Bread or Banana Recipe


• 4 large (preferably old bananas) • 2 cups of self raising flour • 1 1/2 cups of sugar • 2 eggs • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence


Cut the bananas up into pieces or mash them with a fork. Blend the bananas into a pulp with an electric hand mixer or food processor. Set this mixture to the side.

In another bowl sift the flour and sugar, then add the lightly beaten eggs.

Now add the flour and sugar mixture to the banana pulp mixture in batches, stir with a spoon. Once this mixture is combined then mix in the vanilla essence to achieve a even flavour.

Pour this mixture into a greased cake tin or bread tin and bake in a preheated moderate oven for about 30 to 45 minutes (depending on oven type). At about the 30 minute mark test the cake with a skewer. If top of cake is browning too quickly and the cake isn't yet cooked inside than turn the heat down and cook for a further 10 to 15 minutes while checking.

These ingredients make one banana cake, so if you have more bananas going bad in the fridge then just double the recipe for two .

You could ice or frost this cake with your favourite . Why not try a lemon flavoured icing? Or simply spread a thick helping of butter over the slices and enjoy for breakfast!

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