07-16-17 Bulletin
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All for the Hail Mary, Greater Glory SSWT'012 20##2Q*72-,QZZVSW $$'!#S WYWUYVVZZ[V6S WYWUYVV[WRR Full of Grace! of God! +#0%#,!7,*7SWRWX[YVSZYWWYWUYVVZ[RR Holy Mary, St. Francis Xavier Website: www.sfxclayton.org Mother of God! '11'-,1S#1-',#1Q -*1-+Q-1#1Q#2#,2'-,!'*'27 “But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”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-0 %3#1"7S12U0"TSRR.+$-0$#1'"#,21 2$$-,*7 PLEASE VISIT… www.sfxclayton.org For more information & announcements To sign up to receive text message announcements & updates • Text 84576 • Type the message: SFXClayton • Follow instructions The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of July 2017 June and July 2017 Lapsed Christians: That our brothers and sisters who have **PARISH RECORDS MONTH** strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord Please check all your sacramental documents and the beauty of the Christian life.
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