-.+tio-.r\,to$ ou'on* THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXYII-No.80 NAIROBI, 31st July, 2015 Price Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE PAGE The Tobacco Control Act-Appointment................................ 1'.784 [-oss of Policies. 1808 Taskforce on the Proposed Amendments to the Public Change ofNames 1809 Benefits Organization Act, 2013-End of Tenure .......... 1784 The National Construction Authority Act-Appointment.... 1784 TasHorce to Review the Kenya Information and SUPPLEMENT Nos. 105, 106, 107, 108,109,110,111 and 1117 Communication (Broadcasting) Regulations, 2010* Extension ofTerm 1784 Le gislative Supplement Supreme Court of Kenya-August Vacation 2015- LEGAL NoTCE PAGE Corrigenda.......... 1784 No. Court of Appeal . 1785 147 *T\e Kenya Film Commission Order, 2015...... 725 The Civil Procedure Act-Establishment......... 1785-1786 148-The Civil Aviation (Safety Management) The Banking Act-Transferof Mortgage Finance Business 1786 Regulations. 2015.................. 73r The Land Registration Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc.. 1'787-1798 149-The Stamp Duty Act-Exemption 757 Kenya School of Govemment-Examination Results........... 1798 150-152-The Merchant Shipping (Intemational (ISM The Kenya Information and Communications Act-Grant Safety Management Code) Regulations, 759 of Licences......... 1799 2015, etc The Energy Regulatory Commission-Fuel Cost Charge, I 53 -The Alupe University College Order, 20 1 5..... 919 etrc,..,..,,...,............. 1799-1801 154-The Merchant Shipping (Ship Identification The Water Act-Submission of Comments on Regular Number) Regulations, 20 15............................... 934 Tariff Application. etc ..................... 1801,1803-1804 155-The Public Finance Management (State t The Elections Act-Tallying Cenae, etc.................................. 1802-1803 Officers and Public Officers Motor Car Loan Counry Govemment Notice .............. 1803 Scheme Fund) Regulations, 20 1 5 ...................... 936 I The Co-operative Societies Act-Inquiry Order..................... 1804 (Pan African I 156-The Privileges and Immunities The Companies Act-Intended Dissolution, etc..................... 1804-1805 Federation of Film Makers) Order, 2015 .......... 946 I The Physical Planning Act-Completion of Part 157-The Food, Drug and Chemical Substances i Development Plan 1805 (Food Labelling, Additives and Standards) (Amendment) Regulations, 20 1 5...................... ; 946 I The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act- 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports.......... 1805-1807 158-The Animal Diseases Act-Revocation of I The Trustee Act- Submission of Claim................................... 1807 Prohibition........ 947 I I Disposal of Uncollected Goods...... 1807 159-The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration I [.oss of Share Certificate................. 1807 Act-Exemption 949 i I I I i i Irzs: r784 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3lst July, 2015 CoRRICENDA GMETTE NoI'ICE No. 5530 IN Gazette Notice No. 10698 of 201 3- THE NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY ACT (a) Delete the expression "account No.229-:7410204 at the Kenya (No.41 of20ll) Commercial Bank Limited, Moi Avenue Branch, Nairobi, P.O. Box 48400, Nairobi and replace with "account No. APPoINTMENT O94l8lff29 at Barclays Bank of Kenya, Queensway House lN EXERCISE of the powers confened by section 7 (l) of the Branch, P.O. Box 3001 1 , Nairobi". National Construction Authority Act, 201 l, the Cdbinet Secretary for Land, Housing and Urban Development appoints- (b)Delete the expression "account No. 0941816029 at the Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited, Queensway House Branch, Under paragraph 1g)- P.O. Box 3001l, Nairobi" and replace with "account No. 229- 741-204 at the Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi Avenue Branch, Henry Sangole Amaje (Eng.), P.O. Box 48400. Nairobi". Arch. Steven Wabwire Oundo, Jennifer Musyimi, Arjan Shankla, IN Gazette Notice No. 5338 of 2015, amend the expression printed Ann Mwikali Kiusya, as "in the district of Kangemi" to read"in the district of Kajiado". Wallace Atim, Kipkorir Loice Jepkemboi, Josiah Onkundi Maaga, IN Gazette Notice No. 3714 of 2015, Cause No. 83 of 2015, amend Moses N. Muihia, "Fridah the petitioner's name printed as Elien Indasi" to reod "Fridah Under paragraph (ft)- Ellen Indasi". Principal Secretary, Treasury, Principal Secretary, Transport and Inffastracture, No. 4'732 printed IN Gazette Notice of 2015, amend the expression Principal Secretary, I-and, Housing and Urban Development as "CAUSE No. 65 oF 20 1 5", to redd "CAUSE No. 67 oF 20 1 5". to be members of the Board of the National Constnxction Authority, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the lst July, 2015. The GMETTE NoTcE No. 5528 appointment of Alex Makori Magembe, is revoked. THE TOBACCO CONTROL ACT Dated the 24th luly,2015. I FRED MATIANC'I, (No.4 ol2oo7) I Ag. Cabinet Secretaryfor land, t APPoINTMENT Housing and Urban Development. i IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (1) of the I Tobacco Control Act, 2007, the Cabinet Secretary for Health appoints- GAZETTENoTIcE No. 5531 Under paragraph (/<)- THE KENYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT I Somba Kivingu (Dr.); (Cap.4llA) Under paragraph (/)- TASKFORCE TO REVIEW THE KENYA INFORMATION AND Mary Muthoni Muriuki: COMMUNICATION (BROADCASTING) REGULATIONS, 20IO I Under paragraph (la)- { EXTENSION OFTERM I Benjamin Onkoba Nyaachi; PURSUANT to the appointrnent of the Taskfotce to review the ! Under paragraph (n1 Information and Communication (Broadcasting) Regulations, 2010, - I Alhaj Ali Baricha; vide Gazette Notice No. 3136 of the 6th May, 2015, the Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communications and Technology extends Under paragraph (o)- l the period for the completion of the work of the Taskforce to thc 6th l Isabella Wanjiku Karan.iai September, 201 5. Under paragraph (p)- Dated the 13th July,2015. Lillian Renee Omondi. FRED MATIAhIG'I, Cabinet Secretary for to be members of the Tobacco Control Board for a period of three (3) Information, Communications and Technolog,y. years, with effect from the 23r,i lune, 201 5. Dated the 22nd Julv' 2015 JAMES MACHARIA, GAZETTE NoTICE No. 5532 Cabinel Secretary for Health. THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA SUPREME COURT OF KENYA GAzsmE NoflcE No. 5529 AUGUST VACA.floN 20I5 TASKFORCE ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PUBLIC BENEFITS ORCANIZATION ACT. 2OI 3 Corrigenda END oF TENURE Gazette Notice No. 5276 of 2015 be and is amended by- IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the Deleting "the Easter Vacation of the Supreme Court and inserting tenure of the Taskforce on the proposed amendments to the Public the following in substitution thereof "the August Vacation of the Benefits Organization Act, 2013, appointed by Gazette Noticc No. Supreme Court". 8003 of 2014, has officially come to an end effective 2lst May, 2015. Dated the 30th July,2015. Dated the 24th luly , 2015. WILLY MUTTINGA, ANNEWAIGURU, Chief Justice/President of the Supreme Court of Kenya. Cabinet Secretary for Devolution anrl Planning. l 31st July,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1785 GAZETTE NonCE No. 5533 GAZETTENoTCE No. 5538 THE CONSTITI.TTION OF KENYA THECIVL PROCEDURE ACT THECOURT OFAPPEAL (Cap.2r) ESTABLISHMENT SUMMER VACATIoN 2015 TAKE NOTICE that the Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of THE Summer Vacation shall commence on Monday the 3rd Kenya has established Kabamet High Court, with supervisory August, 2015 and shall terminate on Tuesday, the l5th September, jurisdiction over Kabamet and Eldama Ravine Magistrates Courts, 2015. During the Vacation, the Registry of the Court will be open to with effect from lst September, 2015. the public from 9.00 a.m. ta 12 noon on all weekdays except public holidays. A judge will be in attendance for the disposal of any urgent Dated the 30th July,2015. business. WILLY MUTUNGA, Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of Kenya. Dated the 23rd July,2015 WILLY MUTI]NGA, Chief Justice/President of the Supreme Court of Kenya. GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 5539 THE CIVL PROCEDURE ACT GAzE-rrE NorrcE No. 5534 (Cap.21) THE CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT ESTABLISHMENT (Cap.2l) TAKE NOTICE that the Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of Kenya has established Nanyuki High Court, with supervisory ESTABLISHMENT jurisdiction over Nanyuki and Nyahururu }"{agistrates Courts, with effect from 1st September, 2015. TAKE NOTICE that the Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of Kenya has established Siaya High Court, with supervisory jurisdiction Dated the 30th July,2015. over Siaya, Bondo and Ukwala Magistrates Courts, with effect WILLY MUTI.]}iGA, from I st September, 2015. C hief J ustic e I Pre s ide nt, Supre me C o urt af Kenya. Dated the 30th July, 20 15. WILLY MUTTJNGA, Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of Kenya. GAZEmE NOTICE No. 5540 THE CIVL PROCEDURE ACT GAZE,TTE NoTIcE No. 5535 (Cap.2l) THECIVL PROCEDURE ACT ESTABLISHMENT (Cap.2t) TAKE NOTICE that the Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of ESTABUSH\4ENT Kenya has established Chuka High Court, with supervisory jurisdiction over Chuka and Marimanti Magistrates Cou(s, with effect TAKE that the Justice/hesident, Supreme NOTICE Chief Court of from lst September, 2015. Kenya has established Nyamira High Court, with supervisory jurisdiction over Nyamira and Keroka Magistrates Courts, with effect Dated the 30th July,2015. from lst September, 2015. WILLYMUTUNGA, Chief Justice/President, Supreme Court of Kenya. Dated the 30th July,2015. WILLY MUTUNGA, Chief JusticelPresident, Supreme Court of Kenya. GAZETTE
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