AP EURO Timeline Project – A Put the following in Chronological Order. Put the correct dates, a couple of dashes, and then event below Highlight it with the appropriate colors: o Social – religious, journalists, workers, women, children, social classes, education, poor, food, agriculuture, social commentators, o Politics – kings, leaders, law, war, government, revolts, political writers, o Intellectual – scientists, math, non- fiction, writers, philosophy, astronomers, o Cultural – painters, sculptors, music, fiction, architects o Economics – money , trade, taxes, currency, exploration o Diplomacy – peace, treaties, agreements Email me project at:
[email protected] Elizabeth becomes queen Constantinople falls Elizabeth dies Botticelli’s Primavera St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Cervantes Don Quixote Henry of Navarre becomes king El Greco born Edict of Nantes English Civil War begins Peace of Westphalia John Calvin prints Institutes of the Christian Religion Peace of Augsburg Enclosure Acts Henry VIII becomes king Raphael paints School of Athens Henry VIII dies Jan Van Eyck paints Wedding of Arnolfini Da vinci paints Mona Lisa Peter Brughal paints Wedding Feast Da vinci paints Last Supper Erasmus writes In Praise of Folly Michelangelo sculpts the David Thomas More prints Utopia Michelangelo paints Sistine Chapel Thomas More executed St. Peters’ Basilica built French Wars of Religion begin (approximately) France vs. Spain/HRE in the Italian Wars Cortes conquers Aztecs Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis Pizarro conquers Incas Peasants