Prof. Dr. Dhimitër Çondi

Name: Dhimitër

Surname: Çondi

Birthday: 07. 09. 1951

Birthplace: Sarandë

Nationality: Albanian

Marital Status: Married

Current Workplace: Albanian Institute of

Workplace Address: Instituti I Arkeologjisë, Bulevardi “Dëshmorë e Kombit”,

Sheshi “Nënë Tereza” _ Tiranë,

Tel ++355 4 260 711

Fax ++355 4 260 712

Email: [email protected]

Personal Address: Lagjia Nr. 1. Sarandë

Tel: ++852 242 71

Mob: +355692488835

Email: [email protected]




University studies at the University in the Faculty of History and Languages branch of History and Geography.

2. Employment and Specializations


Teacher in the High school “Hasan Tahsini “, Sarandë.


Director of the Archaeological Museum in .

1982 – to present

Archaeologist in the Institute of Archaeology, Tiranë.

Responsible of the Archaeological Museum in Butrint.

1996 – to present.

Head of the Archaeological Department in Butrint.

1998 – to present.

Lecturer in the University of Ioanina and in the University of .

2003 – to present.

Lectrurer in the University “Eqrem Çabej” in Gjirokastër, at the faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Branch of History and Georaphy


Postgraduate studies for Archaeology, Tirane.


National and International specializations

1. 1990 – 1993 French School in Athens 2. 1994 German School in Athens

3. Professional Competences

1982 Scientific researcher at the Illyrian and Antiquity Department of the Institute of Archaeology

1994 “Doctor of Sciences”

Doctoral thesis titled “Fortified Dwellings-Vilas in Kaoni”


Associate professor



Foreign Languages:

Greek – Fluent

English – basic

French – basic

Italian – basic

Participation in Research Projects


Ancient City of Antigonea, “The Surrounding Wall”


Ancient City of Butrint “Near the Towers Gate”


Ancient City of Butrint “New Inscriptions” 4


Ancient City of Çuka e Ajtojit “Dwelling hose in Cliff”


Ancient City of Butrint “The Baptistery”.

Director of Research in projects


Villa of Malathrea.


Villa of Dobra.


Ancient City of Butrint “Roman Bathhouse by the Vivari Chanel”


Villa of Çuka


Ancient City of Butrint “Roman Cemetery at Shën Mitër”


Ancient City of Butrint “Prytanion”


Ancient City of Butrint “The Gymnasium”


Villa of Metoqi


Ancient City of Butrint “The roman dwell house” 5


Ancient City of Phoinike “The house with two peristyles”


“Roman House”, Albanian- project.


Participant in research project

“Baptistery of Butrint”, Albanian – British project.

2000 – to present

“The house with two peristyles” and “the Theater” of Foinike, Albanian – Italian project.


Director of research project

Ancient City of Butrint “Roman Bathhouse by the Vivari Chanel”


Ancient City of Butrint, “Roman House”.


Project of the Archaeological Museum in Butrint.

2002 – 2007

Ancient City of Butrint, “Roman Forum”, Albanian – British project.

2011 – to present

Ancient City of Butrint, “Roman Forum”, Albanian – American project (University of Notre Dame).

2002 – to present

Ancient City of Butrint, “Vrina Plain” Albanian – British project.


2005 – to present

Ancient City of , Albanian-Greek project.

2005 – to present

Roman city of Hadriaopoli, Albanian – Italian project.


Ancient City of Malcani, “The fortifications and Urbanistics”


Survey expedition in the Pavllas river valley


Survey expedition in Kalasa river valley


Survey expedition in coast.


Survey expedition in Drino river valley.


Survey expedition in river valley.


Survey expedition in Pogon-Zagori area.


Survey expedition in Tepelena region.


Survey expedition in Përmeti area


Scientific activity


International Congress in Corfu


Rural Building in Kaonia

Fourth Colloquium for “Souther Illyria and in Antiquity” Grenoble

10-12 October 2002.


Urbanistics and the Peristyle house in Fonike.

First international Colloquium: “Ancient Epirus - Kaonia”,

University “Eqrem Çabej”Gjirokastër, 10-13 October 2002.


1. Foinike main center of Kaonia, and of Epirus for some period of time. 2. Monumental graves in Kaonia. 3. Malçani Koinon 4. Koinoni Ionian Coast.

Second International Colloquium University “Eqrem Çabej” Gjirokastër,

3-5 April 2006.


1. Kaonia archaeological and historic overview. 2. Koinon of Antigonea. 3. Central koinon aroud Foinike.

The 25th International Congress with the topic: “Roman ceramics”, Durrës 24 September 2006.


1. Excavations in the roman forum in Butrint 8

International Seminar: “Ancient Epirus” Acquaviva, Piceno,23-25 November 2006.


1. “Ricerchread Antigonea”. 2. Urbanistics of Phoinike”

First international conference on the topic: “Numismatics history and economy in Epirus during Antiquity”, Joanina 3-7 Tetor 2007.


1. Monetary circulation in fortified dwellings-vilas in Kaonia.

The sixth Colloquium: “Southern Illyria and Epirus in Antiquity”, Grenoble 8-11 October 2008.


1. Roman forum in Butrint 2. Archaeological excavations in Vrina Plain. 3. Urbanistisc and monuments in Foinike.

International symposium: “Hellenistic pottery”, Joanina 5-9 May 2009,


1. “Black-glazed ceramics in Butrint ".”.

International Congress on the topic: “Processes of formation and evolution of cities

In the area of the Adriatic ", Macerata, 10-11 December 2009


1. Hadrianopolis, birth and development of the city on the basis of recent archaeological surveys.

International Scientific Conference at the University "Eqrem Çabej" Gjirokastra,

20 to 22 November 2009


1. Rural Tourism Delvina Basin Opportunities and prospects. 9

2. International Congress of Archaeology: The results of recent excavations in Antigone

Monographs publications:

1. Historical and cultural assets of Saranda district. University "Eqrem Çabej" Gjirokastra 2009. 2. Fortified residences - villas in Kaonia. Center of Albanological Studies. Institute of Archeology Tirana. 3. Butrint. Tirana 1987 (English, German, French, English). 4. Buthrot. Tirana 2001 (English). 5. Butrot, SHB Argjiro, 2010 (English, French, German, Greek) 6. Kaonia, historical and archeological overview. Argjiro SHB (English)


A. International: 1. Phoinike I 2000, Gli scavialbanesi degli anni 1989 – 1991. 2. Phoinike II 2001, Catalogo dei materialirivenutinegli scavi, 1989 – 1990. 3. Phoinike III 2005 Bologna La Casa due peristili e il quartiere a terrazzo. Consideracione sulle strutture e sule fasi edilizie della caza. 4. Phoinike IV 2007 Bologna Prosecucizione delle ricerche al teatro. L’artare dell’orcestra. 5. Phoinike V 2011 Bologna Sontazho in teatro. 6. Town planning and houses in Phoinike, “’l’ILYRIE MERIDIONALE ET L’EPIRE DANS L’ANTIQUITE IV Paris 2002. 7. THE ROMAN FORUM AT BUTRINT AND THE DEVELOMPMENT OF THE ANCIENT URBAN CENTER. “l’ILYRIE MERIDIONALE ET L’EPIRE DANS L’ANTIQUITE V Paris 2010. 8. NUOVI DATI DALLE INDAGINI ARCHEOLOGICHE AND HADRIANOPOLIS (SOFRATIKE) ENEL TERRITORIODELLA VALLEDEL DRINO – CAMPAGNA 2008. “l’ILYRIE MERIDIONALE ET L’EPIRE DANS L’ANTIQUITE V Paris 2010. 9. URBANISTICA E AREE MONUMENTAL DI PHOINIKE. “l’ILYRIE MERIDIONALE ET L’EPIRE DANS L’ANTIQUITE V Paris 2010. 10. RECENT EXCAVATIONS ON THE VRINA PLAIN, BUTRINT A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ARCHEOLOGICALSEQUENCE FROM THE 1 –st TO 6 th CENTURY. “l’ILYRIE MERIDIONALE ET L’EPIRE DANS L’ANTIQUITE V Paris 2010. 10

11. New direction in Albania Archeology. The Antigonea Project: Preliminary report on the first season. Tiranë 2006. International Centre Albanian Archeology. 12. Groma I 2007: Ricerche ad Antigonea. 13. Groma I 2007: Gli edifice del quartere antaraze. 14. Aktet e Kuvendit “Qeramika Romake e Forumit Butrint”. 15. Revista Arkeologjike: “Arkeologjia Romake” 2008 SHBA, “Elementet arkitektonik Forumit Romak Butrint (Nga Prytaneoni deri tek Gjimnazi). 16. Revista Shkencore “Qeramika Helenistike ne Epir dhe ne ishujt Joniane” Athine 2009, Tri varre antike nga territory I Butrintit dhe Finiqit.

B. National: 1. Gjetje arkeologjike nga rrethi I Sarandes. “Iliria”, VII – VIII 1977 – 1978. 2. Kontribut per harten arkeologjike te rrethit, “Saranda 1” 1981. 3. Gjurmimi I metejshem I forteses se Malathrese, “Saranda 2” 1982. 4. Fortesa – Vile e Malathrese, “Saranda 2” 1982. 5. Germime arkeologjike te vitit 1984, Dober (Sarande) “Iliria” 1984, 2. 6. Germime arkeologjike 1986 Dober (Sarande) “Iliria”, 1986. 2. 7. Gjetje arkeologjike nga rrethina e Butrintit, “Butroti”, Tirane 1988. 8. Germime arkeologjike te vitit 1989 Butrint (Gjimnazi) “Iliria”, 1989, 2. 9. Germime arkeologjike, viti 1990 Butrint (Banesa Rumale) “Iliria”, 1990, 2. 10. Ujsjellesi i Butrintit, “Iliria”, Nr 1 – 2, 1999 - 2000. 11. Urbanistika dhe banesat me Peristil ne Foinike “Monumentet”, Tirane 2004. 12. Nje bazilike paleokristiane ne Vrine. Butrint “Candavia” 2 – 2005. 13. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 14. “Kaonia veshtrim historik – arkeologjik”. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 15. Varret Monumentale ne Kaoni. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 16. Koinonet Kaone. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 17. Koinoni Qendror perreth Foinikes. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 18. Koinoni I Malçanit. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 19. Koinoni I Antigonese. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 11

20. Koinoni I Bregut te Detit Jon. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 21. Koinoni I Prasaibeve perreth Butrintit. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 22. , rishikim urbanistikes dhe fortifikimit. Epiri Antik – Kaonia, Botim I Universitetit “E.Çabej” Gjirokaster 2011. 23. Rezultatet e gërmimeve tee fundit në Antigone. Kongresi Ndërkombëtar I Arkeologjisë