or region.


DBLP url:

FoR Codes

For1: 4608 For2: SELECT For3: SELECT

Recent Years

Proceedings Publishing Style

Proceedings Publishing: self-contained Link to most recent proceedings: Further details: The proceedings are published by ACM and it is the main venue of the ACM SIG on Accessible Computing. The online proceedings include the main track and have specific sessions for posters and demos, student research competition, and experience reports. Acceptance rates and citation data are related with full technical papers.

Most Recent Years

Most Recent Year

Year: 2019 URL: Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA Papers submitted: 158 Papers published: 41 Acceptance rate: 26 Source for numbers:

General Chairs

1 Name: Jeffrey Bigham Affiliation: CMU & Apple Gender: M H Index: 44 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Shaun Kane Affiliation: University of Colorado, Boulder Gender: M H Index: 36 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Shiri Azenkot Affiliation: Cornell Tech Gender: F H Index: 22 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Second Most Recent Year

Year: 2018 URL: Location: Galway, Ireland Papers submitted: 108 Papers published: 28 Acceptance rate: 26 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Faustina Hwang Affiliation: University of Reading Gender: F H Index: 18 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Joanna McGrenere Affiliation: University of British Columbia Gender: F H Index: 33 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: David Flatla Affiliation: University of Guelph Gender: M H Index: 14 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Third Most Recent Year

Year: 2017 URL: Location: Baltimore, MD, USA Papers submitted: 126 Papers published: 28 Acceptance rate: 22 Source for numbers:

General Chairs

2 Name: Amy Hurst Affiliation: New York University Gender: F H Index: 31 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Leah Findlater Affiliation: University of Washington Gender: F H Index: 34 GScholar url: DBLP url: Name: Meredith Ringel Morris Affiliation: Microsoft Research Gender: F H Index: 65 GScholar url: DBLP url:


Chair Selection: The conference series has a steering committee, composed of the SIG chair, vice-chair, and secretary, and the three last general chairs. The conference steering committee meets monthly to discuss aspects of the conference, and invites the current year’s general chair and the following year’s to partake in these meetings. Selection of the chair is one of the topics of these discussions; members of the steering committee select people from the community and propose them to the SIG leadership that convenes to select a general chair, program chair, and treasurer. Policy name: Conference Code of Conduct Policy url:

(Senior) Program Committee

Link to (s)pc: File: H-index plot: Information Contained within this graph is derived using the Elsevier Scopus Database 2021.

3 Data and Metrics

Google Scholar Metrics

Sub-category url: Position in sub-category: 20+ Image of top 20:

4 h5-index for this conference: 26

ACM Metrics

Is an ACM sponsored conference: True Providing ACM Stats: True

ACM Statistics

Downloads in last 12 months: 85064 Average citations per article: 9 Average downloads per article: 380

ACM Most frequently publishing

5 Name: Leah Findlater Paper Count: 15 Google Scholar h-index: 34 Gscholar url: Name: Jon Froehlich Paper Count: 14 Google Scholar h-index: 39 Gscholar url: Name: Jeffrey Bigham Paper Count: 14 Google Scholar h-index: 44 Gscholar url: Name: Matt Huenerfauth Paper Count: 12 Google Scholar h-index: 23 Gscholar url: Name: Sergio Mascetti Paper Count: 11 Google Scholar h-index: 20 Gscholar url: Name: Dragan Ahmetovic Paper Count: 11 Google Scholar h-index: 18 Gscholar url: Name: Amy Hurst Paper Count: 10 Google Scholar h-index: 31 Gscholar url: Name: Shiri Azenkot Paper Count: 10 Google Scholar h-index: 22 Gscholar url: Name: Richard Ladner Paper Count: 9 Google Scholar h-index: 54 Gscholar url: Name: Shaun Kane Paper Count: 9 Google Scholar h-index: 36 Gscholar url:

Aminer Rank

Aminer rank: 9 Aminer name: ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility Acronym / shortname: ASSETS h-5 index: 26 CCF level: C THU level: Top Aminer Cites:

6 Other Rankings

Not aware of any other Rankings Conferences in area: 1. CHI 2. UBICOMP 3. UIST 4. CSCW 5. ASSETS 6. DIS 7. IUI 8. MobileHCI 9. ISS 10. INTERACT 11. VRST 12. ICCHP 13. DSAI

Top People Publishing Here name: Jacob Wobbrock justification: For his contributions to accessible computing, he received the 2017 SIGCHI Social Impact Award (1) and the 2019 SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award (2). In 2019, he was inducted into the prestigious CHI Academy (3). He has an h-index of 65 (4). According to DBLP, he has 28 archival publications at ASSETS (5) - counts below only include full technical papers. More complete information can be found at (6). 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 2 2 1 1 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Meredith Ringel Morris justification: Meredith Ringel Morris is a Sr. Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, and Research Area Manager for Interaction, Accessibility, and Mixed Reality. She founded the Ability Research Group at MSR. She is an internationally-recognized leader in HCI, particularly in collaborative and social computing. Merrie is widely known as the founder of the field of collaborative web search; her SearchTogether system inspired numerous researchers in HCI and Information Retrieval to pursue work in this area. Dr. Morris has served as the general chair for ACMâĂŹs CSCW conference and has previously served as Technical Program Chair of the CHI, CSCW, ASSETS, and ISS conferences. Dr. Morris is a past member of the TOCHI editorial board and of the CSCW and CHI steering committees. She has been recognized as one of Technology ReviewâĂŹs âĂIJ35 under 35âĂİ for her work on collaborative web search and was named an ACM Distinguished Member and elected to the SIGCHI Academy for her contributions to HCI research. According to DBLP (3), she has published 10 papers at ASSETS. Below, we only report full technical papers. 1 - 2 - Paper counts:

7 Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 3 3 0 0 0 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Jeffrey Bigham justification: Jeffrey P. Bigham an Associate Professor and PhD Director in the Human-Computer Interaction and Language Technologies Institutes in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is currently spending time at Apple, where he is starting a new Machine Learning + Accessibility Research group. Dr. Bigham’s research combines crowdsourcing and machine learning to make novel deployable interactive systems, and ultimately solve hard problems in computer science. Many of these systems are designed with a deep understanding of the needs of people with disabilities to be useful in their everyday lives. He has received the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, the MIT Technology Review Top 35 Innovators Under 35 Award, and the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He has an h-index of 45 (2) and has published 41 papers at ASSETS (3). Below, only full papers are counted. 1 - 2 - Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 2 2 2 3 0 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Jennifer Mankoff justification: Jennifer Mankoff is the Richard E. Ladner Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. The focus of her work is on tools for improving inclusion in and accessibility of our digital future. One of her primary application domains is revolutionizing the production and delivery of 3D printed assistive technology. She also was a pioneer and leader in addressing sustainability through computation. Jennifer received her PhD at Georgia Tech and her B.A. from Oberlin College. Her previous faculty appointments include UC BerkeleyâĂŹs EECS department and Carnegie MellonâĂŹs HCI Institute. Jennifer has been recognized with an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, IBM Faculty Fellowship and Best Paper awards from ASSETS, CHI and Mobile HCI. She was inducted to the CHI academy in 2019 (1). She published 12 papers at ASSETS (2) and has an h-index of 51 (3). Below, only technical papers are counted. 1- 2- 3- Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 0 1 0 1 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: Jon Froehlich justification: Jon is an Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at UWâĂŹs Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. At UW, he directs the Makeability Lab and is an Associate Director of CREATE, an Executive Committee member of the MHCI+D program, and a co-founding member of DUB, a large, cross-disciplinary organization of academic and industry professionals interested in HCI and Design research. His work has been recognized with fourteen Best Paper and Honorable Mention Awards, including five Best Papers at CHI, two Best Papers at ASSETS, and a 10-Year Impact Award at UbiComp. He has an h-index of 39 (1) and has published 21 papers at ASSETS (2), from which we report the full papers below. 1 - 2 - 3 - Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 2 2 2 0 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: Vicki Hanson justification: Vicki Hanson FACM FRSE FBCS, is an American computer scientist noted for her research on human-computer interaction and accessibility and for her leadership in broadening participation in computing. She was named the Chief Executive Officer of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2018 having served as its President from 2016 to 2018. Hanson was named an ACM Fellow in 2004, a Fellow Chartered Information Technology Professional of the British Computer Society in 2008, a recipient of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2009, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2013. She received the ACM SIGCHI Social Impact Award in 2008, the Women of Vision ABIE Award for Social Impact in 2013, and the ACM SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility in 2014. Hanson was awarded on Honorary Doctorate from Newcastle University in 2017 as part of the 60th anniversary of computing at the University. She was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2017 and the National Academy of Engineering in 2020. She is Past Chair of SIGACCESS and was Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing. She has served on Fellows Committees for ACM and the Royal Society of Edinburgh and has been active in conference organizing and program committees for ASSETS, CHI, and several other ACM conferences. She continues to participate at ASSETS, where she has published 23 papers, although she has not been actively publishing during her tenures as ACM President and CEO. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 0 0 1 Attendance: OFTEN

8 name: Ed Cutrell justification: Ed Cutrell is a Senior Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research where he manages MSR Ability group, exploring computing for disability, accessibility, and inclusive design. Over the years, he has worked on a broad range of HCI topics, including input tech, visual perception and graphics, intelligent notifications and disruptions, and interfaces for search and personal information management. From 2010-2016, he managed the Technology for Emerging Markets (TEM) group at MSR India, focusing on technologies and systems useful for people living in underserved rural and urban communities in developing countries. He has an h-index of 50 (1) and has published 6 papers at ASSETS, all since 2015. 1 - 2 - 3 - Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 3 1 0 1 0 Attendance: OFTEN name: Chieko Asakawa justification: Chieko Asakawa is a blind Japanese computer scientist, known for her work at IBM Research âĂŞ Tokyo in accessibility. A Netscape browser plug-in she developed, the IBM Home Page Reader, became the most widely used web-to-speech system available. She is the recipient of numerous industry and government awards. Asakawa was added to the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame in 2003. She became an IBM Fellow, IBM’s top honor for its employees, in 2009, becoming the fifth Japanese person and first Japanese woman with that honor. In 2011 the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology gave her their Women of Vision Award. In 2013 the Japanese government awarded her their Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon A paper she wrote in 1998 with Takashi Itoh describing their work on web user interfaces for blind people was the winner of the 2013 ACM SIGACCESS Impact Award. In 2017 she was elected as a foreign member of the US National Academy of Engineering. (retrieved from Wikipedia - She has published 24 papers at ASSETS (1) and has an h-index of 35 (2). Count of ASSETS full papers are reported below 1- 2- Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 1 1 2 1 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Richard Ladner justification: Richard Emil Ladner is an American computer scientist known for his numerous significant contributions to both theoretical computer science and assistive technology. Ladner is currently a professor emeritus at the University of Washington. In 1985, Ladner was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. In 1995 Ladner was appointed an ACM Fellow, and in 2009 an IEEE Fellow. He has served as an Area Editor for the Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery, Editor for SIAM Journal on Computing, an Associate Editor for the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and Theory of Computing Systems. He is currently on the Editorial Boards for ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing and Communications of the ACM. (retrived from wikipedia - Richard Ladner has published 33 papers at ASSETS (1) and has an h-index of 55 (2). Full papers are reported below. 1 - 2 - Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 1 1 0 2 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Shaun Kane justification: Shaun Kane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. He directs the CU Superhuman Computing Lab, which investigates how to design computing technology that empowers people of all abilities. Receiving his Ph.D. from The Information School at the University of Washington in 2011, he served as faculty at the University of Maryland Baltimore County from 2011 to 2014. Kane is, by courtesy, faculty in the ATLAS Institute and the Department of Information Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research has been supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and a DO-IT Trailblazer Award. (1) He has an h-index of 36 (2) and has published 24 papers at ASSETS, from which we count the full papers, below. 1 - 2 - 3 - Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 2 1 0 1 1 Attendance: ALWAYS

Where People Publish

Top (Senior) Program Committee Members

Generated Report Name: conf submissions top spc/addrank999 top spc.csv WPP Report: Graphs:

9 Reference item: \\ 2. International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) ______

This conference was published at 182 times by 53 of 70 experts in the last 5 years.

The experts that publish at this conference are: Leah Findlater(16), Anne Spencer Ross(3), Hironobu Takagi(3), Franceli L. Cibrian(1), Lauren R. Milne(5), Faustina Hwang(1), Edward Cutrell(3), Khai N. Truong(1), Sidas A. Saulynas(2), Hernisa Kacorri(4), Garreth W. Tigwell(2), Sri Kurniawan(4), Keith Vertanen(1), Kyle Rector(2), Stephanie Ludi(4), Kyle Montague(7), Patrick Carrington(6), Danielle Bragg(3), Tiago Joo Vieira Guerreiro(9), Raja S. Kushalnagar(8), Mingming Fan 0001(1), Michael Crabb(2), Foad Hamidi(4), Amy Hurst(12), Roberto Manduchi(2), Sergio Mascetti(13), Kotaro Hara(2), Jonathan Lazar(2), Kathleen F. McCoy(1), Erin Brady(6), Clayton Lewis(5), Matt Huenerfauth(13), Dragan Ahmetovic(12), Abi Roper(3), Markel Vigo(1), Erin Buehler(2), Richard E. Ladner(10), Jon Froehlich(15), Jinjuan Heidi Feng(2), Sayan Sarcar(1), Cynthia Putnam(2), Robin Brewer(3), Davide Bolchini(1), Syed Masum Billah(3), Anhong Guo(5), Victoria Yaneva(1), Aqueasha Martin-Hammond(1), Kathryn Ringland(4), Cecily Morrison(1), Uran Oh(5), Tom Yeh(5), Shiri Azenkot(9), Ravi Kuber(8)

In 2015, there were 30 publications by 30 experts: Roberto Manduchi, Leah Findlater, Sergio Mascetti, Hironobu Takagi, Uran Oh, Franceli L. Cibrian, Lauren R. Milne, Clayton Lewis, Edward Cutrell, Matt Huenerfauth, Stephanie Ludi, Patrick Carrington, Sidas A. Saulynas, Ravi Kuber, Richard E. Ladner, Dragan Ahmetovic, Jon Froehlich, Kyle Rector, Jinjuan Heidi Feng, Michael Crabb, Kyle Montague, Cynthia Putnam, Tom Yeh, Victoria Yaneva, Tiago Joo Vieira Guerreiro, Raja S. Kushalnagar, Hernisa Kacorri, Shiri Azenkot, Amy Hurst, Erin Buehler In 2016, there were 26 publications by 23 experts: Roberto Manduchi, Leah Findlater, Sergio Mascetti, Hironobu Takagi, Erin Brady, Clayton Lewis, Matt Huenerfauth, Ravi Kuber, Sri Kurniawan, Richard E. Ladner, Stephanie Ludi, Dragan Ahmetovic, Robin Brewer, Tom Yeh, Anhong Guo, Danielle Bragg, Kathryn Ringland, Raja S. Kushalnagar, Hernisa Kacorri, Syed Masum Billah, Shiri Azenkot, Amy Hurst, Erin Buehler In 2017, there were 42 publications by 33 experts: Leah Findlater, Sergio Mascetti, Kotaro Hara, Hironobu Takagi, Stephanie Ludi, Lauren R. Milne, Anne Spencer Ross, Edward Cutrell, Matt Huenerfauth, Khai N. Truong, Patrick Carrington, Sidas A. Saulynas, Tiago Joo Vieira Guerreiro, Markel Vigo, Richard E. Ladner, Jon Froehlich, Jinjuan Heidi Feng, Kyle Montague, Dragan Ahmetovic, Tom Yeh, Mingming Fan 0001, Uran Oh, Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Kathryn Ringland, Raja S. Kushalnagar, Keith Vertanen, Cecily Morrison, Erin Brady, Syed Masum Billah, Shiri Azenkot, Foad Hamidi, Amy Hurst, Ravi Kuber In 2018, there were 40 publications by 28 experts: Leah Findlater, Anne Spencer Ross, Sayan Sarcar, Erin Brady, Kathleen F. McCoy, Sergio Mascetti, Matt Huenerfauth, Patrick Carrington, Ravi Kuber, Garreth W. Tigwell, Richard E. Ladner, Jon Froehlich, Kyle Rector, Faustina Hwang, Jonathan Lazar, Kyle Montague, Dragan Ahmetovic, Robin Brewer, Tom Yeh, Anhong Guo, Danielle Bragg, Tiago Joo Vieira Guerreiro, Raja S. Kushalnagar, Uran Oh, Shiri Azenkot, Foad Hamidi, Amy Hurst, Abi Roper

10 In 2019, there were 44 publications by 26 experts: Leah Findlater, Sergio Mascetti, Hernisa Kacorri, Lauren R. Milne, Erin Brady, Edward Cutrell, Matt Huenerfauth, Patrick Carrington, Davide Bolchini, Garreth W. Tigwell, Richard E. Ladner, Sri Kurniawan, Jon Froehlich, Jonathan Lazar, Kyle Montague, Dragan Ahmetovic, Tom Yeh, Anhong Guo, Danielle Bragg, Tiago Joo Vieira Guerreiro, Kathryn Ringland, Raja S. Kushalnagar, Uran Oh, Syed Masum Billah, Shiri Azenkot, Amy Hurst

53 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 37 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 2 or more years 25 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 3 or more years 16 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 4 or more years 9 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 5 or more years

Top People Report

Method of selection: Looked for the labels accessibility and accessible computing and selected those with h-index over 50 that publish in CS and HCI related venues (7 authors). Completed the list with people from the broader HCI area, be selecting the ones with the label human-computer interaction (selecting the ones that were active in 2015-2020 in the top-20, all with h-index over 50, 17 authors). Selected a total of 24 authors, from which the majority are CHI Academy inductees, or ACM SIGCHI or SIGACCESS Lifetime or Social Impact Award winners. Keyword: human-computer interaction name h-index gscholar url Huahai Yang 182 122 Susan Dumais 114 Sara Kiesler 102 Joseph A. Konstan 81 Rosalind Picard 102 Robert E. Kraut 110 Gregory D. Abowd 86 Edward Cutrell 50 Stuart K. Card 91 Steven Feiner 79 John M. Carroll 96 Anind D. Dey 76 Pattie Maes 80 Matthew Turk 55 Fabio PaternÚ 52 Yvonne Rogers 80 Richard Ladner 55 Gerhard Fischer 96 Paul Dourish 76 Rainer Stiefelhagen 63 Kim Marriott 56 Meredith Ringel Morris 66 Jacob O. Wobbrock 65

Reference item: \\ 3. International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) ______

This conference was published at 33 times by 8 of 24 experts in the last 5 years.

The experts that publish at this conference are: Jacob O. Wobbrock(9), John M. Carroll(1), Anind K. Dey(3), Rainer Stiefelhagen(1), Edward Cutrell(3), Meredith Ringel Morris(5), Richard E. Ladner(10), Kim Marriott(4)

In 2015, there were 5 publications by 5 experts: Edward Cutrell, Richard E. Ladner, Kim Marriott, Anind K. Dey, Meredith Ringel Morris In 2016, there were 6 publications by 3 experts: Jacob O. Wobbrock, Richard E. Ladner, Anind K. Dey In 2017, there were 5 publications by 5 experts: Edward Cutrell, Richard E. Ladner, John M. Carroll, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Anind K. Dey In 2018, there were 4 publications by 2 experts: Jacob O. Wobbrock, Richard E. Ladner In 2019, there were 13 publications by 6 experts: Jacob O. Wobbrock, Edward Cutrell, Meredith Ringel Morris, Richard E. Ladner, Kim Marriott, Rainer Stiefelhagen

8 out of the 24 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 6 out of the 24 experts published at this conference in 2 or more years 4 out of the 24 experts published at this conference in 3 or more years

11 2 out of the 24 experts published at this conference in 4 or more years 1 out of the 24 experts published at this conference in 5 or more years WPP Report: Graphs:

Other Information

Comparator Comparison


IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Explanation as to why conference is superior to comparator: ACM ASSETS has a higher h-index (26) than INTERACT (20). ASSETS is the top conference for accessible computing, and thus with a narrower scope, which is shown by the smaller number of papers (even if INTERACT only happens every other year), and has a more restrictive acceptance rate. Link to comparator report:


ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology

Explanation as to why conference is superior to comparator: ACM ASSETS has a higher h-index (26) than VRST (20). Also, on the ACM DL, ACM ASSETS (9) shows to have a higher number of citations per article than VRST (8). Link to comparator report:




First name: Tiago Last name: Guerreiro Affiliation: Universidade de Lisboa Email: [email protected]

12 First name: JoÃčo Last name: Guerreiro Affiliation: Universidade de Lisboa Email: [email protected]

Submitted By

Name: Guerreiro Tiago Email: [email protected]