241 의사학제24권제1호(통권제49호)2015년4월 KoreanJMedHist24ː241-283Apr2015 ⓒ대한의사학회 http://dx.doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2015.24.241 pISSN1225-505X,eISSN2093-5609 “If I Only Touch Her Cloak”: The Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph1) in New Orleans’ Charity Hospital, 1834-1860 KONG Hyejung Grace *^KIM Ock-Joo ** 1. Introduction 2. A World of Sickness: New Orleans’Charity Hospital 3. Nursing as a Broad Set of Tasks 4. Mothers in Charge of the House 5. Hospital as a Sacred Space 6. Conclusion * Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Humanities, College of Medicine, Seoul National University ** Corresponding Author: KIM Ock-Joo Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Humanities, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Address: 103 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-799, KOREA Tel: 02-740-8061 / E-mail:
[email protected] 1) In 1809, the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph was founded as the first community for religious women in the United States. It was later incorporated with the French Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1850, which was founded by Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac in 1633. Even though the Sisters of Charity was originally founded by adopting the rules and constitutions of the French Daughters of Charity, it had no connection with the government of the Sisters of Charity in France until 1850 (Hannefin, 1989: 14-5). In order to emphasize the American origin of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph, and to prevent confusion, we will refer them as the Sisters of Charity throughout this study.