THE GAUruTTE Pubtished by Authority of the Republic of Kcmya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. CXYItr-No. 132 , 28th October, 2016 Frice Sh.60


The Physical Planning Act-Completion of Part Deve)opment Plan M?,4 Thc Births and Death Registration Act-Declaration...... The Environmental Malragement and Coordina0on Act- Task Force on tte Establishment of Tourism Protection Environmental Impact Assessment Shldy Report...... ^.. 44244426 Sewicc AppoinfiEnt...... 4M - Disposal of Uncollected Coods...... 4426 Task Force on the Operationalization the Nationa.l of Loss of Share Certificates .-...... 4426 Convention Bureau 4M Loss of Policies.. 442&36 Thc Land Contol Act-Appointnent...... 4401-4406 Changc of Narnes ...... 44364437 Thc Land Registsatbn Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc .. 4406-4422

The East Afri:an Community Customs Management Act, SUPPLEMENT Nos. 171 andl72 20(X-Appointnrent and Limits of a Transit Shed, C\stoms Arca, erc. Anrndment.. 4422 - Izgishtive Supplement County Crovemnrnts Noticcs...... 4422 LECALNOTICENO. Thc Hunun Resource Managcnrnt Professionals Act- PAGE Compliancc witr trc Human Resource lvlanagenrnt 183-The Public -Order (Curfew) (Mandera Profcssionals Act 4422 County) Order,2O16. 2659

Ttrc Folitical hrtics Act-Plovisbnal Registration of a 184-The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service Folitical P[ty..... M23 Act-Commencement...... 2661

Thc Compenics Act-InEnded Disolution, etc...... 423-4U 185- 193-The Competion Act-Exclusions...... 2661-2665

l+tet 4392 THE 28th October, 2016


IN Gazette Notrce No. 60O1 of 2015, Cause No. 106 of 2015, to be the Chairperson of the Board of the Kenya Medrcal Research amend the peutroner's name printed as "Gilbert Charles Mwita Instilute, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st Sigore" to read "Charles Mwita Sigore". October,20l6.

Dated the 22nd October, 20 I 6. IN Gazette Nohce No. 199 of 2016, Cause No 15 of 2O15. amend UHIJRU KENYAT-TA, the deceased's name printed as "Jumamosi Ngeiwa Krtui" to read President- "Songok Ngeiwa Kitui".

GAZETTE NoTIcE NO. 8720 IN Gazette Notrce No. 4691 of 2O15, Cause No. 84 of 2O15, amend the second petitioner's name printed as " Danson Njuguna Waaigera" THE PRIVATZATION ACT to read "Danson Njuguna Waigera". (CaP.485C)

- APPoINTMENT GAZE"TTE NoTICE No. 87I6 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 44 (2) (a) of the THE Privatization Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of APPoINTMENT oF DEPUTY CHIEF JUSTICE Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint-

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 166 (l) (a) of PAULNYAMoDI the Constitution of Kenya, and with the approval of the National - the the Privatization Tribunal, for a period five Assembly, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and to be Chairperson of of (5) years, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Forces, appoint- with effect from the 2lst October,2016.

PHILoMENA MBETE MWILU Dated the 22nd October,2016. UHI]RUKENYATTA, to be the Deputy Chief Justrce. President.

Dated the 28th october.2016. UHURUKENYATTA, I President. GAZETTE NONCE NO. 8721 I THE PRIVATE SECURMY REGULATION ACT GAZETTE NoTCE NO. 87 I7 (No-13 of20l6)


APPoINTMENT oF A JI.IDGE oF THE SUPREME CoURT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 1 1 (1) (o) of the Private Security Regulation Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 166(l) (b) of the Constitution, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, Kenya and Commander-rn-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- appoint- MAI.-GEN (RTD.) MICHAEL GICHANGI to be the Chairperson of the Private Security Regulatory Authority, for to be a Judge of the . a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2l st October, 2016. Dated the 2'7 th October, 2O 16. UHIJRU KENYATTA, Dated the 22nd October, 2016. President. UHURU KENYATTA, Pre.sident-


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (2) (a) of the APPoINIMENT Kenya Revenue Autholty Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 9 (l) (a) of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief the Defence of Kenya of Forces, kgal Aid Act, I, Lrhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya appoint- and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- EDWARD SAMBILI (DR.) NAZMAMAUK to be the Chairperson of the Board of the Kenya Revenue Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. to be the Chairperson of the National lrgal Aid Service Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2 I st October, 20 16. Dated rhe 22nd October,2Ol6. Dated the 22nd O ctober, 20 I 6 UHIJRUKENYATTA, UHURUKENYATTA, President. President.


TIIE KENYA MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE THE WITNESS PROTECTION APPEALS TRIBUNAL APPoINTMENT APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3U (2) (a) ot IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the the Witness Protection Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the State Corporations Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, of Kenya and Commander-rn-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- appoint- t I t j I i 28th October,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4393

KE\.rNMc CoURT GAzErrE NorrcE No. 8727

to be the Chairperson of the Witness Protection Appeals Tribunal, for , THE TOT]RISM ACT a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st October, 2016. (No.28 of?0tt)

Dated the 22nd October, 2O t 6. THE TOURISM REGULATORY AUTHORITY UHURUKENYATTA, APPoINTMENT President. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 8 (l) (a) of the Tourism Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya GAzErrE NcncE No. 8724 and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- SAMMY NYULE NGUMBAo THE MINING ACT to be the Non-Executive Chairperson oi th" Tor.irrn Regulatory (No.12 of20l6) Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October,2016. THE MINERAL RIGHTS BOARD Dated the 22nd October,2016. APPoINTMENT UHURUKENYATTA, President. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 30 (2) (a) ot the Mining Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- GAzErrE No[cE No. 8728

ABEL KIPLAGAT CHUMBA THE TOI.JRISM ACT to be the Chairperson of the Mineral Rights Board, for a period of (No.28 of2ott)

I three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October,2016. TT{E TOURISM RESEARCH INSTITUTE Dated the 22nd October,2016. APPOINTMENT UHURUKENYAT'TA, President. IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 54 ( I ) (a) of the Tourism Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint-


THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES ACT to be the Chairperson of the Board of Tourism Research Institute, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st October,2016 and (No. t6 of20l5) revoke the appointment* of Betty Addero Radier.

APPOINTMENT Dated the 22nd October,2016. UHI]RUKENYATTA, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 12 (l ) (a) of the President. Special Economic Zones Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the *G.N. 1738/2016. Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- POLYCARPIGATHE GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8729 to be the Chairperson the Board of the Special Economic Zones of TTIE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst (No. 18 of2Ol2) October,2016. t TIIE PI.JBLIC FINANCE (STRATEGIC FOOD RESERVE TRUST Dated the 22nd Ocaber, 2O16. FUND) REGIJLATIONS UHURUKENYATTA, (2.N. 15 oJ2ot5) ' President. APPoINTMEi.tT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 7 (2) (a) of GAzE'r'rE NoficE No. 8726 the Public Finance Management (Strategic Food Reserve Trust Fund) Regulations, 2015,I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- CO-ORDINATION ACT NOAHWEKESA (Cap.387) to be the Chairperson of the Strategic Food Reserve Oversight Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st October, 2016. APPoINTMENT Dated the 22nd Octciler, 2Ol 6. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 10 (l) (a) of the UHURU KENYAITA, Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, I, Uhuru President- Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in- Chief of the Defence Forces. appoint- GAZEffE NONCE NO. 8730 JOHN KONCHELLA THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT AND SAFE"IY AUTHORITY ACT Environment to be the Chairperson of the Board of the National (No. 33 of 2Ol2) Management Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 29th October, 2016. APPoINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (l) (a) of the Dated the 22nd Ocurll,er. 2O | 6. National Transport and Safety Authority Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, UHURUK;NYATTA, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the President. Defence Forces, appoint- 4394 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016

CEN. (RTD.) JACKSoN WAWERU cAzETrE NorcE No. 8734 to be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the National THE INSURANCE ACT Transport and Safety Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with (Cap.487\ cffect from the 2l st October, 2016. APPoINTMENT Dated the 22nd October,2016. UHURU KENYATTA, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 169 (2) of thc President. Insurance Act, the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treanry appoints-

John Katiku (C/uirperson), GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 873I - Annete Mudola Mbo go - (Vice -C hairperson), THEENERGY ACT of the Insurance Tribunal, for a period of three (3) years, with efrcct (Cap.3t4) from the 2lst October, 2016 and revokes the appointment* of Chrrity Seleina Kisotu. APPoINTMEtIT Dated the l9th October,2016. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 108 (2) (a) of HENRYROTICH, the Energy Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya Cabinet Secretary fur thc National Treastry. and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- *G.N.4436/2016. KIoKoKILUKUMI to be the Chairperson of the Energy Tribunal, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. CAZE-rIE NorrcE No. 8735

Dated the 22nd October,2016. THE KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITY ACT UHI,JRU KENYATfA, (Cap.469) President-


I IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (2) (c) of thc 1 GAzEmE NorrcE No. 8732 Kenya Revenue Authority Act, the Cabinet Secretary for tlre Natkrnal l THE KENYA AGRICULTTJRAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH Treasury appoints- ACT Evans Kakai, Constance J. Kandie, (No. t7 of2ol3) I Rose Waruhiu, I APPoINTMENT to be members of the Board of the Kenya Rcvenue Authority, for e i IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (l) (a) of the period ofthree (3) years, with effect from the 2lst Oclobcr,2016. I Kenya Agriculoral and Livestock Research Act, 2013, I, Uhuru I Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in- Dated the l9th October,2016. HENRYROTICH, I Chief of the Defence Forces, appoint- i Cabinet Secretary the National Trcastry. for I MosEs KTPRoP LrMo (IhoF.) to be the Chairperson of the Board of the Kenya Agricultural and GAzErrE NcmcE No. 8736 Livestock Research Organization, for a period of three (3) years, with 1 effect from the l5th October, 2016. THE PRIVATZATION ACT Dated the 22nd October,2016. (Cap.485C) UHTJRU KENYATTA, President. APPoINTMENT

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by scction aa Q) Q) of tha Privatization Act, the Cabinet Sccretary for the National Trearury GAzErrE NotrlcE No. 8733 appoints-

THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT Francis Kimotho, (Cap.446) Nicholas Kiprono, to be members of the hivatization Tribunal, for a period of thrcc (3) THECOMPANIES ACT years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. (Cap.486) Dated the l9th October,2016. REvocATIoN oF APPoINTMEI.IT HENRYROTICH, Cabinet Secretary Jor the National Trcanry. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 (3) of the State Corporations Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, revoke the appointment of- GAzEmE NoncE No. 8737 SULEIMAN SHAKoMBo THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AND ASSET DISPOSAL ACT as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kenya Pctroleum Refineries Limited, with effect from the 2l st October, 2016. (No.33 of20l5)

Dated the 22nd October,2016. RE.APPoIN'TMENT UHI.JRUKENYATTA, President. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 29 ( I ) (a) of thc Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, the Cabinct Sccretary for *G.N.4915/2015. the National Treasury appoints- I I J I 28th October,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4395

PAULGICHERU GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8741 to be tho Chairperson of the Public Procurement Administrative THE ANTI-COLINTERFEIT ACT Review Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 23rd October,2016. (No. 13 of2O08)

Dated the l9th October,2016. THE ANTI-COUNTERFEIT AGENCY BOARD HENRY ROTICH, Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury. APPoD.ITMENT

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (l) (ft) of the GAzErrE NoflcE No. 8738 Anti-Counterfeit Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Industry, Trade and Co-operatives appoints THE KENYA AGRICI.'LTTJRAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH - PRADEEPPAUNRANA ACT

(No. 17 of20l3) to be a member of the Anti-Counterfeit Agency Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. The APPoINTMENT appointrnent* of Polycarp Igathe is revoked. IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 6 (l) (D of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act, the Cabinet Secretary Dated the 27th October,2016. for Agriculturc, Livestock and Fisheries appoins- ADANMOHAMED, Cabinet Secretary for AMullahi Abdinmr Gassey, Industry, Trade and Co-operatives. Scholastica Matunge, Waweru (Prof.), Michcal *G.N. 368/2016. to bc members of the Board of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Rescarch Organization, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October,2016. GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8742 Dated the 24th October,2016. THE STATE WILLY BETT, CORPORATIONS ACT Cabinet Secretary for Agriculnre, Livestock and Fisheries. (Cap.446)

THE KENYA LEATHER DEVELOPMENTCOUNCIL ORDER GAzErrE NoncENo. 8739 (No. l14 oJ2oll) THE SEEDS AND PLANTS VARIETIES ACT APPoTNTMEI.IT (Cap.126) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph a (1) (e) of APPoINTMENT the Kcnya l.cather Development Council Order, 2011, the Cabinet IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 28 (l) of the Secretary for lndustry, Trade and Co-operatives appoints- Sceds and Plants Varieties Act and Paragraph I (1) of the Sixth Schcdule to the Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock Et tz4gETH I(A1469 and Fisheries appoints - ROSEAYUGI to be a member of thc Board of the Kenya Leather Development Council, for a pcriod of threc (3) years, with effect from the 2lst to be the Chairperson of the Seeds and Plants Varieties Tribunal, for a October,2016. period ofthree (3) years, with effect from the 2l st October, 2016.

Dated the 24th October,2016. Dated thc 27th October,2016. WILLY BETT, ADANMOHAMED, Cabinet Secretary for Agriculnre, Iivestock and Fisheries. Cabinet Secretary for Industry, Trade and Co-operatives.

GAzE-mENoncE No. 8740


(No.13 oJ2N8) THE SCRAPMETALACT THE ANTI.COUNTERFEIT AGENCY BOARD (No.1 of2oti) APFOINIMENT APPoINTMENT IN E)(ERCISE of the powers confered by section 6 (l) (a) of the Anti-Counterfcit Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Industry, Trade and IN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 4 (l) (a) of the Co-operatives appoints - Scrap Metal Act,2O15, the Cabinet Secretary for lndustry, Trade and Co-operatives appoints KADEEPPAUNRANA - LINUS Koco (ENG.) to be the Chairperson of the Anti-Counterfeit Agency Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. The to be thc Chairperson of the Scrap Metal Council, for a period of three appointment* of Polycarp Igathe is revoked. (3) years, with effcct from the 2lst October,2016.

Dated the 27th octob€r' 2016' Datcd thc 27th October,2016. ADAN M.HAMED, ADANMOHAMED, Cabinet Secrenry for Cabinet Secretary Industry, Trade and Co-operatives. for Industry, Trade and Co-operatives. *G.N.24012016. 4396 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016

GAzEmE NoTICe No. SZ4+ Under paragraph (e)-

THE MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES ACT Janet Mwalwa, (No.55 ol20l2) Under paragraph (/)-

APPoINTMENT Walter O. Oyawa (Prof.)

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 54 (2) of the Under paragraph (g)- Micro and Small Enterprises Act. the Cabinet Secretary for Industry, Jefferson Ndrchu Kariukr, Trade and Co-operatives appoints- Under paragraph (h) Under Paragraph (c)- - Jacqueline Member and Secretary Mugo, Annete Gikuya, Under paragraph @- Member Fatuma Abubakar, Dishon Atemo, Linda Khaemba to be members of the National Employment Authority Board, for r Under Paragraph (d)- period ofthree (3) years, with effect from the 16th September, 2016. Members Dated the 29th September, 2016. John Kashangaki, PHYLLIS KANDIE, John Masaba, Cabinet SecretaryJor East African ComnuniQ, I-abour and Social Protcctiot- of the Micro and Small Enterprises Tribunal, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st October, 2016. GAzErrE NorrcE No. 8747 Dated the 27th October.2016. ADANMOHAMED, TT{E WATER ACT Cabinet Secretary Jor (Cap.8 of2OO2\ Industry, Trade and C o- ope rative s. APPoINTMENT

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5l (1) of th GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8745 Water Act and Para. 2 of the First Schedule, the Cabinet Secretary fc Water and Irrigation appoints- THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT FATIMA MoHAMED HAJI MoHAMED (DR.) (Cap.387) to be a member of the Coast Water Services Board, for a period d three (3) years, with effect from the 23rd September, 20 1 6. THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT TRIBI]NAL Datcd the 2oth SepGmber,2016. APPoINTMENT EUGENE LUDOVIC WAMALWA, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 125 (l) of the Cabinet Secretary for Water and lrrigatio* Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, the Cabinet Sccretary for Environment and Natural Resources appoints- GAzE-rrENoncENo. 8748 Under paragraph (c)- THE WATER ACT Mohammed Balala (No.8 of2OO2) Under paragraph (d)- APPoINTMENT Christine Mwikali Kipsang, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 51 (l) of th Andrew Bahati Mwamuye, Water Act and Para. 2 of the First Schedule, the Cabinet Secretary fc Waithaka Ngaruiya, Water and Irrigation appoints-

to be members of the National Environment Tribunal, for a penod of PRISCA MUYoDI thrcc (3) years, with cffect fmm the 2lst October, 2016. to be a member of the Lake Victoria North Water Services Board, for t Dared the 26th October,2016. period of three (3) yean, with effect from the 2l st October, 2016.

JUDIWAKHI.JNGU, Dated the 27th October,2016. Cabinet Secretary Jor Environment and Natural Resources. EUGENE LI.'DOVIC WAMALWA, Cabinet Secretary for Water and lrrigatiott- GAzErrE NoflcE No. 8746


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section l0 (l) of the APPoINTMENT National Employment Authority Act, the Cabinet Secretary for East IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 28 (2) of tlt African Gmmunity, Labour and Social Protection appoints- Forest Conservation and Management Act, the Cabinet Secretary fc Under paragraph (d)- Environment and Natural Resources appoints-

Washington Oloo, Sally Kimosop (Dr)- Chairperson 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4391

Members: Gerald Owrno, Lynne Janrs Kanguru, Mohamed Malicha Galgallo, Michael Grturo. Kagin Kamatu, Jackline Mrsrko Andere, Julianna Mulandi, J. J. Falana, Mwania Musau, to be members of the Board of the Kenya Film Commrssion, for a of the Forest Conservatron and Management Trust Fund, for a period period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st Octobet,2O16 and of three (3) years, with effect from the 21 st October, 201 6. revokes the appointment* of George Ekisa (Dr.), James Muriithi and Mary Chrwayo. Dated the 26th October,2016. JUDIWAKHUNGU, Dated the 26th October,2016. HASSAN WARIO ARERO, Cabinet Secretary Jor Environment and Natural Resources. Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Cultut c and the Arts. *G.N.744512015 GAZETTE NoTICE No, 8750

THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT GAZETTE NOTICE No, 8753 (Cap.446) THE KENYA NATIONAL LIBRARY SERVICES BOARD ACT . THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (Cap.225) AUTHORITY ORDER APPoINTMENT (2,.N. 183 of20l3) IN EXERCISE ofthe powers conferred by section 3 (2) and Para. APPOINTMENT I (l) (d) and (e) of the Schedule to the Kenya National Library Services Board Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 6 (2) (e) of Arts appoints- the Information and Communications Technology Authority Order, David Lochuch Imana, 2013, the Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and Sam Madoka, t Technology appoints- Loise Kathambi Kaburu, r Jerotich Sirma, Nancy Wairimu Ngumba, Mercy Pendo Bitha, Mohamed Sheikh Adan, Simon Yatich Namba, to be members of the Board of Information and Communications Abshiro Halake, Technology Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from Zeddy Rop (Dr.), the 2l st October, 2016. Kipkorir Keter, Patrisha M. Nekayia, Dated the 27th October,2016. to be members of the Kenya National Library Services Board, for a JOEMUCHERU, period ofthree (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October,2016. Cabinet Secretary for Informanon, Communication and Technology. Dated the 26th October,2016. HASSAN WARIO ARERO, Cabinet Secretary Sports, Culture and the Arts. GAzE,rrE NoTICE No. 875I for

THE FILM AND STAGE PLAYS ACT GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8754 t (Cap.222) I THE KENYA INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH APPoINTMENT AND ANALYSIS ACT i IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 11A (a) of the (No. 15 of2OO6) t Film and Stage Plays Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and the Arts appoints- APPoIN'IMEI.IT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 (1) (e) of the Gathoni Kung'u, Kenya Institute for Public Policy and Research Analysis Act, the t Robert Kochalle, Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning appoints- Nereah Aluoch Okanga, PHoEBE AYUGI JoSIAH (DR.) to be members of the Kenya Film Classification Board, for a period of to be a member of the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and threc (3) years, with effect from the 21st October, 2016. The Analysis, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st appointment* of Beatrice Mangure (Rev.), Alex Murungi and Matilda October, 2016. The appointment* of Vincent Otieno Osanya (Prof.) is Anne Onyait is rcvoked. revoked. Dated the 26th October,2016. Dated the 27th October,2016. HASSAN WARIO ARERO, Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and the Arts. MWANGI KIUNJURI, Cabinet Secretary Devolution and Planning. *G.N.424'112014. for xG.N. 3137/2014.

GAzEmENoflcENo. 8752 GAzE.mE NoTICE No. 8755 THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT THE STATISTICS ACT (Cap.446) (No.4 of2OO6) THEKENYA FILM COMMISSION ORDER (L.N.147 of 2015) THE KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS APPoINTMENT APPoINTMEI..IT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (l) (e) of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 5 (l) (d) (iii) of Kenya Film Commission Order, 2015, the Cabinet Secretary for the Statistics Act, the Cablnet Secrerary for Devolution and Plannrng Sports, Culture and the Arts appoins- appoints- i 4398 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,20l6 I i

KENNETH N. MBURU GAzEmE NOTICE No. 8759 I I the Bureau Statistics (KNBS) THEMINING ACT I to be a member of Kenya National of j Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst (No. t2 of2ot6) October, 2016. The appointmentx of Kipera Issa Athuman is revoked. I I THE MINERAL RIGHTS BOARD I Dated the 27th October,2016. ( APPoTNTMET.IT MWANGI KIUNJURI, Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning. lN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 30 (2) (fl of thc *G.N.3136/2014. Mining Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Mining appoints- Gaturu Mburu, Vivienne Apopo Yeda, GAzErrE NcmcE No. 8756 to be members of the Mineral Rights Board, for a period of threc (3) THE LAKE BASIN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016. (Cap.442) Dated the 27th October,2016. DANKAZI,'NGU, APPOINTMENT Cabinet Secretary for Mining. t

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section a (1) Q) of the [,ake Basin Development Autrority Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning appoints- GAZETTE NONCE NO. 8760 I THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT ERIC OslirYA I (Cap.446) I to be a member of dre Board of Lake Basin Development Authority, J for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2l st October, 2016. THE MOI TEACHING AND REFERRALHOSPMAL BOARD ORDER, 1998 Dated the 27th October.2016. l MWANGI KIUNJURI, APPOINTME{T Cabinet Secretaryfor Devolution and Planning. IN D(ERCISE of the powers conferrcd by Paragraph 2 (&) of thc Moi Teaching and Refcrral Hospital Board Ordcr, 198, thc Cabirct Secretary for Health appoints- GAzEmENcrncENo. 8757 Julius Kemboy, NEPAD/APRM KENYA GOVERMNG COUNCIL Florence Lisa Chelimo. (c-fs.4651 oJ20l6) Dora Mala (Dr.),

APPoINTMENT to be members of the Board of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospitd, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from thc lst Decembcr, IT IS notified'for geneml information that the Cabinet Secretary 2016. for Devolution and Planning, has appointed- Dated the 2lst October,2016. Monica Kerrets-Makau (Dr.), CLEOPA MAILU, Sam Mwale, Cabinet Secreury for Healrt. to be members of the NEPAD/APRM Kenya Governing Council, for a period ofthree (3) years, with cffect from the 2lst October,2016. GAzEmE No[cE No. 8761 Dated the 27th October,2016. T}IE NATIONAL EMPIOYMENT AUTHORITY ACT MWANGI KII.]NJURI, (No.3 oI2Ot6) Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning. J APPOTNTMENT

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section l0 (l (a) of thc GAzE'rrENcrncENo. 8758 ) National Employment Authority Act, the Cabinet Secrctary for East THE KENYARAILWAYS CORPORATION ACT African Community, Labour and Social Protcction appoints-

(Cap.39'7) WINME NINGA PERTE-T I APPoIN-IMEI.IT to be the Chairperson of the Board of the National Employment Authority, for a period of thre€ (3) years, with cffect from thc 2lu IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (fl of the October,2016. Kenya Railways Corporation Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, ! Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development appoints- Dated the 26th Octobcr,2016. PHYLLISKANDIE, Christophcr Musembi Mumo, Cabinet Secrctary for East Sricar. Communilt4 [*go Kipyegon Josephat, Labour and Socbl Protectioa. to be members of the Board of the Kcnya Railways Corporation, for a I period of three (3) years, with effect from the 2lst October, 2016 and GAzErrE NsncE No. 8762 revokes drc appointmenls* of Joseph Kipketer arap Cheruryot and I Amb. Dr. John Mutinda Mutiso. THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHACT

Dated the 24th October,2016. (No. 15 of2OO7)

JAMES MACHARIA, APPoTNTME.I.T Cabmet Secretary Jor Transport, InJrastructure, Housing and Urban Development. IN E)(ERCISE of thc powers conferrei by section 28 (2) (a) of thc Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Ean * Li.N. 7 42.6120 I 5, 2yJ3 lnl 5. African Community, Labour and Social Protcction appoints-

I i i I 28th October.20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4399 i I t RICHARD NGET.IY GAzE'mE NcrncB No. 8706 I to be thc Chairperson of the National Council for Occupational Safcty t THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT and Health, for a period of threc (3) years, with effcct from the 2lst i October, 20 16. (Cap.446) I Dated the 26th October,2016. THE NATIONAL DROUGHT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY PHYLLIS KANDIE, ORDER,2OII Cabinet Secretary for East $rican Community, Labour and Social Protection. APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by paragraph 6 (d) of the National Drought Management Authority Ordcr, 201 l, the Cabinet GAzErrE NoncE No. 8763 Secretary for Devolution and Planning appoints- THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY HEALTII ACT AND Timothy olc Mosiany (No. 15 ol2OO7) to be a mcmber of thc Board of the National Drought Manegement APPoIN'IMENT Authority, for a period of threc (3) years with effect from thc 2lst Octobcr,2016. IN EXERCISE of the powcrs confcned by scction 28 (2) (c) of thc Occupetional Safety and Hcalth Act, thc Cabinct Sccrttary for Eest Dated thc 27th Octobcr,2016. African Community, labour and Social Protcction appoints- MWANGI KIUNJI.]RI, Alex Kaurigiria Thuranira (Dr.), Cabincl Secretary lor Devolution and Plarning. Nrlrashon Langat (Dr.). Etta Brcnda Ligale. GMETTE NoTIcE No. 8767 0o be mcmbers of the National Council for Occupational Sefcty rnd Hcalth, for a period of three (3) ycers, with effect from the 2lct THE NATIONAL HOSPITAL INSURANCE FUND ACT Octobcr,2016. (No.9 of 1998) Drtcd thc 26th October, 20 16. PHYLLISKANDIE, APPoINTMENT Cabinet Secretary Jor fust t{rican Community, Labour and Social Protection. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 10 (l) of the Nrtionel Hospital Lrsurancc Fund Act, thc National Hospital Insurance Fund Managemcnt Board appoints- GAzErrE NsflcE No. 87# GEoFFREY GITAU MWANGI THE OCCUPATIONAI., SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT to bc thc Chief Executrve Officer of the National Hospital Insurance (No. tS ot2007) Fund, for a pcriod of thrcc (3) ycars, with effect from the lst THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTII APPEALS Novcmbcr,2016. COMMITTEE MUDZO NZILI, APP TNTMBNT Vice-Chairman, National Hospilal Insurance Fund. IN EXERCISB of thc powcm confcrred by secdon 46 (2) of thc Occuprtional Safcty and Health Act, the Cabinct Sccretary for Erst MOHAMUD MOHAMED ALI, Africrn Community, IJbour and Socirl Prorcction appoinb- Chairman, Duncen Ojwrng (Dr.), National Hospital lnsurance Fund, Phylis Mutue,

to bc nrcmbcn of thc Appcrls Committcc of thc Nrtionrl Council for GAzEmE NoncE No. 8768 Occupationrl Sefcty rnd Hcrlth, for r period of thrcc (3) with cffcct from thc 2 I st Octobcr, 20 I 6. THE BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT D.tcd thc 27th Octobcr,2016. (Cap.149) PHYLLIS KANDIE, Cabinct Sccrctaryfor East Alrican Comnunity, DEC.LARATIoN Labour and Social Protcctlon. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by scction 9 (2) of the Births and Dcathn Rcgirtrrtion Act. the Cebinct Sccrctrry for Intcrior end Co-ordination of Nrtionrl Covernmcnt dcclares that: GAzBrrE NcrflcE No. 8765 THE TOURISM ACT L With cffcct from thc I st November, 2015 the rcgistrrtion of thc Makondc pcoplc ordinrrily rcsidcnt in Kcnyr shrll be (No.2t of20ll) compulsory,

APPOINTMENT 2. Undcr scction 29 (g) thc pcnons belonging to thc Mrkondc lN EXERCISE of the powcrr confercd by rcction 67 (a) (d) (iD of community ordinrrily residents of Kwnlc County, Kilifi thc Tourir,m Act. thc Crblftat Sccrchry for Tourirm.ppointi- County. Tritr Trvch County rnd Momb[r County of thc Rapublic of Kcnyr rhrll up'on for rcliltrrtior undcr PEIB NcoRt ryplicrtlon .grrph 1 be cxcmpt fiorr paymcnt of thc rctirtntion fcG.. to bc r mombcr of drc Tourirm Fund, for r pcrlod of thrco (3) yorn, wlth cffcct from ho 21ct Octobcr, 2016 end rcvoko tho rppointmcntr 3. The trtistrrtion exemp frum the rcgistration fcee rhall opcrrtc of Zphrnirh Ngrln Angwenyi, for a pcriod of two (2) months cnding on 3l st Dccember, 2015,

Drtcd thc 260r Ocobcr,20t6, Datcd thc 25th Octobcr,2016, NAJIB BALALA, JOSEPH NKAISSERY. Cablnct Sccrctary Tourlsm, fur Cablnct Sccretury tor {G.N.7454/20t5, Intcrior ani Co-otdiratlon of National Goverilmcnl, 4400 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October.2016

GAZE.mE NOTCE NO. 8769 @ develop a management guidebook for use by the Tourism Protection Service; and I THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT (h) develop a draft curriculum for the trainrng ofthe personnel of I I (Cap.4a6) the Tounsm Protectlon Servrce in tourism and hosprtalrty- I related matters. THE YOUTH ENTERPRISE FI.JND DEVELOPMENT ORDER, I 2W7 2. The Task Force shall remain in office for a period of two months. (LN.63 of 2oo7) 3. The Task Force may co-opt any person whose ex pertise may b€ APPOINTMENT required for the purposes of executing its mandate in accordance with terms IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (2) (e) of the its of reference. Youth Enterprise Development Fund Order, 2007, the Cabinet 4. The Secretariat of the Task Force shall be at Telposta Towers, Secretary for Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs appoints- lSth Floor, P.O. Box 30430-00100, Nairobi, Telephone No. 020 344230, Fax No. 020-2229144, and a[[ communrcation shall be MERCY MT,rtHoM NJERU addressed to the Chairperson ofthe Task Force. to be a member of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board, for Dated the 17th October,2016. a period of three (3) years, with effect from the l5th July, 2016. The NAJIB BALALA, appointment of Hellen Omiti Machora* is revoked. Cabmet Secretary for Tourism. Dated the 27 th luly, 2016. SICILY K. KARII,]KI, GAzE.rrE NoTICE No. 8771 Cabinet Secretary, Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs. TASK FORCE ON THE OPERATIONALIZATION OF THE *G.N.443912016 NATIONAL CONVENTION BUREAU {


GAzE"r-rE NcrflcE No. 8770 IT IS notified for the general information of the public that thc Cabinet Secretary for Tourism has appointed a Task Force consisting TASK FORCE ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TOURISM of the following- PROTECTION SERVICE Tasneem Adamji-(C hairpe rson) APPoINTMENT Members:

IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the J. S. Vohra Cabinet Secretary for Tourism has appointed a Task Force consisting Charles Campbell-Clause Anne Murungi of the following- Jeffers Miruka AhKzk -ach4irpe.rson\ Mohammed Abdi Abdullahi Vicki Muyanga Members: Mahmud Janmohamed I Chris Manning, CBE Secretarial: i A.D.Ogle David Kinyangi { Abdul Bashir Daniel Muoki Ferhm Chaudhri l. The Terms of Reference ofthe Task Force shall be to- i The Director-General of the National Youth Service (a/ establish and operationahze the National Convention Bureau; Thc Dirwtor-Gcncral of thc Kcnya Wildlifc Scrvicc I The Director of the Tourism Police Unit (b) develop the policy, statutory and regulatory framework for the National Convention Bureau; Secretariat: ' (c) research and advise the Cabinet Secretary on the best practices Stella Arnadi for the National Convention Bureau; { Robert Kimiti I (d) rcsearch and advise the Cabinet Secretary on how the Kenya i l The Terms ofRefercnce ofthe Task Force shall be to- can bid for major local and intemational business tourism- related events; I (a) develop the strucfirre ofthe Tourisrn Protection Service; I (e,) in collaboration wrth the Kenya Tourism Board, review t}re (b) carry out research on the best practice for the Tourism current business tourism strategy in consultation with the Protection Scrvice; relevant stakeholders; i (fl in colbborution with the Kenya Tourism Board, develop a i (c) develop a code of rcgulations for the Tourism Protection I marketing sffiegy for convention tourism; and I Servicel '( (g/ develop a calendar oflocal and international tourrsm events. (d) develop the policy, statutory and regulatory framework for 2. The Task Force shall remain in office for a period of two months. the Tourism Protection Sewice; 3. The Secretariat ofthe Task Force shall be at Telposta Towers, l8th (e) develop the criteria for the recruitment of the personnel of the Floor, P.O. Box 30430-00100, Nairobi, Telephone No. 020 Tourism Protection Scrvice; 344230, Fax No. 020-2229144, and all communication shall be addressed to the Chairperson ofthe Task Force. (1) liaise wlth the Salanes and Remuneration Commission on the development of the terms of service for the personnel of the Dated the 17th october' 2016' Tourism Protection Service; NAJIB BALALA, I Cab ine t Sec re tary.for To ur ism. 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE MOl



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the t-and Control Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning appoints the persons named in the third column of the Schedule to be members of the respective Land Control Boards specified in the second column for a period

of three (3) years wrth effect from 1 st June, 201 6

This notrce supemedes all other notices published there before under this section, with respect to the boards mentioned in the second column.


Sub-Counn Land Control Board Land Control Board Members

Ugunja Ugunla Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Gershom Odhiambo Ochieng Dickson Odhiambo Olola Cleophas Otieno Ndundu Peter Otieno Oroka Everline A. Otieno Barrack Tunya Beatrice Ada Oyange Owino Nyady

Ugunla Sigomere Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Gershom Odhiambo Ochieng Dickson Odhiambo Olola Andrew Ochola Otit Catherine Oluoch Mark Albert Ndar

Ugenya Ukwala Assrstant County Commissioner (C hairman ) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Offrcer Linet Achila Oyola Vincent Odhiambo Oloo Mathews Mbala George Paul Ooko Okaro ;t ALce Ngesa Ondula I Nicholas Ooko ; I Joan Atieno Owino Lucy Ooko t Ugenya East Ugenya Deputy County Commissioner ( C hairman ) Land Administration Offi cer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Linet Achila Oyola Vincent Odhiambo Oloo Vitalis Were Peris Adhiambo Opondo Mary Ogola Adams Ann Awuor Okweya Rev. Ioseph Makio Nyangano George Aggrey Anyango Ombaya

Siaya Siaya Deputy County Commissioner (C hainnan ) Land Administration OfFrcer Sub-County Agricultural Officer VitaLs Ochieng Ogolla Cliamus Owira Ragen John Oloo Ondiek Magdaline Achieng Ochola Lucas Obiet Okumu John Fredrick Ongon'go George Sagom Gorrety Auma Amolo

Assistant County Commissioner (C hairnwn ) Land Administ-ation Officer 4402 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,2016

Sub-County Land Control Board Land Control Board Membcrs Sub-County Agricultural Officcr Aola Georgc Francis Joshua Ouma Minya Ismail Rogo Ofullah Mildrcd Auma Ogonya Mary Okise Asiko Elijah Ochieng Owino Naboth Kosanya

Bondo Bondo Deputy County Commissioncr (C/r airman) Land Administretion Officcr Sub-County Agricultural Officer Richard Odhiambo Ojwang' Andrcw Indcre Yongo Pamcla Awino Oluoch Alloys Onyango Omwenda Milliccnt Achicng Akoko Gcorgc Mcnas Awino Joscph Owuor Kongoro Joseph O. Ojoro Herine Chiaji

Raricda Rarieda Dcputy County Commissioncr (C hainnan) t1 Land Administration Officcr J Sub-County Agricultural Officcr ; Richard Kodindo Fclix A. O.Omondi I Margarct Ochola Ochino Vitalis Ochola Nyegaye Dcacons Oticno Otungc Morinc Awino Omondi Claris Omondi Arthur Odhiambo Onyane Hcsbon Odola Ojulu KISIICOUNTY

Kisii Ccntral Kiogoro Deputy County Commissioncr (Chairman) Land Administretion Officcr 1 Sub-County Agricultural Officer : Kcnncdy Mabcya Anyieni { Rcubcn W. Miyora I Stcphen Onkwani Sarara

Rachecl Mcche Onkwani 1 Tcrcsa Kwembokr Oiruria John Sumrth Ayienda i Alicc Mejuma Gckongc Jamcs Mosc Bararc Devid Nyemari Nyenngo J Kisii Ccntnl Kcumbu Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administntion Officer

Sub-County Agricultural Offi ccr , Kcnncdy.Mrbeyr Anyicni Jarcd Oberc 1 Srmmy Ombune Joel I Janc Kwrmbokr Jrmcs { Clemcncie Kwrmboke Siro Billiah Monr Aburi I Meshrck Nyembrne Machokr Jacon Moibi Ondieki Willirm Mongrrt Mrbeyr

Srmcte Samcte Dcputy County Commirrioncr (C halrman) lrnd Adminietsrtion Offi ccr Sub-County Agriculunl Ofrlcer Z*bedoo Nyrbo3r Mon*r Emlly Bodbori Nyrtonywr Itomrs Obrc Omrri Lydirh Kcrubo Obwochr Joscph Morungi Omri Zablon Sundr Ayrgr Vivirn Kwrmbokr Nyrbcri Crrcn Morrr Nyrbuto Alloyr Orcngc Nyuongi 28th October,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE MO3

Sub-Counm l,and CintolBgitrd Land Control Board Membcrs

Kenyenya Kenyenya Deputy County Commissioner lChairman) land Administration Officcr Sub-County Agricultural Officer Simeon Obiero Arcri James Nyarieko Mose Henry Nyabuto Onditi Benson Manyoni Omuga Alexandcr Mbaka Begi Elizabeth Mong'are Ocharo Peris Kcrubo Nyangeri Daniel Nyambanc Blassius A. Mayoyo Mokua

Kisii South Kisii South Deputy County Commissioncr (Crrairman ) land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officcr Emily M. Osindc Janct B. Ragira Florence Onsarc Ernest Omweri Ogero Malachi Otindo Andmr Nrhashon Nyemeo Miyicnda Diphina Kerubo Nyunlo iI Tercsa Kerubo Obwoge I Kituo Ccntral Kitutu Ccntral Assistant County Commissioncr (Chaimnn) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Offrccr Charles Nyangcri Bonuke Evans Maiko Mauti Fredrick Maiko

Fabiano Masabo Morira Francis Nyambega Mooncha Mellen Nyomende Thomas N. Isaboke I Elizabcth Kerubo Onsase James J. Nyamwembe

I Gucha South Etago Deputy County Commissioner (Chairnan) i Land Administration Offrcer r Sub-County Agricultural 0ffrcer r Julius Ondieki Bosire Ibrahim Rindori Reuben Ongera Kinago Catherine Kerubo Cyrus Ongocho Oyoyo Callcn Kwamboka Matwere Nelson Oyaro Okyageka David Kemsi Bichanga

Gucha South Nyamarambc Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Julius Ondieki Bosire Tom Machana Pauline Onderi Peterson Nyabuto Joseph Miranga Rose Kemunto-Biyogo Joseph Onsongo Kenyanya Janes Bitengo Onchangwa

Nyamachc Nyacheki Deputy County Commissioner (C haimun ) Land Administration Offi cer Sub-County Agricultural Offi cer Zebedeo Nyaboga Moreka Johnes Bota Anari Alfred Mogeni Momanyi Tachary Nyang'au Ibrahim Osindi Oyugi Janc Moraa Marari 4404 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,2016

Sub-Counry ktnd Control Board Land Control Board Members Meshack Kanokr Nyangwara Samwel Nyabuto Nyakweba. Hellen Bosibori Onkundi

Nyamache Nyamache Deputy County Commrssroner ( Cha inno n ) Land Administration Offi cer Sub-County Agricultural Offi cer Z,ebedeo Nyaboga Moreka Charles Obaga Charles Babu Motonu Pau[ Moranga Omari Job Ongeri Maturi Jerusa Nyaboke Lucas Margret Bochere Nyakundi Elias Manyisa Omanrta

Marani Marani Deputy County Commissioner ( C hairman ) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Oisebe Albert Onyari Charles Beka Getuno Martha Brna Mairongr Damaoline Nyandwaki Nyamboga I Jane Nyamoita Gisembe Ruth Nyaboke Gisemba I Zachary N. Akunga { Chrisantus Maina Nyachuba I Justus Maina Moghere

Masaba South Masaba South Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Daniel Ondara Mogaka Ronald Nyakina Nyabaro James Matundura Araka Esther Kwamboka Omari Samuel Nyansera Sagana Sibia Nyaboke Matoke Joseph Ntorobo Obongo Alfred Omari Ogwanka I Gucha Gucha Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) I Land Adminishation Officer I Sub-County Agricultural Officer I Jackline Moraa Achoki I Jacklyne Nyakundi I Paul O. Rosana I Samson Mohgare Okemlva Andtew Marube Obiri I David Ogega Thomas I Annastancia Bonareri Kayaga Rose Kemunto Orando 1 Michael Onyinkwa Oboiko 1 NYAMIRA COUNTY I Manga Manga Deputy County Commrssioner ( C hairman ) Land Administratron Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer { Daniel Waren Barongo Lihan Ogake Onchuru Fredrick Ochanda Rrsper Onyoro Joan Mokaya Shadrack Ogoti Ben Mobisa Cosnras Nyamari Simba

Deputy County Commissioner (C hairman) Land Admrnistratron Officer Sub-County Agricultural Offi cer Henry Obadiah Omwoyo Mary Buyakr Barongo Margret Kemuma Osando Nyakundi John Lovelex I I I i 28rh October. 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4405

Sub-Counn, lnnd Control Board Land Control Board Members Hellen Kemunto Mecha Grdeon Jeremiah Gikenyi Nrcolas Mongare Masaki

Masaba North Masaba North Deputy County Commissioner (Ciairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Offrcer Carol Moraa Nyangau Mason Moreka Monyenye Henry Maiye Moturi Julius Nyangena Tendeka Jane Kemuma Samunsi David Makori Nyakundi Florence K. Obwocha Job Mokere Onkoba Callen I. Omari

Nvamrra South Nyamrra Township Deputy County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Thomas Nyakangi Nyarienga Sophia Bundi Obi Boraya Joshua Ocharo Frank Mokaya Josephine Barongo Okero Samwel Maosa Callen M. Mayakha Justa William Ogoti Gideon Mecha Auma Nvamrra South Nyamira Rural Depury County Commissioner ( C hairman ) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Nelson Onduko Onyancha Nyoriana Moraa Onduso Joseph Nyariki Joash Nyakoe Kinaro Jane Samwel Tekera Stephen Onyancha Joseph Abaya Otiso Mary Nyaboke Mangera

Nyamrra South Nyamaiya Assrstant County Commissioner (Chairman) Land Administration Officer Sub-County Agricultural Offi cer Hellen Nyambeki Matuga Bemard Onsomu Okebiro Stanley Michira Kibore Johnson Mitema Nyangau Charles Nyarenchi Nyamongo Rodah Kerubo Otwere Omeru Serephine Birongo

Nvamrra North Ekerenvo Deputy County Commissioner (Ciairman) Land Administration Officer Sub4ounty Agricultural Officer Bibiana Wangatia Omwansa Geoffrey Mokaya Omechi Nelson Okeri Mogaka Josephinc Atunga Yuvenalis Onchieku Rose Nyamoita Makori Samwel Momanyi Ogechi J. Onyanda Onyancha Rose Kemunto Nyauma

Nyamrra North Nyamusi Deputy County Commissioner (Cft atman ) Land Administration Offi cer Sub-County Agricultural Officer Samuel Ibrahim Ouya Calister Kemunto Onsarigo Cleophas Osindi Nyabuto Jackson M. Mikaye Rachel Nyansiaboka Guto Alfred Nyaore Anyansa Justus Ondieki Tinega 'llr

1 I 4406 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th Ocrober,2016 I I Sub-County ltnd Control Board Land Control Board Membcrs Mary Kcrubo I I MARSABIT COUNTY

Marsabit Central Marsabit Central Deputy County Commissioncr (Chainnan) Land Administration Officcr Sub-County Agriculturel Officer Nuria Gollo Deka Gomato Naboso Sora Tullu Godana Joscph Ltausen Lcsculoi Tummc Shanna Abdullahi Boya Ahmcd Tumc Sori Boru KILIFI COUNTY Kilifi North Kilifi North Bcatricc Sifa Mwalimu Harriron Kcngr Ndundi I i I Magarini Magarini Jilo Onono

Winnie Urembo ; i I Rrbai Rabai Martin Kcsi Magogo -,! Simon Nzei Malrmc

Malindi Malindi Shce Abdalla Shec Christopher Sulubu Kombc

Ganze Ganze Synaton K. Kisao Betty Sulubu Chenzc Kaloleni Kaloleni Hcllen Kabibi Mdachi Andrcw Rimba Chengo

Kilifi South Kilifi South Makazi Mbwiya Ngundo Richard Mnrambura Daterl the l3th October,2016. JACOB T. KAIME}.IYI, Cabinet Secretaryfor Lands and Physical Planning.

GAzEmE NCrIICE No. 8773 in Mavoko Municipality in Machakos District, by viroc of a certificatc of title rcgistercd as I.R. l3lffill, and whercas sufficicnt THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT evidcncc has been adduced to show that the said certificate of title has (No.3 of2Ol2) becn lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (6O) days from thc date hermf, I shall issue a provisional ccrtificate of title ISSIJE oF A K.ousIoNAL CERTIFICATE providcd that no objection has bcen rcccivcd within that pcriod. WHEREAS Earth Holdings Limited, a limited liability company Dated the 28th October,2016. incorporated in the Republic of Kenya, of P.O. Box 4184040100, C. K. NG'ETICH, Nairobi in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor lessee of MR/2470010 Re g istrar of Ti tle s, N airobi. all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 28393, situate in Kaptiei North in Kajiado District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 12388711, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show GAzErrE NcrrlcE No. 8775 that the said grant has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a prcvisional THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within (No.3 of20l2) that period. IssUE oF A K,ovIsroNAL CERTIFTCATE Dated the 28th October.2016. WHEREAS Kamau Kamande, of P.O. Box 20617-O0100, Nairobi P. M. NG'ANG'A, in the Republic of Kcnya, is registcred as propricor lcssec of all that I't1N2470449 Re g i strar of Titlcs, Nairob i. piece of land known as L.R. No. 82851397, sioatc in the city of Neirobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtuc of a leesc rcgistcrcd as I.R. 305fl)/1, and whereas suf6cicnt cvidence has bcen adduccd to show GAzE'nE NcflcE No. 8774 that the said lcasc has bcen lost, notice is given that aftcr thc cxpiration I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT of sixty (6O) days from the date hcrcof, I shall issue a pmvisional t I certificate of title provided that no obiction has bcen rcceived within (No.3 oJ2Ol2) I that period.

ISSI,E oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE Datrd the 28th Octobcr,2016. I WHEREAS Veronica Wamaitha Muchiri, of P.O. Box 7882- C. K. NG'ETICH, 00100, Nairobi in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor MR./2470193 Rc gistrar of Ti tle s, Nairob i. I lessee of all that piccc of land known as L.R. No. 1271519944, siwatc 28th October. 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTB 4407

OAzErrB NorreB No, t776 GAzEf,TBNoTIeENo, 8TIO THE LAND RBGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RBOISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) (No,l o!2012) IssI,rB oF A hOvISIONAL CBRTIFICATE IssuB oF A PRovlsloNAt CERTIFIEATE WHEREAS Drkrgl Holdiryr Limltcd, r llmltcd li$lllty comprny WHEREAS (l) Prtrlck Gicovi rnd (2) WrnJr lrcd, rr lncorponhd ln thc Ropublic of Kcnyr, of P,O, Box 62999, Nrircbl ln rdmlnlrtntsn of hc ertrto of John lrcrl Krn*o (decorrod), bsth of prcprlctor thc Rcpubllc of Konyr. lr rcglrtcrcd m lorcc of dl thrt P,O, Box ?0350{04m, Nrlrobi ln the Ropubllc of Kenyr, in piocc of lrnd known m L,R, No, 10719/3, rlturte north cr:t of Thlkr rtgirend rr propdotor lorrcc of rll thrt pleee of lrnd known rt t,R, Municlprllty ln Mrngur Dirtrict, by vlrtuo of r ccrtlflcrc of tltlo No, 1206229t, rlturo ln the elty of Nrlrsbl ln thc Nrlrobl Arcr, by rodrtcrrd rl LR, 104322/1, rnd whorcrt rufficiont cvldcncc hu bccn vlrtue of r lolr€ rc8hhrEd rr LR, 4012011, rnd whcrcu .ufflelent rdduccd to rhow thrt thc rrid cortificrtc of tltlc hm bccn lort. notlco lr cvldcncc hrr bcen rdducod to rhow thrt the rrld leme hm bocn lort, glvon hrt rftcr tho oxplrrtlon of rlxty (60) dryr fiom tho drte horcof, I notlcc lr Slvcn thrt rft€r thc expintlon of rlxty (O) dryr from tllc drte provirlonrl tltlc provldod thrt no objectlon rhrll lmuc r ccrtlflc.rc of hcroof, I rhrll hrut r pmvlrlonrl certlflcrtl of tltlc proyld€d thrt no prlod, hrr bocn rccclvcd wlthln thrt obJoctlon hm bccn rpoelved wlthln thrt perlod, Drtod tho 2!th Ocobcr,2016, Drted ths 28th (htober,20l6, C, K. NO'ETIEH. C. N, KITUYI, MR/2470rt6 Roilttrar of Tltht, Nalrobl, vlff,n177146 Re gktrar of Tltlc c, Nalrabl, oAZErrE NOllCB No, t777 o^zEfli NorrcE No, 87t I TI{E LAND REOISTRATION ACT TI{E LAND REGISTRATION AET (No.3 of20l2) (No,t ol20l2) ItsuB oF A hovrsroNAL CERflECA?E IssUE oF A PRovIsIoNAt CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Drkrgl Holdlngr Llmltod, r llmled llrblllty comprny lncorpontcd ln tho Rcpubllc of Konyr, of P,O, Box 62999, Nrlrcbl ln WHBREAS Frtlnr Jrmr Jlbrell, of P,O, Box 70331{XX00, thc Republlc of l&nyr, lr nghtorcd m poprlotor lcmoc sf dl thlt Ndrcbl ln tho Ropubllc of Konyr, h rEtlrErcd rr proprlotor lorreo of plcce of lurd known rr L,R, Ns, 2098t21, rlftrE ln ttr clty of rll 6rt pleco of lrnd known m t,R, No, 19952/393, rlturto ln thc elty Nrlrobl ln thc Nrlrobl Arcr, by vitue of r ;nnt ro3lrorcd u LR, of Nrlrsbl in 0re Nrfuobl Am, by vlrtue of r eertlflcrto of titlo 5737511, rnd whercm ruflialont ovldoncc hu boon dducod b rhow rcglrercd m I,R, 109319/1, md wherpm lur?lelent.vldonco hm bocn thrt the uld innt hu b€on lort, notlce h ;lven thrt rftor thc cxplrrtlon rdduced to rhow thrt the :dd certlflcre of tltle hm becn lort, notlee lr of rlxty (60) dryl from thc drte herpof, I rhdl luuo r provhlonrl glvcn hrt rfter the explrntlon of llxty (O) dryr from thc drte hersof, I eertlflerto of tltlc provlded thrt no objcctlon h$ bccn ncclved wlthln rhrll hrue r prcvlrlonrl ccrtlflorte of tltle prcvldod 6rt no obJcetlon thrt perlod, hu boon rce€lvod wlhln thrt prlod, Drtod the 2tth ocmber.2016, Drted tho 2tth Oemhor,2016, E, K. NO'BTICH. B, M, WAFUtA, MRll170lt6 Ro fi war of Tlth E, Nalmhl MMt47004B Re ilr fiat al fi t lc * Nalrob l,

GAZETTENONCENO, t77t GAzEmENofleENo, t7t2 THB tAND REGISTRATION ACT THB tAND RE€ISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20t2) (No.3 ol20l2) IssUE oF A K.ousIoNAL CERTIFTCATE ISSTJE oF A K,ousIoNAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS (l) Amarjcet Kaur Radia and (2) Amitkumar Govindji WHEREAS Fatirna Jama Jibrcll, P.O. 70331-{0400, Kurji Radia, as joint tcnants, bodr of P.O. Box 447860O100, Nairobi of Box in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, arc rcgisrcred as proprictors lcssccs of all Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprietor lcssee of all piece known as L.R. 199521394, situarc in the city that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209186ffi14, situate in thc city of that of land No. Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a ccrtificate of tide registcred of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a certificate of title as I.R. 68290/1, and whereas sufficicnt evidcnce has been adduced to registcred as I.R. 109320/1, and whercas suffrcient evidence has been show that the said ccrtificate of titlc has becn lost, notice is givcn that adduccd to show that the said certificatc of tide has been lost, notice is (60) after the cxpiration of sixty (6O) days from thc date hereol I shall issuc given that after the expiretion of sixty days from the date hereof. I a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection hes bccn shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection received within that period. has been reccived within that period. Datcd the 28th October,2016. Darcd the 28th October,2016. C. K. NG'ETICH, E. M. WAFULA, MN2477983 Re g istrar of Tit le s, Nairo bi. MRn47ffi48 Registrar of Titbs, Nairobi.

GAZETTE NoncE No. 8779 GAzEmENcncENo. 8783 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THELANDREGISTRATION ACT, (No.3 oI2Ol2) (No.3 oI2Ot2) IssuE oF A CERTTF|CATE kousroNAl IssI.IE oF A KousIoNAL CERTIFTCATE WHEREAS Isabella Waithcra Gicoro, of P.O. Box l9l, Kehuro in WHEREAS Fatima Jama Jibrcll, of P.O. Box 70331-00400, the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprictor lcsscc of all that Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registercd as proprietor lessee of piccc of land known as L.R. No. 209lll358l40, situate in thc city of all that picce of Iand known as L.R. No. 199521392, situat€ in thc city Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtue of a ccrtificatc of titlc registercd of Nairobi in tle Nairobi Area, by virtue of a certificate of titlc as I.R. 51913/1, and whercas suffrcient evidcncc has been adduccd o rcgistcred as I.R. 109318/1, and whcreas suffrcient evidence has becn show that thc said certificatc of title has been lost, notice is givcn that adduced to show that the said certificatc of title has bccn lost, notice is aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from the darc hcrcof, I shall issuc given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, I a provisional certificatc of title providcd that no objcction has been shall issue a provisional ccrtificate of title provided that no objcction reccivcd within that pcriod. has bcen rcceived within that period. Dated the 28th October,2016. Dated the 28th October,2016. C. N. KITUYI, E. M. WAFULA, MRn417535 Re gistrar of Title s, Nairobi. l\t1u2470n,48 Re g is trar of Ti tle s, N airobi. 4408 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th Octobcr, 2016


IssUE oF A PR,oUSIoNAL CBRTIFICATE ISSUB OF A NBW CERNHCATE oF LEASE WHBREAS Bliud Timothy Mwrmungr, of P.O, Box 3, Voi in tho WHEREAS (l) Kirhorkumu Bhrgwrji Kobchr rnd (2) Republic of Kenyr, is rrgistercd rs proprietor in lcrschold intcrcst of Hrirhkumr Bhqwrji Kotcchr, botlr of P.O. Box 18, Kicumu in tho thrt piece of land contrining 29,56 hecteres or thcrcrbout, known aa Republic of Kcnyr, uE rEgiltcrcd rr prcprictoru in louchold intcut 23E9IIIIA,!N, liturte within Mombrsr Municiprlity in Kilifi District, of thrt piocc of lmd conteining 0.1920 hcctrro or thororboutr, siturto regietcrcd as C.R. 31497, rnd wheus sufficient cvidencc hrs bccn in thc district of , rcgirErcd undcr ccrtificrtc No, rdduccd to show that the seid subJerse hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn Kicumufl\,Iunicipdity Block 8/210, rnd whcur cuffrcicnt cvidcnce thrt rftcr the expintion of rixty (60) dryr fiom tho drte hercof, I chrll hu boon rdduced to rhow dut trc cortificrtc of lcrrc iuucd thorpof issuc r provisionrl certificrrc of title provided thrt no objcction hes hu bccn lost, notice io givcn thet rftcr thc cxpintion of lixty (60) dryr bccn rcccivcd within thrt pcriod. from thc drtc hcroof, I rhdl iccuc r ncw ccnificrs of lcuc prwidcd thrt no objoction hrs bocn received within thrt pcriod. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. D. J. SAFARI, Drrcd the 2tth Ocobcr,2016. MN247796t Raglstrar ofThlcs, Distrlct, G. O. NYANOWESO, MN2/7799E Land Rcgistru, Kkuna fustl$lcst Dlstricts,

G^ZETTE NcncE No. E7t5 GMETTE NcncE No. 87E9 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RECiISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 otbl2) ISSTJE OF A PR,OVISIONAL CERTIFICATE ISSUE OF A NEw CERTIFrcATE oF LEASE WHEREAS John Korir rnp Trgok, of P.O. Box 2790-E0100, Mombasa in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistcred as proprieor in WHEREAS Drvid lvlrchrh Ituneu (ID/18{X69), of P.O, Box leasehold intrrcst of thrt piecc of lend contrining 4.055 hcctrres or 5551, Ruin in thc R.cpublic of Kcnyr, ic regisuod rs proprictor in thcreabout, known rs L.R. 7549, Mdindi, siturtc within Malindi lcrschold intcrcst of thrt piccc of lmd contrining 0.5000 hcctere or Municipality in Kilifi District, rcgistcrcd es C.R. 28413, rnd whcrces thcrcrborts, siturtc in thc district of Thikr, rcgirtcrcd undcr ccrtificrtc sufficicnt evidcncc has bccn adduccd to show thrt thc srid sub-lcesc No. Ruin/lOU Block 211295, rnd whcrcer suffrcicnt cviderce hrs has bocn lost, noticc is givcn thrt eftcr thc expiretion of sixty (60) deys bccn edduced to show thrt thc ccrtificarc of lcrsc iscued thercof hrE from thc drtc hcrcof, I shdl issue a provisional ccrtificerc of title been lost, notice is given dtrt rftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) drys provided thet no objcction hrs bccn rcccived within thrt period. from thc datc hercof, I shall issrrc e ncw certificatc of lcese providcd that no objcction has bccn rrccivcd within thar pcriod. Datcd the 28th Octobcr,2016. D, J, SAFARI, Detcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. MN2477513 Registrar of Titlcs, Mombasa District. P.K.KIMAM, MxJ2477539 Land Rcgittrar, Thikt Disnict.

GAzEmE NcrncE No. 8786 GAzsnE NcrncB No. 8790 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TIIE LAND R,EGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 of20l2) ISSI,JE OF NEW CERTIFICATES OF LEASE IssI.,E oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Fredrick Otieno Adhenje, of P.O. Box 2764, Kisumu WHEREAS Benzrni hopcrties Limitcd, P.O. Box 99139, in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgisrcred as propricor in lcrsehold of Mombesr in the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgisrcred as proprictor in intcrcst of all thosc picces of lend containing 0.0371 hcctrre or leaschold ownership intcrcst of all that piccc of land situerc in thc thcreabouts, situatc in the district of Kisumu, regisrcred under district of Kilifi, known es L.R. fi25n47 registcred undcr titlc No. C. ccrtificatc Nos. Kisumu/Municipality Block 4/231, 232 nd 233 and R. 54761, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn adduccd to show whcreas sufficicnt evidence has becn adduced to show that the that the land title dccd issucd thcreof hes becn lost, noticc is givcn that ccrtificates of lcase issued thercof have been lost, notice is givel that aftcr the cxpintion ofsixty (60) days from thc detc hcrcof, I shall issuc aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) deys from thc date hercof, I shall issue a new titlc decd provided that no obiction hes bcen reccivcd within new certificates of lease providcd that no objection has been receivcd that pcriod. witlin that period. Dated the 28th Octobcr,2016. Dated thc 28th October,2016. D. J. SAFARI, G. O. NYANGWESO, NIN247O3O5 Iand Rcgistrar, Mombasa District. MN2470174 Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Dist/icts.

GAzE,nENcflCENo. 8791 GAZErrE NsncE No. 8787 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No.3 of2Ol2) ISSI,JE OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED ISSI,'E OF A K,OUSIONAL CERTMCATE WHEREAS Daniel M. Karobio (ID/0847459), of P.O. Box 301, WHEREAS Fort hopertics Limited, of P.O. Box 83565-80lm, lrnct, in thc Republic of Kenya, is regisrcred as proprietor in Mombasa in the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgisrcred as proprictor in absolutc ownership intercst of all that piecc of land containing 0.4330 frcehold ownership of all that piece of land known as MN/II/761, hectare or thereabouts, situatc in the disrict of Nakuru, regisrcrcd sioate within Mombasa Municipality, Mombasa District, by virtue of undcr titlc No. SolaiA,ldungiri Block 3/347 (Wanyorcro "B"), and a ccrtificatc of title registcred as C.R.. 8399, and whercas sufficient whercas sufficient evidcncc has bcen adduccd to show that thc land evidence has been adduced to show that the said ccrtificate of title has title deed issued thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is given that after thc bccn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issuc a ncw from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional ccrtificate of title titlc dced provided that no objection has been received within that provided that no objcction has been received within that pcriod. period. Darcd the 28th Octob€r,2016. Dated the 28th October,2016. J. G. WANJOHI, M. SIJNGU, MN2.417533 Retist/ar of Titlcs, Ivlombasa. MRn47mt2 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. I I I I 28th Octobcr,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4409

OAzErrrB NoflcB No, t792 oAzBrrENsncBNo, t796

THE LAND REOISTR.ATION ACT T}IE LAND REOISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) lMo,3 ol20l2) IssUB oF A NEw L^NDNTI.B DBBD IssUB oF N8w L^ND.I.ITE DBEDI WHEREAS Joroph Krmrndr Gioclto, of F.O, Bor 126, NrIuru ln WHBBBAS (l) JopFh Orko Ornt, (2) Iohn Oordon Olilo rnd (3) tho RopuUlc of Konyr, ir rrglrurcd u pnpdotor ln rbrclutc Timothy Ayiolo Olrng, dl of P,O, Box 501, Kirumu h thc Ropubllc ownonhip lnbrort of dl Ort piocc of lrnd oonhininj l.(X9 hoctru or of Konyl rn rtirtcrcd m pwrtotofl in rbrcluto owncnhip inbrcil thororbout, riturto in thc dlrrict of Nturu, rcgirlorcd undor tith No, of rll thoro piroor of lrnd conhininj 5O hcotrnr or lhoto$out, riturb NrkuruEuor0ichobollS9, ud whorsu rufficiont ovidomo hu hoon in tho dirriot of Kirumu, rc3irtond undsr titlo No, rdduocd b rhow tbrt tho lrnd titlo docd irruod thorcof hu boon lort, KirumqNyrhordl963 rnd 1060, rnd whorom ruffioicnt evidonoc h.r notice ir givcn tht rftcr tbc orpindon of dxty (60) dryr ftom thc Crt! boon rdduood h rhow thrl tho lrnd tidc Coodr iuuod thonofhrvo boon homf, I rhdl iuuo r now tith docd providcd thrt no obirction hu lort, notico ir 3ivon thrt rftir tho oxpintion of tirry (tr) Cryt fiom tho boon rocoirod within thlt poriod, drto horoof, I rhrll iuuo now tidc doodr povidrd hrt no ohfrtotion hm bcon rocoivcd within thrt poriod. D.tod tho ztth Ocbbor,2016. M. SUNOU. Drnd tho 2tth Ocobor.2016. MR/247046? lead Rcgl*rar, Nehxru Dlrttlct. o. o. NYANOWESO, MR/2470305 bnd Rcrlsner, Klaunu EcttlWett Dhlttolr.

OAza[tsNsncBNo. t793 GAzEmtsNsncBNo. t797 TTIE LAND REOISTRATION ACT THE LAND REOI8TMTION ACT 1No.3{2ot2) (No.xd2olz) IscI.E * A }.IBw LAND TtlLB DFED ISTUE OF A NFW LAIIDfiTI-EDFFD WHEREAS aphotu Chobii, of P,O, Box 13931, Nrtun h the Ropublh of Konyr. ir ngitond u prcpriotol in rbroluto ownonhip WHEBEAS Akelo Mrmr Houlinj Co.qentivr Noeicty, of F.O. intorort of rll thrt pioce of hnd contdnLU 0.039 hootrr or Bor 4103, Kondolc in tho lopublio of Kcnyr, ir rghtpnd u thorrboutr, riturto h tho dirrict of Nrturu. regirtaod un&r dtlo No. plopnotor in rbrolut* ownenhip hbnrt of rll hrt pir* of lrnd Krnpi yr Eotdl(rqn y. moto Elock 7/120 rnd whomr rutficicnt connhht hoel$! or thoErbo{tr, riHrF in tho direio of evidence trr boon rduaod b rhov ttrt the lrnd titlo dccd hnod f,,irunu, roSi*cpd urdcr (tlo No. Kirumu/Xonyrrt?, tnd whorcp thormf hu boa hrt. notico ir givon thrt rfor Oo orpintkrn of tixty ruffrcicnt cvidencc hu boon r#uccd lo rhqw thrt the hnd tith drcd (60) dryc from thc Ot! hcrlof, I rhrll iruo r ncw dth dmd pmvldod iruod thenof hm h00n lort, mtipo ir $von hrt rficr tho cxpintion of thl no ohirction hrr bon ncoivcd wihin thrt poriod. rixB (CI) dryr from thc drtc horpof, I rhrll imuo r npw title deod providcd thltho o\irction hr hccn recpived withh thrt penod. Ihtod tho 2tth Qcohor.2016. M. SUNGU, Drbd tho ?lh (htobgr,2016, MR/2470121 Inl Registr*, iVq*{rr l&rd?t, o, o. NYANOWEqO, Itfl/2470305 Lard Rcgistrar, Kictmu futtlWctt Ditttictt.

GAzElrB NsrIcB No. 8794 GAzEniENoncENo. l?gt TIIB LAND REOISTRA1IION AgT I'I{E LAI{D BEOISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ol2) (No.3 ol2{t2) IssTE oF A I.{Bw L.IND TITLE DEED IssI.TE oF NBw LANpTITIEDBEP WHBREAS Miahrl Otiono Roru, of P.O. Bor 135E. Xirumu in ^ tho Roprblic of Konyr, is rogirtorod u pogriotor in rhroluto wtFREAq Borlinp Alrih Kitoto, of F.O. Box ?rl?, f,irumu in ownonhip rntorort of rll thrt pitrco of hnd cmninhg 0.42 heotff or thp Bepublip of Xpnyr, h rcgirtc. lpd rr pppripnr in rhrolutc piocc pf ponhinuu 1,22 thorcrbouts, siturb in thc distriet of Kisumu, rogisered under ti& Nq. ownonhip inleprt of rll hat lrnd hpctrrpc or KisunulDqoD6, rnd whorers eufficiGnt cvidcoc4 hrr hxn ddrtood thqerhout, situets in thp disrict of Kirumu, rcgirtcrcd un&r titb No. !o show thrt tho lrnd titto dood kuad thcrlof hfi ben hct, notfun ir Kirunulf,snyC53?4, rrd whprrp srffrciont ovidon* hrs bc€n givoa thrt rftor tbo oxpir*ion of rixry (0) deyl fton tb drtg hcrlof, I rdducod to rho* thrt th: lrnd titlr dood irruC thprof lnr hm lpnt, givcn ((0) dryc slull issuo r now tith dmd providod thet no obirtioll hu hoon noticc ir thrt $pr thc expintion of r8ty from th: drto rcccivod withiq thrt porfurd. hcpqf, I shrll iuuo t Dcw titlc dopp ptovidc4 het no objcction hrs hoon rcccivcd within dut pcriod. thc 2ttb Ocobor,2016. c. o. NYANGWESO, Drtsd thc 2tth Octobpr,2016. MR/2470174 Iard la6isfer, Xistrrntt Errttl$lcr, pr{Ftcrs. c. o. }{YAHOWESo, lv$/2470305 Iand Rcsittrar, Kisumu hstlWcit Dittrbfi.

GAzErrENs[cBNo. 81]95 GAzErrENsucENo. l?99 fiIE LAND RBOISTMTION ACT THE LAND NEOIBTBATION ACT (No.tof&lz) (No.3 olDl2) IssUE q A NBw LANDTITLE T,EED ISSUE OF A NFW I-ANBTITI-E DEED WHEREAS Is..c Ahq Atingr, of P.O. Eox 634?, Kiqumu in lhe Ropublic of Kcnyr, h n,irrnd rr in fhrolgtt pspership WffiREAS Yivinn Alusph Olicao, of P'Q. Por 255, Xiru*o FroFriete,f NEFyr, in $rolub intcrost of rll lh.t Foco of land coqteiohg 0.0? hcchre oI tlft?4bQulc, tht RCnublie 0f h nfhtend m Fmpriptpr " gwnen6iF pf phpe of hnd ponnining 0.15 heets$ or siturb in thc dhriet of Xicumu, rcgistcrod UcCQr Nq. intcprt dl tlrrt ti$lF title No. Kisumu/Krsuh/3?32, rd wtan F ufEchst Qyidf$s9 hfc h€n th$rrhqr$, rifurt? m tlp dhfiet sf Khurnu' trgiEbFFd lnder hoon rdducod b rlnu thr rho lmd uih deed hruod thongf hfr hoep lqft, f,irumuffqrmvo0, rnd tvh?nrf, nuffiriatt evidpnc hrr bpen lors notico ie givon thrt rfur 60 crFlntion sf *xty (0) Cfllq figm ttf qrfe rCduprd m iheiv tng fu hnd fitb dtld inucd hemf hrr lh? ?xFirntion sf rBtv (fl) drvr from thc deto hercof, I strrll is$n r mw (ith deeC pmvidd thnt nc ehifflistt hes nctisc it tiv$ thil &t title prnvidod thu no oFtsption hm bccn rccoirrod wtthin fut poriod. hereof, I thdl i$ue r npw docd hten roeeived vithin $rt pcno4. Drbd tlto 28O (htohcn 2016. oclpher,2016. G. p. HYANSWHS, DEB(I the ?fltlt MRA,i?0I74 lad xr.flilmer, l(irffiil k*tlfttlphF.clr. G.Q.NYANGWF.SO' tm/e470101 l+*d fr.lktar, *inna h$tYlarl Dftrrr'ctr. 44t0 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2tth Octobcr.20l6

OAZETT" NoncB No. 88oo OAzErrB NoflcE No. tt04 THE LAND RECIISTRATION ACT TIIB LAND RECiISTRATION ACT (No,3 ol20l2) (No' t ot20l2)

IssUB oF NBw L^ND TTI"B DBBD IssUE oF A NBw L^ND TITI,E DEBD ^ WHEREAS Otlono Ororc, P,O, of Box 87991. Mombut in thc WHEREAS Mlldnd Aklnyi Omondl, of P,O, Box 1335, Kirumu Rcpublic o-f Kcnyr, lr ruglrrrcd u proprlctor ln rbrolutc owncnhip ln tho Rcpubltc of Konyr, lr rcglrorcd prcprictor in $rolutc intsrcrt ploco t. of dl thrt of lrnd contrinlry Q,{{{ fus6p ei owncnhlp lntcrcrt of rll thtt piccc of lrnd conhinlry 0,03 hochrt or thonrboutr, ln tho rlture dlrrlct of Khumu, rc3irbrcd undcr tltlc No, thcnrboutr. .lturtc ln thc dlrtrlct of Klrumu, rcglrtorcd under tldc No, Kirumu/Kurtongl2{, whcrcm rutllclont md cvldcncc hu bccn KirumuAilrthorcgo/4l5l, rnd whcnu rufflcicnt ovidGncc htr bccn dduccd rhow thc lrnd titlc b thtt dccd hruod hcrcof hrs born loct. rdduccd b rhow thrt thc lurd tltlo dcod larucd thorcof hrr bccn lort, notlcc ir glvcn thrt rftor thc (O) crplntlon of tlxty dryo from thc drtc noticc ir glvcn thrt rflor thc cxplr.tion of llxty (60) dryr from ttr dm hcrcof, lrruo provldcd I rhrll I ncw tltlc dccd thtt no objcctlon hm hcnof, I rhrll lrruo r now tltlc docd provldcd thrt no objcction hrr boon wlthln pcrlod, rcccivcd thrt bccn rucolvcd wlthln thrt pcrlod, Drtod thc 2tth Octobcr.2016, Drtcd thc 28th ocobcr.2015, o, o, NYANOWESO. G, O, NYANGWESO, MM1470305 Land$rut, Kkumu Dttfilett, fustlhtt MR121179t1 lnnd Rtjl*rar, Kltumu Ea*llVttt Dlsllictt,

O^ZEII!NoflcBNo, ttot OAzEmBNoncBNo, lt05 I THE LAND RBOISTRATION AET THE LAND REGIS1RATION ACT I (No.l ol20l2) (No,l ol20l2) 1 ; IS9UE OF A NBW LANDTITIE DBED IstUE oF A NBw LAND TITLB DEED WHERBAS Otlcno Ororc, of P,O, Box t7991, Mombur ln the Rcpubllc of Kcnyt, lr n;lrbrrd m prpprlctor In rbrslutc owncnhlp WHERBAS Jorhur Omolo Drchc, of P,O, Box 85, Klrumu ln thc lnbtlrt of rll thrt plccc of lrnd contelnhg 0,23 hcctl$ or thcrcrbouti, Rcpubllc of Kcnyr, lr mjlrercd rr pro,prlctor ln tholutc oumcnhlp lntcrcrt pleco 3lturtc ln thc dlrtslct of Klrumu, rctlttrrcd undcr tltle No, of dl thrt sf lrnd contelnlng 0,6 heourt or thombouh, dturto the dlrtrict No, Klrumu/I(rnbn3li223, md whcrcu rufflclcnt cvidcncc hu boen ln of Klrumu, rEtllbrcd under titlc Klrumu/Kmule/1505, rdduccd b rhow hrt hc lrnd tltlc dced luucd hcrpof hu bcen lsrt, rnd whcnu rufflclent evldonce hu been rdduced tho notlco h glvcn hrt rfur thc cxplntlon of tlxty (6()) dryt fiom the dre b ,how thrt lrnd tldc dced lrrued horeof hu been lo:t. notlcc (O) hcrpsf, I rhrll lrruc r ncw tltlc docd povldcd thrt n'o obJectlon hm h tlvcn thrt drr thc oxplntlon of rlxty dryl from the drtc becn rccolvcd wlthln thrt pcrlod, honof, I :hrll lmue r nsw tltlc deed provlded thrt no objectlon hu bocn rccclved wlthln hrt prlod, Drbd the 2lth Oaober,2016, G, O. NYANGWESO, Drted the 2tth Octobor,20l6, MMt47030r bnd Rc2ktrar, Klwmu EaillYlcrt Dlttrlett, O, O, NYANOWBIIO. *mt2177981 Land Rqknar, Kkunu EaEtltllcrt Dllfilett,

GAzEirrrNoflcBNo, t802 OAZEI.IBNoflcENo, u05 THB LAND RBGISTRATION ACT TI{B LAND REGISMAUON AET (No,3 ot20l2) (No,3 ol20l2) IsstJE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Wilson Midcga Owade, of P.O. Box 240, Kisumu in WHEREAS Elizabcth Atieno Nyabangc, of P.O. Box Kisumu the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprieor in absolute 849, ownership intcrcst of all that piece of land containing 0.12 hectarc or in thc R.cpublic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest all picce thercabouts, situatc in the district of Kisumu, rcgistercd under title No. of that of land containing 0.130 hectare or thereabouts, situatc in dre district of Kisumu, rcgisterrd undcr titlc No. Kisumu/Kasulc/llE, and whercas sufficicnt evidcncc has been adduccd to show that the tand titlc deed issue.d thereof has been los! Kisumu/Konya./4923, arf, whereas sufficicnt evidence has becn adduced show that the land deed issucd has lost, noticc is given that after thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc date to tidc thereof been noticc is given that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a ncw titlc decd providcd that no objection has becn rcceived within that period hcrcof, I shall issuc a new titlc deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datcd the 28th Octobcr,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Dated the 28th October.2016. MN2470r87 Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Dist/icts. G. O. T.IYANGWESO, MR12470305 Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts.

GAzErrE NoncE No. 8803 GAzErtENoncENo. E807 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) (No.3 of20l2) IssT,E oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED IssI.JE oF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Francisca Awino Owiyo, of P.O. Box 453, Kisumu in WHEREAS Bcnard Otieno Amungo, of P.O. Box 1697, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistercd as proprietor in absolute Republic Kenya, registered as proprictor absolute owncrship intcrcst of all that piecc of land containing 0.28 hectare or the of is in ownership intcrcst that piecc land containing 0.035 hectare or thereabouts, situatc in thc district of Kisumu, rcgistered under title No. of all of thercabouts, situatc in the Kisumu, registcred undcr title No. Kisumu/1rlyalunyal3l94, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been district of evidcnce has been adduccd to show that the land titlc decd issued thcreof has bcen lost, Kisumu/l.lyalunyal37ffi, and whercas suffrcient adduced to show that thc land titlc dced issued thcreof has becn lost, noticc is givcn that afrcr the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hercof, I shall issuc a ncw titlc deed providcd thet no objection has bccn rcceived within that period. hcrcof, I shall issue a new title decd providcd that no objection has been rcceivcd within that period. Darcd drc 28th Ocobcr,20t6. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, G. O. NYANGWESO, MR/2470305 Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. MN2477998 Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. I 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 44tl

G^ZETTE NoflcE No, 880t G^zErrBNcmcENo. E8l2


(No.3 oJ2012) (No.3 ol2Ol2) IssUE oF A N8w LANDTITT,B DEBD IssuE oF A NEw LAND TITT.B DEED WHEREAS Rrphrcl Muchoki Mwrngi, of P.O. Box 38t, Nyai in WHEREAS Zrkryo Shiundu Chobi, is rcgirtcrcd rs propriotor in thc Ropublic of Kcnye, ir rogirtorcd u propriotor in rbroluto picce absolutp own*rhip intcrtst of all thrt of lmd contrrining E,4 ownorhip int rcBt of dl thet piccc of hnd contdning 1.09 hcctrru or hcctrlls or thcrpebout, citurtc in thc district of Krkrmcge, regirtcrcd thembout, riturrc in thc dirtrict of Nyori, rcgirercd undu titlo No. under titlc No. NAilrngvlvtrtungu/S9l, rnd wheus sufficicnt Mwcigr Block W45, end wherprc sufficient cvidorrcc hu bccn evidencc hrs bccn rdduced to show thrt thc hnd title docd issucd rdduced b show thrt thc lrnd titlc dccd iuucd thcrcof hu bccn lort, thcrcof hrs bccn lost, noticc is given thrt rftcr thc oxpiretion of sixty notice is given thrt rftor thc cxpintion of sixty (@) dryc from thc drrc (60) drys from the drto hcrcof, I rhdl isruc r ncw title dccd providcd hcreof, I shdl isruc r ncw titlc dccd providod thrt no objcction hu thrt no objection hrs bccn rtccivcd within thrt pcriod. bccn rpccived within thrt pcriod.

Drtcd the 2Eth Ocbbcr,2016. Drtcd the 2tth October.2016. H. L. MBAUTSI, S. M. MWANZIA, MRn470t24 Land Regktrar, Kakanuga Dlstrlct, MR/24701lE l-and Rcghtrar, Disniu.


THE LAND REOISTRATION ACT TI{E LAND RECIIS1RATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 of20l2) IssUB oF A NBw L^ND TTTLB DBBD ISSUB OF A NBW L^ND Ti,i.!,E DEED WHEREAS Benjrmin Kilonzo John, of P,O, Box 1536, Krngundo WHEREAS Simeon Mrrckr Blcyo, ir rcgirtcrrd u popricor in in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, ir rcgirtcrrd es proprictor in rbsolutc rbsolutc owncrship intrrclt of dl thet p,:ce of hnd contrining 1.0 ownonhip intcrect of dl thrt piccc of lend contrining 2.37 hccuros or hcctm or thercrbouts, siturtc in the distr,.t of Krkemcgr, rcgiltcrcd thcrcrbout, siturtc in thc dictrict of Mrchrtos, rcgirtcrcd un&r titlc under title No. Krkemcgr/Lumdondr/2511, rnd whcrcrs sufficicnt No. Donyo SrbuM(omuock Block ln$71, rnd whcrtrc suffrcicnt evidencc hrs becn rdduced to chow that thc lend titlc dccd ic$cd cvidcncc hrs bcen edduced to show thet thc hnd tide decd ieeued thercof hrs becn lost, noticc is givcn thet aftcr thc cxpintion of sixty thcrcof hu bccn lost, notice ic given thet eftcr thc cxpintion of rixty (60) drys from the detc hereof, I shrll issuc a ncw titlc dccd providcd (60) deyc from thc drtc hcrcof, I shdl issuc r ncw tidc decd providcd thrt no objection has bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. that no obiction hes bccn rpceived within thrt pcriod. Detcd thc 2Eth Octobcr,2016. Detpd thc 2Eth October,2016. H. L, MBALITSI, F. M. MUTHUI, MN2470453 land Rcgisnar, Maclubs Distrtct. MR12470124 Land Rcgistrar, Kakancga Dktrict,

GAzErrtsNcrncENo. Et14 GAzErrE NoflcE No. 88 l0 TT{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.1 of2ol2) (No.3 oJ20r2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DBED IssuE oF A NBw LANDTITI,E DEED WHEREAS Aniccnt Mrthcke Mubcle, of P.O. Box 68, Ithengr in WHBREAS Frrncis Anundr Kitrbi, is rcgistcrEd as proprictor in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is regietcred es proprictor in rbcolurc ebeolutc ownership intcrcst of rll thrt piccc of hnd siturtc in thc ownership intcrcst of ell thrt piccc of land contdning 0.0375 hcctrrc dishict of Krkrmcgr, regisrcrcd undcr titlc No. Idrkho/Lukor/,107, or thererbouts, liturrc in thc district of Mrchekos, rcghtcrcd undcr and whcrcs sufficicnt cvidcncc hrs becn adduccd to show thrt Oc titlc No. Donyo Srbuk/Kommck Block I/9319, end whcreas sufficicnt lend titlc dccd issued thcrpof hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn thet rftcr cvidcncc hrs bccn rdduccd to show thrt thc lend titlc dccd issucd givcn the cxpirrtion of sixty (60) deys from thc &tc hermf, I shdl iesue e thcreof hrs bccn lost, noticc is thet eftcr thc expintion of sixty (60) providcd ncw titlc dccd provided trat no objcction hrs bocn rcccivcd within thrt. drys from thc drtc hcroof, I shdl issuc r new titlc dccd pcriod. thet no objection hrs bccn rcccivcd within thet period. Drtcd the 2tth Octobcr.2016. Dercd thc 28th Ocober,2016. G. M. NJOROGE, H, L. MBALITSI, MR/247001I Iztrd Rcgistrar, Maclubs District. MRn470t24 land Rcgistrar, Kahame ga District.

GAzErrE NcrncE No. 88 15 GAzErrE No[cE No. 88 I I TI{E LAND RBGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 d2ot2) (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTTTLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Moscs Kieric hven Mwrngi elias Moscs Kierii (ID/3596300), P.O. 526, Thikr thc Republic of WHEREAS John Weigwr Wechin, of P.O. Box 579{0614, is Mwangi of Box in Kenya, is rcgistcred ls propricor in absolutc owncrship inrcrcst of rll rcgisrcrcd as proprictor in absolurc owncrship intcrcst of dl that piccc thet piccc of land conteining O.2O23 hcctrrc or thcreabouts, sioarc in of land containing 1 l hcctares or thcrcrbout, situetc in thc dishict of district Munng'a, rrgistercd undcr No. Nyeri, registcrcd undcr titlc No. Tctu/Ikreihu/185, ud whorcas thc of titlc Mitubiri/Wcmpa/Blxk 21436, and whcrcr sufficicnt cvidcncc hes sufficient evidcncc has bcen adduccd to show that thc land titlc dccd bccn adduccd to show thrt thc lend titlc dccd issucd thcrcofhs bccn issucd thcreof has bccn lost, noticc is given thet aftcr thc cxpiration of lost, notice is givcn thet aftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) drys fmm thc sixry (60) days from thc darc hcrcof, shall issuc a ncw titlc dccd I darc hcreof, I shell issuc a ncw tidc dccd providcd thet no obiction providcd that no objcction has bcen rcccivcd within thet pcriod. has bccn reccived within thet pcriod. Dated the 28th Octobcr,2016. Dercd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. s. M. MWAI.TZ,AW'4, N. N. NJENGA, MR/24701l8 Land Registrar, Nycri District. MN2410199 Iznd Rcgistrar, Murang' a District. 4412 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th Ocobcr, 2016

OAzBrrENoilcBNo, tt16 O^zRflE NoncE No. 8t20 THE LAND RBOISTRATION ACT THE LAND RBOISIRATION ACT (No,3 ol20l2) (No.3 olNt2) IISUE oF A NBw LANDTTn,B DBED IIII,E oF A NBw LAND NTT.B DBBD WHEREAS BlU.h Klbc KUo (ID/72605,1J). of P,O, Box 12t02, WHBRBAS Frmclr Olthlqll Ivlbudrll' thc pcronrl Fpr$ntrtlvc Nelrobt In thc Rcpubllc of Kcnyr, h rttlrbrtd u propdcor ln of Grthrh Orldru Brtcry Llnltsd, of P,O, Eor 220, Klrldnl ln tlrc rbroluh owmnhlp lnhrcrt of rll $rt plece of lrnd connlnlng 0,14 Rcpubllc of Kcnyr, h rc3hbrrd u plprLbr ln $rolur ovmcnhlp hoctrt or hclc$oub, rltu.E ln thc dlrrlct of Munn;'r, rcgitercd lnenrt of rll th.t pbcr of lmd conulnln3 0,04 hochn or thcrcrborrh, undor tltlc No, Mrkuyu/Itrrlrlnl8lbcl l/796r rnd whonil rufllclont .lturts ln ho dlrElct of Munn3't, rc3lrbnd undcr tlth No, Lac. .vl&ncG hu bton rddu€rd b rhow && ftc hnd tltlo dcd luucd lllKh$nzA, rnd whprcrr rufllcbnt cvldcnc hu bccn dduocd m tlurrof hrl bcrn lort, notlcc Ir 3lwn hrt rfhr thc crplntlon of rlrty rhow dtrt thr lmd ddc dccd luucd hcrcof hu bcon lort, nodcc lr (60) dryl fi'om thc drts hcraf, I rhrll lnuc r ncw tltlc dood provldcd glvcn dtrt rftcr thc cxplntlon of rlrty (O) dryr from tho drr hcrcof, I $rt no obJcctlon hrr bcn rccclvcd wlthln thrt potod, rhdl lrruc r ncw tltlc dccd provldrd ftrt no obJocdon hu bccn nccivcd wlthln dut pcrlod, Drcd drc 2lth Ocobor,2016, M. W. KAMAU, Drtsd hc 2tth ()cbhr,2016. MM470u? Land Rcghtrur, Mwung'a Dkfflel, M, W. XAMAU, MR2470r 14 la nd lr;ktrur, Itfrtrung'a D$lrlet, oAztftr Noilet No, lu? oAZEilIE Noret No, l!21 TTIE LAND RBOISIRATION ACT TIIB LAND RH}ISITATION AgI i (No,3 olfrL2) I (No,3 al?ol2) ItIt[ OF A NEW LAND NIE DEBD , IIIUE Oi A NEw LANDTI1L! DEID WHBREAS lVrwru ltburu (IDr0190t0't), of P,O, Bor 150, J Kulr.lnl in thc Rqubllc of l(rnyr, ll n3lrrred u proprleor ln WHERBAS Rqlnr N;cndo NJoqo, sf P,O, Bor !, Krnol h thr 1 rbrslur ownrr$lp lnbnrt of rll thrt pho. sf lrnd contelnl4 0,2(n3 Rrpublk of Kltyi h nlhhrd u prqrbor h rholur owntnhlp hronn sr$out!, rlhnts ln dr dlulot of Munng'r. n;lrrnd lnrnrt of rll firt pLor of lmd cmulnhg 0,(X3 hconn or undrt Hth No, MdruydKtmorsd/Blsek lll2t00, lrd ir{nnu thrnrboutr, dturb ln dr dlrtlct of Munn;'q lldrhrd und.r dtL ufilobnt rvthnc hu trrn rdduod b ilow thrt thr lrnd tlth drcd No, Mrkuyu/l(onnrerltrhol l/3916, rd whuru rilllohnt .vErto. lrrurd drmf hu brn h,rt, rctlor h glvrn thc rfrr fic uplntlon of hu brn rdduod b ilow thrt thr lrnd tltL dxd hrurd drrof hu (60) rhty (60) dryr from 6r dle hrnsf, I :hdl lmue r ncw dtlc dcgd brcn lort, notloc lr Slvrr 6rt rfnr hr rxplntlon of llrty dryr prwldod povldd dnt no oblrodon hu bmn nselwd wldrln thil p€dod, from tlr drh hilof. I ildl lrrw r mw ddr &cd flrt no obJrcrlon hu brn noclvcd wlflrln hrt poil, Dud drc 2tth Oobb.r,2016, M. W, KAMAU, DrcC th 2tth Oerebrr,2016, MMI'I?Oll1 brd Regbnar, Mwaq'a Dhtrlet, M,W,I(AMAU, MR2470479 btd Re7' Etran Mwanj \ Dktrlo t,



WIIEREAS (l) Mrgalet Niri Mwangi ODn912436163) and (2) WHEREAS Eunicc Wanjiru Ngrngr (ID/18522882), of P.O. Box Godfrcy Muthi Thuiya (lDll025232l&), are registcrcd rs proprictors 143E, Thika in ttrc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is registcrcd rs pmptietor in in absohrtc owncrship intcrest of ell th.t piecc of hnd containing 0.02E rbsolutc owncrship intcrest of dl that piccr of lurd containing 0.051 hcctrre or thercSouts, siturte in the distict of Murang'r, registered hcctere or thcrcabouts, situat in thc district of Thika, rcgisered undcr undcr title No. M.kuyuAirkuyu/Block llr94l, md whcrcx sufEcient titlc No. Kiambu./Munyulm$, .rA whcrcts srfEcicnt cvidcnce hes evidtncc lS Ucen ldduoed to show trat the land tide decd issued bccn dduccd to drow &at thc lmd titlc deed issued thcrcof has bcen thcruof has bta lost, notice is given thet aftcr the expiretion of sixty lost, notkc is givcn thrt efur thc cxpiration of sixty (60) deys ftom ftc (@) ction ftat ho oDi6ctbh has becn receivcd within th.t period. hrs bccn reccived within thet pcriod. hie't trrc 2E$ octobcr' 2016' Drted the 28dr Octobcr,2016. M. w. KAMAU, ,. K. NTOROGE, MRf2170/.73 g D MR/24?OI 14 Lard Rcgistrar, Murang' a District. Land Rc istrar, Thila istric t.

G^zEfiE NsncE No. 8823 GAZEIIE NsrlcE No. 8E I 9 THE LAND REGTSTRATION ACT TI{E LAND RrcISTRATION ACT (No.3 olbt2) (No.3 of20t2) IssUE G A NEw LAND TITI-E DEED IssuE s A NEw LAND TIILE DEED WHEREAS Bcth Wernuhu Mwugi (ID/5751814), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Annc Wmjitu Meina GDE583,|8?), of P.O. hx 252, 7(X), Thikr in thc Rcpublic of Kcnye, is rcgistcrcd m proprictor in Krngifh. in trre Republic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as prcprictor in rbsolut ownershir intcrcst of dl tht picoc of lend siturtc in ftc .bsolut ownership irrrrcst of ill thrt friec of land conteining 0.3O disrict of Thike, rcgistcred undcr title No. I-oc. 16 }{buguti/1059, md hectarc or $ercrbouts, sihrrtc in thc disrict of Murrng'a, registcrcd whcrcas sufficicnt cvkiencc hes bccn .dduccd to show thrt tlrc lmd ,l/1969, under u'tl,e No. Loc. l7Sub-loc. md wtprees sufFrcicnt tidc dccd issucd trcreof hes bccn lost, rmticc is girrcn thet eftcr thc cvidcncc hes been edducod to show thrt 0rc hnd titlc dccd issrcd cxpirrtinn of sixty (60) deys frun thc drtc hcrcof, I shell issuc r ncw thcreof hes bccn lost, notict is givcn that rftcr the cxpiration of sixty titlc dccd plovidcd thet no objcction h.s bccn rcccivcd within thu (60) deys from thc &tc hercof, I shall issuc e rrcw title decd provid pcriod. trrt no objcction hs bccn reccivcd within ftet pcriod. Drtcd drc 28th Octobcr,2016. Dat d ft€ 28dr Octobcr, 2016. J. K. NJOROGE, M. W. KAMAU, MR/2470433 Land Rcg*trar, Thila District. l&.t2170131 Land Registrar, Murang'a Distrbt. 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4413

GAzETr" NorrcE No, 8824 OAzEmE NcfleB No, 8t2t

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGIS1RATION ACT (No.1 of20l2) (No, t ol20t2) IssUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DBBD IssUB oF NEw IAND TTTLB DBE,DS ^ WHBREAS John Wmyolke Kurh (ID22082846), of P,O, Box WHEREAS Potor Mutungr Grchlgl (docrorod), is regirtorcd ru 42325{100, Ndrobl ln fto Rcpubllc of Kenyr, lr rcglrtorrd u pft,priotor in rbsoluto ownonhip int€rcNt of rll thoce plecer of lrnd proprlotor ln rbrohto ownonhlp intoroEt of rll thrt pioco of lrnd contelnlng 1,174 md 1,175 hectrrc. or thercrbout, rlturt€ ln the contrlnlng 1,300 hectrttr or thorcrbout, rlturto ln tho diEtrlct of Thlkr, dlrrlct of Nalvrshr, rqirtcrcd under tltlc Nor, rqlrercd uadcr tltlc No, Rulru hrUJujr Emt Block 21697, ,uird Ndvrrhr&lwichiringlrl Block 4126il nd 2936, rnd whorcm whcmr ruffhlcnr cvldcnco hm bcm dducod to rhow thrt tho lmd rufficlont ovldenco hu bcn dducod to show thrt the lrnd tltlo doodr ddc dood lmucd thorcof hu boon lort, notico lr given thrt rflor tho irruod thcrpof hrve bocn lost, notlee le glvcn that dbr thc cxplntlon oxplntlon of rlxty (60) dryr from the drtc honof, I rhdl lmue r ncw of rtxty (60) dryr from tho drtc hcreof, I rhdl lmuc ncw tltlo docdr ddc docd provUcd thrt no objecion hu bcon rcceivcd wlthln thrt prrvldcd thrt no objcctlon hm bcen rccclvcd wlthln thrt pcrlod, Frlod. Drtod the 2tth Octobor,2016, Drtcd hc 2Etb Octobcr,2016, J.MWAI,JM. J, K, NJOROOE. MV2470015 knd Rcgl*rar, Nalvaila Dlltz.lct, ItIRll4?ol35 bnd Ro t knan Tht *a Dhtr le t,

G^zEmBNsncENo, tt29 GAZETTB NoTcE No, II25 THE IAND RK}ISTRATION AET TI{E LAND RBGISTRATION AET (No,3 of20l2) (No.l of20l2) ISSUE oP A NEw TANDTITI,E DEED ISSUE oF A NEw tAND TTLB DEBD WHEREAS Hororh Krrubare Mwlahlgl GD/3070t17), lr WHBTEAS ldre N*uru Llmitcd, of P,O, Box 561, tndp rsd.brcd $ proprlehr ln rbrcluts owncnhlp lnerert of all thrt pleec Nrkuru ln ths Rcpubllc of Kcnyr, reghrcrcd rs prcprlobr ln lr of lmd connlnlng 2,150 hcctEer or thoFrbout, .Iilrts ln tho dirtrlet rbrolur ownorhlp lnbrnrt of thlt pleoe of lmd eontrlnlng 2,t4 dl of Ndvuhr, rtglffircd und€r tltle No, Nrlvuhrfir{wlohlrlnglrl Bloek h€eten. sr &clqbotrt, rlorts ln tbe dlrtrlst of GrEndu, ngLered 4ll9%, nd wherEm rufflslent evldenee hm been rdduced to rhow under tltlo No, K[utJo/Hrndege/360, md wlrorcm ruftlclent cvldeneo th* ths lrnd dtle deed lmucd thereof hm boen lort, notlee h glven that hu bern rdduocd b rhow thrt he hnd title decd lrrud hereof hu rfhr thc explntlon of rlxty (60) dryr from the drc hercof, I rhrll l::ue been lsrL notlse lr thrt rfpr the explntlon of llxty (60) dryl ;lven r ncw title deed provlded thrt no obJeetlon hr: b€en reeolved wlthln ths rhdl n€w deed pnrulded no ftom drtc heno( I lrrue r tltlo thrt thrt podod, oblesthn hrr ben lteslv.d wlhln thrt prlod, Drtcd the 2tth Oebbor,2016, D*ed 2Bth thc Ootober,2016, J,M, MWATNA, J,W, KAMUYU, MR/217001t bnd Rolktrar, Nalvaila Dlctrlet, Mru24il003 bnd Ro t l*rer, Thtb Dktle t,


ISSI.,E oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED IssI,,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Peter Kamau Mwangi (IDir06585), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Grace Wamaitha Ngugi (lDl3l03206), of P.O. Box 48H090O, Kiambu in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgistcrcd as 162, Uthiru in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in proprictor in absolute owncrship interest of all that picce of land absolute owncrship intercst of all that piece of land containing 0.02t65 containing 4.6 acrcs or thcreabout, situate in thc distict of Kiambu, hectarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered rcgistcrcd under ti0c No. Githunguri/Ikinu/882, and whereas sufficient undcr title No. Kijabe/Kijabe Block lll337l, and whereas sufFrcient evidcncc has beon adduccd to show that the land title decd issucd cvidcnce has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thcrpof has been lost, noticc is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) drys from thc date hercof, I shall issuc a ncw title deed pmvided (60) days from the date hcrcof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has becn rcccived within that pcriod. that no obiction has bcen received within that period. Dated the 28th October,2016. Datcd thc 28th October,2016. G. R. GICHT,JKI, J. M. MWAURA, MN2470164 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. MRtg496827 Land Re gistrar, Naivasha District.

GAzErrE NcrilcE No. 8827 GAZErIE NOTICE NO. 883I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) (No.3 of2ol2) ISSI.IE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSLTE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joan Wangari Kariuki (ID/0488120), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Phinehas Warui Mwaniki (ID/0579O75), of P.O. Box 477M10O, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is regisrcred as 47 Kcrugoya the Rcpublic Kenya, is registered as proprictor in proprictor in absolutc ownership int€rcst of all that piece of land , in of absolute ownership interest that piece land containing 0.1 containing 0.259 hectare or thereabouts, situate in thc district of of all of Kiambu, rcgistcred under title No. Komothaifl(ibichoi/1339, and hectarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, rcgistcred under title No. Mwea/TeberclBl34Bl, and whereas sufficient evidence whcrcas sufficient evidcncc has been adduced to show that the land has been adduced show that the land deed issued thcrcof has title dccd issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that afrcr the to title been lost, notice is given that after the expiration sixty (60) days expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new of provided titlc dccd provided that no objection has been rcceived within that from the date hercof, I shall issue a new title deed that no period. objection has been received within that period. Dated Darcd the 28th October,2016. the 28th October,2016. C. W. NJAGI, G. R. GICHUKI, MR/2470160 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. MN2470152 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District. 44t4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th Octobcr, 2016

OAzmrE NoncE No. 8832 GAZETTE NorncE No, 8836


ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITT,B DEBD ISSTJE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEED ^ I WHERBAS Crthuinc Wrngui Krnyiri (ID/I0t63127), of P,O. WHEREAS Jrckson Mwrniki Muchiri, is rcgirtcrcd u proprietor Box l3l, Srgrnr in thc Rcpublic of Konyr, ic rogirtorod rs proprictor in rbsolutc ownerrhip intcrcst of dl thrt pioco of hnd contrining 0,(N9 in rbsolutr owncnhip intorcst of rll thrt piocc of hnd contrining 0.1I hcctup or therprboutc. siturtc in thc district of Leikipir, rcgirtrrcd hoctrp or thcubouts, in tho disrict of Kirinyrgr, rcgistcrtd undcr titlc No. Lrikipir/t{gobit Supuko Block 213(Jl97 (Wiumiriric), undor title No. Kiino/Srgrnd3l7l, rnd whorprs suffrcient cvidcncc rnd whercrs sufficient cvidcncc hrr becn rdduccd to show thrt thc hu bccn rdduccd to chow thet thc lurd titlc dood igsncd trcrtof hrs lend titlc dced issued thcrcof hls been lost, noticc io givcn thet rftor boon loct, notice ir givcn thet rfter the cxpirrtion of eixty (60) drys thc cxpintion of sixty (60) dryc fiom thc drtc hcrmf, I shrll iseuc r from the drtc hcrcof, I shrll isruc r ncw titlo docd provided thet no new title deed provided thrt no objcction hrs bccn reccived within thrt objection hru bcn rcecived within thrt period. pcriod, Drtld thc 28th Ocobcr,2016. Detcd the 2Eth October,2016. c. w. NJAGI, P. M, MUTEGI, MN2470149 ltnd Rc gistrar, Kirinyaga Disttict. MN2470t34 Land Rcgistrar, Latkipia Dtstrict,


IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLB DEED ISSUB OF NEW LAND TTTI,E DEED WIIEREAS Michrol Kimrni Mugr (ID/I3844901), of P.O. Box ^ WHEREAS Mery Wrnjiru, of P,O. Box 64, Murumbr in the 69, Othryr in tho Ropublic Konyr, is rEgistcrcd rs propricor in of regisrcrcd propriotor i Ropublic of Kcnyr, ir rr in rbcoluE owncr.hip ebsolut owncnhip intorest of dl thrt piccc of hnd conteining 0.0464 inerEst of dl thrt picce of lrnd contrining 1.96t hcctlrr or hectrrc or thcrcrbouu, oiturtc in thc district of Nyrndrnn, registcrcd thcrcrbout, situetc in the district of Lrikipir, rcgiltcrcd undcr titlc No. under title No. NYA/OI Joro Omk Sdicnt/14134, rnd whercrs Mrrmrnet North/Rumuruti Block 2/906 (Ndurumo), rnd whcrpu sufficient evidence hrs becn rdduced to show thrt thc lrnd titlo decd cufflicient evidcnce hrs becn rdduccd to ghow thrt tho hnd titlc doed icsued thorcof hu boen lost, noticc ie givcn hrt rfEr the expintion of irsued thcrcof hrs bcen lost, noticc is givcn hrt rftcr the cxpintion of sixty (60) drye from thc drtc hereof, I shrll icsue r ncw title decd sixty (60) drys fmm thc drrc hcreof, I shrll issuc r ncw titlc dced provided th* no obiction hrs bcen received within thrt period. provided thrt no objection hrs bccn rcccivcd within thrt period. Drtcd thc 2tth October,2016, J, W. KARANJA, Detcd the 2Eth Octobcr,2016. MR/2470037 Land Rcgistrar, NyandarualSamburu Distticts. P. M. MUTEGI, MN2470134 Land Rcgistrar, I-aikipia Dbfficr.

GAZEITE NoTtcE No. 8834 GAzErrE NsIlcE No. 8838 THE LAND RECiISTR,ATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A NEw L^NDTTfl,B DEBD IssUE oF A NBw LANDTITI-E DEED WHERBAS Jrckron Mwrniki Muchiri, is rcgistcrcd u proprictor WHEREAS Fnncis Ndcgwe Kiemr, is rcgistcred rs prcpriclor in in rbrolutc owncnhip intcrost of dl thrt piecc of hnd contrining rbsolutc owncrship intcrpst of dl thrt piccc of hnd contdning 0.809 0.E344 hcctrrp or thcrprbouh, siturrc in the district of Leikipir, hcctlr or thcrcabouts, situetc in thc district of Lritipie, regirtcred rcgistored un&r title No. Leikipir/Ngobit Block 2/958 (Wiyumiriric), undcr titlc No. Erusonyirc/Suguroi Block VIIU86E, md wherers rnd wherers sufficicnt cvidcncc hes bcen rdduccd to show thet the sufficicnt cvidcncc hls bccn edduccd !o show thrt thc hnd titlc deed lend title dccd issucd thcrpof hls bccn lost, noticc is givcn thet rftcr issucd thercof hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn trrt rftcr thc cxpintion of thc cxpintion of eixty (60) drys from thc drrc hcreof, I shell issuc a sixty (60) drys from thc detc hcreof, I shdl issuc r ncw titlc dccd now tide dced provided thet no objcction hrs b€cn rcccivcd within thet providcd thrt no obiction hes bccn rcccivcd within thet pcriod. pcriod. Drtcd the 28th Ocobcr,2016. Detcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. P, M. MUTEGI, P. M, MUTEGI, MN2470134 Land Rcgistrar, Iaikipia District, MN2470t34 bnd Rcgistrar, Iaikipia District.

GAzEmB NcncE No. 8E39 G^zmrE NoncE No. 8835 TIIE LAND RECISTRATION ACT TI{E LAND RECIISTRATION ACT (No.3 ofAot2) (No.3 ol20L2) ISST.JE OF A NEW LAND TTLB DEED ISSUE oF A NEw L^NDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Jrckson Mwaniki Muchiri, is rcgisrcred as proprictor WHEREAS kikipia Pcrmeculturr Ccnuc limitcd, of P.O. Box in ebsolutc owncrship intcrcst of all thet piccc of lend contrining 0.M9 566, Nenyuki in the Rcpublic of Kcnye, is regisrcrcd rs proprictor in hccterc or thcrcrbouts, siturtc in thc district of kikipia, rcgistercd rbsolutc owncrship intcrcst of all thet piccc of land conteining 1.60 undcr tidc No. Leilipir/Ngobit Supuko Block 2/3096 (Wiumiriric), hcctarcs or thereebout, situatc in thc district of Laikipia, registcrcd end whcrees sufficicnt cvidcncc hes bccn edduccd to show thet thc undcr titlc No. Nanyuti/Naibor Block U27l (Kariunge), and whcrces lend tidc decd issucd thcrcof hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn that eftcr sufficicnt cvidcncc has been adduccd to show thet thc hnd titlc dccd thc expiration of sixty (6O) deys from thc derc hcrcof, I shell issue a issucd thcrcof has boen lost, noticc is givcn that aftcr the cxpintion of ncw tidc dccd providcd hat no objcction hrs bccn rcccived within thet sixty (60) days from thc darc hcrcof, I shall issuc a ncw titlc dccd pcriod. providcd that no objection has bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. Dated thc 28th Oclobcr,2016. Datcd the 28th Octobcr,2016. P. M. MUTEGI, P. M. MUTEGI, MR12470134 Iand Rc gistrar, Iaikipia District. MRn470t34 Land Re gistrar, Iaikipia District. 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4415



IssUE oF A NEw L^ND TITLE DEED IssUB oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Gibson Gitonga Ngerc (lD/21779049), of P.O. Box 1VHEREAS Gcoffny Mrkuot Kilole, of P.O, Box l5m-10400, 44, Chukr thc Rcpublic of Kenyr, is rcgistcrcd rs proprictor in Nrnyuki in the Rcpublic of Konyr, is rrgistcred m proprictor in in rbsolutc owncnhip intorcct of rll thrt piocc of hnd conteining 0.100 rbrolurc ownership intcrut of ell thet piocc of hnd contrining 0.tt0 hoctrrc or thererbouu, siturt in the district of Moru South, rcgirtcred hcctrrc or thcubouts, citurr in thc dirtrict of Lrikipir, rcgirtcrcd undcr title No. Krringrni/Ndrgmi/10077, rnd whcrcrs sufficiont undcr titlc No. Drigr/Umende Block l0/6E0 (Timru), rnd whercrs cvidcncc hrs becn rdduccd to show thet thc hnd title dccd irsucd sufficicnt evidence hrs bccn rdducod to show thrt the lmd titlc deed thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt rftcr thc cxpintion of sixty issucd thcrcof hrs bccn lost, notice is givcn trat rftcr the cxpintion of (60) drys from the drtc hcrcof, I shdl issuc r ncw titlc dced providcd cixty (60) dryr fiom the drrc herpof, I shrll iseue r ncw title dced thrt no objection hrs been received within thrt pcriod. pmvidcd thrt no obiction hrs bccn rtccivcd within ftrt pcriod. Drtcd the 28th October,2016, Drted thc 28th October,2016, P.N.KARUfi. P. M. MUTEIGI, MRn470t22 Iand Rcgistrar, Mcru South District. MN2470134 l-and Rcgistrar, bikipio Dlsttict,

GAZmTE NOTICE NO, 8t45 GAzErrB NsncE No. 884 I TI{E LAND RECIISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISIRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 ol20t2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw L^NDTITI.8 DEED WHERBAS Wilfted Mutrhi Kanempiu (ID/I1058173), of P.O. WHBREAS Milliccnt Kdmuri <1D123293957r, ir rugistcrcd rs Box 2rO, Chogorie in the Republic of Kenyr, is registcred rs propriotor in eboolutc owncrship inrcrcst of dl thet piccc of lrnd proprictor in rbsolutc owncrship intorest of rll thrt piccc of hnd connining 0,405 hectrre or thercrbouts, siturt! in the dirtrict of Meru, contrining 7.E13 hcctrcs or thcrpebout, siturtc in thc district of Meru rcgistcrcd undcr title No. Abogcte/L-Churc/t76, end whcus South, rcgietcrrd under title No. MwimbiN. Mugumrngo/I53E, rnd sufficicnt cvidcncc hu bccn rdducod to show that thc lend title dccd whcus sufficicnt evidcncc hrs bccn edduccd to show thrt thc lend iseucd thcrcof hrs bocn lort, notice is givcn ftrt rftcr the expintion of title dccd issucd thercof hls bccn lost, noticc is givcn thet eftcr thc (60) sixty (60) drys from thc drto hcreof, I shdl issue r ncw titlc deed cxpintion ofsixty drys from thc derc hereof, I shrll issuc r new providod thrt no objcction her becn rcccivcd within thrt period. titlc decd providcd thet no objection hes been rcceivcd within thrt pcriod. Drrcd the 2Eth Ocobcr,2016. Detcd the 28th Octobcr,2016. B, K, KAMWARO, P. N. KARUTI, MN2477525 Land Rcgistrar, Mcru Distrlct, MR(z.7M26 Land Rcgistrar, Mcru South District,

G^zErrE NcnrcB No. 8842 GAZRrTBNcncENo. EE46 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RECiISTR,ATION ACT (No.3 ol2it2) (No.3 ol20r2) IssI,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF NEw LAND fiTLE DEED ^ WHEREAS Frrncis Mutwiri Muriuki (1D129O23926), is rcgisrcred WHEREAS Benson Mugcndi Mbdc (lDll26ln5q, of P.O. Box es proprictor in rbsolutc owncrship intcrest of rll thrt piece of lend 1550ffi100, Nrirobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is regisrcred as contrining 0.10 hcctare or thcrcabouts, situatc in thc district of Mcru, prcprictor in rbsolutc ovmership intcrcst of ell thrt piecc of land registcred undcr title No. Nyrki/Iv{unithu/2614, and whcrers sufficient conteining 0.101 hcctarc or thcrcrbouts, situetc in the district of Mcru cvidcncc hrs bccn rdduccd !o show thrt thc lurd titlc dccd issued South, rcgistcred undcr titlc No. KeringrniA.{dtg.nD*10, end whcreas thcrrof hes bccn lost, notice is givcn thrt rftcr thc expintion of sixty sufficicnt cvidencc has bccn adduccd !o show that the land titlc deed (60) deys from thc drtc hereof, I shall issue e ncw tidc dccd providcd issuod thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn tret rftcr thc cxpiretion of that no objcction hes bccn rrccived within thrt pcriod. sixty (60) days from thc darc hereof, I shdl issuc . new titlc dccd providcd thet no objection has bcen rcccivcd within thrt pcriod. Datcd thc 2Eth Octobcr.2016. B. K. KAMWARO, Dercd thc 28th Octobcr,2015. MRn477525 Land Rcgistrar, Mcru District, G. M, MWAMBIA, MN2470020 Iand Rcgistrar, Mcru South District.

G^zsrrE NoncE No. 8843 G^zErrENqncENo. EE47 TIIE LAND RECIISTRATION ACT THE LAND R,EGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ofzot2) (No.3 oI2Or2) ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTTTLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS M'Mwithimbu M'Arithi (ID/888203), is rcgistcred rs WHEREAS Salama Muthoni Mugcndi (ID/23119250), of P.O. proprictor in ebsolurc owncrship inrcrcst of all that piecc of land Box 15506{X)100, Nairobi in thc Rcpublic of Kenye, is rcgistcred rs con6ining 0.8871 hcctarc or thcrcrbouts, situatc in thc district of proprictor in absolute owncrship intercst of all that piece of land Mcnr, registcred undcr titlc No. Ontulili/Ontulili Block Kathcri/2O5, containing 0.202 hectarc or thercebouts, situarc in the district of Mcru and whcreas sufficicnt cvidcncc has been adduccd oo show that the South, registcred undcr title No. Karingani/i.,ldagani/4809, and whcreas land tidc dccd issucd thcreof has bccn lost, notice is given that eftcr sufficicnt evidence has bccn adduccd to show *rat thc land title dccd thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc derc hcreof, I shall issue a issued thcreof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that aftcr the cxpiration of ncw titlc dccd pmvidcd that no objcction has bccn rcccived within that sixty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issuc a ncw titlc dccd pcriod. providcd that no objcction has been rcccivcd within that pcriod. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. C. M. MAKAU, G. M. MWAMBIA, MN2477525 Land Registrar, Meru Ccntral District. MR/2470019 Land Rcgistrar, Meru South District. 4/.t6 THE KENYA GMETTE 2tth Ocobcr, 2016

GAzErrE NoflcE No, tt4t G^ZRTTE NONCE NO, tt52 TTE LAND REGISTRAflON ACT TI{E LAND REOISTRATION ACT (No.t ol&l2) (No.3 ol&l2) IS$JE G NBw L^ND T.ITLE D8BD IssUB oF A NBw LAND NILB DEED ^ WHEREAS her L, N, Klilr, of PO, Box l4?, Emrll ln drc WI{BREAS Hrllmr Crinent Mwrklro, of P,O, Box 99141, Rqrblic of Kcnyr, lr rcghcrtd rr prqdctor ln rboolue o*nonhip Mombrn tn drc Rcpubllc of Konyr, lr thc rcglrrrrd proptetor of th* lnErrt of dl drd phcc of lrnd canulniry 4,2 h*ta'cr or thcrtrbout, ploce of lrnd dorc ln dtc dlrtrlct of Klltf,, rcEl*crtd un&r dtlo No. d$rb la fic dheict of Nzad, rcainad unda tith t{o. rctilVMtondh/6t4, rnd whcrcu ruffichnt ovldcncc hrr bcn dducGd MdwontN3uur9rl9, rod wtraur rufiichntei,ldcne hrr ben rdducod b rlrov thrt thc hnd tttlo dood lrrucd thoroof hu bon lort, notlco lr b dto? thrt &€ lgtd d& d.Gd harrd ttrrof lur ben hd. notho lr 3lvar th* rtlcr dtc cxpltrtbn of rlxty (f,)) dryr ttom thc dre hcrcof. I dra rfbr du cotpintlon of lkty (60) dryl fhom drc drtc hcraf, I 3lvcn rhrll lmuc r ncw lrnd dflc dlGd pmvHcd ftu m objccdan hu bocn rhrll hfl. r nc* tltlc &cd provHcd th* no obfccdon hm tooa rcooivcduliltutrtp*lod, roclrcd wthln thu pcriod, Dsd frG 2!dr Ocbbcr.2016, Drtod tlro 2lth Ocrobor, x)l5, F. M. NYAKUNDI. ,,A.qlN& l,Rfll'lt1044 lf,ll4r000l LatC Rtrlsnar, tl*tarl Dlttrkt, bd fiotl$w, W Dllrfrlet,

OAzE[.IENoIrcENo,ll49 oAElcNoEcEl{o, t$l IIGLANDREOTSIIATIONACT IIIB LAIYD REGISIXATION ACT (No'3qmn) (No,3 of$ll) I$I.E G NEw LAND EII.8 DBED I!!LE 6 A NEW I,^iIDTT!U MED ^ WHEREAS Bvrno M, C, THRBAS Jumr Mrlomlc Muvlwr, h rcglrfnd u p{optictor ln Ar5o Adu, I n3lrcrcd u Fupricbr $rdub owncnhS itttrcrt of dl Sd of lmd oonuinhrt 7Ol ln rbrolue ovmcnhlp lnErrrt of r[ thrt glcoc of hod lsofihht 0,05 d.a hestmc thcrrboub, hcotH or thcn$o*, Catrt! ln h. dlfitc of Klhll, nd*e$d uodor sr rlnrrr h dr drclst of lrAtod, iltli.nd dtb No. Nddr/I{utqenl/7t7, urd uriour .ufHclfit 0vlhao. hrr udor ttth Ns, Sum Wc*/lVrwar Mltl9, rd rufncbil bccn to t ca rdduord 6 frow thrt fiG lrd dd. drcd lrrucd thsrf hu bru .dd.n$ hu duod fiow flrt d! lnd dg. drd hruod 6m9f hu bra lort, mdoc h tbrt dl$ .lrplrdor of dxry hff, fldloc h Slvm 6rt rftcr *rc cxplrrtbr of llxty (60) drp t'om $. dwn t (60) dryr detr hltref, I aew providcd dtb lrnof, I il{ r mr tHo dood provldcd drrt no oblcdon tiln fu fidl brue I tlth dcrd fqryc thrt no pcrtod hu bcco rteivod withh 6n pcnod obJrcdon hu bar noolvcd within thrt Drilrd th1 zttr Oobb.r, 2016, Ddcd fir 2t& Oobb.r,2016, R M. MTII{UI, G.O,OMilIflJ, MM4704t7 bnd R4letrur, lifigorl, Iez{?o1t5 bttd k 3htrer, Kt tl Dhlrilet,

GAZEfiE NOTICE NO. IttO cAzsrreNoneENo, til4 IIG LAIID TEOITITAIION ACT IIG LAI{D TreN1IATION AET W.Eetnn) Wo,N$nn) IITI,il ff A NTT LAilD IIILE DEED I53t'E ffi A NEW LAND TIfi-E DEED WHEREAS Nnarndi Kcn Maendc, of P'o. Box Zd8!6-OOm, (ID/4580350), WHEREAS Nzyuko Ndeo Muthama of P.O. Box Neircbi in thc Rcpnblic of Kcnyl is regisrcred as proprictor in 5542-80200, Melindi thc Rcpn$lic Kcnya, rcgistcrcd as in of is absolutc owncrstrip intcrcst of all thd pi:cc of land coflt ining 2.0 proprictor in ebsolutc ouinership intcrest that piccc of dl of land hcctercs or tlrcrcebort, situarc in trc districr of Keiirdo, rcgiscrcd situerc in thc dist'rct of Kilffi, registcrcd undcr title No. Singweya urdcr titlc No. Kajiado/Kirtcngclzl3707, md whcrcs srfficiont ".{"/Mjudicetion/3i5, rnd wlrcrces sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn cvidencc has bccn rdducd to show thrf thc land titlc dccd issucd ddnccd b sbow ttrd dtc lmd titlc dccd issued thcrcof h.s bocn lost, thcreof hes bccn lost, noticc is givcn thet aftcr thc cxpfoation d sixty noticc is givcn tht aftcr the cxpintion of sixry (60) &ys ftom thc darc (60) days from thc drrc hsrcof, I shdl iszuc e ncw titb provktcd hcrtof, I shell issuc I ncw titlc docd provirtcd thet no objccrion hls &cd that no objcction has bccn rcccivcd wilhin pcriod. bccn reccivcd rithin thet pcriod. th.t Dtcd ttrc 28th october, 2015. Detcd thc ZDth Octobcr,2016. N. D. NYAMB.ASO, J. T. BAO, MR/2470104 Land Rcgistar, Kajido District. NnD470tt2 Land Registrar, Kilifi District.

GAzEmE NcnrcE No. 8855 GAzErrE NsncE No. 8851 TXIE I-AND REGISTRATION ACT TIE LAND REGISTR,ATION ACT (No.3'dmtz) (No.3 ofNl2) IssUE oF A NEw LAITD TIIE MED IssUE oF NEw LAND TNI.E DEDS WI{EREAS M.ry Writrnt KriEti, of P.O. Box 5347-00200, WHEREAS Shomri Jumr Mohrmcd, of P.O. Box 99141, Nairobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyl is regiscrcd rs proprir:tor in Mqnbrsa in nrc Rcpl$lic of Kcrrye, is thc rcgistcrcd goprictor of ebsolurc owacrship intorcst of ril thrt.picc. of ,hnd conUiriag 0.1070 thosc picccs of lmd dtsrdc in thc distbt of Kilifi, rcgisercd rur&r hcctrc or$dts, sitratc in trc iHstict of Kqjiedo, rcgistcrett title Nos. KilifiAltoadia/841,842,843 erd 8t14, and whcrces zufficicnt undcr title No. Kejiedo/Kaptici-l.Ioml/2663, end u,lrcrers sufficiont cvidcnce has becn rdilrrccd to show thet thc land titlc deods issrrcd cvfolencc has bccn rdduccd to show ihrt dE lfid uUc dccd ismcd thcrcof hrvc bccn lo*, mticc is givcn th.t.ftcr thc expir.ti(n of sixty ftcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that rfter thc expiration of sixty (60) deys from thc datc hcreof, I shdl issuc ncw lend title dccds (60) deys from thc drtc hcrcof, I shdl issuc I ncw titlc decd providcd providcd thet no objcction has bccn reccivcd within thu period. that ao ob|rction has becn rcccivod within tha pcriod. Drtcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. Drtcd drc 28th Octobs,2016. F. M. NTAKI.JNDI, N.D. NYAMBASO, MR/2481044 Land Rcgistrar, Kilifi District. MR424.70t37 Land Registrar, Xejiado District.

t 2tth Ocober,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 44t7

OAzElrrENoflcBNo, tt56 OAzErrtsNoncBNo. tt60 THE LAND RBEISTRATION ACT THE LAND REOISTRATION ACT (No.9 of20l2) (No,l ol20l2) ISIUE oF A NBW LANDTIT,B DBBD IssIJB oF NEw L^ND TIfl.E I}EED ^ WHEREAS Tnpct olc Kruwctl Munc (IDO090237\, of P,O, Box WHEREAS Nlcholm Jumr Wrndcn, lr rcjlrtad rr proprlcor ln 60, Nrmrntr ln tlr Rcpubllc of Konyr. lr n3lrtsrcd m propdctor tn rbroluts owncnhlp lnrrcrt of dl dtrt plc-o of hnd contdnlnl 0.04 rbrolum owncnhlp lnbnrt of rll thlt plccc of lrnd connlnlnj 145,52 hccbrc or drrcrbouts, riErb ln dr dlrulcr of Burlr. m3lrrrcd undcr hsoturr or thcttrbuq rlturh ln thc dlrnlct of K{lrdo, rqlrtod tldc No. Srmlr/EqJwmgdl659, rnd wlrmu rufflcbnt cvldcno hrr undor tltlc No, KrJlrdo/Iamturue/l lt7, rnd whcrpu rufrlclcnt bon ddtrccd to drow dr* ftc lmd dtlc dccd lrucd thcrcof hu bccn svldonoc hu bcon dduood b rhow 6rt tI! lrtd tl0c dood lrruod lort, notlcr ir glvon 6rt rftcr ftc crylntbn of fity (60) dry. ftonr dr€ thcrcof hu bon lort, nodoc ir dut rfur thc crplntlon of rlrty 3lvon dro hcroo( I ilrll lrruo r mw tldo dood provldcd hu no obJoc.don (60) dryr fipm tlrc drb hcrpf, I rhrll luuc r ncw dtlc dccd provldcd hrr bocn rcclwd wlhln hrt Frbd, thrt no obJcctlon hu bcn nctlvcd wl$ln hrt Frlod, Drbd hr 2th Ocobcr,2016, DrEd thl 2lh Ocbbcr,2016, SIEPIIBT{ KAMIAOA. I.M.WAMBUA. t,nn17133t Laad Rtthttw, Dtrhlloto Dl,f:ktr, Mn/1l4!1016 Iaad Rogktror, Kelhdo Dhfilcl

GAzErrENoilc!No, t!57 oAZEntNOnCrNO, ttSl TI{E LAND REOISIRATION AqI 1I{B LAND Rq}ISIRATION ACT (No,l ol20l2) (No.lolfrtl) IstIE NBwLAT{DITII,EDIED IiIt,B OF NEw LANDTITL! DBED G ^ ^ WHEREAS Bdwrd Klnuhlr Wrmbu flDm372ll9), of P,O, lor WHEIEAS F*rr Muclpn W$d!n, h rqhmrd u $!prt tor ln 57103, N&obl ln tu Rqubllc of Kcnyr, lr rqbrnd u proprtctor ln rbdur ownrnlilg lntcut of rll dut plooc of hnd oornhht 0,15 &rolun ownrnhlp lnen* ol rll thrt phc. of lrnd mntrhlq l,{0 hrctrn or ttrnrbout, rlHrh h S. dllflot of Budr qillrnd udcr hectrnr or thrnrbouh rlanr ln hr dlrlct of KrJlrdo, nghrnd thh No, Buthryo/Irlundlkdl4t6,.nd wh.rtu elillclont cvldpnor hu undcr tltb No, K{lrdo0lohoro Onyon627l, md whmu $dllohilt trn dfuo.d b ltow dtrt fu hd dtL d..d hurd thonof hu brn rvldrnc hu hrn rdduod b rhow dtd tb lrtrd dtb drd lrrrd lo*, nothr lr glvm 6* rfirr dtr crplntbn of rlrty (60) dryr ftffi $r drmf hu brn lorq nodor lr jlvcn $rt lfr $r uplntlon of rhty drt hltof, I rhrll hrur r mw tltL drd povHrd dta no obJrotlon (60).dryr from tlrc dre hrmf, I rhrll hrur r nrw dth d;d provldrd hu bln rrolvrd wlthh 6rtprdod, thrt no obJocdon wlhln hrt pcrlod, hu brn ncrlved Drtd fu 2ldr OooDcr,2016, Drcd drc 2tth oo6b€r,2016, STEII{BN I(AMBAOA, o, w, Mt tr{o, \Rtal75r' W ir.tht'rr, Dutfficto Dhnbn, MnY2't704tl b;d Rclhtrer, Kell& NafihDhttb;

oAZffitl{orre3l{o, lt52 oAzfilrNOrrerNO, 1Ll: IIIB LAID IffiTTTAilOI{ ACT TT{B LAND REOIT1IAIION ACT (No,r{nn) (No.1offrl2) IssI.,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw L^ND TITLE DEED ryHEREAS Nicholes Pius Wrfule Wesike, of P.O. Box 1806, WHEREAS Joscph Kibuchi Wang'ombc (ID/230217E), of P.O. Bungome ia thc Rcp,rblic of Kcnyl is rcgisrcrcd es propricor in Box 69690, Neirobi in thc Rcpnblic of Kcn1a, is rcgiscrcd es rbrolurc owncrship intcrcst of dl thrt piccc of lmd containing 0.80 prcprictor in absolutc owncrship intcrrst of dl thet pice of lmd hcctere or thcrcrborts, siare& in lhc district of Tcso, rcgistcrcd un&r conteining 1.9 hcctares or thcrcabout, situetc in thc distict of titlc No. So*h Tcso/Angormo/6489, md *Ircrcrs mrfEcbnt evidcncc Kejiado, rcgisrcrcd undcr titlc No. Kajiedor0lckesrsi66l, rrd whcrtes lns bccn rd&icld to show th.t lrnd dccd issncd has suffrcicnt cvklencc hes bccn rdduccd toshow thrt dlc l.(d titlc dcod 6c titlc thereof bccn lost, noticc givcn that (6O) issucd thcrcof hes bccn lost, rrcticc is givcn ther eftcr thc cxpintion of is rftcr thc cxpintion of sixty days sixty (60) days from thc derc hcrcof, I shall i$rc e nc* titlc dccd from thc drtc hcrcof, I shdl issuc r ncw title dccd providcd that no pcriod. provided that no obiction hes bccn reccivcd wihin fta pcriod. objcction has bccn reccivcd within thet Deted thc 28th octobcr,2016. Drrcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. M. I.BII.II)W, STEPHEN KAMBAGA, MR/2,t70141 Land Rcgistra4 Kajido Norrt Disailrr. Nm.n48rc24 Latd Rcgistrar, BusialTeso Districts.

GAzErrENoncENo. Et59 GAzErrENoncENo. 8863


(No.3 otfrl2) (No.3 oJ2OlZ)

IssT,E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEP ISSTIE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED (IDlll7l222J2),, is es WHEREAS Mpetinge olc Srdcn rcgistcrcd WHEREAS Mrrtin Dzombo Muinge @P/1553114), is thc prcprictor in rbsofurc owncrship intcrcst of dl thet piccc of hnd bcrcficid owncr of thet parccl of lend siturtc in Kwelc District, cmtdning 0.93 hccfii or ttErc.bouts, siturte ia thc disnrict of Nro&, rcgistcrcd un&r titb No. Kwdc/Shimonil290, end whcreu suffrcicnt whereas rcgistcrcd un&r titlc No. Cis-Menlolclcstty,,l79zS, rd evi&ncc hrs bccn edducpd to show drt thc llnd titlc dccd issucd hes bcen rdducod to show that thc led tidc dc.d sufficicnt cvidcncc thcrcof hrs bcon lost, noticc is givcn thet eftcr thc cxpintion of sixty hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn th* eftcr thc cxpintiot of i$su€d trcrcof (60) days frorn thc detc holof, I shdl istuc e ncw titlc dccd provitlcd sixty (60) deys fron thc darc hcrcof, I shell issuc e ncw titb dccd thrt no objcction hes bccn reccivcd within thet pcriod. provkled dnt no objcction hs bccn rcccircd w,ithin thrr pcriod. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. Drtcd ttro 28th Octobcr,2016. P.MAKIM, N. N. MUTISO, MRt247798E Lancl Rcgistrar, Kwak District. Mn2l70,tl8 Land Registrar, Narok NorrtlSouth Districts. 44t8 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016


IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUB oF A NBw LAND TITI,E DEED WHEREAS (l) Joephrt Kipkocch Ycgo and (2) Bmily Chcplcting WHEREAS Drniol Odongo Scwc, of Siryr in thc Republic of Yego, boh of P.O, Box 335, Krpsebct in the Ropublic of Konyr, is Konyr, is rcgistcrcd rs proprictor in rbsolurc ownonhip inrcrrrt of rll rcgistcred rs proprictor in rbrolurc owncrship intcrcst of dl thrt piccc thrt piccc of hnd contrining 0,92 hoctur or thererbouu, siturtc in tho of lmd contrining 2,02 hccutrs or thcrcabout, siturtc in hc disrict of dirtrict of Siryr, rcgiorcrcd undcr title No. Ccnud Nrndi, registcred under titlc No. Nrndi/Kemobo/3697, rnd whcms AlcgoNyrlgungr/240E, rnd whercrs suffrcient cvidcncc hes bc€n sufficicnt cvidcncc hrs becn rdduced to show thrt thc lrnd titlc dccd rdduccd b ehow thrt the lud titlc dccd icsucd thercof has bccn lost, given l issucd thcrcof hrs bcen lost, notice is hrt rfter the expintion of noticc is given thrt rftor thc expiretion of rixty (60) deys from ttrc drtc eixty (60) drys from thc drtc hercof, shdl issue ncw title dced I r hercof, I shrll issue r ncw titlc dccd providcd thrt no objcction hm i providcd thrt no objcction hrs bcen rcccivcd within thrt period. j bccn rrccivcd within thrt period. Drtcd tho 28th Octobcr.2016. DrEd rhe 28th Octobcr,2016. I. W. SABIJNI, l M, MACHORA, ( NIRa470t33 land Rcgistrar, Nandi District, MR/2470138 Land Rcgistrar, Stayo Dlstrict, t

G^zErTE NoTIcE No. 8865 GAZmTE NsncE No. 8t69 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTR,ATION ACT (No,3 of2}l2) (No,3 of2ol2) IssI.,E oF A NEw LAND TTTLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TIn.E DEED WHEREAS Enokr Bnzir Mulrmr, of P.O. Box 307, Krpsrbct in the Republic of Kenyr, ir regirtcrcd as prcprictor in rbsolurc WHEREAS Joscph Ayrr Okcch, of Ndori in thc Republic of ownenhip int rcBt of dl thrt piece of lrnd contrining 0.33 hcctrrc or Kcnyr, is rcgisrcred rs prcprictror in rbroluto owncrrhip intcrcst of dl { thertrbouu, siturtc in thc disrict of Nrndi, rcgirtered undcr title No. thrt piccc of hnd conuining L3 hcctrrcr or thcrcebout, situetc in thc 't Nandi/Kamobo/528, rnd whercrs suffrcient evidence hls bcen disrict of Siryr, registcred undcr titlc No. South GcmrRcra/I20E, rnd edduccd b show thrt thc land titlc dccd issucd thcreof hes been lost, whcrers sufficicnt evidcncc her bcen rdduccd to show thet thc hnd noticc is given that drcr thc expirrtion of sixty (@) drys from thc drtc titlc dced issuad thcrmf has bccn los! noticc ir givcn thrt rftcr thc hcreof, I shdl issue r new title dced provided thrt no objection hes cxpintion of sixty (60) drys from thc drtc hcreof, I shdl issuc r new been rcceivcd within thrt period. titlc dccd providcd thrt no objcction hm bccn rcceivcd within thrt pcriod. Dstcd thc 28th October,2016, I. W. SABIJNI, Drrcd thc 2Eth Octobcr,2016. MR/2470133 Land Rcgistrar, Nandi District. M. MACHORA, MR/2470305 Land Rcgistrar, Siaya District,

GMETTB NoTIcE No, 8866 GAZEI'TE Nc,ncE No. 8E7O THE LAND REGTSTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT IssUE oF A NEw LAND TIfl.E DEED (No.3 ol20l2) WHEREAS Joshue Luvrhr, of P.O, Box I, Hemisi in the Republic ISSI,,E oF A NEw L^NDTITLB DBED proprietor of Kcnye, is rcgistcred rs in rbsolurc ownership inrcrcst of WHEREAS Wilson Onyrngo Lubdo, is rcgirtcrcd as proprictor in all piecc contdning 0.20 hecterc or thcreebouts, situatc in thrt of hnd ebsolurc owncrship intcrEst of ell thet piccc of hnd containing 1.0 thc district of Hmisi, registcrcd undcr titlc No. /Hemisi hcctrrc or thcrprbouts, siturtc in thc district of Ugcnyr, registcrcd rnd wherers hes bccn adduccd to show "A"1157, sufficicnt cvidcncc undcr titlc No. Eest Ugenya/Anyikol2S@, md whcrcu sufficicnt thrt thc lend titlc dccd issucd thcrcof has bccn lost, notice is givcn thet evidcncc has bcen rdduccd to show thet thc hnd title dccd issucd rftcr thc expintion of sixty (60) deys from the derc hcreoi I shdl issuc thcrcof hes bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt eftcr thc expintion of sixty a new titlc dccd providcd thet no objection hes been rcccivcd within (60) drys from thc detc hcrmf, I shrll issuc e ncw titlc dccd providcd thet period. that no objcction hrs bcen rpccived within thrt period. Drtcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. K.M.OKWARO, Drrcd thc 2Ettr Ocobcr,2016. D. DI.JLO, MR/2470036 land Rcgistrar, Hamisi District. O. vRn470tt3 Land Rc gistrar, U gcnyal U gunja Districts.

GAZETTE NcncE No. 8867 G^zEmENcncENo. 8871 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) (No.3 of2012) IssI.,E oF A NEw LANDTIILE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TTTLEDEED WHEREAS Alfeyo Indiazi, of P.O. Box 59, in thc Republic of Kcnya, is regisrcred as proprietor in absolurc owncrship WHEREAS Charlcs Obongo, is registcred rs proprictor in absolutc intcrest of all that piccc of land containing 0.6 hcctarc or thereabouts, owncrship intcrcst of all that piccc of land containing 2.4 hectar€s or situatc in thc district of Sabatia, regisrcred undcr titlc No. thcrcabout, situatc in thc district of Rrchuonyo, registercd undcr titlc Kakamcga./Kivagale/1037, and whereas sufficicnt evidencc has bccn No. East Karachuonyo/Kogwcno Rakwaro/I45, and whcrcas sufficicnt adduccd to show that thc land tidc dccd issucd thercof has bccn lost, evidence has bccn adduccd to show thet thc hnd titlc dccd issucd noticc is given thet afrcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc derc thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty hereof, I shall issuc a ncw title dccd providcd that no objcction has (60) days from the detc hcreof, I shall issuc a ncw titlc dced providcd bcen rcccivcd within that pcriod. that no objcction has bcen rcceivcd within thet pcriod. Dated the 28th October.2016. Datcd thc 28th Oclobcr,2016. K.M.OKWARO, E. O. ABUNDU, MN2470t23 Land Rcgistrar, Sabatia District. MR/2470130 Land Registrar, Rachuony fust, SouthlNorth Districts. 28th Octobcr, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 44t9

OAzBmENorrcENo, tt72 thc drto horpof. I ehrll procccd rnd rcconruuct the lrnd rltistor rs provided undcr soction 33 (5) of thc Act, providod thrt no objoctlon THE L2ID REGISTRATION ACT hm bccn rccGivod within thrt period, (No,3 of20l2) Ddcd thc 2tth Octobcr,2016, IssUB oF A NEw L^ND TITLB DBED G, M, MUYANOA. MV2470195 Land Rcglwar, Nalrobl, WHSRBnS Willirm Mlrlrr Okwrro, ir rcghtorcd rr propriotor in rbroluts ownonhip lntorprt of rll thrt picco of lrnd conhlnlng 0,46 hoctut or thorclbouh, rlturtc in tho dhnlct of Nyrndo, rcglrtorrd OAzEflE NofleE No, 8t76 undor.tltlo No, Klrumu/Bordcr/38?3, rnd whorrs rufflcicnt cvldcncc hm bccn rdduccd to rhow thrt thc lrnd titlo dod irrucd horpof hu THE LAND RBGISTRATION ACT bccn lort, notlcc l. glvcn thrt rftor tho cxplrrtion of rixry (60) dryl (No.9 ol20l2) fiom tho drtc horcof, I rhdl lrruo r ncw titlo dood prwidod thrt no objoctlon hu bcn rccoivcd wlthin thrt pertod, RECoNSTRUcnoN OF LosT OR DBSTRoYED LAND RBoISTER

Drtod tho 2tth OctobGr.2016, WHBREAS Jrcob Murlun3i Murcr, of P,O, Box 2936-60200. S, L. WBRB. Mcru ln hc Republlc of Kenyr, h rcglrtsrcd rr pmpricbr of dl thrt MRy2470l 16 l,and Rtglrtrur, Nyando Dlwlct, thrt ploco of lrnd known rr t,R, No, 2tnn54, rlturt ln Tlmru Townrhlp ln Mcru Dhtrlct, rcgirhrcd by vlrtue of r lnnt rc8ht!rcd rr LR, No, 96150, md whcu. rulflclGnt cvldcnec hm boen rdduccd to GAZBTTBNoTIcBNo. tB73 rhow thrt thc lrnd rcthtcr ln rcrpcct of tho lrnd tltlo dccd hu beon lorUmlrplrcod .nd offorh mdo to loartc tho rrld lmd rclhtcr hrva THE LAND RK}ISTRATION AET frllod, notlco lr ;lvon thrt rftsr the oxplntlon of rlxty (60) dryr from the dre hcrpof, I rhdl proccod rnd ceonrtrruct tho lmd rn3lrtsr (No,3 u of20l2) provldcd undcr rectlon 33 (5) of the Act, provldod thrt no obj€ctlon perlod, IssTE oF A NBw LAND TIn,B DEED hm boon rccolvod wlthln thrt tho WHEREAS Bonfrco Ogrllo Amollo, of P,O, Box 14, Chomclll ln Drtod 2tth Oetobor,2016, Konyr, lr rcglrercd u prcprlctor ln rbrolue ownonhlp lntcrcrt of dl O,M. MUYAN6A. Lond Rc Natrobt, thrt plcce of lmd conninlng 0,39 hectrrc or hercrbouts, rlturn ln the ttl&l?/17976 rlEtar, dlrrlct of Nyrndo, rcglrtsrcd undcr tltlc No, Klrumu/Sldho Bmt/1919, rnd whenrr rufflclent evldonce hu bcen rddueed ts rhow thrt tho lrnd tltlo dcod l:rucd thercof hu becn lort, notlc€ l. glven thrt rfter OAZB1TB NOIEE NO. 8877 the explntlon of rixty (60) dryr ftom the drte hcrco( I rhrll luuo r new tltle deod provldcd 6rt no obJeetlon hrs ben rccelved wlthln thrt THB LAND RBGISTRATION AET prlod, (Na,3 of20l2)

Drted the 2tth Oember,2016, REeoNslxucnoN oF LosT oR DESIIoYED IAND REoISTEn S, L, WERE, (l) (2) MM470l 16 bnd Rogl$rar, Nyondo Dl*rlet, WHEREAS Gordhrndu Dhsr,mlhl rnd Brothen timlnd, r ltmltsd ll&lllty oomprny lnsorponted ln the Republlo of Kenyr, both of P,0, Box 46t2641000, Nrlrcbl ln the Republle of Kenye, rrc rctlmrd rs pr€prlebn of rll thrt pleee of lrnd known ar t,R, No, GMErENofleENo, tt74 209nnl, tlturtc ln fie Ndlobl Munlelpdlty (Town) ln Nrlrobl THB tAND RBGISTRATION AET DhElet, reglstercd by vlrtue of r eeftlfierts of tltlr rcglsErcd ar I,R, No, t902, and whereas sufflelent evldcnce har been addueed to show (No.3 of2Ol2) that the land register in respect of the land title deed has been losUmisplaced and efforts madc to locate the said land register have ISSUE oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED failcd, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from WHEREAS George Odhiambo Pambo, of P.O. Box 402, Bondo in thc date hereof, I shall procecd and reconstruct thc land register as (5) Kenya, is rcgistered as proprietor in absolute ownership inter€st of all provided under section 33 of the Act, provided that no objection that picce of land containing 0.27 hectare or thercabouts, siurarc in thc has been received within that period. district of Bondo, rcgistered under title No. South Dated the 28th October,2016. Sakwa,iBarkowinol43l2, whereas and suffrcient evidence has becn G. M. MUYANGA, adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bccn lost, MRn470033 Land Re g istrar, Nair obi. notice is givcn that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc darc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has bccn receivcd within that period. GAzErrE NcncB No. 8878 Darcd the 28th October.2016. G.M. MALI.JNDU, TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT MRt912tt51 Land Registrar, Bondo District. (No.3 of2ol2)


GAzEmE NorrcE No. 8875 WHEREAS Ratilal Gosar Dodhia, of P.O. Box 337-30200, Kitale in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registcred as proprietor of all that piece of THE REGISTRATION LAND ACT land known as L.R. No. 2116183ll, situatc in Kitalc Municipality in (No.3 ol2ol2) Trans Nzoia District, registered by virtue of a grant rcgistered as I.R. No. 9895, and whercas sufficient evidence has becn adduccd to show RECONSTRL,CTION LOST OF OR DESTROYED LAND REOTSTER that the land register in respcct of the land title dccd has been WHEREAS Moses Masika Wctang'ula, of P.O. Box 10741- lost/misplaced and efforts made to leate thc said land rcgistcr have failed, givcn (60) 00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor of notice is that after thc cxpiration of sixty days from all that that piece of land known as L.R. No. 1055/36 (Original No. the date hereof, I shall pmceed and rEconstruct thc land rcgister as (5) l055ll2ll), situate in ti: city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, provided under scction 33 of the Act, provided that no objection registered by virtue of an rndenture registercd in Volume Nzl4, Folio has been reccivcd within that period. 7ll8, File 13612, and whereas sufficient evidence has bcen adduccd to Dated the 28th Octobcr,2016. show that the land rcgistcr in respect has of the land title deed bccn G. M. MI,JYANGA, lost/misplaced and cfforts made to thc said land register havc leatc 1v1RJ2477957 land Re gistrar, Nairobi. failcd, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from M20 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th Octobcr,2016

G^zErfiNorrcBNo, 8879 OAzErrBNoilcBNo, t8t2

THE LAND REGISTMTION ACT TIIE LAND R,EOISTMTION ACT (No.l ol20l2) (No.3 ol20l2) IssUB oF A NBw OR,BBN CARD RBcoNsl"UcToN oF LotIT oR DBSTRoYBD LAND RB(IISTBR WHBRBAS Nnrmdl Kon Mrondo, of P,O, Box ?0t30-{XXP. WHEREAS Pcpoo Invorunonb Limitod, of P.O. Box 430,15- Nrirobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, ir rc;irtorcd u propdoor ln 00100, Ndrobi in thc R.cpublic of Konyr, ir rcgirtorcd u pmprlobr ln rbroluo owncnhip lntout of dl thrt plocc ol lrnd contdnlry 2,0 lorcchold intcrcot of dl thrt piocc of lud known u 3232ll/[{N, riturtc hoct]pr or thotc.bout, liturt! in tho dirnict of Kqilrdo, roglrtcrcd in Mombur Municipdity in Mombur DirEict, rc3irtercd m C,R. undcr titlo No. Kqiirdo/KltongoleBilT, md whorpu ruflicicnt 18619, end whorou rufficiont ovidcncc hu bccn dduod o rhow thrt cvidcnco hu bcn rdduood to rhow thrt ho grcon crrd lrarcd thorcof (60) thc doGd filc in rorpoct of thlr lrnd titlc hu bcon lort/mirplrcod, md hu boon lqt, notico ir 3lvon thrt rftor thc orpintlon of dxty dryr from tlro drto horoof, I rhdl opcn r rrw odltlon gren crd provi&d whcur tho ownon hrvo oxocutcd r dood of indomnlty in frvour of thc thrt no obirction hu boon rocoivod within thrt poriod, Govcmmmt of thc Ropublic of Konyr, notico ir givcn thrt rftor thc oxpintion of lixty (60) dryr fiom tho drto horcof, unlou r wrlttcn Drtod tho 28th Octobcr 2016, objrrction ir rccclvod within thrt poriod, I rhdl procood with tho N. D. NYAMBASO, rcgirurtion of thc rdd dccd of indomnlty urd rEconlhuct trc &od filo MRll.l70l04 Land Rc1ktrar, Kql& Di,sttct. u providod undcr tho provirionc of roction 33 (5) of ttro Act.

Drtod tho 2tth Octobcr,2016. G^zErrENoilcENo, tt83 J. O. WANJOHI, T}IE LAND RBGISTMTION ACT MRlt470l45 Land Rc glstrar, Mombaso, (No.3 ol2Or2)

REOISTRATIOhI OF INSIX,UMBNT GAZETTENoTICENo. SttO WHEREAS Continontrl Holdingr Limibd, r limitod lirbility THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT comprny incorpontod in tho Rcprblic of Kcnyr, of P.O. Box 652J1- 008m, Nrircbi in tho Ropublic of Konyr, lr rcgirtcnd u prcprioor of (No.3 of20l2) dl thrt pioco of lrnd contrinlng 0.4056 hocterc or thorcrbotr, known rr L.R. No. lE7ONll2, rinnto in tho city of Nrfuobi in the Nrimbi RECONSIXUCTTON OF A I.OSTOR MISPLACED GRBEN CARD Arer, rnd wherers Coopcntivc Benk of Kenye Limibd, hu oxocubd en instrumont of dirchrryc of chrrgc in frvour of Continontrl Holding WHEREAS (l) Mohrmod Fuid rdil md (2) AMul Jdili Ydri, Limitcd, end whour m rfri&vit hes bcon fillcd in totms of roction 65 prcprictors in owncnhip intcrcrt of thet rrt rrgirtcred rt rbrolutc dl (l) (ft) of thc seid Act, doclrring thrt tho srid gnnt rcgirtorcd u I.R. picce of lend contrining 0.820 hccfie or thertrbouts, rituetc in thc 6ltE0 is not eveilrblc for rcgistrrtiorl noticc is given thrt rftor thc district of Kilifi, regirtcrcd undcr titlc No. Kilifi/IimbtD92, ud expintion of fourtccn (14) deys ftom thc drtc hcrcof, providod no whcus thc grcen crrd for thet puticulrr lud tide dccd crnnot bc vdid objcction hu bcn rcccivcd wi6in dtrt period, I intond !o locrtod or rrccd, md whcrou dl offortr mrdc !o thc grecn crd dirpcnsc with tho prcduction of thc srid gnnt rnd prccood with tho of thc reid lmd titlc dcd hrvc hilcd, noticc ie givcn 6et rficr thc rcgictrrtion of thc uid dirchrrge of chrrgc. cxpintion of rixty (60) dryc from dre drtc hcrcof, I intcnd to Dead thc 28dr Octobcr,2015. rcconstruct r new glacn cerd md proccod with thc trnncrctionr with B. F, ATIBNO, rcgud to thc reid prrccl of hnd, and upon ruch rcgiourtion the lort MRt2470167 Rcgktrar of Tiths, Nalrobl, grecn card constructrd crrlicr with the prccisc entrics shdl bc dccmed as crnccllcd rnd of no cffcct. G^ZETTE NoTIcE No. 88E4 Drtcd thc 2Eth October 2016. F. M. NYAKTJNDI, THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT MRn470d,69 Lond Rcgistrar, Kilifi District. (No.3 ol20l2)


(deccrsed), P.O. 2935, GAzEmENoncENo. 8881 WHEREAS Semwcl Ngigc Gituro of Box in thc Rcprblic of Kcnye, is regisrcred rs prcprictor of drosc TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT picccs of hnd known .8 Eldorctrlv{unicipdity Block 16 (Krmukunji/289 , 157 , 431, 2l;6, 526, 620, 429, 285, 2U md 2t3, (No.3 of 2nr2) siturtc in the disrict of Ursin Gishu, rnd wherps thc rt Eldorot in nrcccsrion ceurc No. 253 of 1999, hes issucd grurt of lcttcrs Iss[,E oPA K,ousIoNAL NDENTI,JRE of edministrrtion and ccrtificetc of confirmrtion of gnnt in frvour of Pctcr Gichrnr Ngigc, of P.O. Box 2936, Eldorct, end whcrcas thc seid WHEREAS Ngubro Ketrno, of P.O. Box 657-AO7J0' Mrlindi in court hrs cxccutcd rn rplicetion to bc rcgirtcrcd ls proprictor by thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is registcrcd rs proprictor in fcc simplc of ell tnnsmission in rcspcct of thc seid pierc of lud regirtercd in thc nemc piecc 187.16 rcrr8 thcrc.bout, known rs thet of land connining or of Semwcl Ngigc Gioro (&cca!cd), end whcrpas thc lmd titlc docd L.R. No. 23, Mdindi, rioetc within Mdindi Municipdity in Kitifi issucd in respcct of thc eeid piccc of lrnd is lost, noticc is givcn thet District, by virhre of .n fudcnfirrc rcgistcred as LT. 38, Folio ,l{)4/1, aftcr thc cxpintion of thirty (30) dryc ftom thc &rc hcrcof, providcd Fttc 3259, urd whcrees sufficicnt cvidence has bccn rdduced to show no vdid ob!rction has bccn reccivcd within tht pcriod, I inrcnd o thet thc srid originel indonhrre hrr bccn lort, noticc is givcn that aftcr dispcnsc with thc production of thc seid hnd tidc dccd end procccd tlre oxpintion of sixty (50) dryr fmm thc drto hcrcof, I shdl issuc r widr registretion of thc reid rpplicrtion to bc rcaiotcrcd rs proprictor by rrnsmission in thc nemc of Petcr Gichrnr Ngige, rnd upon anch pmvisiond indcnHrc plovidod thrt no objr:ction has bcen reccivcd regirretion thc lend titlc dced irrued crrlicr to thc seid Semwcl Ngigc within thet pcriod. Giolro (dcccucd), shell bc doemcd o bc cenccllcd rnd ofno cffcct

Drtcd thc 28th Octobcr, Z)16. Dercd thc 28th October,2016. S. K. MWANGI, E. J. KETER., 1tI8,J2470444 Rc gistrar oJ Tith s, IYlombasa. MR|z.70t47 Iand Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. I 442t I 28th Octobcr.20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE

I i cAzErrE NoncE No, 8t85 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8888 t THE LAND REGISTRATTON ACT THE LAND RECIISTRATION ACT t (No. t of20l2) (No.3 of20l2) t I REoISTRAnoN oF INSTRUUE{T REoISTn,AnoN OF INSTRUMBNT i (dcccucd), t, WHEREAS Miringu Ndongr ic rcIi$orod ro goprhtor WHEREAS Mrrir Mulrnyr Agwony (docouod), of Ydr in tho of thrt pioco of lrnd cortdning 1.360 hocteror or thcrorbort, known u R,opublic of Konyr, lr rogirtsrcd u proprlotor of thrt phco of hnd Ruiru Bert/Ju! Erst Block 2/3t29, siturtp in the district of ftikr, rod t known u Errt Gom/Anyilo/117, rlturt! in thc dlrdct of Siryr, rnd whcrcm fio chiof mgirtrrto'r couft rt Thikr in ruccosgion eruro !.Io, whorcer thc H[h Court il Kirumu in cucco$lon crtre ]ilo. H.C./R,M, 268 of Dl5, hu ircuod gnnt of lottcrc of rdminictr.tion b Zrkrrir t 430 of 2014, h.s ordorod thrt thc reid pkrcr of lrnd bc rcgirtorcd in thc r Miringu Ndongr, end whcrcrc tho hnd titlc &cd iuwd errli* to thp I nuro of Monicr Alollo Anylgo, end whcruu cfrorrr mrdo nid Miringu Ndongr (docorrcd) tur boon rcporrcd miroing or lolt, dl o noticc ic givon thrt lftcr tlrc cxpintion of thirty (30) dryr fi,om thc rccovor thc lrrld tith dood imucd thcnof by thc lrnd rcBistrrr hrvc i (30) drtc horcof, provi&d no vdid ob!:ction hu bccn rccoivod within $.t feilod, nothc io 3ivon thrt rftor tlrc oxpintion of thirty dryl from tho horcof, p'rovi&d no vdid rpcoivod wlthin t period, I intcnd to diopcnro with tho pro&cbn of tho uid lud ti0c drto objoction hu bco dood rnd poceod with thc rcgirurtion of tho rril inrrumilt! of R.L. tht pcriod, I intond b dlcpoor. uittr tho prodwtion of tho uid lrnd 19 rnd R.L. 7, end upon ruch rogirurtion &o lrnd titlo dood trsuod titlo docd ud procood with rcgilhrtion of tho reid 8nnt documont rnd earlior b the srid Miringu Ndongr (docoucd), $dl bG doGrFd to bc icluo r hnd tttlc doGd to dro ceil Monicr Akollo fuiyrngo, rnd upon crncellcd urd of no ofrect. ruch rcgirtrtion the lurd titlc dood issuod culiu to the seid Mrrir Mulrnye Agwcny (dcccu6d), chdl bo docmod o bc crncollod rnd of thc 28ttr Drtcd Octobcr,2016. no cfroct. P.K.KIMANI, MR/2470456 Land Rc g ktror, Thttt Dtsfi lc t, Drtcd tho 2Eth October,2016. M. MOOARE. MR2t70168 Iand Rcgktrar, Siara Dlstrtct, GAZETTE NgrIcE No. 8886

THE LAND R,EGISTRATION ACT G^zErrE NoncE No. 8889 (No.3 of2ot2) TIIE LAND RECiISTR,ATION ACT REOISI?AIIoN oF INsTf,,UMEx.rT (No.3 of2Ot2) WHER.EAS Jemcs Ng'rng'r Hcho (&ccuod), of Embu Eut in tho Republic of Kcnyr, ir rrgisrcrcd es proprietor of thrt picce of hnd REoISIT,ATIoN oF NSIRUMENT contdning 3.94 hcctrrcs or thcrerbout, known rs Kyeni/Kigurn2Et, WHEREAS Shom Omolo Aricbr (dcccrscd), Siryr thc siturtc in the district of Embu, rnd whcrees thc High Court .t of in proprictor piece Milimrni in succcssion crusc No. 1760 of 2010, hrs ordcrod thrt thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is rcgistcred u of thrt of lend seid piccc of lmd bc rcgisrcrcd in thc nemcs of (l) Semucl Hcho known rs Eest Gcm/Lihrndr839, citura in thc dietrict of Sieyr, rnd Ng'mg'e, (2) Musr Njonga Ng'eng'a and (3) Merthe Wujitu whcrcu thc scnior principd mrgictrrtc's court rt Siryr in succcssion Ng'eng'a, and whcrcrs dl cfforts madc to rccovcr thc lurd titlo dccd cruro No. H.C,/R.M. 49 of 2fl)4, hrs odcrcd thrt thc srid picco of issucd in rcspcct of thc srid piccc of hnd by thc hnd regismr hrvc lend bc registored in thc nrmo of Fred Omolo Amolo, end whcrprs dl failcd, noticc is givcn thrt eftcr thc cxpintion of thirty (30) drys from cfforts mrde to rc@vcr thc hnd tide decd issucd thcrrof by thc lend thc datc hcreof, providcd m vdid objcction hrs bccn reccivcd within regisurr hevo feilcd, noticc is givcn thet eftcr thc cxpintion of thirty thet pcriod, I inrcnd to dispcnsc with thc production of thc sdd lend (30) drys from thc drrc hcrmf, providcd no vdid objetion hrs bccn titlc dccd end procccd with registration of thc seid grant document rnd reccivcd within that pcriod, I inrcnd to dispcnsc with thc production of issuc e lend titlc deed to thc said (1) Srmucl Hcho Ng'rng'r, (2) Musr thc said land title dced md prococd with registntion of thc srid gnnt Njcngr Ng'eng'a rnd (3) Marthe Wenjiku Ng'rng'r, md upon such document rnd issuc a lend titlc deed to thc erid Frcd Omolo Amolo, registration thc lrnd titlc dccd issucd cerlicr b thc srid hmcs end upon such regisration thc lrnd title decd issued crrlicr o $c ilid Ng'ang'a Hcho (deceascd), shall bc decnr-d to bc canccllcd rnd of no Shcm Omolo Aricbr (deccescd), shdl bc dccmod to bc cenccllcd end cffect. ofno cffcct. Deted thc 28th Ocobcr,2016. Drtcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. J. M. MI,JNGUTI, M. MOGARE, vN2470169 la nd Rcgistrar, Embu District, MR/2470138 Land Rcgistrar, Siaya District,

GAZEI"IE NcmcE No. 8887 GAzEmE NcflcE No. 8890 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TT{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20r2) (No.3 ol2Ol2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMEI.IT REcrsrRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Thainr Mwengi (dcccascd), is rcgistcred as proprictor of that piecc of land contrining 0.203 hcctare or thcrcabouts, known rs WHEREAS Sileh Oticno Obeyo, of Siaya in thc Republic of Nyrndarua/Uppcr GilgiU300, situatc in the district of Nyendanre, and Kcnya, is rcgistcred as proprictor of thet picce of lend contrining 1.9 whcreas thc scnior principd magistrate's court rt Nyehururu in hccter,es or thcrcebout, known ls Frct Gcm/Lihendr/619, siturtc in thc succession causc No. H.C/RM 45 of 2O12, has issucd grmt of lcucrs disrict of Siaya, end whcrcs the land rcgistru h.s cst blishcd thet thc of adminisuation to Jemes Ndoiru Mwengi, end whcrces thc lrnd titlc hnd titlc dccd wes ecquired frrudulcntly, end wherers ell cfforts medc deLd issucd carlicr to thc said Thainr Mwangi (dcccascd) has bccn !o rccover thc land titlc dccd issrrcd thcrcofby thc land registrar havc rcport€d missing or lost, noticc is givcn that eftcr thc cxpiration of failcd, noticc is given thet rfter thc cxpiration of thirty (30) days ftom tttirty (30) days from the datc hcrcof, providcd no vdid objcction hes thc darc hcreof, providcd no velid objection hrs becn rcccivcd within bcen reccived within that pcriod, I intend to dispcnsc with thc that pcriod, hc land rcgisrar intcnds to dispcnsc with thc production production thc said land dced and procccd with thc rcgistretion of tidc of thc said land tidc ded end rcvcrt it to Esau Obryo, and upon such thc said instrumcnts 19 and R.L. and upon such of of R.L. 7, rcgisretion thc land titlc dced issucd carlicr to thc sdd Silah Oticno regisration thc land title dccd issucd carlicr to thc srid Theinr Mwangi Obayo, shdl bc dccmcd !o bc cancpllcd and ofno cffcct. (dcceascd), shall bc decmed !o bc cancclled and of no cffcct. Datcd thc 28th Ocobcr,2016. Datcd thc 28th Octobcr,2016. N.G. GATHAIYA, P, A. OWEYA, MR/2470138 Land Registrar, District. MRn47046/. Land Re gistrar, NyandartmlSamburu Districts. Siaya 4422 THE KENYA OAZETTE 28th October, 2016

GAzErrE NoflcB No, 8t9l Spocirl Sittlng for tho purpoeo of nblin3 of County'o Flrut Supplomontrry Budgct, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No, ? ol20l2) Thc Spccirl Sinlng rhrll bc hcld rt tho County Arrcmbly'r ChrmbGr rt thc P,C,E.A,, Church 3rcundr, Ol'Krlou, REoISTR,ATIoN oF INSTRUMENT JAMES NDEGWA WAHOME WHEREAS Frcdrick Okumu Okoyo, of Stryr in tho Rcpublic of MR1247796t Spcelur to the County ktcmbly, Konyr. ir regirtorcd m proprictor of thrt pleco of lrnd connlnln3 0,2 hoctrrt or thcrrrbouh, known m North Gcm/Ir4dangd643, riturb ln tho dlrtdct of Slryr, rnd whsrcm thc lrnd ttllltnr hm Glhblirhcd thrt OAzEnBNoflcBNo, tt95 thc lrnd tldc dcod wrr rcquircd frrudulcndy, rnd whercm rll offorts mrdc to rcmvor tho lrnd tltlo dcod lmucd thcrcof by the lrnd rcalrtsrr THE CONSTITLNION OF KENYA hrvo frllcd, notlcc lr givcn thrt aflcr thc cxpirrtlon of thlrty (30) drye frcm thc drtr hcrtof, providcd no vrlld objcctlon hu becn rccclvcd COUNTY GOVBRNMENT OF EUSIA wlthln thrt pcrlod, tho lmd rcghtrrr int ndr to dirpcnrc wlh thc APPoINn,'BNT productlon of thc rrid lrnd tltle dccd rnd rrvort lt to Phlllp Okumu Okoyo, rnd upon ruch rcglrtrrtlon thc lrnd titlc dccd luucd crrllcr to PLTRSUANI to hc Fourth Schodulo of thc Conrtltutlon of Konyr, tho rrld Frcdrick Olumu Okoyo, rhdl bc doemed to be erncclled rnd 2010, rectlon 6 of Burh County Wrtsr rnd Sewcrr3o Sonlcor Act, of no offect, 2015 ud for cfloctlve rcrvlcc dollvery of wrtsr r€ralcar lr r dcvolvcd functlon. trrnrforcd to County Oovcmmcnt of Burh, thc Govcmor of Drtrd the 28th Oatobcr,2016, Burh County rmslntr tho undcr llrtcd m thc Bord sf Dlrccton for P. A, OWEYA, thc Burlr Wrtcr rnd Scwcn;c Sewlcer Comprny Llmlbdr MR/2470 r 3t I-and Regl*ran Slaya Dlttrlet, Klzlto Kubrlu Mmlndc Conrtentlnc Obuyr (Mr,) (Prot) oAzEmBNOflCBNO, 8892 Chrlrtlno Mrngo Phllemsn Lrmeak Imo THE LAND REOISIRATION ACT Innoccnt For Emure Oluku Drvtd Lldbury Awlllh Brulu (Ne,3 ol20l2) Iulrh Slmon Andrtl Lucrr Mmombo IN THB M^TIER oF SURRENDER oF ORAT$ Nos, I 593t7 AND I 593tI Otgoty Jouh Bpur Odoko (Hon,) WHEREAS (l) Chrir Mungr Nyrmurnndl Blchrngo md (2) Lsonud Wrndr Oblmbln (Hon,) Alfrod Momrnyl Nyrlrc, both of P,O, Box 1051, Bdorct ln the Republte of Kenyl ur nglrtercd m prcprleton of lrnd known rr t,R, the rppointment hker effeet m fium lrt July, 2016, for n tonn of thrce (3) yem, No, 38lt/4 rnd 3tlt/5 (Orlglnrl No,3tltB/l), notlee lr glven thrt (30) afrr the explntlon of thlrty dryl frsm the drte horcof, the above S, O, OJAAMONG, grrnt rnd ceftlflarta of tltle ln rcrpcet thcrcof to be rurrcndercd to the lttRl2117953 efuvernor, Dwb eounty. hnd rcglrn$ wlth the lnhnt to dlrpnre wlth the produetlon of tho rdd lrnd tltle dedr rnd poeeed wlth the emeellrtlon of tho rrme, fillurp to do ro the rrme rhrll be deomed to be erneelled rnd of no effeet, OAZETENsflcENo, tt96

Drhd the 2tth OaBber,2016, THB HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGBMBNT PROFESSIONATS E, M, WAFULA, ACT lvffi12411502 Reglwr of Tltles, Nalrcbi. (No.52 of2ot2)

THE REGISTRATION OF TRAINING REGI,JLATIONS, 2OI5 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8893 CoMPUANCE ITH TTE HUMAN RESoI.,RCE MANAGEMENT THE EAST AFRICAN COMMTINITY CUSTOMS MANAGEMENT K,oFEssIoNAIs AcT ACT,2004 PIJRSUANT to section 45 (5) of thc Human Resource APP TNTMENT AND LIMITS oF A TRANSIT SHED, CUSToMS AREA ETc. Management Profcssionals Act, and the Registration and Training Regulations, 2015. It is notificd to all persons involved in human Amendment rcsourcc functions in either thc public or private sector and any private PURSUANT to section 12 (l) of the East African Community citizen that thc Institutc of Human Resourcc Management (IHRM) will Customs Management Act 20M, the Commissioner of Customs and embark on the cnforcemcnt of provisions of this Act upon the expiry Bordcr Control amends Gazette Notice No. 806 of 2015 as follows: of the grace pcriod givcn by the Council. Thc period cxpires on 3lst Dccember,2016. Delele the expressions 'motor vehicles' and 'imported motor vehicles'appearing in paragraph (c) and (e) ofthe Sccond Schedule to Enforcement of thcse provisions seeks to gct rid of quacks who the Gazette Notice No.806 of 201 5 and insert the expression 'cargo'. havc becn masquereding as human rcsouacc professionals in the human rcsourcc sector. To comply, one necds to: Dated the 2 I st October, 2016. . Be a rcgistcrcd Associatc, Full or Fellow Mcmber of IIIRM; J. N, MUSYOKI, YtGl087843lt6-17 Commissioner, . For those who are alrcady rcgistercd, havc at lcast six (6) CPD Customs and Border Control Department. points for the year 2O16; . Full and Fcllow Mcmbcrs, may acquirc practicing Ccrtificatg, depending on hcir positions in thc organization and GAzEmE NsrIcE No. 8894 experience.

THE CONSTTTUTION OF KENYA Take further notice that in accordancc with scction 40 and 4l of the Act, failure to comply with thesc provisions will lcad to COIINTY GOVERNMENT OF NYANDARUA prosecution and upon conviction, imprisoned for two ycars or a finc of SPECIAL SN-NNC two hundred thousand or both. Dcadlinc: 31st Dcccmbcr, 2016.

PLJRSUANT to Article 29 (l) (2) (3) (4) of thc Standing Or&rs, ELUAH SMMAH, the Spcakcr notifies members of thc County Assembly and the Public MR/2481005 National Chairman, IHRM Council. that Monday, 24th October, 2016 at 2.30 p.m. is appointcd for a 28th October,20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4423

G^ZETTE NoTIcE No. 8897 Number Name oJ Company

THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT cPR/2010/33710 Abduldehman & Sons Limited (No. ll of}0ll) cPR/201 3/103308 Belts & Braces Limited cPwzol3t96t26 Bongo Consolidated Vcntures Limited KoUSIoNAL REGISTRATIoN oF A PoUTICAL PARTY cPR/2013/l 16157 Chinga Divas Limitcd IN EXERCISE of thc powcr confcrrcd by scction 5 (2) of the c. 156387 Contincntal Oudittcrs Limitcd Politicel Panics Act, 2011, the Rcgistrar of Political Parties givcs cPRJzot4t154072 Divine Enterprises Limited notice thet thc following political party has applied for provisional c.556232 Femdalc Holdings Limited registration under scction 5 and 6 of thc Act: cPR/201s/I8003r Fiora Company Limircd Namc Party Colours Party Symbol cPRn013fi25766 Frpsh and Friendly Bcst Foods Limited cPR/2015/218148 Fujian Construction Engincering China Justice and Frccdom Purple and Gold Srcrched out hand Aided Lrnguage and Culture Centre Perty ofKenye holding frccdom torch Project Limited cPUzot5t2t6&6 Ivolvc Enginccring Limitcd Any person with objcctions to thc r€gistration of the ebovc political partics shall within sevcn (7) days mrkc their wriuen cPv20t2n5248 Kafiya Commoditics Limircd submissions to the Rcgistrar of Politicel Parties. cPR/20r3l125561 Kavin Invcstrnent Limited cPR/2013/106360 Kiota Company Limircd Further cnquirics can be madc through thc Rcgistrar's Offlrccs, 15t038 Meera Dcvclopments Limited P.O. Box I l3l{n606, Lion Placc, Waiyaki Way, lst Floor, from E:fl) c. a.m. !o 5:00 p.m. cPR/2009/1512 Neirobi Blanket Industrics Limited cPv?itagt839 Fcony Invcstmen$ LimiEd Dltcd firc l2th Octobcr,2Il16. cERnot4fi62fi2 Plemhr Rcsidcncy Menrgcmcnt Limitcd LUCY K. NDUNGU, c.96672 Pipes Food Limitcd MRl24704'r6 Registror of Politlcal Parties. cPR12013194783 Radha Intemational Limited cPR/201 l/55401 Silver Tdtal Holdings Limited cPRt20t4n3276/. Smartlifc Kcnya Limitcd GMETTE NcflcE No. 8898 cPRt20t4tr47tto Srcrling Business Advisory Scrvices Limited THECOMPANIES ACT cPR/2013196825 Sryle Show Room Limircd cPR/201 l/51465 Surestrikc Distribution (EA) Limited (No.17 of20t5\ cPR/2012t91851 Tensy Invcstrnents Limitcd INTENDED DrssoLWoN cPR/2009/1 1871 TigerHSE Limited cPRl2ol4/156958 Total Wellness Pharmaceuticals LimiM PURSUANT to section 897 (3) of the Companies Ac! it is notified cPRt20t0D2289 Touchpad Agcncics Limited that at thc expiration of three (3) months from the date of this Gazefte, thc namcs of thc under mcntioned companies shall unless cause is cPRt2ot4lt432t9 Trieph Limited shown to thc contrery be struck off the register of companies and the cPR./2010/18374 Wettech East Africa Limited companies shall be dissolved. c. t20522 Westem Water Serviccs Company Limited No. NameofCompany cPR/2010/38549 Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group (Kenya) Limited CPRl20l2l67270 Bracken Aviation Limited cPRnot2n6Bu Zameel Spicics & Food Productions Limited CPRn0l5nO699.6 EnergylnfrastructureAdvisoryGroup Limited Darcd thc l9th October,2016. c.147265 Flam Dawa Limited ALICEMWENDWA, c.87374 Forest Dream Resort Limited fur Registrar of Companies. c.169577 Goodrich lnvestnents Limited c.30999 Lan gata Reality Limited c.94055 Marteve Guest House Limited cPRtzot2t696t6 Majitaa Limited GAZET rE NsncE No. 8900 c. 147266 Minvod Holdings Limited c.102205 Shelys Africa Limited THE COMPANIES ACT c.72968 Scroll Propertics Limited cPRJ2014fi33514 Spatial Pan Systems Limitcd (No. t7 ol20l5) cPR/2013/l 16929 Spring Like Limited DISSoLU.I.IoN c. 129962 Thc Bumett Company Limited cPN2012178594 University of Games Limircd PURSUANT to section 991 (3) of the Companies Act, it is notified cPN20t4lt36759 Valtur (K) Limited general c.44467 Wakigwc Holdings Limited for information that the under mcntioned company is cPRn0tu5t597 Tafrenno Restaunnt Limited dissolved. ALICEMWENDWA, Number Name ofCompany for Re g istrar of C empanie s. cF12014fi39553 J & V Aviation (FZC) Limited cFt20t4il28529 TVS Global Automobile Traders FZCO GAzErrE NsIIcE No. 8899 cE120r4il50877 KAGGA & Partners Limitcd cF/2010/30885 Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, LLC THE COMPANIES ACT F.76t2N8 Systems Applications Products Africa (No. t7 ofzoti) Region (Proprietary) Limited F27nffi2 ZTE Corporation INTE.IDED DTSSoLWoN cFt20t2t69559 J. P. Morgan Chase Bank National PLJRSUANT !o scction 897 (3) of thc Companies Act, it is notified Association that at thc expiration of thrcc (3) months from the date of this Gazette, the namcs of the undcr mcntioned compenies shall unless cause is Dated thc l9th October,2016. shown to thc contrary be struck off the register of companies and the ALICEMWENDWA, companics shall bc dissolvcd. for Re gistrar of Companies. 4424 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016

GAZE"|TE NoTICE No- 89O I The copies so deposited are available for pubhc lnspctron at the office of the County Physical Plannrng Officer, Narok County and the THE COMPANIES ACT Chief Officer, Physical Planning and Urban Development, Narok \No l'7 oJ2ol5'l County Govemment, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Fnday Drssot.uTroN Any interested person who wishes to make any representatron in PURSUANT to sectron 897 (4) of the Compiurres Act, rt rs notitred connection with or objectron to the above-named part development for general lrlbrmatlon that the under mentroned companres are plan may send such representation or objection in writrng to the drssolved County Physrcal Planning Officer, P.O. Box 898-20500, Narok, wlthin srxfy (60) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notice and Number Name of Compant' any such representatlon or objectron shall state the ground on whrch it cPw2014n69750 Alpha3irr Enterprrses Lrmrted is made. cPR/201 3/109054 Arctic Trading Lrmrted Dated the 27th September, 2016. cPR/2013n22966 Afnca Saffer Tradrng Kenya Lrmrted E. S. MI-ITUKU, cPR/201r198616 Aqua Sweet Lrmrted }i{PJ24'70176 Drector oJ Physical Planning. cPRt2015lte1969 Atprises Media lor cPR/201218 I 3099 Bulpark Square Lrmited cPR/2015t1'71700 Chaudry Enterprises cPw2011154611 Chuma Supplers Limrted GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8903 cPRl201sl2t6191 Dahuatech (k) Limited cPR/2010/38462 Geico Insurance Brokers I-rmrted THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT c.93131 Harjay Impex Lrmited (Cap.286) cPRt2016t210428 Hydrodesigns Kenya Lrmited c. 132'728 Inter-Media Solutrons Limited CoMPLEfloN oF PART DEVELoPMENT PLAN cPR/2010/1 8l 36 Jamesons Logistrcs Lrmrted PDP No. W/447/2003-1-Proposed Site Kenya Revenue Authority cPR/201 t/60945 Jamesons Investments Llmlted for Offices, Malaba cPw201U46'793 Kakr Farm I-imited Koons Motors Limrted cPN2010t3232t NOTICE rs given that the above-mentioned part development plan Koja Motors Limited cPN200912094 was on 29th April,2003, completed. cPN2014t140647 Leconsult Compahy Limited cPR/201 1t61152 Makit East Africa Limited The part development plan relates to land situated withrn Malaba cPR/2014/133303 Manyika Guesthouse and Events Town around the Custom Yard. c.45301 Market Economtes Development cPR/io12l8s606 Mehta Transporters Lrmrted Copies of the pan development plan have been deposited for cPR/201 l/63936 MTG Kenya Lrmrted public inspection at the ofFrce of the County Physical Planning Officer, cPR12009n5022 Mukdeep Investment Llmrted Busia and office of the Executrve member, Lands, Housing and Urban cPR/201 5/188 r44 Narthi Holdings Limited Development. cPR/201 l/63258 Ortiva Chemicals Limrted c.1t13r2 Poola Propertres Lrmrted The copies so deposrted are available for inspection free of charge c. 14t522 Porters Emerald Lrmrted by all persons lnterested at the ofFlce of the County Physrcal Planning cPR/2013/l 15985 Pivot Lrrnrted Officer, Busia and office of the Executive member, Lands, Housrng cPwzotU56323 Wote Turnuane Company and Urban Development, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Dated the l9th October.20l6 Monday to Friday. ALICE MWENDWA. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in for Re gistrar oJ C ompante s. connection with or objechon to the above-named part development plan may send such representatlons or obJectlons in wntrng to be recerved by the Director, Physical Planning Office, P.O. Box 30089, GAZETTENoTICENO 8902 Narrobi and the County Physical Planning Officer, Busra, wlthin sixty THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representatlons or objectrons shall state the grounds on whrch rt is (Cap.286) made. CoMPLETIoN oF PART DEVEI-oPMENT PLANS Dated the 18th August,2016. Title oJ PDP ienlre PDP No. B. O. ODHIAMBO Existrng srte for Kenya Wrldhfe Nairagre Engare R7t4t2016101 MN24700t6 for Director oJ Physical Planning. Service

Existing site for Kenya Wrldhfe Naroosura R294t2016tor GAZETTE NoTcE No. 8904 Service THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Existing site for Kenya Wrldhfe Lemek R2668/2016n1 CO-ORDINATION ACT Service (No.8 Existing site for Kenya Wrldhf'e Ntuele Rr 383i2016/01 of 1999) Service THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Existing site for Kenya Wrldhfe Masurura R2667t20t6n6 AUTHORITY Service ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED STANDARD GAUGE RAILWAY PROJECT NOTICE is given that the,above-mentioned development plans FROM NAIROBI SOUTH RAILWAY STATION_NAIVASHA was on 27th August,20l6, completed- INDUSTRIAL PARK_ENOOSUPUKIA, NAROK COUNTY The part development plan relates to land sltuated rvrthin Narok II.WITATIoN oF PUBLIC CoMMENTS County PIIRSUANT to regulation 2l of the Environmental Management Copres of the part developnrent plan are avatlable for publtc and Co-ordination (lmpact Assessment and Audit) Regulatrons, 2003, inspection at the offrces of the County Physical Plannrng Officer, the National Envrronment Management Authorrty (NEMA) has Narok County and the Chref Offlcer, Physrcal Plannrng and Urban received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Develgpment, Narok County Government. above proposed prolect. 28th October, 2016 THE KEN:'A GAZETTE 4425

The proponcnt. Kenya Rarlways (KR) is proposing to conuftuct and cland wrll be approved and supervised by Standard Gauge Rarlrvay from Narrobi South Rarlrvay Statron- KWS, Naivasha Industnal Park-Enoosupukra, Narok County. Kenya The contractor wrll ensurc that all SGR Railways proposrng construct Phase lvlombasa- is to 2A of thc workers and construction slte managers Nairobi-Krsumu-Malaba SGR. Thrs phase rs set to start lrom Narob, adhere tt, the KWS code trf practrce in South Station (DK0+00) and terminate Enoosupukra Narok at rn the park. County A comparative analysis of various aspects assoclaicd with the 7 SGR route options revealed that Route Optron 4 (Narrobi South KWS personnel wrll be statloned on slte Statron-Nairobr Natronal Park-Tuala-Rongar-Nkoror-N11ong- throughout the constructron phase to Kamangu-Mai Mahiu-Suswa-Enosupukia) rs the nrost srrt.rtrlc monitor the construction activities. optlon. h. Out\rde the Nairobi National Park proposed The Nairobi South Railway Station-Navash;r in.jrrrlrral Soil erosron . Confiol earthworks. Park (NlP)-Enoosupukia, Narok County SGR alignrnent ,1rr iil . properly. encompass the first 120 KM (DK0-DK120) The proponent [E(]rx)\.s a Install drarnage structures total of twelve (12) new railway statiotrs excluding the Nairobr Souttr . Ensure management of excavation Station which is part of the existing NEMA approved Mombasa- actrvities. Nairobr SGR Phase 1 project. There rvill be 6 District stations and 6 intermediate and crossing statrons. Thrs also excludes the proposed Incrcase in HIV/AIDs Provide VCT servrces among Nairagie station (CK123+800), which wrll be in the next phase of the antl STDs rnfection constructron workers andsurrounding Nairobi-Malaba SGR project. The distance between the statrons incrdence dunng community. ranges between 9.9-24.lkm dependrng on the technrcal desrgn constructron Strengthen advocacy through awareness requirements, geographrcal position, human settlements andlocal training rn HMAIDS and other STDs. economic activrties/ needs. Land acquisrtron and A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will The followrng are the anticipated impacs and proposed mitigation Involuntary be commissioned. measures: resettlement/displacem Property valuation and compensahon. ent of persons Impacts Mitigation Measures Implement a public awareness a. Within Nairobi National Park prcgramme. Occupational health and vegetation Vegetation loss: The . The contractor will ensure that Regular maintenance of safety hazards within railroad rights-of-way. SGR construction vegetation drsturbance along the SCR through Route Option route is restricted as much as possible to Training workers in personal track 4will affect the vladuct pillar sites. safety procedures apProximately 6'43ha . The contractor will adopt an appropriate Implement Noise and Vibration Control of 4 key vegetation Regulations. types.arongthe6km ::f,:,?:':1Jfi1?,',:',',:: stretch lncludrng SiTirJ[;i,*l Implementation of rarl operational fhe vegetation restoration plan will be safety procedures on: General rail 2.06haofopen approved by KWS' grassland, 3'-.35ha of operational safety, transport of open low shrub cover, dangerous goods, every crosslngs safety, 0.72ha of Acacia pedestnan safety. drepanolobium dwarf Accidents involving Earth embankments. grassland shrub and wildlife and livestock Fence ratlway corridor. 0.30ha of riverine vegetation : Construct underpasses at strategic polnts. Soil erosion:The SGR . The conuactor will adopt an appropnate construction through soil reinstatement plan, which will Establish water pornts across underpasses for anrmals. Route Option 4 will consider reinstatement of trampled areas affect the soil along a (access roads), placement of the Avoid all level crossings. 6km narrow corridor removed topsoil, sowing and Wastewater Dlscharge Use of ultra-filtration to extend the life from near the East Gate improvement of soil characteristics. The of washing soluhons for aqueous parts near the to Masaai Gate soil reinstatement plan wrll be approved or use of alternatives to water cleaning. by KWS. . Plumbing connection of floor drains, if Invasive species: The Regular monitoring and control of any, ln maintenance areas to the construction of the emerging invasive species by KWS wastewater collection and treatment viaduct or super-bridge system. flyover can introduce Prevention drscharge industrral invasrve specres in the of of park waste to septic systems, drain fields, dry wells, cesspools, prts. or separate Landscape impact The . The Contractor should stnve to ensure storm dralns or sewers project will have that the SGR comdor wrll blend as Pretreatment of effluents to reduce impact on the possible park much as to the contaminmt concentrations landscape due to environment through the use of surtable laJrrl"axpe strategies whrch will be approved by Waste €leneratlon and Waste storage, collection, transportatlon fragrnentation which KWS. ,I disE-rsal and disposal as per Waste Management will appear to separate Regulations. 2006 . The SGR trarns shall not tum on rntense the area along ttre SGR hghts in the national park at nrghr rn Norse pollution and Implementation of noise reduction or corridor into two parts order to reduce the rmpact on wrldhfe vibratrons prevention measures at the source. Wildlife rmpacts: The . A 6km viaduct or super-bndge flr,irer Sensrtize workforce including drivers of SGR constructron of an average height of 18 m..i.-yve construchon vehicles. through Route Option 4 natural ground will be installed for the Install .sound barriers for pile driving will affect rhe habitats rarlway to p.lss over the park and allo\ l achvlty. of key species rn the free movement of wildlife 'r ':, park including lion, underpasses. lnstall portable barriers to shield Black rhino, zebra, compressors and other small stattonary . The contractor wtll instali :s . ' r wildebeest, Coke's equipment where necessary- prevent animals from fallin;: r11' . hartebeest.Grant's SGR viaduct pillar trenches ,..tilog Regular maintenance of all equipment. gazelle, Thomson's constructlon, whose ''

1r: 4r'26 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016

fragmentation Avoid fragmentation or &struction of Goods deposrtcd by Inrcgre Auctioneers under card number G4898, criticd tcrrcstrial and aquatic hrbitets. G5041.65106. G5107. Minimize thc unnecessary clcaring of Goods deposited by Restor€s Consult Auctionecrs under card numbcr vcgctation during construction. G4891. Goods deposited by Vallcy Auctionecrs under card numbcr G5012. Avoid construction activitics during thc Goods deposited by Kcysian Auctioneers under card numbcr G5201, animal breeding sceson and other Gs263. sensitivc seasons or timcs day. of Goods deposited by Difto Invcsnncns undcr card numbcr G5185. Care for the existing and plantcd trecs. Goods deposircd by Ndarugu Merchants under card numbcr G5316. Goods deposircd by Siuma Auctionecrs under card number G4545. Dust generation Spray stock piles of earth with wetcr Goods deposited by Fantasy Auctionccrs undcr card numbcr G5312. Avoid pouring dust matcrials from Goods depositcd by Icon Auctioncers under card numbcr G5398. clevatcd areas o ground. F.N. MUGO, all hauling soil, sand. rocks Covcr rucks MN2470119 Finance and Administration Managcr. and othcr loosc matcrids. . Providc dust screcn wherc nccessary. Soil and water resourcc . Storage tanks and componcnts should GAZET TE Nc,IlcB No. 8906 contamination due to mcct international strndards HAJI MOTORS LIMITED leaks and spills of fucl . Storage tenks should havc appropriate end DISPoS^L oF UNCoLLECTED GooDs oil sccondary containment. NOTICE is given pursuant to thc provisions the Disposrl . firc spill retcntion aree should bc of of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) thc Laws Kenya to China cquiPd with an oiuwercr s€parators of of Rqd md Brldgc Corpofldon Kanyl thc owlcr of I Nlssrt Double CrD|n . lfuclin8 frcilities should &vclop e spill vehiclc rcgistration numbcr KCD 278C, to trkc dclivcry of thc skl prevention nd contsol phn. motor vchiclc from thc premiscs of Hrji Moton Limitcd, of P.O Box 631{-00619, Mombasa Thc frrll report ofthe proposed pro!rct is availablc for inspcction Nairobi, Road Plot No. LR 20919705, within twenty onc (21) days from thc datc ofpublicstion ofthis notice upon during working hours at: payment of all outstanding chergcs for towing, storage and incidenbl (a) Dircctor-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, costs including trc cost of publishing this notice, failing which the srid P.O. Box 67839-O0Zn, Nairobi. motor vehiclc will be disposcd off either by way of public auction or privrtc hcaty and the procccds of salc shall bc dcfreycd against (D) Principal Sccrctary, Ministry of Environmcnt and Mineral rll incurrcd chargcs and thc balance if any, shall remiin rt thc owner's R.csources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30126- credit but should there bc a shortfall thc owner shall be liablc. 00100, Nft,obi. Deted the 2lst Octobcr,2016. (c) County Director of Environmcnt, Narok County. (d) County Director of Environmcnt, Nakuru Cotnty. RUIRU NJOROCE & ASSOCIATES, Advocatesfor Hoji Motors Limitd. (e) County Dirccior of Environment, Kajiedo County. (fl County Director of Environmcnt, Kiambu County. GAZErIE NoTIcE No. 8907 The Nationd Environmcnt Managemcnt Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within ASSOCIATED VEHICLE ASSEMBLERS LIMITED thirty (30) days from th€ dat€ of publication of this notice to thc MARSHALLS (EAST AFRICA) LIMITED Dircctor4cneral, NEMA, to assist thc Authority in the decision making process of thc plan' I,sS OF SHARE CER,TIFICATES GE.FFRE' *AHLTNGU, Dircctor-General, Share Ccrtirtcote Nos. 23,26 and 27 held in thc rume of lvbrslulls MR/M48810 National Environmcnt Management Authority. (East $rica) Limited. APPLICATION has been made to thc company for the issrc of rcplacement of the abovc-mcntioncd share ccrtificates, the originds GAzErrE NcrncE No. 8905 having becn rcported 8s lost or misplaccd by Manhalls (East Africr) Limited. Any person in posscssion of thc abovc-mcntioncd shrrc LEAKEY'S STORAGE LIMITED certificafes or claiming !o have intcrrst thcrcin should communicatc DISPoSAL oF UNCoLLECTED GooDs with the company immcdiarcly. Noticc is givcn that unless u objection !o the contrary is lodgcd to the company within twcnty-onc NOTICE is issucd pursuant to the Provisions of the Disposal of (21) days from thc darc hcreof, duplicate/replaccnpnt shar,e ccrtificatcs Uncollccted Goods Act (Cap. 38) of [rc laws of Kcnya, to the owncrs will be issued to Marshalls (Eest Africa) Limitcd. of the following molor vchiclcs/goods to takc dclivcry of the said H. L. SHAH, motor vehicles/goods from the prcmiscs of Lcakey's Sorage Limited, MN2477989 Secrcnry, Lunga Lunga Road, Industrial tuca, Nairobi within thirty (30) days Associated Ve hicle Assembkrs Umited. from thc datc of publication of this noticc upon paymcnt of all outstanding sloragc chargcs including the cost of publishing this notice, failure !o which the said motor vehicleVgoods will be sold GAzEmE NqncE No. 8908 cither by public auction or privatc reaty and the proceeds of the sale THE II,JBILEE INSI.]RANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED shall be defrayed against any accrued storage chargcs and the balance, Head Off,rcc: P.O. Box 30376-{010, Nairobi if any, shall remain at the owner's crcdit, but should thcrt be a shorfell, thc owner shall be liablc thercof. l.oss oF PoucY

Moar Ve hic le sl Mo to r Cyc lc Policy No. 1797X) itt the nane and on tlu lift of Assumpta Waringa Gacheru. KAS 898A-Mitsubishi Galant KBN l23Y-Toyotahbox REQUEST hrs bcen made to this company for thc issue of KAK 85lH-Toyota Corona duplicarc of the abovc-numbered policy, thc original having becn KAV 886G-Honda CRV rcportcd es lost or misplaccd. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to thc contrary at thc office of the within (30) KBJ 335D -Toyota Corolla company ttrirty KMCJ lO7N-Tigcr motor bikc lays {rom thc darc of this notice, duplicate policy documcnt will bc issued, which will be thc sole evidcncc of the ionract. Goods Datcd thc 4rh Octobcr,2016. Goods deposited by trakcy's Auctionccrs undcr card numbers G3857' ALEXMWANGI, G4991, G4663, G4665, G34f9, G4521. MR/2470395 UJc Departmcnt.l \ \\ \. 28th October, 2016 T}IE KENYA GAZETTE 4427


THE TI.JBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED THE JUBILEE INSI.JRANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 30376{)0100, Nairobi Head Offlrce: P.O. Box 30376{0100, Nairobi [,oss oF pollcy LOSS OF POUCY

Policy No. IL201100005982 ia the rame and on the life o! Bcrtha Policy No. 2091O2 in the name and on thc life of Elizabeth Waniiru Kirigo Kaimenyi. Kariuki.

REQUEST has been madc to this company for the issue of REQLJEST has bcen madc to this company for thc issuc of policy, duplicate of the above-numbcred thc original having been duplicate of the above-numbercd policy, the original having becn r€portcd as lost misplaccd. is givcn that unlcss or Noticc objcction is repoftcd as lost or misplaccd. Notice is givcn that unless objcction is lodged to thc contrary rt the office of thc company within thirty (30) lodged to the contrary at thc officc of thc company within thirty (30) days from tlrc datc of this noticc, duplicarc policy daument will be days from thc date of this notice, duplicatc policy documcnt will bc issucd, which will bc thc solc evidcnce of thc contract. issucd, which will bc the solc cvidcncc of thc contract. Datcd thc 5th Octobcr,2016. ALEXMWANGI, Datcd the lTth Octobcr,2016. ALEX MWANGI, MN2470395 Ufe Departnunt. \,1Rn470136 Ufe Dcpartmcnt.

GAzErrE NorncE No. 8910 GAZETTE NcflcE No. 8914 THE JUBILEE INSI,JRANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LILtrTED ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 30376-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 46143{)01fi), Nairobi [.oss oF PoucY [.oss oF PoLtcrEs Policy No. 185654 in the name and on the life ol Elisha Ochieng Aseko. Policy No. O291CF,N053461147fi7 in the namc of Paloshe Tobiko Naisiae. REQUEST has bccn madc to this company for thc issuc of duplicate of thc abovc-numbcrcd policy, thc original having bccn NOTICE having bccn givcn on thc loss of thc abovc policy, a reportcd as lost or misplaccd. Noticc is givcn that unlcss objcction is duplicatc will be issucd end whcre applicablc duc bcncfits will bc paid lodged to thc contrary at the office of the company wittrin thirty (30) out unlcss .n objcction is filcd with thc undcrsigncd within thirty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, duplicatc policy document will bc deys from the darc ofthis noticc. issucd, which will bc thc solc cvidcncc of thc contract. Darcd thc 29th Scptembcr; 2015. Dated thc 6th Octobcr,2016. ALEX MWANGI. MUIRIWAICHINGA, MN24't0395 Ufc Department. MR12470456 Manager, Ordinary lifc Operations.

GAZETIE NOIICE No. 89I I GAzEmE NorIcE No. 891 5

THEruBILEE INSURANCECOMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 3037640100, Nairobi Herd Offrce: P.O. Box 46143{X)100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLrcy Loss oF PoucY

Policy No.201349 in the name atd on the lifc of Eric Nelson Muchai, Policy No. 0261 AEN/0 I E095 in thc namc of Kogi Rc uben C hc ge.

REQUEST has bccn madc to this compsny for thc issue of NOTICE having bcen givcn on the loss of thc rbovc policy, a duplicetc of thc abovc-numbcred policy, the originrl having bccn duplicrtc will bc issucd end where appliceblc duc bencfits will bc paid rcportld as lost or mispleccd, Noticc is givcn that unlcss objection is out unlcss rn objcction is filcd with the undcrsigncd within thirty (30) lodged to thc contruy at thc office of thc comprny within thirty (30) days from thc date of this noticc. deys from thc drtc of this notice, duplicatc policy documcnt will bc issued, which will bc thc solc cvidcncc of the contract. Drtcd thc 29th Scptcmber,2015,

Datc.d thc 6th October,2016. MUIRIWAICHINGA, ALEX MWANGI. MNz.70456 Managcr, Ordinary Lile Opcrations, MN247039s Ufc Dcpartment.

GAZEf,TBNOTICENO. E9I6 GMETTE NoTIcE No. 8912 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITBD THE JUBILBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED (Incorporrtcd in Kcnyr) Heed Officc: P.O. Box 30376{)0100, Ndrobi Hcrd Officc: P.O. Box 3037540100, Nrirobi [,oss oF poucy Loss oF PoucY Policy No, 212199 ln thc tumc and on thc ltfe o! Phyllis Ndungc th*au, Policy No. l2l.3EE9 in thc namc and on thc llfc ol Moscs NJuguna llwangl. REQLJEST hm becn mrde b thie comprny for thc iuuc of REFORT hrving bocn mrdc to thir compny on thc losi of tho duplicrtc of tho rbovc-numbcrcd policy, thc orfiind hrvlry boon rbovc numborcd policy. givon ob!;ction trportod rs lolt or mirplecod, Notico ia givon thrt unloaa obJoctlon h nolicc ir thrt unlcu ir lodgod lodgod to thc contnry rt thc officG of the compmy within thirty (30) to Britich Amcricm Inrunnce Compmy (K) Limitc.d within thirty (30) dryr from thc drtc of thir noticc, duplicrrc policy d@ument will bc drye fmm tho drtc of thig notice, r dupllcrto policy will bc ircucd rnd irrucd. which wiil bc the role cvidcncc of thc contrrct. firll bo urod rs tho only velid document by tho comprny for rll futurr tnn!rction!. Drtcd thc Sth October.2016, Drtcd tho l0th Ocobcr,2015, ALBXMWANGI, SIMEONBWIRE, MR2470395 Lifc Dcpartmcnt, MN247m34 U ndc ntr ltln g Manage r, Ufc, 4428 THg KENYI. GAZETTE 28th October,20l6

CAZETTENonCENo I]917 CAZEr-rE Nor r('r. iYo. 892 1

BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) I-INII'ft.;) BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (lncorporated rn Kenya) (lncorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O Box 30375-00100, Nairobi llead (ltTice: P.O. Box 30375-{010O, Nairobr

I-Oss oF PoLICY LOSS OF POLICY Policy No. 124-2OOg in tlrc nante und on the life of Rachuel \\'arryttu Poliq, I'lo l6l-q-j35 in the name and on the $e oJ Anna Wanjiht kgotho. Mbitlti. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss rrt the REPORT having been made to thrs company on the loss of tb above numbered policy, notrce ls grven that unless objectron rs lodged above numhered policy, notice is grven that unless objection is lodgd to Bntrsh Amencan Insurance Company (K) Limited wlthln thrn) (.10) to British American Insurance Company (K) Lrmited within thirty (3Q days from the date of thls notlce, a duphcate pohcy will be rsrued arrcl days fronr the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued ard shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all tirturc shall be useri ds the only valid document by the company for all fuare tran s ac ti on s IiansactlL)na SIMEON BWIRL, Dated the iOth October,20l6. \/IR/2470034 Undemrrting Marutqtr 1,, l. SIMEONBWIRE, \fR/24700_14 U nde ru ritin B Manager, Iift

GAZEITE NoTICE No. 89 1 8 GAzE',-r'E Noilcir No. 8922 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIN,II'IIJD BRITISH AMEzuCAN INSI.'RANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Narrobr Head Offrce: P O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi LoSS oF PoLICY LOSS OF POLICY Policy No. 160-489 in the mme and on the lfe of Benard Mrni Mararo. Poliry No. lit-6850 in the namc and on the life of Bernard Mureithi Mugc. REPORT having been made to thls company on the losr ot the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection ls lodged REP()RT' $.- ,,onn made to this company on the loss of t\p to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirt), (-10) u66e6 11u!rrh,'r-. ,' rrorice is given that unless objection is lodgcl days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and rrr drirish Ani. , -,,ranJe Company (K) Limited within thirty (3Q shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all lurrrre .i.,il1r,,,,r tl,e . , "til{ rlotrce, a duplicate policy will be issued ufl transactions. , -r., f,,: ,lc-,1 as 1l .- ,)illi' 'val)d document by the company for all fuhrie SIMEON BWIRE, MN2470034 Underwrttrng Manag.e r, L:fe [,.r:-..'he I Ith i)r-tr,Lir ]i'16. SIMEON BWIRE, itlR/24;-C03zi Underwrinng Manager, Uft . GAZETTE NoT'ICE NO. 89I 9

BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED GAZE'I-rE No-r'!cl. i\ft )" 891 i (Incorporated in Kenya) 'BFJTIsH AMEdic;rr.i TNsuRANCE coMpANy (K) LIMITED Head C)ffice: P.O. Box 30375-{010O. Nairobi (l'lcrtti)orated in KenYa) LOSS OF POLICY Head Oll'rce F U Box 30375-{0100, Nairobr Policy,'No. 163-3349 m the name and on the life of Ruth Atrcnct [,oss oF PoLIcY Ow,uor. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of thc Policl' No. 127-26017 in the nnme and on the life of Joseph Mairq Nderitu above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objectlon r" lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thrrty (,r01 REPORT havrng been made to this company on the loss of t$ days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be rssrled and above numbersd polrcy, notice is given that unless objection is l@d shall be used as the only valid document by the company f

GAzE.mE NoTICE No. 8920 GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8924 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMER I CAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTTED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi Loss oF PoucY Loss oF PoLICY Policy No. 124-1415 in the name and on the life of Gideon Oytengo Otuoma. Policy No. 122-1167 m the name and on the life of Alfred Tom Anjerc. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of tlre above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection ts lodged above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is b@od to Bntish Amencan Insurance Company (K) Lrmited within thrrty (30) to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duphcate policy will be tssued and days from the date of this notice. a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all firtqe transactlons. transactlons Dated the l lth October, 2016. Dated the I lth October,2016. SIMEON BWIRE, SIMEONBWIRE, MR12470034 U nd.e rw r i ti n g Ma na g e r, Life. ,. Nfi14470034 Underwritin g Manager, Lill. 28th October,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4429

GAzE'mE NorcE No. tl92-5 GAZETTENoIICENo. S9]9


Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-$lfi), Narrobi Head Office: P O. Box 30375 00100, Narrobr

LOSS OF POLICY LosS OF PoLICY Policy No. 122-21940 m the nnme and on the life of Conrad Paul Poltcy No 121-10437 m the name and on the life of Maryann Mwikalr Ojiambo. Musyoka. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notlce rs glven that unless oblectron rs lodged above numbered pohcy, notrce rs given that unless oblectron is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) to British Amencan Insurance Company (K) Limrted within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and days from the date ofthrs notice, aduphcate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions. transactions SIMEONBWIRE, Dated the 1Oth October,2016 MRt2470034 U nde rwr iting Manage r, Life. SIMEONBWIRE. MR/2470035 U nderwriti n g Manage r, Life

GAzEmE NOTCE No. 8926 GAZETTENoIICENo 8930 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (I9 IIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Narrobi (Incorporated rn Kenya) LoSs oF PoLICY Head Office: P O. Box 30375-{0100, Narrobr Policy No. 162-446 in the name and on the life of Stephen Krtungi LosS oF PoLICY Muchire. Policy No 16l-23391 m tlrc name and on the lfe oJ Anarua REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the Mwasambu Mwabosa. given above numbered policy, notrce is that unless objection rs lodged REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the (K) (30) to British American Insurance Company Limrted within thirty above numbered policy, notrce is given that unless objection is lodged days from the date of this notice, a duphcate policy will be issued and to British Amerrcan Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) shall be used as valid the only document by the company for all future days from the date of this notlce, a duphcate policy will be issued and transactions. shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future Dated the l0th October,2016. transactions. SIMEONBWIRE, SIMEONBWIRE, I|,,Rt2470035 U nde rwriti ng Manage r, Life. MR/2470035 U nde rw ritin g Manage r, Life.

GAzE'ffE NoncE No. 8927 GAZETTE Nol-ICE No. 893I (K) BRITISH AMERICAN INST]RANCE COMPANY LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated rn Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Narobi Head Offrce: P O. Box 30375-{0100. Narrobr LoSs oF PoLICY Loss oF PoUCY Polic,t No. 121-5135 in the name and on the life oJ Joyce Rebecca Polu ,- No 461-2819 m the name and on the life of Patricia Wangui Anjiri Sfusia. Muriukt. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged above numbered policy, notrce is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited thirty (30) to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and days from the date of this notrce, a duplicate pohcy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future shall be used as the vahd document the company transactions. only by for all future transactions. Dated the lOth October,2Q16. SIMEONBWIRE, SIMEON BWIRE, MRt247003s U nderwritin g Manager, Lfe. I'{RJ2470035 U nde rwr iting Mana ge r, LiJe.

GAzErrE No.flcE No. 8928 GAZEI-IE NoTICE No. 8932 BRITISH AMERICAN IN (K) BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED STIRANCE COMPANY LIMITED (lncorporated (Incorporated in Kenya) in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{)0100, Nairobi

LOSS OF POLICY LOSS OF POLICY Policy No. 12l-7964 in the name and on the life of Edwin Kartmt Policy No 20504284 in the name and on the life of Samuel Bunei Gathungu. Kryrop. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless oblection is lodged above numbered policy, notlc€ ts gtven that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thfiy (30) to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and days from the date of this notice, a duphcate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Dated the 10th October,2016. Dared rhe lOth Ocrober, 2016- SIMEONBWIRE, SIMEON BWIRE, MR/2470035 U nde rwritin g Mana ger, Ltfe. MRt2470035 Underwriti n g Manage r, Life. i M30 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,20l6

GAzEmE NcrncE No. 8933 GAzErrE NorrcE No. 8937 r

BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSI,JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTTED llncorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kcnya) Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-0010O, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{100, Nairobi , j LosS oF PoLIcY [,oSS oF PoucY Policy No.122-24462 in the nanu and on thc life of Behold Eliakim Policy No.46l-3189 in the namc and on thc liJe of Ben Wangi llcari Chovu. Mbugua. , REPORT having bcen made to this company on the loss of the REPORT having becn made to this company on thc loss of thc : above numbcred policy, noticc is givcn that unlcss objection is lodged above numbcrcd policy, noticc is given that unlcss objection is lodgcd to British Amcrican Insurance Company (K) Limitcd within thirty (30) to British Amcrican Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) i days from thc datc of this notice, a duplicarc policy will be issued and days from the date of this notice, a duplicerc policy will bc issucd and shall bc used as the only valid documcnt by thc company for all future shall be used as thc only valid document by thc company for rll futurc I transactions. transactions. SIMEONBWIRE, Dated the 10th Octobcr,2016. MR/2470035 U nderwriling Manager, Life. SIMEONBWIRE, 1 t MR/2470035 U nde rur lting Managc r, IJlc. I I GAzErrE NcrrIcE No. 8934 GAzEmE NcncE No. 8938 I BRMSH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTTED BRffiSI{ AMERICAN INSLRANCE COMPAT{Y (K) LIIVIITED (Incorporated in Kenya) I (Incorporated in Kcnya) Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Nairobi Head Officc: P.O. Box 30375-S100, Nairobi I.oSs oF PoLIcY I.oss oF PoLICIES Policy No. 125-2848 in the namc and on the life of Margaret Nyambura Wangi. Policy Nos. l2l-7752 and l2l-9115 in thc namc and on thc llfc of N e lson N gar uiya Njo ro ge. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the abovc numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unlcss objection is lodged REPORT having becn madc to this company on thc loss of tlr to British Amcrican lnsurancc Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) abovc numbcrcd policics, noticc is given thet unlcss objcction ir i days from thc derc of this notice, a duplicate policy will bc issued and lodgcd o British American Insurancc Comprny (K) Limircd within shell bc uscd es thc only valid document by the company for all future thirty (30) days from thc darc of this noticc, duplicrtc policics will bc transactions. issucd and shall bc uscd as thc only valid documcnts by thc comprny SIMEON BWIRE, for all frrture transactions. MR/2470035 U nde rwriting Manage r, Ufe. SIMEONBWIRE, MR/2470034 U nde rwriting Manag c r, Ufe.

GAzErrE NoncE No. 8935 GAzE'mE NoncE No. 8939 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI,JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRMSH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporatcd in Kenya) (Incorpontcd in Kenye) Hced Officc: P.O. Box 30375$100. Nairobi Hcad Office: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Ndrobi [.oss oF PoucY L,oss oF PoltctEs Policy No. 16l-2413 in thc namc and on the life of Doris Mutheu Kasanga. Policy Nos, 461-1210 end 16l-25463 in thc namc atd on thc lifc of REPORT having bccn mldc to tlris company on thc loss of thc Annc Wanja Wawcru. rbovc numbcrpd policy, noticc is givcn thet unlcss objcction is lodgcd REPORT heving bccn mrdc to this comprny on thc los! of thc to British Amcricrn Insunnce Compmy (K) Limircd within thirty (30) ebovc numbcred policics, noticc ic givcn that unlcas objcction b drys from the darc of thie noticc, r duplicatc policy will bc issucd and lodgcd o British Amcrican Insurancc Compcny (K) Limircd within shall bc uscd ee the only valid documcnt by thc comprny for all future thirty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, duplicrrc policics will bc trrn8rction8. issucd and sh.ll bc uscd rs thc only vrlid docurrcnt by thc comprny Drrcd thc lOth Ocober,2015. for all future tnnsrctions. SIMEON BWIRB, SIMEONBWIRE, MR/2470035 U nd. n+, r iting Managc r, I)le, MR/2470034 U ndc nor iti ng Mana gt, Iifc,

GAzsrrE NcmcE No, 8936 GAZEME NOTICE NO, 89M

BRMSH AMBRICAN INSI.'RANCB COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorpontcd in Kcnyr) (Incorporrrcd in Kcnyr) Hced Offico: P,O. Box 30375-O0100. Nrirobi Hmd Office: P,O. Box 30375401(X), Ndrobi loss or Foucv I'oss oF PouctBs Pollcy No. 122-1995t in thc name and on the lllc of Jackson Gitahl Pollcy Nos. 1934195 nd 122-14437 ln thc namc and on thc lllc oJ Wochlra, Grrcc Lh*mgu Mfugaya, REPORT hrvin3 bccn mdc to thlr compny or thc lolr of thG REFORT hrvin3 bocn mdo to thir comprny on thc lom of thr rboyc nunbcrcd policy, noticc ir givcn thrt unlar ob|rciion b lo$od rbovo numbcrcd pollclor. notlco ir glvcn thrt mlou objcction lr to Britirh Amcricrn Inrunncc Comprny (K) Limited within thirty (30) lodgcd o Britirh Amoricrn Inrunncc Comprny (K) Limitcd withln dryr fiom thc drtc of thir notic!, r duplicrtc policy will bc iuucd md thrty (30) dryr fiom thc drtc of thir noticc, duplicrts policicr will bo rhrll bc urcd r! thc only vrlid documcnt by tho comp.ny for ell futurr issued rnd shrll be urcd u thc only vrlid documcntr by thc comprny tfrnrrction!, for all futurp tr ngrction3. Drtcd thc l0th Ocobcr,2016. Drrcd thc l0th Octobcr.20t6, SIMEONBWIRE. STMEONBWIRE, MR2t70035 U ndc rw ilt ln g Manogc r, Illc, Mn/2470034 U tdc ntrltlng Managc r, Qfi, 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4431

GAzErrE NcncE No. 8941 GAzErrENcrrtcENo. E945


IPSS oF PoucY Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364{01(I), Nairobi Policy No, SMI 451749 in the name of Ephantus Githendu Wangi, oJ loss oF PoLtcY P.O. Box 28i82-O02N, City Square. Policy No. 6973&2 in the name and on the life of Rose Atemo NOTICE is givcn that evidence of loss or destruction of thc above Udonde. policy documents has been submitted to the company and any person APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of in possession of the policy documcnts or claiming !o havc rnterest the above-numbcred policy, notice is givcn that unless objection is thercin should communicate within thirty days (30) by rcgistcrcd post lodged to Libcrty Life Assurance Limitcd within thirty (30) days from with the company, failing any such communication certified copies of the dete of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shell be the policy which shall be the sole cvidencc of the contract will bc uscd as thc only valid documcnt by thc company for all future issucd. Eansactions. Datcd the 4th October,2016. Darcd thc 6th October,2016. . JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, CHARLESTHIGA, MR/2470300 U nde rwr iting Manage r, Life. MN247o/.zt Head of Customer Scrvicc, Ubcrty Dfe.

GAzErrENqflcENo. E946 GAzErrENoncENo. 8942 LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.'RANCE KE}.IYA LIMITED ICEA LION LIFE ASST,JRANCE COMPAI.IY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 3036,Hn100, Nairobi Head Officc: P.O. Box 46143{)()lm, Nafuobi Loss oF PoucY l.oss oF PoucY Policy No.8142876 in the name and on the ldc of Charles Njenga Policy No. the name ICL Africa l;nited 400000/lll in of fust Ngarurya. (Dimension Data). APPUCATION having been made o this company on the loss of NOTICE having bccn givcn thc loss thc ebove policy, a on of the above-numbcred policy, notice is givcn that unlcss objcction is duplicarc policy will be issued in substitution unless an objection is lodgcd to Libcrty Lifc Assurance Limitcd within thirty (30) days from (30) filcd with the undersigrred within thirty days fiom the datc of this thc datc of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issucd and shall bc notice. uscd as thc only valid dmument by thc company for all future transactions. Dated thc I lth Octobcr, 2016. Dated the 6th October,2016. FEIf,X CHOMBA, CHARLES THIGA, MR/2470385 DepositMministrationandAcruarialDepartment. t{Rn47Mzt Head oJCustomer Service, Liberty Life.

GAzErrENoncENo. 8943 GAzErrE NqilcE No. 8947 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI,JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 3036.1-ffi100, Nafuobi [.oss oF PoucY Loss oF PoucY Policy No.6916290 in the rwne and on the lile of Josephat K. illaluki. Policy No.8168436 in the nanu and on thc life of Shah Vipinchandra APPLICATION having bccn made to this compmy on thc loss of Dhirajlal. thc above-numbercd policy, noticc is givcn that unlcss objcction is APPLICATION having bccn madc b this company on thc loss of (30) lodged to Liberty Lifc Assurancc Limitcd within ttrfuty days ftom thc above-numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unless obirction is policy the date of this noticc, a duplicate will be issued and shell bc lodgcd to Libcrty Lifc Assurence Limitcd within thirty (30) days from used as thc only valid documcnt by thc company for dl future thc datc of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be transactions. uscd as the only valid daument by thc company for all future Datcd thc 6th Octobcr,2016. transactions. CHARLESTHIGA, Darcd thc 6th Octobcr,2016. MN2470421 Head of Customer Semicc, Dbcrty lifc. CHARLES THIGA, MRt2470/.2t Head of Customer Servicc, Dbcrty Dfe.

GAzErrENoncENo. 89,14 GAzErrE NqncE No. 8948 LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.'RANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBER,TY LIFE ASSI'RANCE KET.IYA LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box 3036.1-{01m, Natuobi Hcad Offlrcc: P.O. Box 30364--mt00, Nairobi Ioss oF FoucY lrss oFPoucY Policy No. 81202fi in thc rntne and on the life of Cluminingwa Kunnwo Chemoss. Policy No. 8133020 in the nane and on the lifg of Yvone Wangui Murori. APPUCATION having bccn made to this company on the loss of thc above-numbcred policy, noticc is givcn that unless objcction is APPLICATION having becn madc to this company on the loss of lodgcd to Libcrty Ufe Assurancc Limircd within thirty (30) days from thc above-numbcrcd policy, noticc is given that unlcss objcction is thc darc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be lodged !o Libcrty Life Assurance Limitcd within thirty (3O) days from used as thc only valid document by the company for all future thc date of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be transactions. uscd as the only valid document by thc company for all firturc transactions. Darcd the 6th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, Darcd the 6th Octobcr,2016. CHARLES THIGA, MN2470421 Hcad ofCustomcr Service, Liberty Lifc. MRn47042t Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty LiJc. i i 4432 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,20l6 I

I GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8949 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8953 I LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED I Head Office P.O. Box 30364{100. Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Narrobi


Policy No.8130389 in the name and on the life oJ Khadija Mohamood Policy No. 8136672 in the tame and on the l{e of George Grchnrnba Hersi. Kangara. I APPLICATION having been made !o thrs company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbered policy, notice rs given that unless objection is I lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Lrmrted within thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate pohcy will be issued and shall be the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions.

Dated the 10th October,2016. Dated the 10th October.2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, I MR12470465 Head of Customer Seruice, Liberty Life. l,/1RJ2470465 Head oJ Customer Service, Liberty Lile I

I GAzErrE NorcE No. 8950 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8954 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI]RANCE KENYA LIMITED I Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi

LOSS OF POLICY LoSs oF POUCY Policy No.700406l in the name and on the life of Jacqueline Awuor Policy No.8195486 in the name and on the life of Julius Achesa Omondi. Nasio.

APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is (30) lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from I the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be I used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all futurc transactions. transactions. I Dated the October,2016. lorh Dated the l0th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN2470465 Head of Customer Seryice, Liberty Life t\8,12470465 Head oJ Customer Service, Liberty Life.

GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 8951 GAzErrE NoTICE No. 8955 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI]RANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30362t-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi [,ss oF PoLIcY Loss oF PoucY Poltcy No.8158708 in the name and on the life oJ Esther Ndunge Policy No. 8170646 in the name and on the life of Britney Kanana. Musyoka. - APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objectron is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited withrn thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited wrthin thirty (30) days from I the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall bc the date of this notice, a duplicate policy wrll be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all futurc used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Dated the 1Oth October. 2016. Dated the 10th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN2470465 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Dfc. t6N2470465 Head of Service, Liberty Life.

GAzEmE NcflcE No. 8956 GAZEITE NoTlcE No. 8952 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI]RANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLrcY Loss oF PoLICY Policy No. 8128008 in the name and on the life of James Njuguna Policy No.8100310 in the name and on the liJe of Benjamin Stephen Oyile Odegi. Kuria. APPLICATION having been made to APPLICATION having been made to thrs company on the loss of this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objcction is the above-numbered policy, notice is gtven that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Assurance (30) lodged to Libcrty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from Life Limited within thrty days fmm the the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall bc i used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all fuore transactions. transactions. Dated the lOth October,20l6. Dated the 1Oth October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN24't0465 Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty Life. MN2470465 Head of Customer Service, I-iberty Lifc. 28th October,20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4433

GAzE-rrE NoncE No. 8957 GAZETTENoTICENo 896I

LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobr Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Narrobi

Loss oF PoLICy LoSS oF PoLICY Policy No. 6926539 m the name and on the life of Jacinta Wangui Policy No. 6975625 rn the name and on the lfe of Jordan Mipawa Murimi. Opde.

APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection rs the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless oblection rs lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited withrn thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the date of thrs notlce, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Dated the lorh October,2016. Dated the 7th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN2470465 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. MRt2470466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty LiJe.


LIBERry LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 3036,1--00100, Nairobi Head Of[rce: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi

Loss oF PoLrcY Loss oF PoLIcY

Policy No. 8162517 in the name and on the lde of Dulcie Kojo Policy No.6975'139 in the name and on the liJe of Vic Alan Mugo. Nyagilo. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made 0o this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless oblection is the above-numbered pohcy, notice is glven that unless objection rs lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the date of this notrce, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Dated the 7th October,2016. Dated the l0th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MRt2470466 Head oJCustomer Service, Liberty Life. vRt2470465 Ilead of Customer Servrce, Liberty Life.

GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8963 GAzEmE Nol'lcE No. 8959 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100. Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-{010O, Nairobi [,oss oF PoLICY LoSs oF PoLICY Policy No.6976154 in the name and on the life of Ferdinard Khaoya Policy No. 6974888 in the name and on the life of Philip Onyango Makokha. Siko. APPLICATION having been made o this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limiled within thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will bi: issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Dated the 7th October,2016. Dated the 7th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, 1,t1R12470466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty LiJe. MRt2470466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life

GAZE.I]E NoTICE No. 8964 GAZE-rTE NoTICE No. 8960 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERry LIFE ASSI.]RANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364--fi)100. Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi LoSs op Polrcv Loss oF PoLICY Policy No. 6989205 in the name and on the life of Monica Nyambura Policy No.6975100 in the name and. on the rye of Nrcole Wakariti. Mucheke. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection rs lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions.

Dated the 7th October, 2016. Dated the 7th October, 2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, lrIN24'10466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty LiJe. lr'F12470466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. 4434 THE KENYA GAZE'TTE 28th October, 2016

GAzE-rrE NorlcE No. 3965 GAzEmE NcrncE No. 8969

LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KET.IYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSTJRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{01ffi, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364{0100, Nairobi

Loss oF PoLrcY [-oss oF PoLrcY Policy No.6999020 in the name and on the lifu of Mark Mwangangi. Policy No. 8122217 in the name and on the lite of Peter Waiyaki Kariuki. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policy, notice ls given that unless objection is APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of lodged to LibertJ Life Assurance Limited within thkty (30) days from the abovc-numbered policy, notice is givcn that unlcss objection is thc date of this notice, a duplicarc policy will bc issued and shall be lodgcd to Libcrty Life Assurance Limited within thiny (30) days from uscd as the only valid document by the company for all futurc the darc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be transactions. used as thc only valid daumcnt by thc company for all futurc Datcd the 7th October,2016. trensactions. CHARLES THIGA, Dated the 7th Octobcr,2016. t[N2470466 Heod of Customcr Service, bbcrty LiJe. CHARLES THIGA, MN2470466 Hcad of Customcr Semice, bberty LiJc.

GAzEmE NCflcE No. 8966 GAzEmE NcnrcE No. 8970 LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi LIBERTY I,IFE ASSI.,RANCE KET.IYA LIMITED lpss oFPoucy Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nainobi Policy No.7001488 in the name and on the life of Leonard Owens Lrss oFlbucY lfammbeko. Policy No. 8129983 in the name and on the W of Ben4rd Mwanzo. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been madc to this company on thc loss of thc abovc-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the abovc-numbered policy, notice is given that unlcss objcction is lodgcd to Libcrty Life Assurance Limited within thrty (30) days from lodgcd to Liberty Life Assunnce Limircd wi6in thirty (30) days from thc darc of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be the darc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be uscd as thc only valid document by the company for all future used as thc only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions.

Darcd thc 7th Ocober,2016. Dated the 7th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN2470/,66 Head of Customer Service, liberty LiJe. MN2470466 Head oJCustomer Service, bbery Life.

GAzErrENoncENo. 8967 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 8971 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head P.O. Offrce: Box 30364S100, Nairobi Head Offrcc: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi [,oSSoFFoUcY I,SS oF PoUCY Policy No.8100591 in the name and the Robert Mucangi on lifu of Policy No.8139484 in thc rmmc and on the of Velnu llfu,endwa Ndwiga. ffi Kiome. APPLICATION having been madc to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having bccn madc to this company on the loss of thc abovc-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is the above-numbcred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgcd to Liberty Lifc Assurance Limitcd within thirty (30) days from lodgcd to Liberty Life Assurencc Limited within ftirty (30) days from thc datc of this notice, a duplicetc policy will be issued and shall be the date of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as thc only valid daumcnt by thc company for all future used as thc only valid document by the company for all future transactions. transactions. Datcd thc 7ft Octob€r,2016. Dated the 7th Ocober.2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MxJ2470/,66 Heod of Customer Service, Liberty Life. MN2470466 Hcad of Cusamcr Scmicc, kberty LiJe.

GAzErrE NoncE No. 8968 GAZETTENOTICENO. E972 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI,JRANCE KENYA LMITED Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30364{tr1fi), Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi IrssoFPoucy loss oF [bucY Policy No. 8117974 in the nanu and on tlw life of Janes Kamau 8143451 name Ahenda Nganga. Policy No. in tle and on the life of Francis Achicya Etole. APPLICATION having been madc to this company on thc loss of APPLICATION having been madc o this company on thc loss of thc abovc-numbered policy, noticc is givcn that unlcss obFction is the abovc-numbered policy, noticc given that unlcss objection lodged to Liberty Life Assurancc Limitcd within thirty (30) days from is is lodged to Liberty Assurance within (3O) days frorn the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall bc Life Limited thrty policy be uscd as the only valid daument by thc company for all frrturc the darc of this notice, a duplicate will be issued and shall transactions. uscd as thc only valid document by the corpany for dl futurc tsansactions. Dated thc 7th Ocobcr,2016. CHARLESTHIGA, Darcd the 7th Ocobcr,2016. MRn470466 Head of Custorner Service, bberty Life. CHARLES THIGA, MN2470466 Head of Cusnmer Scrvice, Libcrty Ufe.

I I 28th October,20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE M35

GAzEmE NoT.IcE No. 8973 GAZE-rTE NoTICE No. 8977

LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-001fi), Nairobi I-oss oF PoucY l,oss oF PoucrEs Policy No.8153908 in the name and on the lde of Jacinta Mbinya Policy Nos.8l404%fil&485 in the namc and on the life of ( I ) Feron (2) Imelda Kawinzi. Moraa Obwaya and Bwari Obwaya. APPLICATION having bcen made to this company on the loss of APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policics, noticc is givcn that unless objcction is the above-numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurancc Limitcd within ttrirty (30) days from lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the datc of this notice, duplicarc policies will bc issued and shali bc notice, a duplicarc policy will be issued and shall bc the date of this uscd as the only valid documcnts by thc company for all futurc used as the only valid document by the company for all funrre transactions. transactions. Dated the 6th Oclober,2016. Dated rhe 7th October,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES TIIIGA, MRJ2470421 Head ofCustomer Scrvicc, Liberty Lifc. MN2470466 Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life.

GAzEmE NoncE No. 8978 GAZEITE NoTIcENo. 8974' LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Of[rce: P.O. Box 30364{U0O, Nairobi Hcad OfFrce: P.O. Box 3036,H0100, Nairobi l.oss oF PoLIcrEs l.ossoFPoucY Policy Nos.6983953/6983954 in ,he name and on the life oJ Brian Policy No. 8 I 55529 in the name and on the W oI C hitayi David. Okello Kangena. APPLICATION having been madc to this company on the loss of APPUCATION having bcen made to this company on thc loss of the above-numbcrcd policy, notice is givcn that unless ob!:ction is the abovc-numbercd policies, notice is givcn that unless obiction is (30) lodgcd to Liberty Lifc Assurance Limircd within thfty (30) days from lodged to Libcrty Lifc Assurancc Limircd within thirty days ftom the date of this noticc, duplicate policics will bc issucd and shall be thc date of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall bc used as thc only valid documents by thc company for all futurc used as thc only valid daumcnt by thc company for dl future transactions. uansactions. Datcd thc 7th Octobcr,2016. Datcd thc 7th Octobcr,2016. CHARLES THIGA, CHARLES THIGA, MN2470466 Head of Customer Servicc, Aberty Ule. MN2470466 Head of Customer Servicc, Uberty Ule.

GAzErrE NcncE No. 8979 G^zEmE NcncE No. 8975 CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPA}.IY LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Hed Office: P.O. Box 30364{10, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi l.oss oF PoucY l.oss oF PoucY Policy 8174577 the name and the liJe James Mbugua No. in on of Policy No. CU2027NB in thc name and on the life of Berurd Okoth Ng'ang'a. Ouma. APPUCATION having been made to this company on the loss of APPUCATION has been made b this company for the issue of a thc above-numbered policy, noticc is givcn that unless objection is duplicate of the above-mentioned policy, the original having becn lodgcd to Libcrty Lifc Assurancc Limited within thirty (30) deys from reported lost or mispleced. Noticc is givcn that unless objection is the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be lodged to fire contrary at the officc of thc company within thirty (30) used as the only valid daument by the company for dl future days from tlrc date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issucd, transactions. which will be the solc evidence of the contract. Dated the 7ft Octobcr,2016. Darcd the l lth October.2016. CHARI-ES THIGA, MARYWANJIRU, MR12470/.20 Lifc Dcpartment. MN2470/166 Head of Customer Service, Uberty UJe.

GAzErrE NoIIcE No. 8976 G^zErE NcrIIcE No. 8980

LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPA}.IY LIMTED Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-{01m, Naiobi (Incorporated in Kenya) T,oss oF PoUCIES Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi [,SS oF PoucY Policy Nos.81548316974349 in the name and on the lde of Diosiaru Olivia Mukwilu alias Diosiaru Oliva Ahindukha. Policy No. CU2Ol2332l in the nanp and on the lifc of Benard Okoth Ouma. APPLICATION having bcen madc to this company on the loss of the above-numbered policics, noticc is given that unlcss objection is APPLJCATION has been made b this company for thc issuc of a above-mentioncd policy, lodgcd to Libcrty Lifc Assurancc Limitcd within thirty (30) days ft,om duplicate of thc thc original having becn reported lost or misplaced. Noticc is given that unlcss objection is the datc of this noticc, duplicate policics will be isswd and shall be lodged to the contrary at thc offrce of the company within thirty (3O) used as the only valid dmumcnts by the company for all fuore days from the datc of this notice, a duplicarc policy will bc issued, transactions. which will be the sole cvidencc of the contract. Dated the 6th October,2016. Dated the l lth October, 2016. CHARLES THIGA, MARYWANJIRU, MN247042t Head of Customcr Service, bbcrty Ufc. MN2470420 Ufe Department. 4436 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October, 2016


CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (lncorporated rn Kenya) Head O1fice: P.O. Box 34172. Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Loss oF PoLICY LoSs oF PoUCY

Pohcy No. CLll2l5749 in the natne and on the l{e of Rosenmry Uside Policy No. CU20l'1'771 in the name and on the lfe oJ David Njuguna Kong'ani. Ngugi.

APPLICATION has been made to thrs company for the issue of a APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of a duplicate of the above-mentloned pohcy, the ongrnal havrng been duphcate of the above-mentioned policy, the original having been reported lost or misplaced. Notice is grven that unless oblection is reponed lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wrthm thfty (30) lodged to the contrary at the ofFrce of the company within thiny (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued, days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy wrll be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. rvhich will be the sole evrdence of the contract. MARY WANJIRU, MARY WANJIRU, MN2470420 Life Department. MRt2470420 Lifu Department.

GAzE.mENol.ICENo 8982 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8986

CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Loss oF PoLICY LosS oF PoLICY Policy No. CLll2l7l53 in the name and on the liJe of Jonathtn Maw,eu Policy No. CLl20ll7030 in the name and on the lifu of Beatrice Jeruto Kathungu. Yatich.

APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of a APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of a duplicate of the above-mentioned policy, the original having been duplicate of the above-mentioned policy, the original having been reported lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is reported lost or mrsplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wilhin thfty (30) lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued, days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued, which wrll be the sole evidence of the contract. which will be the sole evidence of the contract. MARY WANJIRU, Dated the l lth October, 2016. I'tIRl24'70420 Life Department MARY WANJIRU, MRt2470420 LiJe Department.

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8983 GAZETTE NoTCE No. 8987 CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) CHANGEOFNAME Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Narobr NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd December, 2015, duly executed and registered in the Regrstry of Documents at LosS oF PoLICY Mombasa as Presentation No. 103, in Volume B-13, Folio Policy No. CU20116669 tn the name and on the liJe oJ Faith Wambui 1575110521, File No. 1637 , by our client, Silvanus Charles Mwavita, Kahuthu. of P O. Box 235-80200, Malindi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly and APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of a known as Silvanus Baraka Mwangome Mwavita, formally duplicate of the above-mentioned policy, the onginal having been absolutely renounced and abandoned the us€ of his former name reported lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is Silvanus Baraka Mwangome Mwavita and in lieu thereof assumed and lodged to the conftary at the office of the company within thirty (30) adopted the name Silvanus Charles Mwavita, for all purposes and days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued, authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe which wrll be the sole evidence of the contract. and address him by his assumed name Silvanus Charles Mwavita only. Dated the loth october,2016. MARY WANJIRU, KUPALIA FONDO MWANGUNYA & ASSOCIATES, MFJ2470420 Life Department Advocates for Stlvanus Charles Mwavita, lvff..l24775l6formerly known as Silvanus Baraka Mwangome Mwavita.


Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated lst September,20l6, LosS oF PoLICY duly executed and regrstered ln the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 957, in Volume DI, Folio 221130'10, File No. Policy No. CU2O|2O439 in the name and on the life oJ Joyce Agnes MMXVI, by our client, Nrcole Buyaki Kihungu, of P.O. Box 62702t- Akinyi Suji. 00200, Nairobr m the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Nicole APPLICATION has been rnade to this company for the issue of a Wahome, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use duplicate of the above-mentioned policy, the original having been of her former name Nicole Wahome and in lieu thereof assumed and reported lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is adopted the name Nicole Buyakr Kihungu, for all purposes and lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued, and address her by her assumed name Nicole Buyaki Kihungu only. which will be the sole evrdence of the contract. AREBA & COMPANY, Dated the 10th October,2016. Advoc ate s for N ic o le Buyakr K ihun gu, MARY WANJIRU. MN2477994 Jormerly known as Nrcole Wahome. MW2470420 Lift Department. 28th October, 2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 4437


NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated 6th September, 2016, NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 7th September, 2016, duly executed and registered in the Regrstry of Documents at Nairobi duly executed and regrstered rn the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 468, in Volume DI, Folio 21613033, File No. as Presentatron No. 613, in Volume DI, Folio 23313311 , File No. MMXVI, by our client, Henry Arthur Duarti, of P.O. Box 8911- MMXIV, by our chent. Farrda Sard El-buali, of P.O. Box 87583- 00200, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Henry 80100, Mombasa in the Repubhc of Kenya, formerly known as Farida Nduati Munanau, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned Said Mohammad Aziz alias Farida Said Mohamed Aziz alias Farida the use of his former name Henry Nduati Munanau and in lieu thereof Said Mohamed Aziz El-buah ahas Farida Said Mohammad Azrz El- assumed and adopted the name Henry Arthur Duarti, for all purposes buali, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, her former name Farida Said Mohammad Aziz alias Farida Said describe and address him by his assumed name Henry Arthur Duarti Mohamed Anz alias Fari

A. WAMBUI KIOI, Dated the 21st October,2016. vIJ2470r78 Advocate for Sylvia Wanza Mukuna, AZIZM. NGARE, known as Sylvia Wanza Nduva. formerly MN2477965 Advocate for Richard Mucene, formerly known as Edwin Gatonye Mucene. GAzErrE NcracE No. 8991 GAZE|TE NoTcE No. 8995 CHANGEOFNAME ' NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated l9th July, 2016, duly CHANGEOFNAME executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th August, 2016, Presentation No. 2570, in Volume DI, Folio 235/3338, FiIe No. duly executed and registered in the Regstry of Documents at Nairobi MMXVI, by our client, Paul Lemayian Jonadab, of P.O. Box 62552- as Presentation No. 1871, in Volume DI, Folio 22813197, File No. 00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Paul MMXVI, by our client, Khaoya W. Kennedy, of P.O. Box 123-30201, Ng'ang'a Wanjiru, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned Endebcss in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Kenedy the use of his formername Paul Ng'ang'a Wanjiru and in lieu thereof Wanyonyi Kaye, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned assumed and adopted the name Paul kmayian Jonadab, for all the use of his former name Kenedy Wanyonyi Kaye and in lieu purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to thereof assumed and adopted the name Khaoya W. Kennedy, for all designate, describe and address hrm by his assumed name Paul purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to kmayian Jonadab only. designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Khaoya W. Kennedy only. Dated the 17th October,2016. TETI & COMPANY, OWAGA & ASSOCIATES, ]MR/2477956 Advocates for Khaoya W. Kennedy, MxJ2470458 Advocates for Paul Lemayian Jonadab, formerly known as Kenedy Wanyonyr Kaye. formerly known as Paul Ng'ang'a Wanjiru. GAzErrE NorrcE No. 8996 GAzErrE NoTICE NO, 8992 CHANGEOFNAME

CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 12th October, 2016, NOTICE rs given that by a deed poll dated 27th November, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi 2015, d-'ly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at as Presentation No. 999, in Volume DI, Folio 25013178, File No. Narrobi as Presentation No. 155, in Volume DI, Folio 2431308l,Flle MMXVI, by our client, Martin Maina Njuki, of P.O. Box 6072- No. MMXVI, by our client, Grace Mercy Swett, of P.O. Box 50913- 00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Martrn 0020O, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Defrosa Opondo Onyango, formally and absolutely renounced and'abandoned Njeri Kimani alias Dafrosa Njeri Swett, formally and absolutely the use of hrs former name Martrn Opondo Onyango, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Defrosa Njeri Martin Maina Njuki, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at times to Kimani alias Dafrosa Njeri Swett and in lieu thereof assumed and all designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Martin adopted the name Grace Mercy Swett, for all purposes and authorizes Maina Njuki only. and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Grace Mercy Swett only. Dated the 12th October,20l6. MWAGAMBO & OKONJO, NYAKUNDI & COMPANY, MR/248 I 040 Advocates Martm Mama Njuki, MR/2470181 Advocates Grace Mercy Swett, for for formerly known as Martin Opondo Onyango. Jormerly known as DeJrosa Njeri Kimni alias Dafrosa Njert Swett. 4438 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th October,20l6

IMFORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO ECONOMIC SI]RVEY,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE THE following notes are for the guidancc of pcrsons submining "copy" for Price: KSh. 1,500 inclusron in the Kenya Gazette, Supplcrun ,ctc.: (l) Thc Kenya Gazerrc @nt ins Notices of a gcncrel nriurc which do not effcct lcgislation. Thcy arc, thcrcforc, submitted lo hc Governmcnt THE FINAIYCE BILL,2015 Printcr dirccdy. (2) Itgislativc Sttpplcmcnt conlains Rules and Rcgulations which erc Price: fsrr. 180 issucd by the Ccnfel Govemmcnl Bccrusc of lhis, thcy must bc submittcd to thc Govcmmcnt Printcr through lhc officc of thc Attorncy-Gcncnl. 2Uum2 (3) Bill Suplancnt contains Bills which rrc for inroduction in thc FSTIMATES OF R.ECI,]RRENT Nrtional Asscmbly. (4) Aet Suplenent contains Acts prsscd by thc N*ional Asscmbly. EXPENDITURE *copy" All subrnittcd fcr publicetion shonld bc prepucd on orp sidc of rn OF TTIE A4 shcct no rnaltrr how smell thc Notice is, each pagc bcing numbaed and GOVERI{MENT OF KEIYYA should bc typcwrinen with double sprcing- Copy should bc clerr, lcgiblc end contain m altcntions. FOR TIIE YEAR EI\DING Panicular rttcntion should bc peid to thc folbwing poins: 30TH JUI\E,2011 (i) Signrturc mus bc supportcd by rubbcr-srmping or typing thc nemc VOL. I of thc signatory in crpitd lcncs. Price: KSh.l,NO (ii) Mus bc mnrct and filled in whcrc nccc*sary. (iii) Carc shouH bc teken to cnsurc thet rll hcdings to Noticcs and vol.. II rcfercnes io legislation arc up to daic and conform with thc Reviscd Edition. of thc Laws of Kcnya. Price: KSh.l,z$ Exrmcr rnou nrECoDE oF REcur-ATroNs, SBcrroN D- vol,. m Kcnya Gazette 'D 34. (l) Comrnunications ft lhe Kenya Gazcna should rcach thc Price: KSft. I,100 Govcmmcnt Printcr not lrtcr thrn 9 a.m. on Fridey of thc wcck bcforc publicetiur is desircd. The Governmcnl Print€r will not publish communicetions rrccivcd rftGr that hour until thc ncxt subscqucnt issuc of the Gazcttc. 201U2012 (2) Ministrics will bc rcquired to pry fc thc Kcnya C,rzerrr md lo nrcct thc ESTIMATES OF DEVELOPMENT cost of advertising in it. It is cmphrsizcd that thcsc notcs arc for guidancc only, but it is rcquestcd EXPENDITURE that pcrsons submiting copy for publication firs satisfy lhcmselvcs that such OF TI{E copy is comphtc in cvery rcspoct. ST,,BS'CRIPTION AIID ADVER,TISEMEhIT CHAR,GES .! GOVERNMENT OF KEIYYA i With cffcct ftom lst July, Dl2, subscription md ldvertiscmetrt fcc for thc FOR YEAR ENDING Kcnya Gazcttc zrc rs follows: 30TH JI]NE,2011 SuBscRIP,noN CHARoES: KSh. cts. VOL. I AnnurlSubscription(cxc[dingpostegcinKenye)...... 13,920 m Annual Subscrhtion (including postegc in Kcnya) ...... 15935 00 Price: KSlr. I,100 Annual Subscription (ovcrsces)...... 32,015 m Hdf-ycu Subsriptim (cxcluding postrgc in Kcnyr)...... 6,960 m vol,. II Hrlf-yeer Subscription (including postagc in Kcnye)...... 8,470 0O Helf-yerr Subscription (ovcmces) ...... I 6,0 l0 00 Price: KSlr. 1,100 Singlccopywithoutsupplcrncnts...... 60 00

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