PSHP Technical Report Template
GREENHOUSE GAS AND OTHER E NVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF HYDROPOWER: A LITERATURE REVIEW CLIMATE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR DEVELOPMENT, INVESTMENT, AND RESILIENCE (CEADIR) March 13, 2019 This report was made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Crown Agents-USA and Abt Associates. Recommended Citation: Manion, Michelle; Eric Hyman; Jason Vogel; David Cooley; Gordon Smith. 2019. Greenhouse Gas and Other Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Hydropower: A Literature Review. Washington, DC: Crown Agents-USA and Abt Associates, Prepared for the U.S. Agency for International Development. Front photo source: Itaipu Dam in Brazil, taken by International Hydropower Association on July 8, 2011, Crown Agents USA Ltd. 1 1129 20th Street NW 1 Suite 500 1 Washington, DC 20036 1 T. (202) 822-8052 1 With: Abt Associates Inc. GREENHOUSE GAS AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF HYDROPOWER: A LITERATURE REVIEW CLIMATE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR DEVELOPMENT, INVESTMENT, AND RESILIENCE (CEADIR) Contract No.: AID-OAA-I-12-00038 Task Order: AID-OAA-TO-14-00007 Economic Policy Office and Global Climate Change Office Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment U.S. Agency for International Development 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20523 Prepared by: Michelle Manion (Abt Associates) Eric Hyman (USAID) Jason Vogel (Abt Associates) David Cooley (Abt Associates), and Gordon Smith (Crown Agents-USA) March 13, 2019 DISCLAIMER This report is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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