A STERN WARNING AT LEAST THREE KILLED IN LANDSLIDES Chinese Military Expansion ELAINE HITS PHILIPPINES , Philippines (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Elaine sliced across the northern Policy Blasted By Soviets Philippines' farmlands today, setting off fatal landslides and forcing evacuation MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Soviet Union blasted Peking's of thousands from flooded homes. military expanSlon policy today and warned that if Authorities said heavy rains sent mud and boulders rumbling down three areas in Chinese leaders plunged the country into war China the mountain resort of Baguio, 120 miles north of Manl1a where the world chess would suffer vast destruction and mass annihllation. championship between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi is under way. The denunciation and somber warnings were contained The Red Cross said three persons were killed in landslides and a woman drowned in a lengthy article published by the Sovlet Communist when she tried to retrieve possessions from her home engulfed by floodwaters. Party daily Pravda and At least 3,170 fami- signed with the pseudonym HERO r S WELCOME AT AIRPORT lies -- 19,020 people -­ "Observer" WhlCh lndicates were evacuated to gymna­ it was prepared at the Slums, schools and town highest levels of Kremlin halls because of floods leadership and reflects Terrorists Leave Today and landslides in Panga­ official Soviet POllCY. MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) -- Marxlst terrorists who occupied the national pal­ sinan and Benguet pro­ The article attacked ace for 44 hours received a hero's welcome at the Managua airport today and flew vinces. China as a warmonger and out of the country along wlth the polltical prlsoners they exchanged for their Weathermen plotted international trouble-maker hostages. E1alne late taday ln the searching for the Western The terrorists and some of thelr hostages flew off in one plane and the poli­ South Chlna Sea 70 ml1es military equipment and tical prisoners took another. They were flying to Venezuela and Panama, but lt from the tobacco-produ­ technology it needs to pur­ was not known WhlCh group was going to which country. clng I10cos prOVlnce on sue superpower status. Pandemonium greeted the terrorists on arrival at the Las Mercedes Airport as northeastern main Luzon "The Soviet Union will their bus was mobbed by hundreds of cheerlng supporters who broke through nation­ island. resolutely oppose China's al guard 11nes to glve E1alne, packlng center militarist expansionist IN IRAN MOVIE FIRE them a hero's welcome. winds of 59 ml1es per course. The terrorists laughed hour, was moving away "No reasonablE' person and waved their submach­ from the country on a can believe that the Chin­ Report Says firemen Did lne guns out the windows west-northwest track at ese people want the Peking of the bus that drove 6 mph. leaders to plungE' the coun­ them and an unknown number One of the landslides try into war. Not Respond fast Enough of hostages -- including occurred at the world "Under contemporary con­ TEHRAN (UPI) -- A government investigatlon into a a cousin and a nephew of chess championshlp playing ditions war would inflict mOVle house flre in the Persian Gulf Clty of Abadan President Anastasio Somoza slte. A portion of a hill on China uncountable de- said today that firemen dld not act fast enough to Oebay1e -- from the na­ on WhlCh the Convention 'struction, calamities, and save nearly 400 men, women and chl1dren who burned to tional palace to the alr­ Center is perched, gave the mass annihilation of death. port. way and swept a house people," the Prav'da article Riotlng went on in the grief-strlcken city for the The heavily-armed gun­ away, ki111ng two. said. thlrd stralght day in protest against authorities' men used thelr rlf1e alleged failure to con­ butts to keep the crowds FROM COMMUNIST CAMBODIA trol the fire. away from the two school WATER REPORT Troops, called lnto buses that drove the un­ Water taken from the the town Wednesday after determlned number of POll­ lens well reserves -­ MURDEROUS PURGE CAUSES two maJor clashes between tical prlsoners, released Slnce condition yellow: security unlts and thou- in exchange for the hos­ 7,b35,000 gals sands of mourners, fired tages, to the airport. Last 24 hours: -0- INCREASED REfUGEE fLOW occaslona11y ln the air The flights ended a In tanks: 6,540,000 gals TA PRAYA, Thailand (UPI) -- A new murderous purge to disperse groups of bold and bloody operatlon Consumed: inside communist Cambodia has sharply increased the people shouting abuses at that began Tuesday when KwaJ· 305,000 gals number of refugees fleeing into Thailand, refugee of­ local officials. the terrorists took hos­ Other· -0- ficials said today. The government inves­ tage 40 to 60 officla1s. Total: 305,000 gals Nearly 400 Cambodian refugees, their heads shaved tigatlon commlttee, which for identification, sat glumly ln rows at one border returned to Tehran from area gathering point in Ta Praya, 150 mlles east of Abadan Wednesday night TIED UP WITH MERGER Bangkok. Few women or children were in this group of after a three-day inves­ recent arrivals. A Thal tigatlon, blamed police policeman controlllng the for failing to foresee Some Pan Am foreign Spray Can Murder group explained, "The securlty problems and ad­ MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) -­ weak get left behind or mitted the flre fighting The Same jury that found die on the way." units were not prepared Routes To Be Dropped June Mlkulanec guilty of In an abrupt reversal for the rescue. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Pan American World Airways, stabbing her love rival 98 of previous P011CY, po­ Iseeking to merge with Natlonal Airlines, said today times and spray painting lice did not allow news­ lt will drop some of its forelgn routes next month her body black found her men to talk to the refu­ PROGRESS 3 BURNS "in order to be businessllke and profitable." innocent Wednesday of the gees. MOSCOW (UPI) -- The The reductlon ln service could be restored par­ murder because of mental A refugee offlclal, Progress 3 unmanned cargo ti ally 1f the merger goes illness. who asked not to be named, space capsule ended ltS through, Pan Am Chalrman subsidized by thelr gov­ Legal experts sald it said that from hlS inter­ l6-day mlssion today in William T. Seawell told ernments. was possible she could be views with refugees an a ball of flre hlgh over the Senate Aviatlon Sub­ "If you are a U.S.­ freed immediately. extensive exterminatlon a remote area of the committee. Pan Am lS pro­ flag airline that posses­ The 28-year-old former campaign aimed at even Pacific Ocean. hlbited from flYlng be­ ses a domestic system, bank employee was convicted ordinary farmers was why The Soviet news agency tween U.S. clties, and a you have a cushion in the criminal phase of escapes trlpled since mid­ Tass said, "The ship was merger would allow the against the effects of in­ the two-part trial on July. put into a traJectory of new entlty to add Nation­ equitable market access Aug. 8 of slaying Susan "It is not former descent, entered dense al 's domestlc routes to and discriminatory treat­ Monroe Rosenthal, who had (Prime Mlnlster) Lon No1 layers of the atmosphere Pan Am's forelgn ones. ment abroad," Seawell married the defendant's soldiers or middle class over a pre-set area of Testifying on a bl11 testlfled. "You also have former boyfriend Allen people they are killing the Paclfic and ceased to designed to increase com­ a broader base and a Rosenthal, 32, only three now. It seems to be every­ exist. " petition in lnternationa1 ~igher frequency of ser­ weeks before the slaying one with even the slight­ Progress 3, which was aVlatlon, Seawell said vice over which to spread in suburban New Hope est connection with the launched on Aug. 8, deliv­ acquisitlon of profitable your costs and the means Oct. 3, 1977. old regime. The cousin of ered about 1.5 tons of domestlc air routes is of deploying expensive After the slaying, she a cousin of a cousin of a water, food, oxygen, ex­ needed to cushlon set­ aircraft more effici~ spray painted warnings of soldler lS ln danger," he perlmental devlces and backs in the internation­ ent1y. " more murders to come on said. "They are mostly mail to the Soyuz 29 cos­ al market, dominated by He said Pan Am's posi­ neighboring houses. slmple nce farmers." monauts aboard Salyut 6. forelgn alrlines that are tlon is "bizarre." \ PAGE 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 Names Of fight MIAs ~.------~-----, HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (UPI) -- A financia' News Power 'nterruption congressional delegation scouting a new DOW JONES AVERAGES A power outage 1S planned for Vietnamese-American re1at10nship arrived 30 Industr1als up 0.35 at 897.35 Saturday, August 26, between 7:30 where the old ties ended and released the 20 Transportat10ns up 1.75 at 253.41 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The only areas names of elght Amer1cans lost in the longest 15 Ut111t1es off 0.10 at 106,46 affected w11l be Transportation, war the Unlted States ever fought. 65 Stocks up 0.61 at 309.81 Heavy Equ1pment Shops, Furn1ture Rep. G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery and his Volume was 38,500,000 shares. Warehouse, F.O.MOo' Marina and the seven colleagues came to Ho Chl M1nh C1ty Clos1ng Gold up $2.80 at $203.25 Bakery. Wednesday aboard a Soviet-built TU-134 Jet Closing Silver up 6.5¢ at $5.41 ThlS outage will be in support transport loaned by Premier Phan Van Dong. SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY of cable testing on the island's The delegation was the first official underground distr1bution system. U.S. mission every to help thelr Vietnamese hosts on tracing the 329 Amer1can service­ Surf & Sun ------~ men still llsted as missing in action. AS OF 0001 HOURS, AUGUST 24, 1978 The ccngressmen released the names of Daily Rainfall .10 inch eight U.S. servicemen who had been listed Monthly Total 2.99 inches WORLD NEWS BRIEfS as missing in actlon in the Vietnam War and Yearly Total 63.37 inches MOSCOW (UPI) -- American businessman whose remains the communist reg1me has now TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN F. Jay Crawford says his Soviet accusers returned. H1 Tide 0858, 03.5' - 2217, 08.9' have yet to present evidence to back The U.S. lawm~Kers stressed that the Lo Tide 0213, 01.9' - 1511, 02.3' the1r claims he was involved 1n specu­ identlflcations must be confirmed in tests Sunr1se 0641 Sunset 1903 lation on the black market in currency. which w1ll be conducted in Hawaii. Moonrise 1942 Moonset 0703 Crawford, 37, Mobile, Alabama, a The remains of 11 men were handed over FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 Moscow salesman for International Harvester but three were listed as "unidentified" by Corp., underwent another eight hours of the Vietnamese. Three of the identlties question1ng at Lefortovo Pr1son Wednesday. given also were llsted as "presumed." All *** the remains were 11sted as coming from Balloon;sts Are Honored SAN DIEGO (UPI) -- Narcot1cs agents North Vietnamese crash sites. (UPI) -- Award of the French throughout Cal1fornia have been placed The names, ranks, and branch of service government Aeronaut1cs Medal today was only on alert for increased smuggling of of the MIAs and the date and place where the latest of the honors that have been Southeast Asian heroin into the United they are believed to have died were glven, piling up for America~s three trans-Atlant1c States from Mexico, a federal agent con­ but no hometowns were ava11able. ball o('n is ts. firmed Wednesday. French Transrort Min1ster Joel le_Theule, "We're going to be see1ng loads (of presid1ng at the ceremony, also had free Southeast AS1an hero1n) in the k1lo Smaller Pidd e Possib'e t1ckets for the Americans and their wives quant1 t1es coming 1n," Edward Heath, EAST LANSING, Michigan (UPI) -- That en­ on the Fr1day flight to New York aboard the special-agent-1n-charge of the U.S. dangered species, the Amencan gherkin, may supersonic Concorde airllner. Drug Enforcement Administration's district flourish once again. As one of the three, Ben Abruzzo, remark­ office 1n San Dlego, predicted. More exactly, Michlgan State Unlversity ed when they were offered the $1,000 t1ckets *** crop scientists are test1ng with some after completing their successful 3,200- MANILA, PHILIPPINES (UPI) -- Scores of success a new cucumber-growing technique mile Journey a week ago, "We thought tnat heav11y armed Moslem rebels ambushed an aimed at making the product10n of small, since we had crossed the Atlantic the slow­ army reconnalssance patrol 1n Sulo, 500 seedless pickles more economical. est way we'd go back the quickest." miles south of Manila, k1ll1ng 12 soldiers, ~SU hort1cu1tur1st Bill Dean said the Th21r balloon cross1ng took nearly six m1litary sources sa1d today. current dominance of the kosher dill relates days. The Concorde does the dlstance in Slxteen of the more than 100 attacking more to economic necess1ty and the require­ under four hours. Moslems also d1ed, they sa1d. ments of fast-food hamburger cha1ns thd{l On Wednesday Abruzzo, 48, Maxie Anderson, *** to consumer preference. 44, and Larry Newman, all of Albuquergue, ROCK, Kansas (UPI) -- An apparent Besides that, the inability of mechanized New Mexico, were awarded the Gold Medal of rupture of a surface fuel line spewed U.S. farmers to produce t1ny cucumbers have the C1ty of Paris 1n a city hall ceremony. poisonous rocket propellant at a manned made them largely an expenS1ve imported underground Titan II nuclear missile site product, subJect to the price fluctuat10ns today, 1njuring two Air Force personnel of 1nternational trade. u~S. Reporters Are Warned and forc1ng evacuati on of severrt 1 hundred "Most p(ople 1n the United States are MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Sov1et Forelgn nearby residents. used to eating the big kosher pickle," Dean Min1stry summoned two Amer1can reporters It was not known whether the under­ said. "People don't know that it's going today and repr1manded them for the1r alleged ground m1ssile was armed at the time of to be possible now to have the small p1ckle." d1srespect to a Moscow court during the the acc1dent but an Air Force spokesman trial of a llbel case orought aga1nst them said there was no danger of explosion. by Sov1et telev1sion off1cials. *** Tatt'eta'e Tortoise New York T~rres reporter Crai g Whitney, RAWALPINDI, Pak1stan (UPI) -- Mil1tary NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) -- Th1S is another 34, and Balt~llr)re Sun reporter Harold Piper, ruler Ben. Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq dissolved strange story from Idi Amin's Uganda - the 39, were called to an 1nformal meet1ng with his cabinet of less than two months case of the talking torto1se. Lev V. Krylov, deputy chief of the Foreign Wednesday and announced an all-civ1l1an Tens of thousands of Ugandans believe Ministry Press Department. government, Wh1Ch he will control as the such a creature exists and 1S currently Krylov told the two reporters that Moscow effective prime m1n1ster. padding around the countryside near the City Court Ch1ef Judge Lev Almazov had re­ Three army generals were dropped from capital of Kampala, stirring up trouble for ported that they showed "d1srespect" to his the new cabinet 1n what Zia told newsmen "Big Daddy" Am1n. court by refusing to participate in the was "a def1nite step toward democrati­ V111age folklore, perhaps. lawsu1t or to answer h1S summons. za t1 on. " But Amin 1S taking the matter of the He sa1d they deserved to be str1pped of *** torto1se so seriously that he has threatened their accreditation -- Wh1Ch would br1ng BEIRUT (UPI) -- A telephone bomb to shoot anyone spreading the story. automat1c expUlsion from the Soviet Un10n -­ threat turned an Air France jetliner Government officials, police, security but the Foreign Minlstry Press Department back to Be1rut today but a thorough forces and local chiefs held crisis meetings had decided to confine 1tself to del1vering search of the plane disclosed no ex­ recently to discuss the mysterious "Enfundu" a warning. plos1ves, pol1ce sources said. - tortoise *** Amin launched a full-scale press campaign NEW DELHI (UPI) -- Prime Minister to ridicule the story. No Change 'n Score Morarj1 Desai today turned down a proposal In the bi zarre worl d of Ami n' s Uganda, BAGUIO, Phil1ppines (UPI) -- The storm­ of the Indlan Parl iament's upper house such strange reports surface 1n t1mes of battered 16th game of the world chess title for appointment of an inqu1ry commission internal stress and are seen as a method of f1ght was adjourned today, but the drama to investigate alleged corruption charges embarrassing the government. Everyone takes centered on a1des battling over a Soviet against h1S son. the matter very seriously. hypnotlst and efforts to muffle the sounds Desai also rejected the alternative of dripp1ng rain. apPo1nt1ng of a ~ouse committee to probe Soviet titl1st Anatoly Karpov at one the charges. The Newlyweds 'n Moscow point compla1ned to the arbiter to get rid Desai told the House he rejected the MOSCOW (UPI) -- Just like any Soviet of the dripping water at the backstage. proposals because "The charges are not newlyweds, Christina Onassis Kauzova and her He said 1t was disturbing his concentration. spec1 fi c." Russiap husband have rented an apartment. There also was a leak 1n the center of the *** But that's where the similarity ends. gallery and chairs be1ng moved upset Karpov, (UPI) -- Police arrested a 52- While many Russian couples could eas11y officials said. year-ol d Japanese woman and her 31-year­ have two ch1ldren and a divorce wh11e wa1t­ Match off1cials placed rags on the leaks old son today for allegedly smuggling a ing for an apartment, Christina and husband and the game went on unt1l it was adjourned large cache of handguns and ammunit10n Sergei Kauzova got th~irs within two weeks. on the 42nd move. into Japan from Thailand aboard a Danish And they aren't stuck w1th any t1ny, two­ Russ1an defector V1ktor Korchno1 sealed fre1ghter. roomer. The new couple will have seven­ the 42nd move at the end of five hours of *** rooms to rattle around in -- almost unheard play. It w1ll be opened when the game is ROUEN, France ~UPI) -- The British of in the Sov1et Union and certainly for resumed Fr1day at 5 p.m. coastal fre1ghter Mar~e Weston capsized Just two people. At adJournment, each player has a rook near this Seine River harbor today after Christina told UPI today they will pay and six pawns. Experts pred1cted a draw in being rammed by an Ivory Coast cargo the equivalent of $150 a month for the1r new the rook and pawns to end game although ship and five seamen were trapped 1ns1de apartment. Karpov appeared to have a slight advantage. the British ship, harbor officlals said. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1978 PAGE 3 Pope Poster Offensive by ERNEST SAKLER VATICAN CITY (UPI) -- A leaked dlplomatic report and a poster offenSlVe by traditionalists demanding "a Cathollc Pope" put further pressure on cardinals Wednesday 48 hours before the start of the papal election conclave. But Roman Cathollc Church sources said outside pressure was unllkely to sway the 111 cardinals who will convene in the Vatlcanls Slstine Chapel Friday to start the process of choosing a successor to Pope Paul VI. The sources said the cardinals have already agreed on the kind of man they will elect - a moderate who will not deviate significantly from the path set by Paul - and only have to choose from among a few names. 's nCivilta ' Cristt~na" (Christian Civilization) tra­ ditionalist group plastered obelisk-like stone lampposts on the Via Della Conciliazione just off St. Peter's with big red posters reading: "We want a Catholic Pope." The group, which is close to French rebel Archblshop Marcel LeFebvre, earlier passed out tracts saying church reforms passed by Paul and his predecessor John XXIII were an "apocalyptic cancer" and theologians who supported them were "working with the devi 1. " The Italian radical newspaper La Republica raised eyebrows in the V~tican today by publishlng a "confidential" report from the Italian Embassy accredited to the Holy See about the pros­ pects of various papal candidates. The Ambassador Vittorio Cordero Ojl Montezetnolo, told re­ porters the docume~t· actually was'a ~emo for the Embassy's internal use and was not sent to the Italian government. The report, written three days after Pope Paul's death August 6, said the favorites were- the "three Bls. 1I Cardinals Paolo Ber­ toli, Sebastiana Bag9io ~nd Giovanni Benelli. It said advanced age could prove the trump card for Bertoli~ 70, or Baggio, 65, because cardinals do not want a pope likely to rei9n more than 10 years. His young age of 58 and his sternness on such issues as abortion and divorce could play against Benelli, it said. The report said Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli, 68, a close friend of the late pope, "has worked very well in the public Wants Equal Opportunity relations field" but "some say his theological stature is not very high." by MARIANNA OHE It said Jan Willebrands of Holland "is considered excessively progressive," Jean Villot of France "appears physically weak" TOKYO (UPI) -- Jack Horner, Canadlan Minlster of Industry, and might not stand the strain of the papacy and Argentina's Trade and Commerce, urged Japan yesterday to give Canada an equal Eduardo Pironio "is young and cordial but does not appear to be opportunity with the United States to sell its food on the on a good theological level and his experience is limited to Japanese market. . . Latin America." Horner also said he recelved assurances from Japanese leaders Milan's torr~ere Della Sera, Italy's largest newspaper, re­ that Japan's proposed $12 billion emergency import program aimed ported Tuesday that pressure groups were circulating "poisonous" at correcting its trade imbalance with other nations would not confidential memorandums against individual candidates, accusing jeopardize Canada's trade with Japan. Bagglo of being a Freemason and Pignedoli of being "pomp-loving." At a news conference at the close of his flve-day offlcial Church sources connected with the conclave said that despite visit to Japan, Horner said: "We believe Canadian food can be these reports there was no back-stabbing atmosphere among the competitive on the world market with (that of) the United States. cardinals. We wanted to stress that we should be glven an equal opportunity to serve the Japanese market." Horner said Japan buys $12 billlon worth of food annually, of WhlCh less than $1 billion comes from Canada. "I think Canada should have a large share," he said. "I believe we can sell more food to Japan wlthout hurting Japanese Sam Shuls~ '=' 'rz., agriculture." Horner sald Japanese Minister of External Trade Nobuhiko Ushiba assured_him an emergency imports program to reduce its huge trade Brother, Can ·They Spare a Dime? count at my bank? Could I draw surplus with the United States and Western Europe. Canada en- Q. _ I own 4,000 Avco da~ now only a half year of- money In ease of an joyed a $700 million trade surplus with Japan last year. warrants which have been f , emergency? "Mr. Ushiba assured me if Japan proceeds wlth stockpillng or dellsted by tile N.Y. Stock Bank ~,;ery* much as is A. - First let's dispose of that forward purchasing to comply with pressures applled at the NTN Exchaqe.Mybrokeraaystiley trip: There Is no reason you' (the current Tokyo round of tariff negotiatlons), that Canada tradeataround lOcenta.I can't the case with life inlUrance can't ask the savings, in­ understand this. A few yean stocks, generallf lie outside the stitutiOll8 to mall you interest woul d very much be kept in mi nd. " back, when tile stock was mainstream of non-profeuional ell ks nl During his Japan stay, which he termed "very, very worthwhile," around 18, thewlll1'8Jda traded investing. Both types are not ec not 0 y every q~r, Horner met wlth Ushlba, Foreign Minlster Sunao Sonoda, Minister at$6.Wlththestocknowaround easy to analyze. Now comes but - in the case of many m­ Samuel C nreenfle1d, analyst stitubons - monthly There Is of International Trade and Industry Komoto and Toshiwo Doko, 22 a sbare, the warrants are v no need to shift the funds dO*D omy a dbne. How at the finn of Hardy &: Co., who merely for the convenience of head of the powerful Japan Federation of Economlc Organizations. come? ~ 011 The Ues argues that Il108t of the bad receiving interest by mall. He also held talks with electric power, steel and industry A. _ answer m the loans which plagued many If, however, you feel you are leaders and flew to Japan's northernmost maln lsland of Hokkaido warrants' Nov. 30, 1978 ex- banks over the laat ten years approaching the time when you where he toured an agrlculture experimental station and the plrauonda~ have been written off and that will need help With your affairs, Hokkaldo Central Artificial Insemination Station. Avco warrants entitled the the banks are at the end of this some trust arrangement might The Canadlan minister said he held detailed discussions on holder to turn in one warrant "famine period." Profita were plus $56 in cash m exchange fer be helpful First, be sure to get the prices of wheat, feed barley, rape seed oil, meat and a number one share of the ecJnunon. With better last year and in the first all the answers as to control of quarter of this year. Market the funds, changes 10 10- of other commodities Canada sells to Japan. the conunon, on the day your prices of even the best per- vestment, fees, etc He sa i d he also urged Japanese 1eaders to import more Canadl an letter arrived, selhng aroum fonners, says Greenfield, "are * * * manufactured goods, stressing to Komoto that, because C'f Canada IS $22, there was only an outside qui~ low relative to book Department of Fuller Ex­ energy supply, it coul d semi -process a number of non-ferrous chance that the warrants would value." His llst of "promising" p1anaUon: A recent colwnn be exercised before Nov 30, bank stocks. Bank of New York, meta 1s 1 t exports to Japan. even using Avco's dlscoun~ Bank of Virginia, Bankers poin~ out that an mvestor who' He said Komoto seemed "favorably disposed" to import the 71,2 percent bonds of 1993 par paid $10,Il00 mto a mutual fund Trust, Charter New York, which now has a current market Canadi an-developed heavy water reactor but tol d hlm that the value as cash. When, early last Chase Manhattan, General value of $6,900 has a market loss Japanese have not yet reached a concensus to purchase it. wm~r,the warrants fell to as Bancshares, United Jersey of $3,100 PLUS the amount of "I think I have moved them considerably further toward a 10wasfour-256ths(orone-64th) Banks. any reinvested diVidends and of a doUar - 1.56 cents - the Don't forget - It's HIS llst l concensus," he said. stock exchange decided to captial gams. I don't un­ * * * derstand the letters which msist He said two small Japanese airllnes have expressed interest delist You can trade the Q. - We are retired on there IS no loss - unless my in buying the short take-off and landing aircraft. warrants over the coun~r pension and Soclal Seeurlty. critics mean there IS not tax­ Concerning the Tokyo round tanff negotiations, Horner said Wby did the warrants sell as Would It be wlae ~ shift funds to deductible loss until the shares Canada has tried to meet the request of a 40 percent weighted a high as $6 m 1972 even though 8 deferred IUlIlWty? are redeemed Correct, of the conunon shares were then A. - If you are retired and course No capital loss becomes average cut, putting on the table large offers ln forestry and a selling lower than they are want income now, what are you whole host of other industries. today? The answer is tlme- deferring? a tax deducbon until the loss Is "How much of that offer we 1eave on the table depends on how and the hope which goes with actually taken • * * * * * many concessions we get from Japan. Europe and the United States," time. Speculators were then Q. - Advanclq age makes It MR SHULSKY welcomes written i willing to pay $6 for a six-year difficult for me ~ make a trip questions. but he wlll be able to he sa d. prOVide answers on.... through the bet that Avco conunon would into my aavinp InaUiuUons ~ column But he sald Canada wants to be "extra careful" about movements climb high enough by Nov 30, For Information on retirement and collect interest several times a pre retirement planning please In to liberalize trade in industnes now having difficulty ln Canada 1978 to justify the $6 year. Should I draw the mOlley clude a selt adelreHeeI. 'tamped ~ velope Addres.s your requests to Sam such as textiles. shoes and petrochemical industries. speculabon.Wlththeexplration out and put It in~ a trust ae- Shulsky care of tl'll' newspaper - PAGE 4 THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1978


Existing And Proposed Camp Hamilton Sites Artist's Concept Of Proposed Camp Hamilton Volunteers Needed To Relocate Camp Hamilton Kimij Kiririk Yok Kom* by Dick Eastman (Continued from Column 1) *"Kimij kararik tok kom" is the Marshal .. Contrary to popular belief, Camp Hamil­ ing that only certain specialties are r~­ lese wa~ to say "We welcome you" -- liter­ ton is not just a Scout camp. It is avail­ qui red for any given weekend. ally, "We make you no longer strangers." able to all Kwaja1ein Island residents The project requires dismantling the (as well as Scouting units) by reservation existing Camp Hamilton and moving the hut CLARKE and LOUISE HEON and their sons, through Special Services, just as Emon covers to the new site; building the lanai EDWARD. 17, RICHARD, 15, and BILL, 12. ar­ Beach and Coral Sands Beach are. with steel I-beams and corrugated aluminum rived at Kwaj recently from Westford, Mass, There are, however, many undesirable roofing (electrical and plumbing required); Clarke is a transmitter engineer with Syl­ aspects of Camp Hamilton in its present building the six huts with aluminum posts vania. This is a first look at Kwajalein location. The most important one is that and sheeting; building a counter, tables, for all the family except Clarke, who was the huts are in need of a major refurbish­ BBQ and fire ring; painting and sign paint­ here TDY for a week in 1971. The family is ment. ing; laying swimming rope and buoys. Each looking forward to the relaxing pace. During the past three months. a proposal of these jobs is time-phased within the has been in the making to relocate Camp expected six-weekend period. Hamilton to the Ski Area #2 Beach on the The intent is to perform the required YY Club Dress Code, lagoon side of Kwaja1ein (see sketch) work between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturdays which will resolve all of the prior unde­ and Sundays, with individual time off for sirable aspects, accomplish the refurbish­ those who go to church, play softball, etc. Rules Are Re,iewed ment and create a highly desirable beach -- and also for numerous cooling dips in The following is a portion of Global area and picnic site for all island resi­ the lagoon. Procedure 1235, dated April 1977, "Opera­ dents (families. groups, Scouts, etc.) Foremen and qualified/ta1ented/helper tion of the Yokwe Yuk Club": that will include overnight camping. ,personnel are required for each of the fol- V.B. Dress Code. Persons using the club The new Camp Hamilton will consist of lowing jobs: facilities are required to dress appropria­ six huts (for overnight camping), a large Heavy movers/cranes Qualified tely, as they would be expected to dress at lanai (with BBQ. counter. sink, ice box, Welders and cutters Qualified a casual country club or restaurant in the tables and shower). and a fire ring. Also Sandblasting Qualified United States. Such items as "cut-offs," included will be an excellent beach for Cement mixing ~ualified and helpers tank tops, swimsuits. hats or caps, and ~wimming, boating. skiing and snorkeling. Dig/level/forming Talented and helpers shorts which are shorter than Bermuda A portable chemical toilet exists on site, Cement finishing Talented and helpers length. are not appropriate. Clothes must but plans are to add flushing facilities Mason Talented and helpers be neat and clean. Bare feet are not accep­ in the future. Electrical Qualified table. Exceptions to the dress criteria may The proposal is based upon a self-help Plumbing Qualified be granted for speCial occasions by prior program. That is. all labor would be accom­ Builders Talented and helpers arrangement with the club manager. The club plished by many volunteers in the form of Painters (inc1 sign)Talented and helpers reserves the right to ~efuse admittance qualified operators and talented helpers Tools Qualified and/or service to customers and guests ap­ of the island populace. Material Talented pearing in the club wearing any of the This proposal, under Kwajalein Scouting This project is dependent upon your sup- above items, or if they are dressed in a sponsorship and available funds, has been port. Please fill out the volunteer form manner which may be offensive to others. approved by KMR Commanding Officer Col. and deposit it as soon as possible in the V.E. Conduct of Customers and Guests: John Reeve, and work is expected to begin "CAMP HAMILTON" box located inside the Post Customers or guests using the club facili­ about Sept. 2. Office. Watch for further announcements in ties will be subject to a verbal reprimand The only remaining question is: How the HourGlass. and/or expUlsion from the club for any of many of the qualified and talented resi­ A viewgraph briefing of project details the following infractions: loud, abusive dents can we count on as volunteers to work will be presented to all volunteers prior or vulgar language; disorderly conduct; or about six weekends -- with the understand- to starting the project. failure to adhere to the club rules and/or applicable provisions of this procedure. If ,..______---.'.'---1'-31----1' .. '.'..... _IH."nnnm ...... ' __ IJ ••• WW .. _ ...... lNnIHII .... '_ two such verbal reprimands are received by an individual, the manager of Food Services VOLUNTEER will prepare a letter to the offender's resident or site manager advising him of for Camp Hamilton Relocation Self-Help Project the infractions. The offender may also be restricted from further attendance at the club. Serious incidents occurring at the Yokwe Yuk Club will be reported to the ap­ \ NAME ______COMPANY _____ PHONES,--:-==-- --:-=~ propriate authority by the club manager. HOME WORK OCCUPATION, ______- ______Approves Special Sessions (MNS) -- High Commissioner Adrian Winkel this week approved requests from Palau and VOLUNTEERS JOB SERVICES AS: WILL SERVE AS JOB FOREMAN? ____ the Marshalls districts for special sessions of their legislatures in light of the re­ sults of the Micronesian constitutional ref­ QUALIFIED OPERATOR: ____--.-:=- __- __• or TALENTED: ___--..;u:;- ___ erendum. These two districts rejected the JOB JOB Micronesian constitution in a Trust Terri­ tory-wide referendum held July 12. or HELPER :. ______--=-==- ______Winkel told both Palau and the Marshalls JOB district administrators to issue speCial session calls and suggested that they be REMARKS? ______~ held in late August or early September so as not to interfere with the status nego- ....______... ______11_, ..' __ ._ ... ,...... _..... ,""...... ______.. I ti ations schedul ed for mid-September. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 PAGE 5 Your Individual MOVIES Horoscope TONIGHT ANN Richardson - CLOSED ==== Frances Drake ======::::;.:.~== FOR FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1!r18 Ivey Hall -- F.I.S.T. ------PG What kmd of day will ready to counteract With Yokwe Yuk -- Return From Witch Mt. -----G LANDERS tomorrow be? To find out what flrffines8 Above all, aVOid Tradewinds - CLOSED the stars say, read the those who have deceived you FRIDAY forecast given for your birth before R1chardson - Hard Times ------PG DEAR ANN: Why do blrd lovers take Sign SAGrrrARRJS . ..M- Ivey Hall -- Return From Witch Mt. -----G ARIES (Nov 23 to Dec 21),f~ such a holler-than-thou attitude? live cor.~ Be ready to face com- Yokwe Yuk -- F.I.S.T. ------PG yet to meet one who dldn't feel sanctl­ (Mar 21 to Apr 20) ~ petition You usually enjoy the Tradewlnds - Magnum Force ------R fled. Our next-door nelghbors are the One of those days when a stlmulatlon of ttus, but don't worst. I happen to be a cat lover and lt snap declSlon could turn out burn the candle at both ends In surpr1Slngly well - especially your desire to get ahead Easy TELEVISION GUIDE seems I am always on the defenslve. If travel is mvolved does It' Cats seldom catch healthy, alert TAURUS ts~ CAPRICORN ~ blrds. Only the slck or lnJured are (Apr 21 to May 21) "«1Iv (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) VJ \\Yf "V1Ctlms. 1I Cats DO catch healthy and Whatever your plans, take Not much planetary help Ktajallin e _... , alert mlce, however. ThlS lS a vltal mto account new trends and here In general, It would be Ideas and, If necessary, better to stick to routine service to human1ty. change maneuvers to fit the matters. Perhaps, too, to take TONIGHT ON KWAJALEIN The nelghbors 1nslst our cat should be current picture Be dauntless, a llttle time to make some 4:30 A Piece Of cake on a leash at all tlmes. I I ve tned to ready for the unexpected long-range plans 5:20 General Hospital expla1n that th1S 1S contrary to the GEMINI D~ AQUARRJS _ ~ 5:55 Hee Haw nature of cats. They don't understand. (May 22 to June 21) ~ (Jan 21 to Feb 19)::=~ 6:50 Father Brown Another good day for Some astute checking could I d1d prom1se to cooperate, however, 1f launchmg new plans and save you time prevent wasted 7:45 Kennedys Don't Cry they would keep the b1rds off our lawn projects Of course, sellSlble energy and' costly errors 9:25 Sacred Heart and prevent them from wak1ng us up at precautions and complete Don't divert efforts mto un­ 9:40 Space 1999 sunnse. understandmg of your un- productive channels. 10:33 1972 Olymplcs Even though I f1nd blrd lovers a bore, dertaklngs will be lffiportant PISCES t:fM FRIDAY I do not belleve (as some Or1entals do) C(fNC~ to July 23)8t:) (Feb 20 to Mar 20»)(~ 4:30 Sesame Street une Pay no heed to glowmg that people who hate cats were actually You may gam a little here, reports or sensational rumors 5:30 Sha Na Na/Insight rats in a prev10us 11fe. Comment, lose a little there, but the _ especl811y If finances are 6:25 Keep It Country please. -- Flndlng It To Love My Nelghbor overall picture IS one of ad- mvolved Keep on an even keel 6:50 The Muppets vancement A strong lunar and you should do well Dear Love: Call me "Fra~dy Cat" but day stlmulates qwck thmkmg, . 7:15 George I'm not go~ng to r~sk br~ng~ng the ent~re good judgment 7:40 Consumer Buyline YOU BORN TODAY are Audubon Soc~ety down on my head. I shall 8:05 60 Minutes endowed with a lively outlook rema~n s~lent and s~gn my cop-out "Me-ow tJEu?y 24 to Aug 23)J1,~ on hfe, are keen-mmded, 8:55 Conquest Of The Sea and Tweet Tweet." Emotionalism and tem­ remarkably Intuitive, per­ 9:47 Dean Martin peramental1Srn could get you ceptive and practical You are 10:45 OTO Varlety DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have two chlldren mto trouble If not careful Self­ more meticulous about 12:20 Quality Of Life under flve years of age. I hope I w111 control needed, also a handllng detallB than those determmatlon NOT to try and born under most Signs, and live to ralse them. The outlook lS not dominate others your mtegrity IS outstanding TONIGHT ON ROI-NAMUR good. No, I am not 111, 11m Just done You have a great love of 5:30 General Hospital In. The three-year-old (boy) 1S not tOl­ ~24 to Sept 23) np~ knowledge and never stop Keep on your now A 6:05 Hee Haw toes trying to accumulate more Tet-tralned yet and he has terrlf1c tem­ competitive factor of whlch 6:55 Father Brown per tantrums. He b1tes, hltS, and than you have If you can curb 7:50 Gong Show you are unaware could be a tendency to be over exacting scratches hlS playmates. Three mothers bwldmg up Watch, too, for With those under your 8:42 Space 1999 have already told me they wlll not perm1t some tricky maneuvering superVISion, you would make 9:34 Dean Martin thelr chlldren to play wlth Robert. If an excellent teacher, but 10:30 Keep It Country th1S is the way he handles fr1endsh1ps at ~24 to Oct 23):0:0 many other fields are swted to 10 :53 Camera 3 the age of three, what wlll he be llke CollSlder new methods and your wealth of talents, 11:22 All's Fair techniques, but don't notably SCience, llterature, when he 1s 13? overreach your capacities muSIC, the stage, medicme FRIDAY My four-year-old (glrl) 1S pleasant Neither be overanxIous and the law Blrthdate of 5:30 General Hospital enough but she 1S a IIdawdler.1I I cannot Impress others With your James LIck, astronomer, Bret 6:05 Sha Na Na get her to eat a th1ng. She 1S slow poise and good judgment Harte, Amer author; Leonard 6:30 Muppets about EVERYTHING -- putt1ng away her toys, SCORPIO 'tk'. Bernstein, symphony con­ 6:54 Stars On Ice (Oct 24 to Nov 22) I1ttrnr ductor, composer; Sean learn1ng how to dress herself, etc. We Aspects Indicate the Connery, screen star 7:18 George had her tested and she lS not retarded, possibility of some deception 7:43 Consumer Buyline ln fact she lS br1ghter than the average m your area Be alert and © 1978 Kmg Features Syndicate. Inc 8:10 Good Tlmes/Jeffersons Chlld of four. But she dr1ves me up the 9:05 Conquest Of The Sea wall with her poklness. Her refusal to 10:00 Box1ng/Switch eat lS mak1ng me crazy. Our pedlatrlclan says she 1S 1n good health, WhlCh lS a m1racle. He also says, IIDon't worry.1I ~V\Cy • s F.AST How can a mother NOT worry about such Vultures A r'reat- th1ngs? Please say someth1ng to help me HOURS OF OPF.RATION NEW DELHI (UPI) -- A cold war is heat­ w1th my chlldren. -- Not Maklng It THURSDAYS 3:30 - 6:30 lng up between India's national airlines Dear Not: I'm go~ng to recommend a and vultures marauding the skies around book wh~ch deals w~th the problems you Saturdays 9:00 - 12:00 a1rports and posing a potential threat to have ment~oned and many more. It ~s for flYlng airplanes. ch~ldren from one to f~ve years of ageo Last week, a huge vulture totally The t~tle: "lour Young Ch~ld and You," blocked the engine of an Indian Airllnes by Eleanor We~sberger. (Publ~sher: airbus on a domestic flight after being Dutton, and the pr~ce ~s $7.95) It's got sucked lnto it. An engine replacement more good sense packed ~nto 166 pages ~**************************1 1S estimated to cost the airlines ten than anyth~ng I've seen ~n a long t~me. m1l1ion rupees ($1.2 million). According to airlines ' statistics, DEAR ANN: Now that the women's 11b­ vultures seem to have damaged an impres­ bers are gett1ng so doggoned pickY-P1Ck­ I ~"£jN1E£& (i\-I Slve tally of a1rplanes. The birds -­ p1ck-picky and lnslsting that hurricanes * GUGEEGUE PICNIC * some we1gh1ng 90 pounds or more -- dam­ be glven male names as well as female, aged 78 planes 1n 1976, 86 last year and how about from now on when they go to the * 9 SEPTEMBER * 45 so far this year. bathroom 1f they would say, III am gOlng Almost all major airports in the coun­ to the IIJune" not the "Johnll? -- Falr Is * 4J'.l J$.MIvJJ RU)JJtl'r7$ 4Rt JIvVJ7tJJ * try, 1ncluding Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta Fair In Akron * * and Madras, are in IIvulture prone" zones. Dear Akron: Where have you been? Airport authorities in India are seri­ * PRI)(]UJJ$ ql) 1CJ 1d1t (]PJ(J(J.ftJJ * Women have been say~ng "Jane" ~nstead of * * ously concerned by the frequency of "vul­ "John" for a t least two years. If you * (]dlJhRtlv$ dll)$(JJ74.f JIv d/{)Iv{).f'Jf.f'Jf * ture hltS,1I Wh1Ch also cause chain delays prefer "June," be my guest. P.S. I am * * and endanger flights. * TICI([lS AVAILABLE FROM ANY SI1RINfR * very b~g w~ th ma~ds who work ~n the pow- * ~~~C~:'N ;~: * The mushrooming growth of residentlal der rooms around the country. Ment~on my * TARLA •• DEPU" '000. RETURNS 1000 * colonies around airports and leftover name and you'll get a good seat. * * food and anlma] carcasses scattered * * * * * * * * * * RMRUd//ptrIv1$ PR{)VJJJtJJ /Jf{ 1.J1t * nearby often draw the vultures closer to Do you feel awkward, self-consc~ous? * * these areas. Welcome to the club. There's help ~n * K'kJ4jIUtJIv $dlRJlvt (].f'Jf/J : Most Hlndus shun the vulture as an Ann's booklet, "The Key to Popular~ty." * * lIuntouchable. 1I Yet, the bird appears to O""l-1 JJRJIvK$ Jet MJX £11'0 Send 50 cents ~n co~n W~ th your request * . . J * have once done good service to a Hindu and a long, stamped, self-addressed enve- * (i\- (i\-* god. According to Hindu mythology, a lope to: Ann Landers * * vulture sacrificed his life while trying P.O. Box 11995 : ~ ~: to save the consort of Lord Rama from a Ch~cago, IL 60611 * - * demon klng. COPYRIGHT 1978 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. ~**************************#. Vultures can soar to 1,000 feet and FIELD NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE stay airborne in wind currents for hours. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 PAGE 6 Tile (wa; Open HIGH ROLLERS Last night seemed to be a good night AP Sports Whirl for the ladies in the various bowling BROOKLINE, Massachusetts -- The U.S. leagues. Pro Tennis Championships in Brookline is In Leftover Mlxed Bowling League play, without its top player -- . Vivian Amante took high game and high He was upset yesterday in a second round series honors with a blazing score of match by unheralded Victor Pecci of Para­ 241/515, whlle Lucy Kaholokula was the guay. second high ga~e leader with a 177 and Pecci's victory was the only major Carolyn Hagihara was the second high upset as the singles passed through the series lady w1th a 445. second round. In the Early Bird League Ginny East­ Second-seeded Raul Ram1rez, th1rd­ man had a high game of 204 followed by ranked Corrado Barazzutti and defendlng Palepa Smith with a 201. Pal epa also champion , the fourth­ was the high series lady with a 517 seed, all advanced in straight sets. while Ginny was second high ser1es lady with a close 514. Palepa converted a PORTLAND, Oregon -- A Portland news­ 6-7 split and Edna Hatchell picked up a paper says veteran forward Maurice Lucas 5-10. is thinking about quitting the NBA Norman C. Sablas picked up a 3-9-10 Trail Blazers unless what he considers Spl1t and Sam Frakes.Qot the 6-7-10 in to be serious problems are worked out. league play with the Wednesdav Night The newspaper said Lucas referred in an Late Birds. interview to heavy use of pain killing drugs by the team, and said he felt the team's regular players were given too Big League Baseball Results little rest during the season. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Anqeles The story adds that Lucas has left Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants Portland for an undisclosed location to Stan Graf, golf pro from H~lton Head, both posted victories yesterday to remain consider his future. Trail Blazer coach North Carol~na, w~ll direct a golf half a game apart in the Western Division Jack Ramsay says Lucas had talked with cl~n~c at the upco~ng KwaJale~n Open race. The first-place Dodgers were helped him before leaving and expressed some of Golf Tournament wh~ch beg~ns August 26. by four Montreal errors as they beat the those concerns, as well as concern that Expos 4-to-2. The Giants kept pace by he be paid more. Ramsay said Lucas told The next two weekends, August 26-27 and beating the New York Mets 2-to-1 on him he would return to Portland by Sep­ September 2-3, w1ll prov1de KwaJalein pinch-h1tter Marc H1ll's RBI double in tember 7. golfers w1th a great opportunity not only to the ninth inning. partic1pate 1n a hand1cap tournament replete In the Eastern D1vision, first-place SAN DIEGO -- Despite a protest from w1th top pr1zes, but to partake "In golf­ Philadelphia dropped a 6-to-5 decision Baltimore that the deal is not final. ing cl1n1CS under the instruction of Stan to the San Diego Padres when Derrell the San Diego Chargers say they've Graf, d1rector and sen10r professional at Thomas tripled in the winning run in acquired running back Lydell Mitchell Harbour Town Golf L1nks, Hilton Head Island, the eighth 1nning. Second-place Chicago from the Colts in a trade for halfback North Carol ina. also lost 3-to-0 to the Houston Astros, Joe Washington and a draft choice. The Graf's extensive experience spans 25 allowing the Astros three unearned runs. Colts say Mitchell first must sign a years as a PGA professional at Paradise Third-place Pittsburgh. however, was a contract with the Chargers. The flashy Valley C.C., Scottsdale, Ar1zona; Arizona winner and closed to with1n four and a running back has refused to report to C.C. at Phoenix, Ar1zona; Desert Forest C.C. half games from the top. The Pirates the Baltimore training camp because of a at Carefree, Arizona, and Makaha C.C. at edged the Atlanta Braves 4-to-3 in 12 contract grievance. He's accused the Honolulu. innings for their ninth straight win. team of racism in negotiation, negotia­ He 1S currently a consultant on the staff Over in the American League, the ting in bad faith and fining him illegally of the PGA Business School; d1rector of the California Angels are back in a virtual for failing to report. teach1ng staff at Pine Needles Lodges and tie with Kansas C1ty for the lead in the C.C. for golf schools and summer camps; and American League West. The Angels, be­ MADISON, Wisconsin -- Andy North's the dlrector of the "Swing Smarter" golf hind Don Baylor's three hits -- including wife says the U.S. golf champion will sem1nars at H1lton Head Island. his 26th homer of the season -- defeated start playing well again. Andy has been Graf 1S respected as an authority 1n the the New York Yankees 6-to-3. The Royals, wa1king the floor for two weeks awa1ting PGA on sW1ng mechan1cs and teaching methods meanwhile, were being shutout by the the arrival of a baby and now has a new and has been honored by the PGA as an out­ Chicago Wh1te Sox 3-to-0. Claudell Wash­ daughter, Andrea Lee North. standing teacher. ington drove in the f1rst two runs for For the football buffs, Stan 1S a graduate Ch1cago in the eighth inning. CHICAGO -- Bobby Orr says he plans a of Stanford Un1vers1ty, where he was an The Seattle Mariners took their second comeback with the Chicago Black Hawks All-American football player and captain of stra1ght v1ctory over the Boston Red Sox this fall in National Hockey League the 1940 Stanford Rose Bowl champ10nship by a score of 5-to-3. The loss cut the action. Orr says his bad knee is much team. first-place Red Sox' lead to six games better. This tournament is co-sponsored by Bill over Milwaukee in the east. The Brewers Thompson Sports, Inc., who is providing the pounded the Cleveland Ind1ans 9-to-4. NEW YORK -- Bjorn Borg, the top-seeded awards of golfing equipment. Jim Palmer pitched a three-hit shutout, male, will play of South Thompson 1S no stranger to KwaJale1n, his sixth of the season, as the Balti­ Africa in the opening round of the U.S. having been assoc1ated with many Kwaj tourna­ more Orioles romped to a 11-to-0 victory Tennis Open next Tuesday. Martina Navra­ ments throughout the years. He is an avid over the Oakland A's. tilova, ranked first among women, drew a golfer h1mself, with a very colorful The Texas Rangers snapped a four-game bye in the first round. personal1ty. losing streak as rookie Steve Comer Stan and Bill w111 be on Kwajale1n for one shutout the Minnesota Twins 2-to-0. week, conducting golf clinics and instruc­ And the Toronto Blue Jays swept a tions, attend1ng business meet1ngs, providing doubleheader from the Detroit Tigers by The Beauty And The Beast mOV1es, and present1ng awards to the winners scores ~f 4-3 and 5-4. at the Awards Banquet at the Yokwe Yuk Club Sunday, September 3. The Golf Course will be closed Saturday World Swim Meet and Sunday for the next two weekends, WEST BERLIN (UPI) -- Tracy Caulkins August 26-27 and Septe~ber 2-3 for the posted her second world record in three Kwajalein Open Golf Tournament. days to j01n the swimming greats and help push the U.S. gold medal tally to 14 at the World Swimming Championships yesterday. UMPIRE'S MEE.T'"' THURSDA Y The 15-year-old, attacking East German There w1ll be a meeting for ALL members Olympic gold medalist Ulrike Tauber in the of the KwaJalein Umpires Association th1S final of the 400 meters individual medley, afternoon, August 24, at 5:15 p.m. 1n the clocked 4:40.83 to shave almost two seconds COMMUNITY CENTER. from Tauber's old mark of 4:42.77 set at Ump1res who worked last season and Montreal in 1976. cand1dates for the current season MUST at­ The rest of the U.S. team was not to be tend. outdone. Jesse Vassallo, who won the 400 The agenda will incl~de several items of meters individual medley Tuesday in a new bus1ness. world record time of 4:20.05, won another title in the 200 meter backstroke. Joan Pennington, clocking 1:00.20, beat Iwa; fun Run East Germany's world record holder by .06 Longer runs are on the schedule for the of a second for the gold in the 100 meter SATURDAY Fun Run. butterfly and Nick Nevid held on to win In addit10n to the quarter-m1le at 5:00 the 200 meter breaststroke 1n 2:18.37. p.m. and th~ m1le at 5:10 p.m., there will Nev1d swam the first 50 meters of the be a 6- and 9-mile run at 5:10 p.m. A 12- hotly contested race 1n 30.96, touching Beput~ful Bear Kapahu made-an easy tag on a mile run will be held if there is suff1C1ent ahead of Russia's Arsen Miskarov to win v~s~ting lady Mar~ne ~n a recent fun game. I interest. Call W-81711/H-84677 for info. the squeaker. Photo by Nate Jackson, Kentron Photo Lab PAGE 7 p e fA 11 fA, t s TID! WIZARD or m ..,. Bnuat parke.. uuI ,Jo...... y bart

by johnny hart tJAKE, IF 1 SUDDeIllLY eN tJoW CLCGe IT CAMe. To 'Two WIlOlE DAYS WITI-lOUT PIE ~ ICE CRfNA OR EVEN A'\SSED AWAy' HaN L..O~ THe ANNUAL.c:::,TAb CL..AAABAKe COOKIES! WAAT ~EO? Yoo USEO'VJeEA GOl)MorIfEA!' WCULD yO\) MOJRN ? R _____.... ,~~-- ACROSS n Weather 80 Disagreement 18 Dutch unclE 1 KInd vane 81 Range ZO A Gabor 4 Type of direction DOWN 21 Room m a o code 4Z Unclear 1 Irritate casa 8 RIng 44 Editorial 2 Actor Chaney ZZ Urge 12 PreSldenbal marks 3 - to a Z3 Work urut 81de Nessen 48 Venezuelan grasshopper 27 PrefIx With 13 Ornamental caPital 4 Renounce clasS1c scarves 50 Poet's word 5 Fish eggs Z9 Footwear 14 Feed the 51 CIuld's toy 8 Deserve SO Endure kitty 52 Patella 7 Inqwred 31 Rams' c 15 Jomt 56 Inner 8 Extraneous mates reacbon comb fonn material 33 Counter o 17 Easy - It I 57 Dines 9 Chemical request 18 Rhea's 58 Partner compound 35 Nervous ft. cousm of bill 10 Fit to _ reacbon 19 Haystack 59 React to a 11 Counterpart 38 Roman 199 !J fmds tear-jerker of more 40 Newest D' 21 Orb Average solUUon tune' Z3 mm 43 Produces 24 CIcero's 45 Eve's ft. 506 ongmal 25 OnaSSlS. state for short 48 Masbcate 26 Sea bird nSuper 28 Astragalus 48 Teased 3Z Records (colloq ) R 34 - up and go 49 Gmger 36 Bite Item e repeatedly 53 Greek vowel e 37 Government ~~S 54 Noah conumttee (Greek t 39 IrBn1Bn ~24 fonn) asset Answer to yesterday's puzzle 55 Age l e

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau BIJT Au.. 1HAT$ CHAN8EIJ MJIJJ/ I'M IEY' ~ laI II) 71/f'E70 A NlmJ!AI.: BOOI 8OO6IS CHI/./), 601N6, 1tH<1 I EAT! I 60T AND IF srAYlN'~ WAN5 (JET- JlSr PUr DlNIER. MY RIINCIN' TIN' /XXIIV, 7IEN eerrtN' D. (I{.. SIa'5, ON! R u r 'I ANDY CAPP by Reggie Smythe A. r:=:::-:::-:::-::=-:::-:::-::'il'""-:lI'I They'll Do It Every Time A FEW MONTHS ANC' AGO TffE BIG SlDR'I NOW--- C WAS--- a. RIVERS ~EN BY LACK OF RAIN UNRELENTING RAINS IS 'LAMED FOR p HAVE Fl.OODED HOMES F'£1RESTFIRES IN 11IE NORTHEAS'reRN THROUSHOOT THE p PART OF THE TIMBER ARfA-- STA1E--

H A i G ~ A R ~~ ,~ ~6" ., PAGE 8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 (COMMUNITY NOTICES CONTINUED) ------1 FOR SALE .... u·,·I.1··u •••"'h_ , PATIO AND PLANT SALE - Saturday, August 26 PRIMARY for children ages 4-11 wlll begin from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Tr-579. Large on Tuesday, September 5, from 4-5 p.m., ln Ihro:;: :~;~~/::',~: :~r:~:,::d o~y'h:/~:::;:::';'·~::,:~.~: ! selection of plants and assorted other Rm. 118. of the George Seitz Ele. School. MIS .. I. lIan"e, Marshall "'andI, und.r conlrad DASG , items. 165/2t Dunng this hour there 1S slnging, quiet 60-75-C-000I The YI.WS and opinIons upr.SI.d In Ih., act1vitles and short classes all geared n.wspaper are nol necessarily Ihos. of Ih. D.parlm.nl 01 Ih. I PATIO COVER - 12' x 24' - $250, see at toward helping chlldren better understand Army ThIS n.wspaper, an unolllClal pub/lCa"on aulhorlz.d , Tr-942. 165/2t thelr relationship to God and H1S love for und.r Ih. prOYlSlOnS 01 conlracl DASG60-75-C-000I,' them. All island chlldren are 1nvited. IS r.produc.d by olls.1 prlnlln" , BOWLING BALL AND BAG - $5. Call 84642. (Sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ I of Latter-day Sa1nts.) 165/3t CommunlCa"on. should b. addr .... d 10 Ih. HourG/a .. , J QUEEN SIZE BED - Serta "Perfect, Sleeper", Box 1733, APO San FrancISCO, CalifornIa 96555, or by , extra firm with box springs and frame. NIKE FLYING CLUB - Private pilot ground callIng 8-3539 I Bedding for queen size bed and standard school will begln on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at , plllows. Queen sz. reversible comforter, 7 p.m. in Room 202 of the high school. Mal.rlals app.arln" In Ih. HourG/all may nOI b.1 coordinated dust ruffle and pillow shams. Commercial/lnstrument ground school will r.prlnl.d wllhoul Ih. approyal of Ih. Command.r, Kwalal.,n, Mikasa pottery dinnerware (service for commence Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7 p.m., in M,ssII. Ran". All Wanl Ad. and no"c.s musl b. submlll.d ll I eight, pattern "Fusion ) $250. Boy's 16" Room 202 of the high school. Both classes on GA Form 802B 4B work In" hours prior 10 pub/lCa"on I KwaJ conditlon bike, $5. Call 82682 after will run approximately 16 weeks and are 5 p.m. 165/2t conducted to prepare students for the FAA , written examinations in those areas. Re­ JIM WATT, Ed,lor , "ET CETERA" SALE! Tr-575 - Saturday, Aug. glstrat10n will be conducted at the first PAT CATALDO, AssoClal. Ed,lor, , 26 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Many goodies: classes. For further lnformation call SHAIION BECHTOLD, Sporls, SANDIIA LLOYD, TYPISI , crewel kits, toys, games, rug and rug Julie Brown W-77591 or H-83629. 165/3t 1------.... ------, .... ,-., remanents, microscope set, fabric, clothes and ETC, ETC, ETC! Come and be surprlsed. A NEWCOMERS COFFEE., sponsored by the women's Protestant Chapel Fellowship, w111 TEAK-WOOD TABLE-LAMP COMBINATION, lamp, be held Sunday even1ng, August 27, at 7:30 rattan chalr, king-size bedspread, crock­ p.m., in the home of W.P.C.F. Presldent pot. All ltems must be sold by September Marilyn Olson, Qtrs. 225. Women new to 1. Qtrs. 223-B or call 83648. 165/2t our Chapel congregatlon and commun1ty are especially urged to attend - as are Circle THREE-WHEEL BIKE - front and rear baskets members to help with the welcom1ng. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1978 - 7 P.M. and rear seat for two chil dren. New fork, DRINKS *** LIGHT PUPUS front wheel and handlebars, $80. Call MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP - SPECIAL EX­ TICKETS: $4.50 Advance sale 84386. 164/2t TENDED HOURS - SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 10:30- $5.00 At the door 1:30 p.m. Come down and see our new supply GET THEM WHILE THEY'RE HOT BABY ITEMS - Musical wind-up swing, $20; of baskets, trays, purses, necklaces, rings, SATURDAY, MORNING, AUG. 26 ON MACY'S PORCH walker, $9; umbrella stroller with sun­ glass balls, wood carv1ngs, and story boards shade, $15; infant-seat baby carrier, $5; Extra sales people will be on hand to help MARTIAL ARTS OPEN INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT baby blankets and clothes (3 to 6 months you! Preparat10n is being made for the com1ng size) $1 each. crlb bumpers, $2. All ln tournament that wl11 be held December of excellent condition. Call 84386. V.F.W. WORK PARTY - V.F.W. members are need­ this year. Anyone who is 1nterested and ed on Saturday mornlng, Aug. 26 to help has previous exper1ence ln control contact erect a fence at the 7th Divislon Memorial sparring and full contact sparring please LOST site. Transportation leaves Palm BQ parking call 83728 and ask for Denn1S Kaa1hu. TWO PAIR OF MEN'S GLASSES - one pair of lot at 8 a.m. Call Al Greene, 77466 or bifocals ln a black case and one pair of 84232 for 1nformatlOn. It is most 1m­ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Call 83505 workdays prescrlption glasses in a brown case. Call portant to lend a hand in thlS V.F.W. pro- 81212 evenings, on weekends and holidays. YOShl at 83315. 165/3t Ject. 165/2t BUSINESS CALLS TO "SERVEND OF KWAJALEIN II ALUMINUM #4 WORTH BASEBALL BAT. Sllver wlth WORKSHOPS FOR LADIES interested in mak1ng may be made Monday through Fn day, from red letterlng. Call 81516 days or 82612 handicraft for ch11dren to purchase at the 3-4 p.m. to Clarence Eubanks, Vending evenings. 164/3t Hollday Fair w111 begin at Tr-515 - Monday, Machlnes Manager at 83750 or 83712. Aug. 28 at 9:15 a.m. Please -adults only. FOUND No prlor craft experience is necessary - THE AUGUST KWAJALEIN SCUBA CLUB meeting learn whlle you work. Any clever ideas, w111 be on Monday. August 28 at 7:30 p.m. ONE NAVY BLUE T-SHIRT with the name JUANITA fln1shed projects or materlals you wlsh to 1n the Community Center. Bob Martino wi 11 and No. 10 on It. Please call 82885, or donate will be gratefully received by Alma glve a sllde presentation of his under­ stop by 450-A. 165/3t Zinger 82536 or Anne Gregory 83680. water photography. All 1s1and residents are welcome. WATCH at Emon Beach. Call 82806 to 1dent- YOKHE YUK CLUB - regul ar dinner w1ll be ify. 164/3t in the Banyan Room this Saturday night due NAVY PHOTOMAPPING PLANE TOUR - (C-121 to a prlvate party in the dining room. Super Constellation parked at the west end WANTED of Kwajaleln). The tour will be Saturday, YY DUPLICATE BRIDGE is played every Monday August 26 from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. The tour FENCING OR GOOD USED LUMBER. Please call except holidays at the Community Center 1S sponsored by and for Cub Scouts and their 82463. 165/3t at 12:15. All lsland ladles who play families. but all res1dents are 1nvited to brldge are incouraged to attend. attend. Bus transportatl0n w111 be pro­ A HOME FOR SKIPPER JONES - He lS a loving vlded: 9:15, 9:35, 9:55 a.m. tral1ers to one year old cat with all his shots and has PROTESTANT YOUTH CHOIR beg1ns Saturday, the h1gh school, down Lagoon Road to the been neutered. He is great wlth children. Sept 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel. Grades plane. Bus wlll return at 10:15, 10:35 and Call 82288. 164/3t 4 through 8 are wel:ome. 165/2t 10:55 a.m. 164/3t GIVE AWAY INVITATION TO ALL ISLAND LADIES - You are TENNIS SOCIAL - Special Services and the inv1 ted to a Farewell Coffee for Chris KwaJale1n Tennls Club wlll sponsor a Tennis LADY KENMORE DISHWASHER - runs, but is very Hunter on Saturday, August 26, from 2-4 p.m. Social Sunday, September 3 at the Yokwe Yuk nOlSY. Call 84386. 164/3t at Coral Sands Pav111ion. Island Informal. Courts. ThlS tournament wl11 consist of five d1v1s1ons of m1xed doubles teams and YY CLUB T Frlday night, August 25th there one d1v1sion of men's doubles teams. Team SERVICES OFFERED w111 be a GO -GO DISCO at the Yokwe Yuk Club. pal rings w111 be posted at the Yokwe Yuk 14-YEAR-OLD WILL BABYSIT school hours and Adults only please. TennlS Courts on Fr1day, September 1. The later untll September 3rd. Experienced Soc1al 1S free to all KTC members, however, with infants and young children. Call 83661 CLEAN UP AND DISPOSAL OF BICYCLES: On there is a $3 charge for non-members. For Saturday, Sept. 2 and Sunday, Sept. 3, the slgn up, call Sharon Thomas at 82641. Securl ty and Law Enforcement Department wlll COMMUNITY NOTICES be assistlng Kwajale1n Residents in the ALLERGY CLINIC HOURS - Due to a confllct clean up and disposal of bicycles WhlCh havp UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII - KwaJaleln Extension, of school hours and routine allergy clinic outl1ved their usefulness. Often such registration w111 be Saturday. August 26 hours, school age chlldren may receive bicycles have been stripped for parts and from 9 a.m. to noon in the Adult Educatlon allergy immunizations between the hours of are to be seen lean1ng against bUlldings or Center, Room 4. George Seitz Elementary 3-4 p.m. each Wednesday. Routlne allergy off in the corner of a yard. But whatever School for the followlng courses: and immunization hours remain unchanged; the sltuation, those person (s) who deslre Accounting - Elementary 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. and from 1-2 p.m., Tuesday, to have their unwanted or uns1ghtly bi­ Bus1ness Law - Legal Env1ronment of Bus~ness Wednesday and Thursday. 165/2t cycles or bicycle parts removed may call the Draftlng - Introduct10n to Drafting Central Pol1ce Statlon on the above dates Engllsh- Expository Wr1ting TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE to the YY Womens' between 08rO-1600 hours. All island re­ ICS - Introduct10n to Computer SClence C1 ub members on ly for the "Around the Worl dll sldents (quarters and bachelors quarters) Mathematlcs - Calculus I dlnner dance to be held September 23. Call are encouraged to take advantage of this Music - Introduction to Music Literature Maureen Giarratano, 84511 or Carolyn Voss, serVl ceo HELP KEEP KI~AJALEIN CLEAN. Other registratlon times are Monday. August 82374. T1ckets are $13 per/person. 28 from 6:30-8 p.m., and Tuesday, - HOURGLASS LATE DELIVERY - If you have not August 29 from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Tuit10n THE KWAJALEIN TOASTMISTRESS CLUB will have recelVed your HourGlass by 5:30 p.m., call cost lS $72 a course. Checks, money orders a general membershlp meeting Monday, August 83539 and one w111 be dellvered to your nr exact cash w111 be accepted. Please 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Tr-735. quarters a few mlnutes after 6 p.m. make payable to Unlvers1ty of Hawai1.