United States Patent (19) 11) 4,148,978 Winsel Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,148,978 Winsel et al. (45) Apr. 10, 1979 54 POSITIVE ELECTRODE FOR STORAGE 56) References Cited BATTERY U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 75 Inventors: August Winsel, Kelkheim 3,480,478 11/1969 Sohn et al. ........................... 429/217 Ernst Voss, Liederbach; Welf 3,723, 182 3/1973 Venuto ................................. 429/228 3,751,301 8/1973 Kilduff ................................. 429/217 Dennistedt; Waldemar Borger, both of Kelkheim, all of Fed. Rep. 3,770,507 11/1973 Weissman et al................ 429/225 X of Germany 4,048,406 9/1977 Sandera et al. .................. 429/217 X 73 Assignee: Varta Batterie Aktiengesellschaft, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Leineufer, Fed. Rep. of Germany 1329974 9/1973 United Kingdom. (21) Appl. No.: 854,275 Primary Examiner-Anthony Skapars (22 Filed: Nov. 23, 1977 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Weiser, Stapler & Spivak (30) Foreign Application Priority Data 57 ABSTRACT Dec. 14, 1976 (DE) Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 2656506 The active mass is supported by an antimony free or Jul. 7, 1977 (DE) Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 2715628 antimony poor grid having embedded therein antimo 51) Int. Cl. ..................... ........................ H01M 4/14 ny-containing storage bodies from which the antimony 52 U.S. C. .................................... 429/217:429/225; is released in controlled manner during the life span of 429/245 the electrode. 58) Field of Search ............... 429/225, 226, 228, 218, 429/212, 215, 217, 245, 234 i3 Claims, No Drawings 4,148,978 1. 2 admixture to the active mass. On the one hand, anti POSITIVE ELECTRODE FOR STORAGE mony oxides are soluble in the electrolyte; on the other BATTERY hand, the antimony then diffuses very easily to the nega tive electrode.
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