Electrical Workers and Operators
The Journal ot Electrical Workers and Operators OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and all Its Departments. OWNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS CHAS. P. FORD} International Secretary, GENERAL OFFICES: REISCR BUILDING SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Subscription, 26c per year, in advance. This Journal will not be held responsible for views exprelllled by corre8ponden•• The tenth of each month is the closiq date; an copy must be in our handa on or Won. Second Cia•• prhilejre applied for at the Post omc.. at Sprin",eld, IDlDOia. under Act of June I.th, 18e•• INDEX. A Quarter Century of Progress. .. 221-227 Around the Circuit. ................................... 271-272 Classified Directory .................................. 287-288 Correspondence ..................• . .. 245-271 Editorial ............................................. 237-241 Elementary Lessons ........................•......... 275-277 Executive Officers ................................... 235 In Memoriam ........................................ 228-234 Local Union Official Receipts .......................... 241-244 Local Union Directory .........._...................... 278-286 Notices ..................•••.....•................... 235-236 Things Electrical .................................... 272-275 THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS AND OPERATORS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Second CI ... privilege applied for at the Post Office at Springfield. Illinois. under Act of June 26th. 1906 Sinille Copies. 10 Cenb \70';.,. XVI, No.4 SPRINGFielD, ILL., NOVEMBER 1916. 25< per • Year in advance A Quarter Century of Progress ,p Twenty·five years ago this month, No c\About September 1st, 1890, a few men vember 21st, 1891, to be exact, the Broth· came together and against bitter and erhood was born. Attendants at the most senseless opposition formed what is birth pronounced it a bright hardy now Local No.
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