Film Archives in Africa
Project Film Archives in Africa Executed by: Goethe-Institut (GI), Johannesburg, South Africa, represented by Peter Anders, Head of Cultural Programmes for Subsahara-Africa and Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), Brussels, Belgium, represented by Eva Orbanz, Honorary Member and retired President of FIAF, as well as by Christian Dimitriu, Senior Administrator of FIAF Report submitted by Karl Griep 02 Subject of the Project 2 03 Cameroon 3 04 Ghana 6 05 Tanzania 9 06 Kenya 13 07 URTNA 18 08 General Observations and Suggestions 22 09 List of Appendices 26 Subject of the Project The realisation of the project ‘Film archives in Africa’ was agreed between the Goethe- Institut (GI), Johannesburg, South Africa, represented by Peter Anders, Head of Cultural Programmes for Subsahara-Africa and the Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF), Brussels, Belgium, represented by Eva Orbanz, Honorary Member and retired President of FIAF, as well as by Christian Dimitriu, Senior Administrator of FIAF. The general aim of the project was to get better information about the present situation of archiving audio-visual heritage in the sub-Saharan part of Africa in order to be able to possibly foster promising attempts towards archiving AV-material. To investigate these items it was agreed to explore the situation in specific countries with the following objectives: Exchange of expertise with African specialists concerning: - Functioning of Audio-Visual Archives - Structures, organigram - Electronic Archives - digitalisation -
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