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4 \ v -••'-Vve '■ i ■- SPR IN G OPENING IN STORES HERE AVEBAOE DAILY dBODLAXiON for the Month of IM inw fy, IMS reraenslTo ? W s S L _____ B a r t f a r i 'rfi 5 , 5 3 5 Ratal or snow ttls aftamosB and ' i • % \* Member of AnOt Bi teadgbti fMAng gSBaraSy fair and \ ^ of Otrealatloa. atirbfatfr lEufttlng il|f ralft oSgktly eelder. * VOL. NO. 143. (doMlIleil AdvertiBiig on Page 10.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEMT9 ■ f De Valera Talks Over Sea to U. S. POWER COMPANY SENATOR ROBINSON -4 HmERTTES PREPARING AGAINST DEBT CUT SPENT m O M il G E im V O T E S FOR CIVIL W AR, REPORT Democratic Leader Warns MANCHESTER MAN Federal Trade Board Told of Headquarters In Half Dozen MeHon That Congress Will NAMED EXECUTOR Maine Cam|Ki^n>-*^nr^ Sixteen Year Old Boy Cities Raided— Anns Are Not Stand For Redaction spondence Destroyed; Sentenced to 10 Years Discovered and Plans Uh’* For Great Britain. Carlos S. Holcomb, Nephew May Call Officials To of Former Governor, To Waterbury, March 17.—(AP) — 'i at the reformatory pending tbs earthed That Outlined Washington. March 17.—(AP) — Washington To Explain. Wiley Elbert, 16, negro was given a i outcome of the appeal he would be 10 year term in the State R^orm%- Administrjition , intimations that I sent there at once. The court room Officiate Under WiD. tory at Cheshire tMs morning j was crowded when the sentence was March Upon Big Cities; Ambassador Mellon will enter Into Judge F. M. Peasley of the Superior Imposed. Elbert took the entire negotiations with Great Britain Washington, March 17.— (AP) • Criminal (k)urt. An appeal to the proceedings calmly and when taken Raids To Be Continued AH shortly for revision of that coun Testimony that the New England Supreme <3ourt is to be taken and to the cell block, effter being sen Southington, March 17.— (AP) — try's war debt to the United States Public Service CJompany spent $200. the defense has asked the court to tenced was smiling. The .will of the late ex-Govemor have sabert held in jail rather than I For the first time during the case brought a warning in the Senate to 000 to obtain a favorable vote in a Over Germany. Marcus H. Holcomb, filed in the Pro in the reformatory pending the de ' tbc complete report of the three day from Senator Robinson, of Maine referendum on an act to per bate Court here yesterday, provided cision of the Supreme CTourt In ap alienists was made public. These Arkansas, the Democratic leader. mit power export was given the Fed peal wMch w in determine the juris doctors examined Elbert at the for a trust fund of $38,000 for the Berlin. March 17— (AP) — The Demanding that the administra eral Trade (Commission today by diction of the juvenile courts. El New Haven jail. One was Dr. Grif Prussian government accepted a tion regard the debt problem “from former governor’s housekeeper. Miss William T. CChantland, a commission bert was convicted several weeks fin of Bridgeport. The alienists ago by the court on a charge of found Elbert physically sound, of challenge of the forces of Adolf the standpoint of the American Elizabeth C^mody. She was in the attorney. taxpayers rather than that ot Brit employ of the Holcomb family for criminal assault on a white house Mgh intelligence with absolutely no Hitler today by ordering raids on (Cbantland. who went to Maine in maid at the home of Lewis J. Hart, trace of insanity. They also found ish tstxpayer,” the Democratic chief many years. Miss C^armody will National Socialist headquarters added “any reduction of debt settle August, 1930, to investigate the ex of 84 Murray street, this city. EHbert to be very shrewd for Ms have life us«> of the income from pen-Jiture, said he was told by the Judge Peasley reserved decision age, careful, not Impulsive and with throughout the state after disclos ments, especially when proposed by ures purporting to reveal Nazi plane Mr. Mellon will require very careful the fund, which, after her death, will committee that handled the cam on the motion for a stay of execu no lack of foresight as to what he paign that the correspondence had for a virtual civil war. conslderaUon by the Congress In revert to nieces and nephews of the tion so that EHbert could be held in was doing and what the punishment been destroyed because the room it the New Haven jail. He indicated would be, if caught They were re Backing up Its action, the mnistry order to safeguard the best inter former governor. occupied was needed. that if Elbert could be segregated tained by the defense. of interior issued a statement in ests of the government which Mr. wMch it said its investigation re Mellon Is presumed to represent.” No estimate was given as to the Members of the committee were value of the estate. Besides the The voice of the Irish Free State’s new President was being heard on quoted as saying they believed vealed that the Nazis signal for n Newspaper Story radio sets throughout the United States when this picture was taken, march upon the big cities In their Senator Robinson based his de trust fund to Miss Carmody, the will records of accounts and expendi STUCK VALVE STARTS also provides for a fund of $1,000, showing Bamon De Valera before the microphone in a Dublin broadcast- tures of the campaign were suffi neighborhoods was to be the fiash clarations on a newspaper story pub in studio. This is the most recent photo of the fldry Irish leader. A WILD LINDY RUMOR. “Grandmother dead.” lished here today purporting to at the Income from which will provide cient. DE VALERA PLANS for the upkeep of the Holcomb burial Ready for March tribute to Mr. Mellon the view that This testimony was received in the PMladelpMa, March 17.— (AP) plot in Oak Hill cemetery here. A commission’s investigation of the The statement said the Hitlerites Great Britain faces a hardship In —A train whistle blew loud and were ready for a march on Berlin paying its wantime obligations in a legacy of $1,000 is provided for Mrs. public service company after Com A UNITED IRELAND long today when its valve stuck. Benjamin S. Porter, of Plantsvllle. missioner McCCuUoch, who was pre at the time of the presidential elec depreciated currency. A nearby factory watchman tion last Sunday and that all details Others mentioned in the docu siding, ruled it was pertinent. “Disturbance of existing agree REGIME IN MANCHURIA hecurd and blew his whistle too. had been planned, such as arrange ment are Mrs. Adelaide Weaver, sis Robert E. Heeily, counsel for the ments by the United States through Others followed suit and so<yi ments for transportation and pro Its diplomatic agents,” he said, "may ter; Adeline Holcomb Weaver, commission, said in introducing such there was a din of horns and visions. niece; Ada C. Roberts, niece; Bessie testimony the commission was not New President Wants To See prove unwise and harmful from wMstles such as the city seldom “These preparations were made,” every standpoint of the Interest May Weaver, niece; Clara Holcomb REPORTED AS TOHERING indicating any views for or against hears. Hill, niece; Carlos S. Holcomb, state acts which prohibit export the mlnistiy’s statement said, of our own people,” Free Stati and Ulster Gov- Offices of local newspapers “ under the guise of putting down Senator Reed (R., Pa.), recenUy nephew; Lillian Hill, niece, and Wal from Maine of surplus hydro-elec were swamped with telephone ter Holcomb, brother. tric energy. Communist revolts, but In reality voiced sympathy for the British on calls and harsissed editors sent they were preparations for civil the war debts problem and he Is Walter Holcomb of Torrington and Revabs Occur In Several To CaU Officials eminent Merged. hurried queries to correspondents. war.” regarded as an administration Carlos S. Holcomb of Manchester JUSTICE CONDEMNS (jhan^and’s testimony was taken “Is it true the Lindbergh baby were named executors o f the wllL as a preliminary to the calling of The statement ended by saying spokesman. has been found?” they all asked. that the Prussian government no officers of the New England com Robinson cited “ the annual deficit Provinces— Troops Re Dublin, March 17.— (A P )— ’The longer would tolerate the mobiliza of approximately two and a quar CONNECTICUT JAILS pany for direct testimony on the wearing of the green had a double tion of an army like I^itler’s storm ter billion dollars facing the treas campaign expenditure. z troops. fuse To Serve Under Gen. The a4:torney testified he had gone significance in Erin today. It was ury." INCOME TAX DROPS The raids throughout Prussia Balancing Budget to W. S. Wyman at the company's the 1500th Eumiversary of St. Pat CHENEYS ANNOUNCE office in Augusta and had secured were under the direction of Kart Then the Denoocratio leader con rick’s landing and it brought a new Severing, minister of interior. Ma, the New War Minister Maltbie Says County Institu froiq Mm “without any question” the tinued: pMn for imion of the north and A report warficuriwt that they “AoB witb-the groatcct difficulty ON FIRST RE ^RT detafla. ML the company’s campaign south of Deland. NEW CREDIT SERVICE would be extended, also. to other confronting C on gn a a 'lh dfSrtls to expenditure.