Diary of William Owen from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825 Ed. by Joel W
Library of Congress Diary of William Owen from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825 ed. by Joel W. Hiatt. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. VOLUME IV. NUMBER 1. DIARY OF WILLIAM OWEN From November 10, 1824, to April 20, 1825 EDITED BY JOEL W. HIATT LC INDIANAPOLIS: THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY. 1906. 601 25 Pat 14 F521 .I41 114026 08 iii PREFACE. 3 456 Part 2 8 The manuscript of this diary of William Owen has remained in the hands of his only daughter—formerly Mary Francis Owen, now Mrs. Joel W. Hiatt—for many years and its existence, save to a few, has been unknown. It is fragmentary in form. It is possibly the close of a journal which had been kept for years before. Its first sentence in the original is an incomplete one, showing that there was an antecedent portion. The picture of the times is so graphic than the Indiana Historical Society publishes it, on account of its historical value. Mr. Owen was 22 years old at the time of its composition. Diary of William Owen from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825 ed. by Joel W. Hiatt. http://www.loc.gov/resource/lhbtn.14024 Library of Congress William Owen was the second of four sons born to Robert and Ann Caroline Owen, of Scotland. Their names were Robert Dale, William, David Dale, and Richard. Three of them, Robert Dale, David Dale and Richard are known where ever the sun shines on the world of literature or science. William, who, because of habit or for his own amusement, wrote this diary is not known to fame.
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