THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya
-.+tio-.r\,to$ ou'on* THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXYII-No.80 NAIROBI, 31st July, 2015 Price Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE PAGE The Tobacco Control Act-Appointment................................ 1'.784 [-oss of Policies. 1808 Taskforce on the Proposed Amendments to the Public Change ofNames 1809 Benefits Organization Act, 2013-End of Tenure .......... 1784 The National Construction Authority Act-Appointment.... 1784 TasHorce to Review the Kenya Information and SUPPLEMENT Nos. 105, 106, 107, 108,109,110,111 and 1117 Communication (Broadcasting) Regulations, 2010* Extension ofTerm 1784 Le gislative Supplement Supreme Court of Kenya-August Vacation 2015- LEGAL NoTCE PAGE Corrigenda.......... 1784 No. Court of Appeal . 1785 147 *T\e Kenya Film Commission Order, 2015...... 725 The Civil Procedure Act-Establishment......... 1785-1786 148-The Civil Aviation (Safety Management) The Banking Act-Transferof Mortgage Finance Business 1786 Regulations. 2015.................. 73r The Land Registration Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc.. 1'787-1798 149-The Stamp Duty Act-Exemption 757 Kenya School of Govemment-Examination Results........... 1798 150-152-The Merchant Shipping (Intemational (ISM The Kenya Information and Communications Act-Grant Safety Management Code) Regulations, 759 of Licences......... 1799 2015, etc The Energy Regulatory Commission-Fuel Cost Charge, I 53 -The Alupe University College Order, 20 1 5..... 919 etrc,..,..,,...,............. 1799-1801 154-The Merchant Shipping (Ship Identification The Water Act-Submission of Comments on Regular Number) Regulations, 20 15............................... 934 Tariff Application. etc ..................... 1801,1803-1804 155-The Public Finance Management (State t The Elections Act-Tallying Cenae, etc.................................
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