CATERHAM SCHOOL COMBINED CADET FORCE Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, Surrey CR3 6YA Tel: 01883 335 061 Fax: 01883 347 795 Email:
[email protected] Contingent Commander: Wing Commander K M Bage BSc (Hons) MBA MCIM RAFVR(T) Parents/Guardians Our reference: contsc15 Army & RAF Section Cadets Date: 05 December 2014 CONTINGENT SUMMER CAMP 2015 - GIBRALTAR We are very fortunate to have been invited to hold our Contingent summer camp on the Rock of Gibraltar from Saturday 11 to Sunday 19 July 2015 as guests of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment. Summer camp is the highlight of the CCF calendar, with activities planned to include water sports, abseiling, military exercises, interest visits, shooting and tunnel visits. The cost of the camp, inclusive of all flights, transportation, food and accommodation will be £575. Places are strictly limited and if over subscribed will be allocated on the basis of attendance and overall contribution to the Contingent. We will however do our best to provide a place to everyone who wishes to attend. This summer camp is open to both Army and RAF cadets. Please note that there will be no separate Army or RAF Summer camp. If you would like your son or daughter to attend the Gibraltar camp, please complete the attached form and return it to the CCF HQ no later than Wednesday 7 January 2015 (this is the last possible day), together with a non-refundable deposit of £375, payable to ‘Caterham School CCF Welfare a/c’. Each participant will need to have an in-date passport (up to the end of August 2015).