DIALOG GLOBAL MUNICIPAL CLIMATE PARTNERSHIPS Documentation of the sixth phase of the project | No. 61 2 Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) Phone +49 228 20717-2670
[email protected] https://skew.engagement-global.de/home.html No. 61 in the ‘Dialog Global’ series published by the Service Agency Communities in One World Responsible for content: Service Agency, Dr Stefan Wilhelmy Project management: Clemens Olbrich Text: Clemens Olbrich, Dr. Klaus Reuter, Moritz Schmidt Editing: Clemens Olbrich, Dr. Klaus Reuter, Moritz Schmidt, Mandy Wagner Translation: John Cochrane Cover photos: Ernst Ohlhoff Layout, typesetting and cover design: Fabian Ewert, Königswinter Printed by: Bonifatius GmbH 100 % recycled paper, Vivus 89 Printed using mineral oil-free printing inks, carbon offset Bonn, April 2021 This publication, or extracts from it, may not be reproduced without the publisher‘s prior consent. The ‘Dialog Global’ series is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bremen, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate . This printed product has been awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel. www.blauer-engel.de/uz195 · ressourcenschonend und umweltfreundlich hergestellt · emissionsarm gedruckt · überwiegend aus Altpapier RG 4 DIALOG GLOBAL MUNICIPAL CLIMATE PARTNERSHIPS Documentation of the sixth phase of the project No. 61 CONTENTS Foreword ..........................................................................................................