

ED 106 954 * El OCT7 147 AUTHOR Hazzio^ti, Donald F. ." TITLE Advocacy Toward the Development of Theory N and Strategy. Exchange Bibliography No. 241. INSTITUTION Council of Planning Librarians, Bonticello, 111. PUB DATE Nov 71 ' ­ \ - NOTE ^ 10p. ' ' . . AVAILABLE FROM Council, of Planning Librarians, P.O. Box 229, Hon^icello* Illinois'61856 ($1.50) * , * *.*"* EDES PRICE HF-S0.76 HC-$1.5S PLUS POSTAGE + ' DESCRIPTORS ^Bibliographies; *Change Agents; *Change 'Strategies,; Citizen. Participati-on^.^eity Planning; Com»anity Planning; Higher Education; *Planning; Publications;. Reference Haterials; Social Planning IDENTIFIERS *Advocacy Planning [ ABSTRACT "' , : This bibliography lists publications relevant to ,the- topic of, advocacy planning, with a view toward encouraging*and facilitating initial or staging* research ip. that policy area. Entries are organized- into separate sections-for articles, in professional journals, books, articles in contemporary periodicals, and v newsletters,- article^ in legal periodicals, reports and studies, and . proceedings and conferences.* Within each section,, citations listed alphabetically by author*s name. (Author/JGf

\ Council of Planning librarians EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY CD November 1971 «i .^


« Advocacy Planning-Towqrd the.bevelopment of Theory and Sfrofegy Donald F. Mazziptti 4 . ; y Graduate Program in Urban and . University, of Iowa ;. * .




Donald F. Mazziott: . / Graduate Program in Urban' and . ' Regional Planning' ^ I \ » . University of Iowa / '' . * "A r.aw, important, and difficult problem is emerging in the administration of public planning agencies, that is, < there is'a growing number of instances of professional staff members who dissent-publicly from the official agency position on a .planning issue."^ \ I * ­ The concept of ."advocacy planning" the' origin of which is generally credited to an article appearing in the Journal of the American Institute of Planners by .Paul Davidoff2- has .proliferated in planning and architectural writings for tihe better part .of a .' . .. 0 '*-.-. decade. Despite the flurry of writing on the topic by a great rum­ '" 'ber " of" writers" "" ' who*-' range the entire political spectrum, it would . . be difficult tcr recount an instance where an equally popular notion * , - \- ** '' £* ' .had remained virtually undeveloped in theory and parctice. * * ^

l<£arl Finkler^, "Dissent and Independent Initiative in Plan­ ning Offices." (Chicago: American Society of Planning Officials, Planning Advisory Service, Report Ho. 269, May, Paul Davidoff>~-nAd'SDcacy «TMJ Pluraliaitt Journal' of the American Institute of Planners. THJ (H6v«9Bdber> 396$)*' 330L-'

i-'f:'';:&&f.,,,. ^2s;(^s«,SiSi3i«s?aRSisai f^^'^fsSf&S&KSiSSsSS. sSSSSiSs \­

A " 'n_ - - -. = *« r 2 -"/^ CPL Exchange'Bibliography-#2lA' 'r researchers, profe'ssor and'professional encounter an -abrupt gap on- issues .which appear to Be at'* least r^Tated and, perhaps', crucial to group or professional,' - advocacy., ' ." For' -exairple,\ the literature: y. .ignores any comprehensive analysis of power relationships.,"group. ' '.\ - ' ' ' * ' '-' '" dynamics, the' logic- of collective as opposed to individual action^ '" »". - '-.'..- : ^ the characteristics of pressure group ^politics,-' or special 6"' interest theories

As planning schools and agencies begin to feel. the pressures ­ j . ' " / ' ' ^ '-..- " » :.-. of advocacy or dissent approaches* to the heretofore "professional ­ - * ' '--.' '- ^ ' " '. ., tests of objectivity and analysis,'* the lack of a1 " coherent "defini- ' ..... ' » - '':.'* ' .' ' tion an* theory ^ of advocacy will inevitably lead- to both.disrup­ * * f ' t * ' *-. tions in institutional behavior and failures in the practical ' . . . .* . - t +*.. * . 4 .. -*N.. ; - application of such a ubiqutuous notion. Indeed,- on the heels of ­ Ralph Naders* suggestions -'for action programs rfat the 197C^. Annual Convention of. the American Institute of Planners? and a subsequent study of, the implications of such programs ahd/cr behavior^ it seems - ^ - ' * * . .* clear that analysis of advocacy in a« planning context has -failed- to " '. - ». keef> the pace of social change. , ' ' 6 ' - ' " . * Based upon the foregoing comments, the following" bibliography . I ' - -''.. on the tropic of advocacy-planning has been developed with.a view ^ * * -v ** " " " ' tgvrar^Lenc'ouraging and facill tating 'inJtiai- or research in S * ' /* . . chi's policy area. -Areas of agreement and divergence of thought be-' i ' ' ? * ' * come apparent upon study of %the-references included; once these' - :. ' ' ' '"..'. elements have been identified, serious analysis and. theoretical

ieSiXff a Profes­ V /- I

- V ». . .«K . '. \ *' ' --3. , V CPL Exchange Bibliography , ' . ' Advocacy Planning A Selected Bibliography ^ -"' ". '' '.*'' c- Professional JourAals* ,'*'.* '* ,. . Arnstein* Sherry ft. *"A"1 Ladder*^f^C^tizen Participation." .Journal- .. - of21b the-2^ American ;- .- Institute.- V:,. .of FLanjiers," " "'' XXXV (July, ­2 ' * , ^ ' *" . _ \ I- ,3 ' ,\ * 'Berkeleor; E.i*. '"^prfcshpps iVvi^atts." .Architectural Forum, : . .., . ' Brager, George A. '|AdVbbacy aad-Political Behavior.-"- Social Work, _ .of _t^ American'association .of Social Workers. -Vol. % 2, (April, 19.68),, 5-15i : rrr Brager, George A. and Valerie Jorrin.' '-"Bargaining: A Method in ." CcaEnrunity^hange. 11 Social Work;" Journal of ^the National ' ; - ' Associatio'a of Social VJorkers. Vol.' 1%, llps'k, (Oetpber,1969), ** - 73-83.- " ~r~. '

Btirke,D.-Barlow, Jri, Howard: H. Foster,

-».. * . . ­ Chatter,jee, Pranab ,and Raymond A. KoleskL. "The Concepts of. Com­ munity and Community Orgahi'zation." 'Journal of the National t 'Association of Social Worlcers. Vol., 15, »P> 3, (Jul^, 1970)> .- '. \ 82-92. "^"^ r~~^ rrT~ - " -,. *~ / . .' , f Clark»H.*Sol. "Today's-Advocate. n Case and CoJmnent. Vol. 76," No.".- 2, .(March/April, -" ;1971X'26-3^1 ^\ "1 \v'. -,- /."- - "**. " " Davidoff, T.lnda and Paul,' andJfeiV Newton Gold; "Suburban .Action: Advocate Planning for-an Open Society,"Journal pf the >. AToerican Institute of Planners.' Vol. iix.vi, No. 1, (Januazy, . "«,. . M97Q), 12-21. *~" "~~~ . .. -. *. . ' ,''-__ .' ' -- *. Davidoff, Paul. "Advocacy and Pluralist in Planning." Journal of * the American Institute of Planners-.^ Vol". XXXI, (November^ 1965) i X 331-338. ~ ._v. ­ Buhl,-*:*'-"- Leonard J* and '. Janicp Volkmarui. ^Pagicapatory. ' Deaocracy:- - ­ I:-.'- Netwbrfc > as a Strategy for Changed" Drban and Social-Change. 7ol. 3, No. 2, (Spring^ 1970>, ll-12t'. ^ 1|. , CPL'Exchange Bibliography #2Ul" Editors. "Advocacy .Planning and Hoto it Works." Progressive Arch­ itecture, (September, I960), 101-115. , Gilbert, Heil, and Joseph >/. Eaton. "l«Jho Speaks -for the' Poor?" ^Journal-xof the Amei?ican JEnstitute of Planners., Vol. XXXVI (November, 1970), lill-Wo. I ! ' - ' - . _' * V. Hatch, Richard C, 'JSome -Thoughts on-Advocacy Planning." Architec­ tural Forum, .(June., £968)1 -72. ' . « Hyman, Herbert, ^'planning with Citizens: Two Styles." Journal of % 105-12.the Amerioari Institute: ' ";of Planners.! Vol.. XXXV,v (March,:1969), Kahh, Alfred J. ""Perspectives on Access to Social .Senjices." " . Social .Work? Journal'yf the^Hatagnal Association of Social , ' Workers. Vol. 15, No,- 2, (AprilV 1970j[,-95-101.. ^~~~ Kaplan, Marshall. "Advocacy and the Urban Poor;" Journal of the American Institute of Planners. Vol. XXXV, Ho. 2, (March, . . I, 96-101. . . Xeyes^ Langley C^, Jr. and Sdirard Teitcher. "T.inritations «of* Advo­ cacy Planning:.A Viqw from the Sstablistoaent. " Journal of the" i - Anerican- Institute of Planners. Vol. XXXVI, No. Ii, (July, 7 197C), 225-226. v. '. ; . V _ " . '." - ' > ' . w * Norton. "The Local jCoBBnunity as an Ecology of Games. " ' . Americari Journal of Sociology. . Vol'.- 3U, (March, '"19^8)^ 80-87. " ' v ^ ' . ' r Theodore. "Decision Making vs .Policy Kaki.'ngt. Toward an Anti­ dote for Technocracy." Pjjbiic_Admnisteati^_BBview.- (May/ June,,1970), 31U-325. Lowry, Sitctiie IP. "Power to the People Political Evolution or Revolution?"' Urban and Social Change Review^ V.ol. 3> No. .2 - ' > (Spring, 1970), 2-6.. - Hashy. Peter H. and Dennis . "A Task Force Approach, to Replace 'the Planning Board.?, J of the American Institute of Planners. .Vol. XXX, No. 170.961^ Ohlin & Rein. ''Social* Planning for Institutional Change." The Social Welfare Forum. 85 Page, Clinton. "Getting Involved." Arc&itectural and Kngi neering Hews, (Deceniber, 1969), 28-37. .Peattie, Lisa R. % "Comraanity Drama and Advocacy Planning. " * Journal 'of the American Insti-fote of Planners, Vol. 2XXVI, . No. *, (Hovenber, 1970),

=>jv j. ; .; : . .; ; .-. '.-; ... .'. :;. :: ' ' * 5. - CPL* Exchange Bibliography" . #2lil Pe'attie, Lisa R. "Reflections on Advocacy Planning." Journal of the American -Institute of Planners. Vol. "XXXIV, No. 2,'" T ' (Maroh, 1965), 80-87.' " . ­ .. Perloff, Harvey. "New Directions in JSocial Planning." Journal of the^American Institute of Planners.' Vol. XXXI, (November, 1S65), 297-303. -.* \ . - ' - . ' -. . * '... Piven, Frances Fox. "Comprehensive Social Planning; Curriculum Reforffi or Professional Imperialism. " ' Journal of the American Institute' of Planners. Vol. XXXVI, Ho. U, (July, 1970), * . 226-225. ' ^-7- ^

Van Til, John and Sally B. "Citizen Participation in Social Policy: The End of the Cycle?" Social .Problems. Vol. 17, No. 3, (Winter, 1970), 313-323. ~ ^ ' ; ' ' Books » , - o . ' , . « . - - Altschuler, Alan. The Planning Process; A Political Analysis. Ithaca, Hew York: Cornell University Press, 1965. " * " . * * - Angell, Stephen L. Jr. "Coalitions: The Team Approach to Planning and Development1," in Planning 1970. Chicago: American Society of Planning Officials, (197O)7 210. * . . ' .. ^ -* « Barer, Raymond A. end Kenneth 5. Gergen (eds.). The Study of Policy Formation. New. York: The Free Press, .198> 370. Blecheri Sari H. Advocacy. Planning for Urban Development; Mith Analysis of Six Demonstration ProgramsT Mew York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. " ' . ' ' '

* ' . : ' ' . t ' - « ­ D'Antonio, William V. and Howard J. Ehrlich. - Power and in America. -South Bend: University of Hotre Dane Press7 Don't Mourn, Organize; SDS Guide to Community Organising, San Fran- Cisco: The Movement Press.-(no date-given). Hatchj-C. Richard. Urban Action; pTannjng and Co., 1970 Kahn, Alfred J. et. al. Heigfaborhood Infonaation Centers. Hew 1 t York: ColumbTa Diversity School of Social Work, 19661 Englewood

"Emerging! CcHBtmity 6, "CPL Exchange^ Bibliography ": Cglesby-^Carl and Itichard ochaull. Containment Change, i-cw Yorfc L'acnillan Publishing Co.,|L967. Olson, Ilancur Jr. ^Ths Logic of Collective Actiog: Public Goods and £hg Theory of Groups, ".few York: Schockeh Books,.0-96% 176. ' .- \ ^ . ' : _' v ... . O.JI. Collecikve. The Organizer's Hanual. Hew tork: Bantam Books, (1971i 305. .. - ' v> -.' .: ...... Seelay, John H. "Central Planning^, Prologue, to a Critique, " Cen­ trally Planned Change: PrQspecto'andl Concepts., (ed.) Robert Morris. New York: ilational As'sociation jo£ Social Workers, 1?6U. :.- v * - . t Shelling, Thomas C. * The Strategy^of Conflict.- C.anbridge, Kass.: Harvard University Press," 1963. !"_"" *Spiegel, Bans B.C.»(ed.).'- Citizen PartJcipation jn Urban Develop­ ment. Vol. H, "Uashington, D.C.t HTL Institute for .Applied Behavioral Sci«KJe, (1969), 23^-273. 1, " " - . ' Conteaporary Periodicals and Newsletters Appleby, Thomas. 'KS.tizen Participation in the'TO 1 s: The Need to Turn to Politics." The City. Vol. $. Ko. 3, (Jiay/June, 1971), 52-55. . .' - - ;- Jirnstein.ein, \SheiTirry.IU '"But lihiich Advocate Planner?" in Social- Policy, Vol. 1, Ho. 2> {Jvay/Jiugust; 1970), 33-3^. .. . v ... t ' . ' ' AronovatZj Stanley; Roy Bennett ; Bennett W. Berger, ' and Sdgar Z. Friedenberg. "A Synposium: Strategies for Radical Social Change." * Social Policy (Hovember/December, 1970)-, 9-23. Caines, RonaldsH. "An Invitation to Sttidents/Advocacy Planning for the s Seventiesni repronted .from American Institute of Planners Newsletter, ^n^ date indicated) . ' ^ Davidoff , T-**ifo and Paul. KAdtocacy "Planning Polarizes the Issues" - in Social Policy, Vol. 1, fto. 2, (July/August, 1970), 3^-35. '" * " . * Davidoff, Paul. (interView). "Community Planning and^the Advocate ' in the " in Planrtlng Comment. Vol. VH, Ho. 1, , 1971), 1­ 7. CPL Exchange Bibliography IlartmafC Che'ster. (interview).. '.'Ooramunity Planning and the Advo­ cate in" the City" in Planning Comment, Vol. VII, Ho 3 1,

(Winter, l?7l),'" 15-22. * " « . . . - Hartmen, Chester. 17. "The" Advocate Plannee: From 'Hired Gun 1 to Political Partisan" in Social Policy. Vol. i, No. 2, (July/ ' August, 1570), 37-38. ;.. . Lazarus, 'Simon^ "Who's, the Boss?" The New Republic. Vol. 16U, , : (May, 1971), 21-23. .Piven, Frances Fox.' "Rejoinder: Disruption Is Still the Decisive ' VJagOL^n Social Policy; Vol. 1, No. 2, (July/August, 1970),' liO-Ul. Piven, Frances Fox. "Vihom Does/the .Advocate Planner' Serve?" in ' Social.Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, (May/June, 1970). Roberts, Thomas H. ."Advocacy of'Poor and Minority. Interests" in : AIP Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 2, (February, 1971), 2. / , * . ''. < Scribner, Sylvia. "IJhat AreaVfor Advocacy?" in Social Policy, Vol. 1, No. 2, (July/August, 1970), ij,0. « / Starr, Roger. "Advocators or Planners?" in ASPO Newsletter (American Society of Planning Officials},' Vol. 334 Ho. 11, (December, 1967), 1-2. Vfi.sner, Ben. I'Advocacy and : The Case of Boston's Aid.", Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 2 (August, 1970), 25-29.: : ' * . '' Periodicali Cahn; S. and J. Cain* "The Warden Poverty: A Civilian Perspective." ,73 TaleL.Ji 1317-133U, (196U). .-..""..-,"-.. s " ""^ . .'- ' .-.--,- Katin, Ernest. "Advocate as Lawmaker: Luis Kutner and the Struggle for Due Process." 23 U* KLami L.-Rev. 397 ("Winter/Spring, Note, "Neighborhood Law Offices: The New Wave in Legal Services for the Poor." 8O garv. L.. Rev. 805 (1967). 8. °CPL Exchange Bibliography #2Ul Reports and Studies Carter, Lisle C.,x Jr. "Law and«the'Urban Crisis." Division of. Urban Studies, Cornell University, Article 28, '196.8. w (reprinted'fRom-UCLA , ' '\. .j . Lav Review,^~ ~ Volv. 15, No. hf June, 1968). Brooks, Michael P, Social Planning and -City Planning. Planning Advisory Service Report No. 261.Chicago: American Society . " of Planning Officials, (September, 19?Q).,39rliU. ' Davidoff, "The Bluffs: Advocate-Planning," Comment*. Dept. of City Planning, -University of Pennsylvania, (Spring, 196$), 59.­ X . . - " - ' - . " ' Finkler, Sari. "Dissent arii Independent Initiative in Planning Offices." Planning Advisory Service, Report No. 269. - 'Chicago: American Society of Planning Officials (A*S.P*0.) Hay, 1971. ' ^ '''. s , ' . '*.­ Hartman, Chester W.-and Jen Pynoos. /"The Harvard Urban Field Ser­ vice: An Initial Report." . The Bulletin of the Association of , Collegiate Schools of Planning, 7 (Spring, 1969) , It-11* ' - ^ Xravitzj Alan S. ^Advocacy and Beyond," Planning 1968. Chicago: American Society-of i banning Officials, 0-969, 38-l|6. " " * " ' '" '. "'' Uhlig, Richard. "Plannini j in the Urban Environment: Next Steps' - Social-Research and Jity Planning," City"of Philadelphia (Technical Report #1>, City of Philadelphia Community Research, Program, July,l965).| ' * i ? "Urban Extension A Report on Experimental Programs." Ford Foundation, Office Reports, EJ1 Madison Avenue. . . U.S.^Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "Services for People," Report of-the Task,Force on Organization »of Social Services. Washington, D.C.rl968. (Duplicated). ..-> Proceedings and Conferences Fifth, Annual Conference' of Planners for Equal Opportunity. "The Planneras Watchdog." (April 17, 1971). ' V Proceedings of the.National Confc on Advocacy and Pluralistic . Planning; Dept. of Urban Affairs, Hunter College, Hew York.

- - - Froceedings: National Conference on. Law and Poverty 5>7.. The 0 Extension of Legal Services to the Poor." (1966). " \ COUHC±L '^ » ' OF" fLAJOttMG.--. LIBKARIANS"-.-. :' . \>- Sxcnange'-: > / ">:,:-.,";.' BiixLlograpcy "'-.."i. - '-' ADVOCACY PLANK1HG ~ TOWARD THS ,DE\EEOPlEIff OF THEORY AMD STRATfiGT. :/ -::.l of El