The KESWICK WEEK 1958 NOT FOR RESALE Reproduced by the X-tended Missions Network By the authority of The Keswick Convention Not to be reproduced. Just to let the Father do What He will; Just to know that He is true, And be still; Just to follow, hour by hour, As He leadeth; Just to draw the moment's power As it needeth. Just to trust Him—that is all; Then the day will surely be Peaceful, whatsoe'er befall; Bright and blessed, calm and free. Just to leave in His dear hand Little things; All we cannot understand All that stings. Just to let Him take the care Sorely pressing; Finding all we let Him bear Changed to blessing: This is all, and yet the way Marked by Him who loves thee best— Secret of a happy day, Secret of His promised rest. - FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL. The front front cover picture, of Keswick as seen from the lower slopes of Skiddaw, with Derwentwater in the background, and all other photographs except the official group, were taken by the Editor of THE KESWICK WEEK, the Rev. H. F. Stevenson, Editor of THE LIFE OF FAITH. The Keswick Week 1958 ! LONDON MARSHALL, MORGAN AND SCOTT, LTD. 1-5 PORTPOOL LANE HOLBORN, E.C.1. CANADA EVANGELICAL PUBLISHERS 241 YONGE STREET TORONOTO AUSTRALIA 317 COLLINS STREET MELBOURNE NEW ZEALAND 23 MONTGOMERY ROAD ROTHESAY BAY AUCKLAND SOUTH AFRICA P.O. BOX 1720, STURK'S BUILDINGS CAPE TOWN First Edition 1958 MADE AND PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. W. SIMPSON & CO., LTD., 70 SHEEN ROAD, RICHMOND, SURREY.
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