Dionysius Areopagites: a Christian Mysticism?
Hieromonk Alexander (Golitzin) Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITES: A CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM? I. Introduction: A Controversial Figure The mysterious author who wrote under the name of Dionysius the Are- opagite sometime around the turn of the sixth century has been the subject of theological and scholarly controversy for half a millenium.1 With a few re- cent exceptions, this controversy has been limited to the Christian West. It began properly with Martin Luther’s explicit dismissal of «Dionysius» (whom henceforth I shall refer to without the inverted commas) as plus platonizans quam christianizans, «more a Platonist than a Christian», and his warning to «stay away from that Dionysius, whoever he was!» I am myself expert in neither the Reformation generally nor Luther in particular, but I think it not inaccurate to say that he read Dionysius as perhaps the advocate par excel- lence of a theologia gloriae, which is to say, a theological perspective which effectively makes superfluous the Incarnation and atoning death of God the Word, and which does so because it assumes that the human mind of itself is capable, at least in potential, of achieving direct contact with the deity. The great doctor of the Reform saw this pernicious attitude, so in opposition to his own theologia crucis, as especially embodied in the little Dionysian trea- tise, The Mystical Theology, which he read as an example less of truly Chris- tian piety than of an appeal to the autonomous human intellect, hence: «Shun like the plague that Mystical Theology and other such works!» Ever since Luther, though here I should add that I am over-simplifying somewhat, Di- onysius has been by and large a «non-starter» for Protestant theology and devotion, while Protestant scholarship, in so far as it deals with him at all, remains generally — or even emphatically — unsympathetic.2 1 I will be referring to the Greek text of Dionysius in two editions, PG 3, with the column numbers, and, in parenthesis, the page and line numbers of the recent critical edition: Corpus Dionysiacum.
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