10TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Bethany United Methodist Church The Salvation Army and Laurel Shelter have an August 13, 2017 8:30 & 11:00 AM 1860 Hayes Road • PO Box 527 ongoing need for the following items: Household Gloucester Point VA 23062 cleaners, paper products, over the counter medicines, WELCOME, GUESTS! We are delighted to worship with you today Office Hours: M- and personal hygiene items. and invite you to participate as fully as you feel comfortable. Phone: 804.642.2110 Available for Your Use: Please ask an usher for assistance if you Email:
[email protected], 9 a.m.‒3 p.m. Please place donations in the baskets beside the church require a large print hymnal, large print bulletin, or hearing aid. Website : www.bethanyumc-gp.org office and in the narthex. Thanks! Cell Phones: Please remember to silence your cell phone before the service begins. Thank you. STEWARDSHIP 8/6 SUNDAY WORSHIP 8/6 *Please stand as you are able. General Fund Total 9673.50 8:30 48 Capital Improvement 75.00 11:00 113 Pastor’s Discretionary 100.00 TOTAL WORSHIP 161 Our youth are away on a road trip today in Richmond that includes worship, then lunch at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Youth Sunday School and Altar Flowers 90.00 SUNDAY SCHOOL The Children’s Time resume next Sunday. Upper Room 6.00 Adults 52 LemonAid Fundraiser 317.70 Youth 5 CHIMING OF THE HOUR Hymn: “Aurelia” (UMH No. 545) Samuel Sebastian Wesley Helping Hands 25.00 Children 6 Loreen Paiva Homebound Ministries 50.00 TOTAL in SS 63 WELCOMING OUR GUESTS ANNOUNCEMENTS, CELEBRATIONS, AND