Revised Translation of the Chahr Maqla ("Four Discourses") of Nizm-I
) -> I ] E. J. W. GIBB MEMORIAL SERIES VOL. XI. 2 \ 1 .. REVISED TRANSLATION- OF THE ., CHAHAR MAQALA - ("FQUR DISCOURSES") OF NIZAMi-I-'ARUDi ' J OF SAMARQAND, * FOLLOWED BY AN ABRIDGED TRANSLATION OF MIRZA MUHAMMAD'S NOTES TO THE t PERSIAN TEXT BY EDWARD G. BROWNE, M.A., M.B., F.B.A., F.R.C.P. PP.INTED BY THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS FOR THE TRUSTEES OF THE "E. J. W. GIBB MEMORIAL" AND PUBLISHED BY MESSRS LUZAC & CO., '46, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. 1921 ' t . S . c . * . "E. ?! W. GIBB MEMORIAL" PUBLICATIONS. * t)ZZ> SERIES. (25 works, 37 published volumes.) I. Bahur-nama (Turki text, /ac-simile), ed. Beveridg'j, 1905. ' ; ' Out ofprint. r II. History o i Tabaristan of lion Isfandiyar, abridged transl. Browne, 1905, Ss. ft III, 1-5. History of Rasiili dynasty of Yaman by al-lhaz- 2 raji; I, transl. of Sir James Rediouse, 1907-8, "js. each; Annotations the Arabic text ed. 3, by same, 1908, 55. ; 4, 5, Muhammad 'Asal, 1908-1913, Ss. <each. IV. Omayyads and 'Abbasids, transl. Margoliouth from the % 9 Arabic of G. Zaidqn, 1907, 5^. V. travels of Jbn Jiibayr, Arabic text, ed. de Goeje, 1907, IOJ. VI, 1/2, 3, 5, 5. Yaqut's Diet, of learned men (Irshddu- Arabic ed. 'l-Arib\ text, M argoliouth,,1908-1*9 13 ; 205., 125., ,105-., 15^., 15-r. respectively. VII, i, 5, 6. Tajaribu'1-Umam of Miskawayhi (Arabic text, fac-simile), ed. le Strange and others, 1909-1917, 7^. each vol. VIII. 'MarzuDan-nama (Persian text), ed.
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