minetest mods bathroom download Minetest. Minetest is an adventure, survival, and freestyle creation game loosely based on . The difference is that it's open-source and totally free. That basically means that the user base constantly uploads new content. This game encourages your creativity, much like Minecraft. You can break blocks, stack them, forge tools and other objects, create buildings, and anything else you can imagine. There are two game modes available: sandbox and normal. The first one has an unlimited cache of blocks. The normal one, however, makes you work hard to survive. Without a doubt, the best thing about Minetest is that you can play online with friends by creating and building on your own servers. That means you can share space with more than a dozen players and work together in creating any type of building. Minetest is the best free alternative to Minecraft. The advantages and possibilities don't end there, they continue with your own vision. Make sure you check out the images and tap into the limitless potential that Minetest offers you. Minetest mods bathroom download. Adds a mob for mods to add animals or monsters etc. 3D Armor stu. Visible player armor & wielded items. Mobs Animal TenPlus1. Adds farm animals. Mobs Monster TenPlus1. Adds many types of monster. Mesecons Jeija. Adds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers. Farming Redo TenPlus1. Adds many plants and food to Minetest. Mobkit Termos. Nether PilzAdam. Adds a deep underground realm with different mapgen that you can reach with obsidian portals. Draconis ElCeejo. Adds Dragons and related resources and equipment to Minetest Game. Petz runs. Very cute mascots: Kittens, puppies, duckies, lambs. Take care of them! Hang-Gliders Piezo_. Fly around with fully functional hang-gliders! Water Life Gundul. new mobs for your river and sea water. i3 jp. A next-generation inventory. Basic Materials and items VanessaE. Provides a small selection of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use when possible -- things like steel bars and chains, wire, plastic strips and sheets, and more. Homedecor VanessaE. Feature-filled home decor modpack. Advanced Trains orwell. Adds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails. !! When updating, install basic_trains !! X-Decor jp. A decoration meant to be simple and well-featured. More Blocks Calinou. Adds various miscellaneous blocks to the game. Bonemeal TenPlus1. Adds bone and bonemeal giving the ability to quickly grow plants and saplings. Motorboat apercy. Adds a craftable motorboat. Unified Inventory RealBadAngel. Replaces the default inventory and adds a number of features, such as a crafting guide. Vehicles D00Med. A mod that adds an api for cars, planes, and other vehicles. Pipeworks VanessaE. Supplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them. Unified Dyes VanessaE. Unified Dyes expands the standard dye set from 15 to up to 256 colors (depending on the object to be colored) Luxury Decor. This mod has a goal to add large amount of luxurious various furniture elements, decorations and exterior stuff. This mod has a goal to add large amount of furniture elements (kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom of different styles), decorations and exterior stuff. Many of them are luxurious and have expensive crafting recipes. Most planned stuff is missing now, unfortunately and intended to be added in coming updates. Features: Fine models and textures. Cabinets can be visually opened/closed. Unfortunately, a bug exists on double opening attempt when put items may seem be lost. *Sofas and footstools will be connected between themselves if click it sideways with identical sofa. Homedecor. Homedecor provides a large selection of items you might find inside and around your home, like sofas, chairs, tables, fences, and all manner of other stuff. See the forum topic for full details. If signs_lib is installed, it must be commit 4ff54c9a or later. Reviews. Lots of stuff to decorate your builds! Good for creative servers! If you want to build interiors download this! Comprehensive. A very comprehensive mod filled with many different items and some nice effects to go along with them :) Core Creative/Building modpack. Homedecor is a simple, must have that is light on system resources. Enjoyed it for many years. Must-have for builders - make your homes nicer! This mod adds a lot of blocks that make your house and garden a lot nicer. It includes a complete bathroom set - no need to use a stair as a toilet anymore!, big fridges to keep your food (and ores :-)) cold, chairs, tables, sofas, TVs and a huge amount of other decorations, down to a wall calendar. The doors alone are great already and make your house look much better than the boring standard wooden door. Fences and tables can be used in diffrent ways. Realistic shingles make your roofs stand out and shine. There's even a fish tank can be illuminated! And the garden benches make your parks and roads much more inviting. The only drawbacks may be that some of the blocks are rather specialized and are not as universally usable as e.g. a wooden stair - and that there are a lot of blocks included. I've seen many players who immensely enjoyed making their homes nice with this modpack. For me, personally, if a server doesn't have this mod installed then there's something important missing. Used By. Castles++ philipbenr. This is a modpack all about creating castles and castle dungeons. Home Workshop modpack VanessaE. This is a simple modpack containing computers, tools, machines, etc. Simple streetlight spawner VanessaE. Adds various streetlight "spawners" (5m tall, supports multiple pole materials and light sources) Getting Started. Understanding the basic structure of a mod’s folder is an essential skill when creating mods. What are Games and Mods? The power of Minetest is the ability to easily develop games without the need to create your own graphics, voxel algorithms, or fancy networking code. In Minetest, a game is a collection of modules which work together to provide the content and behaviour of a game. A module, commonly known as a mod, is a collection of scripts and resources. It’s possible to make a game using only one mod, but this is rarely done because it reduces the ease by which parts of the game can be adjusted and replaced independently of others. It’s also possible to distribute mods outside of a game, in which case they are also mods in the more traditional sense - modifications. These mods adjust or extend the features of a game. Both the mods contained in a game and third-party mods use the same API. This book will cover the main parts of the Minetest API, and is applicable for both game developers and modders. Where are mods stored? Each mod has its own directory where its Lua code, textures, models, and sounds are placed. Minetest checks in a number of different locations for mods. These locations are commonly called mod load paths . For a given world/save game, three mod locations are checked. They are, in order: Game mods. These are the mods that form the game that the world is running. Eg: minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/ , /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest/ Global mods, the location to which mods are nearly always installed to. If in doubt, place them here. Eg: minetest/mods/ World mods, the location to store mods which are specific to a particular world. Eg: minetest/worlds/world/worldmods/ minetest is the user-data directory. You can find the location of the user-data directory by opening up Minetest and clicking “Open User Data Directory” in the Credits tab. When loading mods, Minetest will check each of the above locations in order. If it encounters a mod with a name the same as one found previously, the later mod will be loaded in place of the earlier mod. This means that you can override game mods by placing a mod with the same name in the global mod location. Mod Directory. A mod name is used to refer to a mod. Each mod should have a unique name. Mod names can include letters, numbers, and underscores. A good name should describe what the mod does, and the directory which contains the components of a mod must have the same name as the mod name. To find out if a mod name is available, try searching for it on content.minetest.net. Only the init.lua file is required in a mod for it to run on game load; however, mod.conf is recommended and other components may be needed depending on the mod’s functionality. mod.conf. This file is used for mod metadata including the mod’s name, description, and other information. Dependencies. A dependency occurs when a mod requires another mod to be loaded before itself. One mod may require another mod’s code, items, or other resources to be available for it to use. There are two types of dependencies: hard and optional dependencies. Both require the mod to be loaded first. If the mod being depended on isn’t available, a hard dependency will cause the mod to fail to load, while an optional dependency might lead to fewer features being enabled. An optional dependency is useful if you want to optionally support another mod; it can enable extra content if the user wishes to use both the mods at the same time. Dependencies are specified in a comma-separated list in mod.conf. Mod Packs. Mods can be grouped into mod packs, which allow multiple mods to be packaged and moved together. They are useful if you want to supply multiple mods to a player, but don’t want to make them download each one individually. Please note that a modpack is not a game . Games have their own organisational structure which will be explained in the Games chapter.