Miller's New York As It Is, Or Stranger's Guide-Book to the Cities of New York
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00017^322^^ BLmWIv-Si .i.; of M I .ONERY, ETC. fBAlili & MlTElIi, STEAM PBIHTERS, LITHOGBAPHEBS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Account Books, Writing Papers, Fancy and Staple Statiouery,every kind, for Business. Professional, or Privaf« iwp in n'>«utitle« to suit. i^utlery, Draw- es, Portfolios, ks and Fluids, ivhich Letters Seal Presses. ERS, w Jofl: vs. Alwayi ^CO. Qass_ Book_, Albums, Jet - 'ATCHES, ...lo, ij>,i.v.v^.i 1 iwivi , j^iiiia iiiLU i'illiuj' IjrJOUff, HORSE-TI M ERS, Sole Agents for the Celebrated JAMES NARDIN WATCH, HANOVER 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. York, Office, No. 1 20 Broadway, New Street. Removed from 45 Wall Street. Cor. Cedar INCORPORATED 1852. REMSEN LANE, Secretary B S. WALCOTT, President. L ^~' Cash Capital, - " «^400,000.00 Assets, Jaiaxxaryls^_1872 ^872,072.91 in the Vnited States. Aqencies in all the Principal Towns JAMES, Actuary. HENRY KIP, Ass. Sedy. - - - THOMAS '""^° '?^"'"" -' ^?" A,enL ^'-^--tvAgency, A"sT0l,'DiRT,"S^/ J. CCR^EY & SON, Fifth Avenue, Corner of Slxiteentli St., 3Ve-vr Yorlc, ESTABLISHED 1840. Messrs. Gurney & Son, after an experience of thirty j'cars in the Photographic Art, deem it quite unnecessary, in presenting this card to tlie jjublic, to ask more than a visit of inspec- tion to tlieir New Galleries, and a careful view of the various styles of Photography hanging on their walls, which, they believe, will meet with Ihe approval of the most fastidious \M cF^i jic o[^ pHoToq'=l^rHY^ N. B. —We nre publishing the largest collection of Photo- graphs in the United States, consisiing of celebrities in Art, Music, the Drama, etc., etc., etc.
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