Republican Journal
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! ML IN NO* EM'S, «*i: I UK Nkw l’lMMMM'.H farm, Gaiden, and Household. iy M irk Tvvuiu. Hartford American 1 ubllshing Company. ’l’his nil volume of lido »M>1 < I I I> 1 V ITINAM MMONTON elegantly printed pages, with 2;> 1 engravings, descriptive and illustrative of the celebrated triends who may have communications, ob- Quaker City ex- ..nuns, tacts, or of interest, suggestions, anything cursion to in 1807. It was the most o ling to this department, arc requested to cominu- Europe ,• to who ill- ime l)r. Putnam Simonton, Searsport. liberal and magnificent pleasure parti ever ; pare tin same tor publication, it of sullicient im ■ t me’e. undertaken from this country. Over one hundred ladies and gentlemen, whose purses tions a warranted the chartered the tine MUSIC AND MUSICAL CONVENTIONS. just named, concert i- not. and must not lx*, sand murders at the same and ficti- after expense, GONE miFORE. moment; tlus(for my tale is mereiful and skips added that, if oil review, he found a exhibit it nanimously ocean steamer out i;i!•■ menagerie tious makes itself heard when real can- formalities and these two Quaker Oily, and laid the being at baud when these numerous Then ’> a beautiful face in the silent air. grief torturing delays) he had been mistaken in the nature of his Hut it be as our will urged proof of bad judgment, not. were were once more [nogramme ter an of lux a n- ar< innieef f,.r their usual work, and AVliieh follows me ever and near, very happy; they up- feelings, she would immediately release him, expedition nival and depraved musical tasie. that these condemned A\'itli and amber hair. Between the tunnel and Bath our on the railroad, to their ury and ii 'iweliold having an interest more or levs smiling eyes young going enjoy honey- and they should remain only friends. enjoyment. They vi-iled the Azores, Kalian and bird performances are ihc very ones With \oiecless iips, yet with breath of prayer. friend had (inn to ask himself whether his moon all themselves. Marian * ;i' in to by Dolignan Overcome the conflict of his (libraltar. Mars, ides. in, it is proper inquire—\V hat is musie, Thai I feel, hut cannot hear. by feelings. (I. n,,.,. E.-glnirn, \a which “bring down l!ie bouse in unbounded ap- conduct had been marked by that delicate re- was dressed just as before—duek-like and de-1 Lord fainted \\ iia! the best mean- for a Byron away. Miss Milbanke the (Irecian acquiring knowledge fhe and of serve which is to the all [)h‘s, Atchip.-lago, the Darda plause." Vet let these, or any other good-looking dimpled hand, ringlet gold, supposed distinguish lieious; bright, except her clothes; but j was convinced that his heart must real I \ be Lie low in a marble indies, the (loldeti the cost sleep; perfect sat beside her this time instead of in an Horn, S, 1 girls, put ballet inn*—flesh-colored tights gentleman. (leorge op- j deeply involved attachment with refer- Constantinople. i" ancient Lreeiaiis taught that nine sister (iod- l stretch my arms for the clasp of old, a or With face, real he held ; and sin1 drank him in from her 1 the Mediterranean and g ni/.e dres> without a low er end-—and pirouette Rut the air is cold. long feigned, posite gently ence to which he showed so much emotion, liastopol, road u|' ,\,.j , ealled mime>. preside 1 over, and dire.-ied all empty strangely tin* his late triends to lashes. And alone ! open door; attempted long eyi and she no more of a &c. on inn toe. the other e g whirling aloft, and these my vigil keep. spoke dissolution of the Kgyi't, Excursions were made to Pari', Haiis of the tine art"-, sculpture, painting. escape on the other side—impossible! thov “Marian,'' said (leorge, “married people Italian w ill lop their feathers in <1 is- There'* a sinless brow with a radiant crown. | engagement. Rome, Florence, --• v. music A c {11 time singing-binD must him. She whom he had should tidl each other Pompeii, Herculaneum, dig. poet•, ••loqiicnc, pass insulted all. Will von ever for- There is no reason to doubt that gu-l a’ lh< ‘‘tremendous applause" which those And u cross laid down in the dust: Byron was, the ;! »• •• iii• to be to for somewhere at his me if I own to von: no—" Jerusalem, and Catacombs, ami 111flueiie' restricted the last three There's a smile where never a shadow come now. (Batin kissed) deposited give as lie relates in iiis Pyramids si.ur lomghaired who.-e olliee it Dream, profoundly agoni- young gentlemen. a of : “Yes! mol: the Lmt ot the \nd tears no more from those dear llow. feet look gentle, blushing reproach the yes!” zed and when all other of interest to tin- .vliieli—nmsi<—being only bestow the human agitated, he stood before God’s points adjacent i- in do tie cheering, upon .So sweet in their innocent trust. other whom he had not insulted, darted red- "\\ ell, then, remember the Box Tun- u*' w hich r» aiim til- ! tinily mum—Misi:. you alter, with the trusting young creature whom coast. whirligig^: -neh i- popular applause, and the test hot at him from her eyes and so nel." was the first allusion he had A it bout claim liv: in ali\ *cime to be a “prolessor'* Ah, well! and summer is coming again. daggers they j (This he was to a fate so Iti this *f merit it indieatt's. leading awfully tragic; volume the story is told of what the Singing her same old song; parted. ventured to it.) “I am ashamed to I had it was not the I i \ i Hi ail. w late ;m ihe origin of all music. say ! yet memory of Mary Chaworth. The friends of (hi operatic music complain that I>ut, oli! it '•omuls like a sob of It was, fortunate for that i!;i to £10 with White I would kiss one of saw and with all tin- 1 pain. perhaps, Dolignan hut another pilgrims experienced, •! i.a*-ed up-ni this inherent law of every liv you | guiltier and more mcm- “coarse, uneducated concerts**—i- As it boats in the .-unshine and tin* rain, lie had the to he a friend to two and damning attendant — | music"—negro grace Major' ladies;” (leorge, pathetic that circumstances and re- v Hl-organi/e.! < aval lire—human and brute: O'er hearts of tin world's externally, j ory overshadowed that hour. incidents, rf.-t red lo theirs. ami great throng. of his a veteran chuckled within. j p; Tmc; for the reason that lloskyns regiment, laughed The moment the were lated iu the I •llllT i e fo the CeV- carriage doors shut happy v-in of Mr. Clemens, feelings pleasur" There's a beautiful above the skies. at the for the was too “1 in*) minstrelsy the words have far more sen- region by youngsters, major know that, (leorge; I overheard yon;” the and the others, When these 1 to its 1 upon bridegroom bride, parox- whose of Mark pain. pleasure-giving And long reach shore, to look billiard-balls and was tin1 demure signature Twain has become timent and the nut far mor melody,than all this apt coldly upon reply. ysm of remorse and re- iiid- ■•mo from human utterance, with no for- j For 1 know I -.hall find my treasure there, despair-—unrepentant so ; he had seen cannon and linstocks, “Oh! overheard me? well known, wherever genuine wit and I modern operatic si nil* can show. Their- an* nature's 'fhe laughing eyes and amber hair. cigars halps you impossible?” morse and angry forth :■ ii m asuro nf it m despair-—broke upon duration, ailed speech loru- lie had also, to tell the truth, swallowed a “And did not hear me to my humor are ■ il -w rank, perhaps, in their wild luxuriance, Of the loved one gone before. you whisper her gentle itead. "Von might have saved me hearty appreciated. Ther. is per- c ; wln n in h-queii' uttered measured tone* good I lit of t he mess-room poker, which made companion ? 1 made a bet with her.” from madam ! j but “ail (Vagrant ami glowing in nature’s fresh this, you had all in your power haps something loo much of the grot.- .pie in ilnn is to both the •muI and the it as for ton de- “You made a ! how prolong THE BOX TUNNEL. impossible Major lloskyns bet singular! What when 1 ottered to first.' Then yours but nrtilieial ones at best—wax or myself you you the hook, hut it is relieved h\ a faithful oi wliieii it gives, and wlii- h results also from jblix.m:" scend to an ungentlenianlike word or action as was it ?” have to behold, but no and i:y t iii'.adi:. ; might made me what you pleased ; but paper--fair emitting fragrance } to brush his own of events as it the; law of the soul, order ami regularity.—it trowsers below the knee. a of now chronicling they occurred and no “Only pair gloves, (leorge.” ; you will find you have married a ih ril?"' gi\ing jm to the .-onl. Sine* in your blindness j The intin from l’mldington told Ibis his 1 | did numie. In no other sense and way do j glided Captain Dolignan gentleman j “Yes, know; but what about it?” There were lucid intervals in I Ireipieat deli.-i.iu.-, hits ..t As a and \«»u have discarded the noble i which Lord description.