S. Gallozzi et al., 2020 Concerns about Ground Based Astronomical Observations: Quantifying Satellites’ Constellations Damages in Astronomy 1 Concerns about ground-based astronomical observations: QUANTIFYING SATELLITES’CONSTELLATIONS DAMAGES STEFANO GALLOZZI1,D IEGO PARIS1,M ARCO SCARDIA2, AND DAVID DUBOIS3
[email protected],
[email protected], INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (INAF-OARm), v. Frascati 33, 00078 Monte Porzio Catone (RM), IT
[email protected], INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (INAF-OABr), Via Brera, 28, 20121 Milano (Mi), IT
[email protected], National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), M/S 245-6 and Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, Moffett Field, 94035 CA, USA Compiled March 26, 2020 Abstract: This article is a second analysis step from the descriptive arXiv:2001.10952 ([1]) preprint. This work is aimed to raise awareness to the scientific astronomical community about the negative impact of satellites’ mega-constellations and estimate the loss of scientific contents expected for ground-based astro- nomical observations when all 50,000 satellites (and more) will be placed in LEO orbit. The first analysis regards the impact on professional astronomical images in optical windows. Then the study is expanded to other wavelengths and astronomical ground-based facilities (in radio and higher frequencies) to bet- ter understand which kind of effects are expected. Authors also try to perform a quantitative economic estimation related to the loss of value for public finances committed to the ground -based astronomical facilities harmed by satellites’ constellations. These evaluations are intended for general purposes and can be improved and better estimated; but in this first phase, they could be useful as evidentiary material to quantify the damage in subsequent legal actions against further satellite deployments.