The Ann Arbor Democrat
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THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. FIFTH YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1883. NUMBER 254. A five-year-old son of Clark Webb, of Hud- which must have been fully 14 feet high, and to who will be the next senator from the old TOPICS OF THE TIMES. MICHIGAN NEWS. son, swallowed a dose of corbolic acid, and died SEWS OF THE WEEK. probably weighed a third more than Jnmbo. Granite state puzzles the politicians. FOLK NOTES. in frightful 6pasms. The tusk, he says, must have been at Iea»t 11 AM ARBOR DEMOCRAT feet long. The animal lived in the post pli >- FROM THE GRANITE STATE. Miss Bessie Colby, of Froyburg. Me. Flushing is to have anew Methodist church. On Thursday July 19th, two votes were tak- Next November the Prince of Wales Class county farmers are jubilant because PMOM THE TOSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. cene period of the tertiary age. Prof. Boynton •rill be 42 years. will be three rears old on Ausrust 9 thev have completed their wheat harvest and A Rather ffllied Affair is of the opinion that the remains were washeo en in the New Hampshire legi«tation foi have saved the crop in such good condition. In April last one Sturdifant began proceed- Postmasters thoughout the country have into the gravel pit where they were found United States Senator. On the first ballot Gen. Grant's mother left an estate A few days ago she encountered a pois been notified to begii. preparations for theProf. Brown, instructor in natural history at Brigham received 114 and Chandler 79; on thi Chas. Schermerhorn, the man under arrest ings for divorce from his wife in the Ottawa postal reduction which eoes into effect Oct. •second Blngham 110 and Chandler 74. tallied at $lu,000. FUltfJSHED KVEKY FRIDAY onous adder longer than herself which at Flint, charged with having outraged a girl county circuit court. His petition alleged that Syracuse university.thinks the bones are those 1st. The preparation consists in closing out of a mammoth rather than a mastodon. The VBRY UNSATISFACTORY. Samuel J. T li en is said to be an un- she seixed just below its head and car- named Kerr, has been bound over fbr trial. his wife was a woman of feeble mind, living in their present supply of 6tamps and stamped tufk, he says, indicates one of the largest skel- .isti;ill> va n man. Lansing purchased nearly 450,000 psunds of One ballot taken on the 20th for United Stat> t ried home to be killed. The spirit o Kalamazoo; that she had treated him cruelly envelopes as closely as possible, so that when etons that has ever been exhumed. The tooth senator from New Hampshire, two hundn i Sigm r B-ignoll has dedicated a wool this year. and threatened to kill him with a butcher the new law becomes operative they will not and the tusk are in a state ot excellent preser- and eighty votes were east, of which Bin&rhan —AT— General John Stark, if permitted to be Lansing is troubled with a gang of burglars. knife, etc. Judge Tate heard of the case and have a surplus on hand. In this fame circular vation. The tipof the tusk shows the natural received 89, and Chandler 56, and 14 other can serenade io the Piincess Louise. The reports from the Posts of the Grand postmasters are notified that as the two and color of the ivory. ' hold the infant's exploit, must have re- Army of the Republic in this state made to W. informed the court that the woman is in the in three cent stamps and envelopes of the present didates scattering. Mr. Burdette.a brother of the humor- oiced exceedingly, for this wee sister II. Tollman, Assistant Adjutant-General of the sane n«ylum at Kalamazoo; that she was tent issue will continue to be valid after that date TS FAVOR OF THE SETTLERS. ist, has entered the Baptist ministry. department of Michigan, lor the quarter end- there by her husband; that the butcher-knife they must be accepted in payment of postage In 1879 a town was founded at Eureka POREIUK AFFAIRS. of Hercules is of the same blood as the ing June 30, have just been consolidated and affair and other such performances were used when offered in proper amounts; and that Springs, Ark., and for nearly a year nothing A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. President Arthur is credited with ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Revolutionary hero. forwarded to national headquarters at Omaha. as proofs of her insanity; that the alleged de- three cent stamps can be used in combination was done to give any prospects for the future The town Bedfc*! Eng is in the greatest exeit having an exceptionally tine baritone TiKM reports show a total membership in the success, but in 18S0 upward* of 4,000 persons ment over a lawn tennis tragedy. A party wei sertion was simply her absence by reason of with other denominations on letters requiring settled there, and now the number of inhabi- • uue. order in this state of 7,528, an increase of 3,273 being in the insane asylum. This revelation more than one rate of postage, and on parcels playing lawn tennis near Ship Inn, at St. Cutl IF General Butler were Governor of members during that quarter. Thirty-three of third and fourth class matter. The circular tants is 10,000. Outside parties have pre-emp berts, iu the center of the town. Among th Prof. McMasters, the historian, began new posts were organized and one reinstated upset the proceedings; and Judge Hovt, Sturd- also announces that the department w 11 be ted certain lands within the city limit?, and players were Mr. De. Vere, a young ariny ofH .vriting history when he was only 20 Texas he might perhaps find a legiti- during that quarter, making the total number ifant's lawyer, was 6o surprised at the develop- ready to issue two cent stamps of new design laid out building lots. At the same time the\ •wr, and Miss McKar, an exceedingly preit\ eai s of age. mate object of attack in the Dallas of posts now in good standing in this depart- ments, of which he was ignorant, that he de- September 15, but that these stamps and en- gave out a report that the waters there po* young lady, 20 years of age. Suddenly ani BY JOHN L. BURLEIGH. ment, 157. Six new post? have been organized clined to continue the case for his client. So vulopes must not be placed on sale or used by sessed great curative properties, and thereby without apparent provocation, DeVerepulle Mrs. A. T. Stewart is tho second County Poor-Farm, the alleged brutal since the first of July; and there are three eays the Grand Rapids Democrat At the sarn< postmasters before October 1; also that no they claim caused a heavy emigration and • rat a revolver and shot Miss McKay dead. Hi largest United States bondholder, liav- more applications for new posts on file in the caused property to sell rapidly and increase In then blew out his own brains. Both victim management of which is said to bg time Mrs. Giles B. Shaw, wile of Sturdifant's three cent stamps will be issued after Septem- value. The question arose who owned tht mj( *yi.».uou,U00 invested. Assistant Adjutant-General's office. next door neighbor was trying to get a divorce. ber 14 unless the requisition therefor is ac- were well known in society, and in both case*- creating intense excitement and indig- companied by the statement that they are town—the people who have gone there and the only surviving parents are widows. It it Dr. Dio Lewis is sixty years old and The Michiffsn association of spiritualists Her husband, in his defense, alleges her adult- made the place what it really is, or those who believed jealousy was the motive of the crime nation. Already there are reports of a needed for immediate use and that the full pre-empted a large portion of the town and vveighs two hundred pounds. His hair The People's Paper win hold a camp meeting at Island Park,Orion, ery with Sturdifant, and that there was a supply called for will be exhausted by October CHOLERA VICTIMS. tnd beard are snow white. man clubbed to death and a little girl Michigan from Aug. 10 to 20 inclusive. Speak- scheme for Sturdifant and Mrs. Shaw to each l;and further, that no three cent stamped wish to sell at high figures? The CommlnBioner beaten with a fence-rail, not to mention ers will be prescn! from Tennessee, Ohio, In- get a divorce and mar y each other. envelopes will be issued after August 31 unless of the Land Office decided in favor of the Reports of the deaths from cholera on th< Mrs. Harriet Beecber Stowe is 71 diana, Illinois, and Michigan. Reduced rates the requisition for them is accompanied by a former. 18th are as follows: At Damietta, 18, Mancur years old (She still gets a fair int ome nn all railroads. 1 ah, 44; Menza'eh, 42; Samanoud, 22; Chobar one death through neglect, constan': When tile Pedagogues will Assemble. similar statement. The circular further in- AROUT THE STRIKE. ironi "Uncle Tom's Cabin." TERMS: cruelty and insufficient food. An offi- Temperance people of Hillsdale are engaged structs postmasters as to the design for the 11; Ciiro, 61; Chirbin, 6 and Talka, 6. Besidet in liquor prosecutions. The following list gives the county, place, two-cent and four-cent stamps and stamped The striking telegraphers are still deter- the number (if deaths reported, the disease it- P.