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8 • terne D get no DEMOCRAT MR. SEAN CAUGHEY No. 194 FEBRUARY 1961 nsuranee LABOUR EXCHANGES Protest at Belfast meeting TOLD "NO IRISH" 1 •g"HE fact that men who had been imprisoned without charge or trial, and 'i Protest by C.A. deprived of the opportunity of paying national insurance contributions, ACCORDING to the "Gazette nolly Association has protested to were held to be out of benefit on their release, was strongly criticised at the vii " and "Post" many local em- the Minister of Labour, and failing ployers notifying Acton Em- a satisfactory answer the matter Annual Meeting of the Northern Ireland Council for Civil Liberties in Belfast. will be taken further. ployment Exchange of their 'I In his address to the Council's annual meeting on January labour requirements, are stipu- 28th, Mr. Caughey criticised what he called "the stubborn, arro- lating "No Irish, No coloured" gant and callous attitude of the authorities in needlessly in that order. VICTORY IS WITHIN SIGHT prolonging the internment of men, without charge or trial." APPEAL Whm Councillor E. W. J. MENTAL HEALTH The appeal from 84 English Everett told Acton Employment Mr. Caughey also referred to an M P s and from over 100 prominent Committee members at a meet- executive committee motion urging British citizens who signed the the Government to include in any ins in December. 1960, he ob- Connolly Association telegrams to new legislation on mental health served that he was "disturbed Lord Brookeborough had not gone adequate appeals machinery open by the situation." unheeded, he said, but the Govern- to voluntary welfare workers as a ment had beat its retreat in the AI:\ \V. J. Skinner said: "The safeguard against the unfair de- most ungracious manner possible. count'N production would have tention of patients. ground '< a standstill if ii were Indeed, these respected and To those who doubted that not for the coloured workers." Liberal-minded Englishmen had been insulted at Stormont by Gov- serious injustices could exist in But the chairman, Mr. M. K PRISONERS HELD WITHOUT TRIAL ernment supporters, who had this sphere, he pointed out the Nordemann, made the amazing WE MUST HAVE THEM RELEASED called thetn "oddities." case reported this week from Eng- statement that it was "up to firms Another Government supporter land of a man held for 31 years to employ only the responsible had even suggested that they were in a mental institution because he Irish worker." the same sort of men who would had stolen a bicycle in his youth. be thrown in jail themselves if the He was at last released only be- Following similar developments Government here could lay hands cause a Member of Parliament had in tli'- slump of 1956, the Connolly on them. heard about him. Association took the matter up PRESIDENT KENNEDY, This sort of behaviour, said Mr. "If the National Council for with Members of Parliament, who Caughey. had served only to Civil Liberties in England can And secured from the then Minister of worsen the already bad reputation more than a thousand cases of Labour an assurance that Labour APPEAL ON PRISONERS ol the Government here in the people held unjustly in mental Exchanges were not to accept dis- eyes of the British public. hospitals, surely the appalling im- criminatory instructions. THE Connolly Association has sent the following telegram He welcomed the motion sub- plication is that, on the law of The present "No Irish" cam- ' to President Kennedy following his inauguration :— mitted by the Belfast Trades Coun- averages, many such cases must paign of the employers must be "Connolly Association repre- your election pledge opposing cil. later passed unanimously, con- exist here." he declared. fought in the same way. The Con- senting Irish in Britain welcomes partition of Ireland and urges as demning internment, on any cause Mr. O'Flynn of London and Dun- immediate measure you make or pretext, as "against all recog- dulk complimented the Council on representations British Govern- nised conceptions of democratic its work. rights and principles." DUKE OF YORK, York Way, King's Cross. N.l ment to secure release of men The meeting also passed a reso- interned without charge or trial lution condemning "the unwar- on FRIDAY, 24th FEBRUARY. 1961. in Belfast." ranted interference by the police An Informal Social Evening to m ark the with the holding of properly con- Following the despatch of the stituted sports meetings and with publication of telegram the Association requested LET THE WHOLE the flying of purely sporting an interview with the American THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JAMES CONNOLLY colours." and demanding police Ambassador with a view to ex- protection for sportsmen instead J ('. Desmond Ore plaining the facts of the police WORLD KNOW I of discrimination against them. • t\ranny which exi ts m the Six EVERYBODY understands the Count ics. c importance of letting the whole n; DISCRIMINATION 'iii, ii a i rit will11 ,i /- ,;i ' •• i ////../ world know about the jailings in Other resolutions condemned K GAITSKELL, TOO Belfast. • 1 \ SI-IRC II ('/• Ci>\ ( 'I.I the "vicious practice of religious But while we want to tell people „l s. ;n />.„ . The Connollv Association has about it we do not all have time discrimination in employment," written requesting Mr. Hugh Gait- and the denial of votes to 300.000 in which he will ell the story ol ho- •le- b iok came to to write people letters on the sub- skell. leader ol the Opposition in ject. me of his e.\penr:i Will r roil! c: in;; the British House of Commons, to citizens in local government elec- b< written and si 1 1 1 That problem has been solved by t he material incorpor.r•• ' i receive a deputation on the same tions. subject. It is sought to lav parti- the Connolly Association, which has printed a set of adhesive labels An emergency motion descril^ed James Connoll'. 's uauuhter. Mrs. FIO:.L Connol v-Edu ai (Is. cular siress oti the need lor an en- will be present. (|iiir\ into the working of the or seals, which have the words the Government's continued re- Government of Ireland Act. "Free the Belfast prisoners" on fusal to recognise the Irish Con- them, together with a picture of prison bars. gress of Trade Unions as a denial These are obtainable from the ol 'he basic right of popular rep- Association's headquarters at 374 resentatives to participate in the Grays Inn Road, London, or its lile ot the community. ST. PATRICK'S NIGHT IN LONDON Manchester Office, 94-96 Grosvenor Street, All Saints. They sell at 1 - Officers elected lor the year FRIDAY, 17 MARCH a sheet and proceeds go towards were: Chairman, Tomais O Floinn; printing more leaflets, pamphlets, secretary, John Caughey; trea- etc, about the Northern Ireland police state. surer, Patrick Farrelly. A DANCE ST. PATRICK'S \U-HT IN (DON RAINE YOUNG & HIS ORCHESTRA) 8 p.m. — 11.45 p.m. GLASGOW PORCHESTER HALL, W.2 Grand SOCIAL and DANCE (Kusos 7, 15, 27, 36, 662. Tubes: Royal Oak, Ilayswater. Queensway). DIXON HALL, GOVAN HILL Tickets 5 - <6 - at door) 8 p.m. -— 1 a.m. MCKNSED BAR IRISH & ENGLISH DANCING REFRESHMENTS No tickets, pay at door. February 1961 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT February 1961 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT 3 -HERE ARE SOME THE IRISH FURTHER VIEWS DEMCCB2AT To the Editor, deed a pay' ol the British labour cold war armaments eu- The Six-Count 374 GRAYS INN ROAD movement. with identical demands, and Government has no s.n in foreign trade (Mr. McCulloiigh has J.ONDON, W.C.1 were greeted Certain coin-nonsense real- state "l Katanga, where it is considered lie ' Irish Democrat'" that the Six Counties is indeed an intrin- or toreign policy: nor have the Six- agreed to reply next isations are beginning to strike home w:!l be more securely guarded than he w ...s sic part ol the Ijniled Kingdom wall Couniy people. "LET US R WILLIAM McCULLOUGH'S Subscription: 8/- per year everywhere We can destroy the whole of in Leopoldville. identical problems. month) civilisation if we like, but one great power letter criticising your estimation And let the anti-imperialists" who Editor: DESMOND GREAVES It lni. been reliably reported that he iuis cannot destroy the other. Therefore we The result can easily be to divert the confine themselves to these demands pro- Mr. McCullough hits the wrong target, START OVER severely beaten up by Belgians and ol the economic situation in the Six have got to co-exist side by side whether Bellast workers from what ought to be test that the Six-County people do have when lie protests just because someun" Katanga police when being transferred Counties is interesting because, as we like it or not. unless of course we are their own distinct, immediate demands. a say. because they send M.P.s to West- dares to tell the plain blunt truth. from one jail to another, and at that m you say. of the wider issues raised. Surely u cannot only be the business of minster and then what do you find? AGAIN" prepared not to exist at all Second, it is the presence ol U N.O. soldiers. One of his The Connolly Association was correct It is particularly interesting because u Irish workers to seek to "change'" the You find them landing themselves A WORD ABOUT being realised that the world is in for companions has since died as a result of is an example ol an illogical attitude to policie ol a British government (a gov- squarely in a position of check-mate.