New Applied Statistics Specialist Program
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Awards: Faculty & Students Program News Congratulations to Alison Gibbs wins Dean’s Outstanding Tenure & Promotion GRADUATE STUDIES REPORT Don Fraser! Teaching Award by Sebastian Jaimungal, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Associate Professor, Dept. Statistics, U. Toronto Congratulations to Andrei Badescu who has been First off, I would like to thank Prof. Knight, my our faculty’s research problems, but are acces- Congratulations to Don Fraser For her clear leadership and achievements in manuscript Lessons from Medicine for the training granted tenure and was promoted to the rank of predecessor, for handling the reigns as sible to non-experts. This year we have for his recent appointment by teaching and the widespread enthusiasm for her of Statistical Consultants. She chairs the Statistical Associate Professor on July 1, 2011. Professor Graduate Chair so expertly, for his guidance introduced: Statistical Dependence: Copula the Governor General as an performance as an instructor. Dr. Gibbs is a lead- Education Committee for the SSC and attends Badescu is a Professor in Actuarial Science. He is an and for his assistance in bringing me up to Models and Beyond; Functional Data Analysis Officer of the Order of Canada. This honour was ing innovator of statistics education and several conferences on statistics education on an internationally renowned expert in ruin theory, par- speed—thanks Keith! Second, I would like to and Related Topics; Monte Carlo Estimation; bestowed upon Don for his contributions to the curriculum renewal in our Department and more annual basis. She was Guest editor for the ticularly for his work connecting risk processes with thank the staff: Andrea, Angela, Annette and Advanced Monte Carlo Methods and advancement of statistical sciences in Canada broadly the Faculty of Arts and Science at the Canadian Journal of Statistics, is an Associate stochastic fluid flows. Carolyn who have made my transition into Applications; An Introduction to Bootstrap Don’s impact within Canada can hardly be University of Toronto, Alison is also actively in- Editor for the SSC newsletter Liaison and was a the role go all the more smoothly. Finally, but Methods; and Applied Stochastic Control: overstated: he has schooled several generations volved in research in statistics education. member of the Canadian committee of the not least, I would like to thank the graduate High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading. of leaders in the statistical and actuarial sciences, Examples of this include an invited talk at the an- International Statistical Literacy Competition. We committee (Profs. Badescu, Craiu, Feuverger, The new PhD field in Mathematical has made deep and original contributions to the nual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, are fortunate to include Alison in our faculty ranks Yao, and Zhou) who were invaluable in help- Finance and Actuarial Science builds on the theory of statistics, and has been the foremost Developing graduate students’ supervisory skills, an and we are particularly grateful to the Statistical ing me make admission decisions and for strength of the research faculty in this area intellectual leader of the discipline in Canada for invited lecture at the University of Chicago, What Society of Canada for their support through the providing support with other administrative and reflects (i) the historical fact that many of the past 60 years. is Statistics, Some thoughts on Education, and the nomination process. issues. our graduates produced focused PhD thesis There have been a number of exciting in this field; and more importantly (ii) to meet changes in the graduate program since I be- the demand from industry and incoming and gan in January 2012. Two of the most prospective students for course work and su- Congratulations to Fang Yao earns Discovery Accelerator important ones are the creation of six new pervision in this fast past, dynamic and graduate courses (STA 45##) and the creation continually growing field. The new field has Gun Ho Jang Supplement of the new PhD field in Mathematical Finance specialized course and comprehensive exam- and Actuarial Science. ination requirements, but statistics and Recent graduate Gun Ho Jang’s Ph.D. dissertation For his research program entitled “Functional and was rated as the most read paper for the year The new courses are the first installment probability is still at its core. I look forward to has been selected by the ISBA Prize Committee, High-dimensional Data Analysis: Regularization, 2010 based on the number of times it was down- of what will eventually be fourteen 4500 level seeing this new field grow into a successful as a finalist for the prestigious Savage Award in Representation and Regression”. Professor Yao was loaded. While on research leave he spent one courses. These are concentrated six-week and integral part of the graduate program. Theory and Methods and he has been invited to recruited to the University of Toronto from term at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical courses focusing on faculty’s areas of interest There are plans in the works for a number present his work at the ISBA World Meeting in Colorado State University and we are fortunate to Sciences Institute as an esteemed Research and research. They provide an introduction to of other graduate program modifications and Kyoto, Japan June 25-29, 2012. He was also the include him in our faculty ranks. He is one of our Fellow. There he gave the opening address for a the tools, methods, and theory that arise in additions—so stay tuned! winner of the Pierre Robillard award for his work more prolific, and widely read, researchers. One of thematic program and subsequently led one of in 2011. Currently Gun Ho is a postdoctoral fellow his published articles, which appeared in the the working groups. in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidem- Journal of the American Statistical Association, iology, University of Pennsylvannia. New Applied Statistics Specialist Program Congratulations to Ruslan Salakhutdinov Jeff Rosenthal earns Early Researcher 2012 The program in applied statistics is designed to As such it provides outstanding scientific training Biotechnology, Global Health, Health Studies, train students to meet that demand. This design for work in collaborative research, and preparation Health and Disease, Human Biology, Social Award. Andrews Academic Achievement Award (Master’s) has two fundamental features. One involves the for post-graduate work in statistics, biostatistics, Psychology. Active collaborations to add further For his election to the Royal Society of Canada; Craig Burkett the citation reads: acquisition of advanced expertise in statistical or the concentration discipline where the stu- concentrations continue apace. Department of Statistics Doctoral Award reasoning, methods and computation. The other dents’ quantitative expertise will prepare them to For profound and deep contributions to prob- The ERA is the successor to the premier’s research Lizhen Xu ability and statistics, including highly original and excellence award given to faculty within 10 years is a clearly defined, and prescribed, concentration make potentially unique contributions. Department of Statistics Teaching Assistant Awards in another discipline that permits the student to Professional accreditation of statisticians is gaining influential results on the mathematical analysis of of the completion of their doctorate degree. Craig Burkett, Uyen Hoang, Edwin Lei Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. For excep- Remarkably Russ has won this award after a mere become conversant in that discipline to the ex- worldwide prominence with accreditation pro- tional breadth, as evidenced in his many collab- six months into his faculty appointment here at tent that they can effectively collaborate. The grams in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, orations, his application of statistics and statistical the University of Toronto. However, Russ has an successful student will acquire enhanced skills in the United States, and some European countries. computing to problems in several areas of science extraordinary publication record, mostly in the communication, consultation and collaboration. Graduates from this program will be prepared for and social science, and his enthusiasm for encour- most prestigious conferences in Machine The program is e accessible to students in the a professional career in statistical practice and will aging students and junior researchers to reach Learning, but also a highly cited article in Science. sciences, social sciences, and other disciplines be eligible to apply for the Associate Statistician their potential. For public service through his ded- His PhD is in Computer Science and he has a 2011 where specialized expertise in quantitative meth- designation from the Statistical Society of ods is an asset. Canada. This program meets a need for develop- icated and skilled communication of probability strong background in Statistics. We are fortunate Andrews Academic Achievement Award (Master’s) and statistics to the broader public with his many to include him in our faculty ranks. The applied statistics specialist program focus- ing statistical scientists who are prepared for both Hanyue Wang es on scientific problem solving and the careers in industry and collaborative research. popular writings, including his best- Department of Statistics Doctoral Award selling book, Struck by Lightning. collaborative nature of statistical practice. It aligns Currently, through collaborations