TECHNICAL TRANSACTIONS CZASOPISMO TECHNICZNE FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES NAUKI PODSTAWOWE 2-NP/2015 KALINA BARTNICKA* HOW TO STUDY MATHEMATICS – THE MANUAL FOR WARSAW UNIVERSITY 1ST YEAR STUDENTS IN THE INTERWAR PERIOD JAK STUDIOWAĆ MATEMATYKĘ – PORADNIK DLA STUDENTÓW PIERWSZEGO ROKU Z OKRESU MIĘDZYWOJENNEGO Abstract In 1926 and in 1930, members of Mathematics and Physics Students’ Club of the Warsaw University published the guidance for the first year students. These texts would help the freshers in constraction of the plans and course of theirs studies in the situation of so called “free study”. Keywords: Warsaw University, Interwar period, “Free study”, Study of Mathematics, Freshers, Students’ clubs, Guidance for students Streszczenie W 1926 r. i w 1930 r. Koło Naukowe Matematyków i Fizyków Studentów Uniwersytetu War- szawskiego opublikowało poradnik dla studentów pierwszego roku matematyki. Są to teksty, które pomagały pierwszoroczniakom w racjonalnym skonstruowaniu planu i toku ich studiów w warunkach tzw. „wolnego stadium”. Słowa kluczowe: Uniwersytet Warszawski, okres międzywojenny, „wolne stadium”, studio wanie matematyki, pierwszoroczniacy, studenckie koła naukowe, poradnik dla studentów DOI: 10.4467/2353737XCT.15.203.4408 * L. & A. Birkenmajetr Institute of History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland;
[email protected] 14 This paper is focused primarily on the departure from the “free study” in university learning in Poland after it regained its independence in 1918. The idea of the “free study” had been strongly cherished by professors and staff of the Philosophy Department of Warsaw University even though the majority of students (including the students of mathematics and physics) were not interested in pursuing an academic career. The concept of free study left to the students the decision about the choice of subjects they wished to study and about the plan of their work.