Two New Species of Pectis (Asteraceae: Tageteae) from South America David ]. J. Keil Biological Sciences Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT. Pectis hassleri and P. pumila are new andandmore morenumerousnumerous thanthan those thoseof of thethe abaxialabaxialsursur- species, the former from the Gran Chaco area of face,face, minutelyminutelyciliolateciliolate nearnear thethe base,base, otherwiseotherwise Paraguay and the latter from southwestern Ecuador glabrous.glabrous.CapitulaCapitula long-peduncled,long-peduncled, solitarysolitary oror inin and northwestern Peru. Pectis hassleri differs from open,open, few-headedfew-headedcymes,cymes, 38-38- toto 75-flowered;75-flowered; p.P. odorata by leaves that are glandular-punctate on pedunclespeduncles3-113-11 cmcm long,long,slightly slightlyclavate,clavate, bearingbearing the adaxial as well as the abaxial surfaces, by lonlon- 33 toto7 7 linear-acuminatelinear-acuminatescale-likescale-like bractletsbractlets 3-63-6 mmmm ger and wider ligules of the ray florets, and by ray longlongor or thethe proximalproximalbractbract largerlarger andand leaflike. leaflike.InIn- pappi of awns and shorter bristles. Pectis pumila volucresvolucrescampanulate;campanulate; phyllariesphyllaries 88 (to(to 10),10), oblanoblan- differs from the closely related P.R arida by its wider ceolateceolate toto obovate,obovate,6-8.5S8.5 Xx 2-3.52-3.5 mm,mm, broadlybroadly leaves and by its sessile or subsessile capitula with overlapping,overlappingesubacute,subacute, weaklyweakly convex, convex,proximally proximally campanulate involucres and obovate phyllaries. A roundedroundedandand gibbous, gibbous,indurate-keeledindurate-keeled inin thethe proxprox- 2 hexaploid chromosome count of 2n = 3636111 is newly imalimallh-1/2-2/3, /3, narrowlynarrowlyhyaline-hyaline- oror purple-margined purple-marginedinin reported for P.