JULY 2010 NEWSLETTER Volume 7, Number 4


Foot Traffic Flat Marathon 2-4

From the Gatekeeper 3

Missoula Marathon 5-7

The Road to Boston… 8-9

San Francisco Marathon 10

Tunnel Marathon 11

Trading Cards 12

Maniac Poll 12

Report from InSane AsyLum 13

Maniac Couples 14

What’s coming up in August 14

The Marathon Show 15

Discounts 16

New Maniacs 16

Promotions/Milestones 17

Note from the Editor 17

Rhetorical Revelations from “The Rev” 18 July 2010 Newsletter

Foot Traffic Flat Marathon (7/4): Stephanie Arango, Lisa Reid Stars and stripped Maniacs! Rose Bak, Neil Paulson, Bill, Jim Boyd, Cormac Burke, Peter Corduan, Morgan 'Baby Cougar' Jim Boyd Cummings, Marc Frommer, Clark "The Dude" Gilbert, Greg "Flatlander" Goebel, David Hajek, Tami Harmon, Bob Hearn, David Holmen, Laura Johnson, Tory "Teechur" Klementsen, Michael Larkin, Bradford Lombardi, McLovin, Donna Loud, Vickie McDonald, Scott "Glass Knees" McMurtrey, Cyndie Merten, Pete Nicholson, Carla Owen, Josh Owen, Lisa "Lovely Feet" Reid, Megan Reuther, Randen Richards, Cat. Schwartz, Tom Scott, Mary Signorelli, Ann Sloan, David"Marathon Diet"Spooner, Steve Happy 4th Maniacs! "Marathon Freak" Walters, Melissa M. Williams

Lisa Reid, Tory Klementsen and Ann Sloan

Melissa Williams

Robert Lopez, Lisa Reid and Cormac Burke

The Man, Larry Macon!

Megan Reuther and Tory Klementsen 2 July 2010 Newsletter

From the Gatekeeper by Marc Frommer (MM#9)

FOOT TRAFFIC FLAT MARATHON (7/4/10) - PORTLAND,OR First, let me say -- wow, what perfect weather. I've run this race (either the full or half) just about every year they have had it and today was the best conditions by far. Usually it is pretty toasty out there but the weather gods decided to hold off a few days before we finally hit the 90s this year. Since everyone who has run this race before knows that the traffic is a bit difficult (to put it mildly) getting to the island, we decided to leave fairly early this morning. I left my house at 4:45 to pick up Lisa, Ann, and Cormac and we were off. And, it was a good thing since many people did not make it to the starting line in time -- it was chip timed. As mentioned above, the weather is a key part of this race. But since the weather was great, I decided to go for 3:20 and run with Cormac who I knew would be around that pace. Unfortunately, Cormac decided to make a pit stop around mile 4 but caught up to me around mile 11 and I kept up the pace pretty well without him. We ran pretty consistent miles but there were a few mile markers that were way off. We passed the halfway mark in around 1:39 so we were in pretty good shape for 3:20. But mile 14 suddenly registered 8:20 and neither Cormac or I thought we were slowing down. Later, we ran mile 17 in 6:42 so I think it was made up there. There was a new wrinkle in this year's race, which added a short out and back around mile 16 that contained a couple of pretty decent hills. Last year (the first year without the double loop), the long out and back went further but you ran a bit along gravel, which the RD wanted to remove this year. It will be interesting to see if the course changes next year. After the out and back, Cormac started to pull away though I kept him in sight most of the way. Around mile 22, my calf cramping issue started up a bit. I had taken one S-cap at the start and another 2 hours in. I decided to pop another one and cramps held off but mile 22 and 23 were my two slowest miles (only ones above 8 minutes - I'm assuming mile 14 was long). I got the rest of the miles down to around 7:55 but it wasn't enough to break 3:20.

While I didn't break 3:20, obviously I'm pretty pleased. I beat my Portland time (previous PR) of last year by 1:15. I have run Steve Supkoff's favorite course faster 3 times and I would have loved to beat my 3:18:41 there so I no longer have to mention the short Newport course (though it is fun to discuss it with Steve).

My next attempt at 3:20 will probably be Portland in October since my only other planned marathon before then is next month at the ET Midnight Madness run -- not exactly a PR course.

Thanks for reading. marc Steve Walters, Marc Frommer, Lisa Reid, Julie Kamerrer

Marathon Maniacs running half marathons…YES, it’s true!

Tired of running marathons and ultras (HA!!)? Need to back down on that weekly mileage and concentrate on getting faster? Then join the Half Fanatics (halffanatics.com). There are currently over 400 members in the Fanatic Asylum, and I’m sure you’ll recognize a few names in the group. So jump on the bandwagon now, get your qualifying races in and join this new, zany group! www.halffanatics.com

3 July 2010 Newsletter

Greg Goebel and Donna Loud Is Tory doing lunges? Cat Schwartz with son Elliot

Yolanda Holder Marc Frommer, Yolanda Holder, Megan Reuther and Tory Klementsen Donna Loud Robert Lopez and Steve Walters

Steve Walters and new Maniac Jon Dotson Portland Maniacs Melissa Williams, Steve Walters and Jon Dotson

Have you joined Facebook yet? Over 1,000 Marathon Maniacs have. Members have been adding photos to the site to the “Marathon Maniacs” Group site (administrator is Steve “Marathon Freak” Walters), so please check out the site. And join if you want to interact with Maniacs already on the site, since we prefer not to give out members e-mail addresses. Also, be a “Fan” of the Marathon Maniacs (over 1,400 already Maniacs have) Marathon Maniacs group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8904689204 Marathon Maniacs group on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/1843119/

4 July 2010 Newsletter

Missoula Marathon (7/11): Neil Paulson, Christine "Jorpeyt" Adams, Glen Anderson, Deanna Ashby, Teresa Baker, David Bartholomew, Diana Boehm, Sally "me and my dad" Boles, Jeff "Boneman" Bollman, Diane "Just a Rookie" Bolton, Janet Burgess, Carrie Caffrey, Doug "It's Cheaper Than Therapy" Clark, Ewell Condron, Morgan 'Baby Cougar' Cummings, Doug Dominey, Carol "Ponytail" Earles, Steph Eldore, Pat Finney, Buddy Gau, Clark "The Dude" Gilbert, Carol Goslin, Elaine Green, Matt "Pooky" Hagen, TJ Hancock, Joann Helmus, Sharon Hendricks, "Insane Jane", David Holmen, Mike Huvaere, Harold Jackson, Art Jacobson, Heath Johnson, Gary Kobold, Franz Kolb, Gary 'Cougar Bait' Krugger, "MMKuhl", Jim Levy, Sue Mantyla, Kelby Marks, Peggy McKean, Daniel "Mur" McMurtry, Heather "TrailMeeks" Meeks, Karl Michel, Little Leslie, Terry Nelson, Tracey Newenhouse, Jackie Ong, Gary Otheim, Monte Pascual, Teri "tpasto" Pastorino, Brian Pendleton, Piper Peterson, Hoa "Flower" Pham, Cheri Pompeo (Gillis), Martin, Pascal Radley, Tony Recker, Galina Richardson, EatDrinkRunWoman, har, McGyver, Barry "dcgriz" Smith, Russ "I never repeat a marathon" Smith, Chip Southern, Gary Sparr, Brian Starkey, Mark Stewart, Mark Stodghill, Tracy Strub, Ward Sullivan, Lorne Sundby, Gunhild Swanson, Big Al Thomas, Chris Thompson, Robert Towne, George Unruh, Joni Van Arsdale, Jeff Venable, Michael Wakabayashi, CJ **Hollywood** Warren, Francine Weigeldt, Charlie Weiland, Mary Weiland, Darwin "runninguy" Weimer, Terry "Rocket Girl" Weimer, Angie Whitworth Pace, Li-Chym Wu, Annette "mom's gone again" Wulffe, Prez Steven Yee, Marie Zornes

Jackie Ong Tracy Newenhouse

Steve Yee, Gunhild Swanson Post race Maniacs!

Larry Macon

Jane Herzog Tina Ellis, Tracy Strub Brian Pendleton 5 July 2010 Newsletter

Francine Wiegeldt, Sharon Hendricks

Brain Starkey with his family

Kelby Marks, Mike Huvaere The Main Maniacs get a lot of ladies!

The Prez and “Hollywood”

Brian counting birds and Monte counting his marathons!

Chris Warren and Sharon Hendricks


What is Matt doing?

Annette L Wulffe, Jackie Ong, Carol "ponytail" Earles Maniacs having a post race meal at Hooters.

Donna Jacobs, Diane Jones-Bolton, Jeff Venable

Art Jacobsen Pascal Radley


Pascal's luggage didn't arrive with him so no Maniac singlet...

Steve doing the “Dave Mari” pose! Joanne Helmus “El Presidente” with the Utah Maniacs

Matt Hagen 7 July 2010 Newsletter

The Maniac stories of success and triumph!

Patti Krebsbach (#2584) – Yakima River Canyon Marathon (Yakima, WA) – March 27, 2010 – Age 47

The plan for my third attempt at a BQ was going to be Eugene Marathon on May 2. My running bestie (Kristin #2626) and I decided to become Marathon Maniacs so she suggested Yakima River Canyon as our first race. With 3 weeks before her first Boston and 5 weeks before Eugene, we were both on track for a 20 mile long distance training run. We were going to run the first 20 miles at a slow pace then walk the last 6. Time wasn’t an issue. The week leading up to YRCM, I was feeling strong. I started thinking about going for a sub 4-hr at YRCM instead of Eugene. I asked for advice from Mary Hanna (MM #299 and women’s YRCM record holder) on what she thought about my attempt. My last marathon was 3+ months prior, so I had the base training and I’d already completed several long runs. Mary said “go for it”. It was a cool, crisp, sunny March morning. Perfect running weather. Kristin and I stayed together for the first 2+ miles when she told me to go ahead. I maintained an 8:45 – 9:00 minute pace for miles. I met 3 guys at mile 10 who were attempting a sub 4-hr so I ran with them. I had my own hydration and nutrition so I didn’t slow down through any of the aid stations. By mile 14, the boys were too far behind me. I met and ran with a woman at mile 15 who was also hoping for a sub 4-hr. She was running an 8:40 pace. I felt strong keeping up with her but made the decision to let her go on without me. I dropped my pace back to high 8s. Before “the big hill” at mile 21, I saw her hit a potty stop. I thought she’d catch me on the 1.5 mile climb. I made it to the top of the hill and still felt good. At the mile 23 marker, my Garmin read 3:30. I was experiencing headwinds and rolling hills. Ugh! I reached mile 24 at 3:40. At this point, I kept going back and Patti Krebsbach (#2584 ) and Kristin forth between reaching my goal and not reaching my goal. I decided that I was going to hurt for another 20 Anderson (#2626) minutes. I wanted this and was too close to give up. My mind took over and I picked up my pace. I finally saw the finish line and clock. There it was!!! A 3:59:XX. I bolted the last few yards for that finish line. Final result: 3:59:45. I am so thankful that I raced how my body felt. The 3 guys and the woman both came in after 4-hrs but found me and congratulated me. My “A-race” at Eugene ended up as my “B-race”. I finished with a 4:02:40. I now wear a sterling silver circle around my neck engraved with Yakima River Canyon Marathon 03.27.10. Until April 18, 2011, that is.

Denis McCarthy (#853) – Austin Marathon (Austin, TX) – February 13, 2005– Age 45

My first Boston Qualifier was the Austin TX Marathon on 02/13/05 with a time of 3:27:21 (needed 3:30:59 – I was 45). It was my tenth marathon overall having run 2 in ’02, 3 in ’03 and 4 in ’04. I first tried to qualify at the New York marathon the previous November but blew up at 16 and missed it by 26 minutes. So, at the Austin marathon I knew I had to have a different approach. Fortunately, the then Austin marathon sponsor raffled to its employees, (I was one), a sponsored training spot with local professional Ironman couple Jamie Cleveland and Andrea Fisher (Texas Iron). They put us through a three month training program which amongst other things incorporated lots of water running. We were all supplied with logo running gear, given VIP passes and let into the elite corral. We felt like rock stars. Thunderstorms hit in the hours before the marathon but cleared by start time. However, when the sun appeared, the evaporating water made for very difficult conditions so I was not at all optimistic about qualifying during the race. With two miles to go that I felt I could get there and fighting off cramps and blisters from the road water I pushed hard. Having minutes to spare was a surprise to me and my Garmin told me that the last mile was my fastest by a long shot driven I can only say by total adrenalin. Needless to say I was elated especially since a number of friends were in town visiting. Still is one of my happiest memories. 8 July 2010 Newsletter

The Maniac stories of success and triumph!

Craig Newport (#983) – Natural Light Bakersfield Marathon (Bakersfield, CA) – February 12, 1980 – Age 33

My quest for running in the Boston Marathon started with a trip to the library. I checked out a copy of Boston Marathon by Tom Derderian. I am not really sure when the Boston bug bit me, but it was early in my running life. I had planned a hiking trip up Mt. Whitney in 1979 and started jogging as training. That led to some short local races and somewhere about this time I read Derderian’s book. The history of the race was fascinating to me. Qualifying for Boston was different in the early 1980’s. Men under 39 – 2:50; men 40 and over – 3:10; women – 3:20. No 59 second grace period, no Team in Training, no kidding. Did I mention that I had to walk uphill both ways to school in the snow? I ran my first marathon to confirm to myself that I could run 26.2 miles. I “raced” the second in 3:01. Since that was a 23 minute improvement from my first race, my wife figured another 11 minutes was not a problem so she made our Boston travel arrangements. The die was cast. I had some things going for me, youth (33), ignorance, an ideal course (Bakersfield, California – completely level except for a freeway underpass), ideal weather (Feb. 2, 1980, 48°, overcast), congenial training companions, and a motivation to keep those reservations. The race was the Natural Light Bakersfield Marathon. Beer sponsored most of the races in those days. My training for the previous month had consisted of 308 miles at paces of 6:45 to 8:42 per mile, 8 weight lifting sessions, 3 interval sessions of 8x440 (meters had not been invented yet) from 5:19 to 5:45 per mile pace, and two yoga sessions of six asanas (positions). Flexibility was never my strong point. I had my splits written on my race number and a piece of paper that I carried in my hand. That was before watches recorded splits. I ran pretty close to the splits through 24 miles. At 25, I was about one minute over. I still do not know whether the mile 25 marker was correct. What I do know is that I worked very hard over the last mile + 385 yards and finished in 2:49:44 and I was very relieved and happy. It was a tough crowd. In a race with less than 200 participants, I was 31st. Even more startling to me now is that I was 18th in my age group. Men 30-39 made up nearly one third of the race finishers. Besides the watch advancements, the race clock was an analog model, looking like the ones they had in elementary school back in the middle of the last century. A race volunteer took your photo as you crossed the finish line and mailed it to you with written race results. It was a different time. I hope you have as much fun with your Boston quest.

Gary Krugger (#1945) –Las Vegas Marathon (Las Vegas, NV) – December 7, 2008 – Age 23

I got by first BQ at the Zappos Las Vegas Marathon in 2008. I had been trying for that 3:10 for months. I had epically failed earlier that year at San Diego, ET Midnight, Erie, Akron, Baltimore, Niagra Falls, and San Antonio. Closest was a 3:14:49 at Baltimore when I ran with the 3:10 pacer most of the race. Vegas was my last chance for the year.

I invested in a Garmin 405 specifically to get my BQ. I knew I could do it if I just stayed on pace the whole race. I did as much stuff as I could to help my chances. I ran that Great Santa Race 5k the day before then went rock climbing at Red Rock Canyon later that day. Followed it up my babysitting my drunk friend that night. And my last brilliant move was leaving my new watch back at the hotel on race morning.

There were no pacers to run with, so I was just guessing. I had to use the mile markers that had clocks to calculate my pace. I was behind early, but managed to split around 1:35:30. Still possible if I run the second half a little faster, but way too soon to tell if I really had a chance. It became far to difficult to do math in my head by the time I hit 20. I just kept running. I knew if I hit 25 by 3hrs then I'd have it for sure. Damn! 3:01 at 25 and I'm hurting. My hungover friend had snuck onto the course at 24.5 to run the last bit with me. I just focused on chasing Mike, tried not to vomit, and hoped my twitching calves wouldn't cramp up. It wasn't until I saw the finish clock that I knew I had it. 3:09:57, I'm in!

I signed up for Boston right away. It filled up like a week later. I cut it close on several levels. I've come a long way since then, but this is still one of my most memorable races. 9 July 2010 Newsletter

San Francisco Marathon (7/25/10): Howard Audet, Alex Ballesteros, Jarrett Banks, Van Barbre, David Bartholomew, Andre Boulais, Gayle Boulais, "Xtreme Mike", Cormac Burke, Quicksilver Runner, Joyce Carey, Min Chae, Pony Express, Moses Christian, Rajan Christian, Rich Colfack, James "Gimme my Medal" Copley, Ryan Cross, Todd Daniels, Sarkis Defterderian, Kevin "downhill" Emery, David England, Alicia Eno, John Enslow, Ed "Fancy Pants" Ettinghausen, Deb Evdemon, Traci Falbo, Robin "The Opera Singer" Flynn, Mary Beth Fournier, Paul Fournier, Jim Fox, Peter Franklin Friederich, Michael Fry, Noel Garibay, Guillermo "Wil" Godinez, Greg "Flatlander" Goebel, Jim Green, Roger Greene, Michael "Mik-iac" Hagen, Paula Hamilton, spinach, Bob Hearn, "Cadillac" Steve Hernandez, Jakob Herrmann, Paul Hoffmann, Vance Hollywood, Ethan Hopkin, Ed Indvik, Brian "Pavement Runner" Kelley, Shelley "Maddog" Kincaid, Tory "Teechur" Klementsen, Sonny "Tranquilrunner" LaForm, Vickie Lau, John 'Oksie' Lazaro, Albert Licano, Trey Lominack., Donna Loud, Jon "Coconutboy" Mahoney, Sherry "MMM" Mahoney, Tracy Marshall, Michael Miller, Jessica "Wabbitz" Montoya, Rudy Montoya, Rocco Morales, Renee Morales, Heather Nerhood, Les "Maniacles" Omura, Chris "O-Dog" Oppenlander, Karen Osborn, Keith "Kip" Panzer, Don "Wait For Me!" Pemberton, Jay Pettit, "Mr BodyShots" Carlo Pineda, Lisa "Lovely Feet" Reid, Joseph "NYC" Reilly, Galina Richardson, Silver Rivas, Susie Ro, Emily Rowe, har, Nadia "Corredora", Tom Scott, Ann Sloan, Ward Sullivan, Kenneth Tenebro, Dick Vogt, Karen"Evil Twin" Vollan, CJ **Hollywood** Warren, Matt Weis, Cindy Wetzel, Marina 'vasolina' White, Ryan Whitney, Li-Chym Wu Greg Goebel and Dave Mari have too much fun!

The Maniac “fun group”!

Dave Mari, Galina Richardson and Ethan Hopkin Nadia Ruiz Gonzales and Ethan Hopkin

Pre-race Maniacs!

10 July 2010 Newsletter

Mo Gillis and Cheri Pompeo

Mel Preedy Tony Phillippi Monte Pascual

Tony Phillippi, Stan D Hembrough, Steve Yee and Kevin Murray Tony Covarrubias and his daughter Danielle. It was Danielle’s first marathon.

The Prez! Tunnel Marathon (7/25): Shawn Aebi, Jenny Appel, David Appleby, Patrick Barnes, Steve Barrick, Rikki Bogue, Jim Boyd, Tony C, Paul David, Ted Eckert, Steph Eldore, Mo Gillis, Margaret Gorog, "Insane Jane", Jae-Byung Jung, Ashley "rogue wave" Kuhlmann, Kimberly "Kimpossible" Kuhlmann, Sheila Lawless-Burke, Gary "The Red Rabbit" Marr, Little Leslie, Mike Moore, Janice Moyer, Kevin Murray, Lesa Overfield, Monte Pascual, Brian Pendleton, tony (tp!) phillippi, Cheri Pompeo (Gillis), Mel Preedy, Scott Sebelsky, Brian Starkey, Rob Stretz, Linda Walter, Olaf Weckner, Dan Whitaker, Jessica Williams, Prez Steven Yee, Jon Yoon, Jenny Appel Marie Zornes

AND FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO TURN IN THEIR PHOTOS AT A LATER TIME (I will ALWAYS accept your photos!!!) – [email protected] 11 July 2010 Newsletter

Makes a great gift for friends and family, and fun to trade with other Maniacs.

Individual Package: You get 100 of your own cards, 5 decks of cards (each deck contains 25 different Marathon Maniacs). All decks come packaged in a clear, keepsake box. Decks: You get a deck of 25 cards. All decks come packaged in a clear, keepsake box. Order your own card, or buy a set today: http://www.marathonmaniacs.com/tradingcard.html

Each month there will be a “Maniac poll”. This poll will be posted online. Please take a few moments to answer this poll. I will post the results in the next newsletter. This month’s question: What is your favorite season of the year to run a marathon/ultra? Please vote online between now and September 1: http://www.marathonfreak.com/maniacpoll

Last month’s question: On average how many miles do you run each week? It appears that most Maniacs run between 5-9 marathons per year. Of the 78 votes in the poll, the most common result was 5-9 marathons which represented about 33% of the voters. The second most common result was 15-19 marathons (19%), followed by 1-4 marathons and 10-14 marathons which both had about 18% of the votes. Thanks to all that voted.

12 July 2010 Newsletter

David Goodrich (#238) got a Maniac tattoo on his calf, once again posing the question, “If someone gets a Aren’t we all!!! The Berkeley Boys! Ray showing us waaaay tooo much! Maniac tattoo, they should get a lifetime membership for the Maniacs.”

The Prez sporting the new men’s Maniac singlet. Jackie Ong, Annette L Wulffe, Steven Yee, Franz Kolb

The following is a statistical update on the growth of the Marathon Maniacs. It may not mean much to you, but I find it very interesting. Monthly Growth

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yearly Averages 34.4 30.4 32.4 27.7 46.9 30.7 20.7 12.9 15.7 32.2 36.0 42.7 318.1 2009 66 47 52 50 94 91 73 29 33 99 95 116 845 2010 105 81 90 67 127 111 78 - - - - - 659 State MM Pct% Washington 610 22.0% New Maniacs in June 2010 78 California 290 10.5% New Maniacs in 2010 845 Texas 180 6.5% Illinois 118 4.3% Total Maniacs 2774 Florida 113 4.1% Oregon 93 3.4% Virginia 89 3.2% Ohio 70 2.5% New York 67 2.4% Pennsylvania 57 2.1%

13 July 2010 Newsletter

Jeff and Lind Venable Matt Hagen and Betsy Rogers

Tim Englund and Lisa Bliss

Jane Herzog and Ray Shaw Shanan and Aaron Redinger Are you and your significant another Maniacs? Send me a photo ([email protected]). WHAT’S COMING UP IN AUGUST

Sunday, August 1, 2010 Saturday, August 14, 2010 Sunday, August 22, 2010 Brookvale Ultra 50k CAR Runnin Arroyo Marathon Canadian Derby Edmonton Marathon CTR Wildwood Trail Run Crater Lake Marathon Drake Well Marathon Grand Island Trail Marathon CTR Cinderella Trail Run 50k/26.2 Pikes Peak Marathon Northwest Passage Marathon Fallsburg Marathon Run the Beach Marathon Philadelphia 8hr Helsinki City Marathon Rockin Central Park Marathon Hotter than Hell 12 Hr/6 Hr Run Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Howl at the Moon 8hr Self Transcendence Marathon Saturday, August 7, 2010 Iron Legs 50 Miler 4th Dimension Grand Ridge Paavo Nurmi Marathon Friday, August 27, 2010 Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50k Cheat Mountain Moonshine Madness First Call Summer 50k/26.2 Sunday, August 15, 2010 Gay Games Cologne Big Wild Life Runs (formerly Humpys) Saturday, August 28, 2010 HURL 50m/50k Leading Ladies Marathon Cascade Crest Katcina Mosa 100k Mtn Run Montana de Oro (Summer) Eisenbahn Marathon Mt Disappointment 50m/50k Port Alberni Log Train Trail Marathon Lean Horse Ultras Train 4 Autism Marathon, Race 2 Three Amigos Marathon Mesa Falls Marathon Wild Idaho 50m/50k Transcendence Ultra 12h Endurance Run Moose Mountain Marathon (Alberta) Yellowknife Overlander Sports Marathon North Country Run 50m/26.2 Sunday, August 8, 2010 NWTR Redmond Watershed Preserve Marathon Blister in the Sun Marathon Saturday, August 21, 2010 (Summer) CAR Rockin the Coto Trail Marathon 4th Dimension Squak Mountain Haulin Aspen Marathon E.T. Full Moon Midnight 51K Sunday, August 29, 2010 Marathon By the Sea E.T. Full Moon Midnight Marathon Ironman Canada Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 Trail Marathon Hagg Dust 50k Ironman Louisville Turkey Swamp 50k Leadville Trail 100 Marathon des Deux Rives (Quebec City Marathon) Marquette Trail 50 Miler and 50k Run the Canyon Trail Marathon Park City Marathon Santa Rosa Marathon Run With the Horses Marathon Wheres Waldo

14 July 2010 Newsletter

The Marathon Show went live in June 2010. The host, Joe Taricani (Maniac 1817), had been promoting a book he wrote unrelated to running. He started an online radio show for the book and a month later gave some thought to a show for marathon running. It sounded so far- fetched, he didn't even tell his wife about the idea at first.

"I suppose every Maniac experiences some hesitation about suggesting [another] race or [another] trip to family and friends," Joe says, "but the idea of committing time to a radio show for marathon running had me wondering if my wife would think I was a different kind of maniac." To say "the rest is history" is clearly an over-statement since the show is so new, but the success of the show has been very positive and it's trending nicely.

Joe's done two things that have helped the show's popularity. He makes all of us, the marathon community, an active part of the show. Maniacs can be featured on the show's webpage, then they get talked about on the air. Former featured marathon runners are on the home page for the show's website. There's a page where you can promote your fundraising campaign, another to offer running tips and a third one to promote smaller marathons. The show also features "Runners Chat" panels. Joe interviews 3 Maniacs and 50 States members on various topics. It's quite popular. He also makes promotions for clubs and people on each show. He'll invite Facebook Fans to submit names based on a question he poses on the Fan page.

The second thing Joe does, which is the most important, is try to make every interview fun, informative and interesting. "People will listen for one of three reasons: they know the guest, they're giving the show a chance, or they're interested in the topic," Joe adds, "but clearly if the show is flat or boring there's no reason to listen."

Thus far there are lots of reasons to listen. Joe is working hard to attract sponsors to help run promotions for contests and give-aways. Some big names are starting to pay attention. It's working on the guest side - he's interviewed Bart Yasso, Tracy Sundlun of Rock 'n' Roll Marathons, plus our own Annette Wulffe, Dave Mari and whole host of Maniacs via the chat show.

When asked an obvious question about money, Joe replied, "no, I have not made a nickel on this show - that might change at some point down the road, but for now I'm doing something I really, really enjoy so I'm okay with the way things are." So are we Joe, so are we. Keep it up. The Marathon Show can be found on iTunes, Facebook and online. http://www.themarathonshow.com

Maniacs Kevin Brosi, Paula Erdle, Mo Gillis, Rich Holmes, Cheri Pompeo, Gregg Walchli, and th On June 26 Tony Phillippi (#3) and Pam Brulotte John Wells all ran in the Northwest Passage Marathon and 50k in Nunavut,Canada. It's (#320) both completed the Coeur d’Alene Ironman. It North America's most northern most marathon and the world's most northern most ultra. was Pam’s 1st. Congratulations! 15 July 2010 Newsletter

Maniac Ongoing Discounts

In case you have not heard, I’ve been contacting RDs in an effort to obtain discounts or other perks for the Maniacs. So far I’ve been very pleased with the response and have the following races with discounts/perks that are ready for primetime: •Defiance 50k (WA): http://defiance50k.com/ • Columbia Gorge Marathon (OR): http://www.columbiagorgemarathon.com/ • Vancouver USA Marathon (WA): http://www.vancouverrun.com/ • Valley of Fire Marathon (NV): http://vofmarathon.ning.com/ • Ft Lauderdale A1A Marathon & Half Marathon (FL): http://www.a1amarathon.com/ • Little Rock Marathon (AR): http://www.littlerockmarathon.com/ • Bank Trust First Light Marathon (AL): http://www.firstlightmarathon.com/default.htm • Tallahassee Marathon (FL): http://www.tallahasseemarathon.com/ • Tyler Rose Marathon (TX): http://www.tylermarathon.com/ • Big D Texas Marathon (TX): http://www.texasmarathon.com/ • Eisenhower Marathon (KS): http://www.eisenhowermarathon.com/ • Redmond Watershed Preserve (WA): http://www.nwtrailruns.com • Run with the Horses (WY): http://www.grchamber.com/run_with_the_horses_marathon.htm

You can find out the details on how to obtain the discount/perk on these races in the Discount section of the Bulletin Board on the Maniac web site. Also, keep an eye out as I will continue to post new ones on the Bulletin Board as the details are finalized. If you have any questions, shoot me an email at: [email protected] - Jeff “Boneman” Bollman (#1058)

Molly Rouns Kathy Kass Daryl Hallmark

Troy Windsor

New Maniacs in July 2010 Deby Kumasaka (#2697) Tom Fabian (#2717) Chuck Fraenkel (#2737) Joao Danda (#2756) Patricia Neet (#2698) Carol Fabian (#2718) Donnie Dempewolf (#2738) Marlene Kogel (#2757) Julie Kamerrer (#2699) Bill Harris (#2719) Narongdej "Jay" Jaroensabphayanont Tamara Smith (#2758) Leslie Funkhouser (#2700) Bruce Elsten (#2720) (#2739) Kevin Murray (#2759) Fonda Oliver (#2701) Paulo Gustavo Cruz Sampaio (#2721) Marcey Futris (#2740) Shawn Aebi (#2760) Gabriela Lopez (#2702) Charli Long (#2722) Lisa Ord (#2741) Stan Hembrough (#2761) Jon Rust (#2703) Clem "Blue Mara-Hawk" George (#2723) Sandy Perlmutter (#2742) Wes Meyers (#2762) Jon Dotson (#2704) Franklin Smith (#2724) Jim O'Donnell (#2743) Jenny Stinson (#2763) Heidi Thomsen (#2705) Ray James (#2725) Alan Hewson (#2744) Kevin Dunn (#2764) Sarah Rogers (#2706) Jeff Fago (#2726) Del Landicho (#2745) Kris Carroll (#2765) Barry Creppel Jr (#2707) Jonathan Clark (#2727) Fred Alger (#2746) Regis Lemes (#2766) Jono Neher (#2708) Jeff Webb (#2728) Adam Kerr (#2747) Greg Mead (#2767) Carla Owen (#2709) Michael Rice (#2729) Renny Silva (#2748) Rodnilson Antunes de Oliviera (#2768) Mark Niblo (#2710) Michael Karstadt (#2730) Ellen Middleswart (#2749) Gerald King (#2769) Dan Margolis (#2711) Kathy Rafish (#2731) David Hasson (#2750) Stephen Jones (#2770) Elizabeth Detter (#2712) Julie Wells (#2732) Keath Lewin (#2751) Peter Luplow (#2771) Mr BodyShots Carlo Pineda (#2713) David Lund (#2733) John Keehan (#2752) Paulo Antunes Junior (#2772) Betty Rose (#2714) Shawn Loy (#2734) Alessandra Sartori (#2753) Ram (#2773) Jolene Walters (#2715) Paige Mucha (#2735) Claudia Ribeiro (#2754) Dana Casanave (#2774) Bob Bundschuh (#2716) Jimmi Clairmont (#2736) Rebekah Thomas (#2755) 16 July 2010 Newsletter

Noteworthy Accomplishments / Promotions / Omissions / Maniac Stuff:

Please let me know if you reached a higher Maniac level and want the recognition in the Newsletter!

 Titanium (10 star) Maniac: none  Platinum (8 star) Maniac: none  Palladium (7 star) Maniac: none  Osmium (6 star) Maniac: Tony Covarrubias (31 in 365 days); John Grizzle (17 states in 365 days)  Ruthenium (5 star) Maniac: Dana Wentzel  Iridium (4 star) Maniac: Aileen Ho (4 in 23 days); Daryl Hallmark (2 in 2 days); Peter Westcott (9 states in 365 days); Lynne Damron  Gold (3 star) Maniac: Susan DeRoberts (4 states in 49 days); Maggie Beach (12 in 1 year)  Silver (2 star) Maniac: Paula Hamilton (8 in 1 year)

Dan Wells

Matt Hagen Nick Karem Chester Kalb

Arland Blanton, Judy and Frank Massingill Bret Henry John Snuggs

Mo Gillis and Cheri Pompeo From the Editor…

Thank you to all that have expressed their enjoyment of the newsletter. Your comments are very encouraging. In the last few months it seems the marathoning world has focused on the west coast. If you have some Maniac photos from east coast/midwest races please send them my way.

Since July through September tend to be slow months for marathons, I have been looking for special features to include in the newsletter. So starting this month I am asking for people to send me their first Boston qualifying stories. If you want to include your story, e-mail me a story that is 500 words or Steve Walters and Sam Felsenfeld less. Also if you have any ideas for a special feature let me know. A few quick things I would like to mention. First off, if you haven't already listened to "The Marathon Show" please do so. Joe has done a great job, and needs the show audience to grow. Check it out at http://www.themarathonshow.com . Secondly, be sure to vote in the Maniac poll this month, I'd love to see at least 100 people vote in the poll this month. Finally, don't hesitate to send me your photos or stories/race reports. - Steve “Marathon Freak” Walters MM#338 17 July 2010 Newsletter

Rhetorical Revelations and W(Rites)… from the Rambunctious Rev Hiya Prez,

I’ve been thinking. I’ve been a Maniac for six years now. I ought to be used to this by now: training, running marathons, eating gu’s (drinking gu’s?), getting up the day after a marathon and going for a run… . (HA! That’s a good one.)

Nope. Not used to it all yet, anyway. trying, Prez, honest. Set me a sort of PR this week. Ready for this? Monday through Friday, I ran 7, 9, 8, 5, and 10 miles. Hey buddy, that’s 39 training miles in five days, and, no sir!, I am not on steroids.

Ok, ok, I took some Gallowayian walk breaks in there, so I survived the week, and am expecting to pound out another hour’s worth each of the next two mornings, and get my first 50-mile training week, how ‘bout that. There’s a reason.

I’ve never been anybody’s version of an “athlete,” despite a little ice hockey, broke 80 in golf, co-captained the high school tennis team, non- descript stuff like that. Kind of a nerdy kid. Ok, ok, with the glasses and that respecting teachers stuff, Classic Nerd.

But marathoning gave me an opportunity to shake off some of the Nerdness. The first one got me pats on the back at the water cooler and the clan picnic. I knew I could run better yet, so I quickly did two more, and found out I’d earned my stripes for a certain internet marathon club. I figured if I had finally “arrived” on the Hero scene, I ought to make it official and wear the yellow singlet.

What I didn’t realize was how little I knew, and how great I wasn’t. Oh, I knew so much more than the water cooler types (you know the ones: “so, Rev, how long was that marathon?”). But I didn’t know squat, really.

And I’m learning how little I still know, compared to some of the finest, like you, or Messers Junkie or Hearn or Maine-iac, and…no really, Prez, I’m telling you this is true…I had a drink with “Hollywood” {Chris Warren, co-founder, member # 2} once, and HE knows stuff. Hollywood, Prez! Really!

But me? After six years and sixty-six of these things, I remain a rookie. Octogenarian Bob Dolphin rattles off insights in casual conversation I have to ask him to explain. His side-kick Mel Preedy looks at me with a kindly, “someday you’ll begin to understand, Son,” expression. AnNie wrote me a brilliant piece a bit ago, and I felt like a second grader when I had to ask her to “use different words” so I’d get the gist of what she was saying.

Still a rookie. Lucky, though, because your gentle giants and serener spirits have imparted wisdom that has helped me become a better runner and a fitter fellow in ways I would not have imagined. I have learned how to land on my feet (not the heel), how to reduce cramps (Endurolytes from Hammer), how to set race goals (relax, let the day dictate the details, and don’t get hurt: there is always another race), even how to survive an ultra (take a walk break, Silly). Wonderful stuff.

The other glorious thing I have learned from the laudable legends is this: I don’t need to…indeed will not be able to…”impress” folks in here in ways the world tries. Pick a category, any category: someone in here is in another league entirely, be it by their speed, their victories, their resiliency, their longevity, their courage, their capacity for pain, or their crazy ideas (I still chuckle at the three ladies who wished to warm-up for an afternoon ultra-marathon, and entered a morning half-marathon for the purpose.) Yet you make me feel impressive, heroic even, whenever I simply complete a marathon, with your smile, and taking a picture, and the pat on the back.

Once I thought if I reached, oh, say 400 career marathons (pardon, Steve, I’ve been at the root beer again), I could do some bragging, but I’ve been lucky enough to meet some of your buddies with such unbelievable numbers. They tell great stories, but they aren’t much for bragging.

They are used to what we do, and they, ironically, have it in perspective. It seems to bring them peace.

Now, I have a way to go (cough) to catch them. But I did do 39 miles this week, Prez, and it humbled me as much as anything else. Junkie probably does that running home from work. But it gave me a lift, and a bit of peace. You proud of me?

I mean about the peace part.

Thanks, Stevie. Luvya, Rev [email protected] 18